1 | ! ================================================================================================================================= |
2 | ! MODULE : matrix_resolution |
3 | ! |
4 | ! CONTACT : orchidee-help _at_ listes.ipsl.fr |
5 | ! |
6 | ! LICENCE : IPSL (2011) |
7 | ! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC |
8 | ! |
9 | !>\BRIEF This module solves a linear system using the Gauss-Jordan elimination method. It also calculates relative errors |
10 | !! globally and for the passive pools. |
11 | !! |
12 | !! |
13 | !!\n DESCRIPTION: This module solves a linear system AX = B with the Gauss Jordan elimination method |
14 | !! (chosen because the system has no particular properties). \n |
15 | !! The code has originally picked up in Numerical recipes in Fortran 90. \n |
16 | !! We simplified the code in our case because we solve a basic (7,7) matrix for each point and each pft |
17 | !! (so we have npts*nvm*(7,7) systems to solve each time we call this routine). \n |
18 | !! We also calculate relative for biomass and passive carbon pools in order to test the threshold error. \n |
19 | !! |
20 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S): Didier Solyga - add subroutine for calculating relative error for passive pool. |
21 | !! |
22 | !! REFERENCE(S) : None |
23 | !! |
24 | !! SVN : |
25 | !! $HeadURL: $ |
26 | !! $Date: $ |
27 | !! $Revision: $ |
28 | !! \n |
29 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
30 | |
31 | MODULE matrix_resolution |
32 | |
33 | ! modules used |
34 | |
35 | USE ioipsl ! for precision |
36 | USE constantes |
37 | |
39 | |
41 | |
42 | |
43 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
44 | !! SUBROUTINE : gauss-jordan_method |
45 | !! |
46 | !>\BRIEF This subroutine resolves a linear system by the Gauss-Jordan method. |
47 | !! (inversion of the system - complexity O(n^3)) . |
48 | !! |
49 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
50 | !! |
51 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None |
52 | !! |
53 | !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): vector_b contains the solution of the system. |
54 | !! |
55 | !! REFERENCE(S) : None |
56 | !! |
57 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
58 | !! \n |
59 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
60 | |
61 | SUBROUTINE gauss_jordan_method(n,matrix_a,vector_b) |
62 | |
64 | |
65 | !! 0. Variables and parameters declaration |
66 | |
67 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
68 | |
69 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: n !! size of the system (1-N, unitless) |
70 | |
71 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
72 | |
73 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(n,n), INTENT(inout) :: matrix_a !! Matrix A of the linear system A.X = B |
74 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(n), INTENT(inout) :: vector_b !! Vector B in the linear system A.X = B |
75 | |
76 | !! 0.4 Local Variables |
77 | |
78 | INTEGER(i_std) :: i,col,row,j,k,ii,jj !! index (unitless) |
79 | INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(n) :: index_pivot !! vector containing the pivot index |
80 | INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(n) :: index_col !! vector containing the columns index |
81 | INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(n) :: index_row !! vector containing the rows index |
82 | REAL(r_std) :: pivot_max,inv_pivot,temp !! temporary variables |
83 | |
84 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
85 | |
86 | !! Initialization |
87 | index_pivot(:) = 0 |
88 | col = 0 |
89 | row = 0 |
90 | |
91 | !! Search the pivot (strategy of full pivoting) |
92 | !! We search the greatest pivot (in order to reduce errors) |
93 | DO i = 1,n |
94 | pivot_max = 0. |
95 | DO j = 1,n |
96 | IF(index_pivot(j) /= 1) THEN |
97 | DO k = 1,n |
98 | IF(index_pivot(k) .EQ. 0) THEN |
99 | IF(ABS(matrix_a(j,k)) .GE. pivot_max) THEN |
100 | pivot_max = ABS(matrix_a(j,k)) |
101 | row = j |
102 | col = k |
103 | ENDIF |
104 | ENDIF |
105 | ENDDO |
106 | ENDIF |
107 | ENDDO |
108 | |
109 | IF (col .EQ. 0) THEN |
110 | CALL ipslerr_p (3,'gauss_jordan_method','Method failed.','','') |
111 | ENDIF |
112 | |
113 | index_pivot(col)=index_pivot(col) + 1 |
114 | |
115 | !! We exchange the rows and the lines if needed |
116 | IF(row /= col) THEN |
117 | DO j = 1,n |
118 | temp = matrix_a(row,j) |
119 | matrix_a(row,j) = matrix_a(col,j) |
120 | matrix_a(col,j) = temp |
121 | ENDDO |
122 | temp = vector_b(row) |
123 | vector_b(row) = vector_b(col) |
124 | vector_b(col) = temp |
125 | ENDIF |
126 | index_row(i) = row |
127 | index_col(i) = col |
128 | IF(matrix_a(col,col) .EQ. 0.) STOP 'the matrix A is not inversible' |
129 | inv_pivot = 1./matrix_a(col,col) |
130 | DO j = 1,n |
131 | matrix_a(col,j) = matrix_a(col,j) * inv_pivot |
132 | ENDDO |
133 | vector_b(col) = vector_b(col) * inv_pivot |
134 | DO ii = 1,n |
135 | IF(ii /= col) THEN |
136 | temp = matrix_a(ii,col) |
137 | matrix_a(ii,col) = 0. |
138 | DO jj = 1,n |
139 | matrix_a(ii,jj) = matrix_a(ii,jj) - matrix_a(col,jj)*temp |
140 | ENDDO |
141 | vector_b(ii) = vector_b(ii) - vector_b(col)*temp |
142 | ENDIF |
143 | ENDDO |
144 | ENDDO |
145 | |
146 | DO j = n,1,-1 |
147 | IF(index_row(j) /= index_col(j)) THEN |
148 | DO i = 1,n |
149 | temp = matrix_a(i,index_row(j)) |
150 | matrix_a(i,index_row(j)) = matrix_a(i,index_col(j)) |
151 | matrix_a(i,index_col(j)) = temp |
152 | ENDDO |
153 | ENDIF |
154 | ENDDO |
155 | |
156 | |
157 | END SUBROUTINE gauss_jordan_method |
158 | |
159 | |
160 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
161 | !! SUBROUTINE : error_L1_passive |
162 | !! |
163 | !>\BRIEF This subroutine calculates relative errors of a vector by taking the relative error for the passive pool. |
164 | !! |
165 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
166 | !! |
167 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None |
168 | !! |
169 | !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): flag is to true if the maximum relative error is less than a threshold chosen by the user. |
170 | !! |
171 | !! REFERENCE(S) : None |
172 | !! |
173 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
174 | !! \n |
175 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
176 | |
177 | SUBROUTINE error_L1_passive(npts,nb_veget, nb_pools, current_value, previous_value, veget_max, criterion, flag) |
178 | |
180 | |
181 | !! 0. Parameters and variables declaration |
182 | |
183 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
184 | |
185 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: npts !! Number of continental grid cells (unitless) |
186 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nb_veget !! Number of vegetation types (2-N, unitless) |
187 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nb_pools !! Number of carbon pools (unitless) |
188 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nb_veget,nb_pools), INTENT(in) :: current_value !! Previous values of carbon pools obtained |
189 | !! by matrix resolution (gC.m^{-2}) |
190 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nb_veget,nb_pools), INTENT(in) :: previous_value !! Current values of carbon pools obtained |
191 | !! by matrix resolution (gC.m^{-2}) |
192 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts,nb_veget), INTENT(in) :: veget_max !! Fraction of vegetation (0-1, uniless) |
193 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: criterion !! Threshold for the relativ error (0-1, unitless) |
194 | |
195 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
196 | |
197 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(npts), INTENT(out) :: flag !! Logical array used only inside this subroutine (true/false) |
198 | |
199 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
200 | |
201 | INTEGER(i_std) :: j !! Index (unitless) |
202 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts) :: previous_passive_stock !! Previous value of total passive carbon (gC) |
203 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts) :: current_passive_stock !! Current value of total passive carbon (gC) |
204 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts) :: error_global !! Temporary arrays containing the relative error for each grid cell |
205 | !! (unitless) |
206 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts) :: temp_diff !! Working array storing difference values between previous_passive_stock |
207 | !! and current_passive_stock (gC) |
208 | |
209 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
210 | |
211 | !! Initialize flag and error_global |
212 | flag(:) = .FALSE. |
213 | error_global(:) = zero |
214 | |
215 | !! Calculation previous_passive_stock |
216 | previous_passive_stock(:) = zero |
217 | DO j = 1, nb_veget |
218 | previous_passive_stock(:) = previous_passive_stock(:) + previous_value(:,j,ipassive_pool)*veget_max(:,j) |
219 | ENDDO |
220 | |
221 | !! Calculation current_passive_stock |
222 | current_passive_stock(:) = zero |
223 | DO j = 1, nb_veget |
224 | current_passive_stock(:) = current_passive_stock(:) + current_value(:,j,ipassive_pool)*veget_max(:,j) |
225 | ENDDO |
226 | |
227 | !! We calculate for the error for the passive pool for each pixel |
228 | temp_diff(:) = zero |
229 | temp_diff(:) = current_passive_stock(:) - previous_passive_stock(:) |
230 | WHERE ( previous_passive_stock(:) > min_stomate ) |
231 | error_global(:) = 100.*ABS(temp_diff(:))/previous_passive_stock(:) |
233 | error_global(:) = ABS(temp_diff(:)) |
234 | ENDWHERE |
235 | |
236 | !! if the criterion is reached, we can mark the point |
237 | WHERE (error_global(:) <= criterion) |
238 | flag = .TRUE. |
239 | ENDWHERE |
240 | |
241 | END SUBROUTINE error_L1_passive |
242 | |
243 | |
244 | END MODULE matrix_resolution |