MODULE getlandseamask ! !================================================================================================================================ !! MODULE : getlandseamask !! !> BRIEF This module contains a few methods in order to build a land surface mask which can serve !! to test the routing and its ability to build a river network. !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCES : None !! !! FLOWCHART : This module has 2 possible modes for building the land/sea mask : !! TOPOFILE : This configuration option contains a file name of the orography file !! which will be used in order to build the land/sea mask. !! IIM_LON, JJM_lon : the number of points the grid should have in longitude and !! latitude. This is only used when we build the mask based on orography. !! Should these parameters not be provided, then the gird of the orography !! file is used. !! CONTFRACFILE :: File name in which we will find variable "Contfrac". This land/sea mask will be !! used with the associated lat/lon grid. !! WEST_EAST, SOUTH_NORTH : The zoom to be performed on the grid so as to retain only this window !! of the land-sea mask. !! \n !_================================================================================================================================ USE ioipsl_para USE mod_orchidee_para USE control USE constantes_soil_var USE constantes_var USE constantes USE netcdf IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: getlandseamask_init, getlandseamask_read INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: iim, jjm, nbland REAL(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: lon, lat REAL(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: contfrac, orog CONTAINS !================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : getlandseamask_init !! !> BRIEF Builds the land/sea mask and returns its size to the calling program. !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCES : None !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE getlandseamask_init(iim_out, jjm_out, nbland_out) ! ! ARGUMENTS ! INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: iim_out, jjm_out, nbland_out ! ! LOCAL ! CHARACTER(LEN=120) :: filename !! File name for topography (var: ROSE in "") CHARACTER(LEN=120) :: contfracfile !! filename for contfrac INTEGER(i_std) :: iim_full, jjm_full !! Lon/Lat dimensions for ROSE in REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: lon_full, lat_full !! Lon/Lat array for ROSE REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: etopo, contfrac_full !! Array for reading ROSE in INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(1) :: ibeg, iend INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(1) :: jbeg, jend INTEGER(i_std) :: fid, i, j REAL(r_std) :: dx, dy ! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: zoom_lon, zoom_lat !! For crop region when reading ! LOGICAL :: buildcontfrac=.FALSE. ! ! Read the full topography which we will use to get the land-see mask for all resolutions. ! !Config Key = TOPOFILE !Config Desc = File containing high resolution topographic informations !Config If = !Config Def = !Config Help = This needs to be a netCDF file. !Config Units = [-] !- filename = 'NONE' CALL getin('TOPOFILE', filename) WRITE(*,*) "TOPOFILE = ", filename ! !Config Key = CONTFRACFILE !Config Desc = File containing a contfrac variable as defined in ORCHIDEE. !Config If = !Config Def = NONE !Config Help = This needs to be a netCDF file and can be any history file ORCHIDEE ! has produced ina previous simulation. !Config Units = [-] !- contfracfile = 'NONE' CALL getin('CONTFRACFILE', contfracfile) WRITE(*,*) "CONTFRACFILE = ", contfracfile ! ! Initialize Orchidee parameter and calendar ! IF ( INDEX(filename,"NONE") <= 0 ) THEN IF ( is_root_prc) THEN CALL topo_getsize(filename, iim_full, jjm_full) ! ALLOCATE(lon_full(iim_full,jjm_full),lat_full(iim_full,jjm_full)) ALLOCATE(etopo(iim_full,jjm_full)) ! CALL topo_getvar(filename, iim_full, jjm_full, lon_full, lat_full, etopo) ! WRITE(*,*) MINVAL(lon_full), ' < LON_FULL < ', MAXVAL(lon_full) WRITE(*,*) MINVAL(lat_full), ' < LAT_FULL < ', MAXVAL(lat_full) WRITE(*,*) 'ETOPO :', MINVAL(etopo), MAXVAL(etopo) ! buildcontfrac=.TRUE. ! ENDIF ELSE IF ( INDEX( contfracfile,"NONE") <= 0 ) THEN IF ( is_root_prc) THEN ! ! Read lon, lat and contfrac from a netCDF file generated by ORCHIDEE ! CALL opencontfrac(contfracfile, iim_full, jjm_full, fid) ! ALLOCATE(lon_full(iim_full,jjm_full), lat_full(iim_full,jjm_full), contfrac_full(iim_full,jjm_full)) CALL readcontfrac(fid, contfracfile, iim_full, jjm_full, lon_full, lat_full, contfrac_full) ! buildcontfrac=.FALSE. ! ENDIF ELSE WRITE(*,*) "Neither a orography nore a contfrac file was provided" WRITE(*,*) "CONTFRACFILE = ", contfracfile write(*,*) "TOPOFILE = ", filename ENDIF ! !- !- Define the zoom !- zoom_lon=(/-180,180/) zoom_lat=(/-90,90/) ! !Config Key = LIMIT_WEST !Config Desc = Western limit of region !Config If = [-] !Config Def = -180. !Config Help = Western limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between -180 and +180 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !Config Units = [Degrees] !- CALL getin_p('LIMIT_WEST',zoom_lon(1)) !- !Config Key = LIMIT_EAST !Config Desc = Eastern limit of region !Config If = [-] !Config Def = 180. !Config Help = Eastern limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between -180 and +180 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !Config Units = [Degrees] !- CALL getin_p('LIMIT_EAST',zoom_lon(2)) !- !Config Key = LIMIT_NORTH !Config Desc = Northern limit of region !Config If = [-] !Config Def = 90. !Config Help = Northern limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between +90 and -90 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !Config Units = [Degrees] !- CALL getin_p('LIMIT_NORTH',zoom_lat(2)) !- !Config Key = LIMIT_SOUTH !Config Desc = Southern limit of region !Config If = [-] !Config Def = -90. !Config Help = Southern limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between 90 and -90 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !Config Units = [Degrees] !- CALL getin_p('LIMIT_SOUTH',zoom_lat(1)) IF ( (zoom_lon(1)+180 < EPSILON(zoom_lon(1))) .AND. (zoom_lon(2)-180 < EPSILON(zoom_lon(2))) .AND.& &(zoom_lat(1)+90 < EPSILON(zoom_lat(1))) .AND. (zoom_lat(2)-90 < EPSILON(zoom_lat(2))) ) THEN ! !Config Key = WEST_EAST !Config Desc = Longitude interval to use from the forcing data !Config If = [-] !Config Def = -180, 180 !Config Help = This function allows to zoom into the forcing data !Config Units = [degrees east] !- CALL getin('WEST_EAST', zoom_lon) ! !Config Key = SOUTH_NORTH !Config Desc = Latitude interval to use from the forcing data !Config If = [-] !Config Def = -90, 90 !Config Help = This function allows to zoom into the forcing data !Config Units = [degrees north] !- CALL getin('SOUTH_NORTH', zoom_lat) ENDIF ! ! Get the finer coarser grid ! ! ! We see if the user has specified the resolution, in number of ! points he wishes to use. ! IF ( buildcontfrac ) THEN IF ( is_root_prc) THEN iim=-1 jjm=-1 !Config Key = IIM_LON !Config Desc = Number of points in longitude !Config If = [-] !Config Def = -1 !Config Help = This allows to select the resolution at which the land/sea mask should be built. !Config Units = - CALL getin('IIM_LON', iim) !Config Key = IIM_LAT !Config Desc = Number of points in latitude !Config If = [-] !Config Def = -1 !Config Help = This allows to select the resolution at which the land/sea mask should be built. !Config Units = - CALL getin('JJM_LAT', jjm) ! IF (iim > 0 .AND. jjm > 0 ) THEN ! ALLOCATE(lon(iim,jjm), lat(iim,jjm), orog(iim,jjm)) ! Trung: Calculate resolution dx = (MAXVAL(zoom_lon)-MINVAL(zoom_lon))/REAL(iim, r_std) dy = (MAXVAL(zoom_lat)-MINVAL(zoom_lat))/REAL(jjm, r_std) WRITE (*,*) "Resolution in longitude [degrees] dx = ",dx WRITE (*,*) "Resolution in laltiude [degrees] dy = ",dy ! ! Generate lon and lat ! DO i=1,iim lon(i,:) = MINVAL(zoom_lon) + (i-1)*dx + dx/2.0 ENDDO DO j=1,jjm lat(:,j) = MINVAL(zoom_lat) + (j-1)*dy + dy/2.0 ENDDO ! ! Interpolate to new orography ! CALL interpol(iim_full, jjm_full, lon_full, lat_full, etopo, iim, jjm, lon, lat, orog) ! ! Write orog to netcdf for checking (deleted) ! ELSE ! Just transfer the data over the zoomed area ibeg=MINLOC(ABS(lon_full(:,1)-MINVAL(zoom_lon))) iend=MINLOC(ABS(lon_full(:,1)-MAXVAL(zoom_lon))) jbeg=MINLOC(ABS(lat_full(1,:)-MINVAL(zoom_lat))) jend=MINLOC(ABS(lat_full(1,:)-MAXVAL(zoom_lat))) iim = (iend(1)-ibeg(1))+1 jjm = (jend(1)-jbeg(1))+1 ! ! ALLOCATE(lon(iim,jjm), lat(iim,jjm), orog(iim,jjm), contfrac(iim,jjm)) ! DO j=1,jjm lon(:,j) = lon_full(ibeg(1):iend(1),j) ENDDO DO i=1,iim lat(i,:) = lat_full(i,jbeg(1):jend(1)) ENDDO ! Some treatment for the orogography orog(:,:) = 0.0 DO i=ibeg(1),iend(1) DO j=jbeg(1),jend(1) orog(i-ibeg(1)+1,j-jbeg(1)+1) = MAX(etopo(i,j), 0.0) ENDDO ENDDO ! ! Generate the contfrac field ! contfrac(:,:)= 0.0 DO i=1,iim DO j=1,jjm IF ( orog(i,j) > 0 ) THEN contfrac(i,j) = 1.0 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! ENDIF ! ELSE ! ! Just zoom into the contfrac if needed and build a dummy orog ! IF ( is_root_prc) THEN IF ( MINVAL(zoom_lon) > -180 .OR. MAXVAL(zoom_lon) < 180 .OR.& & MINVAL(zoom_lat) > -90 .OR. MAXVAL(zoom_lat) < 90 ) THEN ! Just transfer the data over the zoomed area ibeg=MINLOC(ABS(lon_full(:,1)-MINVAL(zoom_lon))) iend=MINLOC(ABS(lon_full(:,1)-MAXVAL(zoom_lon))) jbeg=MINLOC(ABS(lat_full(1,:)-MINVAL(zoom_lat))) jend=MINLOC(ABS(lat_full(1,:)-MAXVAL(zoom_lat))) iim = (iend(1)-ibeg(1))+1 jjm = (jend(1)-jbeg(1))+1 ! ! ALLOCATE(lon(iim,jjm), lat(iim,jjm), orog(iim,jjm), contfrac(iim,jjm)) ! DO j=1,jjm lon(:,j) = lon_full(ibeg(1):iend(1),j) ENDDO DO i=1,iim lat(i,:) = lat_full(i,jbeg(1):jend(1)) ENDDO ! Some treatment for the orogography orog(:,:) = 0.0 contfrac(:,:) = 0.0 DO i=ibeg(1),iend(1) DO j=jbeg(1),jend(1) orog(i-ibeg(1)+1,j-jbeg(1)+1) = 1.0 contfrac(i-ibeg(1)+1,j-jbeg(1)+1) = contfrac_full(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO ! ELSE iim = iim_full jjm = jjm_full ALLOCATE(lon(iim,jjm), lat(iim,jjm), orog(iim,jjm), contfrac(iim,jjm)) lon(:,:) = lon_full(:,:) lat(:,:) = lat_full(:,:) contfrac(:,:) = contfrac_full(:,:) orog(:,:) = contfrac_full(:,:)+100 ENDIF ENDIF ! ENDIF ! IF ( is_root_prc) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Dimensions : ", iim, jjm WRITE(*,*) MINVAL(lon), ' < LON < ', MAXVAL(lon) WRITE(*,*) MINVAL(lat), ' < LAT < ', MAXVAL(lat) WRITE(*,*) MINVAL(orog), " < OROG < ", MAXVAL(orog) WRITE(*,*) MINVAL(contfrac), " < contfrac < ", MAXVAL(contfrac) ENDIF ! ! Free some memory ! IF (ALLOCATED(lon_full)) DEALLOCATE(lon_full) IF (ALLOCATED(lat_full)) DEALLOCATE(lat_full) IF (ALLOCATED(etopo)) DEALLOCATE(etopo) IF (ALLOCATED(contfrac_full)) DEALLOCATE(contfrac_full) ! ! Distribute the information to all processors ! CALL bcast(iim) CALL bcast(jjm) IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(lon)) ALLOCATE(lon(iim,jjm)) IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(lat)) ALLOCATE(lat(iim,jjm)) IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(orog)) ALLOCATE(orog(iim,jjm)) IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(contfrac)) ALLOCATE(contfrac(iim,jjm)) CALL bcast(lon) CALL bcast(lat) CALL bcast(orog) CALL bcast(contfrac) ! ! Count the number of land points ! nbland = COUNT(contfrac > 0.0) ! iim_out = iim jjm_out = jjm nbland_out = nbland ! END SUBROUTINE getlandseamask_init !! !================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : getlandseamask_read !! !> BRIEF Returns the land/sea mask !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCES : None !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE getlandseamask_read(lon_out, lat_out, mask_out, orog_out) ! ! ARGUMENTS ! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: lon_out, lat_out REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: mask_out, orog_out ! ! LOCAL ! lon_out(:,:) = lon(:,:) lat_out(:,:) = lat(:,:) mask_out(:,:) = contfrac(:,:) orog_out(:,:) = orog(:,:) ! END SUBROUTINE getlandseamask_read !! !! ! !================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : opencontfrac !! !> BRIEF This subroutine gets the dimensions of the fields in the filename. Lat and lon in particular. !! !! DESCRIPTION : This routines caters for ORCHIDEE as well as the WRF geo files. !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCES : None !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE opencontfrac(filename, iim_full, jjm_full, fid) ! ! ARGUMENTS ! CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: filename INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: iim_full, jjm_full, fid ! INTEGER(i_std) :: iret, i, lll, ndims, nvars CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: dimname ! iret = NF90_OPEN(filename, NF90_NOWRITE, fid) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE(*,*) "==>",trim(nf90_strerror(iret)) WRITE(*,*) "Error opening ", filename STOP ENDIF iret = NF90_INQUIRE (fid, nDimensions=ndims, nVariables=nvars) DO i=1,ndims iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (fid, i, name=dimname, len=lll) CALL change_to_lowercase(dimname) IF ( INDEX(dimname,"lon") > 0 ) THEN iim_full = lll ELSE IF (INDEX(dimname,"west_east") > 0 .AND. LEN_TRIM(dimname) == LEN_TRIM("west_east")) THEN iim_full = lll ELSE IF ( INDEX(dimname,"lat") > 0 ) THEN jjm_full = lll ELSE IF (INDEX(dimname,"south_north") > 0 .AND. LEN_TRIM(dimname) == LEN_TRIM("south_north")) THEN jjm_full = lll ENDIF ENDDO ! WRITE(*,*) "XXX iimf, jjmf = ", iim_full, jjm_full ! END SUBROUTINE opencontfrac !================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : readcontfrac !! !> BRIEF This subroutine gets the topography out of the file !! !! DESCRIPTION : This routines caters for ORCHIDEE as well as the WRF geo files. !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCES : None !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE readcontfrac(fid, filename, iimf, jjmf, lon, lat, contf) ! ! ARGUMENTS ! INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: fid CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: filename INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: iimf, jjmf REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: lon, lat REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: contf ! ! LOCAL ! INTEGER(i_std) :: iret, ndims, nvars, xid, yid, vid, wid INTEGER(i_std) :: xndims, yndims, vndims, wndims INTEGER(i_std) :: iv, ndimsvar, i, j INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(4) :: dimids CHARACTER(LEN=60) :: varname, units CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: model='ORC' INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(3) :: start, count REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: vtmp ! iret = NF90_INQUIRE (fid, nDimensions=ndims, nVariables=nvars) ! xid = -1 yid = -1 vid = -1 wid = -1 ! DO iv=1,nvars ! iret = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fid, iv, name=varname, ndims=ndimsvar, dimids=dimids) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(fid, iv, 'units', units) CALL change_to_lowercase(units) CALL change_to_lowercase(varname) ! IF ( INDEX(units,"east") > 0 .OR. INDEX(varname, "xlong_m") > 0 ) THEN xid = iv xndims = ndimsvar IF ( INDEX(varname, "xlong_m") > 0 ) THEN model='WRF' ENDIF ELSE IF (INDEX(units,"north") > 0 .OR. INDEX(varname, "xlat_m") > 0 ) THEN yid = iv yndims = ndimsvar IF ( INDEX(varname, "xlat_m") > 0 ) THEN model='WRF' ENDIF ENDIF ! IF ( INDEX(varname,"contfrac") > 0 ) THEN vid = iv vndims = ndimsvar ENDIF IF ( INDEX(varname,"landmask") > 0 ) THEN wid = iv wndims = ndimsvar ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ! Get longitude ! IF ( xid > 0 ) THEN IF ( xndims == 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE(vtmp(iimf)) iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, xid, vtmp) DO j=1,jjmf lon(:,j) = vtmp(:) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(vtmp) ELSE IF ( xndims == 2 ) THEN iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, xid, lon) ELSE IF ( xndims == 3 ) THEN start = (/1,1,1/) count = (/iimf,jjmf,1/) iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, xid, lon, start, count) ELSE WRITE(*,*) "Unforeseen number of dimensions for longitude ", xndims STOP ENDIF ELSE WRITE(*,*) "could not find the longitude in file ", filename STOP ENDIF ! ! Get latitude ! IF ( yid > 0 ) THEN IF ( yndims == 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE(vtmp(jjmf)) iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, xid, vtmp) DO i=1,iimf lat(i,:) = vtmp(:) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(vtmp) ELSE IF ( yndims == 2 ) THEN iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, yid, lat) ELSE IF ( yndims == 3 ) THEN start = (/1,1,1/) count = (/iimf,jjmf,1/) iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, yid, lat, start, count) ELSE WRITE(*,*) "Unforeseen number of dimensions for latitude ", yndims STOP ENDIF ELSE WRITE(*,*) "could not find the latitude in file ", filename STOP ENDIF ! ! Get the variable ! contf(:,:) = 0.0 IF ( model == "ORC" ) THEN IF ( vid > 0 ) THEN iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, vid, contf) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE(*,*) "==>",trim(nf90_strerror(iret)) WRITE(*,*) "Cannot read variable contfrac" STOP ENDIF ELSE WRITE(*,*) "could not find the variable contfrac in file ", filename STOP ENDIF ELSE IF ( model == "WRF" ) THEN ! ! This is a time varying variable so start and count needs to be specified ! start = (/1,1,1/) count = (/iimf,jjmf,1/) IF ( wid > 0 ) THEN iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, wid, contf, start, count) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE(*,*) "==>",trim(nf90_strerror(iret)) WRITE(*,*) "Cannot read variable landmask" STOP ENDIF ELSE WRITE(*,*) "could not find the variable contfrac in file ", filename STOP ENDIF WRITE(*,*) "XXX", MINVAL(contf), " < contf < ", MAXVAL(contf) ELSE WRITE(*,*) "Unknown model = ", model STOP ENDIF ! ! Delete undef values ! DO i=1,iimf DO j=1,jjmf IF ( contf(i,j) > 1.0 .OR. contf(i,j) < 0.0 ) THEN contf(i,j) = 0.0 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! iret = NF90_CLOSE(fid) ! END SUBROUTINE readcontfrac !! ! !================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : topo_getsize !! !> BRIEF This subroutine gets the size of the topography field !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCES : None !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE topo_getsize(filename, iim_full, jjm_full) ! USE defprec USE netcdf ! ! ARGUMENTS ! CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: filename INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: iim_full, jjm_full ! ! LOCAL ! INTEGER(i_std) :: fid, iret, xid, yid, ndims, nvars, i, lll CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: dimname ! iret = NF90_OPEN(filename, NF90_NOWRITE, fid) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Error opening ", filename STOP ENDIF iret = NF90_INQUIRE (fid, nDimensions=ndims, nVariables=nvars) DO i=1,ndims iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (fid, i, name=dimname, len=lll) CALL change_to_lowercase(dimname) IF ( INDEX(dimname,"x") > 0 ) THEN iim_full = lll ELSE IF ( INDEX(dimname,"y") > 0 ) THEN jjm_full = lll ENDIF ENDDO ! iret = NF90_CLOSE(fid) ! END SUBROUTINE topo_getsize !================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : topo_getvar !! !> BRIEF This subroutine gets the topography out of the file !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCES : None !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE topo_getvar(filename, iim, jjm, lon, lat, etopo) ! USE defprec USE netcdf ! ! ARGUMENTS ! CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: filename INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(out) :: lon REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(out) :: lat REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(out) :: etopo ! ! LOCAL ! INTEGER(i_std) :: fid, iret, xid, yid, vid INTEGER(i_std) :: i, j, iv, ndimsvar, ndims, nvars CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: varname, units INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(1) :: il REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lon_loc, lon_read, lat_read REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: etopo_loc INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: dimids, londim_ids, latdim_ids ! ALLOCATE(lon_loc(iim)) ALLOCATE(lon_read(iim)) ALLOCATE(lat_read(jjm)) ALLOCATE(etopo_loc(iim,jjm)) ALLOCATE(dimids(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS), londim_ids(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS), latdim_ids(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS)) ! iret = NF90_OPEN(filename, NF90_NOWRITE, fid) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Error opening ", filename STOP ENDIF ! iret = NF90_INQUIRE (fid, nDimensions=ndims, nVariables=nvars) ! ! Identify the variables ! xid = -1 yid = -1 vid = -1 ! DO iv=1,nvars iret = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fid, iv, name=varname, ndims=ndimsvar, dimids=dimids) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(fid, iv, 'units', units) CALL change_to_lowercase(units) ! IF ( INDEX(units,"east") > 0 ) THEN xid = iv ELSE IF (INDEX(units,"north") > 0 ) THEN yid = iv ELSE IF ( INDEX(units,"meters") > 0 ) THEN vid = iv ENDIF ENDDO ! ! Get variables now that they have been identified ! IF ( xid > 0 ) THEN iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, xid, lon_read) ELSE WRITE(*,*) "cound not find the longitude in file ", filename STOP ENDIF IF ( yid > 0 ) THEN iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, yid, lat_read) ELSE WRITE(*,*) "cound not find the latitude in file ", filename STOP ENDIF IF ( vid > 0 ) THEN iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, vid, etopo_loc) ELSE WRITE(*,*) "cound not find the topography in file ", filename STOP ENDIF iret = NF90_CLOSE(fid) ! ! Shift the topography around the longitude to get a -180:180 range ! Only if needed ! ! IF ( MAXVAL(lon_read) > 180. ) THEN ! lon_loc(:) = lon_read(:) ! DO i=1,iim IF (lon_loc(i) > 180. ) THEN lon_loc(i) = lon_loc(i)-360. ENDIF ENDDO ! DO i=1,iim il = MINLOC(lon_loc) lon_read(i) = lon_loc(il(1)) etopo(i,:) = etopo_loc(il(1),:) lon_loc(il(1)) = 9999999.999999 ENDDO ! DO j=1,jjm lon(:,j) = lon_read(:) ENDDO DO i=1,iim lat(i,:) = lat_read(:) ENDDO ELSE DO j=1,jjm lon(:,j) = lon_read(:) ENDDO DO i=1,iim lat(i,:) = lat_read(:) ENDDO etopo(:,:) = etopo_loc(:,:) ENDIF ! ! DEALLOCATE(lon_read) DEALLOCATE(lon_loc) DEALLOCATE(lat_read) DEALLOCATE(etopo_loc) ! END SUBROUTINE topo_getvar ! !================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : interpol !! !> BRIEF This subroutine interpolates topography to new resolution. !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCES : None !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE interpol(iim_fine, jjm_fine, lon_fine, lat_fine, orog, iim, jjm, lon, lat, neworog) ! USE constantes_var USE ioipsl_para ! IMPLICIT NONE ! Parameter !INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: nbvmax = 800 INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: nbvmax = 30000 ! INTEGER(i_std) :: iim_fine, jjm_fine, iim, jjm REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (iim_fine,jjm_fine) :: lon_fine REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (iim_fine,jjm_fine) :: lat_fine REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (iim_fine,jjm_fine) :: orog REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (iim,jjm) :: lon REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (jjm,iim) :: lat REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (iim,jjm) :: neworog ! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (nbvmax) :: area, topo ! INTEGER(i_std) :: ip, jp, ig, jg, i, fopt, lastjp REAL(r_std) :: dx, dy, ax, ay, ox, lon_up, lon_low, lat_up, lat_low, sgn REAL(r_std) :: totarea, landarea, height REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: lon_ful, lat_ful, laup_rel, loup_rel, lalow_rel, lolow_rel REAL(r_std) :: lonrel, lolowrel, louprel, coslat ! ! Allocate arrays ! ALLOCATE (laup_rel(iim_fine,jjm_fine)) ALLOCATE (loup_rel(iim_fine,jjm_fine)) ALLOCATE (lalow_rel(iim_fine,jjm_fine)) ALLOCATE (lolow_rel(iim_fine,jjm_fine)) ALLOCATE (lat_ful(iim_fine+2,jjm_fine+2)) ALLOCATE (lon_ful(iim_fine+2,jjm_fine+2)) ! ! Duplicate the border assuming we have a global grid going from west to east ! DO jp=2,jjm_fine+1 lon_ful(2:iim_fine+1,jp) = lon_fine(1:iim_fine,jp) ENDDO DO ip=2,iim_fine+1 lat_ful(ip,2:jjm_fine+1) = lat_fine(ip,1:jjm_fine) ENDDO ! IF ( lon_fine(iim_fine,1) .LT. lon_ful(2,2)) THEN lon_ful(1,2:jjm_fine+1) = lon_fine(iim_fine,:) lat_ful(1,2:jjm_fine+1) = lat_fine(1,1:jjm_fine) ELSE lon_ful(1,2:jjm_fine+1) = lon_fine(iim_fine,:)-360. lat_ful(1,2:jjm_fine+1) = lat_fine(1,1:jjm_fine) ENDIF IF ( lon_fine(1,1) .GT. lon_ful(iim_fine+1,2)) THEN lon_ful(iim_fine+2,2:jjm_fine+1) = lon_fine(1,1:jjm_fine) lat_ful(iim_fine+2,2:jjm_fine+1) = lat_fine(iim_fine,1:jjm_fine) ELSE lon_ful(iim_fine+2,2:jjm_fine+1) = lon_fine(1,1:jjm_fine)+360 lat_ful(iim_fine+2,2:jjm_fine+1) = lat_fine(iim_fine,1:jjm_fine) ENDIF ! sgn = lat_fine(1,1)/ABS(lat_fine(1,1)) lat_ful(2:iim_fine+1,1) = sgn*180 - lat_fine(1,1) sgn = lat_fine(iim_fine,jjm_fine)/ABS(lat_fine(iim_fine,jjm_fine)) lat_ful(2:iim_fine+1,jjm_fine+2) = sgn*180 - lat_fine(iim_fine,jjm_fine) lat_ful(1,1) = lat_ful(iim_fine+1,1) lat_ful(iim_fine+2,1) = lat_ful(2,1) lat_ful(1,jjm_fine+2) = lat_ful(iim_fine+1,jjm_fine+2) lat_ful(iim_fine+2,jjm_fine+2) = lat_ful(2,jjm_fine+2) ! ! Add the longitude lines to the top and bottom ! lon_ful(:,1) = lon_ful(:,2) lon_ful(:,jjm_fine+2) = lon_ful(:,jjm_fine+1) ! ! Get the upper and lower limits of each grid box ! DO ip=1,iim_fine DO jp=1,jjm_fine loup_rel(ip,jp) =MAX(0.5*(lon_ful(ip,jp+1)+lon_ful(ip+1,jp+1)), 0.5*(lon_ful(ip+1,jp+1)+lon_ful(ip+2,jp+1))) lolow_rel(ip,jp) =MIN(0.5*(lon_ful(ip,jp+1)+lon_ful(ip+1,jp+1)), 0.5*(lon_ful(ip+1,jp+1)+lon_ful(ip+2,jp+1))) laup_rel(ip,jp) =MAX(0.5*(lat_ful(ip+1,jp)+lat_ful(ip+1,jp+1)), 0.5*(lat_ful(ip+1,jp+1)+lat_ful(ip+1,jp+2))) lalow_rel(ip,jp) =MIN(0.5*(lat_ful(ip+1,jp)+lat_ful(ip+1,jp+1)), 0.5*(lat_ful(ip+1,jp+1)+lat_ful(ip+1,jp+2))) ENDDO ENDDO ! ! Now we take each grid point and find out which values from the forcing we need to average ! dx = ABS(lon(2,1) - lon(1,1)) dy = ABS(lat(1,2) - lat(1,1)) ! DO ig = 1,iim DO jg = 1,jjm ! ! lon_up = lon(ig,jg) + dx/2.0 lon_low = lon(ig,jg) - dx/2.0 ! ! lat_up = lat(ig,jg) + dy/2.0 lat_low = lat(ig,jg) - dy/2.0 ! ! Find the grid boxes from the data that go into the model's boxes ! We still work as if we had a regular grid ! Well it needs to be localy regular so ! so that the longitude at the latitude of the last found point is close to the one of the next point. ! totarea = 0.0 landarea = 0.0 height = 0.0 ! fopt = 0 lastjp = 1 DO ip=1,iim_fine ! DO jp = 1, jjm_fine ! Either the center of the data grid point is in the interval of the model grid or ! the East and West limits of the data grid point are on either sides of the border of ! the data grid. ! ! To do that correctly we have to check if the grid box sits on the date-line. ! IF ( lon_low < -180.0 ) THEN lonrel = MOD( lon_fine(ip,jp) - 360.0, 360.0) lolowrel = MOD( lolow_rel(ip,jp) - 360.0, 360.0) louprel = MOD( loup_rel(ip,jp) - 360.0, 360.0) ! ELSE IF ( lon_up > 180.0 ) THEN lonrel = MOD( 360. - lon_fine(ip,jp), 360.0) lolowrel = MOD( 360. - lolow_rel(ip,jp), 360.0) louprel = MOD( 360. - loup_rel(ip,jp), 360.0) ELSE lonrel = lon_fine(ip,jp) lolowrel = lolow_rel(ip,jp) louprel = loup_rel(ip,jp) ENDIF ! ! IF ( lonrel > lon_low .AND. lonrel < lon_up .OR. & & lolowrel < lon_low .AND. louprel > lon_low .OR. & & lolowrel < lon_up .AND. louprel > lon_up ) THEN ! ! ! Now that we have the longitude let us find the latitude ! IF ( lat_fine(ip,jp) > lat_low .AND. lat_fine(ip,jp) < lat_up .OR. & & lalow_rel(ip,jp) < lat_low .AND. laup_rel(ip,jp) > lat_low .OR.& & lalow_rel(ip,jp) < lat_up .AND. laup_rel(ip,jp) > lat_up) THEN ! lastjp = jp ! fopt = fopt + 1 IF ( fopt .GT. nbvmax) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Please increase nbvmax in subroutine interpol', ig, jg WRITE(*,*) "nbvmax = ", nbvmax STOP ELSE ! ! If we sit on the date line we need to do the same transformations as above. ! IF ( lon_low < -180.0 ) THEN lolowrel = MOD( lolow_rel(ip,jp) - 360.0, 360.0) louprel = MOD( loup_rel(ip,jp) - 360.0, 360.0) ! ELSE IF ( lon_up > 180.0 ) THEN lolowrel = MOD( 360. - lolow_rel(ip,jp), 360.0) louprel = MOD( 360. - loup_rel(ip,jp), 360.0) ELSE lolowrel = lolow_rel(ip,jp) louprel = loup_rel(ip,jp) ENDIF ! ! Get the area of the fine grid in the model grid ! coslat = MAX( COS( lat_fine(ip,jp) * pi/180. ), 0.001 ) ax = (MIN(lon_up,louprel)-MAX(lon_low, lolowrel))*pi/180. * R_Earth * coslat ay = (MIN(lat_up, laup_rel(ip,jp))-MAX(lat_low,lalow_rel(ip,jp)))*pi/180. * R_Earth ! totarea = totarea + ax*ay IF ( orog(ip, jp) > 0.0 ) THEN landarea = landarea + ax*ay height = height + ax*ay*orog(ip,jp) ENDIF ! ENDIF ENDIF ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! IF ( landarea > 0 .AND. landarea > 0.1*totarea ) THEN neworog(ig,jg) = height/landarea ELSE neworog(ig,jg) = 0.0 ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO END SUBROUTINE interpol SUBROUTINE change_to_lowercase (str) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Converts a string into lower case letters !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str !- INTEGER :: i,ic !--------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1,LEN_TRIM(str) ic = IACHAR(str(i:i)) IF ( (ic >= 65).AND.(ic <= 90) ) str(i:i) = ACHAR(ic+32) ENDDO !-------------------------- END SUBROUTINE change_to_lowercase END MODULE getlandseamask