! ================================================================================================================================= ! MODULE : constantes ! ! CONTACT : orchidee-help _at_ ipsl.jussieu.fr ! ! LICENCE : IPSL (2006) ! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC ! !>\BRIEF "constantes" module contains subroutines to initialize most of the exernalized parameters. This module !! also make a use to the module constantes_var where the parameters are declared. !! !!\n DESCRIPTION: This module contains subroutines to initialize most of the exernalized parameters. This module !! also make a use to the module constantes_var where the parameters are declared.\n !! This module can be used to acces the subroutines and the constantes. The constantes declarations !! can also be used seperatly with "USE constantes_var". !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): Didier Solyga : This module contains now all the externalized parameters of ORCHIDEE !! listed by modules which are not pft-dependent !! Josefine Ghattas 2013 : The declaration part has been extracted and moved to module constates_var !! !! REFERENCE(S) : !! - Louis, Jean-Francois (1979), A parametric model of vertical eddy fluxes in the atmosphere. !! Boundary Layer Meteorology, 187-202. !! !! SVN : !! $HeadURL: $ !! $Date$ !! $Revision$ !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ MODULE constantes USE constantes_var USE defprec USE ioipsl_para, ONLY : getin_p, ipslerr_p USE mod_orchidee_para, ONLY : numout IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : activate_sub_models !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine reads the flags in the configuration file to !! activate some sub-models like routing, irrigation, fire, herbivory, ... !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): None !! !! REFERENCE(S) : None !! !! FLOWCHART : None !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE activate_sub_models() IMPLICIT NONE !! 0. Variables and parameters declaration !! 0.4 Local variables LOGICAL, SAVE :: first_call = .TRUE. !! To keep first call trace (true/false) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first_call) !_ ================================================================================================================================ IF (first_call) THEN IF (ok_stomate) THEN !Config Key = HERBIVORES !Config Desc = herbivores allowed? !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = n !Config Help = With this variable, you can determine !Config if herbivores are activated !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('HERBIVORES', ok_herbivores) ! !Config Key = TREAT_EXPANSION !Config Desc = treat expansion of PFTs across a grid cell? !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = n !Config Help = With this variable, you can determine !Config whether we treat expansion of PFTs across a !Config grid cell. !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('TREAT_EXPANSION', treat_expansion) !Config Key = LPJ_GAP_CONST_MORT !Config Desc = Constant mortality !Config If = OK_STOMATE AND NOT OK_DGVM !Config Def = y/n depending on OK_DGVM !Config Help = set to TRUE if constant mortality is to be activated !Config !Config Units = [FLAG] ! Set Default value different if DGVM is activated. IF ( ok_dgvm ) THEN lpj_gap_const_mort=.FALSE. ELSE lpj_gap_const_mort=.TRUE. END IF CALL getin_p('LPJ_GAP_CONST_MORT', lpj_gap_const_mort) IF (ok_dgvm .AND. lpj_gap_const_mort) THEN CALL ipslerr_p(1,"activate_sub_models","Both OK_DGVM and LPJ_GAP_CONST_MORT are activated.",& "This combination is possible but unusual","The simulation will continue with these flags activated." ) END IF !Config Key = HARVEST_AGRI !Config Desc = Harvest model for agricultural PFTs. !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = y !Config Help = Compute harvest above ground biomass for agriculture. !Config Change daily turnover. !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('HARVEST_AGRI', harvest_agri) ! !Config Key = FIRE_DISABLE !Config Desc = no fire allowed !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = n !Config Help = With this variable, you can allow or not !Config the estimation of CO2 lost by fire !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('FIRE_DISABLE', disable_fire) ! !Config Key = SPINUP_ANALYTIC !Config Desc = Activation of the analytic resolution of the spinup. !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = n !Config Help = Activate this option if you want to solve the spinup by the Gauss-Jordan method. !Config Units = BOOLEAN CALL getin_p('SPINUP_ANALYTIC',spinup_analytic) ! !Config Key = MOIST_FUNC_MOYANO !Config Desc = Activation the calculation of moisture control !function on soil C decomposition based on Moyano et al., 2012 BG !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = n !Config Help = Activate this option if you want to calculate !moisture control function on soil C decomposition based on Moyano et !al., 2012 BG !Config Units = BOOLEAN CALL getin_p('MOIST_FUNC_MOYANO',moist_func_Moyano) ! !Config Key = TF_DOC !Config Desc = DOC in throughfall simulated? !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = y !Config Help = Activate this option if you want to calculate ! wet deposition of DOC and DOC flux from canopy to the ground !Config Units = BOOLEAN CALL getin_p('TF_DOC',ok_TF_DOC) ! !Config Key = TF_DOC !Config Desc = DOC in throughfall simulated? !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = y !Config Help = Activate this option if you want to calculate ! wet deposition of DOC and DOC flux from canopy to the ground !Config Units = BOOLEAN CALL getin_p('LAT_EXP',lat_exp_doc) ! !Config Key = LAT_CO2_FIX !Config Desc = having fixed CO2 coentrations !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = y !Config Help = De-activate this option if you want to use ! fixed CO2 contrations in runoff and discharge !Config Units = BOOLEAN CALL getin_p('LAT_CO2_FIX',lat_CO2_fix) ENDIF ! ! Check consistency (see later) ! !!$ IF(.NOT.(ok_routing) .AND. (doirrigation .OR. dofloodplains)) THEN !!$ CALL ipslerr_p(2,'activate_sub_models', & !!$ & 'Problem :you tried to activate the irrigation and floodplains without activating the routing',& !!$ & 'Are you sure ?', & !!$ & '(check your parameters).') !!$ ENDIF !!$ IF(.NOT.(ok_stomate) .AND. (ok_herbivores .OR. treat_expansion .OR. lpj_gap_const_mort & !!$ & .OR. harvest_agri .OR. disable_fire)) THEN !!$ CALL ipslerr_p(2,'activate_sub_models', & !!$ & 'Problem : try to activate the following options : herbivory, treat_expansion, fire,',& !!$ & 'harvest_agri and constant mortality without stomate activated.',& !!$ & '(check your parameters).') !!$ ENDIF first_call =.FALSE. ENDIF END SUBROUTINE activate_sub_models ! != ! !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : veget_config !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine reads the flags controlling the configuration for !! the vegetation : impose_veg, veget_mpa, lai_map, etc... !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCE(S) : !! !! FLOWCHART : !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE veget_config IMPLICIT NONE !! 0. Variables and parameters declaration !! 0.4 Local variables LOGICAL, SAVE :: first_call = .TRUE. !! To keep first call trace (true/false) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first_call) !_ ================================================================================================================================ IF (first_call) THEN !Config Key = AGRICULTURE !Config Desc = agriculture allowed? !Config If = OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE !Config Def = y !Config Help = With this variable, you can determine !Config whether agriculture is allowed !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('AGRICULTURE', agriculture) ! !Config Key = IMPOSE_VEG !Config Desc = Should the vegetation be prescribed ? !Config If = OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE !Config Def = n !Config Help = This flag allows the user to impose a vegetation distribution !Config and its characteristics. It is espacially interesting for 0D !Config simulations. On the globe it does not make too much sense as !Config it imposes the same vegetation everywhere !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('IMPOSE_VEG', impveg) IF (impveg) THEN !Config Key = IMPOSE_SOILT !Config Desc = Should the soil type be prescribed ? !Config Def = n !Config If = IMPOSE_VEG !Config Help = This flag allows the user to impose a soil type distribution. !Config It is espacially interesting for 0D !Config simulations. On the globe it does not make too much sense as !Config it imposes the same soil everywhere !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('IMPOSE_SOILT', impsoilt) ENDIF !Config Key = LAI_MAP !Config Desc = Read the LAI map !Config If = OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE !Config Def = n !Config Help = It is possible to read a 12 month LAI map which will !Config then be interpolated to daily values as needed. !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('LAI_MAP',read_lai) !Config Key = MAP_PFT_FORMAT !Config Desc = Read a land use vegetation map on PFT format !Config If = OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE !Config Def = y !Config Help = pft values are needed, max time axis is 293 !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('MAP_PFT_FORMAT',map_pft_format) IF(map_pft_format) THEN !Config Key = VEGET_REINIT !Config Desc = booleen to indicate that a new LAND USE file will be used. !Config If = MAP_PFT_FORMAT !Config Def = y !Config Help = The parameter is used to bypass veget_year count !Config and reinitialize it with VEGET_YEAR parameter. !Config Then it is possible to change LAND USE file. !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('VEGET_REINIT', veget_reinit) ! !Config Key = VEGET_YEAR !Config Desc = Year of the vegetation map to be read !Config If = MAP_PFT_FORMAT !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = First year for land use vegetation (2D map by pft). !Config If VEGET_YEAR is set to 0, this means there is no time axis. !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('VEGET_YEAR', veget_year_orig) ENDIF first_call = .FALSE. ENDIF !!$ ! DS : Add warning in case of a wrong configuration (need to be discussed) !!$ ! 4. !!$ IF ( .NOT.(impveg) .AND. impsoilt) THEN !!$ CALL ipslerr_p(2,'veget_config', & !!$ & 'Problem : try to activate impose_soilt without activating impose_veg.',& !!$ & 'Are you sure ?', & !!$ & '(check your parameters).') !!$ ENDIF !!$ END SUBROUTINE veget_config ! != ! !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : veget_config !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine reads in the configuration file the imposed values of the parameters for all SECHIBA modules. !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCE(S) : !! !! FLOWCHART : !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE config_sechiba_parameters IMPLICIT NONE !! 0. Variables and parameters declaration !! 0.4 Local variables LOGICAL, SAVE :: first_call = .TRUE. !! To keep first call trace (true/false) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first_call) !_ ================================================================================================================================ IF(first_call) THEN ! Global : parameters used by many modules ! !Config Key = MAXMASS_SNOW !Config Desc = The maximum mass of a snow !Config If = OK_SECHIBA or HYDROL_CWRR !Config Def = 3000. !Config Help = !Config Units = [kg/m^2] CALL getin_p('MAXMASS_SNOW',maxmass_snow) ! !Config Key = SNOWCRI !Config Desc = Sets the amount above which only sublimation occures !Config If = OK_SECHIBA or HYDROL_CWRR !Config Def = 1.5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [kg/m^2] CALL getin_p('SNOWCRI',snowcri) ! !! Initialization of sneige sneige = snowcri/mille ! !Config Key = MIN_WIND !Config Desc = Minimum wind speed !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.1 !Config Help = !Config Units = [m/s] CALL getin_p('MIN_WIND',min_wind) ! !Config Key = MAX_SNOW_AGE !Config Desc = Maximum period of snow aging !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 50. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days?] CALL getin_p('MAX_SNOW_AGE',max_snow_age) ! !Config Key = SNOW_TRANS !Config Desc = Transformation time constant for snow !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.3 !Config Help = !Config Units = [m] CALL getin_p('SNOW_TRANS',snow_trans) !- ! condveg !- ! !Config Key = Z0_OVER_HEIGHT !Config Desc = to get z0 from height !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 1/16. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('Z0_OVER_HEIGHT',z0_over_height) ! !Config Key = HEIGHT_DISPLACEMENT !Config Desc = Magic number which relates the height to the displacement height. !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.75 !Config Help = !Config Units = [m] CALL getin_p('HEIGHT_DISPLACEMENT',height_displacement) ! !Config Key = Z0_BARE !Config Desc = bare soil roughness length !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.01 !Config Help = !Config Units = [m] CALL getin_p('Z0_BARE',z0_bare) ! !Config Key = Z0_ICE !Config Desc = ice roughness length !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.001 !Config Help = !Config Units = [m] CALL getin_p('Z0_ICE',z0_ice) ! !Config Key = TCST_SNOWA !Config Desc = Time constant of the albedo decay of snow !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 5.0 !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TCST_SNOWA',tcst_snowa) ! !Config Key = SNOWCRI_ALB !Config Desc = Critical value for computation of snow albedo !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 10. !Config Help = !Config Units = [cm] CALL getin_p('SNOWCRI_ALB',snowcri_alb) ! ! !Config Key = VIS_DRY !Config Desc = The correspondance table for the soil color numbers and their albedo !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.24, 0.22, 0.20, 0.18, 0.16, 0.14, 0.12, 0.10, 0.27 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('VIS_DRY',vis_dry) ! !Config Key = NIR_DRY !Config Desc = The correspondance table for the soil color numbers and their albedo !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.48, 0.44, 0.40, 0.36, 0.32, 0.28, 0.24, 0.20, 0.55 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('NIR_DRY',nir_dry) ! !Config Key = VIS_WET !Config Desc = The correspondance table for the soil color numbers and their albedo !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.12, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.08, 0.07, 0.06, 0.05, 0.15 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('VIS_WET',vis_wet) ! !Config Key = NIR_WET !Config Desc = The correspondance table for the soil color numbers and their albedo !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.24, 0.22, 0.20, 0.18, 0.16, 0.14, 0.12, 0.10, 0.31 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('NIR_WET',nir_wet) ! !Config Key = ALBSOIL_VIS !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.18, 0.16, 0.16, 0.15, 0.12, 0.105, 0.09, 0.075, 0.25 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ALBSOIL_VIS',albsoil_vis) ! !Config Key = ALBSOIL_NIR !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.36, 0.34, 0.34, 0.33, 0.30, 0.25, 0.20, 0.15, 0.45 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ALBSOIL_NIR',albsoil_nir) !- ! !Config Key = ALB_DEADLEAF !Config Desc = albedo of dead leaves, VIS+NIR !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.12, 0.35 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ALB_DEADLEAF',alb_deadleaf) ! !Config Key = ALB_ICE !Config Desc = albedo of ice, VIS+NIR !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.60, 0.20 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ALB_ICE',alb_ice) ! ! Get the fixed snow albedo if needed ! !Config Key = CONDVEG_SNOWA !Config Desc = The snow albedo used by SECHIBA !Config Def = 1.E+20 !Config if = OK_SECHIBA !Config Help = This option allows the user to impose a snow albedo. !Config Default behaviour is to use the model of snow albedo !Config developed by Chalita (1993). !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CONDVEG_SNOWA',fixed_snow_albedo) ! !Config Key = ALB_BARE_MODEL !Config Desc = Switch bare soil albedo dependent (if TRUE) on soil wetness !Config Def = n !Config if = OK_SECHIBA !Config Help = If TRUE, the model for bare soil albedo is the old formulation. !Config Then it depend on the soil dry or wetness. If FALSE, it is the !Config new computation that is taken, it is the mean of soil albedo. !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('ALB_BARE_MODEL',alb_bare_model) ! !Config Key = ALB_BG_MODIS !Config Desc = Read bare soil albedo from file with background MODIS data !Config Def = n !Config if = OK_SECHIBA !Config Help = If TRUE, the bare soil albedo is read from file !Config based on background MODIS data. !Config If FALSE, computaion depends on ALB_BARE_MODEL !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('ALB_BG_MODIS',alb_bg_modis) ! !Config Key = Z0CDRAG_AVE !Config Desc = Average method for z0 !Config Def = y !Config if = OK_SECHIBA !Config Help = If this flag is set to true (y) then the neutral Cdrag !Config is averaged instead of the log(z0). This should be !Config the prefered option. We still wish to keep the other !Config option so we can come back if needed. If this is !Config desired then one should set Z0CDRAG_AVE=n !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('Z0CDRAG_AVE',z0cdrag_ave) ! !Config Key = IMPOSE_AZE !Config Desc = Should the surface parameters be prescribed !Config Def = n !Config if = OK_SECHIBA !Config Help = This flag allows the user to impose the surface parameters !Config (Albedo Roughness and Emissivity). It is espacially interesting for 0D !Config simulations. On the globe it does not make too much sense as !Config it imposes the same vegetation everywhere !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('IMPOSE_AZE',impaze) ! IF(impaze) THEN ! !Config Key = CONDVEG_Z0 !Config Desc = Surface roughness !Config Def = 0.15 !Config If = IMPOSE_AZE !Config Help = Surface rougness to be used on the point if a 0-dim version !Config of SECHIBA is used. Look at the description of the forcing !Config data for the correct value. !Config Units = [m] CALL getin_p('CONDVEG_Z0', z0_scal) ! !Config Key = ROUGHHEIGHT !Config Desc = Height to be added to the height of the first level !Config Def = 0.0 !Config If = IMPOSE_AZE !Config Help = ORCHIDEE assumes that the atmospheric level height is counted !Config from the zero wind level. Thus to take into account the roughness !Config of tall vegetation we need to correct this by a certain fraction !Config of the vegetation height. This is called the roughness height in !Config ORCHIDEE talk. !Config Units = [m] CALL getin_p('ROUGHHEIGHT', roughheight_scal) ! !Config Key = CONDVEG_ALBVIS !Config Desc = SW visible albedo for the surface !Config Def = 0.25 !Config If = IMPOSE_AZE !Config Help = Surface albedo in visible wavelengths to be used !Config on the point if a 0-dim version of SECHIBA is used. !Config Look at the description of the forcing data for !Config the correct value. !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CONDVEG_ALBVIS', albedo_scal(ivis)) ! !Config Key = CONDVEG_ALBNIR !Config Desc = SW near infrared albedo for the surface !Config Def = 0.25 !Config If = IMPOSE_AZE !Config Help = Surface albedo in near infrared wavelengths to be used !Config on the point if a 0-dim version of SECHIBA is used. !Config Look at the description of the forcing data for !Config the correct value. !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CONDVEG_ALBNIR', albedo_scal(inir)) ! !Config Key = CONDVEG_EMIS !Config Desc = Emissivity of the surface for LW radiation !Config Def = 1.0 !Config If = IMPOSE_AZE !Config Help = The surface emissivity used for compution the LE emission !Config of the surface in a 0-dim version. Values range between !Config 0.97 and 1.. The GCM uses 0.98. !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CONDVEG_EMIS', emis_scal) ENDIF !- ! Variables related to the explicitsnow module !- !Config Key = xansmax !Config Desc = maximum snow albedo !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.85 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('XANSMAX',xansmax) ! !Config Key = xansmin !Config Desc = minimum snow albedo !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.50 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('XANSMIN',xansmin) ! !Config Key = xans_todry !Config Desc = albedo decay rate for the dry snow !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.008 !Config Help = !Config Units = [S-1] CALL getin_p('XANSDRY',xans_todry) ! !Config Key = xans_t !Config Desc = albedo decay rate for the wet snow !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.24 !Config Help = !Config Units = [S-1] CALL getin_p('XANS_T',xans_t) !Config Key = xrhosmax !Config Desc = maximum snow density !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 750 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('XRHOSMAX',xrhosmax) ! !Config Key = xwsnowholdmax1 !Config Desc = snow holding capacity 1 !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.03 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('XWSNOWHOLDMAX1',xwsnowholdmax1) ! !Config Key = xwsnowholdmax2 !Config Desc = snow holding capacity 2 !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.10 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('XWSNOWHOLDMAX2',xwsnowholdmax2) ! !Config Key = xsnowrhohold !Config Desc = snow density !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 200.0 !Config Help = !Config Units = [kg/m3] CALL getin_p('XSNOWRHOHOLD',xsnowrhohold) ! !Config Key = ZSNOWTHRMCOND1 !Config Desc = Thermal conductivity Coef 1 !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.02 !Config Help = !Config Units = [W/m/K] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWTHRMCOND1',ZSNOWTHRMCOND1) ! !Config Key = ZSNOWTHRMCOND2 !Config Desc = Thermal conductivity Coef 2 !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 2.5E-6 !Config Help = !Config Units = [W m5/(kg2 K)] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWTHRMCOND2',ZSNOWTHRMCOND2) ! !Config Key = ZSNOWTHRMCOND_AVAP !Config Desc = Thermal conductivity Coef 1 water vapor !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = -0.06023 !Config Help = !Config Units = [W/m/K] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWTHRMCOND_AVAP',ZSNOWTHRMCOND_AVAP) ! !Config Key = ZSNOWTHRMCOND_BVAP !Config Desc = Thermal conductivity Coef 2 water vapor !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = -2.5425 !Config Help = !Config Units = [W/m] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWTHRMCOND_BVAP',ZSNOWTHRMCOND_BVAP) ! !Config Key = ZSNOWTHRMCOND_CVAP !Config Desc = Thermal conductivity Coef 3 water vapor !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = -289.99 !Config Help = !Config Units = [K] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWTHRMCOND_CVAP',ZSNOWTHRMCOND_CVAP) !Snow compaction factors !Config Key = ZSNOWCMPCT_RHOD !Config Desc = Snow compaction coefficent !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 150.0 !Config Help = !Config Units = [kg/m3] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWCMPCT_RHOD',ZSNOWCMPCT_RHOD) !Config Key = ZSNOWCMPCT_ACM !Config Desc = Coefficent for the thermal conductivity !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 2.8e-6 !Config Help = !Config Units = [1/s] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWCMPCT_ACM',ZSNOWCMPCT_ACM) !Config Key = ZSNOWCMPCT_BCM !Config Desc = Coefficent for the thermal conductivity !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.04 !Config Help = !Config Units = [1/K] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWCMPCT_BCM',ZSNOWCMPCT_BCM) !Config Key = ZSNOWCMPCT_CCM !Config Desc = Coefficent for the thermal conductivity !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 460. !Config Help = !Config Units = [m3/kg] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWCMPCT_CCM',ZSNOWCMPCT_CCM) !Config Key = ZSNOWCMPCT_V0 !Config Desc = Vapor coefficent for the thermal conductivity !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 3.7e7 !Config Help = !Config Units = [Pa/s] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWCMPCT_V0',ZSNOWCMPCT_V0) !Config Key = ZSNOWCMPCT_VT !Config Desc = Vapor coefficent for the thermal conductivity !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.081 !Config Help = !Config Units = [1/K] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWCMPCT_VT',ZSNOWCMPCT_VT) !Config Key = ZSNOWCMPCT_VR !Config Desc = Vapor coefficent for the thermal conductivity !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.018 !Config Help = !Config Units = [m3/kg] CALL getin_p('ZSNOWCMPCT_VR',ZSNOWCMPCT_VR) !Surface resistance ! !Config Key = CB !Config Desc = Constant of the Louis scheme !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 5.0 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CB',cb) ! !Config Key = CC !Config Desc = Constant of the Louis scheme !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 5.0 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CC',cc) ! !Config Key = CD !Config Desc = Constant of the Louis scheme !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 5.0 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CD',cd) ! !Config Key = RAYT_CSTE !Config Desc = Constant in the computation of surface resistance !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 125 !Config Help = !Config Units = [W.m^{-2}] CALL getin_p('RAYT_CSTE',rayt_cste) ! !Config Key = DEFC_PLUS !Config Desc = Constant in the computation of surface resistance !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 23.E-3 !Config Help = !Config Units = [K.W^{-1}] CALL getin_p('DEFC_PLUS',defc_plus) ! !Config Key = DEFC_MULT !Config Desc = Constant in the computation of surface resistance !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 1.5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [K.W^{-1}] CALL getin_p('DEFC_MULT',defc_mult) ! ! !- ! diffuco !- ! !Config Key = NLAI !Config Desc = Number of LAI levels !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 20 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('NLAI',nlai) ! !Config Key = LAIMAX !Config Desc = Maximum LAI !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = !Config Help = !Config Units = [m^2/m^2] CALL getin_p('LAIMAX',laimax) ! !Config Key = DEW_VEG_POLY_COEFF !Config Desc = coefficients of the polynome of degree 5 for the dew !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.887773, 0.205673, 0.110112, 0.014843, 0.000824, 0.000017 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('DEW_VEG_POLY_COEFF',dew_veg_poly_coeff) ! !Config Key = DOWNREGULATION_CO2 !Config Desc = Activation of CO2 downregulation !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = n !Config Help = !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('DOWNREGULATION_CO2',downregulation_co2) ! !Config Key = DOWNREGULATION_CO2_BASELEVEL !Config Desc = CO2 base level !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 280. !Config Help = !Config Units = [ppm] CALL getin_p('DOWNREGULATION_CO2_BASELEVEL',downregulation_co2_baselevel) !- ! slowproc !- ! !Config Key = CLAYFRACTION_DEFAULT !Config Desc = default fraction of clay !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.2 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CLAYFRACTION_DEFAULT',clayfraction_default) ! !Config Key = SILTFRACTION_DEFAULT !Config Desc = default fraction of silt !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.4 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('SILTFRACTION_DEFAULT',siltfraction_default) ! !Config Key = SANDFRACTION_DEFAULT !Config Desc = default fraction of sand !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.4 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('SANDFRACTION_DEFAULT',sandfraction_default) ! !Config Key = MIN_VEGFRAC !Config Desc = Minimal fraction of mesh a vegetation type can occupy !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 0.001 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MIN_VEGFRAC',min_vegfrac) ! !Config Key = STEMPDIAG_BID !Config Desc = only needed for an initial LAI if there is no restart file !Config If = OK_SECHIBA !Config Def = 280. !Config Help = !Config Units = [K] CALL getin_p('STEMPDIAG_BID',stempdiag_bid) ! first_call =.FALSE. ENDIF END SUBROUTINE config_sechiba_parameters ! != ! !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : config_co2_parameters !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine reads in the configuration file all the parameters !! needed when OK_CO2 is set to true. (ie : when the photosynthesis is activated) !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): None !! !! REFERENCE(S) : !! !! FLOWCHART : !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE config_co2_parameters IMPLICIT NONE !! 0. Variables and parameters declaration !! 0.4 Local variables LOGICAL, SAVE :: first_call = .TRUE. !! To keep first call trace (true/false) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first_call) !_ ================================================================================================================================ IF(first_call) THEN ! !Config Key = LAI_LEVEL_DEPTH !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_CO2 !Config Def = 0.15 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('LAI_LEVEL_DEPTH',lai_level_depth) ! !Config Key = Oi !Config Desc = Intercellular oxygen partial pressure !Config If = OK_CO2 !Config Def = 210000. !Config Help = See Legend of Figure 6 of Yin et al. (2009) !Config Units = [ubar] CALL getin_p('Oi',Oi) first_call = .FALSE. ENDIF END SUBROUTINE config_co2_parameters ! != ! !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : config_stomate_parameters !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine reads in the configuration file all the parameters !! needed when stomate is activated (ie : when OK_STOMATE is set to true). !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCE(S) : !! !! FLOWCHART : !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE config_stomate_parameters IMPLICIT NONE !! 0. Variables and parameters declaration !! 0.4 Local variables LOGICAL, SAVE :: first_call = .TRUE. !! To keep first call trace (true/false) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first_call) !_ ================================================================================================================================ IF(first_call) THEN !- ! constraints_parameters !- ! !Config Key = TOO_LONG !Config Desc = longest sustainable time without regeneration (vernalization) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 5. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TOO_LONG',too_long) !- ! fire parameters !- ! !Config Key = TAU_FIRE !Config Desc = Time scale for memory of the fire index (days). Validated for one year in the DGVM. !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 30. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_FIRE',tau_fire) ! !Config Key = LITTER_CRIT !Config Desc = Critical litter quantity for fire !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 200. !Config Help = !Config Units = [gC/m^2] CALL getin_p('LITTER_CRIT',litter_crit) ! !Config Key = FIRE_RESIST_STRUCT !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FIRE_RESIST_STRUCT',fire_resist_struct) ! ! !Config Key = CO2FRAC !Config Desc = What fraction of a burned plant compartment goes into the atmosphere !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.95, 0.95, 0., 0.3, 0., 0., 0.95, 0.95 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CO2FRAC',co2frac) ! !Config Key = BCFRAC_COEFF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.3, 1.3, 88.2 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('BCFRAC_COEFF',bcfrac_coeff) ! !Config Key = FIREFRAC_COEFF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.45, 0.8, 0.6, 0.13 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FIREFRAC_COEFF',firefrac_coeff) !Config Key = REF_GREFF !Config Desc = Asymptotic maximum mortality rate !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.035 !Config Help = Set asymptotic maximum mortality rate from Sitch 2003 !Config (they use 0.01) (year^{-1}) !Config Units = [1/year] CALL getin_p('REF_GREFF',ref_greff) !- ! allocation parameters !- ! !Config Key = OK_MINRES !Config Desc = Do we try to reach a minimum reservoir even if we are severely stressed? !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = y !Config Help = !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('OK_MINRES',ok_minres) ! !Config Key = RESERVE_TIME_TREE !Config Desc = maximum time during which reserve is used (trees) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 30. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('RESERVE_TIME_TREE',reserve_time_tree) ! !Config Key = RESERVE_TIME_GRASS !Config Desc = maximum time during which reserve is used (grasses) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 20. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('RESERVE_TIME_GRASS',reserve_time_grass) ! !Config Key = F_FRUIT !Config Desc = Standard fruit allocation !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.1 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('F_FRUIT',f_fruit) ! !Config Key = ALLOC_SAP_ABOVE_GRASS !Config Desc = fraction of sapwood allocation above ground !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1.0 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ALLOC_SAP_ABOVE_GRASS',alloc_sap_above_grass) ! !Config Key = MIN_LTOLSR !Config Desc = extrema of leaf allocation fraction !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.2 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MIN_LTOLSR',min_LtoLSR) ! !Config Key = MAX_LTOLSR !Config Desc = extrema of leaf allocation fraction !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MAX_LTOLSR',max_LtoLSR) ! !Config Key = Z_NITROGEN !Config Desc = scaling depth for nitrogen limitation !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.2 !Config Help = !Config Units = [m] CALL getin_p('Z_NITROGEN',z_nitrogen) ! !Config Key = NLIM_TREF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 25. !Config Help = !Config Units = [C] CALL getin_p('NLIM_TREF',Nlim_tref) !- ! data parameters !- ! !Config Key = PIPE_TUNE1 !Config Desc = crown area = pipe_tune1. stem diameter**(1.6) (Reinicke's theory) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 100.0 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('PIPE_TUNE1',pipe_tune1) ! !Config Key = PIPE_TUNE2 !Config Desc = height=pipe_tune2 * diameter**pipe_tune3 !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 40.0 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('PIPE_TUNE2',pipe_tune2) ! !Config Key = PIPE_TUNE3 !Config Desc = height=pipe_tune2 * diameter**pipe_tune3 !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('PIPE_TUNE3',pipe_tune3) ! !Config Key = PIPE_TUNE4 !Config Desc = needed for stem diameter !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.3 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('PIPE_TUNE4',pipe_tune4) ! !Config Key = PIPE_DENSITY !Config Desc = Density !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 2.e5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('PIPE_DENSITY',pipe_density) ! !Config Key = PIPE_K1 !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 8.e3 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('PIPE_K1',pipe_k1) ! !Config Key = PIPE_TUNE_EXP_COEFF !Config Desc = pipe tune exponential coeff !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1.6 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('PIPE_TUNE_EXP_COEFF',pipe_tune_exp_coeff) ! ! !Config Key = PRECIP_CRIT !Config Desc = minimum precip !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 100. !Config Help = !Config Units = [mm/year] CALL getin_p('PRECIP_CRIT',precip_crit) ! !Config Key = GDD_CRIT_ESTAB !Config Desc = minimum gdd for establishment of saplings !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 150. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('GDD_CRIT_ESTAB',gdd_crit_estab) ! !Config Key = FPC_CRIT !Config Desc = critical fpc, needed for light competition and establishment !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.95 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FPC_CRIT',fpc_crit) ! !Config Key = ALPHA_GRASS !Config Desc = sapling characteristics : alpha's !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ALPHA_GRASS',alpha_grass) ! !Config Key = ALPHA_TREE !Config Desc = sapling characteristics : alpha's !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ALPHA_TREE',alpha_tree) !- ! !Config Key = MASS_RATIO_HEART_SAP !Config Desc = mass ratio (heartwood+sapwood)/sapwood !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 3. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MASS_RATIO_HEART_SAP',mass_ratio_heart_sap) ! !Config Key = TAU_HUM_MONTH !Config Desc = time scales for phenology and other processes !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 20. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_HUM_MONTH',tau_hum_month) ! !Config Key = TAU_HUM_WEEK !Config Desc = time scales for phenology and other processes !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 7. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_HUM_WEEK',tau_hum_week) ! !Config Key = TAU_T2M_MONTH !Config Desc = time scales for phenology and other processes !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 20. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_T2M_MONTH',tau_t2m_month) ! !Config Key = TAU_T2M_WEEK !Config Desc = time scales for phenology and other processes !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 7. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_T2M_WEEK',tau_t2m_week) ! !Config Key = TAU_TSOIL_MONTH !Config Desc = time scales for phenology and other processes !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 20. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_TSOIL_MONTH',tau_tsoil_month) ! !Config Key = TAU_SOILHUM_MONTH !Config Desc = time scales for phenology and other processes !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 20. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_SOILHUM_MONTH',tau_soilhum_month) ! !Config Key = TAU_GPP_WEEK !Config Desc = time scales for phenology and other processes !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 7. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_GPP_WEEK',tau_gpp_week) ! !Config Key = TAU_GDD !Config Desc = time scales for phenology and other processes !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 40. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_GDD',tau_gdd) ! !Config Key = TAU_NGD !Config Desc = time scales for phenology and other processes !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 50. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_NGD',tau_ngd) ! !Config Key = COEFF_TAU_LONGTERM !Config Desc = time scales for phenology and other processes !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 3. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('COEFF_TAU_LONGTERM',coeff_tau_longterm) !- ! !Config Key = BM_SAPL_CARBRES !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 5. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('BM_SAPL_CARBRES',bm_sapl_carbres) ! !Config Key = BM_SAPL_SAPABOVE !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('BM_SAPL_SAPABOVE',bm_sapl_sapabove) ! !Config Key = BM_SAPL_HEARTABOVE !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 2. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('BM_SAPL_HEARTABOVE',bm_sapl_heartabove) ! !Config Key = BM_SAPL_HEARTBELOW !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 2. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('BM_SAPL_HEARTBELOW',bm_sapl_heartbelow) ! !Config Key = INIT_SAPL_MASS_LEAF_NAT !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.1 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('INIT_SAPL_MASS_LEAF_NAT',init_sapl_mass_leaf_nat) ! !Config Key = INIT_SAPL_MASS_LEAF_AGRI !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('INIT_SAPL_MASS_LEAF_AGRI',init_sapl_mass_leaf_agri) ! !Config Key = INIT_SAPL_MASS_CARBRES !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 5. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('INIT_SAPL_MASS_CARBRES',init_sapl_mass_carbres) ! !Config Key = INIT_SAPL_MASS_ROOT !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.1 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('INIT_SAPL_MASS_ROOT',init_sapl_mass_root) ! !Config Key = INIT_SAPL_MASS_FRUIT !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.3 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('INIT_SAPL_MASS_FRUIT',init_sapl_mass_fruit) ! !Config Key = CN_SAPL_INIT !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CN_SAPL_INIT',cn_sapl_init) ! !Config Key = MIGRATE_TREE !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 10000. !Config Help = !Config Units = [m/year] CALL getin_p('MIGRATE_TREE',migrate_tree) ! !Config Key = MIGRATE_GRASS !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 10000. !Config Help = !Config Units = [m/year] CALL getin_p('MIGRATE_GRASS',migrate_grass) ! !Config Key = LAI_INITMIN_TREE !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.3 !Config Help = !Config Units = [m^2/m^2] CALL getin_p('LAI_INITMIN_TREE',lai_initmin_tree) ! !Config Key = LAI_INITMIN_GRASS !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.1 !Config Help = !Config Units = [m^2/m^2] CALL getin_p('LAI_INITMIN_GRASS',lai_initmin_grass) ! !Config Key = DIA_COEFF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 4., 0.5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('DIA_COEFF',dia_coeff) ! !Config Key = MAXDIA_COEFF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 100., 0.01 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MAXDIA_COEFF',maxdia_coeff) ! !Config Key = BM_SAPL_LEAF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 4., 4., 0.8, 5. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('BM_SAPL_LEAF',bm_sapl_leaf) !- ! litter parameters !- ! !Config Key = METABOLIC_REF_FRAC !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.85 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('METABOLIC_REF_FRAC',metabolic_ref_frac) ! !Config Key = Z_DECOMP !Config Desc = scaling depth for soil activity !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.2 !Config Help = !Config Units = [m] CALL getin_p('Z_DECOMP',z_decomp) ! !Config Key = CN !Config Desc = C/N ratio !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 40., 40., 40., 40., 40., 40., 40., 40. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CN',CN) ! !Config Key = LC !Config Desc = Lignine/C ratio of the different plant parts !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.22, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.22, 0.22, 0.22 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('LC',LC) ! !Config Key = FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_AA !Config Desc = frac_soil(istructural,iactive,iabove) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.55 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_AA',frac_soil_struct_aa) ! !Config Key = FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_A !Config Desc = frac_soil(istructural,iactive,ibelow) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.45 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_AB',frac_soil_struct_ab) ! !Config Key = FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_SA !Config Desc = frac_soil(istructural,islow,iabove) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.7 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_SA',frac_soil_struct_sa) ! !Config Key = FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_SB !Config Desc = frac_soil(istructural,islow,ibelow) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.7 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_SB',frac_soil_struct_sb) ! !Config Key = FRAC_SOIL_METAB_AA !Config Desc = frac_soil(imetabolic,iactive,iabove) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.45 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FRAC_SOIL_METAB_AA',frac_soil_metab_aa) ! !Config Key = FRAC_SOIL_METAB_AB !Config Desc = frac_soil(imetabolic,iactive,ibelow) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.45 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FRAC_SOIL_METAB_AB',frac_soil_metab_ab) ! ! !Config Key = METABOLIC_LN_RATIO !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.018 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('METABOLIC_LN_RATIO',metabolic_LN_ratio) ! !Config Key = TAU_METABOLIC !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.066 !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_METABOLIC',tau_metabolic) ! !Config Key = TAU_STRUCT !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.245 !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_STRUCT',tau_struct) ! !Config Key = SOIL_Q10 !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.69 (=ln2) !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('SOIL_Q10',soil_Q10) ! !Config Key = a_term_Q10_soil !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 11.049 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('a_term_Q10_soil',a_term_Q10_soil) ! !Config Key = b_term_Q10_soil !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 35.003 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('b_term_Q10_soil',b_term_Q10_soil) ! !Config Key = TSOIL_REF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 30. !Config Help = !Config Units = [C] CALL getin_p('TSOIL_REF',tsoil_ref) ! !Config Key = LITTER_STRUCT_COEF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 3. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('LITTER_STRUCT_COEF',litter_struct_coef) ! !Config Key = MOIST_COEFF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1.1, 2.4, 0.29 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MOIST_COEFF',moist_coeff) ! !Config Key = MOISTCONT_MIN !Config Desc = minimum soil wetness to limit the heterotrophic respiration !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.25 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MOISTCONT_MIN',moistcont_min) !- ! lpj parameters !- ! !Config Key = FRAC_TURNOVER_DAILY !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.55 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FRAC_TURNOVER_DAILY',frac_turnover_daily) !- ! npp parameters !- ! !Config Key = TAX_MAX !Config Desc = maximum fraction of allocatable biomass used for maintenance respiration !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.8 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('TAX_MAX',tax_max) !- ! phenology parameters !- ! !Config Key = ALWAYS_INIT !Config Desc = take carbon from atmosphere if carbohydrate reserve too small? !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = n !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ALWAYS_INIT',always_init) ! !Config Key = MIN_GROWTHINIT_TIME !Config Desc = minimum time since last beginning of a growing season !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 300. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('MIN_GROWTHINIT_TIME',min_growthinit_time) ! !Config Key = MOIAVAIL_ALWAYS_TREE !Config Desc = moisture availability above which moisture tendency doesn't matter !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1.0 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MOIAVAIL_ALWAYS_TREE',moiavail_always_tree) ! !Config Key = MOIAVAIL_ALWAYS_GRASS !Config Desc = moisture availability above which moisture tendency doesn't matter !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.6 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MOIAVAIL_ALWAYS_GRASS',moiavail_always_grass) ! !Config Key = T_ALWAYS_ADD !Config Desc = monthly temp. above which temp. tendency doesn't matter !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 10. !Config Help = !Config Units = [C] CALL getin_p('T_ALWAYS_ADD',t_always_add) ! ! !Config Key = GDDNCD_REF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 603. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('GDDNCD_REF',gddncd_ref) ! !Config Key = GDDNCD_CURVE !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.0091 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('GDDNCD_CURVE',gddncd_curve) ! !Config Key = GDDNCD_OFFSET !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 64. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('GDDNCD_OFFSET',gddncd_offset) !- ! prescribe parameters !- ! !Config Key = BM_SAPL_RESCALE !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 40. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('BM_SAPL_RESCALE',bm_sapl_rescale) !- ! respiration parameters !- ! !Config Key = MAINT_RESP_MIN_VMAX !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.3 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MAINT_RESP_MIN_VMAX',maint_resp_min_vmax) ! !Config Key = MAINT_RESP_COEFF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1.4 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MAINT_RESP_COEFF',maint_resp_coeff) !- ! soilcarbon parameters !- ! !Config Key = FRAC_CARB_AP !Config Desc = frac carb coefficients from active pool: depends on clay content !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.004 !Config Help = fraction of the active pool going into the passive pool !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_AP',frac_carb_ap) ! !Config Key = FRAC_CARB_SA !Config Desc = frac_carb_coefficients from slow pool !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.42 !Config Help = fraction of the slow pool going into the active pool !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_SA',frac_carb_sa) ! !Config Key = FRAC_CARB_SP !Config Desc = frac_carb_coefficients from slow pool !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.03 !Config Help = fraction of the slow pool going into the passive pool !Config Units = [-] !CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_SP',frac_carb_sp) ! !Config Key = FRAC_CARB_PA !Config Desc = frac_carb_coefficients from passive pool !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.45 !Config Help = fraction of the passive pool going into the active pool !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_PA',frac_carb_pa) ! !Config Key = FRAC_CARB_PS !Config Desc = frac_carb_coefficients from passive pool !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.0 !Config Help = fraction of the passive pool going into the slow pool !Config Units = [-] !CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_PS',frac_carb_ps) ! !Config Key = ACTIVE_TO_PASS_CLAY_FRAC !Config Desc = !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.68 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ACTIVE_TO_PASS_CLAY_FRAC',active_to_pass_clay_frac) ! !Config Key = CARBON_TAU_IACTIVE !Config Desc = residence times in carbon pools !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.149 !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('CARBON_TAU_IACTIVE',carbon_tau_iactive) ! !Config Key = CARBON_TAU_ISLOW !Config Desc = residence times in carbon pools !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 5.48 !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('CARBON_TAU_ISLOW',carbon_tau_islow) ! !Config Key = CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE !Config Desc = residence times in carbon pools !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 241. !Config Help = residence time in the passive pool !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE',carbon_tau_ipassive) ! !Config Key = PRIMING_PARAM_IACTIVE !Config Desc = priming parameter in carbon pools !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 493.66 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('PRIMING_PARAM_IACTIVE',priming_param_iactive) ! !Config Key = PRIMING_PARAM_ISLOW !Config Desc = priming parameter in carbon pools !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 194.03 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('PRIMING_PARAM_ISLOW',priming_param_islow) ! !Config Key = PRIMING_PARAM_IPASSIVE !Config Desc = priming parameter in carbon pools !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 136.54 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('PRIMING_PARAM_IPASSIVE',priming_param_ipassive) ! !Config Key = DOC_tau_labile !Config Desc = residence time of labile DOC !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.3 !Config Help = tuning !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('DOC_TAU_LABILE',DOC_tau_labile) ! IF (DOC_tau_labile .LT. un) THEN ! WRITE(numout,*) "A residence time < one day is incompatible with forcesoil" ! WRITE(numout,*) "Please correct" ! STOP ! ENDIF ! !Config Key = DOC_tau_stable !Config Desc = residence time of stable DOC !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 60.3 !Config Help = tuning !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('DOC_TAU_STABLE',DOC_tau_stable) ! !!Config Key = D_DOC !Config Desc = diffusion coefficient of DOC !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.0000004428 !Config Help = from Burdige et al., 1999 in Ota et al., 2013 !Config Units = [m^2 hr-1] CALL getin_p('D_DOC',D_DOC) ! !!Config Key = red_factor !Config Desc = parameter to reduce the DOC flux due to water flux !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.5 !Config Help = Pure tunning !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('RED_FACTOR',red_factor) ! !!Config Key = flux_red_sro !Config Desc = parameter to reduce the DOC flux due to water flux runoff !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.2 !Config Help = Pure tunning !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('FLUX_RED_SRO',flux_red_sro) ! !!Config Key = sro_bottom !Config Desc = layer to which runoff DOC is taken !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 10 CALL getin_p('SRO_BOTTOM',sro_bottom) ! !!Config Key = fastr_ref !Config Desc = reference value for fast reservoir !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 25 !Config Units = [kg H2O.m^-2] CALL getin_p('FASTR_REF',fastr_ref) ! !!Config Key = conc_DOC_rain !Config Desc = DOC concentration in rain !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 2.4 !Config Help = from Jonson et al., 2006, and others !Config Units = [mg DOC kg H2O^-1] CALL getin_p('CONC_DOC_RAIN',conc_DOC_rain) ! !!Config Key = DOCexp_max !Config Desc = Max. DOC concentration in export !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 30.0 mg/L !Config Help = found by calibration !Config Units = [mg DOC kg H2O^-1] CALL getin_p('DOC_EXP_MAX',DOCexp_max) ! !!Config Key = conc_DOC_max !Config Desc = Max. DOC concentration in TF !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 100.0 mg/L !Config Help = after Johnson et al. !Config Units = [mg DOC kg H2O^-1] CALL getin_p('DOC_TF_MAX',conc_DOC_max) ! !!Config Key = m_ads !Config Desc = partition coefficient for adsorption of DOC !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.45 !Config Help = Mean from Kothawalla et al., 2008 and Kaiser et al., 1996 !Config Units = [-] ! CALL getin_p('m_ads',m_ads) ! !!Config Key = b_ads !Config Desc = desorption coefficient for adsorption of DOC !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.17 !Config Help = Mean from Kothawalla et al., 2008 and Kaiser et al., 1996 !Config Units = [mg C g soil-1] CALL getin_p('b_ads',b_ads) ! !!Config Key = kd_ads !Config Desc = distribution coefficient in the mineral soil !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.00805 !Config Help = Median from Moore et al., 1992 !Config Units = [m3 water kg soil-1] CALL getin_p('kd_ads',kd_ads) ! !!Config Key = CUE !Config Desc = Microbial carbon use efficiency !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.5 !Config Help = Assumed value of CUE=0.5 !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('CUE',CUE) ! !Config Key = BULK_DENSITY !Config Desc = value of the soil bulk density !Config if = IMPOSE_VEG and IMPOSE_SOIL !Config Def = 1.65 !Config Help = !Config Units = [g cm-3] CALL getin_p('BULK_DENSITY',bulk_density_default) ! !Config Key = SOIL_PH !Config Desc = pH of the soil (0-dim mode) !Config Def = 7.0 !Config If = IMPOSE_VEG and IMPOSE_SOIL !Config Help = Determines the soil pH in the grid box. !Config Units = [pH units] CALL getin_p('soil_ph',soil_ph_default) ! !Config Key = FLUX_TOT_COEFF !Config Desc = !Config if = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1.2, 1.4,.75 !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('FLUX_TOT_COEFF',flux_tot_coeff) !- ! turnover parameters !- ! !Config Key = NEW_TURNOVER_TIME_REF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 20. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('NEW_TURNOVER_TIME_REF',new_turnover_time_ref) !Config Key = LEAF_AGE_CRIT_TREF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 20. !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('LEAF_AGE_CRIT_TREF',leaf_age_crit_tref) ! !Config Key = LEAF_AGE_CRIT_COEFF !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1.5, 0.75, 10. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('LEAF_AGE_CRIT_COEFF',leaf_age_crit_coeff) !- ! vmax parameters !- ! !Config Key = VMAX_OFFSET !Config Desc = offset (minimum relative vcmax) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.3 !Config Help = offset (minimum vcmax/vmax_opt) !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('VMAX_OFFSET',vmax_offset) ! !Config Key = LEAFAGE_FIRSTMAX !Config Desc = leaf age at which vmax attains vcmax_opt (in fraction of critical leaf age) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.03 !Config Help = relative leaf age at which vmax attains vcmax_opt !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('LEAFAGE_FIRSTMAX',leafage_firstmax) ! !Config Key = LEAFAGE_LASTMAX !Config Desc = leaf age at which vmax falls below vcmax_opt (in fraction of critical leaf age) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.5 !Config Help = relative leaf age at which vmax falls below vcmax_opt !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('LEAFAGE_LASTMAX',leafage_lastmax) ! !Config Key = LEAFAGE_OLD !Config Desc = leaf age at which vmax attains its minimum (in fraction of critical leaf age) !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1. !Config Help = relative leaf age at which vmax attains its minimum !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('LEAFAGE_OLD',leafage_old) !- ! season parameters !- ! !Config Key = GPPFRAC_DORMANCE !Config Desc = rapport maximal GPP/GGP_max pour dormance !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.2 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('GPPFRAC_DORMANCE',gppfrac_dormance) ! !Config Key = TAU_CLIMATOLOGY !Config Desc = tau for "climatologic variables !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 20 !Config Help = !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('TAU_CLIMATOLOGY',tau_climatology) ! !Config Key = HVC1 !Config Desc = parameters for herbivore activity !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.019 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('HVC1',hvc1) ! !Config Key = HVC2 !Config Desc = parameters for herbivore activity !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 1.38 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('HVC2',hvc2) ! !Config Key = LEAF_FRAC_HVC !Config Desc = parameters for herbivore activity !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.33 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('LEAF_FRAC_HVC',leaf_frac_hvc) ! !Config Key = TLONG_REF_MAX !Config Desc = maximum reference long term temperature !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 303.1 !Config Help = !Config Units = [K] CALL getin_p('TLONG_REF_MAX',tlong_ref_max) ! !Config Key = TLONG_REF_MIN !Config Desc = minimum reference long term temperature !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 253.1 !Config Help = !Config Units = [K] CALL getin_p('TLONG_REF_MIN',tlong_ref_min) ! !Config Key = NCD_MAX_YEAR !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 3. !Config Help = NCD : Number of Chilling Days !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('NCD_MAX_YEAR',ncd_max_year) ! !Config Key = GDD_THRESHOLD !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 5. !Config Help = GDD : Growing-Degree-Day !Config Units = [days] CALL getin_p('GDD_THRESHOLD',gdd_threshold) ! !Config Key = GREEN_AGE_EVER !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 2. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('GREEN_AGE_EVER',green_age_ever) ! !Config Key = GREEN_AGE_DEC !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_STOMATE !Config Def = 0.5 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('GREEN_AGE_DEC',green_age_dec) first_call = .FALSE. ENDIF END SUBROUTINE config_stomate_parameters ! != ! !! ================================================================================================================================ !! SUBROUTINE : config_dgvm_parameters !! !>\BRIEF This subroutine reads in the configuration file all the parameters !! needed when the DGVM model is activated (ie : when ok_dgvm is set to true). !! !! DESCRIPTION : None !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): !! !! REFERENCE(S) : !! !! FLOWCHART : !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ SUBROUTINE config_dgvm_parameters IMPLICIT NONE !! 0. Variables and parameters declaration !! 0.4 Local variables LOGICAL, SAVE :: first_call = .TRUE. !! To keep first call trace (true/false) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first_call) !_ ================================================================================================================================ IF(first_call) THEN !- ! establish parameters !- ! !Config Key = ESTAB_MAX_TREE !Config Desc = Maximum tree establishment rate !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 0.12 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ESTAB_MAX_TREE',estab_max_tree) ! !Config Key = ESTAB_MAX_GRASS !Config Desc = Maximum grass establishment rate !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 0.12 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ESTAB_MAX_GRASS',estab_max_grass) ! !Config Key = ESTABLISH_SCAL_FACT !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 5. !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('ESTABLISH_SCAL_FACT',establish_scal_fact) ! !Config Key = MAX_TREE_COVERAGE !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 0.98 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MAX_TREE_COVERAGE',max_tree_coverage) ! !Config Key = IND_0_ESTAB !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 0.2 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('IND_0_ESTAB',ind_0_estab) !- ! light parameters !- ! !Config Key = ANNUAL_INCREASE !Config Desc = for diagnosis of fpc increase, compare today's fpc to last year's maximum (T) or to fpc of last time step (F)? !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = y !Config Help = !Config Units = [FLAG] CALL getin_p('ANNUAL_INCREASE',annual_increase) ! !Config Key = MIN_COVER !Config Desc = For trees, minimum fraction of crown area occupied !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 0.05 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MIN_COVER',min_cover) !- ! pftinout parameters ! !Config Key = IND_0 !Config Desc = initial density of individuals !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 0.02 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('IND_0',ind_0) ! !Config Key = MIN_AVAIL !Config Desc = minimum availability !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 0.01 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('MIN_AVAIL',min_avail) ! !Config Key = RIP_TIME_MIN !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 1.25 !Config Help = !Config Units = [year] CALL getin_p('RIP_TIME_MIN',RIP_time_min) ! !Config Key = NPP_LONGTERM_INIT !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 10. !Config Help = !Config Units = [gC/m^2/year] CALL getin_p('NPP_LONGTERM_INIT',npp_longterm_init) ! !Config Key = EVERYWHERE_INIT !Config Desc = !Config If = OK_DGVM !Config Def = 0.05 !Config Help = !Config Units = [-] CALL getin_p('EVERYWHERE_INIT',everywhere_init) first_call = .FALSE. ENDIF END SUBROUTINE config_dgvm_parameters !! ================================================================================================================================ !! FUNCTION : get_printlev !! !>\BRIEF Read global PRINTLEV parmeter and local PRINTLEV_modname !! !! DESCRIPTION : The first time this function is called the parameter PRINTLEV is read from run.def file. !! It is stored in the variable named printlev which is declared in constantes_var.f90. printlev !! can be accesed each module in ORCHIDEE which makes use of constantes_var module. !! !! This function also reads the parameter PRINTLEV_modname for run.def file. modname is the !! intent(in) character string to this function. If the variable is set in run.def file, the corresponding !! value is returned. Otherwise the value of printlev is returnd as default. !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): None !! !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S): The local output level for the module set as intent(in) argument. !! !! REFERENCE(S) : !! !! FLOWCHART : !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ FUNCTION get_printlev ( modname ) !! 0.1 Input arguments CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: modname !! 0.2 Returned variable INTEGER :: get_printlev !! 0.3 Local variables LOGICAL, SAVE :: first=.TRUE. !_ ================================================================================================================================ !! 1.0 Read the global PRINTLEV from run.def. This is only done at first call to this function. IF (first) THEN ! Set default value for printlev ! printlev is a public variable declared in constantes_var printlev=1 !Config Key = PRINTLEV !Config Desc = Print level for text output !Config If = !Config Help = Possible values are: !Config 0 No output, !Config 1 Minimum writing for long simulations, !Config 2 More basic information for long simulations, !Config 3 First debug level, !Config 4 Higher debug level !Config Def = 1 !Config Units = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] CALL getin_p('PRINTLEV',printlev) first=.FALSE. !Config Key = PRINTLEV_modname !Config Desc = Specific print level of text output for the module "modname". Default as PRINTLEV. !Config Def = 1 !Config If = !Config Help = Use this option to activate a different level of text output !Config for a specific module. This can be activated for several modules !Config at the same time. Use for example PRINTLEV_sechiba. !Config Units = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] END IF ! Set default value as the standard printlev get_printlev=printlev ! Read optional value from run.def file CALL getin_p('PRINTLEV_'//modname, get_printlev) END FUNCTION get_printlev END MODULE constantes