! ================================================================================================================================ ! MODULE : ioipslctrl ! ! CONTACT : orchidee-help _at_ ipsl.jussieu.fr ! ! LICENCE : IPSL (2006) ! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC ! !>\BRIEF This module contains subroutine for initialisation of IOIPSL history files and restart files !! !!\n DESCRIPTION: This module contains subroutine for initialisation of IOIPSL history files and restart files. The subroutines !! ioipslctrl_history, ioipslctrl_histstom, ioipslctrl_histstomipcc, ioipslctrl_restini where previously stored in !! intersurf module. !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): !! !! REFERENCE(S) : None !! !! SVN : !! $HeadURL: svn://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/trunk/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/ioipslctrl.f90 $ !! $Date: 2015-02-19 18:42:48 +0100 (jeu. 19 févr. 2015) $ !! $Revision: 2548 $ !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ MODULE ioipslctrl USE IOIPSL USE ioipsl_para USE defprec USE constantes USE constantes_soil USE pft_parameters USE thermosoilc, ONLY : thermosoilc_levels USE grid IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_histsync !! Flag activate syncronization of IOIPSL output !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_histsync) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: dw !! Frequency of history write (sec.) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dw) INTEGER(i_std),PARAMETER :: max_hist_level = 11 !! PRIVATE PUBLIC :: ioipslctrl_history, ioipslctrl_histstom, ioipslctrl_histstomipcc, ioipslctrl_restini PUBLIC :: dw, max_hist_level, ok_histsync CONTAINS !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : ioipslctrl_history !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine initialize the IOIPSL output files !! !! DESCRIPTION : This subroutine initialize the IOIPSL output files sechiab_history.nc and sechiba_out_2.nc. It also calls the !! the subroutines ioipslctrl_histstom and ioipslctrl_histstomipcc for initialization of the IOIPSL stomate output files. !! This subroutine was previously called intsurf_history and located in module intersurf. !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE ioipslctrl_history(iim, jjm, lon, lat, kindex, kjpindex, istp_old, date0, dt, hist_id, hist2_id, & hist_id_stom, hist_id_stom_IPCC) USE mod_orchidee_para ! ! This subroutine initialized the history files for the land-surface scheme ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm !! Size in x and y of the data to be handeled REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (iim,jjm), INTENT(in) :: lon, lat !! Longitude and latitude of the data points INTEGER(i_std),INTENT (in) :: kjpindex INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: kindex INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: istp_old !! Time step counter REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: date0 !! Julian day at which istp=0 REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: dt !! Time step of the counter in seconds INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: hist_id !! History file identification for SECHIBA INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: hist2_id !! History file 2 identification for SECHIBA (Hi-frequency ?) !! History file identification for STOMATE and IPCC INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: hist_id_stom, hist_id_stom_IPCC ! ! LOCAL ! CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: histname,histname2 !! Name of history files for SECHIBA CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: stom_histname, stom_ipcc_histname !! Name of history files for STOMATE LOGICAL :: ok_histfile2 !! Flag to switch on histfile 2 for SECHIBA REAL(r_std) :: dw2 !! frequency of history write (sec.) CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: flux_op !! Operations to be performed on fluxes CHARACTER(LEN=40) :: flux_insec, flux_scinsec !! Operation in seconds INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_level, hist2_level !! history output level (default is 10 => maximum output) CHARACTER(LEN=40),DIMENSION(max_hist_level) :: & & ave, avecels, avescatter, fluxop, & & fluxop_scinsec, tmincels, tmaxcels, once, sumscatter, tmax !! The various operation to be performed CHARACTER(LEN=40),DIMENSION(max_hist_level) :: & & ave2, avecels2, avescatter2, fluxop2, & & fluxop_scinsec2, tmincels2, tmaxcels2, once2, sumscatter2 !! The various operation to be performed CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: global_attribute !! for writing attributes in the output files INTEGER(i_std) :: i, jst ! SECHIBA AXIS INTEGER(i_std) :: hori_id !! ID of the default horizontal longitude and latitude map. INTEGER(i_std) :: vegax_id, laiax_id, solax_id, soltax_id, nobioax_id !! ID's for two vertical coordinates INTEGER(i_std) :: soildiagax_id !! ID for diagnostic soil levels INTEGER(i_std) :: solayax_id !! ID for the vertical axis of the CWRR hydrology INTEGER(i_std) :: hori_id2 !! ID of the default horizontal longitude and latitude map. INTEGER(i_std) :: vegax_id2, laiax_id2, solax_id2, soltax_id2, nobioax_id2, albax_id2 !! ID's for two vertical coordinates INTEGER(i_std) :: solayax_id2 !! ID for the vertical axis of the CWRR hydrology INTEGER(i_std) :: snowax_id !! ID for snow level axis ! STOMATE AXIS INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_PFTaxis_id ! deforestation INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_pool_10axis_id INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_pool_100axis_id INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_pool_11axis_id INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_pool_101axis_id ! STOMATE IPCC AXIS INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_IPCC_PFTaxis_id ! INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_stomate_deepsoil INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_stomate_snow CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: part_str !! string suffix indicating an index REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nsnow) :: snowlev !! snow axis REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(ngrnd) :: sol_coef LOGICAL :: rectilinear INTEGER(i_std) :: ier,jv REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lon_rect, lat_rect ! REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nvm) :: veg REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nlai+1):: indlai REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(ngrnd) :: sol REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nstm) :: soltyp REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nnobio):: nobiotyp REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(2) :: albtyp REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nslm) :: solay ! CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: var_name !! To store variables names ! ! STOMATE history file REAL(r_std) :: hist_days_stom !!- GK time step in days for this history file REAL(r_std) :: hist_dt_stom !!- GK time step in seconds for this history file REAL(r_std) :: dt_stomate_loc !! for test : time step of slow processes and STOMATE REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nvm) :: hist_PFTaxis !!- GK An axis we need for the history files ! REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(10) :: hist_pool_10axis !! Deforestation axis REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(100) :: hist_pool_100axis !! Deforestation axis REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(11) :: hist_pool_11axis !! Deforestation axis REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(101) :: hist_pool_101axis !! Deforestation axis ! ! IPCC history file REAL(r_std) :: hist_days_stom_ipcc !!- GK time step in days for this history file REAL(r_std) :: hist_dt_stom_ipcc !!- GK time step in seconds for this history file ! ! !===================================================================== !- 3.0 Setting up the history files !===================================================================== !- 3.1 SECHIBA !===================================================================== !Config Key = ALMA_OUTPUT !Config Desc = Should the output follow the ALMA convention !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = n !Config Help = If this logical flag is set to true the model !Config will output all its data according to the ALMA !Config convention. It is the recommended way to write !Config data out of ORCHIDEE. !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('ALMA_OUTPUT', almaoutput) WRITE(numout,*) 'ALMA_OUTPUT', almaoutput !- !Config Key = OUTPUT_FILE !Config Desc = Name of file in which the output is going to be written !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = sechiba_history.nc !Config Help = This file is going to be created by the model !Config and will contain the output from the model. !Config This file is a truly COADS compliant netCDF file. !Config It will be generated by the hist software from !Config the IOIPSL package. !Config Units = [FILE] !- histname='sechiba_history.nc' CALL getin_p('OUTPUT_FILE', histname) WRITE(numout,*) 'OUTPUT_FILE', histname !- !Config Key = WRITE_STEP !Config Desc = Frequency in seconds for sechiba_history.nc file with IOIPSL !Config If = OK_SECHIBA, NOT XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK !Config Def = one_day !Config Help = This variables gives the frequency in the output !Config file sechiba_history.nc if using IOIPSL. !Config This variable is not read if XIOS is activated. !Config Units = [seconds] !- dw = one_day IF (xios_orchidee_ok) THEN dw=0 IF (printlev>=3) WRITE(numout,*) 'All IOIPSL output are deactivated because this run uses XIOS' ELSE CALL getin_p('WRITE_STEP', dw) IF ( dw == 0 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'sechiba_history file will not be created' END IF ! veg(1:nvm) = (/ (REAL(i,r_std),i=1,nvm) /) indlai(1:nlai+1) = (/ (REAL(i,r_std),i=1,nlai+1) /) soltyp(1:nstm) = (/ (REAL(i,r_std),i=1,nstm) /) nobiotyp(1:nnobio) = (/ (REAL(i,r_std),i=1,nnobio) /) albtyp(1:2) = (/ (REAL(i,r_std),i=1,2) /) solay(1:nslm) = (/ (REAL(i,r_std),i=1,nslm) /) snowlev = (/ (REAL(i,r_std),i=1,nsnow) /) ! Get the vertical soil levels for the thermal scheme IF (hydrol_cwrr) THEN sol(1:ngrnd) = znt(:) ELSE sol(1:ngrnd) = thermosoilc_levels() END IF ! !- We need to flux averaging operation as when the data is written !- from within SECHIBA a scatter is needed. In the driver on the other !- hand the data is 2D and can be written is it is. !- WRITE(flux_op,'("ave(scatter(X*",F8.1,"))")') one_day/dt ! WRITE(flux_op,'("(ave(scatter(X))*",F8.1,")")') one_day/dt ! WRITE(flux_sc,'("ave(X*",F8.1,")")') one_day/dt ! WRITE(flux_insec,'("ave(X*",F8.6,")")') un/dt ! WRITE(flux_insec,'("ave(X*",F12.10,")")') un/dt WRITE(flux_scinsec,'("ave(scatter(X*",F12.10,"))")') un/dt WRITE(numout,*) 'flux_op=',flux_op,' one_day/dt=', one_day/dt, ' dt=',dt,' dw=', dw !- !Config Key = SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL !Config Desc = SECHIBA history output level (0..10) !Config If = OK_SECHIBA and HF !Config Def = 5 !Config Help = Chooses the list of variables in the history file. !Config Values between 0: nothing is written; 10: everything is !Config written are available More details can be found on the web under documentation. !Config Units = [-] !- hist_level = 5 CALL getin_p('SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL', hist_level) !- WRITE(numout,*) 'SECHIBA history level: ',hist_level IF ( (hist_level > max_hist_level).OR.(hist_level < 0) ) THEN STOP 'This history level is not allowed' ENDIF !- !- define operations as a function of history level. !- Above hist_level, operation='never' !- ave(1:max_hist_level) = 'ave(scatter(X))' IF (hist_level < max_hist_level) THEN ave(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF sumscatter(1:max_hist_level) = 't_sum(scatter(X))' IF (hist_level < max_hist_level) THEN sumscatter(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF avecels(1:max_hist_level) = 'ave(cels(scatter(X)))' IF (hist_level < max_hist_level) THEN avecels(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF avescatter(1:max_hist_level) = 'ave(scatter(X))' IF (hist_level < max_hist_level) THEN avescatter(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF tmincels(1:max_hist_level) = 't_min(cels(scatter(X)))' IF (hist_level < max_hist_level) THEN tmincels(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF tmaxcels(1:max_hist_level) = 't_max(cels(scatter(X)))' IF (hist_level < max_hist_level) THEN tmaxcels(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF !!!!! for crops ! add for nlev, ndrp, etc tmax(1:max_hist_level) = 't_max(scatter(X))' IF (hist_level < max_hist_level) THEN tmax(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF !!!!! xuhui fluxop(1:max_hist_level) = flux_op IF (hist_level < max_hist_level) THEN fluxop(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF fluxop_scinsec(1:max_hist_level) = flux_scinsec IF (hist_level < max_hist_level) THEN fluxop_scinsec(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF once(1:max_hist_level) = 'once(scatter(X))' IF (hist_level < max_hist_level) THEN once(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF !- Initialize sechiba_history output file !- IF ( dw == 0 ) THEN ! sechiba_history file will not be created. hist_id = -1 ELSE ! sechiba_history file will be created !- Calculation necessary for initialization of sechiba_history file !- Check if we have by any change a rectilinear grid. This would allow us to !- simplify the output files. IF (is_omp_root) THEN ! IF ( GridType == "RegLonLat" ) THEN ALLOCATE(lon_rect(iim),stat=ier) IF (ier .NE. 0) THEN WRITE (numout,*) ' error in lon_rect allocation. We stop. We need iim words = ',iim STOP 'intersurf_history' ENDIF ALLOCATE(lat_rect(jjm),stat=ier) IF (ier .NE. 0) THEN WRITE (numout,*) ' error in lat_rect allocation. We stop. We need jjm words = ',jjm STOP 'intersurf_history' ENDIF lon_rect(:) = lon(:,1) lat_rect(:) = lat(1,:) ENDIF !- !- !- ! Initialize sechiba_history file IF ( .NOT. almaoutput ) THEN !- IF ( GridType == "RegLonLat" ) THEN #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(histname, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id,orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(histname, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id) #endif WRITE(numout,*) 'HISTBEG --->',istp_old,date0,dt,dw,hist_id ELSE #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(histname, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id,domain_id=orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(histname, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id) #endif ENDIF !- CALL histvert(hist_id, 'veget', 'Vegetation types', '1', & & nvm, veg, vegax_id) CALL histvert(hist_id, 'laiax', 'Nb LAI', 'm', & & nlai+1,indlai, laiax_id) CALL histvert(hist_id, 'solth', 'Soil levels', 'm', & & ngrnd, sol, solax_id) CALL histvert(hist_id, 'soiltyp', 'Soil types', '1', & & nstm, soltyp, soltax_id) CALL histvert(hist_id, 'nobio', 'Other surface types', '1', & & nnobio, nobiotyp, nobioax_id) IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histvert(hist_id, 'solay', 'Hydrol soil levels', 'm', & & nslm, diaglev(1:nslm), solayax_id) CALL histvert(hist_id, 'soildiag', 'Diagnostic soil levels', 'm', & & nslm, diaglev(1:nslm), soildiagax_id) ENDIF CALL histvert(hist_id, 'snowlev', 'Snow levels', 'm', & & nsnow, snowlev, snowax_id) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 1 !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'evap', 'Evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'coastalflow', 'Diffuse coastal flow', 'm^3/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'riverflow', 'River flow to the oceans', 'm^3/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'temp_sol', 'Surface Temperature', 'C', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avecels(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'temp_sol_pft', 'Surface Temperature pft', 'C', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'rain', 'Rainfall', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowf', 'Snowfall', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'netrad', 'Net radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'lai', 'Leaf Area Index', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) ! IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'reinf_slope', 'Slope index for each grid box', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'soilindex', 'Soil index', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, once(1), dt,dw) ENDIF ! IF ( river_routing ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'basinmap', 'Aproximate map of the river basins', ' ', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'nbrivers', 'Number or rivers in the outflow grid box', ' ', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(1), dt,dw) ENDIF !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 2 !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'subli', 'Sublimation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'evapnu', 'Bare soil evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'runoff', 'Surface runoff', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'drainage', 'Deep drainage', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) IF ( river_routing ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'riversret', 'Return from endorheic rivers', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'hydrographs', 'Hydrographs of gridbox outflow', 'm^3/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(2), dt,dw) ENDIF !!!!! crop variables CALL histdef(hist_id, 'tcult', 'crop temperature', 'degree', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'udevair', 'udev calculated by Tair', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'udevcult', 'udev calculated by tcult', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'turfac', 'soil water stress for leaf growth', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'swfac', 'water stress for RUE', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'senfac', 'soil water stress for leaf senescence', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'shumrel', 'soil moisture around sowing depth', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'nlev', 'date for leaf emerge', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, tmax(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'nflo', 'date for flowering', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, tmax(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ndrp', 'date for grain filling', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, tmax(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'nrec', 'date for harvesting', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, tmax(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'nmat', 'date for physiological mature', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, tmax(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'irrig_fin', 'final application of irrigation', 'mm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'roughheight_pft', 'Effect roughness height pft', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) !!!!!! end crop variables, xuhui IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'evapnu_soil', 'Bare soil evap for soil type', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'precip_soil', 'Precip for soil type', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'drainage_soil', 'Drainage for soil type', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'transpir_soil', 'Transpir for soil type', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'runoff_soil', 'Runoff for soil type', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) ENDIF ! CALL histdef(hist_id, 'tair', 'Air Temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'qair', 'Air humidity', 'g/g', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'q2m', '2m Air humidity', 'g/g', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 't2m', '2m Air Temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'alb_vis', 'Albedo visible', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'alb_nir', 'Albedo near infrared', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'soilalb_vis', 'Soil Albedo visible', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'soilalb_nir', 'Soil Albedo near infrared', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'vegalb_vis', 'Vegetation Albedo visible', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'vegalb_nir', 'Vegetation Albedo near infrared', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'z0m', 'Surface roughness for momentum', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'z0h', 'Surface roughness for heat', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'roughheight', 'Effective roughness height', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'transpir', 'Transpiration', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'evapnu_pft', 'soil evaporation pft', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'inter', 'Interception loss', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 3 !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'tsol_max', 'Maximum Surface Temperature',& & 'C', iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, tmaxcels(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'tsol_min', 'Minimum Surface Temperature',& & 'C', iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, tmincels(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fluxsens', 'Sensible Heat Flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fluxlat', 'Latent Heat Flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snow', 'Snow mass', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowage', 'Snow age', '?', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snownobio', 'Snow on other surfaces', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nnobio,1, nnobio, nobioax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snownobioage', 'Snow age on other surfaces', 'd', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nnobio,1, nnobio, nobioax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'vegetfrac', 'Fraction of vegetation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'maxvegetfrac', 'Maximum fraction of vegetation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'tot_bare_soil', "Total Bare Soil Fraction", "%", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'nobiofrac', 'Fraction of other surface types', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nnobio, 1, nnobio, nobioax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) IF ( river_routing .AND. do_floodplains ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flood_frac', 'Flooded fraction', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'reinfiltration', 'Reinfiltration from floodplains', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(3), dt,dw) ENDIF IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN DO jst=1,nstm ! var_name= "mc_1" ... "mc_3" WRITE (var_name,"('moistc_',i1)") jst CALL histdef(hist_id, var_name, 'Soil Moisture profile for soil type', 'm3/m3', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) ! var_name= "vegetsoil_1" ... "vegetsoil_3" WRITE (var_name,"('vegetsoil_',i1)") jst CALL histdef(hist_id, var_name, 'Fraction of vegetation on soil types', '%', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) ! var_name= "kfact_root_1" ... "kfact_root_3" WRITE (var_name,"('kfactroot_',i1)") jst CALL histdef(hist_id, var_name, 'Root fraction profile for soil type', '%', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) ENDDO IF (ok_freeze_cwrr) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'profil_froz_hydro', 'Frozen fraction for each hydrological soil layer', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) DO jst=1,nstm WRITE (var_name,"('profil_froz_hydro_',i1)") jst CALL histdef(hist_id, trim(var_name), 'Frozen fraction for each hydrological soil layer and soiltile', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) ENDDO CALL histdef(hist_id, 'temp_hydro', 'Soil temperature interpolated on hydrological layers', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'kk_moy', 'Mean hydrological conductivity', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm,hori_id, nslm,1,nslm, solayax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) END IF DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef(hist_id,'shum_ngrnd_perma_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)), 'Saturation degree on thethermal axes', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32, avescatter(6), dt,dw) END DO DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef(hist_id,'shum_perma_long_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)), & & 'Long-term Saturation degree on the thermal axes', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32,avescatter(6), dt,dw) END DO DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef(hist_id, 'wetdiag_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)), 'Deep ground moisture', 'fraction', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32, avescatter(6), dt,dw) END DO DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef(hist_id, 'shum_ngrnd_prmlng_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)), 'Long-term soil humidity', 'fraction', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32, avescatter(6), dt,dw) END DO ! CALL histdef(hist_id, 'wetdiag', 'Deep ground moisture', ! 'fraction', & ! & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32, ! avescatter(6), dt,dw) !DO jv = 1, nvm ! WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv ! IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' ! CALL histdef(hist_id, 'wetdiaglong_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)), 'Long-term deep ground moisture', 'fraction', & ! & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32, avescatter(6), dt,dw) !END DO CALL histdef(hist_id, 'shumdiag_perma', 'Saturation degree of the soil', '-', & & iim,jjm,hori_id,nslm,1,nslm, soildiagax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) ENDIF ! CALL histdef(hist_id, 'frac_bare', 'Bare soil fraction for each tile', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'soiltile', 'Fraction of soil tiles', '%', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 4 !- IF ( .NOT. hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'dss', 'Up-reservoir Height', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'gqsb', 'Upper Soil Moisture', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'bqsb', 'Lower Soil Moisture', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'bqsb_pft', 'Lower Soil Moisture', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'runoff_pft', 'runoff of each pft', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) ELSE CALL histdef(hist_id, 'humtot', 'Total Soil Moisture', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'humtot_soil', 'Soil Moisture for soil type', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) !gmjc 6 layer soil moisture CALL histdef(hist_id, 'tmc_trampling', '10cm Soil Moisture for soil type', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) !end gmjc CALL histdef(hist_id, 'njsc', 'Soil class used for hydrology', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, once(4), dt,dw) !pss:+ ! IF ( TOPM_calcul ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fsat', 'Fraction of soil saturated', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fwet', 'Fraction of wetland', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fwt1', 'Fraction of soil with wt [0,xcm] & ', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fwt2', 'Fraction of soil with wt [xcm,ycm] ', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fwt3', 'Fraction of soil with wt [ycm,zcm] ', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fwt4', 'Fraction of soil with wt [ucm,vcm] ', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ZMIN', 'MIN INDICE TOPO', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ZMAX', 'MAX INDICE TOPO', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ZMEAN', 'MEAN INDICE TOPO', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) ! CALL histdef(hist_id, 'NB_PIXE', 'NB PIXELS AVC VALEUR', '-', & ! & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ZSTDT', 'STD INDICE TOPO', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ZSKEW', 'SKEWNESS INDICE TOPO', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'drunoff_tot', 'Surface drunoff', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(2), dt,dw) ! ENDIF !pss:- ENDIF CALL histdef(hist_id, 'qsintveg', 'Water on canopy', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'rstruct', 'Structural resistance', 's/m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) IF ( ok_co2 ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'gpp', 'Net assimilation of carbon by the vegetation', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(4), dt,dw) ENDIF IF ( ok_stomate ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'nee', 'Net Ecosystem Exchange', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'maint_resp', 'Maintenance respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'hetero_resp', 'Heterotrophic respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'growth_resp', 'Growth respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'npp', 'Net Primary Production', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt, dw) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist_id, 'precisol', 'Throughfall', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'drysoil_frac', 'Fraction of visibly dry soil', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'evapot', 'Potential evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'evapot_corr', 'Potential evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(4), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'transpot', 'Potential transporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop(4), dt,dw) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 5 !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'swnet', 'Net solar radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave(5), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'swdown', 'Incident solar radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave(5), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'lwdown', 'Absorbed downward longwave radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(5), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'lwnet', 'Net surface longwave radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(5), dt,dw) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 6 !- call histdef(hist_id, 'ptn_pftmean', 'Soil temperature, PFT-mean','K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32,avescatter(6), dt,dw) DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ptn_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)),'Soil temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32,avescatter(6), dt,dw) END IF ENDDO CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowmelt', 'snow melt', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(6), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'frac_snow_veg', 'snow fraction on vegeted area','-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(6), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'frac_snow_nobio', 'snow fraction on non-vegeted area', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nnobio, 1,nnobio, nobioax_id, 32, avescatter(6), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'pgflux', 'extra energy used for melting top snow layer', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(6), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'soilflx_pft', 'Soil Heat Flux', 'W/m2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm,1,nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'soilcap_pft', 'Soil Heat Capacit', 'J/m2/K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm,1,nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'soilflx','Soil flux','W/m2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32,avescatter(3),dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'soilcap','Soil heat capacity','J/m2/K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32,avescatter(3),dt,dw) IF (ok_explicitsnow) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'grndflux', 'ground heat flux', 'W/m2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(6), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowrho', 'Snow density profile', 'kg/m3', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nsnow, 1, nsnow, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(6), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowtemp','Snow temperature profile','K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nsnow, 1, nsnow, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(6),dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowdz','Snow depth profile','m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nsnow, 1, nsnow, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(6),dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowliq','Snow liquid content profile','m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nsnow, 1, nsnow, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(6),dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowgrain','Snow grain profile','m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nsnow, 1, nsnow, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(6),dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowheat','Snow Heat profile','J/m2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nsnow, 1, nsnow, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(6),dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowflx','Snow flux','W/m2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(1),dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowcap','Snow capacity','W/m2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(1),dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'temp_sol_add','surface temperature from fluxes','K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(1),dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'cgrnd_snow','cgrnd for snow','-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nsnow, 1, nsnow, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(1),dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'dgrnd_snow','dgrnd for snow','-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nsnow, 1, nsnow, snowax_id, 32,avescatter(1),dt,dw) END IF CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qg', 'Ground heat flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) IF (hydrol_cwrr .AND. ok_freeze_thermix) THEN DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef(hist_id,'profil_froz_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)), 'Frozen fraction of the soil','-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32,avescatter(6), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'pcapa_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)),'Apparent heat capacity', 'J/m3/K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32,avescatter(6), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'pkappa_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)),'Soil thermal conductivity', 'W/m/K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32,avescatter(6), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'pcappa_supp_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)), 'Additional heat capacity due to soil freezing for each soil layer', 'J/K', & & iim,jjm,hori_id, ngrnd,1,ngrnd, solax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ptn_beg_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)), 'Soil temperature from previous time step', 'K', & & iim,jjm,hori_id, ngrnd,1,ngrnd, solax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) END IF END DO ENDIF !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 7 !- IF ( river_routing ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fastr', 'Fast flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(7), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'slowr', 'Slow flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(7), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'streamr', 'Stream flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(7), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'lakevol', 'Volume in lake reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(7), dt,dw) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 8 !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'pondr', 'Ponds reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'swampmap', 'Map of swamps', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(8), dt,dw) ! IF ( do_irrigation ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'irrigation', 'Net irrigation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(8), dt,dw) ! CALL histdef(hist_id, 'netirrig', 'Net irrigation requirement', 'mm/d', & ! & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'irrigmap', 'Map of irrigated surfaces', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(8), dt,dw) ENDIF IF ( river_routing .AND. do_floodplains ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'floodmap', 'Map of floodplains', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'floodh', 'Floodplains height', 'mm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'floodr', 'Floodplains reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'floodout', 'Flow out of floodplains', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'evapflo', 'Floodplains evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(8), dt,dw) ENDIF ! ENDIF ! define irrigation regardless of river_routing and do_irrigation CALL histdef(hist_id, 'irrigation', 'Net irrigation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop(1), dt,dw) IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'k_litt', 'Litter cond', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist_id, 'beta', 'Beta Function', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'raero', 'Aerodynamic resistance', 's/m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) ! Ajouts Nathalie - Novembre 2006 CALL histdef(hist_id, 'cdrag', 'Drag coefficient for LE and SH', '?', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Wind', 'Wind speed', 'm/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) ! Fin ajouts Nathalie ! CALL histdef(hist_id, 'qsatt' , 'Surface saturated humidity', 'g/g', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'vbeta1', 'Beta for sublimation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'vbeta4', 'Beta for bare soil', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'vbeta5', 'Beta for floodplains', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) IF ( ok_co2 ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'gsmean', 'mean stomatal conductance', 'mol/m2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist_id, 'humrel', 'Soil moisture stress', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm,1,nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'vegstress', 'Vegetation growth stress', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm,1,nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'soil_deficit', 'SoilWaterDefict to FillThr', 'mm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm,1,nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 9 !- !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 10 !- IF ( ok_co2 ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'cimean', 'Stomatal CO2 concentation', 'mmole/m2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'cim', 'cim', 'ppm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'leafci', 'leaf ci', 'ppm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'gs', 'gs', 'mol m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'assimi', 'assimi', 'mol m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Rd', 'Rd', 'mol m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Cc', 'Cc', 'ppm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'limitphoto', 'limitphoto', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Vc', 'Vc', 'mol m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Vj', 'Vj', 'mol e- m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'gm', 'gm', 'mol m-2 s-1', & & iim, jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'gammastar', 'gammastar', 'ppm', & & iim, jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Kmo', 'Kmo', 'ppm', & & iim, jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Kmc', 'Kmc', 'ppm', & & iim, jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist_id, 'vbeta3', 'Beta for Transpiration', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'vbeta4_pft', 'Beta for bare soil evap', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'beta_pft', 'Beta for each pft', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'rveget', 'Canopy resistance', 's/m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) IF ( .NOT. hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'rsol', 'Soil resistance', 's/m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist_id,'vbeta2','Beta for Interception loss','mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id,'cdrag_pft','Drag coeff for pft','?', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'qsintmax', 'Maximum Interception capacity', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 11 !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'mrsos', "Moisture in Upper 0.1 m of Soil Column", "kg m-2", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'mrso', "Total Soil Moisture Content", "kg m-2", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'mrros', "Surface Runoff", "kg m-2 s-1", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'mrro', "Total Runoff", "kg m-2 s-1", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'prveg', "Precipitation onto Canopy", "kg m-2 s-1", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'evspsblveg', "Evaporation from Canopy", "kg m-2 s-1", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'evspsblsoi', "Water Evaporation from Soil", "kg m-2 s-1", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'tran', "Transpiration", "kg m-2 s-1", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'treeFrac', "Tree Cover Fraction", "%", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'grassFrac', "Natural Grass Fraction", "%", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'cropFrac', "Crop Fraction", "%", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'baresoilFrac', "Bare Soil Fraction", "%", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'residualFrac', & & "Fraction of Grid Cell that is Land but Neither Vegetation-Covered nor Bare Soil", "%", & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) IF ( ok_bvoc ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'PAR', 'PAR', 'umol phot/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) IF ( ok_radcanopy ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'PARsun', 'Sunlit Leaf PAR', 'umol phot/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'PARsh', 'Shaded Leaf Area PAR', 'umol phot/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'laisun', 'Sunlit Leaf Area Index', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'laish', 'Shaded Leaf Area Index', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Fdf', 'Fdf', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) IF ( ok_multilayer ) then CALL histdef(hist_id, 'PARsuntab', 'Sunlit Leaf PAR', 'umol phot/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'PARshtab', 'Shaded Leaf Area PAR', 'umol phot/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist_id, 'coszang', 'coszang', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'PARdf', 'PARdf', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'PARdr', 'PARdr', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Trans', 'Trans', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) END IF CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_fertil_no', 'flx_fertil_no', 'ngN/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'CRF', 'CRF', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_co2_bbg_year', 'flx_co2_bbg_year', 'kgC/m^2/yr ', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'N_qt_WRICE_year', 'N_qt_WRICE_year', 'kgN/yr ', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'N_qt_OTHER_year', 'N_qt_OTHER_year', 'kgN/yr ', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_iso', 'flx_iso', 'kgC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_mono', 'flx_mono', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_apinen', 'flx_apinen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_bpinen', 'flx_bpinen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_limonen', 'flx_limonen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_myrcen', 'flx_myrcen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_sabinen', 'flx_sabinen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_camphen', 'flx_camphen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_3caren', 'flx_3caren', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_tbocimen', 'flx_tbocimen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_othermono', 'flx_othermono', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_sesquiter', 'flx_sesquiter', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_ORVOC', 'flx_ORVOC', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_MBO', 'flx_MBO', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_methanol', 'flx_methanol', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_acetone', 'flx_acetone', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_acetal', 'flx_acetal', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_formal', 'flx_formal', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_acetic', 'flx_acetic', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_formic', 'flx_formic', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_no_soil', 'flx_no_soil', 'ngN/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'flx_no', 'flx_no', 'ngN/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(11), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fco2', 'fco2', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) ENDIF ELSE !- !- This is the ALMA convention output now !- !- IF ( GridType == "RegLonLat" ) THEN #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(histname, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id,orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(histname, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id) #endif ELSE #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(histname, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id,domain_id=orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(histname, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id) #endif ENDIF !- CALL histvert(hist_id, 'veget', 'Vegetation types', '1', & & nvm, veg, vegax_id) CALL histvert(hist_id, 'laiax', 'Nb LAI', 'm', & & nlai+1,indlai, laiax_id) CALL histvert(hist_id, 'solth', 'Soil levels', 'm', & & ngrnd, sol, solax_id) CALL histvert(hist_id, 'soiltyp', 'Soil types', '1', & & nstm, soltyp, soltax_id) CALL histvert(hist_id, 'nobio', 'Other surface types', '1', & & nnobio, nobiotyp, nobioax_id) IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histvert(hist_id, 'solay', 'Hydrol soil levels', 'm', & & nslm, diaglev(1:nslm), solayax_id) ENDIF !- !- Vegetation !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'vegetfrac', 'Fraction of vegetation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'maxvegetfrac', 'Maximum fraction of vegetation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'nobiofrac', 'Fraction of other surface types', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nnobio, 1, nnobio, nobioax_id, 32, avescatter(3), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'lai', 'Leaf Area Index', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) !- !- Forcing variables !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SinAng', 'Net shortwave radiation', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(9), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'LWdown', 'Downward longwave radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(9), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SWdown', 'Downward shortwave radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(9), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Tair', 'Near surface air temperature at forcing level', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qair', 'Near surface specific humidity at forcing level', 'g/g', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SurfP', 'Surface Pressure', 'hPa', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(9), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Windu', 'Eastward wind', 'm/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(9), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Windv', 'Northward wind', 'm/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(9), dt,dw) !- !- General energy balance !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SWnet', 'Net shortwave radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'LWnet', 'Net longwave radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qh', 'Sensible heat flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qle', 'Latent heat flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qg', 'Ground heat flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qf', 'Energy of fusion', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qv', 'Energy of sublimation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'DelSurfHeat', 'Change in surface layer heat', 'J/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, sumscatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'DelColdCont', 'Change in snow surface layer cold content', 'J/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, sumscatter(1), dt,dw) !- !- General water balance !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Snowf', 'Snowfall rate', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Rainf', 'Rainfall rate', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Evap', 'Total Evapotranspiration', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qs', 'Surface runoff', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qsb', 'Sub-surface runoff', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qrec', 'Recharge', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qsm', 'Snowmelt', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'DelSoilMoist', 'Change in soil moisture', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, sumscatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'DelSurfStor', 'Change in Surface Water Storage','kg/m^2',& & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, sumscatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'DelIntercept', 'Change in interception storage', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, sumscatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'DelSWE', 'Change in Snow Water Equivalent', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, sumscatter(1), dt,dw) IF ( do_irrigation ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qirrig', 'Irrigation', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qirrig_req', 'Irrigation requirement', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) ENDIF !- !- Surface state !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'AvgSurfT', 'Average surface temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'PotSurfT', 'Potential (Unstressed) surface temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'RadT', 'Surface radiative temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Albedo', 'Albedo', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SurfStor', 'Surface Water Storage','kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SWE', 'Snow Water Equivalent', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'InterceptVeg', 'Intercepted Water on Canopy', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) !!- !- Sub-surface state !- IF ( .NOT. hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SoilMoist', '3D average layer soil moisture', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) ELSE CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SoilMoist', '3D average layer soil moisture', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) IF (ok_freeze_cwrr) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'profil_froz_hydro', 'Frozen fraction for each hydrological soil layer', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nslm, 1, nslm,solayax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) DO jst=1,nstm WRITE (var_name,"('profil_froz_hydro_',i1)") jst CALL histdef(hist_id, trim(var_name), 'Frozen fraction for each hydrological soil layer and soiltile', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) ENDDO CALL histdef(hist_id, 'temp_hydro', 'Soil temperature interpolated on hydrological layers', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'kk_moy', 'Mean hydrological conductivity', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm,hori_id, nslm,1,nslm, solayax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) ENDIF END IF CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SoilWet', 'Total soil wetness', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SoilTemp', 'Soil temperature profile', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) !- !- Evaporation components !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'PotEvap', 'Potential evapotranspiration', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'PotEvapOld', 'Potential evapotranspiration old method', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ECanop', 'Interception evaporation', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'TVeg', 'Transpiration', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ESoil', 'Bare soil evaporation', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'EWater', 'Open water evaporation', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'RootMoist','Root zone soil water', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SubSnow','Snow sublimation','kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'ACond', 'Aerodynamic conductance', 'm/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) IF ( river_routing .AND. do_floodplains ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Qflood', 'Floodplain Evaporation', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) ENDIF !- !- Surface turbulence !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Z0m', 'Roughness height for momentum', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Z0h', 'Roughness height for heat', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'EffectHeight', 'Effective displacement height (h-d)', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) !- !- !- Cold Season Processes !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SnowFrac', 'Snow cover fraction', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SAlbedo', 'Snow albedo', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'snowdepth', '3D snow depth', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) !- !- Hydrologic variables !- IF ( river_routing ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'slowr', 'Slow flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'fastr', 'Fast flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'streamr', 'Stream flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'lakevol', 'Volume in lake reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'pondr', 'Ponds reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) !- !- !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'SwampMap', 'Map of swamp areas', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Dis', 'Simulated River Discharge', 'm^3/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'CoastalFlow', 'Diffuse coastal flow', 'm^3/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(2), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'RiverFlow', 'River flow to the oceans', 'm^3/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec(2), dt,dw) IF ( do_irrigation ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'IrrigationMap', 'Map of irrigated areas', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(1), dt,dw) ENDIF ! ! IF ( do_floodplains ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'FloodplainsMap', 'Map of flooded areas', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'FloodFrac', 'Floodplain Fraction', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter(1), dt,dw) ENDIF ENDIF !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'humrel', 'Soil moisture stress', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm,1,nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) !- !- The carbon budget !- IF ( ok_co2 ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'cimean', 'Stomatal CO2 concentation', 'mmole/m2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'GPP', 'Net assimilation of carbon by the vegetation', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'gsmean', 'mean stomatal conductance', 'mol/m2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(8), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'cim', 'cim', 'ppm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'leafci', 'leaf Ci', 'ppm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id,nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'gs', 'gs', 'mol m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'assimi', 'assimi', 'mol m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Rd', 'Rd', 'mol m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Cc', 'Cc', 'ppm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'limitphoto', 'limitphoto', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Vc', 'Vc', 'mol m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Vj', 'Vj', 'mol e- m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'gm', 'gm', 'mol m-2 s-1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'gammastar', 'gammastar', 'ppm', & & iim, jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Kmo', 'Kmo', 'ppm', & & iim, jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Kmc', 'Kmc', 'ppm', & & iim, jjm, hori_id, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter(10), dt,dw) ENDIF IF ( ok_stomate ) THEN CALL histdef(hist_id, 'NEE', 'Net Ecosystem Exchange', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'maint_resp', 'Maintenance respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'hetero_resp', 'Heterotrophic respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'growth_resp', 'Growth respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'npp', 'Net Primary Production', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, fluxop_scinsec(1), dt,dw) ENDIF ! ENDIF !- !- Forcing and grid information !- CALL histdef(hist_id, 'LandPoints', 'Land Points', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(10), dt,dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Areas', 'Mesh areas', 'm2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(1), dt, dw) CALL histdef(hist_id, 'Contfrac', 'Continental fraction', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once(1), dt, dw) !- ! Write the names of the pfts in the history files global_attribute="PFT_name" DO i=1,nvm WRITE(global_attribute(9:10),"(I2.2)") i CALL histglobal_attr(hist_id, global_attribute, PFT_name(i)) ENDDO !- CALL histend(hist_id) ENDIF ! IF (is_omp_root) END IF !IF ( dw == 0 ) ! ! ! Second SECHIBA hist file ! !- !Config Key = SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 !Config Desc = Flag to switch on histfile 2 for SECHIBA (hi-frequency ?) !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = n !Config Help = This Flag switch on the second SECHIBA writing for hi (or low) !Config frequency writing. This second output is optional and not written !Config by default. !Config Units = [FLAG] !- ok_histfile2=.FALSE. CALL getin_p('SECHIBA_HISTFILE2', ok_histfile2) WRITE(numout,*) 'SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 ', ok_histfile2 ! !- !Config Key = WRITE_STEP2 !Config Desc = Frequency in seconds at which to WRITE output !Config If = SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 !Config Def = 1800.0 !Config Help = This variables gives the frequency the output 2 of !Config the model should be written into the netCDF file. !Config It does not affect the frequency at which the !Config operations such as averaging are done. !Config That is IF the coding of the calls to histdef !Config are correct ! !Config Units = [seconds] !- dw2 = 1800.0 CALL getin_p('WRITE_STEP2', dw2) ! Deactivate sechiba_histfile2 if the frequency is set to zero IF ( dw2 == 0 ) THEN ok_histfile2=.FALSE. WRITE(numout,*) 'WRITE_STEP2 was set to zero and therfore SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 is deactivated.' ELSE IF ( hist_id < 0 ) THEN ! Deactivate all history files if sechiba_history file is deactivated ok_histfile2=.FALSE. WRITE(numout,*) 'SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 will not be created because sechiba_history file is deactivated.' END IF hist2_id = -1 ! IF (ok_histfile2) THEN !- !Config Key = SECHIBA_OUTPUT_FILE2 !Config Desc = Name of file in which the output number 2 is going to be written !Config If = SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 !Config Def = sechiba_out_2.nc !Config Help = This file is going to be created by the model !Config and will contain the output 2 from the model. !Config Units = [FILE] !- histname2='sechiba_out_2.nc' CALL getin_p('SECHIBA_OUTPUT_FILE2', histname2) WRITE(numout,*) 'SECHIBA_OUTPUT_FILE2 ', histname2 !- !Config Key = SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 !Config Desc = SECHIBA history 2 output level (0..10) !Config If = SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = Chooses the list of variables in the history file. !Config Values between 0: nothing is written; 10: everything is !Config written are available More details can be found on the web under documentation. !Config web under documentation. !Config First level contains all ORCHIDEE outputs. !Config Units = [-] !- hist2_level = 1 CALL getin_p('SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2', hist2_level) !- WRITE(numout,*) 'SECHIBA history level 2 : ',hist2_level IF ( (hist2_level > max_hist_level).OR.(hist2_level < 0) ) THEN STOP 'This history level 2 is not allowed' ENDIF ! !- !- define operations as a function of history level. !- Above hist2_level, operation='never' !- ave2(1:max_hist_level) = 'ave(scatter(X))' IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN ave2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF sumscatter2(1:max_hist_level) = 't_sum(scatter(X))' IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN sumscatter2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF avecels2(1:max_hist_level) = 'ave(cels(scatter(X)))' IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN avecels2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF avescatter2(1:max_hist_level) = 'ave(scatter(X))' IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN avescatter2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF tmincels2(1:max_hist_level) = 't_min(cels(scatter(X)))' IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN tmincels2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF tmaxcels2(1:max_hist_level) = 't_max(cels(scatter(X)))' IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN tmaxcels2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF !!$ tmax2(1:max_hist_level) = 't_max(X)' !!$ IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN !!$ tmax2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' !!$ ENDIF fluxop2(1:max_hist_level) = flux_op IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN fluxop2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF !!$ fluxop_sc2(1:max_hist_level) = flux_sc !!$ IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN !!$ fluxop_sc2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' !!$ ENDIF !!$ fluxop_insec2(1:max_hist_level) = flux_insec !!$ IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN !!$ fluxop_insec2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' !!$ ENDIF fluxop_scinsec2(1:max_hist_level) = flux_scinsec IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN fluxop_scinsec2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF once2(1:max_hist_level) = 'once(scatter(X))' IF (hist2_level < max_hist_level) THEN once2(hist2_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never' ENDIF ! IF (is_omp_root) THEN IF ( .NOT. almaoutput ) THEN !- IF ( GridType == "RegLonLat" ) THEN #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(histname2, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id2, hist2_id,orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(histname2, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id2, hist2_id) #endif WRITE(numout,*) 'HISTBEG2 --->',istp_old,date0,dt,dw2,hist2_id ELSE #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(histname2, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id2, hist2_id,domain_id=orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(histname2, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id2, hist2_id) #endif ENDIF !- CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'veget', 'Vegetation types', '1', & & nvm, veg, vegax_id2) CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'laiax', 'Nb LAI', '1', & & nlai+1, indlai, laiax_id2) CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'solth', 'Soil levels', 'm', & & ngrnd, sol, solax_id2) CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'soiltyp', 'Soil types', '1', & & nstm, soltyp, soltax_id2) CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'nobio', 'Other surface types', '1', & & nnobio, nobiotyp, nobioax_id2) CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'albtyp', 'Albedo Types', '1', & & 2, albtyp, albax_id2) IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'solay', 'Hydrol soil levels', 'm', & & nslm, solay, solayax_id2) ENDIF !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 1 !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'ptn', 'Deep ground temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id2, 32, avescatter2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'mrsos', "Moisture in Upper 0.1 m of Soil Column", "kg m-2", & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter2(2), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'mrso', "Total Soil Moisture Content", "kg m-2", & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter2(11), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'mrros', "Surface Runoff", "kg m-2 s-1", & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(11), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'mrro', "Total Runoff", "kg m-2 s-1", & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(2), dt,dw2) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 2 !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'cdrag', 'Drag coefficient for LE and SH', '?', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(2), dt, dw2) ! Ajouts Nathalie - Septembre 2008 CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'soilalb_vis', 'Soil Albedo visible', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(2), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'soilalb_nir', 'Soil Albedo near infrared', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(2), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vegalb_vis', 'Vegetation Albedo visible', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(2), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vegalb_nir', 'Vegetation Albedo near infrared', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(2), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'z0m', 'Surface roughness for momentum', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'z0h', 'Surface roughness for heat', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'coastalflow', 'Diffuse coastal flow', 'm^3/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'riverflow', 'River flow to the oceans', 'm^3/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'tsol_rad', 'Radiative surface temperature', 'C', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avecels2(2), dt, dw2) IF ( river_routing .AND. do_floodplains ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'floodout', 'Flow out of floodplains', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(2), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vevapflo', 'Floodplains evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flood_frac', 'Flooded fraction', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(2), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'reinfiltration', 'Reinfiltration from floodplains', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(2), dt,dw2) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vevapnu', 'Bare soil evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'temp_sol', 'New Surface Temperature', 'C', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avecels2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'qsurf', 'Near surface specific humidity', 'g/g', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'albedo', 'Albedo', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 2,1,2, albax_id2, 32, avescatter2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'fluxsens', 'Sensible Heat Flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'fluxlat', 'Latent Heat Flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(2), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'emis', 'Surface emissivity', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(2), dt, dw2) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 3 !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'evap', 'Evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'rain', 'Rainfall', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'snowf', 'Snowfall', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'netrad', 'Net radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'lai', 'Leaf Area Index', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt, dw2) !!!!! crop variables CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'tcult', 'crop temperature', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'udevair', 'udev calculated by Tair', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'udevcult', 'udev calculated by tcult', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'turfac', 'soil water stress for leaf growth', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'swfac', 'water stress for RUE', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'senfac', 'soil water stress for leaf senescence', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'shumrel', 'soil moisture around sowing depth', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'nlev', 'date for leaf emerge', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'nflo', 'date for flowering', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'ndrp', 'date for grain filling', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'nrec', 'date for harvesting', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'nmat', 'date for physiological mature', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'irrig_fin', 'final application of irrigation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop2(2), dt,dw) !!!!! end crop variables, xuhui IF ( river_routing ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'basinmap', 'Aproximate map of the river basins', ' ', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'nbrivers', 'Number or rivers in the outflow grid box', ' ', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(3), dt, dw2) ENDIF IF (check_waterbal) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'TotWater', 'Total amount of water at end of time step', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'TotWaterFlux', 'Total water flux', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(3), dt, dw2) ENDIF !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 4 !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'subli', 'Sublimation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'runoff', 'Surface runoff', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'drainage', 'Deep drainage', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) IF ( river_routing ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'riversret', 'Return from endorheic rivers', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'hydrographs', 'Hydrographs of gridbox outflow', 'm^3/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(4), dt, dw2) ENDIF IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'evapnu_soil', 'Bare soil evap for soil type', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id2, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'drainage_soil', 'Drainage for soil type', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id2, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'transpir_soil', 'Transpir for soil type', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id2, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'runoff_soil', 'Runoff for soil type', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id2, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) ENDIF ! CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'tair', 'Air Temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'qair', 'Air humidity', 'g/g', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(4), dt, dw2) ! Ajouts Nathalie - Juillet 2006 CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'q2m', '2m Air humidity', 'g/g', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 't2m', '2m Air Temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(4), dt, dw2) ! Fin ajouts Nathalie CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'alb_vis', 'Albedo visible', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'alb_nir', 'Albedo near infrared', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'roughheight', 'Effective roughness height', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'roughheight_pft', 'Effect roughness height pft', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'transpir', 'Transpiration', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'evapnu_pft', 'soil evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'inter', 'Interception loss', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop2(4), dt, dw2) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 5 !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'tsol_max', 'Maximum Surface Temperature',& & 'C', iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, tmaxcels2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'tsol_min', 'Minimum Surface Temperature',& & 'C', iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, tmincels2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'snow', 'Snow mass', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'snowage', 'Snow age', '?', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'snownobio', 'Snow on other surfaces', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nnobio,1, nnobio, nobioax_id2, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'snownobioage', 'Snow age on other surfaces', 'd', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nnobio,1, nnobio, nobioax_id2, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vegetfrac', 'Fraction of vegetation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'maxvegetfrac', 'Maximum fraction of vegetation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'nobiofrac', 'Fraction of other surface types', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nnobio, 1, nnobio, nobioax_id2, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN DO jst=1,nstm ! var_name= "mc_1" ... "mc_3" WRITE (var_name,"('moistc_',i1)") jst CALL histdef(hist2_id, var_name, 'Soil Moisture profile for soil type', 'm3/m3', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id2, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) ! var_name= "vegetsoil_1" ... "vegetsoil_3" WRITE (var_name,"('vegetsoil_',i1)") jst CALL histdef(hist2_id, var_name, 'Fraction of vegetation on soil types', '%', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) ! var_name= "kfact_root_1" ... "kfact_root_3" WRITE (var_name,"('kfactroot_',i1)") jst CALL histdef(hist2_id, var_name, 'Root fraction profile for soil type', '%', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id2, 32, avescatter2(5), dt,dw2) ENDDO ENDIF !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 6 !- IF ( .NOT. hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'dss', 'Up-reservoir Height', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id, 32, avescatter2(6), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'gqsb', 'Upper Soil Moisture', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter2(6), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'bqsb', 'Lower Soil Moisture', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter2(6), dt, dw2) ELSE CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'humtot', 'Total Soil Moisture', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter2(6), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'humtot_soil', 'Soil Moisture for soil type', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nstm, 1, nstm, soltax_id2, 32, avescatter2(6), dt, dw2) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'qsintveg', 'Water on canopy', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(6), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'rstruct', 'Structural resistance', 's/m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(6), dt, dw2) IF ( ok_co2 ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'gpp', 'Net assimilation of carbon by the vegetation', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(6), dt,dw2) ENDIF IF ( ok_stomate ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'nee', 'Net Ecosystem Exchange', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(6), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'maint_resp', 'Maintenance respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(6), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'hetero_resp', 'Heterotrophic respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(6), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'growth_resp', 'Growth respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(6), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'npp', 'Net Primary Production', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(6), dt, dw2) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'precisol', 'Throughfall', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop2(6), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'drysoil_frac', 'Fraction of visibly dry soil', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(6), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'evapot', 'Potential evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(6), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'evapot_corr', 'Potential evaporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(6), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'transpot', 'Potential transporation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop2(6), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'snowmelt', 'snow melt', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(6), dt, dw2) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 7 !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'swnet', 'Net solar radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(7), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'swdown', 'Incident solar radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, ave2(7), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'lwdown', 'Absorbed downward longwave radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(7), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'lwnet', 'Net surface longwave radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(7), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'ptn_pftmean', 'Soil temperature, PFT-mean','K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id, 32,avescatter2(7), dt,dw2) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 8 !- IF ( river_routing ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'fastr', 'Fast flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(8), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'slowr', 'Slow flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(8), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'streamr', 'Stream flow reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(8), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'floodr', 'Floodplains reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(8), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'floodh', 'Floodplains height', 'mm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(8), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'pondr', 'Ponds reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(8), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'lakevol', 'Volume in lake reservoir', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(8), dt, dw2) IF ( do_irrigation ) THEN ! CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'irrigation', 'Net irrigation', 'mm/d', & ! & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(8), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'netirrig', 'Net irrigation requirement', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(8), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'irrigmap', 'Map of irrigated areas', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(8), dt, dw2) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'floodmap', 'Map of floodplains', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(8), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'swampmap', 'Map of swamps', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(8), dt,dw2) ENDIF !! define irrigation regardless of routing and do_irrigation CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'irrigation', 'Net irrigation', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop2(8), dt, dw2) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 9 !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'beta', 'Beta Function', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'raero', 'Aerodynamic resistance', 's/m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) ! Ajouts Nathalie - Novembre 2006 CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Wind', 'Wind speed', 'm/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) ! Fin ajouts Nathalie CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'qsatt' , 'Surface saturated humidity', 'g/g', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vbeta1', 'Beta for sublimation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vbeta4', 'Beta for bare soil', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) IF ( ok_co2 ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'gsmean', 'mean stomatal conductance', 'mol/m2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vbeta5', 'Beta for floodplains', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'reinf_slope', 'Slope index for each grid box', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(9), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'soilindex', 'Soil index', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, once2(9), dt,dw2) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'humrel', 'Soil moisture stress', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm,1,nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) !- !- SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 10 !- IF ( ok_co2 ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'cimean', 'Stomatal CO2 concentation', 'mmole/m2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt, dw2) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vbeta3', 'Beta for Transpiration', 'mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'rveget', 'Canopy resistance', 's/m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt, dw2) IF ( .NOT. hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'rsol', 'Soil resistance', 's/m', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(10), dt, dw2) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist2_id,'vbeta2','Beta for Interception loss','mm/d', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'qsintmax', 'Maximum Interception capacity', 'Kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt, dw2) IF ( ok_bvoc ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'PAR', 'PAR', 'umol phot/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) IF ( ok_radcanopy ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'PARsun', 'Sunlit Leaf PAR', 'umol phot/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'PARsh', 'Shaded Leaf Area PAR', 'umol phot/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'laisun', 'Sunlit Leaf Area Index', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'laish', 'Shaded Leaf Area Index', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Fdf', 'Fdf', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) IF ( ok_multilayer ) then CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'PARsuntab', 'Sunlit Leaf PAR', 'umol phot/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'PARshtab', 'Shaded Leaf Area PAR', 'umol phot/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nlai+1, 1, nlai+1, laiax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'coszang', 'coszang', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'PARdf', 'PARdf', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'PARdr', 'PARdr', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Trans', 'Trans', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) END IF CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_fertil_no', 'flx_fertil_no', 'ngN/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'CRF', 'CRF', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_co2_bbg_year', 'flx_co2_bbg_year', 'kgC/m^2/yr ', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'N_qt_WRICE_year', 'N_qt_WRICE_year', 'kgN/yr ', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'N_qt_OTHER_year', 'N_qt_OTHER_year', 'kgN/yr ', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_iso', 'flx_iso', 'kgC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_mono', 'flx_mono', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_apinen', 'flx_apinen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_bpinen', 'flx_bpinen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_limonen', 'flx_limonen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_myrcen', 'flx_myrcen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_sabinen', 'flx_sabinen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_camphen', 'flx_camphen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_3caren', 'flx_3caren', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_tbocimen', 'flx_tbocimen', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_othermono', 'flx_othermono', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_sesquiter', 'flx_sesquiter', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_ORVOC', 'flx_ORVOC', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_MBO', 'flx_MBO', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_methanol', 'flx_methanol', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_acetone', 'flx_acetone', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(1), dt,dw2) !! LDF TEST modificato a 1... !! CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_acetal', 'flx_acetal', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(1), dt,dw2) !! LDF TEST modificato a 1... !! CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_formal', 'flx_formal', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_acetic', 'flx_acetic', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_formic', 'flx_formic', 'kgC/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_no_soil', 'flx_no_soil', 'ngN/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'flx_no', 'flx_no', 'ngN/m^2/s',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(10), dt,dw2) ENDIF ELSE !- !- This is the ALMA convention output now !- !- IF ( GridType == "RegLonLat" ) THEN #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(histname2, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id2, hist2_id,orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(histname2, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id2, hist2_id) #endif WRITE(numout,*) 'HISTBEG2 --->',istp_old,date0,dt,dw2,hist2_id ELSE #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(histname2, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id2, hist2_id,domain_id=orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(histname2, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id2, hist2_id) #endif ENDIF !- CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'veget', 'Vegetation types', '1', & & nvm, veg, vegax_id2) CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'solth', 'Soil levels', 'm', & & ngrnd, sol, solax_id2) CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'soiltyp', 'Soil types', '1', & & nstm, soltyp, soltax_id2) CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'nobio', 'Other surface types', '1', & & nnobio, nobiotyp, nobioax_id2) IF ( hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histvert(hist2_id, 'solay', 'Hydrol soil levels', 'm', & & nslm, diaglev(1:nslm), solayax_id2) ENDIF !- !- Vegetation !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vegetfrac', 'Fraction of vegetation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'maxvegetfrac', 'Maximum fraction of vegetation', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'nobiofrac', 'Fraction of other surface types', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nnobio, 1, nnobio, nobioax_id2, 32, avescatter2(3), dt, dw2) !- !- General energy balance !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SWnet', 'Net shortwave radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'LWnet', 'Net longwave radiation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Qh', 'Sensible heat flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Qle', 'Latent heat flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Qg', 'Ground heat flux', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Qf', 'Energy of fusion', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Qv', 'Energy of sublimation', 'W/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'DelSurfHeat', 'Change in surface layer heat', 'J/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, sumscatter2(7), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'DelColdCont', 'Change in snow surface layer cold content', 'J/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, sumscatter2(7), dt, dw2) !- !- General water balance !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Snowf', 'Snowfall rate', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Rainf', 'Rainfall rate', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Evap', 'Total Evapotranspiration', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Qs', 'Surface runoff', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Qsb', 'Sub-surface runoff', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Qsm', 'Snowmelt', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'DelSoilMoist', 'Change in soil moisture', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, sumscatter2(7), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'DelSurfStor', 'Change in Surface Water Storage','kg/m^2',& & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, sumscatter2(7), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'DelIntercept', 'Change in interception storage', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, sumscatter2(7), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'DelSWE', 'Change in interception storage Snow Water Equivalent', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, sumscatter2(7), dt, dw2) !- !- Surface state !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'AvgSurfT', 'Average surface temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'RadT', 'Surface radiative temperature', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Albedo', 'Albedo', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(7), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SurfStor', 'Surface Water Storage','kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SWE', 'Snow Water Equivalent', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt,dw2) !!- !- Sub-surface state !- IF ( .NOT. hydrol_cwrr ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SoilMoist', '3D average layer soil moisture', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter2(7), dt, dw2) ELSE CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SoilMoist', '3D average layer soil moisture', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nslm, 1, nslm, solayax_id2, 32, avescatter2(7), dt, dw2) ENDIF CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SoilWet', 'Total soil wetness', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SoilTemp', 'Soil temperature profile', 'K', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, ngrnd, 1, ngrnd, solax_id2, 32, avescatter2(7), dt, dw2) !- !- Evaporation components !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'PotEvap', 'Potential evapotranspiration', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'transpot', 'Potential transpiration', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm,1,nvm, vegax_id2, 32,fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'ECanop', 'Interception evaporation', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'TVeg', 'Transpiration', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'ESoil', 'Bare soil evaporation', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'RootMoist','Root zone soil water', 'kg/m^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1, 1, 1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SubSnow','Snow sublimation','kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'ACond', 'Aerodynamic conductance', 'm/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(5), dt, dw2) !- !- !- Cold Season Processes !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SnowFrac', 'Snow cover fraction', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(7), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SAlbedo', 'Snow albedo', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(7), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'snowdepth', '3D snow depth', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(7), dt, dw2) !- !- Hydrologic variables !- IF ( river_routing ) THEN ! IF (do_floodplains) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'EWater', 'Open water evaporation', 'kg/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(5), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'FloodFrac', 'Floodplain Fraction', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, avescatter2(1), dt,dw2) ENDIF ! CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'IrrigationMap', 'Map of irrigated areas', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'FloodplainsMap', 'Map of flooded areas', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(1), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'SwampMap', 'Map of swamp areas', 'm^2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(1), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Dis', 'Simulated River Discharge', 'm^3/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt,dw2) ENDIF !- !- !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'humrel', 'Soil moisture stress', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm,1,nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'vegstress', 'Vegetation growth stress', '-', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm,1,nvm, vegax_id2, 32, avescatter2(9), dt, dw2) !- !- The carbon budget !- IF ( ok_co2 ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'GPP', 'Net assimilation of carbon by the vegetation', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) ENDIF IF ( ok_stomate ) THEN CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'NEE', 'Net Ecosystem Exchange', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'maint_resp', 'Maintenance respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'hetero_resp', 'Heterotrophic respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt,dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'growth_resp', 'Growth respiration', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'npp', 'Net Primary Production', 'gC/m^2/s', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, nvm, 1, nvm, vegax_id2, 32, fluxop_scinsec2(1), dt, dw2) ENDIF ! ENDIF !- CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'LandPoints', 'Land Points', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(10), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Areas', 'Mesh areas', 'm2', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(1), dt, dw2) CALL histdef(hist2_id, 'Contfrac', 'Continental fraction', '1', & & iim,jjm, hori_id2, 1,1,1, -99, 32, once2(1), dt, dw2) !- ! Write the names of the pfts in the high frequency sechiba history files global_attribute="PFT_name" DO i=1,nvm WRITE(global_attribute(9:10),"(I2.2)") i CALL histglobal_attr(hist2_id, global_attribute, PFT_name(i)) ENDDO !- CALL histend(hist2_id) ENDIF ENDIF !- !===================================================================== !- 3.2 STOMATE's history file !===================================================================== IF ( ok_stomate ) THEN !- ! STOMATE IS ACTIVATED !- !Config Key = STOMATE_OUTPUT_FILE !Config Desc = Name of file in which STOMATE's output is going to be written !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = stomate_history.nc !Config Help = This file is going to be created by the model !Config and will contain the output from the model. !Config This file is a truly COADS compliant netCDF file. !Config It will be generated by the hist software from !Config the IOIPSL package. !Config Units = [FILE] !- stom_histname='stomate_history.nc' CALL getin_p('STOMATE_OUTPUT_FILE', stom_histname) WRITE(numout,*) 'STOMATE_OUTPUT_FILE', TRIM(stom_histname) !- !Config Key = STOMATE_HIST_DT !Config Desc = STOMATE history time step !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 10. !Config Help = Time step of the STOMATE history file !Config Units = [days] !- hist_days_stom = 10. CALL getin_p('STOMATE_HIST_DT', hist_days_stom) IF ( hist_id < 0 ) THEN ! Deactivate all history files if sechiba_history file is deactivated hist_dt_stom=0 WRITE(numout,*) 'STOMATE history file will not be created because sechiba_history file is deactivated.' ELSE IF ( hist_days_stom == moins_un ) THEN hist_dt_stom = moins_un WRITE(numout,*) 'output frequency for STOMATE history file (d): one month.' ELSE IF ( hist_days_stom == 0 ) THEN ! Deactivate this file hist_dt_stom=0 WRITE(numout,*) 'STOMATE history file will not be created' ELSE hist_dt_stom = NINT( hist_days_stom ) * one_day WRITE(numout,*) 'output frequency for STOMATE history file (d): ', & hist_dt_stom/one_day ENDIF ! test consistency between STOMATE_HIST_DT and DT_STOMATE parameters dt_stomate_loc = one_day CALL getin_p('DT_STOMATE', dt_stomate_loc) IF ( hist_days_stom /= moins_un .AND. hist_dt_stom/=0) THEN IF (dt_stomate_loc > hist_dt_stom) THEN WRITE(numout,*) "DT_STOMATE = ",dt_stomate_loc," , STOMATE_HIST_DT = ",hist_dt_stom CALL ipslerr_p (3,'intsurf_history', & & 'Problem with DT_STOMATE > STOMATE_HIST_DT','', & & '(must be less or equal)') ENDIF ENDIF !- !- Initialize stomate_history file IF ( hist_dt_stom == 0 ) THEN ! Case hist_dt_stom=0 : No creation of stomate_history.nc file ! Nothing will be done. hist_id_stom=-1 ELSE ! Initialise stomate_history file IF (is_omp_root) THEN IF ( GridType == "RegLonLat" ) THEN #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(stom_histname, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id_stom,domain_id=orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(stom_histname, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id_stom) #endif ELSE #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(stom_histname, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id_stom,domain_id=orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(stom_histname, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id_stom) #endif ENDIF !- define PFT axis hist_PFTaxis = (/ ( REAL(i,r_std), i=1,nvm ) /) !- declare this axis CALL histvert (hist_id_stom, 'PFT', 'Plant functional type', & & '1', nvm, hist_PFTaxis, hist_PFTaxis_id) ! deforestation !- define Pool_10 axis hist_pool_10axis = (/ ( REAL(i,r_std), i=1,10 ) /) !- declare this axis CALL histvert (hist_id_stom, 'P10', 'Pool 10 years', & & '1', 10, hist_pool_10axis, hist_pool_10axis_id) !- define Pool_100 axis hist_pool_100axis = (/ ( REAL(i,r_std), i=1,100 ) /) !- declare this axis CALL histvert (hist_id_stom, 'P100', 'Pool 100 years', & & '1', 100, hist_pool_100axis, hist_pool_100axis_id) !- define Pool_11 axis hist_pool_11axis = (/ ( REAL(i,r_std), i=1,11 ) /) !- declare this axis CALL histvert (hist_id_stom, 'P11', 'Pool 10 years + 1', & & '1', 11, hist_pool_11axis, hist_pool_11axis_id) !- define Pool_101 axis hist_pool_101axis = (/ ( REAL(i,r_std), i=1,101 ) /) !- declare this axis CALL histvert (hist_id_stom, 'P101', 'Pool 100 years + 1', & & '1', 101, hist_pool_101axis, hist_pool_101axis_id) !- define deep permafrost axis for stomate variables CALL histvert(hist_id_stom, 'solth', 'deep soil levels', 'm', & & ngrnd, sol, hist_stomate_deepsoil) snowlev = (/ ( REAL(i,r_std), i=1,nsnow ) /) CALL histvert(hist_id_stom, 'snowlev', 'snow levels', 'index', & & nsnow, snowlev, hist_stomate_snow) ENDIF !- define STOMATE history file CALL ioipslctrl_histstom (hist_id_stom, nvm, iim, jjm, & & dt, hist_dt_stom, hori_id, hist_PFTaxis_id, & & hist_pool_10axis_id, hist_pool_100axis_id, & & hist_pool_11axis_id, hist_pool_101axis_id, & & hist_stomate_deepsoil, hist_stomate_snow) !- Write the names of the pfts in the stomate history files IF (is_omp_root) THEN global_attribute="PFT_name" DO i=1,nvm WRITE(global_attribute(9:10),"(I2.2)") i CALL histglobal_attr(hist_id_stom, global_attribute, PFT_name(i)) ENDDO !- end definition CALL histend(hist_id_stom) ENDIF END IF ! IF ( hist_dt_stom == 0 ) !- !- !- ! STOMATE IPCC OUTPUTS IS ACTIVATED !- !Config Key = STOMATE_IPCC_OUTPUT_FILE !Config Desc = Name of file in which STOMATE's output is going to be written !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = stomate_ipcc_history.nc !Config Help = This file is going to be created by the model !Config and will contain the output from the model. !Config This file is a truly COADS compliant netCDF file. !Config It will be generated by the hist software from !Config the IOIPSL package. !Config Units = [FILE] !- stom_ipcc_histname='stomate_ipcc_history.nc' CALL getin_p('STOMATE_IPCC_OUTPUT_FILE', stom_ipcc_histname) WRITE(numout,*) 'STOMATE_IPCC_OUTPUT_FILE', TRIM(stom_ipcc_histname) !- !Config Key = STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT !Config Desc = STOMATE IPCC history time step !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0. !Config Help = Time step of the STOMATE IPCC history file !Config Units = [days] !- hist_days_stom_ipcc = zero CALL getin_p('STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT', hist_days_stom_ipcc) IF ( hist_days_stom_ipcc == moins_un ) THEN hist_dt_stom_ipcc = moins_un WRITE(numout,*) 'output frequency for STOMATE IPCC history file (d): one month.' ELSE hist_dt_stom_ipcc = NINT( hist_days_stom_ipcc ) * one_day WRITE(numout,*) 'output frequency for STOMATE IPCC history file (d): ', & hist_dt_stom_ipcc/one_day ENDIF IF ( hist_dt_stom_ipcc /= 0 .AND. hist_id < 0 ) THEN ! sechiba_history file is not created therefore STOMATE IPCC history file will be deactivated hist_dt_stom_ipcc=0 hist_days_stom_ipcc=0 WRITE(numout,*) 'STOMATE IPCC history file is not created.' END IF ! test consistency between STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT and DT_STOMATE parameters dt_stomate_loc = one_day CALL getin_p('DT_STOMATE', dt_stomate_loc) IF ( hist_days_stom_ipcc > zero ) THEN IF (dt_stomate_loc > hist_dt_stom_ipcc) THEN WRITE(numout,*) "DT_STOMATE = ",dt_stomate_loc," , STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT = ",hist_dt_stom_ipcc CALL ipslerr_p (3,'intsurf_history', & & 'Problem with DT_STOMATE > STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT','', & & '(must be less or equal)') ENDIF ENDIF !Config Key = OK_HISTSYNC !Config Desc = Syncronize and write IOIPSL output files at each time step !Config If = !Config Def = FALSE !Config Help = Setting this flag to true might affect run performance. Only use it for debug perpose. !Config Units = [FLAG] ok_histsync=.FALSE. CALL getin_p('OK_HISTSYNC', ok_histsync) IF ( hist_dt_stom_ipcc == 0 ) THEN hist_id_stom_ipcc = -1 ELSE !- !- initialize IF (is_omp_root) THEN IF ( GridType == "RegLonLat" ) THEN #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(stom_ipcc_histname, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id_stom_ipcc,domain_id=orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(stom_ipcc_histname, iim, lon_rect, jjm, lat_rect, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id_stom_ipcc) #endif ELSE #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL histbeg(stom_ipcc_histname, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id_stom_ipcc,domain_id=orch_domain_id) #else CALL histbeg(stom_ipcc_histname, iim, lon, jjm, lat, 1, iim, 1, jjm, & & istp_old, date0, dt, hori_id, hist_id_stom_ipcc) #endif ENDIF !- declare this axis CALL histvert (hist_id_stom_IPCC, 'PFT', 'Plant functional type', & & '1', nvm, hist_PFTaxis, hist_IPCC_PFTaxis_id) !- define STOMATE history file CALL ioipslctrl_histstomipcc (hist_id_stom_IPCC, nvm, iim, jjm, & & dt, hist_dt_stom_ipcc, hori_id, hist_IPCC_PFTaxis_id) !- Write the names of the pfts in the stomate history files global_attribute="PFT_name" DO i=1,nvm WRITE(global_attribute(9:10),"(I2.2)") i CALL histglobal_attr(hist_id_stom_IPCC, global_attribute, PFT_name(i)) ENDDO !- end definition CALL histend(hist_id_stom_IPCC) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE ioipslctrl_history !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : ioipslctrl_histstom !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine initialize the IOIPSL stomate output file !! !! DESCRIPTION : This subroutine initialize the IOIPSL output file stomate_history.nc(default name). !! This subroutine was previously named stom_define_history and where located in module intersurf. !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE ioipslctrl_histstom( & & hist_id_stom, nvm, iim, jjm, dt, & & hist_dt, hist_hori_id, hist_PFTaxis_id, & & hist_pool_10axis_id, hist_pool_100axis_id, & & hist_pool_11axis_id, hist_pool_101axis_id, & & hist_stomate_deepsoil, hist_stomate_snow) ! deforestation axis added as arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Tell ioipsl which variables are to be written !- and on which grid they are defined !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- !- Input !- !- File id INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_id_stom !- number of PFTs INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: nvm !- Domain size INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm !- Time step of STOMATE (seconds) REAL(r_std),INTENT(in) :: dt !- Time step of history file (s) REAL(r_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_dt !- id horizontal grid INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_hori_id !- id of PFT axis INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_PFTaxis_id !- id of Deforestation axis INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_pool_10axis_id,hist_pool_100axis_id INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_pool_11axis_id,hist_pool_101axis_id !- id of permafrost axis INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_stomate_deepsoil INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_stomate_snow !- 1 local !- !- maximum history level INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: max_hist_level = 10 !- output level (between 0 and 10) !- ( 0:nothing is written, 10:everything is written) INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_level !- Character strings to define operations for histdef CHARACTER(LEN=40),DIMENSION(max_hist_level) :: ave, tmax !- for looping over PFT dimension for permafrost soil variables INTEGER(i_std) :: jv, m CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: part_str ! string suffix indicating an index !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !===================================================================== !- 1 history level !===================================================================== !- 1.1 define history levelx !===================================================================== !Config Key = STOMATE_HISTLEVEL !Config Desc = STOMATE history output level (0..10) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 10 !Config Help = 0: nothing is written; 10: everything is written !Config Units = [-] !- hist_level = 10 CALL getin_p('STOMATE_HISTLEVEL', hist_level) !- WRITE(numout,*) 'STOMATE history level: ',hist_level IF ( (hist_level > max_hist_level).OR.(hist_level < 0) ) THEN STOP 'This history level is not allowed' ENDIF !===================================================================== !- 1.2 define operations according to output level !===================================================================== ave(1:hist_level) = 'ave(scatter(X))' ave(hist_level+1:max_hist_level) = 'never ' tmax(1:max_hist_level) = 't_max(scatter(X))' IF (hist_level infinity) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("VEGET_MAX "), & & TRIM("Maximum vegetation fraction (LAI -> infinity) "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Net primary productivity CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NPP "), & & TRIM("Net primary productivity "), & & TRIM("gC/day/(m^2 tot) "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Gross primary productivity CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GPP "), & & TRIM("Gross primary productivity "), & & TRIM("gC/day/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Density of individuals CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("IND "), & & TRIM("Density of individuals "), & & TRIM("1/ m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(3), dt, hist_dt) ! Adaptation to climate CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ADAPTATION "), & & TRIM("Adaptation to climate (DGVM) "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(3), dt, hist_dt) ! Probability from regenerative CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("REGENERATION "), & & TRIM("Probability from regenerative (DGVM) "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(3), dt, hist_dt) ! crown area of individuals (m**2) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CN_IND "), & & TRIM("crown area of individuals "), & & TRIM("m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(3), dt, hist_dt) ! woodmass of individuals (gC) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("WOODMASS_IND "), & & TRIM("Woodmass of individuals "), & & TRIM("gC/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(3), dt, hist_dt) ! total living biomass CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TOTAL_M "), & & TRIM("Total living biomass "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Leaf mass CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LEAF_M "), & & TRIM("Leaf mass "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) ! Sap mass above ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SAP_M_AB "), & & TRIM("Sap mass above ground "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) ! Sap mass below ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SAP_M_BE "), & & TRIM("Sap mass below ground "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) ! Heartwood mass above ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("HEART_M_AB "), & & TRIM("Heartwood mass above ground "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) ! Heartwood mass below ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("HEART_M_BE "), & & TRIM("Heartwood mass below ground "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) ! Root mass CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ROOT_M "), & & TRIM("Root mass "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) ! Fruit mass CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FRUIT_M "), & & TRIM("Fruit mass "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) !!!!! crops ! Fruit mass -- here we assign the fruit mass to cropyield CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CROPYIELD "), & & TRIM("crop yield "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, tmax(1), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BIOMYIELD "), & & TRIM("total biomass yield "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, tmax(1), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CROP_EXPORT "), & & TRIM("c export from cropland (harvest + straws) "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(3), dt, hist_dt) ! SLA of crop PFTs CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SLA_CROP "), & & TRIM("specific leaf area of crop PFTs"), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(3), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef(hist_id_stom, 'N_add', 'Nitrogen Fertilizer', 'kgN/ha', & & iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id, 32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) !!!! this could be overlapping with PLNTDT CALL histdef(hist_id_stom, 'PlantDate', 'Planting Date of the crop', 'DOY', & & iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id, 32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) !STICS variables, xuhui ! UDEVAIR CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("UDEVCULT "), & & TRIM("UDEV USING CROP TEMPERATURE "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! UDEVCULT CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("UDEVAIR "), & & TRIM("UDEV USING AIR TEMPERATURE "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! TCULT CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TCULT "), & & TRIM("CROP TEMPERATURE "), & & TRIM("degree celsius "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! SHUMREL CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SHUMREL "), & & TRIM("RELATIVE SOIL MOISURE TO HOLDING CAPACITY AT SOWING DEPTH "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! TURFAC CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TURFAC "), & & TRIM("WATER STRESS FOR LEAF GROWTH "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! TURSLA CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TURSLA "), & & TRIM("STRESS FOR SPECIFIC LEAF AREA "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! DLTLAI CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DLTLAI "), & & TRIM("LAI CHANGE ESTIMATED BY CROP MODULE "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! DLTLAISEN CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DLTLAISEN "), & & TRIM("LAI SENECENSE ESTIMATED BY CROP MODULE "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! IRCARB CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("IRCARB "), & & TRIM("PARTITIONING OF GRAIN BIOMASS "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! SWFAC CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SWFAC "), & & TRIM("WATER STRESS FOR RUE "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! SENFAC CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SENFAC "), & & TRIM("WATER STRESS FOR LEAF SENESCENCE "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! REPRAC CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("REPRAC "), & & TRIM("ratio of root to total living biomass "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! NLEV CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NLEV "), & & TRIM("DATE FOR LEAF EMERGE "), & & TRIM("JULIE DAY "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, tmax(3), dt, hist_dt) ! NFLO CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NFLO "), & & TRIM("DATE FOR CROP FLOWERING "), & & TRIM("JULIE DAY "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, tmax(1), dt, hist_dt) ! NDRP CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NDRP "), & & TRIM("DATE FOR GRAIN FILLING "), & & TRIM("JULIE DAY "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, tmax(1), dt, hist_dt) ! NREC CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NREC "), & & TRIM("DATE FOR HARVEST "), & & TRIM("JULIE DAY "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, tmax(1), dt, hist_dt) ! NMAT CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NMAT "), & & TRIM("DATE FOR PHYSIOLOGICAL MATURE "), & & TRIM("JULIE DAY "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, tmax(3), dt, hist_dt) ! ! N_ADD ! CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & ! & TRIM("N_ADD "), & ! & TRIM("AVERAGE N FERTILIZATION AMOUNT "), & ! & TRIM("KG N HA-1 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & ! & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, tmax(1), dt, hist_dt) ! N_LIMFERT CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("N_LIMFERT "), & & TRIM("THE EFFECTIVE OF N FERTILIZATION ON PHOTOSYNTHESE "), & & TRIM("UNITLESS "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, tmax(1), dt, hist_dt) ! PLNTDT CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("PLNTDT "), & & TRIM("DATE FOR PLANTING "), & & TRIM("JULIE DAY "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, tmax(3), dt, hist_dt) !!!!! end crops, xuhui ! Carbohydrate reserve mass CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("RESERVE_M "), & & TRIM("Carbohydrate reserve mass "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) ! total turnover rate CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TOTAL_TURN "), & & TRIM("total turnover rate "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Leaf turnover CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LEAF_TURN "), & & TRIM("Leaf turnover "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Sap turnover above CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SAP_AB_TURN "), & & TRIM("Sap turnover above "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Root turnover CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ROOT_TURN "), & & TRIM("Root turnover "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Fruit turnover CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FRUIT_TURN "), & & TRIM("Fruit turnover "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! total conversion of biomass to litter CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TOTAL_BM_LITTER "), & & TRIM("total conversion of biomass to litter "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Leaf death CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LEAF_BM_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Leaf death "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Sap death above ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SAP_AB_BM_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Sap death above ground "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Sap death below ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SAP_BE_BM_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Sap death below ground "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Heartwood death above ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("HEART_AB_BM_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Heartwood death above ground "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Heartwood death below ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("HEART_BE_BM_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Heartwood death below ground "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Root death CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ROOT_BM_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Root death "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Fruit death CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FRUIT_BM_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Fruit death "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbohydrate reserve death CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("RESERVE_BM_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Carbohydrate reserve death "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(4), dt, hist_dt) ! Maintenance respiration CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MAINT_RESP "), & & TRIM("Maintenance respiration "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) ! Growth respiration CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GROWTH_RESP "), & & TRIM("Growth respiration "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) ! age CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AGE "), & & TRIM("age "), & & TRIM("years "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(7), dt, hist_dt) ! height CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("HEIGHT "), & & TRIM("height "), & & TRIM("m "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(7), dt, hist_dt) ! weekly moisture stress CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MOISTRESS "), & & TRIM("weekly moisture stress "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(3), dt, hist_dt) ! Maximum rate of carboxylation CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("VCMAX "), & & TRIM("Maximum rate of carboxylation "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(6), dt, hist_dt) ! leaf age CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LEAF_AGE "), & & TRIM("leaf age "), & & TRIM("days "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(6), dt, hist_dt) ! Fraction of trees that dies (gap) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MORTALITY "), & & TRIM("Fraction of trees that dies (gap) "), & & TRIM("1/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(6), dt, hist_dt) ! Fraction of plants killed by fire CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FIREDEATH "), & & TRIM("Fraction of plants killed by fire "), & & TRIM("1/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(6), dt, hist_dt) ! Density of newly established saplings CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("IND_ESTAB "), & & TRIM("Density of newly established saplings "), & & TRIM("1/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) ! Establish tree CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ESTABTREE "), & & TRIM("Rate of tree establishement "), & & TRIM("1/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) ! Establish grass CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ESTABGRASS "), & & TRIM("Rate of grass establishement "), & & TRIM("1/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(6), dt, hist_dt) ! Fraction of plants that dies (light competition) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LIGHT_DEATH "), & & TRIM("Fraction of plants that dies (light competition) "), & & TRIM("1/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(6), dt, hist_dt) ! biomass allocated to leaves CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BM_ALLOC_LEAF "), & & TRIM("biomass allocated to leaves "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/pft/dt "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! biomass allocated to sapwood above ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BM_ALLOC_SAP_AB "), & & TRIM("biomass allocated to sapwood above ground "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/pft/dt "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! biomass allocated to sapwood below ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BM_ALLOC_SAP_BE "), & & TRIM("biomass allocated to sapwood below ground "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/pft/dt "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! biomass allocated to roots CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BM_ALLOC_ROOT "), & & TRIM("biomass allocated to roots "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/pft/dt "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! biomass allocated to fruits CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BM_ALLOC_FRUIT "), & & TRIM("biomass allocated to fruits "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/pft/dt "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! biomass allocated to carbohydrate reserve CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BM_ALLOC_RES "), & & TRIM("biomass allocated to carbohydrate reserve "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/pft/dt "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! time constant of herbivore activity CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("HERBIVORES "), & & TRIM("time constant of herbivore activity "), & & TRIM("days "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SENESCENCE "), & & TRIM("Signal to senescence "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) ! turnover time for grass leaves CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TURNOVER_TIME "), & & TRIM("turnover time for grass leaves "), & & TRIM("days "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! 10 year wood product pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("PROD10_LCC "), & & TRIM("10 year wood product pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 11,1,11, hist_pool_11axis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! 10 year wood product pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("PROD10_HAR "), & & TRIM("10 year wood product pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 11,1,11, hist_pool_11axis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! annual flux for each 10 year wood product pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FLUX10_LCC "), & & TRIM("annual flux for each 10 year wood product pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/yr "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 10,1,10, hist_pool_10axis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! annual flux for each 10 year wood product pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FLUX10_HAR "), & & TRIM("annual flux for each 10 year wood product pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/yr "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 10,1,10, hist_pool_10axis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! 100 year wood product pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("PROD100_LCC "), & & TRIM("100 year wood product pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 101,1,101, hist_pool_101axis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! 100 year wood product pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("PROD100_HAR "), & & TRIM("100 year wood product pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 101,1,101, hist_pool_101axis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! annual flux for each 100 year wood product pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FLUX100_LCC "), & & TRIM("annual flux for each 100 year wood product pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/yr "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 100,1,100, hist_pool_100axis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! annual flux for each 100 year wood product pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FLUX100_HAR "), & & TRIM("annual flux for each 100 year wood product pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/yr "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 100,1,100, hist_pool_100axis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! annual release right after deforestation CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CONVFLUX_LCC "), & & TRIM("annual release right after deforestation "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! annual release right after deforestation CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CONVFLUX_HAR "), & & TRIM("annual release right after deforestation "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! annual release from all 10 year wood product pools CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CFLUX_PROD10_LCC "), & & TRIM("annual release from all 10 year wood product pools"), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! annual release from all 10 year wood product pools CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CFLUX_PROD10_HAR "), & & TRIM("annual release from all 10 year wood product pools"), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! annual release from all 100year wood product pools CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CFLUX_PROD100_LCC "), & & TRIM("annual release from all 100year wood product pools"), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! annual release from all 100year wood product pools CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CFLUX_PROD100_HAR "), & & TRIM("annual release from all 100year wood product pools"), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! agriculure product CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("HARVEST_ABOVE "), & & TRIM("annual release product after harvest "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef(hist_id_stom, 'RESOLUTION_X', 'E-W resolution', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef(hist_id_stom, 'RESOLUTION_Y', 'N-S resolution', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef(hist_id_stom, 'CONTFRAC', 'Continental fraction', '1', & & iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef(hist_id_stom, 'Areas', 'Mesh areas', 'm2', & & iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) ! Special outputs for phenology CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("WHEN_GROWTHINIT "), & & TRIM("Time elapsed from season beginning "), & & TRIM("d "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(9), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("PFTPRESENT "), & & TRIM("PFT exists "), & & TRIM("d "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(9), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GDD_MIDWINTER "), & & TRIM("Growing degree days, since midwinter "), & & TRIM("degK "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(9), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GDD_M5_DORMANCE "), & & TRIM("Growing degree days, since dormance "), & & TRIM("degK "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(9), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NCD_DORMANCE "), & & TRIM("Number of chilling days, since leaves were lost "), & & TRIM("d "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(9), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ALLOW_INITPHENO "), & & TRIM("Allow to declare beginning of the growing season "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(9), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BEGIN_LEAVES "), & & TRIM("Signal to start putting leaves on "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(9), dt, hist_dt) !gmjc !GM0 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GRAZINGC "), & & TRIM("Grazing C "), & & TRIM("kgC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !GM1 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GRAZINGCSUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NANIMALTOT "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("INTAKE_ANIMAL "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("INTAKE "), & & TRIM("grazing animal intake "), & & TRIM("kgDM/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("INTAKESUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TRAMPLING "), & & TRIM("litter from trample by animals "), & & TRIM("kgC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MILK "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MILKSUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MILKCSUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MILKC "), & & TRIM("C export by milk production during animal grazing "), & & TRIM("kgC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !GM11 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MILKN "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MILKANIMAL "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("METHANE "), & & TRIM("Methane emission by grazing animal "), & & TRIM("kgC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("METHANE_ANI "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("RANIMALSUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("METHANESUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("RANIMAL "), & & TRIM("C loss through grazing animal respiration "), & & TRIM("kgC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FAECESNSUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FAECESCSUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("URINECSUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) !GM21 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("URINENSUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NEL "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("URINEN "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("URINEC "), & & TRIM("C in urine "), & & TRIM("kgC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FAECESC "), & & TRIM("C in faeces "), & & TRIM("kgC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FAECESN "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GRAZED_FRAC "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NB_ANI "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("IMPORT_YIELD "), & & TRIM("potential harvest yield of last year "), & & TRIM("kgDM/m^2/yr "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EXTRA_FEED "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) !GM31 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("COMPT_UGB "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NB_GRAZINGDAYS "), & & TRIM("number of grazing days of last year "), & & TRIM("days "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AMOUNT_YIELD "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CONSUMP "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("OUTSIDE_FOOD "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ADD_NB_ANI "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BCSyoung "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BCSmature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("Weightyoung "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("Weightmature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) !GM41 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("Weightcalf "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MPyoung "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MPmature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MPwyoung "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MPwmature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MPposyoung "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("MPposmature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NEByoung "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NEBmature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NEIyoung "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) !GM51 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NEImature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DMIcyoung "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DMIcmature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DMIfyoung "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DMIfmature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DMIyoung "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DMImature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DMIcalf "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("OMD "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("Weightcows "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) !GM61 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BCScows "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4young "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4mature "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TSOILCUMM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("YIELD_RETURN "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("REGCOUNT "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FERTCOUNT "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GMEAN1 "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GMEAN2 "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GMEAN3 "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) !GM71 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GMEAN4 "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GMEAN5 "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GMEAN6 "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GMEAN7 "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GMEAN8 "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GMEAN9 "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GMEAN0 "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("WSH "), & & TRIM("shoot structure mass "), & & TRIM("kgDM/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("WSHTOT "), & & TRIM("total shoot structure mass "), & & TRIM("kgDM/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("WR "), & & TRIM("root structure mass "), & & TRIM("kgDM/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !GM81 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("WRTOT "), & & TRIM("total root structure mass "), & & TRIM("kgDM/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("WSHTOTSUM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SR_UGB "), & & TRIM("instantaneous stocking rate "), & & TRIM("HeadorLSU/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FCORGFERTMET "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FCORGFERTSTR "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FNORGANICFERTURINE "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FNORGANICFERTSTRUCT "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FNORGANICFERTMETABOLIC "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NFERTNITTOT "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NFERTAMMTOT "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) !GM91 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LOSS "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LOSSC "), & & TRIM("Carbon loss as litter during cutting "), & & TRIM("kg C/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LOSSN "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DM_CUTYEARLY "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("C_CUTYEARLY "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NFERT_TOTAL "), & & TRIM("Total Nitrogen input "), & & TRIM("kg N/ha "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NDEP "), & & TRIM("Nitrogen deposition from input "), & & TRIM("kg N/ha "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LEGUME_FRACTION "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SOIL_FERTILITY "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("C "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) !GM101 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("N "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FN "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NTOT "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NAPO "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NSYM "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DEVSTAGE "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TGROWTH "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GRAZINGCSTRUCT "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GRAZINGNSTRUCT "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GRAZINGWN "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) !GM111 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GRAZINGWC "), & & TRIM("- "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) ! 14days 2 m temperature CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("T2M_14 "), & & TRIM("14days 2 m temperature"), & & TRIM("K "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LITTER_RESP "), & & TRIM("heterotr. resp. from litter pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ACTIVE_RESP "), & & TRIM("heterotr. resp. from active carbon pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SLOW_RESP "), & & TRIM("heterotr. resp. from slow carbon pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("PASSIVE_RESP "), & & TRIM("heterotr. resp. from passive carbon pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & ! & TRIM("N_LIMFERT "), & ! & TRIM("Nitrogen limitation factor on vcmax "), & ! & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & ! & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SLA_CALC "), & & TRIM("sla calculated by leaf age "), & & TRIM("m**2/gC "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NPP_ABOVE "), & & TRIM("Net above primary productivity "), & & TRIM("gC/day/(m^2 (n/a)) "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("NPP_BELOW "), & & TRIM("Net below primary productivity "), & & TRIM("gC/day/(m^2 (n/a)) "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !GMtotal120 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LITTER_STR_AVAIL "), & & TRIM("Structural litter available for grazing "), & & TRIM("gC/day/(m^2 (n/a)) "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LITTER_MET_AVAIL "), & & TRIM("Metabolic litter available for grazing "), & & TRIM("gC/day/(m^2 (n/a)) "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LITTER_STR_NAVAIL "), & & TRIM("Structural litter not available for grazing "), & & TRIM("gC/day/(m^2 (n/a)) "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LITTER_MET_NAVAIL "), & & TRIM("Metabolic litter not available for grazing "), & & TRIM("gC/day/(m^2 (n/a)) "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LITTER_STR_AVAILF "), & & TRIM("Structural litter available fraction for grazing "), & & TRIM("% "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LITTER_MET_AVAILF "), & & TRIM("Metabolic litter available fraction for grazing "), & & TRIM("% "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("INTAKE_ANIMAL_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Litter intake per animal "), & & TRIM("kg DM/animal/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("INTAKE_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Litter intake per m**2 "), & & TRIM("kg DM/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("GRAZING_LITTER "), & & TRIM("Flag of grazing litter 0 AGB 1 Litter 2 none "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !GM131 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("COMPT_CUT "), & & TRIM("Grass harvest time "), & & TRIM("times "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FREQUENCY_CUT "), & & TRIM("Grass harvest frequency "), & & TRIM("times "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SR_WILD "), & & TRIM("Wild animal stocking rate "), & & TRIM("HeadorLSU/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TMCGRASS_DAILY "), & & TRIM("daily mean 10 cm soil moisture "), & & TRIM("m^3/m^3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FC_GRAZING "), & & TRIM("field capacity in 10 cm soil moisture "), & & TRIM("m^3/m^3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CT_DRY "), & & TRIM("days after soil dry enough for grazing "), & & TRIM("days "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("N2O_PFT_GM "), & & TRIM("N2O-N emission from grassland "), & & TRIM("gN/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(10), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CO2_GM "), & & TRIM("CO2 fluxes of grassland"), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_GM "), & & TRIM("CH4-C fluxes of grassland"), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !end gmjc ! !variables for CH4 flux density from wetlands ! !pss:+ CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_TOT_0 "), & & TRIM("flux density tot of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_DIF_0 "), & & TRIM("flux density dif of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_BUB_0 "), & & TRIM("flux density bub of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_PLA_0 "), & & TRIM("flux density pla of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !!pour wetland avec WTD = -x1 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_TOT_wet1 "), & & TRIM("flux density tot of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_DIF_wet1 "), & & TRIM("flux density dif of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_BUB_wet1 "), & & TRIM("flux density bub of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_PLA_wet1 "), & & TRIM("flux density pla of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !pour wetland avc WTD = -x2 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_TOT_wet2 "), & & TRIM("flux density tot of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_DIF_wet2 "), & & TRIM("flux density dif of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_BUB_wet2 "), & & TRIM("flux density bub of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_PLA_wet2 "), & & TRIM("flux density pla of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !pour wetland avec WTD = -x3 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_TOT_wet3 "), & & TRIM("flux density tot of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_DIF_wet3 "), & & TRIM("flux density dif of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_BUB_wet3 "), & & TRIM("flux density bub of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_PLA_wet3 "), & & TRIM("flux density pla of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !wetland avc WTD = -x4 CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_TOT_wet4 "), & & TRIM("flux density tot of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_DIF_wet4 "), & & TRIM("flux density dif of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_BUB_wet4 "), & & TRIM("flux density bub of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_FLUX_PLA_wet4 "), & & TRIM("flux density pla of CH4 by wetlands "), & & TRIM("mgCH4/d/m**2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !tsurf_year CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TSURF_YEAR "), & & TRIM("Annual surface temperature "), & & TRIM("K "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) !pss:- ! permafrost variables ! first read logic on which variables to write to hist file. (variables ! are ! stored in constantes_soil.f90) CALL getin_p ('writehist_deepC',writehist_deepC) CALL getin_p ('writehist_soilgases',writehist_soilgases) CALL getin_p ('writehist_deltaC',writehist_deltaC) CALL getin_p ('writehist_zimovheat',writehist_zimovheat) CALL getin_p ('writehist_deltaC_litter',writehist_deltaC_litter) CALL getin_p ('writehist_gascoeff',writehist_gascoeff) ! heterotr. resp. from ground CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("resp_hetero_litter "), & & TRIM("heterotr. resp. from litter "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 tot/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(3), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("resp_hetero_soil "), & & TRIM("heterotr. resp. from standard stomate soil "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 tot/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(3), dt, hist_dt) !++cdk: end of variables with implicit PFT dimension IF (writehist_deepC) THEN DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deepC_a_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("active pool deep soil (permafrost) carbon,PFT:"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deepC_s_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("slow pool deep soil (permafrost) carbon "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deepC_p_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("passive pool deep soil (permafrost) carbon "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO ENDIF IF (writehist_soilgases) THEN DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("O2_soil_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("deep soil (permafrost) oxygen "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_soil_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("deep soil (permafrost) methane "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("O2_snow_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("snow oxygen "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nsnow, 1, nsnow, hist_stomate_snow,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CH4_snow_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("snow methane "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nsnow, 1, nsnow, hist_stomate_snow,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO ENDIF IF (writehist_deltaC) THEN DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deltaCH4g_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("methanogenesis "), & & TRIM("gCH4/m**3 air/s "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deltaCH4_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("methanotrophy "), & & TRIM("gCH4/m**3 air/s "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deltaC1_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("oxic decomposition "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3/s "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deltaC2_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("methanogenesis "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 soil/s "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deltaC3_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("methanotrophy "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 soil/s "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO ENDIF IF (writehist_zimovheat) THEN DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("heat_Zimov_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("heating due to decomposition "), & & TRIM("W/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO ENDIF IF (writehist_deltaC_litter) THEN DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deltaC_litter_act_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("litter C input to soil active C pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 soil/s "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO DO jv = 1, nvm IF (permafrost_veg_exists(jv)) THEN WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deltaC_litter_slo_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("litter C input to soil slow C pool "), & & TRIM("gC/m**3 soil/s "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5),dt,hist_dt) END IF END DO ENDIF IF (writehist_gascoeff) THEN CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("deltaC_litter_pas_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("litter C input to soil passive C pool "),& & TRIM("gC/m**3 soil/s "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id,& & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32,ave(5),dt, hist_dt) DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("totporO2_soil_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) END DO DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("diffO2_soil_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) END DO DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("alphaO2_soil_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) END DO DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("betaO2_soil_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) END DO DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("totporCH4_soil_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) END DO DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("diffCH4_soil_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) END DO DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("alphaCH4_soil_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) END DO DO jv = 1, nvm WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("betaCH4_soil_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) END DO ENDIF call histdef (hist_id_stom, & & trim("deepC_a_pftmean"), & & trim("active pool deep soil (permafrost) carbon, mean of all PFTs"), & & trim("gC/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) call histdef (hist_id_stom, & & trim("deepC_s_pftmean"), & & trim("slow pool deep soil (permafrost) carbon, mean of all PFTs"), & & trim("gC/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) call histdef (hist_id_stom, & & trim("deepC_p_pftmean"), & & trim("passive pool deep soil (permafrost) carbon, mean of all PFTs"),& & trim("gC/m**3 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & ndeep, 1, ndeep, hist_stomate_deepsoil,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fluxCH4 "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gCH4/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm, 1, nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("febul "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gCH4/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm, 1, nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("flupmt "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gCH4/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm, 1, nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("alt "), & & TRIM("active layer thickness "), & & TRIM("m "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm, 1, nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("altmax "), & & TRIM("max annual alt "), & & TRIM("m "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm, 1, nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt,hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("sfluxCH4_deep "), & & TRIM("total surface CH4 flux "), & & TRIM("gCH4/m**2/sec "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1, 1, 1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("sfluxCO2_deep "), & & TRIM("total surface CO2 C flux "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/sec "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1, 1, 1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("z_organic "), & & TRIM("depth of organic soil "), & & TRIM("m "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1, 1, 1, -99,32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("tsurf "), & & TRIM("surface temp "), & & TRIM("K "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1, 1, 1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("pb "), & & TRIM("surface pressure "), & & TRIM("pa "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1, 1, 1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("mu_soil "), & & TRIM("mu_soil "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1, 1, 1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !spitfire ! Fire fraction from spitfire CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FIREFRAC_SPITFIRE "), & & TRIM("Fire fraction on ground by spitfire "), & & TRIM("1/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! fire danger index CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("D_FDI "), & & TRIM("daily fire danger index "), & & TRIM("1/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! fire danger index CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ROS_F "), & & TRIM("forward fire spread rate "), & & TRIM("m/min "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! number of fires CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("D_NUMFIRE "), & & TRIM("daily number of fires "), & & TRIM("1/ha/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! number of fires by lightning CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LIGHTN_NUMFIRE "), & & TRIM("daily number of fires by lightning "), & & TRIM("1/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! number of fires by human CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("HUMAN_NUMFIRE "), & & TRIM("daily number of fires by human "), & & TRIM("1/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! area burnt CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("D_AREA_BURNT "), & & TRIM("daily area burnt "), & & TRIM("ha/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !Escape area burnt CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("BA_ESCAPE "), & & TRIM("Escaped area burnt "), & & TRIM("ha/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! observed burned area CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("OBSERVED_BA "), & & TRIM("observed burned area "), & & TRIM("ha/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! number of fire days CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("FIRE_NUMDAY "), & & TRIM("Number of days burned since beginning of year"), & & TRIM("day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! crown_consump CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("CROWN_CONSUMP "), & & TRIM("C emission from ground litter and grass leaf/fruit burnning "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! litter_consump CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LITTER_CONSUMP "), & & TRIM("C emission from ground litter and grass leaf/fruit burnning "), & & TRIM("gC/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! total lightning ignition CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LIGHTN_IGN_TOTAL "), & & TRIM("Lightning ignitions "), & & TRIM("1/km**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! lightning ignition CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LIGHTN_IGN "), & & TRIM("Number of fires contributed by lightning ignitions "), & & TRIM("1/km**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! human ignitions CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("HUMAN_IGN "), & & TRIM("Number of fires contributed by human ignitions "), & & TRIM("1/km**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! trace gas emissions CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TRACE_GAS_CO2 "), & & TRIM("CO2 emissions by fire "), & & TRIM("g/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TRACE_GAS_CO "), & & TRIM("CO emissions by fire "), & & TRIM("g/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TRACE_GAS_CH4 "), & & TRIM("CH4 emissions by fire "), & & TRIM("g/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TRACE_GAS_VOC "), & & TRIM("VOC emissions by fire "), & & TRIM("g/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TRACE_GAS_TPM "), & & TRIM("TPM emissions by fire "), & & TRIM("g/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("TRACE_GAS_NOx "), & & TRIM("NOx emissions by fire "), & & TRIM("g/m**2/day "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("bafrac_deforest "), & & TRIM("Deforestation fire burned fraction "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("bafrac_deforest_accu "), & & TRIM("Cumulative deforestation fire burned fraction "), & & TRIM("- "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !! Chao test LCC ! Leaf mass CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefLitSurplus"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) ! Leaf mass CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefBioSurplus"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AccEDlitSTR"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AccEDlitMET"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EDlitSTR"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EDlitMET"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) !!Surplus and deficit CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiLitSTR"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiLitMET"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiBioLEAF"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiBioRESERVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiBioFRUIT"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiBioSapABOVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiBioHeartABOVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiBioSapBELOW"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiBioHeartBELOW"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiBioROOT"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SurpLitSTR"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SurpLitMET"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SurpBioLEAF"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SurpBioRESERVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SurpBioFRUIT"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SurpBioSapABOVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SurpBioHeartABOVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SurpBioSapBELOW"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SurpBioHeartBELOW"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("SurpBioROOT"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EDbioLEAF"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EDbioRESERVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EDbioFRUIT"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EDbioSapABOVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EDbioHeartABOVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EDbioSapBELOW"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EDbioHeartBELOW"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("EDbioROOT"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AccEDbioLEAF"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AccEDbioRESERVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AccEDbioFRUIT"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AccEDbioSapABOVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AccEDbioHeartABOVE"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AccEDbioSapBELOW"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AccEDbioHeartBELOW"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("AccEDbioROOT"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("LCC"), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2 "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(2), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("dilu_lit_met "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("dilu_lit_str "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !for test in spitfire CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("alpha_fuel "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("char_moistfactor "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ni_acc "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("t2m_min_daily "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("t2m_max_daily "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("precip_daily "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("topsoilhum_daily "), & & TRIM("daily top soil layer humidity"), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("moist_extinction "), & & TRIM("combined livegrass and dead fuel moisture of extinction"), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("dfm_1hr "), & & TRIM("daily 1hr fule moisture as influenced by NI"), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("dfm_lg "), & & TRIM("daily live grass fuel moisture as influenced by top soil layer humidity"), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("dfm_lg_d1hr "), & & TRIM("combined livegrass and 1hr-fuel fuel moisture"), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("dfm "), & & TRIM("daily dead fuel moisture"), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("wetness "), & & TRIM("wetness"), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("wetness_lg "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("wetness_1hr "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fire_durat "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ros_b "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ros_f "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("wind_speed "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("cf_lg "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("cf_1hr "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("cf_10hr "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("cf_100hr "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("cf_1000hr "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("cf_coarse "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("cf_fine "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("cf_ave "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !spitfiretest ! CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & ! & TRIM("fuel_nlitt_total_pft_met "), & ! & TRIM(" "), & ! & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & ! & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! ! CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & ! & TRIM("fuel_nlitt_total_pft_str "), & ! & TRIM(" "), & ! & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & ! & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) ! CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_1hr_met_b "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_1hr_str_b "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_10hr_met_b "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_10hr_str_b "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_100hr_met_b "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_100hr_str_b "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_1000hr_met_b "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_1000hr_str_b "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !endspittest CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fc_1hr_carbon "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fc_10hr_carbon "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fc_100hr_carbon "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fc_1000hr_carbon "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_1hr_met "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_1hr_str "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_10hr_met "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_10hr_str "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_100hr_met "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_100hr_str "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_1000hr_met "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("fuel_1000hr_str "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM("gC/m^2/pft "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("sh "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("ck "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("pm_ck "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("pm_tau "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("postf_mort "), & & TRIM(" "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("mean_fire_size_or "), & & TRIM("mean fire size before intensity correction"), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("mean_fire_size "), & & TRIM("mean fire size after intensity correction"), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("char_dens_fuel_ave "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("sigma "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("d_i_surface "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(""), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("dead_fuel "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("dead_fuel_all "), & & TRIM(""), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(5), dt, hist_dt) !endspit !glcc IF (use_age_class) THEN ! Loss of fraction of each PFT CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("glcc_pft "), & & TRIM("Loss of fraction in each PFT "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Loss of fraction of each PFT for foretry harvest CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("glcc_harvest "), & & TRIM("Loss of fraction due to forestry harvest in each PFT "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Transition of each PFT to MTC DO jv = 1, nvmap WRITE(part_str,'(I2)') jv IF (jv < 10) part_str(1:1) = '0' CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("glcc_pftmtc_"//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM("Transition of each PFT to MTC "//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str))), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) END DO ! Real glcc matrix used CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("glccReal "), & & TRIM("The glcc matrix used in the gross LCC "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Increment deficit CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("IncreDeficit "), & & TRIM("Increment deficit in glcc, in sequence of forest,grass,pasture,crop"), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Deficit and compensation from forestry harvest CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("DefiComForHarvest "), & & TRIM("Deficit_pf2yf_final, Deficit_sf2yf_final, pf2yf_compen_sf2yf, sf2yf_compen_pf2yf"), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) END IF ! (use_age_class) IF (use_bound_spa) THEN CALL histdef (hist_id_stom, & & TRIM("bound_spa "), & & TRIM("Spatial age class boundaries "), & & TRIM(" "), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ENDIF !endglcc ENDIF !--------------------------------- END SUBROUTINE ioipslctrl_histstom !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : ioipslctrl_histstomipcc !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine initialize the IOIPSL stomate second output file (ipcc file) !! !! DESCRIPTION : This subroutine initialize the IOIPSL stomate second output file named stomate_ipcc_history.nc(default name). !! This subroutine was previously called stom_IPCC_define_history and located in module intersurf. !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE ioipslctrl_histstomipcc( & hist_id_stom_IPCC, nvm, iim, jjm, dt, & hist_dt, hist_hori_id, hist_PFTaxis_id) ! deforestation axis added as arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- Tell ioipsl which variables are to be written !- and on which grid they are defined !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- !- Input !- !- File id INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_id_stom_IPCC !- number of PFTs INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: nvm !- Domain size INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm !- Time step of STOMATE (seconds) REAL(r_std),INTENT(in) :: dt !- Time step of history file (s) REAL(r_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_dt !- id horizontal grid INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_hori_id !- id of PFT axis INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: hist_PFTaxis_id !- !- 1 local !- !- Character strings to define operations for histdef CHARACTER(LEN=40),DIMENSION(max_hist_level) :: ave !===================================================================== !- 1 define operations !===================================================================== ave(1) = 'ave(scatter(X))' !===================================================================== !- 2 surface fields (2d) !===================================================================== ! Carbon in Vegetation CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cVeg"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Vegetation"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Litter Pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cLitter"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Litter Pool"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Soil Pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cSoil"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Soil Pool"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Products of Land Use Change CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cProduct"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Products of Land Use Change"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon Mass Variation CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cMassVariation"), & & TRIM("Terrestrial Carbon Mass Variation"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Leaf Area Fraction CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("lai"), & & TRIM("Leaf Area Fraction"), & & TRIM("1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Gross Primary Production CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("gpp"), & & TRIM("Gross Primary Production"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Autotrophic Respiration CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("ra"), & & TRIM("Autotrophic Respiration"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Net Primary Production CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("npp"), & & TRIM("Net Primary Production"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Heterotrophic Respiration CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("rh"), & & TRIM("Heterotrophic Respiration"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! CO2 Emission from Fire CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("fFire"), & & TRIM("CO2 Emission from Fire"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! CO2 Flux to Atmosphere from Crop Harvesting CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("fHarvest"), & & TRIM("CO2 Flux to Atmosphere from Crop Harvesting"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! CO2 Flux to Atmosphere from Land Use Change CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("fLuc"), & & TRIM("CO2 Flux to Atmosphere from Land Use Change"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Net Biospheric Production CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("nbp"), & & TRIM("Net Biospheric Production"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Total Carbon Flux from Vegetation to Litter CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("fVegLitter"), & & TRIM("Total Carbon Flux from Vegetation to Litter"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Total Carbon Flux from Litter to Soil CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("fLitterSoil"), & & TRIM("Total Carbon Flux from Litter to Soil"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Leaves CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cLeaf"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Leaves"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Wood CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cWood"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Wood"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Roots CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cRoot"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Roots"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Other Living Compartments CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cMisc"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Other Living Compartments"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Above-Ground Litter CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cLitterAbove"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Above-Ground Litter"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Below-Ground Litter CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cLitterBelow"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Below-Ground Litter"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Fast Soil Pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cSoilFast"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Fast Soil Pool"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Medium Soil Pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cSoilMedium"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Medium Soil Pool"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Carbon in Slow Soil Pool CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("cSoilSlow"), & & TRIM("Carbon in Slow Soil Pool"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) !- 3 PFT: 3rd dimension ! Fractional Land Cover of PFT CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("landCoverFrac"), & & TRIM("Fractional Land Cover of PFT"), & & TRIM("%"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & nvm,1,nvm, hist_PFTaxis_id,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Total Primary Deciduous Tree Cover Fraction CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("treeFracPrimDec"), & & TRIM("Total Primary Deciduous Tree Cover Fraction"), & & TRIM("%"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Total Primary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("treeFracPrimEver"), & & TRIM("Total Primary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction"), & & TRIM("%"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Total C3 PFT Cover Fraction CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("c3PftFrac"), & & TRIM("Total C3 PFT Cover Fraction"), & & TRIM("%"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("c4PftFrac"), & & TRIM("Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction"), & & TRIM("%"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Growth Autotrophic Respiration CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("rGrowth"), & & TRIM("Growth Autotrophic Respiration"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("rMaint"), & & TRIM("Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Leaf CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("nppLeaf"), & & TRIM("CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Leaf"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Wood CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("nppWood"), & & TRIM("CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Wood"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Root CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("nppRoot"), & & TRIM("CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Root"), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) ! Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land. CALL histdef (hist_id_stom_IPCC, & & TRIM("nep"), & & TRIM("Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity."), & & TRIM("kg C m-2 s-1"), iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, & & 1,1,1, -99,32, ave(1), dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef(hist_id_stom_IPCC, 'RESOLUTION_X', 'E-W resolution', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef(hist_id_stom_IPCC, 'RESOLUTION_Y', 'N-S resolution', 'm', & & iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef(hist_id_stom_IPCC, 'CONTFRAC', 'Continental fraction', '1', & & iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) CALL histdef(hist_id_stom_IPCC, 'Areas', 'Mesh areas', 'm2', & & iim,jjm, hist_hori_id, 1,1,1, -99, 32, 'once(scatter(X))', dt, hist_dt) END SUBROUTINE ioipslctrl_histstomipcc !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : ioipslctrl_restini !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine initialize the restart files in ORCHDIEE. !! !! DESCRIPTION : This subroutine initialize restart files in ORCHIDEE. IOIPSL is used for manipulating the restart files. !! This subroutine was previously called intsurf_restart and located in module intersurf. !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE ioipslctrl_restini(istp, date0, dt, rest_id, rest_id_stom, itau_offset, date0_shifted) USE mod_orchidee_para ! ! This subroutine initialized the restart file for the land-surface scheme ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: istp !! Time step of the restart file REAL(r_std) :: date0 !! The date at which itau = 0 REAL(r_std) :: dt !! Time step INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: rest_id, rest_id_stom !! ID of the restart file INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: itau_offset REAL(r_std), INTENT(out) :: date0_shifted ! LOCAL ! REAL(r_std) :: dt_rest, date0_rest INTEGER(i_std) :: itau_dep INTEGER(i_std),PARAMETER :: llm=1 REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(llm) :: lev LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: overwrite_time=.TRUE. !! Always override the date from the restart files for SECHIBA and STOMATE. !! The date is taken from the gcm or from the driver restart file. REAL(r_std) :: in_julian, rest_julian INTEGER(i_std) :: yy, mm, dd REAL(r_std) :: ss ! !Config Key = SECHIBA_restart_in !Config Desc = Name of restart to READ for initial conditions !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = NONE !Config Help = This is the name of the file which will be opened !Config to extract the initial values of all prognostic !Config values of the model. This has to be a netCDF file. !Config Not truly COADS compliant. NONE will mean that !Config no restart file is to be expected. !Config Units = [FILE] !- CALL getin_p('SECHIBA_restart_in',restname_in) WRITE(numout,*) 'INPUT RESTART_FILE', restname_in !- !Config Key = SECHIBA_rest_out !Config Desc = Name of restart files to be created by SECHIBA !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = sechiba_rest_out.nc !Config Help = This variable give the name for !Config the restart files. The restart software within !Config IOIPSL will add .nc if needed. !Config Units = [FILE] ! CALL getin_p('SECHIBA_rest_out', restname_out) lev(:) = zero itau_dep = istp in_julian = itau2date(istp, date0, dt) date0_rest = date0 dt_rest = dt ! IF (is_root_prc) THEN CALL restini( restname_in, iim_g, jjm_g, lon_g, lat_g, llm, lev, & & restname_out, itau_dep, date0_rest, dt_rest, rest_id, overwrite_time) ELSE rest_id=0 ENDIF CALL bcast (itau_dep) CALL bcast (date0_rest) CALL bcast (dt_rest) ! ! itau_dep of SECHIBA is phased with the GCM if needed ! rest_julian = itau2date(itau_dep, date0_rest, dt_rest) ! IF ( ABS( in_julian - rest_julian) .GT. dt/one_day .AND. .NOT. OFF_LINE_MODE ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'The SECHIBA restart is not for the same timestep as the GCM,' WRITE(numout,*) 'the two are synchronized. The land-surface conditions can not impose' WRITE(numout,*) 'the chronology of the simulation.' WRITE(numout,*) 'Time step of the GCM :', istp, 'Julian day : ', in_julian CALL ju2ymds(in_julian, yy, mm, dd, ss) WRITE(numout,*) 'In other word (yy,mm,dd,ss) : ', yy, mm, dd, ss WRITE(numout,*) 'Time step of SECHIBA :', itau_dep, 'Julian day : ', rest_julian CALL ju2ymds(rest_julian, yy, mm, dd, ss) WRITE(numout,*) 'In other word (yy,mm,dd,ss) : ', yy, mm, dd, ss itau_offset = itau_dep - istp date0_shifted = date0 - itau_offset*dt/one_day WRITE(numout,*) 'The new starting date is :', date0_shifted CALL ju2ymds(date0_shifted, yy, mm, dd, ss) WRITE(numout,*) 'In other word (yy,mm,dd,ss) : ', yy, mm, dd, ss ELSE itau_offset = 0 date0_shifted = date0 ENDIF ! !!! CALL ioconf_startdate(date0_shifted) ! !===================================================================== !- 1.5 Restart file for STOMATE !===================================================================== IF ( ok_stomate ) THEN !- ! STOMATE IS ACTIVATED !- !Config Key = STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN !Config Desc = Name of restart to READ for initial conditions of STOMATE !Config If = STOMATE_OK_STOMATE !Config Def = NONE !Config Help = This is the name of the file which will be opened !Config to extract the initial values of all prognostic !Config values of STOMATE. !Config Units = [FILE] !- CALL getin_p('STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN',stom_restname_in) WRITE(numout,*) 'STOMATE INPUT RESTART_FILE', stom_restname_in !- !Config Key = STOMATE_RESTART_FILEOUT !Config Desc = Name of restart files to be created by STOMATE !Config If = STOMATE_OK_STOMATE !Config Def = stomate_rest_out.nc !Config Help = This is the name of the file which will be opened !Config to write the final values of all prognostic values !Config of STOMATE. !Config Units = [FILE] !- CALL getin_p('STOMATE_RESTART_FILEOUT', stom_restname_out) WRITE(numout,*) 'STOMATE OUTPUT RESTART_FILE', stom_restname_out !- IF (is_root_prc) THEN CALL restini (stom_restname_in, iim_g, jjm_g, lon_g, lat_g, llm, lev, & & stom_restname_out, itau_dep, date0_rest, dt_rest, rest_id_stom, overwrite_time) ELSE rest_id_stom=0 ENDIF CALL bcast (itau_dep) CALL bcast (date0_rest) CALL bcast (dt_rest) !- ENDIF END SUBROUTINE ioipslctrl_restini END MODULE ioipslctrl