! ================================================================================================================================ ! MODULE : mod_orchidee_para_var ! ! CONTACT : orchidee-help _at_ ipsl.jussieu.fr ! ! LICENCE : IPSL (2006) ! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC ! !>\BRIEF This module contains public variables for parallelization and domain decomposition !! !!\n DESCRIPTION: \n !! !! REFERENCE(S) : None !! !! SVN : !! $HeadURL: $ !! $Date: $ !! $Revision: $ !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ MODULE mod_orchidee_para_var USE defprec ! ! 1. Variables related to the MPI parallelization and the MPI horizontal domain decompostion. ! These variables were previously declared in mod_orchidee_mpi_data ! ! Unit for output messages INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: numout = 6 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(numout) INTEGER,SAVE :: mpi_size !! Number of parallel processes INTEGER,SAVE :: mpi_rank !! my rank num INTEGER,SAVE :: mpi_rank_root !! rank of MPI root LOGICAL,SAVE :: is_mpi_root !! Only MPI root proc is true LOGICAL,SAVE :: is_ok_mpi INTEGER(i_std),SAVE :: nbp_mpi !! number of local continental points in each mpi group INTEGER(i_std),SAVE :: nbp_glo !! number of global continental points INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: nbp_mpi_para INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: nbp_mpi_para_begin INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: nbp_mpi_para_end INTEGER,SAVE :: nbp_mpi_begin INTEGER,SAVE :: nbp_mpi_end INTEGER(i_std),SAVE :: iim_g !! Dimension of global fields for longitude INTEGER(i_std),SAVE :: jjm_g !! Dimension of global fields for latitude ! i x j 2D points (not land points) index INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: ij_para_nb ! Number of 2D points for each mpi_rank block INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: ij_para_begin ! First 2D point for each mpi_rank block INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: ij_para_end ! Last 2D point for each mpi_rank block ! i 2D index INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: ii_para_begin ! First i index of 2D point for each mpi_rank block INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: ii_para_end ! Last i index of 2D point for each mpi_rank block ! j 2D index INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: jj_para_nb ! Number of complete j lines for each mpi_rank block INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: jj_para_begin ! First j index of 2D point for each mpi_rank block INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: jj_para_end ! Last j index of 2D point for each mpi_rank block INTEGER,SAVE :: ii_begin INTEGER,SAVE :: ii_end INTEGER,SAVE :: jj_begin INTEGER,SAVE :: jj_end INTEGER,SAVE :: jj_nb INTEGER,SAVE :: ij_begin INTEGER,SAVE :: ij_end INTEGER,SAVE :: ij_nb INTEGER,SAVE :: MPI_COMM_ORCH INTEGER,SAVE :: MPI_REAL_ORCH INTEGER,SAVE :: MPI_INT_ORCH LOGICAL, SAVE :: cpl_lmdz INTEGER,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: kindex_mpi (:) INTEGER,SAVE :: offset_mpi ! ! 2. Variables related to the OpenMP paralelization and OpenMP horizontal domain decomposition ! These variables were previously declared in mod_orchidee_omp_data ! ! Check all OpenMP transferts in ORCHIDEE : use this flag to debug synchronism with OpenMP LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: check_all_transfert=.FALSE. INTEGER(i_std),SAVE :: omp_size INTEGER(i_std),SAVE :: omp_rank LOGICAL,SAVE :: is_omp_root LOGICAL,SAVE :: is_ok_omp !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(omp_rank,is_omp_root) INTEGER(i_std),SAVE,DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: nbp_omp_para_nb INTEGER(i_std),SAVE,DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: nbp_omp_para_begin INTEGER(i_std),SAVE,DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: nbp_omp_para_end INTEGER(i_std),SAVE :: nbp_omp INTEGER(i_std),SAVE :: nbp_omp_begin INTEGER(i_std),SAVE :: nbp_omp_end INTEGER(i_std),SAVE :: offset_omp !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nbp_omp,nbp_omp_begin,nbp_omp_end,offset_omp) ! Flag for each OMP process for ORCHIDEE to verify synchronization if function Synchro_Omp is used LOGICAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: proc_synchro_omp(:) INTEGER, SAVE :: numout_omp = -1 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(numout_omp) ! For debugging OpenMP processes : id of OMP function for each task. ! If one task is not in the same function, we can see it. INTEGER(i_std),SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: omp_function ! It is not SHARED. ! List of values : CHARACTER(LEN=28), PARAMETER :: omp_fct_name(-1:72) = (/ & "Initialization ", & "Synchro_Omp ", & "check_buffer_i ", & "check_buffer_r ", & "check_buffer_l ", & "bcast_omp_c ", & "bcast_omp_i ", & "bcast_omp_i1 ", & "bcast_omp_i2 ", & "bcast_omp_i3 ", & "bcast_omp_i4 ", & "bcast_omp_r ", & "bcast_omp_r1 ", & "bcast_omp_r2 ", & "bcast_omp_r3 ", & "bcast_omp_r4 ", & "bcast_omp_l ", & "bcast_omp_l1 ", & "bcast_omp_l2 ", & "bcast_omp_l3 ", & "bcast_omp_l4 ", & "scatter_omp_i ", & "scatter_omp_i1 ", & "scatter_omp_i2 ", & "scatter_omp_i3 ", & "scatter_omp_r ", & "scatter_omp_r1 ", & "scatter_omp_r2 ", & "scatter_omp_r3 ", & "scatter_omp_l ", & "scatter_omp_l1 ", & "scatter_omp_l2 ", & "scatter_omp_l3 ", & "gather_omp_i0 ", & "gather_omp_i ", & "gather_omp_i1 ", & "gather_omp_i2 ", & "gather_omp_i3 ", & "gather_omp_r0 ", & "gather_omp_r ", & "gather_omp_r1 ", & "gather_omp_r2 ", & "gather_omp_r3 ", & "gather_omp_l0 ", & "gather_omp_l ", & "gather_omp_l1 ", & "gather_omp_l2 ", & "gather_omp_l3 ", & "reduce_sum_omp_i ", & "reduce_sum_omp_i1 ", & "reduce_sum_omp_i2 ", & "reduce_sum_omp_i3 ", & "reduce_sum_omp_i4 ", & "reduce_sum_omp_r ", & "reduce_sum_omp_r1 ", & "reduce_sum_omp_r2 ", & "reduce_sum_omp_r3 ", & "reduce_sum_omp_r4 ", & "orch_bcast_omp_cgen ", & "orch_bcast_omp_igen ", & "orch_bcast_omp_rgen ", & "orch_bcast_omp_lgen ", & "orch_scatter_omp_igen ", & "orch_scatter_omp_rgen ", & "orch_scatter_omp_lgen ", & "orch_gather_omp_simple_igen ", & "orch_gather_omp_igen ", & "orch_gather_omp_simple_rgen ", & "orch_gather_omp_rgen ", & "orch_gather_omp_simple_lgen ", & "orch_gather_omp_lgen ", & "orch_reduce_sum_omp_igen ", & "orch_reduce_sum_omp_rgen ", & "check_buffer_c " /) ! Previous value for own omp_function INTEGER, SAVE :: omp_previous !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(omp_previous) ! !! 3. Variables previously declared in mod_orchide_para ! INTEGER,SAVE :: nbp_loc !! number of local continental points !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nbp_loc) INTEGER,SAVE :: offset !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(offset) LOGICAL,SAVE :: is_root_prc = .FALSE. !! Only root proc for MPI and OpenMP is true !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(is_root_prc) !! Global array used by stomate and sechiba !- !! index of land points on the 2D map INTEGER(i_std),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:),SAVE :: index_g !- !! indices of the 4 neighbours of each grid point (1=N, 2=E, 3=S, 4=W) INTEGER(i_std),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:),SAVE :: neighbours_g !- !! resolution at each grid point in m (1=E-W, 2=N-S) REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:),SAVE :: resolution_g REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:),SAVE :: area_g !- !! Geographical coordinates REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:),SAVE :: lalo_g ! Global grid, for all process REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:), SAVE :: lon_g, lat_g, zlev_g !- !! Fraction of continents REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:),SAVE :: contfrac_g END MODULE mod_orchidee_para_var