MODULE polygones ! ! This module is there to handle polygones. It is an essential tool in interpolation methods. ! USE defprec IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: polygones_pointinside, polygones_extend, polygones_intersection, polygones_cleanup, & & polygones_area, polygones_crossing, polygones_convexhull ! REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: zero=0.0 ! CONTAINS ! !======================================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE polygones_pointinside(nvert_in, poly, point_x, point_y, inside) ! ! Routine to determine of point (point_x, point_y) is inside of polygone poly ! Mathode based on docume ! ! Arguments INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nvert_in REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: poly REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: point_x, point_y LOGICAL, INTENT(out) :: inside ! ! Local INTEGER(i_std) :: i, j, nvert REAL(r_std) :: xonline ! ! inside = .FALSE. ! nvert=SIZE(poly,DIM=1) IF ( nvert < nvert_in) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Input polygone is smaller than the size proposed in the interface." STOP "polygones_pointinside" ENDIF IF (SIZE(poly,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "This cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly) STOP "polygones_pointinside" ENDIF ! j = nvert_in DO i=1,nvert_in IF ( (poly(i,2) > point_y) .NEQV. (poly(j,2) > point_y) ) THEN xonline = (poly(j,1)-poly(i,1))*(point_y-poly(i,2))/(poly(j,2)-poly(i,2))+poly(i,1) IF ( point_x < xonline ) THEN inside = (.NOT. inside) ENDIF ENDIF j = i ENDDO ! END SUBROUTINE polygones_pointinside ! !======================================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE polygones_lineintersect(la, lb, intersection, point_x, point_y) ! ! Simple alogorith tho determine the intersections of 2 lines. ! ! ARGUMENTS REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2,2), INTENT(in) :: la, lb LOGICAL, INTENT(out) :: intersection REAL(r_std), INTENT(out) :: point_x, point_y ! ! Local REAL(r_std) :: den, ua, ub REAL(r_std) :: x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4 ! intersection = .FALSE. ! x1 = la(1,1) y1 = la(1,2) x2 = la(2,1) y2 = la(2,2) x3 = lb(1,1) y3 = lb(1,2) x4 = lb(2,1) y4 = lb(2,2) den = (y4-y3)*(x2-x1)-(x4-x3)*(y2-y1) IF ( ABS(den) > EPSILON(den) ) THEN ua = ((x4-x3)*(y1-y3)-(y4-y3)*(x1-x3))/den ub = ((x2-x1)*(y1-y3)-(y2-y1)*(x1-x3))/den IF ( ua >= 0 .AND. ua <= 1 .AND. ub >= 0 .AND. ub <= 1) THEN intersection = .TRUE. point_x = x1 + ua*(x2-x1) point_y = y1 + ua*(y2-y1) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE polygones_lineintersect ! !======================================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE polygones_extend(nvert_in, poly_in, nbdots, nvert_out, poly_out) ! ! This function simply add nbdots onto each side of the polygone. ! ! Arguments INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nvert_in REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: poly_in INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbdots INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: nvert_out REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: poly_out ! ! Local ! INTEGER(i_std) :: nvert, nvert_tmp, i, j, id, ipos REAL(r_std) :: xs, xe, ys, ye ! nvert=SIZE(poly_in,DIM=1) IF ( nvert < nvert_in ) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Input polygone is smaller than the size proposed in the interface." STOP "polygones_extend" ENDIF IF (SIZE(poly_in,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_in cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_in) STOP "polygones_extend" ENDIF nvert_tmp=SIZE(poly_out,DIM=1) IF (SIZE(poly_out,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_out cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_out) STOP "polygones_extend" ENDIF ! IF ( nvert_tmp < nvert_in*nbdots) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_out is too small for extending it :", SIZE(poly_out), " we would need :", nvert_in*nbdots STOP "polygones_extend" ENDIF nvert_out = nvert_in*nbdots ! j = nvert_in ipos = 0 DO i=1,nvert_in xs = poly_in(j,1) xe = poly_in(i,1) ys = poly_in(j,2) ye = poly_in(i,2) IF (xs == xe ) THEN DO id=1,nbdots ipos = ipos + 1 poly_out(ipos,1) = xs poly_out(ipos,2) = ys + (id-1)*(ye-ys)/nbdots ENDDO ELSE IF (ys == ye ) THEN DO id=1,nbdots ipos = ipos + 1 poly_out(ipos,1) = xs + (id-1)*(xe-xs)/nbdots poly_out(ipos,2) = ys ENDDO ELSE DO id=1,nbdots ipos = ipos + 1 poly_out(ipos,2) = ys + (id-1)*(ye-ys)/nbdots poly_out(ipos,1) = (xs-xe)*(poly_out(ipos,2)-ye)/(ys-ye)+xe ENDDO ENDIF j = i ENDDO ! END SUBROUTINE polygones_extend ! !======================================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE polygones_intersection(nvert_a, poly_a, nvert_b, poly_b, nbpts, poly_out) ! ! Find the polygon resulting from the intersection of poly_a and poly_b ! ! Arguments INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nvert_a REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: poly_a INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nvert_b REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: poly_b INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: nbpts REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: poly_out ! ! Local INTEGER(i_std) :: nvert_tmpa, nvert_tmpb, nvert_out, i, j LOGICAL :: inside INTEGER(i_std) :: in_a, in_b INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: ptin_a, ptin_b ! nvert_tmpa=SIZE(poly_a,DIM=1) IF ( nvert_tmpa < nvert_a) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Input polygone (poly_a) is smaller than the size proposed in the interface." STOP "polygones_intersection" ENDIF IF (SIZE(poly_a,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_a cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_a) STOP "polygones_intersection" ENDIF ALLOCATE(ptin_a(nvert_a)) nvert_tmpb=SIZE(poly_b,DIM=1) IF ( nvert_tmpb < nvert_a) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Input polygone (poly_b) is smaller than the size proposed in the interface." STOP "polygones_intersection" ENDIF IF (SIZE(poly_b,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_b cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_b) STOP "polygones_intersection" ENDIF ALLOCATE(ptin_b(nvert_b)) ! ! in_a = 0 DO i=1,nvert_a CALL polygones_pointinside(nvert_b, poly_b, poly_a(i,1), poly_a(i,2), inside) IF ( inside ) THEN in_a = in_a + 1 ptin_a(in_a) = i ENDIF ENDDO ! in_b = 0 DO i=1,nvert_b CALL polygones_pointinside(nvert_a, poly_a, poly_b(i,1), poly_b(i,2), inside) IF ( inside ) THEN in_b = in_b + 1 ptin_b(in_b) = i ENDIF ENDDO ! nbpts = in_a + in_b ! nvert_out=SIZE(poly_out,DIM=1) IF (SIZE(poly_out,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_out cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_out) STOP "polygones_intersection" ENDIF IF ( nbpts <= nvert_out ) THEN i = 0 DO j=1,in_a i = i+1 poly_out(i,:) = poly_a(ptin_a(j),:) ENDDO DO j=1,in_b i = i+1 poly_out(i,:) = poly_b(ptin_b(j),:) ENDDO ELSE WRITE(*,*) "The intersection polygone has", nbpts, "points and that is more than available in poly_out", SIZE(poly_out) STOP "polygones_intersection" ENDIF ! DEALLOCATE(ptin_a, ptin_b) ! END SUBROUTINE polygones_intersection ! !======================================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE polygones_cleanup(nvert_in, poly_in, nvert_out, poly_out) ! ! Clean_up the polygone by deleting points which are redundant and ordering based ! on the proximity of the points. Beware this does not give a convex hull to the surface ! inside the polygone. ! ! Arguments INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nvert_in REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: poly_in INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: nvert_out REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: poly_out ! ! Local ! INTEGER(i_std) :: nvert, nvert_tmpin, nvert_tmp INTEGER(i_std) :: i, j INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(1) :: ismin REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: dist REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: poly_tmp ! nvert_tmpin=SIZE(poly_in,DIM=1) IF ( nvert_tmpin < nvert_in ) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Input polygone is smaller than the size proposed in the interface." STOP "polygones_cleanup" ENDIF IF (SIZE(poly_in,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_in cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_in) STOP "polygones_cleanup" ENDIF nvert_tmp=SIZE(poly_out,DIM=1) IF (SIZE(poly_out,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_out cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_out) STOP "polygones_cleanup" ENDIF ! ALLOCATE(poly_tmp(nvert_in,2)) ALLOCATE(dist(nvert_in)) ! nvert = nvert_in-1 poly_tmp(1:nvert,:) = poly_in(2:nvert_in,:) poly_out(1,:) = poly_in(1,:) nvert_out = 1 ! DO WHILE ( nvert > 0 ) ! DO j=1,nvert dist(j) = SQRT((poly_out(nvert_out,1)-poly_tmp(j,1))**2+(poly_out(nvert_out,2)-poly_tmp(j,2))**2) ENDDO ! ismin = MINLOC(dist(1:nvert)) ! IF ( dist(ismin(1)) > EPSILON(dist(1)) ) THEN ! ! The smallest distance between 2 vertices is larger than zero : ! Add the vertex to poly_out and delete it from poly_tmp ! nvert_out = nvert_out + 1 IF ( nvert_out > nvert_tmp) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Output polygone too small" STOP "polygones_cleanup" ENDIF poly_out(nvert_out,:) = poly_tmp(ismin(1),:) poly_tmp(ismin(1):nvert-1,:) = poly_tmp(ismin(1)+1:nvert,:) ELSE ! ! Else the vertex already exists in poly_out and thus we just need ! to delete it from poly_tmp ! poly_tmp(ismin(1):nvert-1,:) = poly_tmp(ismin(1)+1:nvert,:) ENDIF ! ! One less vertices exists in poly_tmp ! nvert = nvert-1 ! ENDDO DEALLOCATE(poly_tmp, dist) END SUBROUTINE polygones_cleanup ! !======================================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE polygones_area(nvert_in, poly_in, dx, dy, area) ! ! Find the polygon resulting from the intersection of poly_a and poly_b ! ! Arguments INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nvert_in REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: poly_in REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: dx, dy REAL(r_std), INTENT(out) :: area ! ! Local ! INTEGER(i_std) :: nvert, i, j ! nvert = SIZE(poly_in,DIM=1) IF ( nvert < nvert_in) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Input polygone is smaller than the size proposed in the interface." STOP "polygones_area" ENDIF IF (SIZE(poly_in,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_in cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_in) STOP "polygones_area" ENDIF ! area = zero j = nvert_in DO i=1,nvert_in !! area = area + (dy*(poly_in(j,2)+poly_in(i,2))/2.0)*(dx*(poly_in(j,1)-poly_in(i,1))) area = area + dy*dx/2.0*(poly_in(j,2)+poly_in(i,2))*(poly_in(j,1)-poly_in(i,1)) j = i ENDDO ! area = ABS(area) ! END SUBROUTINE polygones_area ! !======================================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE polygones_crossing(nvert_a, poly_a, nvert_b, poly_b, nbpts, crossings) ! ! Find the polygon resulting from the intersection of poly_a and poly_b ! ! Arguments INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nvert_a REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: poly_a INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nvert_b REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: poly_b INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: nbpts REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: crossings ! ! Local ! INTEGER(i_std) :: nvert, ia, ja, ib, jb REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2,2) :: la, lb REAL(r_std) :: x, y LOGICAL :: intersect ! nvert=SIZE(poly_a,DIM=1) IF ( nvert < nvert_a) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Input polygone (poly_a) is smaller than the size proposed in the interface." STOP "polygones_crossing" ENDIF IF (SIZE(poly_a,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_a cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_a) STOP "polygones_crossing" ENDIF nvert=SIZE(poly_b,DIM=1) IF ( nvert < nvert_b) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Input polygone (poly_b) is smaller than the size proposed in the interface." STOP "polygones_crossing" ENDIF IF (SIZE(poly_b,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_b cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_b) STOP "polygones_crossing" ENDIF nvert=SIZE(crossings,DIM=1) IF (SIZE(crossings,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_a cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_a) STOP "polygones_crossing" ENDIF ! nbpts = 0 ! ja = nvert_a DO ia=1,nvert_a ! ! Put one side of the polygone a into la ! la(1,1) = poly_a(ja,1) la(1,2) = poly_a(ja,2) la(2,1) = poly_a(ia,1) la(2,2) = poly_a(ia,2) ! jb = nvert_b DO ib=1,nvert_b ! ! Put one side of the polygone b into lb ! lb(1,1) = poly_b(jb,1) lb(1,2) = poly_b(jb,2) lb(2,1) = poly_b(ib,1) lb(2,2) = poly_b(ib,2) ! CALL polygones_lineintersect(la, lb, intersect, x, y) ! IF ( intersect ) THEN nbpts = nbpts + 1 IF ( nbpts <= nvert ) THEN crossings(nbpts, 1) = x crossings(nbpts, 2) = y ELSE WRITE(*,*) "Polygone to write the intersection points is too small", nvert, nbpts STOP "polygones_crossing" ENDIF ENDIF ! jb = ib ENDDO ja = ia ENDDO ! END SUBROUTINE polygones_crossing ! !======================================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE polygones_convexhull(nvert_in, poly_in, nvert_out, poly_out) ! ! Routine orders points in poly_in so that they form a convex shape. This is based on the Graham scan ! algorith as implemented by Alan Miller : ! ! The output polygone can be smaller than the input one as we are computing the convex envelope. ! ! Arguments INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nvert_in REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: poly_in INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: nvert_out REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: poly_out ! ! Local ! INTEGER(i_std) :: nvert, nvert_tmp INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:):: iwk, next, vertex REAL(r_std) :: xmin, temp, dy, dx2, dy1, dy2 REAL(r_std) :: x1, x2, y1, y2 REAL(r_std) :: xmax, ymin, ymax REAL(r_std) :: dx, dx1 REAL(r_std) :: dmax, dmax1, dmax2 REAL(r_std) :: dist, dmin INTEGER(i_std) :: i, i1, i2, j, jp1, jp2, i2save, i3, i2next LOGICAL :: points_todo INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: nextinc=20 ! nvert_tmp=SIZE(poly_in,DIM=1) IF ( nvert_tmp < nvert_in) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Input polygone is smaller than the size proposed in the interface." STOP "polygones_convexhull" ENDIF IF ( nvert_tmp <= 2 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) "The input polygone is too small to compute a convex hull." STOP "polygones_convexhull" ENDIF IF (SIZE(poly_in,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_a cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_in) STOP "polygones_convexhull" ENDIF IF (SIZE(poly_out,DIM=2) .NE. 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Poly_b cannot be a polygone :", SIZE(poly_out) STOP "polygones_convexhull" ENDIF ! ALLOCATE(vertex(nvert_in)) ALLOCATE(iwk(nvert_in)) ALLOCATE(next(nvert_in*nextinc)) ! ! ! Choose the points with smallest & largest x- values as the ! first two vertices of the polygon. ! IF (poly_in(1,1) > poly_in(nvert_in,1)) THEN vertex(1) = nvert_in vertex(2) = 1 xmin = poly_in(nvert_in,1) xmax = poly_in(1,1) ELSE vertex(1) = 1 vertex(2) = nvert_in xmin = poly_in(1,1) xmax = poly_in(nvert_in,1) END IF DO i = 2, nvert_in-1 temp = poly_in(i,1) IF (temp < xmin) THEN vertex(1) = i xmin = temp ELSE IF (temp > xmax) THEN vertex(2) = i xmax = temp END IF END DO ! ! Special case, xmax = xmin. ! IF (xmax == xmin) THEN IF (poly_in(1,2) > poly_in(nvert_in,2)) THEN vertex(1) = nvert_in vertex(2) = 1 ymin = poly_in(nvert_in,2) ymax = poly_in(1,2) ELSE vertex(1) = 1 vertex(2) = nvert_in ymin = poly_in(1,2) ymax = poly_in(nvert_in,2) END IF DO i = 2, nvert_in-1 temp = poly_in(i,2) IF (temp < ymin) THEN vertex(1) = i ymin = temp ELSE IF (temp > ymax) THEN vertex(2) = i ymax = temp END IF END DO nvert = 2 IF (ymax == ymin) nvert = 1 RETURN END IF ! ! Set up two initial lists of points; those points above & those below the ! line joining the first two vertices. next(i) will hold the pointer to the ! point furthest from the line joining vertex(i) to vertex(i+1) on the left ! hand side. ! i1 = vertex(1) i2 = vertex(2) iwk(i1) = -1 iwk(i2) = -1 dx = xmax - xmin y1 = poly_in(i1,2) dy = poly_in(i2,2) - y1 dmax = zero dmin = zero next(1) = -1 next(2) = -1 ! DO i = 1, nvert_in IF (i == vertex(1) .OR. i == vertex(2)) CYCLE dist = (poly_in(i,2) - y1)*dx - (poly_in(i,1) - xmin)*dy IF (dist > zero) THEN iwk(i1) = i i1 = i IF (dist > dmax) THEN next(1) = i dmax = dist END IF ELSE IF (dist < zero) THEN iwk(i2) = i i2 = i IF (dist < dmin) THEN next(2) = i dmin = dist END IF END IF END DO ! ! Ends of lists are indicated by pointers to -ve positions. ! iwk(i1) = -1 iwk(i2) = -1 nvert = 2 ! j = 1 ! ! Start of main process. ! ! Introduce new vertex between vertices j & j+1, if one has been found. ! Otherwise increase j. Exit if no more vertices. ! ! points_todo = .TRUE. DO WHILE ( points_todo ) ! DO WHILE ( points_todo .AND. next(j) < 0 ) IF (j == nvert) points_todo = .FALSE. j = j + 1 ENDDO ! IF ( points_todo ) THEN ! jp1 = j + 1 IF ( jp1 >= nvert_in*nextinc) THEN STOP "polygones_convexhull : please increase nextinc" ENDIF ! DO i = nvert, jp1, -1 vertex(i+1) = vertex(i) next(i+1) = next(i) END DO jp2 = jp1 + 1 nvert = nvert + 1 IF (jp2 > nvert) jp2 = 1 i1 = vertex(j) i2 = next(j) i3 = vertex(jp2) vertex(jp1) = i2 ! ! Process the list of points associated with vertex j. New list at vertex j ! consists of those points to the left of the line joining it to the new ! vertex (j+1). Similarly for the list at the new vertex. ! Points on or to the right of these lines are dropped. ! x1 = poly_in(i1,1) x2 = poly_in(i2,1) y1 = poly_in(i1,2) y2 = poly_in(i2,2) ! dx1 = x2 - x1 dx2 = poly_in(i3,1) - x2 dy1 = y2 - y1 dy2 = poly_in(i3,2) - y2 dmax1 = zero dmax2 = zero next(j) = -1 next(jp1) = -1 i2save = i2 i2next = iwk(i2) i = iwk(i1) iwk(i1) = -1 iwk(i2) = -1 ! DO WHILE ( i > 0 ) IF (i /= i2save) THEN dist = (poly_in(i,2) - y1)*dx1 - (poly_in(i,1) - x1)*dy1 IF (dist > zero) THEN iwk(i1) = i i1 = i IF (dist > DMAX1) THEN next(j) = i dmax1 = dist END IF ELSE dist = (poly_in(i,2) - y2)*dx2 - (poly_in(i,1) - x2)*dy2 IF (dist > zero) THEN iwk(i2) = i i2 = i IF (dist > dmax2) THEN next(jp1) = i dmax2 = dist END IF END IF END IF i = iwk(i) ELSE i = i2next END IF ! ! Get next point from old list at vertex j. ! ENDDO ! ! End lists with -ve values. ! iwk(i1) = -1 iwk(i2) = -1 ! ENDIF ENDDO ! ! Copy the polygone in he right order to the output variable ! nvert_out = nvert nvert_tmp=SIZE(poly_out,DIM=1) IF ( nvert_tmp < nvert_out) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Ouptput polygone is smaller than the size proposed in the interface." STOP "polygones_convexhull" ENDIF ! DO i=1,nvert poly_out(i,:) = poly_in(vertex(i),:) ENDDO ! DEALLOCATE(vertex, iwk, next) ! END SUBROUTINE polygones_convexhull END MODULE polygones