The interpolation the saturated humidity on one pixel $x$ depends on the temperature $T$ (in Kelvin). It is set by the following equation : \begin{equation} q_{sat}(x,T)= \dfrac{q_s(x,\lfloor T \rfloor +1) - q_s(x,\lfloor T \rfloor).\lbrace T \rbrace + q_s(x,\lfloor T \rfloor)}{P} \end{equation} where : \\ \begin{itemize} \item $ \lfloor T \rfloor $ represents the largest integer not greater than $T$. \item $ \lbrace T \rbrace = T -\lfloor T \rfloor $ is the fractional part of $T$. \item $q_s$ is the array caclulated in the subroutine qsfrict\_init. \end{itemize}