!! This module define variables for the grid to gathered points. !! !! @call sechiba_main !! @Version : $Revision$, $Date$ !! !< $HeadURL$ !< $Date$ !< $Revision$ !! !! @author Marie-Alice Foujols, Jan Polcher and Martial Mancip !! !! This module archives and makes available for all ORCHIDEE routine the information on the grid !! being used. 3 types of grids are foreseen : !! - Regular longitude latitude grid : This is the default and mostly used for global applications. !! - Regular X/Y grid : this is a typical grid for regional models and requires a projection method !! to go from X/y to lon/lat. !! - unstructures grid : This is a general grid where each cell is a polygone. It prepares ORCHIDEE !! for DYNAMICO. !! !! The subroutines have the following role : !! grid_init : this routine will provide the dimensions needed to allocate the memory and the !! characteristics of the grid. !! !! grid_stuff : This subroutine provides the grid details for all land points. Obviously depending !! on the grid type different level of information need to be provided. !! !f90doc MODULEgrid MODULE grid USE grid_var USE defprec USE constantes USE mod_orchidee_para USE haversine USE module_llxy USE ioipsl USE netcdf IMPLICIT NONE ! !================================================================================= ! ! Horizontal grid information ! !================================================================================= ! Global map or not. ! There is little chance that if iim <=2 and jjm <= 2 that we have global grid. ! Furthermore using the second line allows to avoid pole problems for global grids LOGICAL, SAVE :: global = .TRUE. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(global) ! PARAMETERS ! default resolution (m) REAL(r_std), PARAMETER :: default_resolution = 250000. ! ! VARIABLES ! !- !- Variable to help describe the grid !- once the points are gathered. !- !! Limits of the domain REAL(r_std), SAVE :: limit_west, limit_east, & & limit_north, limit_south !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(limit_west, limit_east, limit_north, limit_south) !- !! Geographical coordinates REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:), SAVE :: lalo !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lalo) !! index of land points INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:), SAVE :: ilandindex,jlandindex !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ilandindex, jlandindex) !- !! Fraction of continents. REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:), SAVE :: contfrac !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(contfrac) ! ! indices of the NbNeighb neighbours of each grid point ! (1=Northern most vertex and then in clockwise order) ! Zero or negative index means that this neighbour is not a land point INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:), SAVE :: neighbours !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(neighbours) ! ! Heading of the direction out of the grid box either through the vertex ! of the mid-segment of the polygon. ! REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: headings !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(headings) ! ! Length of segments of the polygon. ! REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: seglength !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(seglength) ! ! Area of the grid box ! REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), SAVE :: area !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(area) ! ! Coordinats of the vertices ! REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:), SAVE :: corners !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(corners) ! ! Resolution remains a temporary variable until the merge of the ! re-interfacing of the interpolation by Lluis. One this is done ! Resolution will be replaced in the model either by area or seglength. ! REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:), SAVE :: resolution !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(resolution) ! ! ! ! Get the direction of the grid ! CHARACTER(LEN=2), DIMENSION(2), SAVE, PRIVATE :: grid_dir !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(grid_dir) ! INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: MAX_DOMAINS=1 ! type (proj_info), SAVE, dimension(1:MAX_DOMAINS) :: proj_stack ! real(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: dxwrf, dywrf ! ! INTERFACE grid_tolola MODULE PROCEDURE grid_tolola_scal, grid_tolola_1d, grid_tolola_2d END INTERFACE grid_tolola INTERFACE grid_toij MODULE PROCEDURE grid_toij_scal, grid_toij_1d, grid_toij_2d END INTERFACE grid_toij ! CONTAINS ! !f90doc CONTAINS ! ! !! ============================================================================================================================= !! SUBROUTINE: grid_init !! !>\BRIEF Initialization of grid description distributed by this module to the rest of the model. !! !! DESCRIPTION: Routine which provides the dimension of the grid (number of land points) as well as the !! grid characteristics (type and name) so that the memory can be allocated. !! !! This subroutine is called by intersurf_main_2d or any driver of the model. !! !! \n !_ ============================================================================================================================== !! SUBROUTINE grid_init ( npts, nbseg, gtype, gname, isglobal ) ! ! 0 interface ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! 0.1 input ! ! ! Domain size INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: npts !! Number of local continental points INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbseg !! number of segments of the polygone of the mesh CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: gtype !! Type of grid CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: gname !! Name of the grid LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: isglobal ! ! ! CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: gtype_lower ! ! Verify the information passed and save it in the global variables of the model. ! gtype_lower = gtype CALL strlowercase(gtype_lower) IF ( INDEX(gtype_lower, "reglonlat") > 0) THEN IF ( nbseg /= 4 ) THEN CALL ipslerr(3, "grid_init", "This regular Lon/lat grid should have 4 segments", & & "per horizontal grid box","") ELSE NbSegments=4 ENDIF GridType="RegLonLat" GridName=gridname IF ( PRESENT(isglobal) ) THEN global = isglobal ELSE global = .TRUE. ENDIF ELSE IF ( INDEX(gtype_lower, "regxy") > 0) THEN IF ( nbseg /= 4 ) THEN CALL ipslerr(3, "grid_init", "This regular X/Y grid should have 4 segments", & & "per horizontal grid box","") ELSE NbSegments=4 ENDIF GridType="RegXY" GridName=gridname IF ( PRESENT(isglobal) ) THEN global = isglobal ELSE global = .FALSE. ENDIF ELSE IF ( INDEX(gtype_lower, "unstruct") > 0) THEN NbSegments=nbseg GridType="UnStruct" GridName=gridname IF ( PRESENT(isglobal) ) THEN global = isglobal ELSE global = .TRUE. ENDIF ELSE CALL ipslerr(3, "grid_init", "unrecognized grid type.",& & "It has to be either reglatlon, regxy or unstruct","") ENDIF ! ! Create the internal coordinate table ! IF ( (.NOT.ALLOCATED(lalo))) THEN ALLOCATE(lalo(npts,2)) lalo(:,:) = val_exp ENDIF !- !- Store variable to help describe the grid !- once the points are gathered. !- NbNeighb=2*NbSegments IF ( (.NOT.ALLOCATED(neighbours))) THEN ALLOCATE(neighbours(npts,NbNeighb)) neighbours(:,:) = -999999 ENDIF IF ( (.NOT.ALLOCATED(headings))) THEN ALLOCATE(headings(npts,NbNeighb)) headings(:,:) = val_exp ENDIF IF ( (.NOT.ALLOCATED(seglength))) THEN ALLOCATE(seglength(npts,NbSegments)) seglength(:,:) = val_exp ENDIF IF ( (.NOT.ALLOCATED(corners))) THEN ALLOCATE(corners(npts,NbSegments,2)) corners(:,:,:) = val_exp ENDIF IF ( (.NOT.ALLOCATED(area))) THEN ALLOCATE(area(npts)) area(:) = val_exp ENDIF ! ! TEMPORARY ! IF ( (.NOT.ALLOCATED(resolution))) THEN ALLOCATE(resolution(npts,2)) resolution(:,:) = val_exp ENDIF ! !- Store the fraction of the continents only once so that the user !- does not change them afterwards. ! IF ( (.NOT.ALLOCATED(contfrac))) THEN ALLOCATE(contfrac(npts)) contfrac(:) = val_exp ENDIF ! ! Allocation of index coordinates ... ! JP : these are global fields and should perhaps be allocated somewhere else. IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(ilandindex)) THEN ALLOCATE(ilandindex(nbp_glo),jlandindex(nbp_glo)) ilandindex(:) = -10000000 jlandindex(:) = -10000000 ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE grid_init !! !! !! ============================================================================================================================= !! FUNCTION grid_set !! !>\BRIEF subroutine to set global grid parameters present on all procs !! !! DESCRIPTION: !! !! !! !! !! \n !_ ============================================================================================================================== !! SUBROUTINE grid_set_glo(arg_nbp_lon,arg_nbp_lat,arg_nbp_glo) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(IN) :: arg_nbp_lon INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(IN) :: arg_nbp_lat INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: arg_nbp_glo iim_g=arg_nbp_lon jjm_g=arg_nbp_lat IF (PRESENT(arg_nbp_glo)) nbp_glo=arg_nbp_glo END SUBROUTINE grid_set_glo !! ============================================================================================================================= !! FUNCTION grid_set/allocate_glo !! !>\BRIEF subroutines to allocate variables present on all procs !! !! DESCRIPTION: !! !! !! !! !! \n !_ ============================================================================================================================== !! SUBROUTINE grid_allocate_glo(nbseg) ! IMPLICIT NONE ! 0.1 input ! ! ! Domain size INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbseg !! number of segments of the polygone of the mesh ! ! In case the allocation of the grid is called before the initialisation, ! we already set the number of segments. ! This will be done properly in grid_init. ! IF ( NbSegments < 3 ) THEN NbSegments = nbseg NbNeighb=2*NbSegments ENDIF ! ! ALLOCATE(neighbours_g(nbp_glo,NbNeighb)) ALLOCATE(headings_g(nbp_glo,NbNeighb)) ALLOCATE(seglength_g(nbp_glo,NbSegments)) ALLOCATE(corners_g(nbp_glo,NbSegments,2)) ALLOCATE(area_g(nbp_glo)) ! ! TEMPORARY ! ALLOCATE(resolution_g(nbp_glo,2)) ! ! Allocate other variables ! ALLOCATE(lalo_g(nbp_glo,2), contfrac_g(nbp_glo),index_g(nbp_glo)) ALLOCATE(lon_g(iim_g, jjm_g), lat_g(iim_g, jjm_g)) ! END SUBROUTINE grid_allocate_glo !! !! ============================================================================================================================= !! SUBROUTINE: grid_stuff !! !>\BRIEF transfers the global horizontal grid information to ORCHIDEE in the case of grid regular in Longitude !! and Latitude. !! !! DESCRIPTION: !! !! !! This subroutine is called by intersurf_main_2d or any driver of the model. !! !! \n !_ ============================================================================================================================== !! SUBROUTINE grid_stuff (npts_glo, iim, jjm, grid_lon, grid_lat, kindex, contfrac_tmp) ! ! 0 interface ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! 0.1 input ! ! Domain size INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: npts_glo ! Size of cartesian grid INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm ! Longitudes on cartesian grid REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(in) :: grid_lon ! Latitudes on cartesian grid REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(in) :: grid_lat ! Index of land point on 2D map (in local position) INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(npts_glo), INTENT(in) :: kindex ! The fraction of continent in the grid box [0-1] REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(npts_glo), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: contfrac_tmp ! ! ! ========================================================================= IF ( printlev >= 4 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Entering grid_stuff' ! default resolution IF ( printlev >=2 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'grid stuff: default resolution (m): ',default_resolution ! !- IF (is_root_prc) THEN ! CALL grid_topolylist(GridType, NbSegments, npts_glo, iim, jjm, grid_lon, grid_lat, kindex, & & global, corners_g, neighbours_g, headings_g, seglength_g, area_g, ilandindex, jlandindex) ! IF (PRESENT(contfrac_tmp)) THEN ! ! Transfer the contfrac into the array managed in this module. ! contfrac_g(:) = contfrac_tmp(:) ENDIF ! ENDIF ! ! With this the description of the grid is complete and the information ! can be scattered to all processors. ! CALL grid_scatter() ! CALL bcast(neighbours_g) CALL bcast(resolution_g) ! IF ( printlev >= 3 ) WRITE(numout,*) 'Leaving grid_stuff' END SUBROUTINE grid_stuff !! !! ============================================================================================================================= !! SUBROUTINE: grid_topolylist !! !>\BRIEF This routine transforms a regular grid into a list of polygons which are defined by the following !! quantities : !! !! corners : the n vertices of the polugon in longitude and latitude !! neighbours : the neighbouring land grid box for each of the vertices and segments !! headings : the direction in which the neighbour is !! seglength : the lenght of each segment !! area : the area of the polygon !! ilindex, jlindex : provides the i,j coordinates of the mesh in the global grid. !! !! DESCRIPTION: !! !! \n !_ ============================================================================================================================== !! SUBROUTINE grid_topolylist(gtype, nbseg, nland, iim, jjm, grid_lon, grid_lat, kindex, & & globalg, corners_loc, neighbours_loc, headings_loc, seglength_loc, & & area_loc, ilindex_loc, jlindex_loc) ! ! 0 interface ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! 0.1 input ! ! Grid type CHARACTER(LEN=20), INTENT(in) :: gtype ! Number of segments for each polygon INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbseg ! Number of land points on the grid INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nland ! Size of cartesian grid INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm ! Longitudes on cartesian grid REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(in) :: grid_lon ! Latitudes on cartesian grid REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(in) :: grid_lat ! Index of land point on 2D map (in local position) INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nland), INTENT(in) :: kindex ! ! 0.2 Output ! LOGICAL, INTENT(inout) :: globalg ! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nland,nbseg,2), INTENT(out) :: corners_loc INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nland,nbseg*2), INTENT(out) :: neighbours_loc REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nland,nbseg*2), INTENT(out) :: headings_loc REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nland,nbseg), INTENT(out) :: seglength_loc REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nland), INTENT(out) :: area_loc INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nland), INTENT(out) :: ilindex_loc, jlindex_loc ! ! 0.3 Local variables ! INTEGER(i_std) :: i, is, iss REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nland,2) :: center REAL(r_std) :: maxdellon, mindellon, maxlon, minlon REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nland,nbseg*2) :: lonpoly, latpoly ! IF ( INDEX(gtype,"RegLonLat") > 0 ) THEN ! ! If we are in regular Lon Lat, then we test just the longitude and see if we span 0-360deg. ! maxdellon=MAXVAL(ABS(grid_lon(1:iim-1,1)-grid_lon(2:iim,1))) mindellon=MINVAL(ABS(grid_lon(1:iim-1,1)-grid_lon(2:iim,1))) maxlon=MAXVAL(grid_lon(1:iim,1)) minlon=MINVAL(grid_lon(1:iim,1)) ! ! test if it could be a global grid on 0 -> 360 ! IF ( minlon > 0 .AND. maxlon > 180 ) THEN IF ( (minlon - maxdellon/2.0 ) <= 0 .AND. (maxlon + maxdellon/2.0) >= 360) THEN globalg = .TRUE. ELSE globalg = .FALSE. ENDIF ! ! Test if it could be a -180 to 180 grid ! ELSE IF ( minlon < 0 .AND. maxlon > 0 ) THEN IF ( (minlon - maxdellon/2.0 ) <= -180 .AND. (maxlon + maxdellon/2.0) >= 180) THEN globalg = .TRUE. ELSE globalg = .FALSE. ENDIF ! ! If neither condition is met then it cannot be global. ! ELSE globalg = .FALSE. ENDIF ELSE IF ( gtype == "RegXY" ) THEN ! ! The hypothesis is that if we are in RegXY then we are not global ! globalg = .FALSE. ELSE STOP "Unknown grid" ENDIF ! ! 2.0 Transform the grid into a list of polygones while keeping the neighbour relations ! between these polygones. ! ! Each polygone starts with a vertex and alternates vertices and mid-points of segments. ! IF (nland == 1) THEN CALL haversine_singlepointploy(iim, jjm, grid_lon, grid_lat, nland, kindex, globalg, & & nbseg, lonpoly, latpoly, center, & & neighbours_loc, ilindex_loc, jlindex_loc) ELSE IF ( INDEX(gtype, "RegLonLat") > 0 ) THEN CALL haversine_reglatlontoploy(iim, jjm, grid_lon, grid_lat, nland, kindex, globalg, & & nbseg, lonpoly, latpoly, center, & & neighbours_loc, ilindex_loc, jlindex_loc) ELSE IF ( INDEX(gtype, "RegXY") > 0 ) THEN CALL haversine_regxytoploy(iim, jjm, grid_lon, grid_lat, nland, kindex, proj_stack, & & nbseg, lonpoly, latpoly, center, & & neighbours_loc, ilindex_loc, jlindex_loc) ELSE STOP "Unknown grid" ENDIF ! ! Save the longitude and latitudes nbseg corners (=vertices) of the polygones ! DO i=1,nland DO is=1,nbseg iss=(is-1)*2+1 corners_loc(i,is,1) = lonpoly(i,iss) corners_loc(i,is,2) = latpoly(i,iss) ENDDO ENDDO ! ! Get the heading normal to the 4 segments and through the 4 corners. ! CALL haversine_polyheadings(nland, nbseg, lonpoly, latpoly, center, headings_loc) ! ! Order the points of the polygone in clockwise order Starting with the northern most ! CALL haversine_polysort(nland, nbseg, lonpoly, latpoly, headings_loc, neighbours_loc) ! ! Compute the segment length and area. ! For the RegLonLat we have specific calculations for seglength and area. ! For projected regular grids we use the great cicle assumption for the segments ! but the projected area. ! For unstructured grid we use the most general routines. ! IF ( INDEX(gtype, "RegLonLat") > 0 ) THEN CALL haversine_laloseglen(nland, nbseg, lonpoly, latpoly, seglength_loc) CALL haversine_laloarea(nland, nbseg, seglength_loc, area_loc) ELSE IF ( INDEX(gtype, "RegXY") > 0 ) THEN CALL haversine_polyseglen(nland, nbseg, lonpoly, latpoly, seglength_loc) CALL haversine_xyarea(nland, nbseg, ilindex_loc, jlindex_loc, dxwrf, dywrf, area_loc) ELSE CALL haversine_polyseglen(nland, nbseg, lonpoly, latpoly, seglength_loc) CALL haversine_polyarea(nland, nbseg, lonpoly, latpoly, area_loc) ENDIF ! Compute the area ! END SUBROUTINE grid_topolylist !! !! !! !! ============================================================================================================================= !! SUBROUTINE: grid_scatter !! !>\BRIEF Scatter the grid information so that each processor knows the characteristics of the grid it works on. !! !! DESCRIPTION: !! !! !! The grid information has been computed for the entire grid on the root processor. Now we give each processor !! the information of the piece of the grid it works on. This concerns the following variables describing the grid : !! - area !! - resolution !! - neighbours !! - contfrac : fraction of continent !! !! Should ilandindex and jlandindex not b initialized, we catch-up here. This field is the same on all processors. !! !! TODO : !! This code should get the grid describing fields as arguments and then writem into the *_g variables on !! root_prc before scattering. This would allow to compute the grid characteristics in any subroutine !! fore calling grid_scatter. !! !! !! !! \n !_ ============================================================================================================================== !! !! SUBROUTINE grid_scatter() ! ! INTEGER(i_std) :: i, ip, jp ! IF ( MAXVAL(ilandindex) < 0 .AND. MAXVAL(jlandindex) < 0 ) THEN DO i = 1, nbp_glo ! ! 1 find numbers of the latitude and longitude of each point ! ! index of latitude jp = INT( (index_g(i)-1) /iim_g ) + 1 ! index of longitude ip = index_g(i) - ( jp-1 ) * iim_g ! ! Save this information for usage in other modules. ! ilandindex(i)=ip jlandindex(i)=jp ! ENDDO ENDIF ! CALL scatter(neighbours_g, neighbours) CALL scatter(contfrac_g, contfrac) CALL scatter(headings_g, headings) CALL scatter(seglength_g, seglength) CALL scatter(corners_g, corners) CALL scatter(area_g, area) ! ! TEMPORARY section for resolution ! IF ( is_root_prc) THEN IF ( INDEX(GridType,"Reg") > 0 ) THEN resolution_g(:,1) = (seglength_g(:,1)+seglength_g(:,3))/2.0 resolution_g(:,2) = (seglength_g(:,2)+seglength_g(:,4))/2.0 ELSE CALL ipslerr(3, "grid_scatter", "unsupported grid type.",& & "As long as resolution has not been replaced,",& & "ORCHIDEE cannot run on anything other than regular grids.") ENDIF ENDIF CALL scatter(resolution_g, resolution) ! Copy variable global from root processor to all prossesors CALL bcast(global) ! ! IF ( printlev >=4 ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'grid_scatter > seglength = ', seglength(1,:) WRITE(numout,*) 'grid_scatter > neighbours = ', neighbours(1,:) WRITE(numout,*) 'grid_scatter > contfrac = ', contfrac(1) WRITE(numout,*) 'grid_scatter > area = ', area(1) WRITE(numout,*) 'grid_scatter > global = ', global ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE grid_scatter !! !! !! ============================================================================================================================= !! SUBROUTINE: grid_initproj !! !>\BRIEF Routine to initialise the projection !! !! DESCRIPTION: !! !! !! This subroutine is called by the routine whichs ets-up th grid on which ORCHIDEE is to run. !! The aim is to set-upu the projection so that all the grid variables needed by ORCHIDEE can !! be computed in grid_stuff_regxy !! !! \n !_ ============================================================================================================================== !! !! SUBROUTINE grid_initproj (fid, iim, jjm) ! ! ! 0 interface ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! 0.1 input ! ! ! Domain size INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: fid INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm ! ! 0.2 Local variables ! INTEGER(i_std) :: current_proj, idom, iret, lonid, latid, numLons, numLats INTEGER, DIMENSION(nf90_max_var_dims) :: dimIDs REAL(r_std) :: user_stand_lon, user_truelat1, user_truelat2, user_dxkm, user_dykm REAL(r_std) :: user_dlat, user_dlon, user_known_x, user_known_y, user_known_lat, user_known_lon REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(16) :: corner_lons, corner_lats ! INTEGER(i_std) :: iv, i, j CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: varname REAL(r_std) :: dx, dy, dtx, dty, coslat REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: LON, LAT REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: mapfac_x, mapfac_y ! ! ! Only one domain is possible for the moment ! idom=1 CALL map_init(proj_stack(idom)) ! ! Does ORCHIDEE have the same Earth Radius as the map projection ? ! IF ( ABS(R_Earth-EARTH_RADIUS_M) > 0.1 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Earth Radius in WRF : ", EARTH_RADIUS_M WRITE(*,*) "Earth Radius in ORCHIDEE : ", R_Earth CALL ipslerr (3,'grid_initproj','The Earth radius is not the same in the projection module and ORCHIDEE',& & " ", " ") ENDIF ! ! Get parameters of the projection from the netCDF file ! iret = NF90_GET_ATT(fid, NF90_GLOBAL, "MAP_PROJ", current_proj) ! iret = NF90_GET_ATT(fid, NF90_GLOBAL, "STAND_LON", user_stand_lon) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(fid, NF90_GLOBAL, "TRUELAT1", user_truelat1) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(fid, NF90_GLOBAL, "TRUELAT2", user_truelat2) ! iret = NF90_GET_ATT(fid, NF90_GLOBAL, "DX", user_dxkm) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(fid, NF90_GLOBAL, "DY", user_dykm) user_dlat = undef user_dlon = undef ! IF ( current_proj == PROJ_LATLON ) THEN ! iret = NF90_inq_VARID(fid, "XLONG_M",lonid) iret = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fid, lonid, dimids = dimIDs) iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fid, dimIDs(1), len = numLons) iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fid, dimIDs(2), len = numLats) ALLOCATE(LON(numLons)) iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, lonid, LON(:), start = (/ 1, 1, 1 /), count = (/ numLons, 1, 1 /)) iret = NF90_inq_VARID(fid, "XLAT_M",latid) ALLOCATE(LAT(numLats)) iret = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, latid, LAT(:), start = (/ 1, 1, 1 /), count = (/ 1, numLats, 1 /)) user_dlon = (LON(numLons) - LON(1)) / (numLons - 1) user_dlat = (LAT(numLats) - LAT(1)) / (numLats - 1) DEALLOCATE(LON,LAT) ENDIF ! Unable to know from where to get the information user_known_x = 1 user_known_y = 1 ! iret = NF90_GET_ATT(fid, NF90_GLOBAL, "corner_lats", corner_lats) iret = NF90_GET_ATT(fid, NF90_GLOBAL, "corner_lons", corner_lons) user_known_lat = corner_lats(1) user_known_lon = corner_lons(1) ! ! Read mapfactor, land mask and orography ! ! ! Allocation ! ALLOCATE(mapfac_x(iim,jjm)) ALLOCATE(mapfac_y(iim,jjm)) ALLOCATE(dxwrf(iim,jjm)) ALLOCATE(dywrf(iim,jjm)) ! varname = "MAPFAC_MX" iret = NF90_INQ_VARID (fid, varname, iv) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'WRFdomain_Read',"Could not find variable ", varname," ") ELSE iret = NF90_GET_VAR (fid,iv,mapfac_x) ENDIF varname = "MAPFAC_MY" iret = NF90_INQ_VARID (fid, varname, iv) IF (iret /= NF90_NOERR) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'WRFdomain_Read',"Could not find variable ", varname," ") ELSE iret = NF90_GET_VAR (fid,iv,mapfac_y) ENDIF ! ! Initilize the projection ! if (current_proj == PROJ_LATLON) then call map_set(current_proj, proj_stack(idom), & lat1=user_known_lat, & lon1=user_known_lon, & knowni=user_known_x, & knownj=user_known_y, & latinc=user_dlat, & loninc=user_dlon, & r_earth=R_Earth) else if (current_proj == PROJ_MERC) then call map_set(current_proj, proj_stack(idom), & truelat1=user_truelat1, & lat1=user_known_lat, & lon1=user_known_lon, & knowni=user_known_x, & knownj=user_known_y, & dx=user_dxkm, & r_earth=R_Earth) else if (current_proj == PROJ_CYL) then call ipslerr(3,"grid_initproj",'Should not have PROJ_CYL as projection for',& 'source data in push_source_projection()', " ") else if (current_proj == PROJ_CASSINI) then call ipslerr(3,"grid_initproj",'Should not have PROJ_CASSINI as projection for', & 'source data in push_source_projection()', " ") else if (current_proj == PROJ_LC) then call map_set(current_proj, proj_stack(idom), & truelat1=user_truelat1, & truelat2=user_truelat2, & stdlon=user_stand_lon, & lat1=user_known_lat, & lon1=user_known_lon, & knowni=user_known_x, & knownj=user_known_y, & dx=user_dxkm, & r_earth=R_Earth) else if (current_proj == PROJ_ALBERS_NAD83) then call map_set(current_proj, proj_stack(idom), & truelat1=user_truelat1, & truelat2=user_truelat2, & stdlon=user_stand_lon, & lat1=user_known_lat, & lon1=user_known_lon, & knowni=user_known_x, & knownj=user_known_y, & dx=user_dxkm, & r_earth=R_Earth) else if (current_proj == PROJ_PS) then call map_set(current_proj, proj_stack(idom), & truelat1=user_truelat1, & stdlon=user_stand_lon, & lat1=user_known_lat, & lon1=user_known_lon, & knowni=user_known_x, & knownj=user_known_y, & dx=user_dxkm, & r_earth=R_Earth) else if (current_proj == PROJ_PS_WGS84) then call map_set(current_proj, proj_stack(idom), & truelat1=user_truelat1, & stdlon=user_stand_lon, & lat1=user_known_lat, & lon1=user_known_lon, & knowni=user_known_x, & knownj=user_known_y, & dx=user_dxkm, & r_earth=R_Earth) else if (current_proj == PROJ_GAUSS) then call map_set(current_proj, proj_stack(idom), & lat1=user_known_lat, & lon1=user_known_lon, & nlat=nint(user_dlat), & loninc=user_dlon, & r_earth=R_Earth) else if (current_proj == PROJ_ROTLL) then call ipslerr(3 ,"grid_initproj",'Should not have PROJ_ROTLL as projection for', & 'source data in push_source_projection() as not yet implemented', '') end if ! ! Transform the mapfactors into dx and dy to be used for the description of the polygons and ! interpolations. ! DO i=1,iim DO j=1,jjm ! IF (proj_stack(idom)%code /= PROJ_LATLON ) THEN dx = proj_stack(idom)%dx ! Some projections in WRF do not store dy, in that case dy=dx. IF ( proj_stack(idom)%dy > 0 ) THEN dy = proj_stack(idom)%dy ELSE dy = proj_stack(idom)%dx ENDIF dxwrf(i,j) = dx/mapfac_x(i,j) dywrf(i,j) = dy/mapfac_y(i,j) ELSE ! ! The LatLon projection is also a special case as here it is not the dx and dy ! which are stored in the projection file but the increments in Lon and Lat. ! dtx = proj_stack(idom)%loninc dty = proj_stack(idom)%latinc coslat = COS(lat(j) * pi/180. ) dxwrf(i,j) = dtx * pi/180. * R_Earth * coslat dywrf(i,j) = dty * pi/180. * R_Earth ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ENDDO ! END SUBROUTINE grid_initproj ! ! ! !========================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE grid_tolola_scal (ri, rj, lon, lat) ! ! ! Argument REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: ri, rj REAL(r_std), INTENT(out) :: lon, lat ! ! IF ( proj_stack(1)%code < undef_int ) THEN ! CALL ij_to_latlon(proj_stack(1), ri, rj, lat, lon) ! ELSE CALL ipslerr(3, "grid_tolola_scal", "Projection not initilized"," "," ") ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE grid_tolola_scal ! !========================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE grid_tolola_1d (ri, rj, lon, lat) ! ! ! Argument REAL(r_std), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: ri, rj REAL(r_std), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:) :: lon, lat ! ! Local INTEGER :: i, imax ! imax=SIZE(lon) ! IF ( proj_stack(1)%code < undef_int ) THEN DO i=1,imax ! CALL ij_to_latlon(proj_stack(1), ri(i), rj(i), lat(i), lon(i)) ! ENDDO ELSE CALL ipslerr(3, "grid_tolola_1d", "Projection not initilized"," "," ") ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE grid_tolola_1d ! !========================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE grid_tolola_2d (ri, rj, lon, lat) ! ! ! Argument REAL(r_std), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:,:) :: ri, rj REAL(r_std), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:,:) :: lon, lat ! ! Local INTEGER :: i, imax, j, jmax ! imax=SIZE(lon,DIM=1) jmax=SIZE(lon,DIM=2) ! IF ( proj_stack(1)%code < undef_int ) THEN DO i=1,imax DO j=1,jmax ! CALL ij_to_latlon(proj_stack(1), ri(i,j), rj(i,j), lat(i,j), lon(i,j)) ! ENDDO ENDDO ELSE CALL ipslerr(3, "grid_tolola_2d", "Projection not initilized"," "," ") ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE grid_tolola_2d ! !========================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE grid_toij_scal (lon, lat, ri, rj) ! ! ! Argument REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: lon, lat REAL(r_std), INTENT(out) :: ri, rj ! ! IF ( proj_stack(1)%code < undef_int ) THEN ! CALL latlon_to_ij(proj_stack(1), lat, lon, ri, rj) ! ELSE CALL ipslerr(3, "grid_toij_scal", "Projection not initilized"," "," ") ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE grid_toij_scal ! !========================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE grid_toij_1d (lon, lat, ri, rj) ! ! ! Argument REAL(r_std), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: lon, lat REAL(r_std), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:) :: ri, rj ! ! Local INTEGER :: i, imax ! imax=SIZE(lon) ! IF ( proj_stack(1)%code < undef_int ) THEN DO i=1,imax ! CALL latlon_to_ij(proj_stack(1), lat(i), lon(i), ri(i), rj(i)) ! ENDDO ELSE CALL ipslerr(3, "grid_toij_1d", "Projection not initilized"," "," ") ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE grid_toij_1d ! !========================================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE grid_toij_2d (lon, lat, ri, rj) ! ! ! Argument REAL(r_std), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:,:) :: lon, lat REAL(r_std), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:,:) :: ri, rj ! ! Local INTEGER :: i, imax, j, jmax ! imax=SIZE(lon,DIM=1) jmax=SIZE(lon,DIM=2) ! IF ( proj_stack(1)%code < undef_int ) THEN DO i=1,imax DO j=1,jmax ! CALL latlon_to_ij(proj_stack(1), lat(i,j), lon(i,j), ri(i,j), rj(i,j)) ! ENDDO ENDDO ELSE CALL ipslerr(3, "grid_toij_2d", "Projection not initilized"," "," ") ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE grid_toij_2d ! ! !========================================================================================= ! ! END MODULE grid