1 | ! ******************************************************************* |
2 | ! version 6.0 |
3 | ! reste pb cultures fauchées à voir avec Domi |
4 | !-------------------------------------------------- |
5 | ! calcul de la senescence de la matiere seche |
6 | ! avec eventuellement une partie residuelle pour les cultures fauchees |
7 | ! |
8 | ! calcul de la sénescence du LAI pour l'option LAI brut |
9 | ! derniere modif 30/05/05 |
10 | ! ******************************************************************* |
11 | !> In STICS shoot senescence only concerns leaves: dry matter and LAI. For cut crops, it also affects residual biomass after cutting. |
12 | !> - Stics book paragraphe 3.1.2, page 44-46 |
13 | !> While in the first versions of the model senescence was implicit (Brisson et al., 1998a), it is now explicit, with a clear distinction between natural |
14 | !! senescence due to the natural ageing of leaves, and senescence accelerated by stresses (water, nitrogen, frost). The concept of leaf lifespan, |
15 | !! used for example by Maas (1993), is applied to the green leaf area and biomass produced. The leaf area and part of the leaf biomass produced on a given day |
16 | !! is therefore lost through senescence once the lifetime has elapsed (Duru et al., 1995). This part corresponds to the ratiosen parameter, taking into account |
17 | !! the part which was remobilised during its senescence. |
18 | !! |
19 | !! Calculation of lifespan: |
20 | !! |
21 | !! The natural lifespan of leaves (durage) is defined by two values: the lifespan of early leaves, or durvieI (expressed as a proportion of durvieF ) and the |
22 | !! lifespan of the last leaves emitted, or durvieF (assumed genotype-dependent). Until the IAMF stage, the natural lifespan, calculated for the day when the |
23 | !! leaves are emitted (I0) is durvieI; from IAMF to ILAX, the natural lifespan increases between durvieI and durvieF as a function of the leaf development variable ULAI. |
24 | !! Because of water or nitrogen stress, the current lifespan may be shortened if the stress undergone is more intense than previous stresses. |
25 | !! Specific stress indices for senescence are introduced (senfac and innsenes). Frost (fstressgel that can be either fgeljuv or fgelveg) may also reduce or |
26 | !! even cancel lifespan. In the event of over-fertilisation with nitrogen (inn >1), the foliage lifespan is increased from the IAMF stage up to a maximum |
27 | !! given by the durviesupmax parameter. |
28 | !! The lifespan of leaves is not expressed in degree.days (like phasic development), because this has the disadvantage of stopping any progression as soon as |
29 | !! the temperature is lower than the base temperature (tdmin). To remedy this problem, the senescence course (somsen) is expressed by cumulated Q10 units |
30 | !! (with Q10=2), i.e. an exponential type function. |
31 | !! The senescence course between I0 and I is affected by the same cardinal temperatures as phasic development and can be slown down by stresses. The lifespan parameter |
32 | !! of the leaf (durvieF) expressed in Q10 units represents about 20% of the same lifespan expressed in degree.days. |
33 | !! |
34 | !! Calculation of senescence: |
35 | !! |
36 | !! Material produced on day I0 disappears by senescence after a period corresponding to durvie(I0). Depending on the evolution of temperature and of lifespan |
37 | !! as a function of phenology and stresses, senescence can vary from one day to another and affect several days of production (J=I0, I0+1,
) or, on the contrary, |
38 | !! none (durvieE(I0)>somsen(I)). This principle is applied to the biomass (dltamsen) and leaf area index (ltaisen). In general, the leaf biomass produced |
39 | !! does not completely disappear (remobilisation): the ratiosen (<1) parameter enables the definition of the senescent proportion with reference to production. |
40 | !! It is the pfeuilverte ratio which defines the proportion of leaves in the biomass produced. |
41 | !! The cumulative senescent foliage is laisen. If the crop is a forage crop benefiting from residual dry matter from the previous cycle (msresiduel parameter), |
42 | !! the senescence of residual dry matter (deltamsresen) starts as from cutting. It occurs at a rate estimated from the relative daily lifespan course and |
43 | !! weighted by the remobilisation (ratiosen). |
44 | ! *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* c |
45 | !subroutine senescen(nlev,n,nbjmax,lai,P_codeinnact,P_codeh2oact,senfac,innsenes,P_codlainet, & |
46 | ! P_codeperenne,nbfeuille,P_nbfgellev,P_codgellev,tcultmin,P_tletale,P_tdebgel, & |
47 | ! P_tgellev90,P_tgellev10,ipl,densitelev,densiteassoc,P_codgeljuv, & |
48 | ! P_tgeljuv90,P_tgeljuv10,P_codgelveg,P_tgelveg90,P_tgelveg10,masecveg, & |
49 | ! nstopfeuille,somcour,resperenne,ndrp,nrec,P_QNpltminINN,numcult, & |
50 | ! P_codeinitprec,ulai,P_vlaimax,durvieI,P_durvieF,inn,P_durviesupmax, & |
51 | ! P_codestrphot,phoi,P_phobasesen,dltams,P_msresiduel,P_ratiosen,tdevelop, & |
52 | ! somtemp,pfeuilverte,deltai,P_lai0, & |
53 | ! dernier_n,nsencour,dltaisen,dltamsen,fstressgel,fgellev,gelee, & |
54 | ! densite,laisen,nlan,R_stsenlan,nsen,R_stlaxsen,namf,nlax,R_stlevamf, & |
55 | ! R_stamflax,nrecbutoir,mortplante,nst2,mortplanteN,durvie,strphot, & |
56 | ! msres,dltamsres,ndebsen,somsenreste,msresjaune,mafeuiljaune, & |
57 | ! msneojaune,dltamstombe,QNplante,P_dltamsminsen,P_dltamsmaxsen, & |
58 | ! P_alphaphot,strphotveille) |
59 | |
60 | subroutine senescen(nlev,n, lai, senfac, & |
61 | nbfeuille,t2m_min_daily, & |
62 | densitelev, & |
63 | masecveg, & |
64 | nstopfeuille,somcour,nrec, & |
65 | ulai, & |
66 | tdevelop, & |
67 | somtemp,nsenpfeuilverte,nsendltai,nsendurvie, nsendltams, nsenndurvie, & ! INPUTS |
68 | pdlaisen, dernier_n,nsencour,dltaisen,dltamsen,fstressgel,fgellev,gelee, & !INOUT |
69 | densite,laisen,nlan,R_stsenlan,nsen,R_stlaxsen,namf,nlax,R_stlevamf, & |
70 | R_stamflax,durvie, & |
71 | ndebsen,somsenreste, mafeuiljaune, msneojaune, & !INOUT |
72 | durvieI, deltai, dltams, & |
73 | histgrowth, hist_sencour, hist_latest, doyhistst, & |
74 | nbox, boxulai, boxndays, boxlai, boxlairem,boxtdev, & |
75 | boxbiom,boxbiomrem, boxdurage, boxsomsenbase) ! OUTPUT |
76 | |
77 | USE constantes |
78 | USE Stics |
79 | USE Divers_gel |
80 | !USE Messages |
81 | |
82 | implicit none |
83 | |
85 | |
86 | ! 0.1 INPUTS |
87 | |
88 | integer, intent(IN) :: nlev |
89 | integer, intent(IN) :: n |
90 | !integer, intent(IN) :: nbjmax |
91 | real, intent(IN) :: lai !> // OUTPUT // Leaf area index (table) // m2 leafs m-2 soil |
92 | !integer, intent(IN) :: P_codeinnact !> // PARAMETER // code activating nitrogen stress effect on the crop: yes (1), no (2) // code 1/2 // PARAM // 0 |
93 | !integer, intent(IN) :: P_codeh2oact !> // PARAMETER // code to activate water stress effect on the crop: yes (1), no (2) // code 1/2 // PARAM // 0 |
94 | real, intent(IN) :: senfac !> // OUTPUT // Water stress index on senescence // 0-1 |
95 | !real, intent(IN) :: innsenes !> // OUTPUT // Index of nitrogen stress active on leaf death // P_innmin to 1 |
96 | !integer, intent(IN) :: P_codlainet !> // PARAMETER //option of calculation of the LAI (1 : direct LAInet; 2 : LAInet = gross LAI - senescent LAI) // code 1/2 // PARPLT // 0 |
97 | !integer, intent(IN) :: P_codeperenne !> // PARAMETER // option defining the annual (1) or perenial (2) character of the plant // code 1/2 // PARPLT // 0 |
98 | integer, intent(IN) :: nbfeuille !> // OUTPUT // Number of leaves on main stem // SD |
99 | !integer, intent(IN) :: P_nbfgellev !> // PARAMETER // leaf number at the end of the juvenile phase (frost sensitivity) // nb pl-1 // PARPLT // 1 |
100 | !integer, intent(IN) :: P_codgellev !> // PARAMETER // activation of plantlet frost // code 1/2 // PARPLT // 0 |
101 | real, intent(IN) :: t2m_min_daily !// minimum daily temperature // celsius degree |
102 | !real, intent(IN) :: tcultmin |
103 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_tletale !> // PARAMETER // lethal temperature for the plant // degree C // PARPLT // 1 |
104 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_tdebgel !> // PARAMETER // temperature of frost beginning // degree C // PARPLT // 1 |
105 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_tgellev90 !> // PARAMETER // temperature corresponding to 90% of frost damage on the plantlet // degree C // PARPLT // 1 |
106 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_tgellev10 !> // PARAMETER // temperature corresponding to 10% of frost damage on the plantlet // degree C // PARPLT // 1 |
107 | !integer, intent(IN) :: ipl !> number of kinds of crops |
108 | real, intent(IN) :: densitelev |
109 | !real, intent(IN) :: densiteassoc |
110 | !integer, intent(IN) :: P_codgeljuv !> // PARAMETER // activation of LAI frost at the juvenile stadge // code 1/2 // PARPLT // 0 |
111 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_tgeljuv90 !> // PARAMETER // temperature corresponding to 90 % of frost damage on the LAI (juvenile stage) // degree C // PARPLT // 1 |
112 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_tgeljuv10 !> // PARAMETER // temperature corresponding to 10 % of frost damage on the LAI (juvenile stage) // degree C // PARPLT // 1 |
113 | !integer, intent(IN) :: P_codgelveg !> // PARAMETER // activation of LAI frost at adult stage // code 1/2 // PARPLT // 0 |
114 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_tgelveg90 !> // PARAMETER // temperature corresponding to 90 % of frost damage on the LAI (adult stage) // degree C // PARPLT // 1 |
115 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_tgelveg10 !> // PARAMETER // temperature corresponding to 10 % of frost damage on the LAI (adult stage) // degree C // PARPLT // 1 |
116 | real, intent(IN) :: masecveg !> // OUTPUT // Vegetative dry matter // t.ha-1 |
117 | integer, intent(IN) :: nstopfeuille |
118 | real, intent(IN) :: somcour !> // OUTPUT // Cumulated units of development between two stages // degree.days |
119 | !real, intent(IN) :: resperenne !> // OUTPUT // C crop reserve, during the cropping season, or during the intercrop period (for perenial crops) // t ha-1 |
120 | !integer, intent(IN) :: ndrp |
121 | integer, intent(IN) :: nrec |
122 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_QNpltminINN !> // PARAMETER // minimal amount of nitrogen in the plant allowing INN computing // kg ha-1 // PARAM // 1 |
123 | !integer, intent(IN) :: numcult |
124 | !integer, intent(IN) :: P_codeinitprec !> // PARAMETER // reinitializing initial status in case of chaining simulations : yes (1), no (2) // code 1/2 // PARAM // 0 |
125 | real, intent(IN) :: ulai !> // OUTPUT // Daily relative development unit for LAI // 0-3 |
126 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_vlaimax !> // PARAMETER // ULAI at inflection point of the function DELTAI=f(ULAI) // SD // PARPLT // 1 |
127 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_durvieF !> // PARAMETER // maximal lifespan of an adult leaf expressed in summation of P_Q10=2 (2**(T-Tbase)) // P_Q10 // PARPLT // 1 |
128 | !real, intent(IN) :: inn !> // OUTPUT // Nitrogen nutrition index (satisfaction of nitrogen needs ) // 0-1 |
129 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_durviesupmax !> // PARAMETER // proportion of additional lifespan due to an overfertilization // SD // PARPLT // 1 |
130 | !integer, intent(IN) :: P_codestrphot !> // PARAMETER // activation of the photoperiodic stress on lifespan : yes (1), no (2) // code 1/2 // PARPLT // 0 |
131 | !real, intent(IN) :: phoi !> // OUTPUT // Photoperiod // hours |
132 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_phobasesen !> // PARAMETER // photoperiod under which the photoperiodic stress is activated on the leaf lifespan // heures // PARPLT // 1 |
133 | !real, intent(IN) :: dltams(nbjmax) !> // OUTPUT // Growth rate of the plant // t ha-1.j-1 |
134 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_msresiduel !> // PARAMETER // Residual dry matter after a cut // t ha-1 // PARTEC // 1 |
135 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_ratiosen !> // PARAMETER // fraction of senescent biomass (by ratio at the total biomass) // between 0 and 1 // PARPLT // 1 |
136 | real, intent(IN) :: tdevelop |
137 | real, intent(IN) :: somtemp !> // OUTPUT // Sum of temperatures // degree C.j |
138 | !real, intent(IN) :: pfeuilverte(nbjmax) !> // OUTPUT // Proportion of green leaves in total non-senescent biomass // 0-1 |
139 | !real, intent(IN) :: deltai(nbjmax) !> // OUTPUT // Daily increase of the green leaf index // m2 leafs.m-2 soil |
140 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_lai0 !> // PARAMETER // Initial leaf area index // m2 m-2 // INIT // 1 |
141 | !real, intent(IN) :: dltamstombe |
142 | !real, intent(IN) :: QNplante !> // OUTPUT // Amount of nitrogen taken up by the plant // kgN.ha-1 |
143 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_dltamsminsen !> // PARAMETER // threshold value of deltams from which the photoperiodic effect on senescence is maximal // t ha-1j-1 // PARAM // 1 |
144 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_dltamsmaxsen !> // PARAMETER // threshold value of deltams from which there is no more photoperiodic effect on senescence // t ha-1j-1 // PARPLT // 1 |
145 | !real, intent(IN) :: P_alphaphot !> // PARAMETER // parameter of photoperiodic effect on leaf lifespan // P_Q10 // PARAM // 1 |
146 | real, intent(IN) :: nsenpfeuilverte |
147 | real, intent(IN) :: nsendltai |
148 | real, intent(IN) :: nsendurvie |
149 | real, intent(IN) :: nsendltams |
150 | real, intent(IN) :: nsenndurvie |
151 | real, intent(IN) :: deltai |
152 | real, intent(IN) :: dltams |
153 | |
154 | |
155 | ! 0. 2 INOUT |
156 | |
157 | real, intent(INOUT) :: pdlaisen !> senescence leaf area index of previous day // m2 leafs m-2 soil |
158 | integer, intent(INOUT) :: dernier_n |
159 | integer, intent(INOUT) :: nsencour |
160 | real, intent(INOUT) :: dltaisen !> // OUTPUT // Daily increase of the senescent leaf index // m2.m-2 sol.j-1 |
161 | real, intent(INOUT) :: dltamsen !> // OUTPUT // Senescence rate // t ha-1 j-1 |
162 | real, intent(INOUT) :: fstressgel !> // OUTPUT // Frost index on the LAI // 0-1 |
163 | real, intent(INOUT) :: fgellev |
164 | logical, intent(INOUT) :: gelee |
165 | real, intent(INOUT) :: densite !> // OUTPUT // Actual sowing density // plants.m-2 |
166 | real, intent(INOUT) :: laisen ! // OUTPUT // Leaf area index of senescent leaves // m2 leafs m-2 soil |
167 | integer, intent(INOUT) :: nlan |
168 | real, intent(INOUT) :: R_stsenlan !> // PARAMETER // Sum of development units between the stages SEN et LAN // degree.days // PARPLT // 1 |
169 | integer, intent(INOUT) :: nsen |
170 | real, intent(INOUT) :: R_stlaxsen !> // PARAMETER // Sum of development units between the stages LAX and SEN // degree.days // PARPLT // 1 |
171 | integer, intent(INOUT) :: namf |
172 | integer, intent(INOUT) :: nlax |
173 | real, intent(INOUT) :: R_stlevamf !> // PARAMETER // Sum of development units between the stages LEV and AMF // degree.days // PARPLT // 1 |
174 | real, intent(INOUT) :: R_stamflax !> // PARAMETER // Sum of development units between the stages AMF and LAX // degree.days // PARPLT // 1 |
175 | !integer, intent(INOUT) :: nrecbutoir |
176 | !integer, intent(INOUT) :: mortplante |
177 | !integer, intent(INOUT) :: nst2 |
178 | !integer, intent(INOUT) :: mortplanteN |
179 | real, intent(INOUT) :: durvie !< // OUTPUT // Actual life span of the leaf surface // degree C |
180 | !real, intent(INOUT) :: msres |
181 | !real, intent(INOUT) :: dltamsres |
182 | integer, intent(INOUT) :: ndebsen |
183 | real, intent(INOUT) :: somsenreste |
184 | !real, intent(INOUT) :: msresjaune !> // OUTPUT // Senescent residual dry matter // t.ha-1 |
185 | real, intent(INOUT) :: mafeuiljaune !> // OUTPUT // Dry matter of yellow leaves // t.ha-1 |
186 | real, intent(INOUT) :: msneojaune !> // OUTPUT // Newly-formed senescent dry matter // t.ha-1 |
187 | !real, intent(INOUT) :: strphotveille |
188 | |
189 | real, dimension(300,5), intent(INOUT) :: histgrowth |
190 | integer, intent(INOUT) :: hist_sencour |
191 | integer, intent(INOUT) :: hist_latest |
192 | integer, intent(INOUT) :: doyhistst |
193 | |
194 | ! compartment senescence module |
195 | !boxulai, boxndays, boxlai, boxlairem,boxtdev, boxbiom, boxbiomrem, boxdurage, |
196 | !boxsomsenbase |
197 | integer(i_std), intent(IN) :: nbox |
198 | real(r_std), dimension(nbox), intent(INOUT) :: boxulai |
199 | integer(i_std), dimension(nbox), intent(INOUT) :: boxndays |
200 | real(r_std), dimension(nbox), intent(INOUT) :: boxlai |
201 | real(r_std), dimension(nbox), intent(INOUT) :: boxlairem |
202 | real(r_std), dimension(nbox), intent(INOUT) :: boxtdev |
203 | real(r_std), dimension(nbox), intent(INOUT) :: boxbiom |
204 | real(r_std), dimension(nbox), intent(INOUT) :: boxbiomrem |
205 | real(r_std), dimension(nbox), intent(INOUT) :: boxdurage |
206 | real(r_std), dimension(nbox), intent(INOUT) :: boxsomsenbase |
207 | |
208 | |
209 | ! 0.3 OUTPUT |
210 | |
211 | !real, intent(OUT) :: strphot |
212 | real, intent(OUT) :: durvieI |
213 | |
214 | ! 0.4 LOCAL VARIABLES |
215 | |
216 | integer :: i !> |
217 | integer :: ii |
218 | integer :: ncompteur !> |
219 | integer :: debut !> |
220 | integer :: fin |
221 | !real :: vitsenres !> |
222 | real :: durage !> |
223 | real :: durviesup !> |
224 | real :: senstress !> |
225 | real :: somsen !> |
226 | !real :: tgel10 !> |
227 | !real :: tgel90 |
228 | !real :: msresTMP |
229 | real :: dtdevrat |
230 | real :: tempdays, templaisen, tempamsen |
231 | logical :: myprint |
232 | |
233 | |
234 | |
235 | ! 1. whether or not go into this subroutine |
236 | !:On shunte ce programme si la plante n'est pas levée ou si le lai est nul |
237 | ! If the emergence of crop did not occur, the value of nsencour is always 0 |
238 | myprint = .false. |
239 | if (nlev == 0) then |
240 | ! *- 07/09/06 DR et NB et IGC (la sainte famille) |
241 | ! *- apres un 2 jours d'errements nadine a été notre lumiere !! |
242 | ! *- Qu'elle en soit louée ! |
243 | ! *- initialisation de nsencour au debut du cycle |
244 | |
245 | |
246 | nsencour = n !initialization of nsencour |
247 | |
248 | return |
249 | endif |
250 | if (P_codlainet==3) then ! accumulated part for compartment senescence |
251 | if (ulai < 1 .or. ulai > 3) then |
252 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: ulai: ', ulai, ', likely a bug' |
253 | elseif (ulai==3) then |
254 | ! write(*,*) 'xuhui: ulai==3 with deltai ',deltai |
255 | else |
256 | ii = nbox |
257 | do while (ulai < boxulai(ii)) |
258 | ii = ii - 1 |
259 | enddo |
260 | if (ii < 1) then |
261 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: bug: ii<1' |
262 | ii = 1 |
263 | endif |
264 | ! write(*,*) 'xuhui: ulai ',ulai,' ii ', ii |
265 | ! write(*,*) 'xuhui: boxulai ',boxulai |
266 | if (boxndays(ii) == 0) then ! the 1st leaf in this pool |
267 | boxsomsenbase(ii) = somtemp |
268 | boxlai(ii) = boxlai(ii) + P_lai0/real(nbox) ! equally distributed the original lai to all boxes |
269 | ! if (ii == 1) then ! put P_lai0 in the 1st box |
270 | ! boxlai(ii) = boxlai(ii) + P_lai0 |
271 | ! endif |
272 | endif |
273 | boxndays(ii) = boxndays(ii) + 1 |
274 | boxlai(ii) = boxlai(ii) + deltai |
275 | boxlairem(ii) = boxlairem(ii) + deltai |
276 | boxbiom(ii) = boxbiom(ii) + dltams |
277 | boxbiomrem(ii) = boxbiomrem(ii) + dltams |
278 | boxtdev(ii) = boxtdev(ii) + tdevelop |
279 | endif |
280 | endif |
281 | |
282 | |
283 | !: PB - 08/03/2005 - si encore de la matière jaune on continue la senescence |
284 | |
285 | ! in our model, we do not consider the processes regarding the yellow leaves, so the variable mafeuiljaune is not necessary |
286 | |
287 | !if (lai <= 0 .and. mafeuiljaune <= 0.) then |
288 | if (lai <= 0) then |
289 | dltaisen = 0. |
290 | dltamsen = 0. |
291 | return |
292 | endif |
293 | |
294 | |
295 | ! 2. calculation of the lifetime for leaves |
296 | |
297 | ! ** calcul de la durée de vie |
298 | ! *--------------------------- |
299 | ! *- a) calcul du LAI net : on utilise version 4 avec une durée de vie fixe (stlevsenms) |
300 | ! *- b) calcul du LAI brut: la durée de vie est fonction de l'age de la plante |
301 | ! *- (durée de vie potentielle x facteurs de stress) |
302 | ! *- durée de vie potentielle des feuilles (durage) calculée dans calai |
303 | ! *- facteurs de stress eau et azote calculés à partir de senfac (transpi.for) |
304 | ! *- et innsenes (absorn.for) |
305 | ! *------------------------------------------------------------------- |
306 | ! *- spécifiques de la sénescence |
307 | |
308 | |
309 | ! 2. 1 Comments: calculation of senstress, |
310 | ! if we chose the direct calculation of LAI, the senstress is 1. |
311 | ! calculation of senfac is implemented in stress process |
312 | |
313 | |
314 | if (P_codeinnact == 1 .and. P_codeh2oact == 1) then |
315 | senstress = min(senfac,P_innsenes) |
316 | endif |
317 | |
318 | if (P_codeinnact == 2 .and. P_codeh2oact == 1) then |
319 | senstress = min(senfac,1.) |
320 | endif |
321 | |
322 | if (P_codeinnact == 1 .and. P_codeh2oact == 2) then |
323 | senstress = min(1.,P_innsenes) |
324 | endif |
325 | |
326 | if (P_codeinnact == 2 .and. P_codeh2oact == 2) senstress = 1. |
327 | |
328 | !if (P_codlainet == 1) senstress = 1. |
329 | |
330 | |
331 | |
332 | ! 2. 2 ** calcul du STRESS lié au GEL (utilisation de la fonction GEL.for) |
333 | ! *------------------------------------------------------------------- |
334 | ! *- GEL entre levée et plantule diminue la densité de population uniquement pour les annuelles |
335 | |
336 | if (P_codeperenne == 1) then |
337 | if (nbfeuille <= P_nbfgellev) then |
338 | !fgellev = GEL(P_codgellev,tcultmin,P_tletale,P_tdebgel,P_tgellev90,P_tgellev10) |
339 | fgellev = GEL(P_codgellev, t2m_min_daily, P_tgellev90, P_tgellev10) |
340 | if (fgellev < 1.) gelee = .TRUE. ! we must consider the effects of gel |
341 | !if (ipl == 1) then ! only consider one kind of plant |
342 | densite = min(densite, densitelev*fgellev) |
343 | !else |
344 | ! densite = min(densite, (densitelev + densiteassoc)*fgellev) |
345 | !endif |
346 | endif |
347 | endif |
348 | |
349 | ! ** GEL de l'appareil végétatif à deux stades: juvénil (avant AMF) et adulte (après AMF) |
350 | if (namf <= 0) then |
351 | fstressgel = GEL(P_codgeljuv, t2m_min_daily, P_tgeljuv90, P_tgeljuv10) |
352 | else |
353 | fstressgel = GEL(P_codgelveg, t2m_min_daily, P_tgelveg90, P_tgelveg10) |
354 | endif |
355 | if (fstressgel < 1.) gelee = .TRUE. |
356 | |
357 | |
358 | |
359 | ! ** GEL LETAL pour la plante |
360 | if (fstressgel <= 0.) then ! frost damage occurs |
361 | dltaisen = lai |
362 | dltamsen = masecveg ! daily dry matter |
363 | !laisen(1) = laisen(0) + dltaisen ! consider the former day |
364 | laisen = pdlaisen + dltaisen |
365 | |
366 | |
367 | ! ** affectation des stades |
368 | if (nstopfeuille > 0 .and. nlan == 0) then |
369 | nlan = n |
370 | R_stsenlan = somcour |
371 | if (nsen == 0) then |
372 | nsen = n |
373 | R_stlaxsen = somcour |
374 | R_stsenlan = 0. |
375 | endif |
376 | else |
377 | ! comments: resperenne is only for perennial crops |
378 | ! From the reptair process, we know that the resperenne is 0 for annual determinant crops |
379 | |
380 | if (resperenne <= 0.) then ! resperenne is global constance |
381 | if (namf == 0) then |
382 | namf = n |
383 | nlax = n |
384 | nsen = n |
385 | nlan = n |
386 | R_stlevamf = somcour |
387 | R_stamflax = 0. |
388 | R_stlaxsen = 0. |
389 | R_stsenlan = 0. |
390 | endif |
391 | if (nlax == 0 .and. namf > 0) then |
392 | nlax = n |
393 | nsen = n |
394 | nlan = n |
395 | R_stamflax = somcour |
396 | R_stlaxsen = 0. |
397 | R_stsenlan = 0. |
398 | endif |
399 | if (nsen == 0 .and. nlax > 0) then |
400 | nsen = n |
401 | nlan = n |
402 | R_stlaxsen = somcour |
403 | R_stsenlan = 0. |
404 | endif |
405 | endif |
406 | endif |
407 | !if (resperenne <= 0.) then |
408 | ! call EnvoyerMsgHistorique(1167) |
409 | ! !: modif - NB - 20/09 - mort le jour d'apres pour écriture rapport |
410 | ! !nrecbutoir = n+1 |
411 | ! !mortplante = 1 |
412 | ! !: pour non plantade dans bilan.for - TODO : à mettre ici ou dans bilan ? |
413 | ! if (ndrp == 0) nst2 = 1 |
414 | !endif |
415 | goto 30 |
416 | endif |
417 | |
418 | if (n == nlev .and. P_codeperenne == 1) then |
419 | nsencour = nlev |
420 | endif |
421 | |
422 | ! *- DR et NB - 25/08/08 - s'il n'y a plus d'azote dans la plante on la fait mourir |
423 | ! DR 11/04/2012 pour le prairie on a des pbs car quand on coupe on a plus d'azote dans la plante |
424 | ! donc je mets < au lieu de <= |
425 | |
426 | ! Comments: at this moment, the crop are not N limited, so QNplante >= p_qnpltmininn |
427 | |
428 | !if ((namf > 0 .and. nrec == 0) .and. QNplante < P_QNpltminINN) then |
429 | ! call EnvoyerMsgHistorique(2099) |
430 | !! modif NB 20/09 mort le jour d'apres pour écriture rapport |
431 | ! nrecbutoir = n+1 |
432 | ! mortplanteN = 1 |
433 | !! pour non plantade dans bilan.for |
434 | ! if (ndrp == 0) nst2 = 1 |
435 | !endif |
436 | |
437 | ! *- NB - le 22/12/2003 - pb senescence perenne vu avec FR |
438 | ! *- PB - 05/01/2005 - mise en commentaire jusqu'à nouvel ordre. |
439 | ! *- Sinon cela perturbe le calcul de la sénescence lors de l'enchainement des pérennes. |
440 | !if (n == nlev .and. P_codeperenne == 2 .and. numcult == 1) then |
441 | ! nsencour = 1 |
442 | !endif |
443 | |
444 | ! ** calcul de la durée de vie |
445 | ! *---------------------------- |
446 | ! *- nsenscour = jour où la biomasse sénescente a été produite |
447 | ! *- durage = durée de vie potentielle fonction de la P_phénologie |
448 | ! *- (varie entre durvieI et P_durvieF; durvieI avant lax) |
449 | |
450 | debut = nsencour |
451 | if (P_codeperenne == 2 .and. P_codeinitprec == 2 .and. numcult > 1 .and. nsencour > n) then |
452 | fin = dernier_n |
453 | else |
454 | fin = n |
455 | dernier_n = n |
456 | endif |
457 | |
458 | ! calculation of the durvieI |
459 | !durvieI = P_ratiodurvieI * P_durvieF(P_variete) |
460 | durvieI = P_ratiodurvieI * P_durvieF !(P_variete) |
461 | !do i = debut, fin |
462 | |
463 | if (P_codlainet==1) then |
464 | if (ulai <= P_vlaimax) then |
465 | durage = durvieI ! where is the durvieI?? p(ipl)%durvieI = p(ipl)%P_ratiodurvieI * p(ipl)%P_durvieF(itk(ipl)%P_variete), it seems a parameter |
466 | else |
467 | durage = durvieI + ((ulai - P_vlaimax) / (3. - P_vlaimax)) * (P_durvieF - durvieI) |
468 | endif |
469 | |
470 | !! ** application des stress qui raccourcissent la durée de vie |
471 | !if (i < fin) then |
472 | ! durvie(i) = min(durvie(i), durage * min(senstress, fstressgel)) |
473 | !else |
474 | durvie = durage * min(senstress, fstressgel) |
475 | !endif |
476 | |
477 | ! ** augmentation de durée de vie maxi en cas de surfertilisation azotée |
478 | !if (namf > 0 .and. i > namf .and. P_codlainet == 2) then |
479 | ! if (inn > 1.) then |
480 | ! durviesup = P_durvieF * min(P_durviesupmax, (inn - 1.)) |
481 | ! ! write(*,*)n,'durviesup',P_durvieF,durviesup |
482 | ! else |
483 | ! durviesup = 0. |
484 | ! endif |
485 | !else |
486 | ! durviesup = 0. |
487 | !endif |
488 | |
489 | durviesup = 0. |
490 | |
491 | durvie = durvie + durviesup |
492 | |
493 | ! domi 04/01/06 pour inaki insertion du stress photoperiodique |
494 | ! NB le 22/06/06 introduction dans la boucle des "i" |
495 | |
496 | ! at this moment, we do not consider the stress of photoperiod on senescence---xcw |
497 | !if (P_codestrphot == 1 .and. nlax /= 0) then |
498 | ! if (phoi < P_phobasesen) then |
499 | ! call stressphot(dltams(n), P_dltamsminsen, P_dltamsmaxsen, P_alphaphot, strphot, strphotveille) |
500 | ! durvie(i) = durvie(i) * strphot |
501 | ! endif |
502 | !endif |
503 | |
504 | !end do |
505 | |
506 | |
507 | !if (P_codeperenne == 2 .and. P_codeinitprec == 2 .and. numcult > 1 .and. debut > n) then |
508 | ! debut = 1 |
509 | ! fin = n |
510 | ! goto 5 |
511 | !endif |
512 | |
513 | ! ** la base de temps de la sénescence est calculée dans develop.for |
514 | ! *- tdevelop(n) est un P_Q10 sommé dans la variable somtemp |
515 | |
516 | ! ** pour les cultures fauchées : senescence de la matiere seche résiduelle |
517 | ! *- qui demarre dès la coupe |
518 | ! *- PB - 25/01/2004 - ajout de msresTMP et dltamsres pour calculer le delta msres(n-1)<->msres(n) |
519 | ! *- et ce, pour pallier à un problème dans le calcul de msresjaune pour les pérennes enchainées fauchées |
520 | !if (msres > 0.) then |
521 | ! vitsenres = P_msresiduel / durvieI |
522 | ! msresTMP = msres - (P_ratiosen * vitsenres * tdevelop(n)) |
523 | ! msresTMP = max(0.,msresTMP) |
524 | ! dltamsres = max(0., msres - msresTMP) |
525 | ! msres = msresTMP |
526 | !else |
527 | ! dltamsres = 0. |
528 | !endif |
529 | |
530 | |
531 | |
532 | ! ** pour les autres cultures ou pour la matière sèche néoformée |
533 | |
534 | |
535 | ! ** DOMI VOIR POUR PRAIRIE UTILISATION DE somcourfauche |
536 | ! ** 2/ senescence de la matiere seche neoformee qui demarre au stade |
537 | ! *- debut de senescence de la matiere seche identifie par le parcours |
538 | ! *- de developpement depuis la levee : stlevsenms |
539 | ! *- on calcule vitsen le jour du début de sénescence : ndebsen |
540 | |
541 | !if (somtemp >= durvie(n)) then |
542 | if (somtemp >= durvie) then |
543 | if (ndebsen == 0) then ! premier jour de senescence |
544 | ndebsen = n |
545 | nsencour = nlev |
546 | |
547 | !dltamsen = dltams(nsencour) * P_ratiosen * pfeuilverte(nsencour) |
548 | dltamsen = nsendltams * P_ratiosen * nsenpfeuilverte |
549 | |
550 | if (P_codlainet == 2) then |
551 | dltaisen = nsendltai + P_lai0 |
552 | endif |
553 | |
554 | ! ** enlever le reste du LAI si deltai(nsencour) = 0. |
555 | |
556 | else ! jours suivants |
557 | somsen = somsenreste |
558 | dltamsen = 0. |
559 | ncompteur = 0 |
560 | if (P_codlainet == 2) dltaisen = 0. |
561 | |
562 | ! ** calcul de la somme de température depuis le dernier jour de sénescence |
563 | ! *- PB - 05/01/2005 - ajout d'un test pour l'enchainement des pérennes. On calcul somsen |
564 | ! *- à partir du nsencour du cycle précédent jusqu'à la fin du cycle précédent et |
565 | ! *- on l'ajoute à la somme des températures depuis le début du cycle courant jusqu'au jour n |
566 | !if (P_codeperenne == 2 .and. P_codeinitprec == 2 .and. numcult > 1 .and. nsencour > n) then |
567 | ! do i = nsencour+1, dernier_n |
568 | ! somsen = somsen + tdevelop(i) |
569 | ! end do |
570 | ! do i = 1, n |
571 | ! somsen = somsen + tdevelop(i) |
572 | ! end do |
573 | !else |
574 | !do i = nsencour+1, n |
575 | ! somsen = somsen + tdevelop(i) |
576 | !end do |
577 | if (nsencour == nlev .and. nsencour /= 0) then |
578 | somsen = somsen + tdevelop |
579 | endif |
580 | !endif |
581 | |
582 | |
583 | !if (somsen > durvie(nsencour+1)) then |
584 | if (somsen > nsenndurvie) then |
585 | 20 nsencour = nsencour + 1 |
586 | |
587 | |
588 | ! *- PB - 05/01/2004 - ajout d'un test lors de l'enchainement des pérennes pour que nsencour |
589 | ! *- ne dépasse pas dernier_n. Si nsencour>dernier_n alors on a atteint la fin du cycle précédent, |
590 | ! *- et donc on doit repartir du début du cycle courant. Soit nsencour = 1 |
591 | ! if (P_codeperenne == 2 .and. P_codeinitprec == 2 .and. numcult > 1 .and. nsencour > dernier_n) then |
592 | ! nsencour = 1 |
593 | ! endif |
594 | |
595 | !somsen = somsen - durvie(nsencour) |
596 | somsen = somsen - nsendurvie |
597 | if (somsen < 0.) then |
598 | somsen = 0. |
599 | nsencour = nsencour - 1 |
600 | goto 40 ! TODO : a priori goto 40 pourrait être remplacé par goto 30s |
601 | endif |
602 | |
603 | !dltamsen = dltamsen + (dltams(nsencour) * P_ratiosen * pfeuilverte(nsencour)) |
604 | dltamsen = dltamsen + (nsendltams * P_ratiosen * nsenpfeuilverte) |
605 | ncompteur = ncompteur+1 |
606 | if (P_codlainet == 2) then |
607 | !dltaisen = dltaisen + deltai(nsencour) |
608 | dltaisen = dltaisen + nsendltai |
609 | endif |
610 | |
611 | ! ** si la durée de vie est raccourcie, on peut "faire mourir" plusieurs jours de production |
612 | ! *- PB - 10/03/2005 - Petite modificatoin, on compare nsencour à dernier_n et non plus à n. |
613 | |
614 | |
615 | !if (somsen > durvie(nsencour) .and. nsencour < dernier_n) goto 20 |
616 | if (somsen > nsendurvie .and. nsencour < dernier_n) goto 20 |
617 | |
618 | somsenreste = somsen |
619 | else |
620 | dltamsen = 0. |
621 | if (P_codlainet == 2) dltaisen = 0. |
622 | endif |
623 | 40 continue |
624 | endif |
625 | else |
626 | dltamsen = 0. |
627 | if (P_codlainet == 2) dltaisen = 0. |
628 | endif |
629 | |
630 | elseif (P_codlainet==2) then |
631 | ! dltaisen = 0. |
632 | ! write(*,*) 'new senescence process, xuhui' |
633 | IF (ulai <= P_vlaimax) THEN |
634 | durage = durvieI |
635 | ELSE |
636 | durage = durvieI + ((ulai - P_vlaimax) / (3. - P_vlaimax)) * (P_durvieF - durvieI) |
637 | ENDIF |
638 | durvie = durage * min(senstress, fstressgel) |
639 | ! after calculation of durvie, record it |
640 | histgrowth(hist_latest,5) = durvie |
641 | ! update all previous durvie with minimum values |
642 | if (hist_latest > hist_sencour) then |
643 | do ii = hist_sencour, hist_latest-1 |
644 | histgrowth(ii,5) = min(histgrowth(ii,5),durvie) |
645 | end do |
646 | endif |
647 | !!!! this part need to be done when we have Nitrogen stress |
648 | ! DO ii = hist_sencour, hist_latest |
649 | ! if (namf > 0 .and. i > namf .and. P_codlainet == 2) then |
650 | ! if (inn > 1.) then |
651 | ! durviesup = P_durvieF * min(P_durviesupmax, (inn - 1.)) |
652 | ! ! write(*,*)n,'durviesup',P_durvieF,durviesup |
653 | ! else |
654 | ! durviesup = 0. |
655 | ! endif |
656 | ! else |
657 | ! durviesup = 0. |
658 | ! endif |
659 | ! durvie(i) = durvie(i) + durviesup |
660 | ! ENDDO |
661 | |
662 | !IF (somtemp >= durvie) THEN ! histgrowth(hist_seencour+1,5) |
663 | IF (somtemp >= histgrowth(hist_sencour+1,5)) THEN ! histgrowth(hist_seencour+1,5) |
664 | ! considering durvie(1..n-1) is smaller or equal to durvie(n), |
665 | ! this is a conservative choice to start senescence a period of full |
666 | ! senescense |
667 | ! a radical one should be set as >= durvie(nsencour) |
668 | IF (ndebsen ==0) THEN |
669 | ndebsen = n |
670 | ! dltamsen = histgrowth(hist_sencour, 2) * P_ratiosen * |
671 | ! pfeuilverte(nsencour) |
672 | !!! dltamsen needs to reconsidered since pfeuilverte is not yet |
673 | !in histgrowth |
674 | IF (P_codlainet == 2) THEN |
675 | dltaisen = histgrowth(hist_sencour,1) ! + P_lai0 |
676 | !!! initial lai will never be senescened because we do not |
677 | !know when it is initiated |
678 | ENDIF |
679 | ELSE |
680 | ! somsen = somsenreste |
681 | somsen = 0 |
682 | dltamsen = 0. |
683 | IF (P_codlainet == 2) THEN |
684 | dltaisen = 0. |
685 | ENDIF |
686 | DO ii = hist_sencour+1, n |
687 | somsen = somsen + histgrowth(ii,3) |
688 | ENDDO |
689 | |
690 | IF (somsen < histgrowth(hist_sencour+1, 5) ) THEN |
691 | dltamsen = 0. |
692 | IF (P_codlainet == 2) THEN |
693 | dltaisen = 0. |
694 | ENDIF |
695 | ELSE |
696 | DO WHILE (somsen >= histgrowth(hist_sencour+1, 5) .and. hist_sencour+1 <= hist_latest) |
697 | hist_sencour = hist_sencour + 1 |
698 | somsen = somsen - histgrowth(hist_sencour,3)!tdevelop(hist_sencour) |
699 | ! dltamsen = dltamsen + (histgrowth(hist_sencour, 2) * |
700 | ! P_ratiosen * pfeuilverte(nsencour)) |
701 | !!! dltamsen needs to reconsidered since pfeuilverte is |
702 | !not yet in histgrowth |
703 | IF (P_codlainet == 2) THEN |
704 | dltaisen = dltaisen + histgrowth(hist_sencour, 1) |
705 | ENDIF |
706 | somsenreste = somsen |
707 | ENDDO |
708 | ! somsenreste = somsen - histgrowth(hist_sencour,5) |
709 | !IF ( somsenreste<0 ) THEN |
710 | ! write(*,*) 'xuhui: somesenreste<0, likely a bug' |
711 | ! write(*,*) 'xuhui: somsen : ',somsen, 'durvie(hist_sencour) : ', histgrowth(hist_sencour,5) |
712 | !ENDIF |
713 | ENDIF |
714 | ENDIF |
715 | ENDIF |
716 | |
717 | IF (myprint) THEN |
718 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: ---------------------' |
719 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: day, ', n |
720 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: hist_sencour, ',hist_sencour |
721 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: hist_latest, ',hist_latest |
722 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: dltaisen, ',dltaisen |
723 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: dltai, ',histgrowth(hist_latest,1) |
724 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: somtemp, ',somtemp |
725 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: durvie, ',durvie |
726 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: somsen, ',somsen |
727 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: ---------------------' |
728 | ENDIF |
729 | elseif (P_codlainet==3) then |
730 | IF (ulai <= P_vlaimax) THEN |
731 | durage = durvieI |
732 | ELSE |
733 | durage = durvieI + ((ulai - P_vlaimax) / (3. -P_vlaimax)) * (P_durvieF - durvieI) |
734 | ENDIF |
735 | durvie = durage * min(senstress, fstressgel) |
736 | do ii = 1, nbox |
737 | if (boxndays(ii) == 0) then |
738 | ! do nothing because of no leaf |
739 | else |
740 | if (boxdurage(ii) == 0.) then |
741 | boxdurage(ii) = durvie |
742 | else |
743 | boxdurage(ii) = min(durvie, boxdurage(ii)) |
744 | endif |
745 | endif |
746 | enddo |
747 | ! senescence condition |
748 | dltaisen = 0. |
749 | dltamsen = 0. |
750 | do ii = 1, nbox |
751 | if (boxndays(ii) > 0 .and. somtemp - boxsomsenbase(ii) >= boxdurage(ii)) then !senescence part of this compartment |
752 | if (ndebsen ==0) then |
753 | ndebsen = n |
754 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: debsen, ', ndebsen |
755 | endif |
756 | ! dlairat = boxlai(ii)/real(boxndays(ii)) |
757 | ! damsrat = boxbiom(ii)/real(boxndays(ii)) |
758 | dtdevrat = boxtdev(ii)/real(boxndays(ii)) |
759 | |
760 | tempdays = (somtemp - boxsomsenbase(ii) - boxdurage(ii)) / dtdevrat |
761 | if (boxlairem(ii) >= 0.) then ! we have at least sth to be senesced |
762 | if (tempdays >= boxndays(ii)) then |
763 | templaisen = boxlai(ii) |
764 | else |
765 | templaisen = tempdays/real(boxndays(ii))*boxlai(ii) |
766 | endif |
767 | if (templaisen + boxlairem(ii) - boxlai(ii) > 0.) then |
768 | dltaisen = dltaisen + templaisen + boxlairem(ii) - boxlai(ii) |
769 | boxlairem(ii) = boxlairem(ii) - dltaisen |
770 | else |
771 | dltaisen = dltaisen + 0. |
772 | endif |
773 | endif |
774 | if (boxbiomrem(ii) >= 0.) then |
775 | if (tempdays >= boxndays(ii)) then |
776 | !leaf:biomass ratio (feuilverte) also change with time, |
777 | ! considering including a compartment feuilverte in |
778 | ! later version |
779 | tempamsen = boxbiom(ii) * P_ratiosen * nsenpfeuilverte |
780 | else |
781 | tempamsen = tempdays/real(boxndays(ii)) * boxbiom(ii) * P_ratiosen * nsenpfeuilverte |
782 | endif |
783 | if (tempamsen + (boxbiomrem(ii) - boxbiom(ii)) * P_ratiosen * nsenpfeuilverte > 0.) then |
784 | dltamsen = dltamsen + tempamsen + (boxbiomrem(ii) - boxbiom(ii)) * P_ratiosen * nsenpfeuilverte |
785 | else |
786 | dltamsen = dltamsen + 0. |
787 | endif |
788 | endif |
789 | endif |
790 | enddo |
791 | |
792 | IF (myprint) THEN |
793 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: ---------------------' |
794 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: day, ', n |
795 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: ulai, ',ulai |
796 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: dltai, ',deltai |
797 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: dltaisen, ',dltaisen |
798 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: somtemp, ',somtemp |
799 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: boxndays, ',boxndays |
800 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: boxdurage, ',boxdurage |
801 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: boxlai, ',boxlai |
802 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: boxtdev, ',boxtdev |
803 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: boxlairem, ',boxlairem |
804 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: boxsomsenbase, ', boxsomsenbase |
805 | ! write(*,*) 'xuhui: somsen, ',somsen |
806 | write(*,*) 'xuhui: ---------------------' |
807 | ENDIF |
808 | endif |
809 | |
810 | 30 continue |
811 | ! ** msresjaune = matière sénescente résiduelle |
812 | ! *- msneojaune = matière sénescente néoformée (limitée au végétatif) |
813 | ! *- mafeuiljaune = matière sénescente cumulée |
814 | ! *- Hyp: msneojaune = mafeuiljaune |
815 | |
816 | !msresjaune = msresjaune + dltamsres |
817 | |
818 | ! PB&Inaki - 08/03/2005 : On enlève les feuilles tombées de la matière jaune |
819 | |
820 | ! the purpose of dltamstombe is for recycling of biomass, but at this moment we do not consider this process---xcw |
821 | |
822 | !mafeuiljaune = mafeuiljaune + dltamsen - dltamstombe |
823 | |
824 | mafeuiljaune = mafeuiljaune + dltamsen |
825 | msneojaune = mafeuiljaune |
826 | |
827 | ! Storage of the laisen information, assignment of the pervious day laisen |
828 | |
829 | pdlaisen = laisen |
830 | |
831 | return |
832 | end subroutine senescen |
833 | |
834 | |