1 | ! ===================================================================================================\n |
2 | ! MODULE : hydrol |
3 | ! |
4 | ! CONTACT : orchidee-help _at_ listes.ipsl.fr |
5 | ! |
6 | ! LICENCE : IPSL (2006) |
7 | ! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC |
8 | ! |
9 | !>\BRIEF This module computes the soil moisture processes on continental points. |
10 | !! |
11 | !!\n DESCRIPTION : contains hydrol_main, hydrol_initialize, hydrol_finalise, hydrol_init, |
12 | !! hydrol_var_init, hydrol_waterbal, hydrol_alma, |
13 | !! hydrol_snow, hydrol_vegupd, hydrol_canop, hydrol_flood, hydrol_soil. |
14 | !! The assumption in this module is that very high vertical resolution is |
15 | !! needed in order to properly resolve the vertical diffusion of water in |
16 | !! the soils. Furthermore we have taken into account the sub-grid variability |
17 | !! of soil properties and vegetation cover by allowing the co-existence of |
18 | !! different soil moisture columns in the same grid box. |
19 | !! This routine was originaly developed by Patricia deRosnay. |
20 | !! |
21 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
22 | !! |
23 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
24 | !! - de Rosnay, P., J. Polcher, M. Bruen, and K. Laval, Impact of a physically based soil |
25 | !! water flow and soil-plant interaction representation for modeling large-scale land surface |
26 | !! processes, J. Geophys. Res, 107 (10.1029), 2002. \n |
27 | !! - de Rosnay, P. and Polcher J. (1998) Modeling root water uptake in a complex land surface scheme coupled |
28 | !! to a GCM. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2(2-3):239-256. \n |
29 | !! - de Rosnay, P., M. Bruen, and J. Polcher, Sensitivity of surface fluxes to the number of layers in the soil |
30 | !! model used in GCMs, Geophysical research letters, 27 (20), 3329 - 3332, 2000. \n |
31 | !! - dâOrgeval, T., J. Polcher, and P. De Rosnay, Sensitivity of the West African hydrological |
32 | !! cycle in ORCHIDEE to infiltration processes, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss, 5, 2251 - 2292, 2008. \n |
33 | !! - Carsel, R., and R. Parrish, Developing joint probability distributions of soil water retention |
34 | !! characteristics, Water Resources Research, 24 (5), 755 - 769, 1988. \n |
35 | !! - Mualem, Y., A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous |
36 | !! media, Water Resources Research, 12 (3), 513 - 522, 1976. \n |
37 | !! - Van Genuchten, M., A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of |
38 | !! unsaturated soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 44 (5), 892 - 898, 1980. \n |
39 | !! - Campoy, A., Ducharne, A., Cheruy, F., Hourdin, F., Polcher, J., and Dupont, J.-C., Response |
40 | !! of land surface fluxes and precipitation to different soil bottom hydrological conditions in a |
41 | !! general circulation model, J. Geophys. Res, in press, 2013. \n |
42 | !! - Gouttevin, I., Krinner, G., Ciais, P., Polcher, J., and Legout, C. , 2012. Multi-scale validation |
43 | !! of a new soil freezing scheme for a land-surface model with physically-based hydrology. |
44 | !! The Cryosphere, 6, 407-430, doi: 10.5194/tc-6-407-2012. \n |
45 | !! |
46 | !! SVN : |
47 | !! $HeadURL$ |
48 | !! $Date$ |
49 | !! $Revision$ |
50 | !! \n |
51 | !_ ===============================================================================================\n |
52 | MODULE hydrol |
53 | |
54 | USE ioipsl |
55 | USE xios_orchidee |
56 | USE constantes |
57 | USE time, ONLY : one_day, dt_sechiba, julian_diff |
58 | USE constantes_soil |
59 | USE pft_parameters |
60 | USE sechiba_io_p |
61 | USE grid |
62 | USE explicitsnow |
63 | |
65 | |
66 | PRIVATE |
67 | PUBLIC :: hydrol_main, hydrol_initialize, hydrol_finalize, hydrol_clear |
68 | |
69 | ! |
70 | ! variables used inside hydrol module : declaration and initialisation |
71 | ! |
72 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: doponds=.FALSE. !! Reinfiltration flag (true/false) |
73 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(doponds) |
74 | REAL(r_std), SAVE :: froz_frac_corr !! Coefficient for water frozen fraction correction |
75 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(froz_frac_corr) |
76 | REAL(r_std), SAVE :: max_froz_hydro !! Coefficient for water frozen fraction correction |
77 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(max_froz_hydro) |
78 | REAL(r_std), SAVE :: smtot_corr !! Coefficient for water frozen fraction correction |
79 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(smtot_corr) |
80 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: do_rsoil=.FALSE. !! Flag to calculate rsoil for bare soile evap |
81 | !! (true/false) |
82 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(do_rsoil) |
83 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_dynroot !! Flag to activate dynamic root profile to optimize soil |
84 | !! moisture usage, similar to Beer et al.2007 |
85 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_dynroot) |
86 | CHARACTER(LEN=80) , SAVE :: var_name !! To store variables names for I/O |
87 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(var_name) |
88 | ! |
89 | REAL(r_std), PARAMETER :: allowed_err = 2.0E-8_r_std |
90 | REAL(r_std), PARAMETER :: EPS1 = EPSILON(un) !! A small number |
91 | ! one dimension array allocated, computed, saved and got in hydrol module |
92 | ! Values per soil type |
93 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: nvan !! Van Genuchten coeficients n (unitless) |
94 | ! RK: 1/n=1-m |
95 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nvan) |
96 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: avan !! Van Genuchten coeficients a |
97 | !! @tex $(mm^{-1})$ @endtex |
98 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(avan) |
99 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: mcr !! Residual volumetric water content |
100 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
101 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mcr) |
102 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: mcs !! Saturated volumetric water content |
103 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
104 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mcs) |
105 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: ks !! Hydraulic conductivity at saturation |
106 | !! @tex $(mm d^{-1})$ @endtex |
108 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: pcent !! Fraction of saturated volumetric soil moisture above |
109 | !! which transpir is max (0-1, unitless) |
110 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(pcent) |
111 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: mcfc !! Volumetric water content at field capacity |
112 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
113 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mcfc) |
114 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: mcw !! Volumetric water content at wilting point |
115 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
116 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mcw) |
117 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: mc_awet !! Vol. wat. cont. above which albedo is cst |
118 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
119 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mc_awet) |
120 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: mc_adry !! Vol. wat. cont. below which albedo is cst |
121 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
122 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mc_adry) |
123 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: tot_watveg_beg !! Total amount of water on vegetation at start of time |
124 | !! step @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
125 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tot_watveg_beg) |
126 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: tot_watveg_end !! Total amount of water on vegetation at end of time step |
127 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
128 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tot_watveg_end) |
129 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: tot_watsoil_beg !! Total amount of water in the soil at start of time step |
130 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
131 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tot_watsoil_beg) |
132 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: tot_watsoil_end !! Total amount of water in the soil at end of time step |
133 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
134 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tot_watsoil_end) |
135 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: snow_beg !! Total amount of snow at start of time step |
136 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
137 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snow_beg) |
138 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: snow_end !! Total amount of snow at end of time step |
139 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
140 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snow_end) |
141 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: delsoilmoist !! Change in soil moisture @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
142 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(delsoilmoist) |
143 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: delintercept !! Change in interception storage |
144 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
145 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(delintercept) |
146 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: delswe !! Change in SWE @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
147 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(delswe) |
148 | REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: undermcr !! Nb of tiles under mcr for a given time step |
149 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(undermcr) |
150 | INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: mask_veget !! zero/one when veget fraction is zero/higher (1) |
151 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mask_veget) |
152 | INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: mask_soiltile !! zero/one where soil tile is zero/higher (1) |
153 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mask_soiltile) |
154 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: humrelv !! Water stress index for transpiration |
155 | !! for each soiltile x PFT couple (0-1, unitless) |
156 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(humrelv) |
157 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: vegstressv !! Water stress index for vegetation growth |
158 | !! for each soiltile x PFT couple (0-1, unitless) |
159 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(vegstressv) |
160 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:,:):: us !! Water stress index for transpiration |
161 | !! (by soil layer and PFT) (0-1, unitless) |
163 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: precisol !! Throughfall+Totmelt per PFT |
164 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
165 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(precisol) |
166 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: throughfall !! Throughfall per PFT |
167 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
168 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(throughfall) |
169 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: precisol_ns !! Throughfall per soiltile |
170 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
171 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(precisol_ns) |
172 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: ae_ns !! Bare soil evaporation per soiltile |
173 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
174 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ae_ns) |
175 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: free_drain_coef !! Coefficient for free drainage at bottom |
176 | !! (0-1, unitless) |
177 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(free_drain_coef) |
178 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: zwt_force !! Prescribed water table depth (m) |
179 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zwt_force) |
180 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: frac_bare_ns !! Evaporating bare soil fraction per soiltile |
181 | !! (0-1, unitless) |
182 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(frac_bare_ns) |
183 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: rootsink !! Transpiration sink by soil layer and soiltile |
184 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
185 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rootsink) |
186 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: subsnowveg !! Sublimation of snow on vegetation |
187 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
188 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(subsnowveg) |
189 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: subsnownobio !! Sublimation of snow on other surface types |
190 | !! (ice, lakes,...) @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
191 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(subsnownobio) |
192 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: icemelt !! Ice melt @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
193 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(icemelt) |
194 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: subsinksoil !! Excess of sublimation as a sink for the soil |
195 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
196 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(subsinksoil) |
197 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: vegtot !! Total Total fraction of grid-cell covered by PFTs |
198 | !! (bare soil + vegetation) (1; 1) |
199 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(vegtot) |
200 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: resdist !! Soiltile values from previous time-step (1; 1) |
201 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(resdist) |
202 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: vegtot_old !! Total Total fraction of grid-cell covered by PFTs |
203 | !! from previous time-step (1; 1) |
204 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(vegtot_old) |
205 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: mx_eau_var !! Maximum water content of the soil @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
206 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mx_eau_var) |
207 | |
208 | ! arrays used by cwrr scheme |
209 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: nroot !! Normalized root length fraction in each soil layer |
210 | !! (0-1, unitless) |
211 | !! DIM = kjpindex * nvm * nslm |
212 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nroot) |
213 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: kfact_root !! Factor to increase Ks towards the surface |
214 | !! (unitless) |
215 | !! DIM = kjpindex * nslm * nstm |
216 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(kfact_root) |
217 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: kfact !! Factor to reduce Ks with depth (unitless) |
218 | !! DIM = nslm * nscm |
219 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(kfact) |
220 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: zz !! Depth of nodes [znh in vertical_soil] transformed into (mm) |
222 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: dz !! Internode thickness [dnh in vertical_soil] transformed into (mm) |
224 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: dh !! Layer thickness [dlh in vertical_soil] transformed into (mm) |
226 | INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: itopmax !! Number of layers where the node is above 0.1m depth |
227 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(itopmax) |
228 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: mc_lin !! 50 Vol. Wat. Contents to linearize K and D, for each texture |
229 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
230 | !! DIM = imin:imax * nscm |
231 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mc_lin) |
232 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: k_lin !! 50 values of unsaturated K, for each soil layer and texture |
233 | !! @tex $(mm d^{-1})$ @endtex |
234 | !! DIM = imin:imax * nslm * nscm |
235 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(k_lin) |
236 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: d_lin !! 50 values of diffusivity D, for each soil layer and texture |
237 | !! @tex $(mm^2 d^{-1})$ @endtex |
238 | !! DIM = imin:imax * nslm * nscm |
239 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(d_lin) |
240 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: a_lin !! 50 values of the slope in K=a*mc+b, for each soil layer and texture |
241 | !! @tex $(mm d^{-1})$ @endtex |
242 | !! DIM = imin:imax * nslm * nscm |
243 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(a_lin) |
244 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: b_lin !! 50 values of y-intercept in K=a*mc+b, for each soil layer and texture |
245 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
246 | !! DIM = imin:imax * nslm * nscm |
247 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(b_lin) |
248 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: humtot !! Total Soil Moisture @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
249 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(humtot) |
250 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: humtot_ns !! Total Soil Moisture pert soil tile @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
251 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(humtot_ns) |
252 | LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: resolv !! Mask of land points where to solve the diffusion equation |
253 | !! (true/false) |
254 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(resolv) |
255 | |
256 | !! for output |
257 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: kk_moy !! Mean hydraulic conductivity over soiltiles (mm/d) |
258 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(kk_moy) |
259 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: kk !! Hydraulic conductivity for each soiltiles (mm/d) |
261 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: avan_mod_tab !! VG parameter a modified from exponantial profile |
262 | !! @tex $(mm^{-1})$ @endtex !! DIMENSION (nslm,nscm) |
263 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(avan_mod_tab) |
264 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: nvan_mod_tab !! VG parameter n modified from exponantial profile |
265 | !! (unitless) !! DIMENSION (nslm,nscm) |
266 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nvan_mod_tab) |
267 | |
268 | !! linarization coefficients of hydraulic conductivity K (hydrol_soil_coef) |
269 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: k !! Hydraulic conductivity K for each soil layer |
270 | !! @tex $(mm d^{-1})$ @endtex |
271 | !! DIM = (:,nslm) |
273 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: a !! Slope in K=a*mc+b(:,nslm) |
274 | !! @tex $(mm d^{-1})$ @endtex |
275 | !! DIM = (:,nslm) |
277 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: b !! y-intercept in K=a*mc+b |
278 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
279 | !! DIM = (:,nslm) |
281 | !! linarization coefficients of hydraulic diffusivity D (hydrol_soil_coef) |
282 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: d !! Diffusivity D for each soil layer |
283 | !! @tex $(mm^2 d^{-1})$ @endtex |
284 | !! DIM = (:,nslm) |
286 | !! matrix coefficients (hydrol_soil_tridiag and hydrol_soil_setup), see De Rosnay (1999), p155-157 |
287 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: e !! Left-hand tridiagonal matrix coefficients |
289 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: f !! Left-hand tridiagonal matrix coefficients |
291 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: g1 !! Left-hand tridiagonal matrix coefficients |
293 | |
294 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: ep !! Right-hand matrix coefficients |
296 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: fp !! Right-hand atrix coefficients |
298 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: gp !! Right-hand atrix coefficients |
300 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: rhs !! Right-hand system |
301 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rhs) |
302 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: srhs !! Temporarily stored rhs |
303 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(srhs) |
304 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: tmat !! Left-hand tridiagonal matrix |
305 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmat) |
306 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: stmat !! Temporarily stored tmat |
307 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(stmat) |
308 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: water2infilt !! Water to be infiltrated |
309 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
310 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(water2infilt) |
311 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmc !! Total moisture content per soiltile |
312 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
313 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc) |
314 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmcr !! Total moisture content at residual per soiltile |
315 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
316 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmcr) |
317 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmcs !! Total moisture content at saturation per soiltile |
318 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
319 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmcs) |
320 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmcfc !! Total moisture content at field capacity per soiltile |
321 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
322 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmcfc) |
323 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmcw !! Total moisture content at wilting point per soiltile |
324 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
325 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmcw) |
326 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmc_litter !! Total moisture in the litter per soiltile |
327 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
328 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_litter) |
329 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: tmc_litt_mea !! Total moisture in the litter over the grid |
330 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
331 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_litt_mea) |
332 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmc_litter_wilt !! Total moisture of litter at wilt point per soiltile |
333 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
334 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_litter_wilt) |
335 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmc_litter_field !! Total moisture of litter at field cap. per soiltile |
336 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
337 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_litter_field) |
338 | !!! A CHANGER DANS TOUT HYDROL: tmc_litter_res et sat ne devraient pas dependre de ji - tdo |
339 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmc_litter_res !! Total moisture of litter at residual moisture per soiltile |
340 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
341 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_litter_res) |
342 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmc_litter_sat !! Total moisture of litter at saturation per soiltile |
343 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
344 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_litter_sat) |
345 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmc_litter_awet !! Total moisture of litter at mc_awet per soiltile |
346 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
347 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_litter_awet) |
348 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tmc_litter_adry !! Total moisture of litter at mc_adry per soiltile |
349 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
350 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_litter_adry) |
351 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: tmc_litt_wet_mea !! Total moisture in the litter over the grid below which |
352 | !! albedo is fixed constant |
353 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
354 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_litt_wet_mea) |
355 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:) :: tmc_litt_dry_mea !! Total moisture in the litter over the grid above which |
356 | !! albedo is constant |
357 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
358 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_litt_dry_mea) |
359 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: tmc_init_updated = .FALSE. !! Flag allowing to determine if tmc is initialized. |
360 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tmc_init_updated) |
361 | |
362 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: v1 !! Temporary variable (:) |
364 | |
365 | !! par type de sol : |
366 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: ru_ns !! Surface runoff per soiltile |
367 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
368 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ru_ns) |
369 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: dr_ns !! Drainage per soiltile |
370 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
371 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dr_ns) |
372 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: tr_ns !! Transpiration per soiltile |
373 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tr_ns) |
374 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: vegetmax_soil !! (:,nvm,nstm) percentage of each veg. type on each soil |
375 | !! of each grid point |
376 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(vegetmax_soil) |
377 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: ratio_soil !!IGEM |
378 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ratio_soil) |
379 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: mc !! Total volumetric water content at the calculation nodes |
380 | !! (eg : liquid + frozen) |
381 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
383 | |
384 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: mc_read_prev !! Soil moisture from file at previous timestep in the file |
385 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mc_read_prev) |
386 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: mc_read_next !! Soil moisture from file at next time step in the file |
387 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mc_read_next) |
388 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: mask_mc_interp !! Mask of valid data in soil moisture nudging file |
389 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mask_mc_interp) |
390 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: snowdz_read_prev !! snowdz read from file at previous timestep in the file |
391 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snowdz_read_prev) |
392 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: snowdz_read_next !! snowdz read from file at next time step in the file |
393 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snowdz_read_next) |
394 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: snowrho_read_prev !! snowrho read from file at previous timestep in the file |
395 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snowrho_read_prev) |
396 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: snowrho_read_next !! snowrho read from file at next time step in the file |
397 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snowrho_read_next) |
398 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: snowtemp_read_prev !! snowtemp read from file at previous timestep in the file |
399 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snowtemp_read_prev) |
400 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: snowtemp_read_next !! snowtemp read from file at next time step in the file |
401 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(snowtemp_read_next) |
402 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: mask_snow_interp !! Mask of valid data in snow nudging file |
403 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mask_snow_interp) |
404 | |
405 | REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: mcl !! Liquid water content |
406 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
407 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mcl) |
408 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: soilmoist !! (:,nslm) Mean of each soil layer's moisture |
409 | !! across soiltiles |
410 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
411 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(soilmoist) |
412 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: soilmoist_liquid !! (:,nslm) Mean of each soil layer's liquid moisture |
413 | !! across soiltiles |
414 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
415 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(soilmoist_liquid) |
416 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: soil_wet_ns !! Soil wetness above mcw (0-1, unitless) |
417 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(soil_wet_ns) |
418 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: soil_wet_litter !! Soil wetness aove mvw in the litter (0-1, unitless) |
419 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(soil_wet_litter) |
420 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: qflux !! Diffusive water fluxes between soil layers |
421 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(qflux) |
422 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: profil_froz_hydro !! Frozen fraction for each hydrological soil layer |
423 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(profil_froz_hydro) |
424 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: profil_froz_hydro_ns !! As profil_froz_hydro per soiltile |
425 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(profil_froz_hydro_ns) |
426 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: temp_hydro !! Temp profile on hydrological levels |
427 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(temp_hydro) |
428 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION (:,:,:) :: lateral_sink !! Flux (mm/dtsechiba) from WTD zone to river IGEM |
429 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lateral_sink) |
430 | REAL(r_std), SAVE :: RC_fac !! River factor for the lateral flow calculation |
431 | ! (no dim for the moment, spatialised in the future) |
433 | |
434 | |
435 | |
436 | CONTAINS |
437 | |
438 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
439 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_initialize |
440 | !! |
441 | !>\BRIEF Allocate module variables, read from restart file or initialize with default values |
442 | !! |
443 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
444 | !! |
446 | !! |
447 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
448 | !! |
449 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
450 | !! \n |
451 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
452 | |
453 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_initialize ( kjit, kjpindex, index, rest_id, & |
454 | njsc, soiltile, veget, veget_max, & |
455 | humrel, vegstress, drysoil_frac, & |
456 | shumdiag_perma, qsintveg, & |
457 | evap_bare_lim, evap_bare_lim_ns, snow, snow_age, snow_nobio, & |
458 | snow_nobio_age, snowrho, snowtemp, snowgrain, & |
459 | snowdz, snowheat, & |
460 | mc_layh, mcl_layh, soilmoist_out) |
461 | |
462 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
463 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
464 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjit !! Time step number |
465 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
466 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: index !! Indeces of the points on the map |
467 | INTEGER(i_std),INTENT (in) :: rest_id !! Restart file identifier |
468 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class in the grid cell (1-nscm, unitless) |
469 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile !! Fraction of each soil tile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) |
470 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget !! Fraction of vegetation type |
471 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget_max !! Max. fraction of vegetation type (LAI -> infty) |
472 | |
473 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
474 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (out) :: humrel !! Relative humidity |
475 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (out) :: vegstress !! Veg. moisture stress (only for vegetation growth) |
476 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: drysoil_frac !! function of litter wetness |
477 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: shumdiag_perma !! Percent of porosity filled with water (mc/mcs) used for the thermal computations |
478 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (out) :: qsintveg !! Water on vegetation due to interception |
479 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: evap_bare_lim !! Limitation factor for bare soil evaporation |
480 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(out) :: evap_bare_lim_ns !! Limitation factor for bare soil evaporation |
481 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: snow !! Snow mass [Kg/m^2] |
482 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: snow_age !! Snow age |
483 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT (out):: snow_nobio !! Water balance on ice, lakes, .. [Kg/m^2] |
484 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT (out):: snow_nobio_age !! Snow age on ice, lakes, ... |
485 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(out) :: snowrho !! Snow density |
486 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(out) :: snowtemp !! Snow temperature |
487 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(out) :: snowgrain !! Snow grainsize |
488 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(out) :: snowdz !! Snow layer thickness |
489 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(out) :: snowheat !! Snow heat content |
490 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: mc_layh !! Volumetric moisture content for each layer in hydrol (liquid+ice) m3/m3 |
491 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: mcl_layh !! Volumetric moisture content for each layer in hydrol (liquid) m3/m3 |
492 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: soilmoist_out !! Total soil moisture content for each layer in hydrol (liquid+ice), mm |
493 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: soilwetdummy !! Temporary variable never used |
494 | |
495 | |
496 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
497 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jsl |
498 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
499 | |
500 | CALL hydrol_init (kjit, kjpindex, index, rest_id, veget_max, soiltile, & |
501 | humrel, vegstress, snow, snow_age, snow_nobio, snow_nobio_age, qsintveg, & |
502 | snowdz, snowgrain, snowrho, snowtemp, snowheat, & |
503 | drysoil_frac, evap_bare_lim, evap_bare_lim_ns) |
504 | |
505 | CALL hydrol_var_init (kjpindex, veget, veget_max, & |
506 | soiltile, njsc, mx_eau_var, shumdiag_perma, & |
507 | drysoil_frac, qsintveg, mc_layh, mcl_layh) |
508 | |
509 | !! Initialize hydrol_alma routine if the variables were not found in the restart file. This is done in the end of |
510 | !! hydrol_initialize so that all variables(humtot,..) that will be used are initialized. |
511 | IF (ALL(tot_watveg_beg(:)==val_exp) .OR. ALL(tot_watsoil_beg(:)==val_exp) .OR. ALL(snow_beg(:)==val_exp)) THEN |
512 | ! The output variable soilwetdummy is not calculated at first call to hydrol_alma. |
513 | CALL hydrol_alma(kjpindex, index, .TRUE., qsintveg, snow, snow_nobio, soilwetdummy) |
514 | END IF |
515 | |
516 | !! Calculate itopmax indicating the number of layers where the node is above 0.1m depth |
517 | itopmax=1 |
518 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
519 | ! znh : depth of nodes |
520 | IF (znh(jsl) <= 0.1) THEN |
521 | itopmax=jsl |
522 | END IF |
523 | END DO |
524 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE(numout,*) "Number of layers where the node is above 0.1m depth: itopmax=",itopmax |
525 | |
526 | ! Copy soilmoist into a local variable to be sent to thermosoil |
527 | soilmoist_out(:,:) = soilmoist(:,:) |
528 | |
529 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_initialize |
530 | |
531 | |
532 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
533 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_main |
534 | !! |
535 | !>\BRIEF |
536 | !! |
537 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
538 | !! - called every time step |
539 | !! - initialization and finalization part are not done in here |
540 | !! |
541 | !! - 1 computes snow ==> hydrol_snow |
542 | !! - 2 computes vegetations reservoirs ==> hydrol_vegupd |
543 | !! - 3 computes canopy ==> hydrol_canop |
544 | !! - 4 computes surface reservoir ==> hydrol_flood |
545 | !! - 5 computes soil hydrology ==> hydrol_soil |
546 | !! |
547 | !! IMPORTANT NOTICE : The water fluxes are used in their integrated form, over the time step |
548 | !! dt_sechiba, with a unit of kg m^{-2}. |
549 | !! |
550 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
551 | !! |
553 | !! |
554 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
555 | !! |
556 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
557 | !! \n |
558 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
559 | |
560 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_main (kjit, kjpindex, & |
561 | & index, indexveg, indexsoil, indexlayer, indexnslm, & |
562 | & temp_sol_new, floodout, runoff, drainage, frac_nobio, totfrac_nobio, vevapwet, veget, veget_max, njsc, & |
563 | & qsintmax, qsintveg, vevapnu, vevapsno, vevapflo, snow, snow_age, snow_nobio, snow_nobio_age, & |
564 | & tot_melt, transpir, precip_rain, precip_snow, returnflow, reinfiltration, irrigation, flowtowtd,& !IGEM |
565 | & humrel, vegstress, drysoil_frac, evapot, evapot_penm, evap_bare_lim, evap_bare_lim_ns, & |
566 | & flood_frac, flood_res, & |
567 | & shumdiag,shumdiag_perma, k_litt, litterhumdiag, soilcap, ratio_tile, soiltile, fraclut, reinf_slope, &!IGEM |
568 | & rest_id, hist_id, hist2_id,qtot_to_river, reinf_from_fast,&!IGEM |
569 | & contfrac, stempdiag, & |
570 | & temp_air, pb, u, v, tq_cdrag, swnet, pgflux, & |
571 | & snowrho,snowtemp,snowgrain,snowdz,snowheat,snowliq, & |
572 | & grndflux,gtemp,tot_bare_soil, & |
573 | & lambda_snow,cgrnd_snow,dgrnd_snow,frac_snow_veg,temp_sol_add, & |
574 | & mc_layh, mcl_layh, soilmoist_out ) |
575 | |
576 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
577 | |
578 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
579 | |
580 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjit !! Time step number |
581 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
582 | INTEGER(i_std),INTENT (in) :: rest_id,hist_id !! _Restart_ file and _history_ file identifier |
583 | INTEGER(i_std),INTENT (in) :: hist2_id !! _history_ file 2 identifier |
584 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: index !! Indeces of the points on the map |
585 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex*nvm), INTENT (in):: indexveg !! Indeces of the points on the 3D map for veg |
586 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex*nstm), INTENT (in):: indexsoil !! Indeces of the points on the 3D map for soil |
587 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex*nslm), INTENT (in):: indexlayer !! Indeces of the points on the 3D map for soil layers |
588 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex*nslm), INTENT (in):: indexnslm !! Indeces of the points on the 3D map for of diagnostic soil layers |
589 | |
590 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: precip_rain !! Rain precipitation |
591 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: precip_snow !! Snow precipitation |
592 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: returnflow !! Routed water which comes back into the soil (from the |
593 | !! bottom) |
594 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: reinfiltration !! Routed water which comes back into the soil (at the |
595 | !! top) |
596 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) ::reinf_from_fast !IGEM |
597 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: irrigation !!Water from irrigation returning to soil moisture |
598 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: flowtowtd !!IGEM |
599 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: temp_sol_new !! New soil temperature |
600 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class in the grid cell (1-nscm, unitless) |
601 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT (in) :: frac_nobio !! Fraction of ice, lakes, ... |
602 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: totfrac_nobio !! Total fraction of ice+lakes+... |
603 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: soilcap !! Soil capacity |
604 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile !! Fraction of each soil tile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) |
605 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nlut), INTENT (in) :: fraclut !! Fraction of each landuse tile (0-1, unitless) |
606 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: vevapwet !! Interception loss |
607 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget !! Fraction of vegetation type |
608 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget_max !! Max. fraction of vegetation type (LAI -> infty) |
609 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: qsintmax !! Maximum water on vegetation for interception |
610 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: transpir !! Transpiration |
611 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: reinf_slope !! Slope coef |
612 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: evapot !! Soil Potential Evaporation |
613 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: evapot_penm !! Soil Potential Evaporation Correction |
614 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: flood_frac !! flood fraction |
615 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: contfrac !! Fraction of continent in the grid |
616 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (in) :: stempdiag !! Diagnostic temp profile from thermosoil |
617 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: temp_air !! Air temperature |
618 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: u,v !! Horizontal wind speed |
619 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: tq_cdrag !! Surface drag coefficient (-) |
620 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: pb !! Surface pressure |
621 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: swnet !! Net shortwave radiation |
622 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: pgflux !! Net energy into snowpack |
623 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: gtemp !! First soil layer temperature |
624 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: tot_bare_soil !! Total evaporating bare soil fraction |
625 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: lambda_snow !! Coefficient of the linear extrapolation of surface temperature |
626 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT (in):: cgrnd_snow !! Integration coefficient for snow numerical scheme |
627 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT (in):: dgrnd_snow !! Integration coefficient for snow numerical scheme |
628 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: frac_snow_veg !! Snow cover fraction on vegetation |
629 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: ratio_tile !!IGEM |
630 | |
631 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
632 | |
633 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (out) :: vegstress !! Veg. moisture stress (only for vegetation growth) |
634 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: drysoil_frac !! function of litter wetness |
635 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out):: shumdiag !! Relative soil moisture in each soil layer |
636 | !! with respect to (mcfc-mcw) |
637 | !! (unitless; can be out of 0-1) |
638 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out):: shumdiag_perma !! Percent of porosity filled with water (mc/mcs) used for the thermal computations |
639 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: k_litt !! litter approximate conductivity |
640 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: litterhumdiag !! litter humidity |
641 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: tot_melt !! Total melt |
642 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: floodout !! Flux out of floodplains |
643 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: qtot_to_river !!IGEM |
644 | |
645 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
646 | |
647 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT(inout):: qsintveg !! Water on vegetation due to interception |
648 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(inout) :: evap_bare_lim !! Limitation factor (beta) for bare soil evaporation |
649 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm),INTENT(inout):: evap_bare_lim_ns !! Limitation factor (beta) for bare soil evaporation |
650 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT(inout):: humrel !! Relative humidity |
651 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (inout) :: vevapnu !! Bare soil evaporation |
652 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (inout) :: vevapsno !! Snow evaporation |
653 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (inout) :: vevapflo !! Floodplain evaporation |
654 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (inout) :: flood_res !! flood reservoir estimate |
655 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (inout) :: snow !! Snow mass [kg/m^2] |
656 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (inout) :: snow_age !! Snow age |
657 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT (inout) :: snow_nobio !! Water balance on ice, lakes, .. [Kg/m^2] |
658 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT (inout) :: snow_nobio_age !! Snow age on ice, lakes, ... |
659 | !! We consider that any water on the ice is snow and we only peforme a water balance to have consistency. |
660 | !! The water balance is limite to + or - 10^6 so that accumulation is not endless |
661 | |
662 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: runoff !! Complete surface runoff |
663 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: drainage !! Drainage |
664 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(inout) :: snowrho !! Snow density |
665 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(inout) :: snowtemp !! Snow temperature |
666 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(inout) :: snowgrain !! Snow grainsize |
667 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(inout) :: snowdz !! Snow layer thickness |
668 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(inout) :: snowheat !! Snow heat content |
669 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(out) :: snowliq !! Snow liquid content (m) |
670 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: grndflux !! Net flux into soil W/m2 |
671 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT(out) :: mc_layh !! Volumetric moisture content for each layer in hydrol(liquid + ice) [m3/m3)] |
672 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT(out) :: mcl_layh !! Volumetric moisture content for each layer in hydrol(liquid) [m3/m3] |
673 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT(out) :: soilmoist_out!! Total soil moisture content for each layer in hydrol(liquid + ice) [mm] |
674 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (inout) :: temp_sol_add !! additional surface temperature due to the melt of first layer |
675 | !! at the present time-step @tex ($K$) @endtex |
676 | |
677 | |
678 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
679 | |
680 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jst !! Index of soil tiles (unitless, 1-3) |
681 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jsl !! Index of soil layers (unitless) |
682 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jv |
683 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: soilwet !! A temporary diagnostic of soil wetness |
684 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: snowdepth !! Depth of snow layer, only for diagnostics with ok_explicitsnow=n |
685 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: snowdepth_diag !! Depth of snow layer containing default values, only for diagnostics |
686 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex, nsnow) :: snowdz_diag !! Depth of snow layer on all layers containing default values, only for diagnostics |
687 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: njsc_tmp !! Temporary REAL value for njsc to write it |
688 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: snowmelt !! Snow melt [mm/dt_sechiba] |
689 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: tmc_top !! Moisture content in the itopmax upper layers, per tile |
690 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: humtot_top !! Moisture content in the itopmax upper layers, for diagnistics |
691 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: histvar !! Temporary variable when computations are needed |
692 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm) :: frac_bare !! Fraction(of veget_max) of bare soil in each vegetation type |
693 | INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex*imax) :: mc_lin_axis_index |
694 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: twbr !! Grid-cell mean of TWBR Total Water Budget Residu[kg/m2/dt] |
695 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: twbr_ns !! IGEM |
696 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: land_nroot !! To ouput the grid-cell mean of nroot |
697 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: land_dlh !! To ouput the soil layer thickness on all grid points [m] |
698 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: land_mcs !! To ouput the mean of mcs |
699 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: land_mcfc !! To ouput the mean of mcfc |
700 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: land_mcw !! To ouput the mean of mcw |
701 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: land_mcr !! To ouput the mean of mcr |
702 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: land_tmcs !! To ouput the grid-cell mean of tmcs |
703 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: land_tmcfc !! To ouput the grid-cell mean of tmcfc |
704 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: drain_upd !! Change in drainage due to decrease in vegtot |
705 | !! on mc [kg/m2/dt] |
706 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: runoff_upd !! Change in runoff due to decrease in vegtot |
707 | !! on water2infilt[kg/m2/dt] |
708 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: mrsow !! Soil wetness above wilting point for CMIP6 (humtot-WP)/(SAT-WP) |
709 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nlut) :: humtot_lut !! Moisture content on landuse tiles, for diagnostics |
710 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nlut) :: humtot_top_lut !! Moisture content in upper layers on landuse tiles, for diagnostics |
711 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nlut) :: mrro_lut !! Total runoff from landuse tiles, for diagnostics |
712 | |
713 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
714 | !! 1. Update vegtot_old and recalculate vegtot |
715 | vegtot_old(:) = vegtot(:) |
716 | |
717 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
718 | vegtot(ji) = SUM(veget_max(ji,:)) |
719 | ENDDO |
720 | |
721 | |
722 | !! 2. Applay nudging for soil moisture and/or snow variables |
723 | IF (ok_nudge_mc .OR. ok_nudge_snow) THEN |
724 | CALL hydrol_nudge(kjit, kjpindex, mc, snowdz, snowrho, snowtemp, soiltile) |
725 | END IF |
726 | |
727 | |
728 | !! 3. Shared time step |
729 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) 'hydrol pas de temps = ',dt_sechiba |
730 | |
731 | ! |
732 | !! 3.1 Calculate snow processes with explicit method or bucket snow model |
733 | IF (ok_explicitsnow) THEN |
734 | ! Explicit snow model |
735 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' ok_explicitsnow : use multi-snow layer ' |
736 | CALL explicitsnow_main(kjpindex, precip_rain, precip_snow, temp_air, pb, & |
737 | u, v, temp_sol_new, soilcap, pgflux, & |
738 | frac_nobio, totfrac_nobio,gtemp, & |
739 | lambda_snow, cgrnd_snow, dgrnd_snow, contfrac, & |
740 | vevapsno, snow_age, snow_nobio_age,snow_nobio, snowrho, & |
741 | snowgrain, snowdz, snowtemp, snowheat, snow, & |
742 | temp_sol_add, & |
743 | snowliq, subsnownobio, grndflux, snowmelt, tot_melt, & |
744 | subsinksoil) |
745 | ELSE |
746 | ! Bucket snow model |
747 | CALL hydrol_snow(kjpindex, precip_rain, precip_snow, temp_sol_new, soilcap, & |
748 | frac_nobio, totfrac_nobio, vevapsno, snow, snow_age, snow_nobio, snow_nobio_age, & |
749 | tot_melt, snowdepth,snowmelt) |
750 | END IF |
751 | |
752 | ! |
753 | !! 3.2 computes vegetations reservoirs ==>hydrol_vegupd |
754 | ! Modif temp vuichard |
755 | CALL hydrol_vegupd(kjpindex, veget, veget_max, ratio_tile, soiltile, qsintveg, frac_bare, drain_upd, runoff_upd)!IGEM |
756 | |
757 | !! Calculate kfact_root |
758 | !! An exponential factor is used to increase ks near the surface depending on the amount of roots in the soil |
759 | !! through a geometric average over the vegets |
760 | !! This comes from the PhD thesis of d'Orgeval, 2006, p82; d'Orgeval et al. 2008, Eqs. 3-4 |
761 | !! (Calibrated against Hapex-Sahel measurements) |
762 | !! Since rev 2916: veget_max/2 is used instead of veget |
763 | kfact_root(:,:,:) = un |
764 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
765 | DO jv = 2, nvm |
766 | jst = pref_soil_veg(jv) |
767 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
768 | IF(soiltile(ji,jst) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
769 | kfact_root(ji,jsl,jst) = kfact_root(ji,jsl,jst) * & |
770 | & MAX((MAXVAL(ks_usda)/ks(njsc(ji)))**(- vegetmax_soil(ji,jv,jst)/2 * (humcste(jv)*zz(jsl)/mille - un)/deux), & |
771 | un) |
772 | ENDIF |
773 | ENDDO |
774 | ENDDO |
775 | ENDDO |
776 | |
777 | DO jsl = 1, nslm !IGEM tile4 |
778 | DO jv = 2, nvm |
779 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
780 | IF(soiltile(ji,4) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
781 | kfact_root(ji,jsl,4) = kfact_root(ji,jsl,4) * & |
782 | &MAX((MAXVAL(ks_usda)/ks(njsc(ji)))**(-vegetmax_soil(ji,jv,4)/2 *(humcste(jv)*zz(jsl)/mille - un)/deux), & |
783 | un) |
784 | ENDIF |
785 | ENDDO |
786 | ENDDO |
787 | ENDDO !IGEM |
788 | |
789 | |
790 | |
791 | ! |
792 | !! 3.3 computes canopy ==>hydrol_canop |
793 | CALL hydrol_canop(kjpindex, precip_rain, vevapwet, veget_max, veget, qsintmax, qsintveg,precisol,tot_melt) |
794 | |
795 | ! |
796 | !! 3.4 computes surface reservoir ==>hydrol_flood |
797 | CALL hydrol_flood(kjpindex, vevapflo, flood_frac, flood_res, floodout) |
798 | |
799 | ! |
800 | !! 3.5 computes soil hydrology ==>hydrol_soil |
801 | |
802 | CALL hydrol_soil(kjpindex, veget_max, ratio_tile, soiltile, njsc, reinf_slope, &!IGEM |
803 | transpir, vevapnu, evapot, evapot_penm, runoff, drainage, & |
804 | returnflow, reinfiltration, irrigation, flowtowtd, qtot_to_river, reinf_from_fast,& !IGEM |
805 | tot_melt,evap_bare_lim, evap_bare_lim_ns, shumdiag, shumdiag_perma, & |
806 | k_litt, litterhumdiag, humrel, vegstress, drysoil_frac,& |
807 | stempdiag,snow,snowdz, tot_bare_soil, u, v, tq_cdrag, & |
808 | mc_layh, mcl_layh) |
809 | |
810 | ! The update fluxes come from hydrol_vegupd |
811 | drainage(:) = drainage(:) + drain_upd(:) |
812 | runoff(:) = runoff(:) + runoff_upd(:) |
813 | |
814 | |
815 | !! 4 write out file ==> hydrol_alma/histwrite(*) |
816 | ! |
817 | ! If we use the ALMA standards |
818 | CALL hydrol_alma(kjpindex, index, .FALSE., qsintveg, snow, snow_nobio, soilwet) |
819 | |
820 | |
821 | ! Calculate the moisture in the upper itopmax layers corresponding to 0.1m (humtot_top): |
822 | ! For ORCHIDEE with nslm=11 and zmaxh=2, itopmax=6. |
823 | ! We compute tmc_top as tmc but only for the first itopmax layers. Then we compute a humtot with this variable. |
824 | DO jst=1,nstm |
825 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
826 | tmc_top(ji,jst) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(ji,1,jst) + mc(ji,2,jst) )/huit |
827 | DO jsl = 2, itopmax |
828 | tmc_top(ji,jst) = tmc_top(ji,jst) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
829 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
830 | ENDDO |
831 | ENDDO |
832 | ENDDO |
833 | |
834 | ! We average the values of each soiltile and multiply by vegtot to transform to a grid-cell mean |
835 | humtot_top(:) = zero |
836 | DO jst=1,nstm |
837 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
838 | humtot_top(ji) = humtot_top(ji) + soiltile(ji,jst) * tmc_top(ji,jst) * vegtot(ji) |
839 | ENDDO |
840 | ENDDO |
841 | |
842 | ! Calculate the Total Water Budget Residu (in kg/m2 over dt_sechiba) |
843 | ! All the delstocks and fluxes below are averaged over the mesh |
844 | ! snow_nobio included in delswe |
845 | ! Does not include the routing reservoirs, although the flux to/from routing are integrated |
846 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
847 | twbr(ji) = (delsoilmoist(ji) + delintercept(ji) + delswe(ji)) & |
848 | - ( precip_rain(ji) + precip_snow(ji) + irrigation(ji) + floodout(ji) + flowtowtd(ji)&!IGEM |
849 | + returnflow(ji) + reinfiltration(ji) + reinf_from_fast(ji)) &!IGEM |
850 | + ( runoff(ji) + drainage(ji) + qtot_to_river(ji) + SUM(vevapwet(ji,:)) &!IGEM |
851 | + SUM(transpir(ji,:)) + vevapnu(ji) + vevapsno(ji) + vevapflo(ji) ) |
852 | ENDDO |
853 | |
854 | |
855 | !write(numout,*)'twbr',twbr(:) |
856 | ! Transform unit from kg/m2/dt to kg/m2/s (or mm/s) |
857 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("twbr",twbr/dt_sechiba) |
858 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("undermcr",undermcr) ! nb of tiles undermcr at end of timestep |
859 | |
860 | ! Calculate land_nroot : grid-cell mean of nroot |
861 | ! Do not treat PFT1 because it has no roots |
862 | land_nroot(:,:) = zero |
863 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
864 | DO jv=2,nvm |
865 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
866 | IF ( vegtot(ji) > min_sechiba ) THEN |
867 | land_nroot(ji,jsl) = land_nroot(ji,jsl) + veget_max(ji,jv) * nroot(ji,jv,jsl) / vegtot(ji) |
868 | END IF |
869 | END DO |
870 | ENDDO |
871 | ENDDO |
872 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("nroot",land_nroot) |
873 | |
874 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
875 | land_dlh(:,jsl)=dlh(jsl) ! layer thickness (m) |
876 | ENDDO |
877 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("dlh",land_dlh) |
878 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
879 | land_dlh(:,jsl)=znh(jsl) ! depth of nodes (m) |
880 | ENDDO |
881 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("znh",land_dlh) |
882 | |
883 | ! Particular soil moisture values, spatially averaged over the grid-cell |
884 | ! (a) total SM in kg/m2 |
885 | ! we average the total values of each soiltile and multiply by vegtot to transform to a grid-cell mean (over total land) |
886 | land_tmcs(:) = zero |
887 | land_tmcfc(:) = zero |
888 | DO jst=1,nstm |
889 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
890 | land_tmcs(ji) = land_tmcs(ji) + soiltile(ji,jst) * tmcs(ji,jst) * vegtot(ji) |
891 | land_tmcfc(ji) = land_tmcfc(ji) + soiltile(ji,jst) * tmcfc(ji,jst) * vegtot(ji) |
892 | ENDDO |
893 | ENDDO |
894 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("tmcs",land_tmcs) ! in kg/m2 |
895 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("tmcfc",land_tmcfc) ! in kg/m2 |
896 | |
897 | ! (b) volumetric moisture content by layers in m3/m3 |
898 | ! mcs etc are identical in all layers (no normalization by vegtot to be comparable to mc) |
899 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
900 | land_mcs(:,jsl) = mcs(njsc(:)) |
901 | land_mcfc(:,jsl) = mcfc(njsc(:)) |
902 | land_mcw(:,jsl) = mcw(njsc(:)) |
903 | land_mcr(:,jsl) = mcr(njsc(:)) |
904 | ENDDO |
905 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mcs",land_mcs) ! in m3/m3 |
906 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mcfc",land_mcfc) ! in m3/m3 |
907 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mcw",land_mcw) ! in m3/m3 |
908 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mcr",land_mcr) ! in m3/m3 |
909 | |
910 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("water2infilt",water2infilt) |
911 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mc",mc) |
912 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("kfact_root",kfact_root) |
913 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("vegetmax_soil",vegetmax_soil) |
914 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("evapnu_soil",ae_ns/dt_sechiba) |
915 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("drainage_soil",dr_ns/dt_sechiba) |
916 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("transpir_soil",tr_ns/dt_sechiba) |
917 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("runoff_soil",ru_ns/dt_sechiba) |
918 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("humrel",humrel) |
919 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("drainage",drainage/dt_sechiba) ! [kg m-2 s-1] |
920 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("runoff",runoff/dt_sechiba) ! [kg m-2 s-1] |
921 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("precisol",precisol/dt_sechiba) |
922 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("throughfall",throughfall/dt_sechiba) |
923 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("precip_rain",precip_rain/dt_sechiba) |
924 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("precip_snow",precip_snow/dt_sechiba) |
925 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("qsintmax",qsintmax) |
926 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("qsintveg",qsintveg) |
927 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("qsintveg_tot",SUM(qsintveg(:,:),dim=2)) |
928 | histvar(:)=(precip_rain(:)-SUM(throughfall(:,:),dim=2)) |
929 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("prveg",histvar/dt_sechiba) |
930 | |
931 | IF ( do_floodplains ) THEN |
932 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("floodout",floodout/dt_sechiba) |
933 | END IF |
934 | |
935 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowmelt",snowmelt/dt_sechiba) |
936 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("tot_melt",tot_melt/dt_sechiba) |
937 | |
938 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("soilmoist",soilmoist) |
939 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("soilmoist_liquid",soilmoist_liquid) |
940 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("humtot_frozen",SUM(soilmoist(:,:),2)-SUM(soilmoist_liquid(:,:),2)) |
941 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("tmc",tmc) |
942 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("humtot",humtot) |
943 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("humtot_top",humtot_top) |
944 | |
945 | ! For the soil wetness above wilting point for CMIP6 (mrsow) |
946 | mrsow(:) = MAX( zero,humtot(:) - zmaxh*mille*mcw(njsc(:)) ) & |
947 | / ( zmaxh*mille*( mcs(njsc(:)) - mcw(njsc(:)) ) ) |
948 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mrsow",mrsow) |
949 | |
950 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("qtot_to_river",qtot_to_river/dt_sechiba) !(kg/m2(grid)/s) !IGEM |
951 | |
952 | ! Prepare diagnostic snow variables depending on snow scheme |
953 | IF (ok_explicitsnow) THEN |
954 | ! Add XIOS default value where no snow |
955 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
956 | IF (snow(ji) > 0) THEN |
957 | snowdz_diag(ji,:) = snowdz(ji,:) |
958 | snowdepth_diag(ji) = SUM(snowdz(ji,:))*(1-totfrac_nobio(ji))*frac_snow_veg(ji) |
959 | ELSE |
960 | snowdz_diag(ji,:) = xios_default_val |
961 | snowdepth_diag(ji) = xios_default_val |
962 | END IF |
963 | END DO |
964 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowdz",snowdz_diag) |
965 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowdepth",snowdepth_diag) |
966 | ELSE |
967 | ! Add XIOS default value where no snow |
968 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
969 | IF (snow(ji) > 0) THEN |
970 | snowdz_diag(ji,:) = snowdepth(ji) |
971 | snowdepth_diag(ji) = snowdepth(ji)*(1-totfrac_nobio(ji)) |
972 | ELSE |
973 | snowdz_diag(ji,:) = xios_default_val |
974 | snowdepth_diag(ji) = xios_default_val |
975 | END IF |
976 | END DO |
977 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowdz",snowdz_diag(:,1)) |
978 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowdepth",snowdepth_diag) |
979 | END IF |
980 | |
981 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("frac_bare",frac_bare) |
982 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("frac_bare_ns",frac_bare_ns) !IGEM19 |
983 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("soilwet",soilwet) |
984 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("delsoilmoist",delsoilmoist) |
985 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("delswe",delswe) |
986 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("delintercept",delintercept) |
987 | |
988 | IF (ok_freeze_cwrr) THEN |
989 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("profil_froz_hydro",profil_froz_hydro) |
990 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("temp_hydro",temp_hydro) |
991 | END IF |
992 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("profil_froz_hydro_ns", profil_froz_hydro_ns) |
993 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("kk_moy",kk_moy) ! in mm/d |
994 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("kk",kk) ! in mm/d !IGEM |
995 | |
996 | !! Calculate diagnostic variables on Landuse tiles for LUMIP/CMIP6 |
997 | humtot_lut(:,:)=0 |
998 | humtot_top_lut(:,:)=0 |
999 | mrro_lut(:,:)=0 |
1000 | DO jv=1,nvm |
1001 | jst=pref_soil_veg(jv) ! soil tile index WARNING IGEM change here considering the tile 4! |
1002 | IF (natural(jv)) THEN |
1003 | humtot_lut(:,id_psl) = humtot_lut(:,id_psl) + tmc(:,jst)*veget_max(:,jv) |
1004 | humtot_top_lut(:,id_psl) = humtot_top_lut(:,id_psl) + tmc_top(:,jst)*veget_max(:,jv) |
1005 | mrro_lut(:,id_psl) = mrro_lut(:,id_psl) + (dr_ns(:,jst)+ru_ns(:,jst))*veget_max(:,jv) |
1006 | ELSE |
1007 | humtot_lut(:,id_crp) = humtot_lut(:,id_crp) + tmc(:,jst)*veget_max(:,jv) |
1008 | humtot_top_lut(:,id_crp) = humtot_top_lut(:,id_crp) + tmc_top(:,jst)*veget_max(:,jv) |
1009 | mrro_lut(:,id_crp) = mrro_lut(:,id_crp) + (dr_ns(:,jst)+ru_ns(:,jst))*veget_max(:,jv) |
1010 | ENDIF |
1011 | END DO |
1012 | |
1013 | WHERE (fraclut(:,id_psl)>min_sechiba) |
1014 | humtot_lut(:,id_psl) = humtot_lut(:,id_psl)/fraclut(:,id_psl) |
1015 | humtot_top_lut(:,id_psl) = humtot_top_lut(:,id_psl)/fraclut(:,id_psl) |
1016 | mrro_lut(:,id_psl) = mrro_lut(:,id_psl)/fraclut(:,id_psl)/dt_sechiba |
1017 | ELSEWHERE |
1018 | humtot_lut(:,id_psl) = val_exp |
1019 | humtot_top_lut(:,id_psl) = val_exp |
1020 | mrro_lut(:,id_psl) = val_exp |
1021 | END WHERE |
1022 | WHERE (fraclut(:,id_crp)>min_sechiba) |
1023 | humtot_lut(:,id_crp) = humtot_lut(:,id_crp)/fraclut(:,id_crp) |
1024 | humtot_top_lut(:,id_crp) = humtot_top_lut(:,id_crp)/fraclut(:,id_crp) |
1025 | mrro_lut(:,id_crp) = mrro_lut(:,id_crp)/fraclut(:,id_crp)/dt_sechiba |
1026 | ELSEWHERE |
1027 | humtot_lut(:,id_crp) = val_exp |
1028 | humtot_top_lut(:,id_crp) = val_exp |
1029 | mrro_lut(:,id_crp) = val_exp |
1030 | END WHERE |
1031 | |
1032 | humtot_lut(:,id_pst) = val_exp |
1033 | humtot_lut(:,id_urb) = val_exp |
1034 | humtot_top_lut(:,id_pst) = val_exp |
1035 | humtot_top_lut(:,id_urb) = val_exp |
1036 | mrro_lut(:,id_pst) = val_exp |
1037 | mrro_lut(:,id_urb) = val_exp |
1038 | |
1039 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("humtot_lut",humtot_lut) |
1040 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("humtot_top_lut",humtot_top_lut) |
1041 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mrro_lut",mrro_lut) |
1042 | |
1043 | |
1044 | IF ( .NOT. almaoutput ) THEN |
1045 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'frac_bare', kjit, frac_bare, kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1046 | |
1047 | DO jst=1,nstm |
1048 | ! var_name= "mc_1" ... "mc_3" |
1049 | WRITE (var_name,"('moistc_',i1)") jst |
1050 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, TRIM(var_name), kjit,mc(:,:,jst), kjpindex*nslm, indexlayer) |
1051 | |
1052 | ! var_name= "kfactroot_1" ... "kfactroot_3" |
1053 | WRITE (var_name,"('kfactroot_',i1)") jst |
1054 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, TRIM(var_name), kjit, kfact_root(:,:,jst), kjpindex*nslm, indexlayer) |
1055 | |
1056 | ! var_name= "vegetsoil_1" ... "vegetsoil_3" |
1057 | WRITE (var_name,"('vegetsoil_',i1)") jst |
1058 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, TRIM(var_name), kjit,vegetmax_soil(:,:,jst), kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1059 | ENDDO |
1060 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'evapnu_soil', kjit, ae_ns, kjpindex*nstm, indexsoil) |
1061 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'drainage_soil', kjit, dr_ns, kjpindex*nstm, indexsoil) |
1062 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'transpir_soil', kjit, tr_ns, kjpindex*nstm, indexsoil) |
1063 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'runoff_soil', kjit, ru_ns, kjpindex*nstm, indexsoil) |
1064 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'tmc', kjit, tmc, kjpindex*nstm, indexsoil) |
1065 | ! mrso is a perfect duplicate of humtot |
1066 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'humtot', kjit, humtot, kjpindex, index) |
1067 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'mrso', kjit, humtot, kjpindex, index) |
1068 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'mrsos', kjit, humtot_top, kjpindex, index) |
1069 | njsc_tmp(:)=njsc(:) |
1070 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'soilindex', kjit, njsc_tmp, kjpindex, index) |
1071 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'humrel', kjit, humrel, kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1072 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'drainage', kjit, drainage, kjpindex, index) |
1073 | ! NB! According to histdef in intersurf, the variables 'runoff' and 'mrros' have different units |
1074 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'runoff', kjit, runoff, kjpindex, index) |
1075 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'mrros', kjit, runoff, kjpindex, index) |
1076 | histvar(:)=(runoff(:)+drainage(:)) |
1077 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'mrro', kjit, histvar, kjpindex, index) |
1078 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'precisol', kjit, precisol, kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1079 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'rain', kjit, precip_rain, kjpindex, index) |
1080 | |
1081 | histvar(:)=(precip_rain(:)-SUM(throughfall(:,:),dim=2)) |
1082 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'prveg', kjit, histvar, kjpindex, index) |
1083 | |
1084 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'snowf', kjit, precip_snow, kjpindex, index) |
1085 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'qsintmax', kjit, qsintmax, kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1086 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'qsintveg', kjit, qsintveg, kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1087 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'snowmelt',kjit,snowmelt,kjpindex,index) |
1088 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'shumdiag_perma',kjit,shumdiag_perma,kjpindex*nslm,indexnslm) |
1089 | |
1090 | IF ( do_floodplains ) THEN |
1091 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'floodout', kjit, floodout, kjpindex, index) |
1092 | ENDIF |
1093 | ! |
1094 | IF ( hist2_id > 0 ) THEN |
1095 | DO jst=1,nstm |
1096 | ! var_name= "mc_1" ... "mc_3" |
1097 | WRITE (var_name,"('moistc_',i1)") jst |
1098 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, TRIM(var_name), kjit,mc(:,:,jst), kjpindex*nslm, indexlayer) |
1099 | |
1100 | ! var_name= "kfactroot_1" ... "kfactroot_3" |
1101 | WRITE (var_name,"('kfactroot_',i1)") jst |
1102 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, TRIM(var_name), kjit, kfact_root(:,:,jst), kjpindex*nslm, indexlayer) |
1103 | |
1104 | ! var_name= "vegetsoil_1" ... "vegetsoil_3" |
1105 | WRITE (var_name,"('vegetsoil_',i1)") jst |
1106 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, TRIM(var_name), kjit,vegetmax_soil(:,:,jst), kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1107 | ENDDO |
1108 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'evapnu_soil', kjit, ae_ns, kjpindex*nstm, indexsoil) |
1109 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'drainage_soil', kjit, dr_ns, kjpindex*nstm, indexsoil) |
1110 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'transpir_soil', kjit, tr_ns, kjpindex*nstm, indexsoil) |
1111 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'runoff_soil', kjit, ru_ns, kjpindex*nstm, indexsoil) |
1112 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'humtot_soil', kjit, tmc, kjpindex*nstm, indexsoil) |
1113 | ! mrso is a perfect duplicate of humtot |
1114 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'humtot', kjit, humtot, kjpindex, index) |
1115 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'mrso', kjit, humtot, kjpindex, index) |
1116 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'mrsos', kjit, humtot_top, kjpindex, index) |
1117 | njsc_tmp(:)=njsc(:) |
1118 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'soilindex', kjit, njsc_tmp, kjpindex, index) |
1119 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'humrel', kjit, humrel, kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1120 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'drainage', kjit, drainage, kjpindex, index) |
1121 | ! NB! According to histdef in intersurf, the variables 'runoff' and 'mrros' have different units |
1122 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'runoff', kjit, runoff, kjpindex, index) |
1123 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'mrros', kjit, runoff, kjpindex, index) |
1124 | histvar(:)=(runoff(:)+drainage(:)) |
1125 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'mrro', kjit, histvar, kjpindex, index) |
1126 | |
1127 | IF ( do_floodplains ) THEN |
1128 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'floodout', kjit, floodout, kjpindex, index) |
1129 | ENDIF |
1130 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'precisol', kjit, precisol, kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1131 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'rain', kjit, precip_rain, kjpindex, index) |
1132 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'snowf', kjit, precip_snow, kjpindex, index) |
1133 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'snowmelt',kjit,snowmelt,kjpindex,index) |
1134 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'qsintmax', kjit, qsintmax, kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1135 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'qsintveg', kjit, qsintveg, kjpindex*nvm, indexveg) |
1136 | ENDIF |
1137 | ELSE |
1138 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'Snowf', kjit, precip_snow, kjpindex, index) |
1139 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'Rainf', kjit, precip_rain, kjpindex, index) |
1140 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'Qs', kjit, runoff, kjpindex, index) |
1141 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'Qsb', kjit, drainage, kjpindex, index) |
1142 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'Qsm', kjit, snowmelt, kjpindex, index) |
1143 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'DelSoilMoist', kjit, delsoilmoist, kjpindex, index) |
1144 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'DelSWE', kjit, delswe, kjpindex, index) |
1145 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'DelIntercept', kjit, delintercept, kjpindex, index) |
1146 | ! |
1147 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'SoilMoist', kjit, soilmoist, kjpindex*nslm, indexlayer) |
1148 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'SoilWet', kjit, soilwet, kjpindex, index) |
1149 | ! |
1150 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'RootMoist', kjit, tot_watsoil_end, kjpindex, index) |
1151 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'SubSnow', kjit, vevapsno, kjpindex, index) |
1152 | ! |
1153 | IF (.NOT. ok_explicitsnow) CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'SnowDepth', kjit, snowdepth, kjpindex, index) |
1154 | ! |
1155 | IF ( hist2_id > 0 ) THEN |
1156 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'Snowf', kjit, precip_snow, kjpindex, index) |
1157 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'Rainf', kjit, precip_rain, kjpindex, index) |
1158 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'Qs', kjit, runoff, kjpindex, index) |
1159 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'Qsb', kjit, drainage, kjpindex, index) |
1160 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'Qsm', kjit, snowmelt, kjpindex, index) |
1161 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'DelSoilMoist', kjit, delsoilmoist, kjpindex, index) |
1162 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'DelSWE', kjit, delswe, kjpindex, index) |
1163 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'DelIntercept', kjit, delintercept, kjpindex, index) |
1164 | ! |
1165 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'SoilMoist', kjit, soilmoist, kjpindex*nslm, indexlayer) |
1166 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'SoilWet', kjit, soilwet, kjpindex, index) |
1167 | ! |
1168 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'RootMoist', kjit, tot_watsoil_end, kjpindex, index) |
1169 | CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'SubSnow', kjit, vevapsno, kjpindex, index) |
1170 | ! |
1171 | IF (.NOT. ok_explicitsnow) CALL histwrite_p(hist2_id, 'SnowDepth', kjit, snowdepth, kjpindex, index) |
1172 | ENDIF |
1173 | ENDIF |
1174 | |
1175 | IF (ok_freeze_cwrr) THEN |
1176 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'profil_froz_hydro', kjit,profil_froz_hydro , kjpindex*nslm, indexlayer) |
1177 | |
1178 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'temp_hydro', kjit,temp_hydro , kjpindex*nslm, indexlayer) |
1179 | ENDIF |
1180 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, 'kk_moy', kjit, kk_moy,kjpindex*nslm, indexlayer) ! averaged over soiltiles |
1181 | DO jst=1,nstm |
1182 | WRITE (var_name,"('profil_froz_hydro_',i1)") jst |
1183 | CALL histwrite_p(hist_id, TRIM(var_name), kjit, profil_froz_hydro_ns(:,:,jst), kjpindex*nslm, indexlayer) |
1184 | ENDDO |
1185 | |
1186 | ! Copy soilmoist into a local variable to be sent to thermosoil |
1187 | soilmoist_out(:,:) = soilmoist(:,:) |
1188 | |
1189 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' hydrol_main Done ' |
1190 | |
1191 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_main |
1192 | |
1193 | |
1194 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
1195 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_finalize |
1196 | !! |
1197 | !>\BRIEF |
1198 | !! |
1199 | !! DESCRIPTION : This subroutine writes the module variables and variables calculated in hydrol to restart file |
1200 | !! |
1202 | !! |
1203 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
1204 | !! |
1205 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
1206 | !! \n |
1207 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
1208 | |
1209 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_finalize( kjit, kjpindex, rest_id, vegstress, & |
1210 | qsintveg, humrel, snow, snow_age, snow_nobio, & |
1211 | snow_nobio_age, snowrho, snowtemp, snowdz, & |
1212 | snowheat, snowgrain, ratio_tile, &!IGEM |
1213 | drysoil_frac, evap_bare_lim, evap_bare_lim_ns) |
1214 | |
1215 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
1216 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
1217 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjit !! Time step number |
1218 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
1219 | INTEGER(i_std),INTENT (in) :: rest_id !! Restart file identifier |
1220 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: vegstress !! Veg. moisture stress (only for vegetation growth) |
1221 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: qsintveg !! Water on vegetation due to interception |
1222 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: humrel |
1223 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: snow !! Snow mass [Kg/m^2] |
1224 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: snow_age !! Snow age |
1225 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT (in) :: snow_nobio !! Water balance on ice, lakes, .. [Kg/m^2] |
1226 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT (in) :: snow_nobio_age !! Snow age on ice, lakes, ... |
1227 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(in) :: snowrho !! Snow density |
1228 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(in) :: snowtemp !! Snow temperature |
1229 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(in) :: snowdz !! Snow layer thickness |
1230 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(in) :: snowheat !! Snow heat content |
1231 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(in) :: snowgrain !! Snow grainsize |
1232 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex),INTENT(in) :: drysoil_frac !! function of litter wetness |
1233 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex),INTENT(in) :: evap_bare_lim |
1234 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm),INTENT(in) :: evap_bare_lim_ns |
1235 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(in) :: ratio_tile !! IGEM |
1236 | |
1237 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
1238 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jst, jsl |
1239 | |
1240 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
1241 | |
1242 | |
1243 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) 'Write restart file with HYDROLOGIC variables ' |
1244 | |
1245 | DO jst=1,nstm |
1246 | ! var_name= "mc_1" ... "mc_3" |
1247 | WRITE (var_name,"('moistc_',i1)") jst |
1248 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nslm, 1, kjit, mc(:,:,jst), 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1249 | END DO |
1250 | |
1251 | DO jst=1,nstm |
1252 | ! var_name= "mcl_1" ... "mcl_3" |
1253 | WRITE (var_name,"('moistcl_',i1)") jst |
1254 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nslm, 1, kjit, mcl(:,:,jst), 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1255 | END DO |
1256 | |
1257 | IF (ok_nudge_mc) THEN |
1258 | DO jst=1,nstm |
1259 | WRITE (var_name,"('mc_read_next_',i1)") jst |
1260 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nslm, 1, kjit, mc_read_next(:,:,jst), 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1261 | END DO |
1262 | END IF |
1263 | |
1264 | IF (ok_nudge_snow) THEN |
1265 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'snowdz_read_next', nbp_glo, nsnow, 1, kjit, snowdz_read_next(:,:), & |
1266 | 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1267 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'snowrho_read_next', nbp_glo, nsnow, 1, kjit, snowrho_read_next(:,:), & |
1268 | 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1269 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'snowtemp_read_next', nbp_glo, nsnow, 1, kjit, snowtemp_read_next(:,:), & |
1270 | 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1271 | END IF |
1272 | |
1273 | |
1274 | |
1275 | DO jst=1,nstm |
1276 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
1277 | ! var_name= "us_1_01" ... "us_3_11" |
1278 | !WRITE (var_name,"('us_',i1,'_',i2.2)") jst,jsl |
1279 | WRITE (var_name,"('us_',i1,'_',i3.3)") jst,jsl |
1280 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo,nvm, 1,kjit,us(:,:,jst,jsl),'scatter',nbp_glo,index_g) |
1281 | END DO |
1282 | END DO |
1283 | |
1284 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'free_drain_coef', nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, free_drain_coef, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1285 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'zwt_force', nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, zwt_force, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1286 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'water2infilt', nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, water2infilt, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1287 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'ae_ns', nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, ae_ns, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1288 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'vegstress', nbp_glo, nvm, 1, kjit, vegstress, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1289 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'snow', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, snow, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1290 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'snow_age', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, snow_age, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1291 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'snow_nobio', nbp_glo, nnobio, 1, kjit, snow_nobio, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1292 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'snow_nobio_age', nbp_glo, nnobio, 1, kjit, snow_nobio_age, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1293 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'qsintveg', nbp_glo, nvm, 1, kjit, qsintveg, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1294 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'evap_bare_lim_ns', nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, evap_bare_lim_ns, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1295 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'evap_bare_lim', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, evap_bare_lim, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1296 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'resdist', nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, resdist, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1297 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'vegtot_old', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, vegtot_old, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1298 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'drysoil_frac', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, drysoil_frac, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1299 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'humrel', nbp_glo, nvm, 1, kjit, humrel, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1300 | |
1301 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'tot_watveg_beg', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, tot_watveg_beg, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1302 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'tot_watsoil_beg', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, tot_watsoil_beg, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1303 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'snow_beg', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, snow_beg, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) |
1304 | |
1305 | CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'swt_frac', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, ratio_tile(:,4), 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) !IGEM |
1306 | !CALL restput_p(rest_id, 'wtd_ns', nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, wtd_ns, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) !IGEM |
1307 | |
1308 | ! Write variables for explictsnow module to restart file |
1309 | IF (ok_explicitsnow) THEN |
1310 | CALL explicitsnow_finalize ( kjit, kjpindex, rest_id, snowrho, & |
1311 | snowtemp, snowdz, snowheat, snowgrain) |
1312 | END IF |
1313 | |
1314 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_finalize |
1315 | |
1316 | |
1317 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
1318 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_init |
1319 | !! |
1320 | !>\BRIEF Initializations and memory allocation |
1321 | !! |
1322 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
1323 | !! - 1 Some initializations |
1324 | !! - 2 make dynamic allocation with good dimension |
1325 | !! - 2.1 array allocation for soil textur |
1326 | !! - 2.2 Soil texture choice |
1327 | !! - 3 Other array allocation |
1328 | !! - 4 Open restart input file and read data for HYDROLOGIC process |
1329 | !! - 5 get restart values if none were found in the restart file |
1330 | !! - 6 Vegetation array |
1331 | !! - 7 set humrelv from us |
1332 | !! |
1333 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
1334 | !! |
1336 | !! |
1337 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
1338 | !! |
1339 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
1340 | !! \n |
1341 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
1342 | !!_ hydrol_init |
1343 | |
1344 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_init(kjit, kjpindex, index, rest_id, veget_max, soiltile, & |
1345 | humrel, vegstress, snow, snow_age, snow_nobio, snow_nobio_age, qsintveg, & |
1346 | snowdz, snowgrain, snowrho, snowtemp, snowheat, & |
1347 | drysoil_frac, evap_bare_lim, evap_bare_lim_ns) |
1348 | |
1349 | |
1350 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
1351 | |
1352 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
1353 | |
1354 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: kjit !! Time step number |
1355 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
1356 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: index !! Indeces of the points on the map |
1357 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: rest_id !! _Restart_ file identifier |
1358 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget_max !! Carte de vegetation max |
1359 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile !! Fraction of each soil tile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) |
1360 | |
1361 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
1362 | |
1363 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (out) :: humrel !! Stress hydrique, relative humidity |
1364 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (out) :: vegstress !! Veg. moisture stress (only for vegetation growth) |
1365 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: snow !! Snow mass [Kg/m^2] |
1366 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: snow_age !! Snow age |
1367 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT (out) :: snow_nobio !! Snow on ice, lakes, ... |
1368 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT (out) :: snow_nobio_age !! Snow age on ice, lakes, ... |
1369 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (out) :: qsintveg !! Water on vegetation due to interception |
1370 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow),INTENT(out) :: snowdz !! Snow depth |
1371 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow),INTENT(out) :: snowgrain !! Snow grain size |
1372 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow),INTENT(out) :: snowheat !! Snow heat content |
1373 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow),INTENT(out) :: snowtemp !! Snow temperature |
1374 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow),INTENT(out) :: snowrho !! Snow density |
1375 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex),INTENT(out) :: drysoil_frac !! function of litter wetness |
1376 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex),INTENT(out) :: evap_bare_lim |
1377 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm),INTENT(out) :: evap_bare_lim_ns |
1378 | |
1379 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
1380 | |
1381 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ier !! Error code |
1382 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji !! Index of land grid cells (1) |
1383 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jv !! Index of PFTs (1) |
1384 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jst !! Index of soil tiles (1) |
1385 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jsl !! Index of soil layers (1) |
1386 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jsc !! Index of soil texture (1) |
1387 | INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: error_level = 3 !! Error level for consistency check |
1388 | !! Switch to 2 tu turn fatal errors into warnings |
1389 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: free_drain_max !! Temporary var for initialization of free_drain_coef |
1390 | !REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: free_drain_max |
1391 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: zwt_default !! Temporary variable for initialization of zwt_force |
1392 | REAL(r_std) :: init_tile4_moisture !! IGEM initial soil moisture in tile 4 |
1393 | REAL(r_std) :: free_drain_val |
1394 | LOGICAL :: zforce !! To test if we force the WT in any of the soiltiles |
1395 | |
1396 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
1397 | |
1398 | !! 1 Some initializations |
1399 | ! |
1400 | !Config Key = DO_PONDS |
1401 | !Config Desc = Should we include ponds |
1402 | !Config Def = n |
1403 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1404 | !Config Help = This parameters allows the user to ask the model |
1405 | !Config to take into account the ponds and return |
1406 | !Config the water into the soil moisture. If this is |
1407 | !Config activated, then there is no reinfiltration |
1408 | !Config computed inside the hydrol module. |
1409 | !Config Units = [FLAG] |
1410 | ! |
1411 | doponds = .FALSE. |
1412 | CALL getin_p('DO_PONDS', doponds) |
1413 | |
1414 | !Config Key = FROZ_FRAC_CORR |
1415 | !Config Desc = Coefficient for the frozen fraction correction |
1416 | !Config Def = 1.0 |
1417 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR and OK_FREEZE |
1418 | !Config Help = |
1419 | !Config Units = [-] |
1420 | froz_frac_corr = 1.0 |
1421 | CALL getin_p("FROZ_FRAC_CORR", froz_frac_corr) |
1422 | |
1423 | !Config Key = MAX_FROZ_HYDRO |
1424 | !Config Desc = Coefficient for the frozen fraction correction |
1425 | !Config Def = 1.0 |
1426 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR and OK_FREEZE |
1427 | !Config Help = |
1428 | !Config Units = [-] |
1429 | max_froz_hydro = 1.0 |
1430 | CALL getin_p("MAX_FROZ_HYDRO", max_froz_hydro) |
1431 | |
1432 | !Config Key = SMTOT_CORR |
1433 | !Config Desc = Coefficient for the frozen fraction correction |
1434 | !Config Def = 2.0 |
1435 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR and OK_FREEZE |
1436 | !Config Help = |
1437 | !Config Units = [-] |
1438 | smtot_corr = 2.0 |
1439 | CALL getin_p("SMTOT_CORR", smtot_corr) |
1440 | |
1441 | !Config Key = DO_RSOIL |
1442 | !Config Desc = Should we reduce soil evaporation with a soil resistance |
1443 | !Config Def = n |
1444 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1445 | !Config Help = This parameters allows the user to ask the model |
1446 | !Config to calculate a soil resistance to reduce the soil evaporation |
1447 | !Config Units = [FLAG] |
1448 | ! |
1449 | do_rsoil = .FALSE. |
1450 | CALL getin_p('DO_RSOIL', do_rsoil) |
1451 | |
1452 | !Config Key = OK_DYNROOT |
1453 | !Config Desc = Calculate dynamic root profile to optimize soil moisture usage |
1454 | !Config Def = n |
1455 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1456 | !Config Help = |
1457 | !Config Units = [FLAG] |
1458 | ok_dynroot = .FALSE. |
1459 | CALL getin_p('OK_DYNROOT',ok_dynroot) |
1460 | |
1461 | !Config Key = RC_CSTE |
1463 | !Config Def = n |
1464 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1465 | !Config Help = |
1466 | !Config Units = [FLAG] |
1467 | RC_fac = 1.0 !IGEM |
1468 | CALL getin_p('RC_CSTE',RC_fac) !IGEM |
1469 | |
1470 | !! 2 make dynamic allocation with good dimension |
1471 | |
1472 | !! 2.1 array allocation for soil texture |
1473 | |
1474 | ALLOCATE (nvan(nscm),stat=ier) |
1475 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable nvan','','') |
1476 | |
1477 | ALLOCATE (avan(nscm),stat=ier) |
1478 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable avan','','') |
1479 | |
1480 | ALLOCATE (mcr(nscm),stat=ier) |
1481 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mcr','','') |
1482 | |
1483 | ALLOCATE (mcs(nscm),stat=ier) |
1484 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mcs','','') |
1485 | |
1486 | ALLOCATE (ks(nscm),stat=ier) |
1487 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable ks','','') |
1488 | |
1489 | ALLOCATE (pcent(nscm),stat=ier) |
1490 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable pcent','','') |
1491 | |
1492 | ALLOCATE (mcfc(nscm),stat=ier) |
1493 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mcfc','','') |
1494 | |
1495 | ALLOCATE (mcw(nscm),stat=ier) |
1496 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mcw','','') |
1497 | |
1498 | ALLOCATE (mc_awet(nscm),stat=ier) |
1499 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mc_awet','','') |
1500 | |
1501 | ALLOCATE (mc_adry(nscm),stat=ier) |
1502 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mc_adry','','') |
1503 | |
1504 | !!__2.2 Soil texture choose |
1505 | |
1506 | SELECTCASE (nscm) |
1507 | CASE (3) |
1508 | |
1509 | nvan(:) = nvan_fao(:) |
1510 | avan(:) = avan_fao(:) |
1511 | mcr(:) = mcr_fao(:) |
1512 | mcs(:) = mcs_fao(:) |
1513 | ks(:) = ks_fao(:) |
1514 | pcent(:) = pcent_fao(:) |
1515 | mcfc(:) = mcf_fao(:) |
1516 | mcw(:) = mcw_fao(:) |
1517 | mc_awet(:) = mc_awet_fao(:) |
1518 | mc_adry(:) = mc_adry_fao(:) |
1519 | CASE (12) |
1520 | |
1521 | nvan(:) = nvan_usda(:) |
1522 | avan(:) = avan_usda(:) |
1523 | mcr(:) = mcr_usda(:) |
1524 | mcs(:) = mcs_usda(:) |
1525 | ks(:) = ks_usda(:) |
1526 | pcent(:) = pcent_usda(:) |
1527 | mcfc(:) = mcf_usda(:) |
1528 | mcw(:) = mcw_usda(:) |
1529 | mc_awet(:) = mc_awet_usda(:) |
1530 | mc_adry(:) = mc_adry_usda(:) |
1531 | |
1533 | WRITE (numout,*) 'Unsupported soil type classification. Choose between zobler and usda according to the map' |
1534 | CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Unsupported soil type classification. ',& |
1535 | 'Choose between zobler and usda according to the map','') |
1536 | ENDSELECT |
1537 | |
1538 | |
1539 | !! 2.3 Read in the run.def the parameters values defined by the user |
1540 | |
1541 | !Config Key = CWRR_N_VANGENUCHTEN |
1542 | !Config Desc = Van genuchten coefficient n |
1543 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1544 | !Config Def = 1.89, 1.56, 1.31 |
1545 | !Config Help = This parameter will be constant over the entire |
1546 | !Config simulated domain, thus independent from soil |
1547 | !Config texture. |
1548 | !Config Units = [-] |
1549 | CALL getin_p("CWRR_N_VANGENUCHTEN",nvan) |
1550 | |
1551 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
1552 | IF ( ANY(nvan(:) <= zero) ) THEN |
1553 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_init.", & |
1554 | & "Wrong parameter value for CWRR_N_VANGENUCHTEN.", & |
1555 | & "This parameter should be positive. ", & |
1556 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
1557 | END IF |
1558 | |
1559 | |
1560 | !Config Key = CWRR_A_VANGENUCHTEN |
1561 | !Config Desc = Van genuchten coefficient a |
1562 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1563 | !Config Def = 0.0075, 0.0036, 0.0019 |
1564 | !Config Help = This parameter will be constant over the entire |
1565 | !Config simulated domain, thus independent from soil |
1566 | !Config texture. |
1567 | !Config Units = [1/mm] |
1568 | CALL getin_p("CWRR_A_VANGENUCHTEN",avan) |
1569 | |
1570 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
1571 | IF ( ANY(avan(:) <= zero) ) THEN |
1572 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_init.", & |
1573 | & "Wrong parameter value for CWRR_A_VANGENUCHTEN.", & |
1574 | & "This parameter should be positive. ", & |
1575 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
1576 | END IF |
1577 | |
1578 | |
1579 | !Config Key = VWC_RESIDUAL |
1580 | !Config Desc = Residual soil water content |
1581 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1582 | !Config Def = 0.065, 0.078, 0.095 |
1583 | !Config Help = This parameter will be constant over the entire |
1584 | !Config simulated domain, thus independent from soil |
1585 | !Config texture. |
1586 | !Config Units = [m3/m3] |
1587 | CALL getin_p("VWC_RESIDUAL",mcr) |
1588 | |
1589 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
1590 | IF ( ANY(mcr(:) < zero) .OR. ANY(mcr(:) > 1.) ) THEN |
1591 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_init.", & |
1592 | & "Wrong parameter value for VWC_RESIDUAL.", & |
1593 | & "This parameter is ranged between 0 and 1. ", & |
1594 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
1595 | END IF |
1596 | |
1597 | |
1598 | !Config Key = VWC_SAT |
1599 | !Config Desc = Saturated soil water content |
1600 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1601 | !Config Def = 0.41, 0.43, 0.41 |
1602 | !Config Help = This parameter will be constant over the entire |
1603 | !Config simulated domain, thus independent from soil |
1604 | !Config texture. |
1605 | !Config Units = [m3/m3] |
1606 | CALL getin_p("VWC_SAT",mcs) |
1607 | |
1608 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
1609 | IF ( ANY(mcs(:) < zero) .OR. ANY(mcs(:) > 1.) .OR. ANY(mcs(:) <= mcr(:)) ) THEN |
1610 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_init.", & |
1611 | & "Wrong parameter value for VWC_SAT.", & |
1612 | & "This parameter should be greater than VWC_RESIDUAL and less than 1. ", & |
1613 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
1614 | END IF |
1615 | |
1616 | |
1617 | !Config Key = CWRR_KS |
1618 | !Config Desc = Hydraulic conductivity Saturation |
1619 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1620 | !Config Def = 1060.8, 249.6, 62.4 |
1621 | !Config Help = This parameter will be constant over the entire |
1622 | !Config simulated domain, thus independent from soil |
1623 | !Config texture. |
1624 | !Config Units = [mm/d] |
1625 | CALL getin_p("CWRR_KS",ks) |
1626 | |
1627 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
1628 | IF ( ANY(ks(:) <= zero) ) THEN |
1629 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_init.", & |
1630 | & "Wrong parameter value for CWRR_KS.", & |
1631 | & "This parameter should be positive. ", & |
1632 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
1633 | END IF |
1634 | |
1635 | |
1636 | !Config Key = WETNESS_TRANSPIR_MAX |
1637 | !Config Desc = Soil moisture above which transpir is max |
1638 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1639 | !Config Def = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 |
1640 | !Config Help = This parameter is independent from soil texture for |
1641 | !Config the time being. |
1642 | !Config Units = [-] |
1643 | CALL getin_p("WETNESS_TRANSPIR_MAX",pcent) |
1644 | |
1645 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
1646 | IF ( ANY(pcent(:) <= zero) .OR. ANY(pcent(:) > 1.) ) THEN |
1647 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_init.", & |
1648 | & "Wrong parameter value for WETNESS_TRANSPIR_MAX.", & |
1649 | & "This parameter should be positive and less or equals than 1. ", & |
1650 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
1651 | END IF |
1652 | |
1653 | |
1654 | !Config Key = VWC_FC |
1655 | !Config Desc = Volumetric water content field capacity |
1656 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1657 | !Config Def = 0.32, 0.32, 0.32 |
1658 | !Config Help = This parameter is independent from soil texture for |
1659 | !Config the time being. |
1660 | !Config Units = [m3/m3] |
1661 | CALL getin_p("VWC_FC",mcfc) |
1662 | |
1663 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
1664 | IF ( ANY(mcfc(:) > mcs(:)) ) THEN |
1665 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_init.", & |
1666 | & "Wrong parameter value for VWC_FC.", & |
1667 | & "This parameter should be less than VWC_SAT. ", & |
1668 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
1669 | END IF |
1670 | |
1671 | |
1672 | !Config Key = VWC_WP |
1673 | !Config Desc = Volumetric water content Wilting pt |
1674 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1675 | !Config Def = 0.10, 0.10, 0.10 |
1676 | !Config Help = This parameter is independent from soil texture for |
1677 | !Config the time being. |
1678 | !Config Units = [m3/m3] |
1679 | CALL getin_p("VWC_WP",mcw) |
1680 | |
1681 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
1682 | IF ( ANY(mcw(:) > mcfc(:)) .OR. ANY(mcw(:) < mcr(:)) ) THEN |
1683 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_init.", & |
1684 | & "Wrong parameter value for VWC_WP.", & |
1685 | & "This parameter should be greater or equal than VWC_RESIDUAL and less or equal than VWC_SAT.", & |
1686 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
1687 | END IF |
1688 | |
1689 | |
1690 | !Config Key = VWC_MIN_FOR_WET_ALB |
1691 | !Config Desc = Vol. wat. cont. above which albedo is cst |
1692 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1693 | !Config Def = 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 |
1694 | !Config Help = This parameter is independent from soil texture for |
1695 | !Config the time being. |
1696 | !Config Units = [m3/m3] |
1697 | CALL getin_p("VWC_MIN_FOR_WET_ALB",mc_awet) |
1698 | |
1699 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
1700 | IF ( ANY(mc_awet(:) < 0) ) THEN |
1701 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_init.", & |
1702 | & "Wrong parameter value for VWC_MIN_FOR_WET_ALB.", & |
1703 | & "This parameter should be positive. ", & |
1704 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
1705 | END IF |
1706 | |
1707 | |
1708 | !Config Key = VWC_MAX_FOR_DRY_ALB |
1709 | !Config Desc = Vol. wat. cont. below which albedo is cst |
1710 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
1711 | !Config Def = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 |
1712 | !Config Help = This parameter is independent from soil texture for |
1713 | !Config the time being. |
1714 | !Config Units = [m3/m3] |
1715 | CALL getin_p("VWC_MAX_FOR_DRY_ALB",mc_adry) |
1716 | |
1717 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
1718 | IF ( ANY(mc_adry(:) < 0) .OR. ANY(mc_adry(:) > mc_awet(:)) ) THEN |
1719 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_init.", & |
1720 | & "Wrong parameter value for VWC_MAX_FOR_DRY_ALB.", & |
1721 | & "This parameter should be positive and not greater than VWC_MIN_FOR_WET_ALB.", & |
1722 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
1723 | END IF |
1724 | |
1725 | |
1726 | !! 3 Other array allocation |
1727 | |
1728 | |
1729 | ALLOCATE (mask_veget(kjpindex,nvm),stat=ier) |
1730 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mask_veget','','') |
1731 | |
1732 | ALLOCATE (mask_soiltile(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1733 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mask_soiltile','','') |
1734 | |
1735 | ALLOCATE (humrelv(kjpindex,nvm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1736 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable humrelv','','') |
1737 | |
1738 | ALLOCATE (vegstressv(kjpindex,nvm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1739 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable vegstressv','','') |
1740 | |
1741 | ALLOCATE (us(kjpindex,nvm,nstm,nslm),stat=ier) |
1742 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable us','','') |
1743 | |
1744 | ALLOCATE (precisol(kjpindex,nvm),stat=ier) |
1745 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable precisol','','') |
1746 | |
1747 | ALLOCATE (throughfall(kjpindex,nvm),stat=ier) |
1748 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable throughfall','','') |
1749 | |
1750 | ALLOCATE (precisol_ns(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1751 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable precisol_nc','','') |
1752 | |
1753 | ALLOCATE (free_drain_coef(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1754 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable free_drain_coef','','') |
1755 | |
1756 | ALLOCATE (ratio_soil(kjpindex,nvm,nstm),stat=ier) !IGEM |
1757 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocateofvariableratio_soil','','') !IGEM |
1758 | |
1759 | ALLOCATE (zwt_force(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1760 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable zwt_force','','') |
1761 | |
1762 | ALLOCATE (frac_bare_ns(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1763 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable frac_bare_ns','','') |
1764 | |
1765 | ALLOCATE (water2infilt(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1766 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable water2infilt','','') |
1767 | |
1768 | ALLOCATE (ae_ns(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1769 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable ae_ns','','') |
1770 | |
1771 | !!$ ALLOCATE (evap_bare_lim_ns(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1772 | !!$ IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable evap_bare_lim_ns','','') |
1773 | |
1774 | ALLOCATE (rootsink(kjpindex,nslm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1775 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable rootsink','','') |
1776 | |
1777 | ALLOCATE (subsnowveg(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1778 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable subsnowveg','','') |
1779 | |
1780 | ALLOCATE (subsnownobio(kjpindex,nnobio),stat=ier) |
1781 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable subsnownobio','','') |
1782 | |
1783 | ALLOCATE (icemelt(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1784 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable icemelt','','') |
1785 | |
1786 | ALLOCATE (subsinksoil(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1787 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable subsinksoil','','') |
1788 | |
1789 | ALLOCATE (mx_eau_var(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1790 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mx_eau_var','','') |
1791 | |
1792 | ALLOCATE (vegtot(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1793 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable vegtot','','') |
1794 | |
1795 | ALLOCATE (vegtot_old(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1796 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable vegtot_old','','') |
1797 | |
1798 | ALLOCATE (resdist(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1799 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable resdist','','') |
1800 | |
1801 | ALLOCATE (humtot(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1802 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable humtot','','') |
1803 | |
1804 | ALLOCATE (humtot_ns(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) !IGEM |
1805 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable humtot_ns','','') |
1806 | |
1807 | ALLOCATE (resolv(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1808 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable resolv','','') |
1809 | |
1810 | ALLOCATE (k(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1811 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable k','','') |
1812 | |
1813 | ALLOCATE (kk_moy(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1814 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable kk_moy','','') |
1815 | kk_moy(:,:) = 276.48 |
1816 | |
1817 | ALLOCATE (kk(kjpindex,nslm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1818 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable kk','','') |
1819 | kk(:,:,:) = 276.48 |
1820 | |
1821 | ALLOCATE (avan_mod_tab(nslm,nscm),stat=ier) |
1822 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable avan_mod_tab','','') |
1823 | |
1824 | ALLOCATE (nvan_mod_tab(nslm,nscm),stat=ier) |
1825 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable nvan_mod_tab','','') |
1826 | |
1827 | ALLOCATE (a(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1828 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable a','','') |
1829 | |
1830 | ALLOCATE (b(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1831 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable b','','') |
1832 | |
1833 | ALLOCATE (d(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1834 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable d','','') |
1835 | |
1836 | ALLOCATE (e(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1837 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable e','','') |
1838 | |
1839 | ALLOCATE (f(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1840 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable f','','') |
1841 | |
1842 | ALLOCATE (g1(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1843 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable g1','','') |
1844 | |
1845 | ALLOCATE (ep(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1846 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable ep','','') |
1847 | |
1848 | ALLOCATE (fp(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1849 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable fp','','') |
1850 | |
1851 | ALLOCATE (gp(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1852 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable gp','','') |
1853 | |
1854 | ALLOCATE (rhs(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1855 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable rhs','','') |
1856 | |
1857 | ALLOCATE (srhs(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1858 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable srhs','','') |
1859 | |
1860 | ALLOCATE (tmc(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1861 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc','','') |
1862 | |
1863 | ALLOCATE (tmcs(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1864 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmcs','','') |
1865 | |
1866 | ALLOCATE (tmcr(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1867 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmcr','','') |
1868 | |
1869 | ALLOCATE (tmcfc(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1870 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmcfc','','') |
1871 | |
1872 | ALLOCATE (tmcw(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1873 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmcw','','') |
1874 | |
1875 | ALLOCATE (tmc_litter(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1876 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc_litter','','') |
1877 | |
1878 | ALLOCATE (tmc_litt_mea(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1879 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc_litt_mea','','') |
1880 | |
1881 | ALLOCATE (tmc_litter_res(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1882 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc_litter_res','','') |
1883 | |
1884 | ALLOCATE (tmc_litter_wilt(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1885 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc_litter_wilt','','') |
1886 | |
1887 | ALLOCATE (tmc_litter_field(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1888 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc_litter_field','','') |
1889 | |
1890 | ALLOCATE (tmc_litter_sat(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1891 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc_litter_sat','','') |
1892 | |
1893 | ALLOCATE (tmc_litter_awet(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1894 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc_litter_awet','','') |
1895 | |
1896 | ALLOCATE (tmc_litter_adry(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1897 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc_litter_adry','','') |
1898 | |
1899 | ALLOCATE (tmc_litt_wet_mea(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1900 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc_litt_wet_mea','','') |
1901 | |
1902 | ALLOCATE (tmc_litt_dry_mea(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
1903 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmc_litt_dry_mea','','') |
1904 | |
1905 | ALLOCATE (v1(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1906 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable v1','','') |
1907 | |
1908 | ALLOCATE (ru_ns(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1909 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable ru_ns','','') |
1910 | ru_ns(:,:) = zero |
1911 | |
1912 | ALLOCATE (dr_ns(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1913 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable dr_ns','','') |
1914 | dr_ns(:,:) = zero |
1915 | |
1916 | ALLOCATE (tr_ns(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1917 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tr_ns','','') |
1918 | |
1919 | ALLOCATE (vegetmax_soil(kjpindex,nvm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1920 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable vegetmax_soil','','') |
1921 | |
1922 | ALLOCATE (mc(kjpindex,nslm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1923 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mc','','') |
1924 | |
1925 | ALLOCATE (lateral_sink(kjpindex,nslm,nstm),stat=ier) !IGEM |
1926 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable lateral_sink','','') !IGEM |
1927 | |
1928 | |
1929 | ! Variables for nudging of soil moisture |
1930 | IF (ok_nudge_mc) THEN |
1931 | ALLOCATE (mc_read_prev(kjpindex,nslm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1932 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mc_read_prev','','') |
1933 | ALLOCATE (mc_read_next(kjpindex,nslm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1934 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mc_read_next','','') |
1935 | ALLOCATE (mask_mc_interp(kjpindex,nslm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1936 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mask_mc_interp','','') |
1937 | END IF |
1938 | |
1939 | ! Variables for nudging of snow variables |
1940 | IF (ok_nudge_snow) THEN |
1941 | ALLOCATE (snowdz_read_prev(kjpindex,nsnow),stat=ier) |
1942 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable snowdz_read_prev','','') |
1943 | ALLOCATE (snowdz_read_next(kjpindex,nsnow),stat=ier) |
1944 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable snowdz_read_next','','') |
1945 | |
1946 | ALLOCATE (snowrho_read_prev(kjpindex,nsnow),stat=ier) |
1947 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable snowrho_read_prev','','') |
1948 | ALLOCATE (snowrho_read_next(kjpindex,nsnow),stat=ier) |
1949 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable snowrho_read_next','','') |
1950 | |
1951 | ALLOCATE (snowtemp_read_prev(kjpindex,nsnow),stat=ier) |
1952 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable snowtemp_read_prev','','') |
1953 | ALLOCATE (snowtemp_read_next(kjpindex,nsnow),stat=ier) |
1954 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable snowtemp_read_next','','') |
1955 | |
1956 | ALLOCATE (mask_snow_interp(kjpindex,nsnow),stat=ier) |
1957 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mask_snow_interp','','') |
1958 | END IF |
1959 | |
1960 | ALLOCATE (mcl(kjpindex, nslm, nstm),stat=ier) |
1961 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mcl','','') |
1962 | |
1963 | IF (ok_freeze_cwrr) THEN |
1964 | ALLOCATE (profil_froz_hydro(kjpindex, nslm),stat=ier) |
1965 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable profil_froz_hydrol','','') |
1966 | profil_froz_hydro(:,:) = zero |
1967 | |
1968 | ALLOCATE (temp_hydro(kjpindex, nslm),stat=ier) |
1969 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable temp_hydro','','') |
1970 | temp_hydro(:,:) = 280. |
1971 | ENDIF |
1972 | |
1973 | ALLOCATE (profil_froz_hydro_ns(kjpindex, nslm, nstm),stat=ier) |
1974 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable profil_froz_hydro_ns','','') |
1975 | profil_froz_hydro_ns(:,:,:) = zero |
1976 | |
1977 | ALLOCATE (soilmoist(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1978 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable soilmoist','','') |
1979 | |
1980 | ALLOCATE (soilmoist_liquid(kjpindex,nslm),stat=ier) |
1981 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable soilmoist_liquid','','') |
1982 | |
1983 | ALLOCATE (soil_wet_ns(kjpindex,nslm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1984 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable soil_wet_ns','','') |
1985 | |
1986 | ALLOCATE (soil_wet_litter(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
1987 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable soil_wet_litter','','') |
1988 | |
1989 | ALLOCATE (qflux(kjpindex,nslm,nstm),stat=ier) |
1990 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable qflux','','') |
1991 | |
1992 | ALLOCATE (tmat(kjpindex,nslm,3),stat=ier) |
1993 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tmat','','') |
1994 | |
1995 | ALLOCATE (stmat(kjpindex,nslm,3),stat=ier) |
1996 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable stmat','','') |
1997 | |
1998 | ALLOCATE (nroot(kjpindex,nvm, nslm),stat=ier) |
1999 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable nroot','','') |
2000 | |
2001 | ALLOCATE (kfact_root(kjpindex, nslm, nstm), stat=ier) |
2002 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable kfact_root','','') |
2003 | |
2004 | ALLOCATE (kfact(nslm, nscm),stat=ier) |
2005 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable kfact','','') |
2006 | |
2007 | ALLOCATE (zz(nslm),stat=ier) |
2008 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable zz','','') |
2009 | |
2010 | ALLOCATE (dz(nslm),stat=ier) |
2011 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable dz','','') |
2012 | |
2013 | ALLOCATE (dh(nslm),stat=ier) |
2014 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable dh','','') |
2015 | |
2016 | ALLOCATE (mc_lin(imin:imax, nscm),stat=ier) |
2017 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable mc_lin','','') |
2018 | |
2019 | ALLOCATE (k_lin(imin:imax, nslm, nscm),stat=ier) |
2020 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable k_lin','','') |
2021 | |
2022 | ALLOCATE (d_lin(imin:imax, nslm, nscm),stat=ier) |
2023 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable d_lin','','') |
2024 | |
2025 | ALLOCATE (a_lin(imin:imax, nslm, nscm),stat=ier) |
2026 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable a_lin','','') |
2027 | |
2028 | ALLOCATE (b_lin(imin:imax, nslm, nscm),stat=ier) |
2029 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable b_lin','','') |
2030 | |
2031 | ALLOCATE (undermcr(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
2032 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable undermcr','','') |
2033 | |
2034 | ALLOCATE (tot_watveg_beg(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
2035 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tot_watveg_beg','','') |
2036 | |
2037 | ALLOCATE (tot_watveg_end(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
2038 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tot_watvag_end','','') |
2039 | |
2040 | ALLOCATE (tot_watsoil_beg(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
2041 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tot_watsoil_beg','','') |
2042 | |
2043 | ALLOCATE (tot_watsoil_end(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
2044 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable tot_watsoil_end','','') |
2045 | |
2046 | ALLOCATE (delsoilmoist(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
2047 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable delsoilmoist','','') |
2048 | |
2049 | ALLOCATE (delintercept(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
2050 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable delintercept','','') |
2051 | |
2052 | ALLOCATE (delswe(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
2053 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable delswe','','') |
2054 | |
2055 | ALLOCATE (snow_beg(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
2056 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable snow_beg','','') |
2057 | |
2058 | ALLOCATE (snow_end(kjpindex),stat=ier) |
2059 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable snow_end','','') |
2060 | |
2061 | !! 4 Open restart input file and read data for HYDROLOGIC process |
2062 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' we have to read a restart file for HYDROLOGIC variables' |
2063 | |
2064 | IF (is_root_prc) CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '-') |
2065 | ! |
2066 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2067 | ! var_name= "mc_1" ... "mc_3" |
2068 | WRITE (var_name,"('moistc_',I1)") jst |
2069 | IF (is_root_prc) CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME',var_name) |
2070 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nslm , 1, kjit, .TRUE., mc(:,:,jst), "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2071 | END DO |
2072 | |
2073 | IF (ok_nudge_mc) THEN |
2074 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2075 | WRITE (var_name,"('mc_read_next_',I1)") jst |
2076 | IF (is_root_prc) CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Soil moisture read from nudging file') |
2077 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nslm , 1, kjit, .TRUE., mc_read_next(:,:,jst), & |
2078 | "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2079 | END DO |
2080 | END IF |
2081 | |
2082 | IF (ok_nudge_snow) THEN |
2083 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2084 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'm') |
2085 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Snow layer thickness read from nudging file') |
2086 | ENDIF |
2087 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, 'snowdz_read_next', nbp_glo, nsnow, 1, kjit, .TRUE., snowdz_read_next, & |
2088 | "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2089 | |
2090 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2091 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'kg/m^3') |
2092 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Snow density profile read from nudging file') |
2093 | ENDIF |
2094 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, 'snowrho_read_next', nbp_glo, nsnow, 1, kjit, .TRUE., snowrho_read_next, & |
2095 | "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2096 | |
2097 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2098 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'K') |
2099 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Snow temperature read from nudging file') |
2100 | ENDIF |
2101 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, 'snowtemp_read_next', nbp_glo, nsnow, 1, kjit, .TRUE., snowtemp_read_next, & |
2102 | "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2103 | END IF |
2104 | |
2105 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2106 | ! var_name= "mcl_1" ... "mcl_3" |
2107 | WRITE (var_name,"('moistcl_',I1)") jst |
2108 | IF (is_root_prc) CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME',var_name) |
2109 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nslm , 1, kjit, .TRUE., mcl(:,:,jst), "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2110 | END DO |
2111 | |
2112 | IF (is_root_prc) CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '-') |
2113 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2114 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
2115 | ! var_name= "us_1_01" ... "us_3_11" |
2116 | !WRITE (var_name,"('us_',i1,'_',i2.2)") jst,jsl |
2117 | WRITE (var_name,"('us_',i1,'_',i3.3)") jst,jsl !IGEM |
2118 | IF (is_root_prc) CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME',var_name) |
2119 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nvm, 1, kjit, .TRUE., us(:,:,jst,jsl), "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2120 | END DO |
2121 | END DO |
2122 | ! |
2123 | var_name= 'free_drain_coef' |
2124 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2125 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '-') |
2126 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Coefficient for free drainage at bottom of soil') |
2127 | ENDIF |
2128 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, .TRUE., free_drain_coef, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2129 | ! |
2130 | var_name= 'zwt_force' |
2131 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2132 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'm') |
2133 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Prescribed water table depth') |
2134 | ENDIF |
2135 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, .TRUE., zwt_force, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2136 | ! |
2137 | var_name= 'water2infilt' |
2138 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2139 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '-') |
2140 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Remaining water to be infiltrated on top of the soil') |
2141 | ENDIF |
2142 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, .TRUE., water2infilt, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2143 | ! |
2144 | var_name= 'ae_ns' |
2145 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2146 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'kg/m^2') |
2147 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Bare soil evap on each soil type') |
2148 | ENDIF |
2149 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, .TRUE., ae_ns, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2150 | ! |
2151 | var_name= 'snow' |
2152 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2153 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'kg/m^2') |
2154 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Snow mass') |
2155 | ENDIF |
2156 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, 1 , 1, kjit, .TRUE., snow, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2157 | ! |
2158 | var_name= 'snow_age' |
2159 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2160 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'd') |
2161 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Snow age') |
2162 | ENDIF |
2163 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, 1 , 1, kjit, .TRUE., snow_age, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2164 | ! |
2165 | var_name= 'snow_nobio' |
2166 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2167 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'kg/m^2') |
2168 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Snow on other surface types') |
2169 | ENDIF |
2170 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nnobio , 1, kjit, .TRUE., snow_nobio, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2171 | ! |
2172 | var_name= 'snow_nobio_age' |
2173 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2174 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'd') |
2175 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Snow age on other surface types') |
2176 | ENDIF |
2177 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nnobio , 1, kjit, .TRUE., snow_nobio_age, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2178 | ! |
2179 | var_name= 'qsintveg' |
2180 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2181 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'kg/m^2') |
2182 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Intercepted moisture') |
2183 | ENDIF |
2184 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nvm, 1, kjit, .TRUE., qsintveg, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2185 | |
2186 | var_name= 'evap_bare_lim_ns' |
2187 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2188 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '?') |
2189 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','?') |
2190 | ENDIF |
2191 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, .TRUE., evap_bare_lim_ns, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2192 | CALL setvar_p (evap_bare_lim_ns, val_exp, 'NO_KEYWORD', 0.0) |
2193 | |
2194 | var_name= 'resdist' |
2195 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2196 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '-') |
2197 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','soiltile values from previous time-step') |
2198 | ENDIF |
2199 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nstm, 1, kjit, .TRUE., resdist, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2200 | |
2201 | var_name= 'vegtot_old' |
2202 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2203 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '-') |
2204 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','vegtot from previous time-step') |
2205 | ENDIF |
2206 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, .TRUE., vegtot_old, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2207 | |
2208 | ! Read drysoil_frac. It will be initalized later in hydrol_var_init if the varaible is not find in restart file. |
2209 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2210 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '') |
2211 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Function of litter wetness') |
2212 | ENDIF |
2213 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, 'drysoil_frac', nbp_glo, 1 , 1, kjit, .TRUE., drysoil_frac, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2214 | |
2215 | |
2216 | !! 5 get restart values if none were found in the restart file |
2217 | ! |
2218 | !Config Key = HYDROL_MOISTURE_CONTENT |
2219 | !Config Desc = Soil moisture on each soil tile and levels |
2220 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
2221 | !Config Def = 0.3 |
2222 | !Config Help = The initial value of mc if its value is not found |
2223 | !Config in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is |
2224 | !Config started without a restart file. |
2225 | !Config Units = [m3/m3] |
2226 | ! |
2227 | |
2228 | CALL setvar_p (mc, val_exp, 'HYDROL_MOISTURE_CONTENT', 0.3_r_std) |
2229 | |
2230 | !Initialize mcl as mc if it is not found in the restart file |
2231 | !IF ( ALL(mcl(:,:,:)==val_exp) ) THEN |
2232 | ! init_tile4_moisture = mc(1,1,1) !TVIGEM |
2233 | ! CALL getin_p("HYDROL_MOISTURE_CONTENT_TILE4",init_tile4_moisture) |
2234 | ! mc(:,:,4) = init_tile4_moisture |
2235 | ! mcl(:,:,:) = mc(:,:,:) |
2236 | !END IF |
2237 | !End TVIGEM |
2238 | |
2239 | |
2240 | !Config Key = US_INIT |
2241 | !Config Desc = US_NVM_NSTM_NSLM |
2242 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
2243 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
2244 | !Config Help = The initial value of us (relative moisture) if its value is not found |
2245 | !Config in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is |
2246 | !Config started without a restart file. |
2247 | !Config Units = [-] |
2248 | ! |
2249 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
2250 | CALL setvar_p (us(:,:,:,jsl), val_exp, 'US_INIT', zero) |
2251 | ENDDO |
2252 | ! |
2253 | !Config Key = ZWT_FORCE |
2254 | !Config Desc = Prescribed water depth, dimension nstm |
2255 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
2256 | !Config Def = undef undef undef |
2257 | !Config Help = The initial value of zwt_force if its value is not found |
2258 | !Config in the restart file. undef corresponds to a case whith no forced WT. |
2259 | !Config This should only be used if the model is started without a restart file. |
2260 | !Config Units = [m] |
2261 | |
2262 | ALLOCATE (zwt_default(nstm),stat=ier) |
2263 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable zwt_default','','') |
2264 | zwt_default(:) = undef_sechiba |
2265 | CALL setvar_p (zwt_force, val_exp, 'ZWT_FORCE', zwt_default , .TRUE.) !TVIGEM2018 (.TRUE.) |
2266 | |
2267 | zforce = .FALSE. |
2268 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2269 | IF (zwt_force(1,jst) <= zmaxh) zforce = .TRUE. ! AD16*** check if OK with vertical_soil |
2270 | ENDDO |
2271 | ! |
2272 | !Config Key = FREE_DRAIN_COEF |
2273 | !Config Desc = Coefficient for free drainage at bottom, dimension nstm |
2274 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
2275 | !Config Def = 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 IGEM (tile 4 , free_drain_coef=0) IGEM |
2276 | !Config Help = The initial value of free drainage coefficient if its value is not found |
2277 | !Config in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is |
2278 | !Config started without a restart file. |
2279 | !Config Units = [-] |
2280 | |
2281 | ALLOCATE (free_drain_max(nstm),stat=ier) |
2282 | ! ALLOCATE (free_drain_max(kjpindex,nstm),stat=ier) |
2283 | IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_init','Problem in allocate of variable free_drain_max','','') |
2284 | free_drain_max(:) = undef_sechiba !1.0 |
2285 | CALL setvar_p (free_drain_coef, val_exp, 'FREE_DRAIN_COEF', free_drain_max, .TRUE.) !TVIGEM2018 (.TRUE.) |
2286 | |
2287 | !! CALL setvar_p (free_drain_coef, val_exp, 'FREE_DRAIN_COEF', free_drain_max) |
2288 | !IF (printlev>=2) WRITE (numout,*) ' hydrol_init => free_drain_coef = ',free_drain_coef(1,:) |
2289 | DEALLOCATE(free_drain_max) |
2290 | |
2291 | |
2292 | ! CALL getin_p("FREEDRAIN1",free_drain_val) |
2293 | ! free_drain_coef(:,1) = free_drain_val |
2294 | ! CALL getin_p("FREEDRAIN2",free_drain_val) |
2295 | ! free_drain_coef(:,2) = free_drain_val |
2296 | ! CALL getin_p("FREEDRAIN3",free_drain_val) |
2297 | ! free_drain_coef(:,3) = free_drain_val |
2298 | ! CALL getin_p("FREEDRAIN4",free_drain_val) |
2299 | ! free_drain_coef(:,4) = free_drain_val |
2300 | |
2301 | !write(numout,*) 'FREEDRAIN1',free_drain_coef(:,1) |
2302 | !write(numout,*) 'FREEDRAIN2',free_drain_coef(:,2) |
2303 | !write(numout,*) 'FREEDRAIN3',free_drain_coef(:,3) |
2304 | !write(numout,*) 'FREEDRAIN4',free_drain_coef(:,4) |
2305 | |
2306 | !IGEM: |
2307 | !Correction provisoire, peut-etre une erreur dans le parallelisme lors de |
2308 | !la lecture du run.def. Lerreur semble etre corrigee pour 127 proc avec l'ajout de .TRUE. |
2309 | !dans setvar_p mais pas sur a 100% que ca marche quelque soit le nombre de |
2310 | !proc. Par prudence pour IGEM on force les valeurs qui nous interesse. |
2311 | !Verif complete a faire pour la version finale! |
2312 | !free_drain_coef(:,1) = 1.0 |
2313 | !free_drain_coef(:,2) = 1.0 |
2314 | !free_drain_coef(:,3) = 1.0 |
2315 | !free_drain_coef(:,4) = 0.0 |
2316 | !End IGEM |
2317 | |
2318 | ! |
2319 | !Config Key = WATER_TO_INFILT |
2320 | !Config Desc = Water to be infiltrated on top of the soil |
2321 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
2322 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
2323 | !Config Help = The initial value of free drainage if its value is not found |
2324 | !Config in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is |
2325 | !Config started without a restart file. |
2326 | !Config Units = [mm] |
2327 | ! |
2328 | CALL setvar_p (water2infilt, val_exp, 'WATER_TO_INFILT', zero) |
2329 | ! |
2330 | !Config Key = EVAPNU_SOIL |
2331 | !Config Desc = Bare soil evap on each soil if not found in restart |
2332 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
2333 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
2334 | !Config Help = The initial value of bare soils evap if its value is not found |
2335 | !Config in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is |
2336 | !Config started without a restart file. |
2337 | !Config Units = [mm] |
2338 | ! |
2339 | CALL setvar_p (ae_ns, val_exp, 'EVAPNU_SOIL', zero) |
2340 | ! |
2341 | !Config Key = HYDROL_SNOW |
2342 | !Config Desc = Initial snow mass if not found in restart |
2343 | !Config If = OK_SECHIBA |
2344 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
2345 | !Config Help = The initial value of snow mass if its value is not found |
2346 | !Config in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is |
2347 | !Config started without a restart file. |
2348 | !Config Units = |
2349 | ! |
2350 | CALL setvar_p (snow, val_exp, 'HYDROL_SNOW', zero) |
2351 | ! |
2352 | !Config Key = HYDROL_SNOWAGE |
2353 | !Config Desc = Initial snow age if not found in restart |
2354 | !Config If = OK_SECHIBA |
2355 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
2356 | !Config Help = The initial value of snow age if its value is not found |
2357 | !Config in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is |
2358 | !Config started without a restart file. |
2359 | !Config Units = *** |
2360 | ! |
2361 | CALL setvar_p (snow_age, val_exp, 'HYDROL_SNOWAGE', zero) |
2362 | ! |
2363 | !Config Key = HYDROL_SNOW_NOBIO |
2364 | !Config Desc = Initial snow amount on ice, lakes, etc. if not found in restart |
2365 | !Config If = OK_SECHIBA |
2366 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
2367 | !Config Help = The initial value of snow if its value is not found |
2368 | !Config in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is |
2369 | !Config started without a restart file. |
2370 | !Config Units = [mm] |
2371 | ! |
2372 | CALL setvar_p (snow_nobio, val_exp, 'HYDROL_SNOW_NOBIO', zero) |
2373 | ! |
2374 | !Config Key = HYDROL_SNOW_NOBIO_AGE |
2375 | !Config Desc = Initial snow age on ice, lakes, etc. if not found in restart |
2376 | !Config If = OK_SECHIBA |
2377 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
2378 | !Config Help = The initial value of snow age if its value is not found |
2379 | !Config in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is |
2380 | !Config started without a restart file. |
2381 | !Config Units = *** |
2382 | ! |
2383 | CALL setvar_p (snow_nobio_age, val_exp, 'HYDROL_SNOW_NOBIO_AGE', zero) |
2384 | ! |
2385 | !Config Key = HYDROL_QSV |
2386 | !Config Desc = Initial water on canopy if not found in restart |
2387 | !Config If = OK_SECHIBA |
2388 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
2389 | !Config Help = The initial value of moisture on canopy if its value |
2390 | !Config is not found in the restart file. This should only be used if |
2391 | !Config the model is started without a restart file. |
2392 | !Config Units = [mm] |
2393 | ! |
2394 | CALL setvar_p (qsintveg, val_exp, 'HYDROL_QSV', zero) |
2395 | |
2396 | !! 6 Vegetation array |
2397 | ! |
2398 | ! If resdist is not in restart file, initialize with soiltile |
2399 | IF ( MINVAL(resdist) .EQ. MAXVAL(resdist) .AND. MINVAL(resdist) .EQ. val_exp) THEN |
2400 | resdist(:,:) = soiltile(:,:) |
2401 | ENDIF |
2402 | |
2403 | ! |
2404 | ! Remember that it is only frac_nobio + SUM(veget_max(,:)) that is equal to 1. Thus we need vegtot |
2405 | ! |
2406 | IF ( ALL(vegtot_old(:) == val_exp) ) THEN |
2407 | ! vegtot_old was not found in restart file |
2408 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
2409 | vegtot_old(ji) = SUM(veget_max(ji,:)) |
2410 | ENDDO |
2411 | ENDIF |
2412 | |
2413 | ! In the initialization phase, vegtot must take the value from previous time-step. |
2414 | ! This is because hydrol_main is done before veget_max is updated in the end of the time step. |
2415 | vegtot(:) = vegtot_old(:) |
2416 | |
2417 | ! |
2418 | ! |
2419 | ! compute the masks for veget |
2420 | |
2421 | mask_veget(:,:) = 0 |
2422 | mask_soiltile(:,:) = 0 |
2423 | |
2424 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2425 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
2426 | IF(soiltile(ji,jst) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
2427 | mask_soiltile(ji,jst) = 1 |
2428 | ENDIF |
2429 | END DO |
2430 | ENDDO |
2431 | |
2432 | DO jv = 1, nvm |
2433 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
2434 | IF(veget_max(ji,jv) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
2435 | mask_veget(ji,jv) = 1 |
2436 | ENDIF |
2437 | END DO |
2438 | END DO |
2439 | |
2440 | humrelv(:,:,:) = SUM(us,dim=4) |
2441 | |
2442 | |
2443 | !! 7a. Set vegstress |
2444 | |
2445 | var_name= 'vegstress' |
2446 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2447 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '-') |
2448 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Vegetation growth moisture stress') |
2449 | ENDIF |
2450 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nvm, 1, kjit, .TRUE., vegstress, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2451 | |
2452 | vegstressv(:,:,:) = humrelv(:,:,:) |
2453 | ! Calculate vegstress if it is not found in restart file |
2454 | IF (ALL(vegstress(:,:)==val_exp)) THEN |
2455 | DO jst=1,nstm !IGEM |
2456 | DO jv=1,nvm |
2457 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2458 | vegstress(ji,jv)=vegstress(ji,jv) + vegstressv(ji,jv,jst)*ratio_soil(ji,jv,jst) !IGEM |
2459 | END DO |
2460 | END DO |
2461 | END DO !IGEM |
2462 | END IF |
2463 | !! 7b. Set humrel |
2464 | ! Read humrel from restart file |
2465 | var_name= 'humrel' |
2466 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2467 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '') |
2468 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Relative humidity') |
2469 | ENDIF |
2470 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, nvm, 1, kjit, .TRUE., humrel, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2471 | |
2472 | ! Calculate humrel if it is not found in restart file |
2473 | IF (ALL(humrel(:,:)==val_exp)) THEN |
2474 | ! set humrel from humrelv, assuming equi-repartition for the first time step |
2475 | humrel(:,:) = zero |
2476 | DO jst=1,nstm !IGEM |
2477 | DO jv=1,nvm |
2478 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2479 | humrel(ji,jv)=humrel(ji,jv) + humrelv(ji,jv,jst)*ratio_soil(ji,jv,jst) !IGEM |
2480 | END DO |
2481 | END DO |
2482 | END DO !IGEM |
2483 | END IF |
2484 | |
2485 | ! Read evap_bare_lim from restart file |
2486 | var_name= 'evap_bare_lim' |
2487 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2488 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '') |
2489 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Limitation factor for bare soil evaporation') |
2490 | ENDIF |
2491 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, .TRUE., evap_bare_lim, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2492 | |
2493 | ! Calculate evap_bare_lim if it was not found in the restart file. |
2494 | IF ( ALL(evap_bare_lim(:) == val_exp) ) THEN |
2495 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
2496 | evap_bare_lim(ji) = SUM(evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,:)*vegtot(ji)*soiltile(ji,:)) |
2497 | ENDDO |
2498 | END IF |
2499 | |
2500 | |
2501 | ! Read from restart file |
2502 | ! The variables tot_watsoil_beg, tot_watsoil_beg and snwo_beg will be initialized in the end of |
2503 | ! hydrol_initialize if they were not found in the restart file. |
2504 | |
2505 | var_name= 'tot_watveg_beg' |
2506 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2507 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '?') |
2508 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','?') |
2509 | ENDIF |
2510 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, .TRUE., tot_watveg_beg, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2511 | |
2512 | var_name= 'tot_watsoil_beg' |
2513 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2514 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '?') |
2515 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','?') |
2516 | ENDIF |
2517 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, .TRUE., tot_watsoil_beg, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2518 | |
2519 | var_name= 'snow_beg' |
2520 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
2521 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', '?') |
2522 | CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','?') |
2523 | ENDIF |
2524 | CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, .TRUE., snow_beg, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) |
2525 | |
2526 | |
2527 | ! Initialize variables for explictsnow module by reading restart file |
2528 | IF (ok_explicitsnow) THEN |
2529 | CALL explicitsnow_initialize( kjit, kjpindex, rest_id, snowrho, & |
2530 | snowtemp, snowdz, snowheat, snowgrain) |
2531 | END IF |
2532 | |
2533 | |
2534 | ! Initialize soil moisture for nudging if not found in restart file |
2535 | IF (ok_nudge_mc) THEN |
2536 | IF ( ALL(mc_read_next(:,:,:)==val_exp) ) mc_read_next(:,:,:) = mc(:,:,:) |
2537 | END IF |
2538 | |
2539 | ! Initialize snow variables for nudging if not found in restart file |
2540 | IF (ok_nudge_snow) THEN |
2541 | IF ( ALL(snowdz_read_next(:,:)==val_exp) ) snowdz_read_next(:,:) = snowdz(:,:) |
2542 | IF ( ALL(snowrho_read_next(:,:)==val_exp) ) snowrho_read_next(:,:) = snowrho(:,:) |
2543 | IF ( ALL(snowtemp_read_next(:,:)==val_exp) ) snowtemp_read_next(:,:) = snowtemp(:,:) |
2544 | END IF |
2545 | |
2546 | |
2547 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' hydrol_init done ' |
2548 | |
2549 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_init |
2550 | |
2551 | |
2552 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
2553 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_clear |
2554 | !! |
2555 | !>\BRIEF Deallocate arrays |
2556 | !! |
2557 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
2558 | !_ hydrol_clear |
2559 | |
2560 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_clear() |
2561 | |
2562 | ! Allocation for soiltile related parameters |
2563 | IF ( ALLOCATED (nvan)) DEALLOCATE (nvan) |
2564 | IF ( ALLOCATED (avan)) DEALLOCATE (avan) |
2565 | IF ( ALLOCATED (mcr)) DEALLOCATE (mcr) |
2566 | IF ( ALLOCATED (mcs)) DEALLOCATE (mcs) |
2567 | IF ( ALLOCATED (ks)) DEALLOCATE (ks) |
2568 | IF ( ALLOCATED (pcent)) DEALLOCATE (pcent) |
2569 | IF ( ALLOCATED (mcfc)) DEALLOCATE (mcfc) |
2570 | IF ( ALLOCATED (mcw)) DEALLOCATE (mcw) |
2571 | IF ( ALLOCATED (mc_awet)) DEALLOCATE (mc_awet) |
2572 | IF ( ALLOCATED (mc_adry)) DEALLOCATE (mc_adry) |
2573 | ! Other arrays |
2574 | IF (ALLOCATED (mask_veget)) DEALLOCATE (mask_veget) |
2575 | IF (ALLOCATED (mask_soiltile)) DEALLOCATE (mask_soiltile) |
2576 | IF (ALLOCATED (humrelv)) DEALLOCATE (humrelv) |
2577 | IF (ALLOCATED (vegstressv)) DEALLOCATE (vegstressv) |
2578 | IF (ALLOCATED (us)) DEALLOCATE (us) |
2579 | IF (ALLOCATED (precisol)) DEALLOCATE (precisol) |
2580 | IF (ALLOCATED (throughfall)) DEALLOCATE (throughfall) |
2581 | IF (ALLOCATED (precisol_ns)) DEALLOCATE (precisol_ns) |
2582 | IF (ALLOCATED (free_drain_coef)) DEALLOCATE (free_drain_coef) |
2583 | IF (ALLOCATED (frac_bare_ns)) DEALLOCATE (frac_bare_ns) |
2584 | IF (ALLOCATED (water2infilt)) DEALLOCATE (water2infilt) |
2585 | IF (ALLOCATED (ae_ns)) DEALLOCATE (ae_ns) |
2586 | !!$ IF (ALLOCATED (evap_bare_lim_ns)) DEALLOCATE (evap_bare_lim_ns) |
2587 | IF (ALLOCATED (rootsink)) DEALLOCATE (rootsink) |
2588 | IF (ALLOCATED (subsnowveg)) DEALLOCATE (subsnowveg) |
2589 | IF (ALLOCATED (subsnownobio)) DEALLOCATE (subsnownobio) |
2590 | IF (ALLOCATED (icemelt)) DEALLOCATE (icemelt) |
2591 | IF (ALLOCATED (subsinksoil)) DEALLOCATE (subsinksoil) |
2592 | IF (ALLOCATED (mx_eau_var)) DEALLOCATE (mx_eau_var) |
2593 | IF (ALLOCATED (vegtot)) DEALLOCATE (vegtot) |
2594 | IF (ALLOCATED (vegtot_old)) DEALLOCATE (vegtot_old) |
2595 | IF (ALLOCATED (resdist)) DEALLOCATE (resdist) |
2596 | IF (ALLOCATED (tot_watveg_beg)) DEALLOCATE (tot_watveg_beg) |
2597 | IF (ALLOCATED (tot_watveg_end)) DEALLOCATE (tot_watveg_end) |
2598 | IF (ALLOCATED (tot_watsoil_beg)) DEALLOCATE (tot_watsoil_beg) |
2599 | IF (ALLOCATED (tot_watsoil_end)) DEALLOCATE (tot_watsoil_end) |
2600 | IF (ALLOCATED (delsoilmoist)) DEALLOCATE (delsoilmoist) |
2601 | IF (ALLOCATED (delintercept)) DEALLOCATE (delintercept) |
2602 | IF (ALLOCATED (snow_beg)) DEALLOCATE (snow_beg) |
2603 | IF (ALLOCATED (snow_end)) DEALLOCATE (snow_end) |
2604 | IF (ALLOCATED (delswe)) DEALLOCATE (delswe) |
2605 | IF (ALLOCATED (undermcr)) DEALLOCATE (undermcr) |
2606 | IF (ALLOCATED (v1)) DEALLOCATE (v1) |
2607 | IF (ALLOCATED (humtot)) DEALLOCATE (humtot) |
2608 | IF (ALLOCATED (humtot_ns)) DEALLOCATE (humtot_ns) !IGEM |
2609 | IF (ALLOCATED (resolv)) DEALLOCATE (resolv) |
2610 | IF (ALLOCATED (k)) DEALLOCATE (k) |
2611 | IF (ALLOCATED (kk)) DEALLOCATE (kk) |
2612 | IF (ALLOCATED (kk_moy)) DEALLOCATE (kk_moy) |
2613 | IF (ALLOCATED (avan_mod_tab)) DEALLOCATE (avan_mod_tab) |
2614 | IF (ALLOCATED (nvan_mod_tab)) DEALLOCATE (nvan_mod_tab) |
2615 | IF (ALLOCATED (a)) DEALLOCATE (a) |
2616 | IF (ALLOCATED (b)) DEALLOCATE (b) |
2617 | IF (ALLOCATED (d)) DEALLOCATE (d) |
2618 | IF (ALLOCATED (e)) DEALLOCATE (e) |
2619 | IF (ALLOCATED (f)) DEALLOCATE (f) |
2620 | IF (ALLOCATED (g1)) DEALLOCATE (g1) |
2621 | IF (ALLOCATED (ep)) DEALLOCATE (ep) |
2622 | IF (ALLOCATED (fp)) DEALLOCATE (fp) |
2623 | IF (ALLOCATED (gp)) DEALLOCATE (gp) |
2624 | IF (ALLOCATED (rhs)) DEALLOCATE (rhs) |
2625 | IF (ALLOCATED (srhs)) DEALLOCATE (srhs) |
2626 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc)) DEALLOCATE (tmc) |
2627 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmcs)) DEALLOCATE (tmcs) |
2628 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmcr)) DEALLOCATE (tmcr) |
2629 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmcfc)) DEALLOCATE (tmcfc) |
2630 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmcw)) DEALLOCATE (tmcw) |
2631 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc_litter)) DEALLOCATE (tmc_litter) |
2632 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc_litt_mea)) DEALLOCATE (tmc_litt_mea) |
2633 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc_litter_res)) DEALLOCATE (tmc_litter_res) |
2634 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc_litter_wilt)) DEALLOCATE (tmc_litter_wilt) |
2635 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc_litter_field)) DEALLOCATE (tmc_litter_field) |
2636 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc_litter_sat)) DEALLOCATE (tmc_litter_sat) |
2637 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc_litter_awet)) DEALLOCATE (tmc_litter_awet) |
2638 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc_litter_adry)) DEALLOCATE (tmc_litter_adry) |
2639 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc_litt_wet_mea)) DEALLOCATE (tmc_litt_wet_mea) |
2640 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmc_litt_dry_mea)) DEALLOCATE (tmc_litt_dry_mea) |
2641 | IF (ALLOCATED (ru_ns)) DEALLOCATE (ru_ns) |
2642 | IF (ALLOCATED (dr_ns)) DEALLOCATE (dr_ns) |
2643 | IF (ALLOCATED (tr_ns)) DEALLOCATE (tr_ns) |
2644 | IF (ALLOCATED (vegetmax_soil)) DEALLOCATE (vegetmax_soil) |
2645 | IF (ALLOCATED (mc)) DEALLOCATE (mc) |
2646 | IF (ALLOCATED (soilmoist)) DEALLOCATE (soilmoist) |
2647 | IF (ALLOCATED (soilmoist_liquid)) DEALLOCATE (soilmoist_liquid) |
2648 | IF (ALLOCATED (soil_wet_ns)) DEALLOCATE (soil_wet_ns) |
2649 | IF (ALLOCATED (soil_wet_litter)) DEALLOCATE (soil_wet_litter) |
2650 | IF (ALLOCATED (qflux)) DEALLOCATE (qflux) |
2651 | IF (ALLOCATED (tmat)) DEALLOCATE (tmat) |
2652 | IF (ALLOCATED (stmat)) DEALLOCATE (stmat) |
2653 | IF (ALLOCATED (nroot)) DEALLOCATE (nroot) |
2654 | IF (ALLOCATED (kfact_root)) DEALLOCATE (kfact_root) |
2655 | IF (ALLOCATED (kfact)) DEALLOCATE (kfact) |
2656 | IF (ALLOCATED (zz)) DEALLOCATE (zz) |
2657 | IF (ALLOCATED (dz)) DEALLOCATE (dz) |
2658 | IF (ALLOCATED (dh)) DEALLOCATE (dh) |
2659 | IF (ALLOCATED (mc_lin)) DEALLOCATE (mc_lin) |
2660 | IF (ALLOCATED (k_lin)) DEALLOCATE (k_lin) |
2661 | IF (ALLOCATED (d_lin)) DEALLOCATE (d_lin) |
2662 | IF (ALLOCATED (a_lin)) DEALLOCATE (a_lin) |
2663 | IF (ALLOCATED (b_lin)) DEALLOCATE (b_lin) |
2664 | IF (ALLOCATED (ratio_soil)) DEALLOCATE (ratio_soil) !IGEM |
2665 | IF (ALLOCATED (lateral_sink)) DEALLOCATE (lateral_sink) !IGEM |
2666 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_clear |
2667 | |
2668 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
2669 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_tmc_update |
2670 | !! |
2671 | !>\BRIEF This routine updates the soil moisture profiles when the vegetation fraction have changed. |
2672 | !! |
2673 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
2674 | !! |
2675 | !! This routine update tmc and mc with variation of veget_max (LAND_USE or DGVM activated) |
2676 | !! |
2677 | !! |
2678 | !! |
2679 | !! |
2680 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : Adaptation to excluding nobio from soiltile(1) |
2681 | !! |
2683 | !! |
2684 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
2685 | !! |
2686 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
2687 | !! \n |
2688 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
2689 | !_ hydrol_tmc_update |
2690 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_tmc_update ( kjpindex, veget_max, soiltile, qsintveg, drain_upd, runoff_upd) |
2691 | |
2692 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
2693 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! domain size |
2694 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget_max !! max fraction of vegetation type |
2695 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile !! Fraction of each soil tile (0-1, unitless) |
2696 | |
2697 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
2698 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: drain_upd !! Change in drainage due to decrease in vegtot |
2699 | !! on mc [kg/m2/dt] |
2700 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: runoff_upd !! Change in runoff due to decrease in vegtot |
2701 | !! on water2infilt[kg/m2/dt] |
2702 | |
2703 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
2704 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (inout) :: qsintveg !! Amount of water in the canopy interception |
2705 | |
2706 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
2707 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jv, jst,jsl |
2708 | LOGICAL :: soil_upd !! True if soiltile changed since last time step |
2709 | LOGICAL :: vegtot_upd !! True if vegtot changed since last time step |
2710 | LOGICAL :: error=.FALSE. !! If true, exit in the end of subroutine |
2711 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: vmr !! Change in soiltile (within vegtot) |
2712 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: vmr_sum |
2713 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: delvegtot |
2714 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm) :: mc_dilu !! Total loss of moisture content |
2715 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: infil_dilu !! Total loss for water2infilt |
2716 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: tmc_old !! tmc before calculations |
2717 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: water2infilt_old!! water2infilt before calculations |
2718 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm) :: qsintveg_old !! qsintveg before calculations |
2719 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: test |
2720 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm,nstm) :: mcaux !! serves to hold the chnage in mc when vegtot decreases |
2721 | |
2722 | !! 0. For checks |
2723 | |
2724 | IF (check_cwrr) THEN |
2725 | ! Save soil moisture for later use |
2726 | tmc_old(:,:) = tmc(:,:) |
2727 | water2infilt_old(:,:) = water2infilt(:,:) |
2728 | qsintveg_old(:,:) = qsintveg(:,:) |
2729 | ENDIF |
2730 | |
2731 | !! 1. If a PFT has disapperead as result from a veget_max change, |
2732 | !! then add canopy water to surface water. |
2733 | ! Other adaptations of qsintveg are delt by the normal functioning of hydrol_canop |
2734 | |
2735 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2736 | IF (vegtot_old(ji) .GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
2737 | DO jv=1,nvm |
2738 | IF ((veget_max(ji,jv).LT.min_sechiba).AND.(qsintveg(ji,jv).GT.0.)) THEN |
2739 | jst=pref_soil_veg(jv) ! soil tile index |
2740 | water2infilt(ji,jst) = water2infilt(ji,jst) + ratio_soil(ji,jv,jst)*qsintveg(ji,jv)/(resdist(ji,jst)*vegtot_old(ji))!IGEM |
2741 | water2infilt(ji,4) = water2infilt(ji,4) + ratio_soil(ji,jv,4)*qsintveg(ji,jv)/(resdist(ji,4)*vegtot_old(ji))!IGEM |
2742 | qsintveg(ji,jv) = zero |
2743 | ENDIF |
2744 | ENDDO |
2745 | ENDIF |
2746 | ENDDO |
2747 | |
2748 | |
2749 | |
2750 | |
2751 | !DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2752 | ! IF (vegtot_old(ji) .GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
2753 | ! DO jv=1,nvm |
2754 | ! IF ((veget_max(ji,jv).LT.min_sechiba).AND.(qsintveg(ji,jv).GT.0.)) THEN |
2755 | ! jst=pref_soil_veg(jv) ! soil tile index |
2756 | ! water2infilt(ji,jst) = water2infilt(ji,jst) + qsintveg(ji,jv)/(resdist(ji,jst)*vegtot_old(ji)) |
2757 | ! qsintveg(ji,jv) = zero |
2758 | ! ENDIF |
2759 | ! ENDDO |
2760 | ! ENDIF |
2761 | !ENDDO |
2762 | |
2763 | !! 2. We now deal with the changes of soiltile and corresponding soil moistures |
2764 | !! Because sum(soiltile)=1 whatever vegtot, we need to distinguish two cases: |
2765 | !! - when vegtot changes (meaning that the nobio fraction changes too), |
2766 | !! - and when vegtot does not changes (a priori the most frequent case) |
2767 | |
2768 | vegtot_upd = SUM(ABS((vegtot(:)-vegtot_old(:)))) .GT. zero ! True if at least one land point with a vegtot change |
2769 | runoff_upd(:) = zero |
2770 | drain_upd(:) = zero |
2771 | IF (vegtot_upd) THEN |
2772 | ! We find here the processing specific to the chnages of nobio fraction and vegtot |
2773 | |
2774 | delvegtot(:) = vegtot(:) - vegtot_old(:) |
2775 | |
2776 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2777 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2778 | |
2779 | IF (delvegtot(ji) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
2780 | |
2781 | !! 2.1. If vegtot increases (nobio decreases), then the mc in each soiltile is decreased |
2782 | !! assuming the same proportions for each soiltile, and each soil layer |
2783 | |
2784 | mc(ji,:,jst) = mc(ji,:,jst) * vegtot_old(ji)/vegtot(ji) ! vegtot cannot be zero as > vegtot_old |
2785 | water2infilt(ji,jst) = water2infilt(ji,jst) * vegtot_old(ji)/vegtot(ji) |
2786 | |
2787 | ELSE |
2788 | |
2789 | !! 2.2 If vegtot decreases (nobio increases), then the mc in each soiltile should increase, |
2790 | !! but should not exceed mcs |
2791 | !! For simplicity, we choose to send the corresponding water volume to drainage |
2792 | !! We do the same for water2infilt but send the excess to surface runoff |
2793 | |
2794 | IF (vegtot(ji) .GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
2795 | mcaux(ji,:,jst) = mc(ji,:,jst) * (vegtot_old(ji)-vegtot(ji))/vegtot(ji) ! mcaux is the delta mc |
2796 | ELSE ! we just have nobio in the grid-cell |
2797 | mcaux(ji,:,jst) = mc(ji,:,jst) |
2798 | ENDIF |
2799 | |
2800 | drain_upd(ji) = drain_upd(ji) + dz(2) * ( trois*mcaux(ji,1,jst) + mcaux(ji,2,jst) )/huit |
2801 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
2802 | drain_upd(ji) = drain_upd(ji) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mcaux(ji,jsl,jst)+mcaux(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
2803 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mcaux(ji,jsl,jst)+mcaux(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
2804 | ENDDO |
2805 | drain_upd(ji) = drain_upd(ji) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mcaux(ji,nslm,jst) + mcaux(ji,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
2806 | |
2807 | IF (vegtot(ji) .GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
2808 | runoff_upd(ji) = runoff_upd(ji) + water2infilt(ji,jst) * (vegtot_old(ji)-vegtot(ji))/vegtot(ji) |
2809 | ELSE ! we just have nobio in the grid-cell |
2810 | runoff_upd(ji) = runoff_upd(ji) + water2infilt(ji,jst) |
2811 | ENDIF |
2812 | |
2813 | ENDIF |
2814 | |
2815 | ENDDO |
2816 | ENDDO |
2817 | |
2818 | ENDIF |
2819 | |
2820 | !! 3. At the end of step 2, we are back to a case where vegtot changes are treated, so we can use soiltile |
2821 | !! as a fraction of vegtot to process the mc transfers between soil tiles due to the changes of vegetation map |
2822 | |
2823 | !! 3.1 Check if soiltiles changed since last time step |
2824 | soil_upd=SUM(ABS(soiltile(:,:)-resdist(:,:))) .GT. zero |
2825 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) 'soil_upd ', soil_upd |
2826 | |
2827 | IF (soil_upd) THEN |
2828 | |
2829 | !! 3.2 Define the change in soiltile |
2830 | vmr(:,:) = soiltile(:,:) - resdist(:,:) ! resdist is the previous values of soiltiles, previous timestep, so before new map |
2831 | |
2832 | ! Total area loss by the three soil tiles |
2833 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2834 | vmr_sum(ji)=SUM(vmr(ji,:),MASK=vmr(ji,:).LT.zero) |
2835 | ENDDO |
2836 | |
2837 | !! 3.3 Shrinking soil tiles |
2838 | !! 3.3.1 Total loss of moisture content from the shrinking soil tiles, expressed by soil layer |
2839 | mc_dilu(:,:)=zero |
2840 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2841 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
2842 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2843 | IF ( vmr(ji,jst) < -min_sechiba ) THEN |
2844 | mc_dilu(ji,jsl) = mc_dilu(ji,jsl) + mc(ji,jsl,jst) * vmr(ji,jst) / vmr_sum(ji) |
2845 | ENDIF |
2846 | ENDDO |
2847 | ENDDO |
2848 | ENDDO |
2849 | |
2850 | !! 3.3.2 Total loss of water2inft from the shrinking soil tiles |
2851 | infil_dilu(:)=zero |
2852 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2853 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2854 | IF ( vmr(ji,jst) < -min_sechiba ) THEN |
2855 | infil_dilu(ji) = infil_dilu(ji) + water2infilt(ji,jst) * vmr(ji,jst) / vmr_sum(ji) |
2856 | ENDIF |
2857 | ENDDO |
2858 | ENDDO |
2859 | |
2860 | !! 3.4 Each gaining soil tile gets moisture proportionally to both the total loss and its areal increase |
2861 | |
2862 | ! As the original mc from each soil tile are in [mcr,mcs] and we do weighted avrage, the new mc are in [mcr,mcs] |
2863 | ! The case where the soiltile is created (soiltile_old=0) works as the other cases |
2864 | |
2865 | ! 3.4.1 Update mc(kjpindex,nslm,nstm) !m3/m3 |
2866 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2867 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
2868 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2869 | IF ( vmr(ji,jst) > min_sechiba ) THEN |
2870 | mc(ji,jsl,jst) = ( mc(ji,jsl,jst) * resdist(ji,jst) + mc_dilu(ji,jsl) * vmr(ji,jst) ) / soiltile(ji,jst) |
2871 | ! NB : soiltile can not be zero for case vmr > zero, see slowproc_veget |
2872 | ENDIF |
2873 | ENDDO |
2874 | ENDDO |
2875 | ENDDO |
2876 | |
2877 | ! 3.4.2 Update water2inft |
2878 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2879 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2880 | IF ( vmr(ji,jst) > min_sechiba ) THEN !donc soiltile>0 |
2881 | water2infilt(ji,jst) = ( water2infilt(ji,jst) * resdist(ji,jst) + infil_dilu(ji) * vmr(ji,jst) ) / soiltile(ji,jst) |
2882 | ENDIF !donc resdist>0 |
2883 | ENDDO |
2884 | ENDDO |
2885 | |
2886 | ! 3.4.3 Case where soiltile < min_sechiba |
2887 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2888 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2889 | IF ( soiltile(ji,jst) .LT. min_sechiba ) THEN |
2890 | water2infilt(ji,jst) = zero |
2891 | mc(ji,:,jst) = zero |
2892 | ENDIF |
2893 | ENDDO |
2894 | ENDDO |
2895 | |
2896 | ENDIF ! soil_upd |
2897 | |
2898 | !! 4. Update tmc and humtot |
2899 | |
2900 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2901 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2902 | tmc(ji,jst) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(ji,1,jst) + mc(ji,2,jst) )/huit |
2903 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
2904 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
2905 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
2906 | ENDDO |
2907 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(ji,nslm,jst) + mc(ji,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
2908 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + water2infilt(ji,jst) |
2909 | ! WARNING tmc is increased by includes water2infilt(ji,jst) |
2910 | ENDDO |
2911 | ENDDO |
2912 | |
2913 | humtot(:) = zero |
2914 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2915 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2916 | humtot(ji) = humtot(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * tmc(ji,jst) ! average over grid-cell (i.e. total land) |
2917 | ENDDO |
2918 | ENDDO |
2919 | |
2920 | !! 5. Check |
2921 | IF (check_cwrr) THEN |
2922 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
2923 | test(ji) = SUM(tmc(ji,:)*soiltile(ji,:)*vegtot(ji)) - SUM(tmc_old(ji,:)*resdist(ji,:)*vegtot_old(ji)) + & |
2924 | SUM(qsintveg(ji,:)) - SUM(qsintveg_old(ji,:)) + (drain_upd(ji) + runoff_upd(ji)) |
2925 | IF ( ABS(test(ji)) .GT. 10.*allowed_err ) THEN |
2926 | WRITE(numout,*) 'tmc update WRONG: ji',ji |
2927 | WRITE(numout,*) 'tot water avant:',SUM(tmc_old(ji,:)*resdist(ji,:)*vegtot_old(ji)) + SUM(qsintveg_old(ji,:)) |
2928 | WRITE(numout,*) 'tot water apres:',SUM(tmc(ji,:)*soiltile(ji,:)*vegtot(ji)) + SUM(qsintveg(ji,:)) |
2929 | WRITE(numout,*) 'err:',test(ji) |
2930 | WRITE(numout,*) 'allowed_err:',allowed_err |
2931 | WRITE(numout,*) 'tmc:',tmc(ji,:) |
2932 | WRITE(numout,*) 'tmc_old:',tmc_old(ji,:) |
2933 | WRITE(numout,*) 'qsintveg:',qsintveg(ji,:) |
2934 | WRITE(numout,*) 'qsintveg_old:',qsintveg_old(ji,:) |
2935 | WRITE(numout,*) 'SUMqsintveg:',SUM(qsintveg(ji,:)) |
2936 | WRITE(numout,*) 'SUMqsintveg_old:',SUM(qsintveg_old(ji,:)) |
2937 | WRITE(numout,*) 'veget_max:',veget_max(ji,:) |
2938 | WRITE(numout,*) 'soiltile:',soiltile(ji,:) |
2939 | WRITE(numout,*) 'resdist:',resdist(ji,:) |
2940 | WRITE(numout,*) 'vegtot:',vegtot(ji) |
2941 | WRITE(numout,*) 'vegtot_old:',vegtot_old(ji) |
2942 | WRITE(numout,*) 'drain_upd:',drain_upd(ji) |
2943 | WRITE(numout,*) 'runoff_upd:',runoff_upd(ji) |
2944 | WRITE(numout,*) 'vmr:',vmr(ji,:) |
2945 | WRITE(numout,*) 'vmr_sum:',vmr_sum(ji) |
2946 | DO jst=1,nstm |
2947 | WRITE(numout,*) 'mc(',jst,'):',mc(ji,:,jst) |
2948 | ENDDO |
2949 | WRITE(numout,*) 'water2infilt:',water2infilt(ji,:) |
2950 | WRITE(numout,*) 'water2infilt_old:',water2infilt_old(ji,:) |
2951 | WRITE(numout,*) 'infil_dilu:',infil_dilu(ji) |
2952 | WRITE(numout,*) 'mc_dilu:',mc_dilu(ji,:) |
2953 | |
2954 | error=.TRUE. |
2955 | !CALL ipslerr_p(2, 'hydrol_tmc_update', 'Error in water balance', 'We STOP in the end of this subroutine','') |
2956 | CALL ipslerr_p(3, 'hydrol_tmc_update', 'Error in water balance','We STOP in the end of this subroutine','') !IGEM19 |
2957 | ENDIF |
2958 | ENDDO |
2959 | ENDIF |
2960 | |
2961 | !! Now that the work is done, update resdist |
2962 | resdist(:,:) = soiltile(:,:) |
2963 | |
2964 | ! |
2965 | !! Exit if error was found previously in this subroutine |
2966 | ! |
2967 | IF ( error ) THEN |
2968 | WRITE(numout,*) 'One or more errors have been detected in hydrol_tmc_update. Model stops.' |
2969 | CALL ipslerr_p(3, 'hydrol_tmc_update', 'We will STOP now.',& |
2970 | & 'One or several fatal errors were found previously.','') |
2971 | END IF |
2972 | |
2973 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' hydrol_tmc_update done ' |
2974 | |
2975 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_tmc_update |
2976 | |
2977 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
2978 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_var_init |
2979 | !! |
2980 | !>\BRIEF This routine initializes hydrologic parameters to define K and D, and diagnostic hydrologic variables. |
2981 | !! |
2982 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
2983 | !! - 1 compute the depths |
2984 | !! - 2 compute the profile for roots |
2985 | !! - 3 compute the profile for a and n Van Genuchten parameter |
2986 | !! - 4 compute the linearized values of k, a, b and d for the resolution of Fokker Planck equation |
2987 | !! - 5 water reservoirs initialisation |
2988 | !! |
2989 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
2990 | !! |
2992 | !! |
2993 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
2994 | !! |
2995 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
2996 | !! \n |
2997 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
2998 | !_ hydrol_var_init |
2999 | |
3000 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_var_init (kjpindex, veget, veget_max, soiltile, njsc, & |
3001 | mx_eau_var, shumdiag_perma, & |
3002 | drysoil_frac, qsintveg, mc_layh, mcl_layh) |
3003 | |
3004 | ! interface description |
3005 | |
3006 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
3007 | |
3008 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
3009 | |
3010 | ! input scalar |
3011 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size (number of grid cells) (1) |
3012 | ! input fields |
3013 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget_max !! PFT fractions within grid-cells (1; 1) |
3014 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget !! Effective fraction of vegetation by PFT (1; 1) |
3015 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class |
3016 | !! in the grid cell (1-nscm, unitless) |
3017 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile !! Fraction of each soil tile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) |
3018 | |
3019 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
3020 | |
3021 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: mx_eau_var !! Maximum water content of the soil |
3022 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
3023 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: shumdiag_perma!! Percent of porosity filled with water (mc/mcs) |
3024 | !! used for the thermal computations |
3025 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (inout) :: drysoil_frac !! function of litter humidity |
3026 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out):: mc_layh !! Volumetric soil moisture content for each layer in hydrol(liquid+ice) [m3/m3] |
3027 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out):: mcl_layh !! Volumetric soil moisture content for each layer in hydrol(liquid) [m3/m3] |
3028 | |
3029 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
3030 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (inout) :: qsintveg !! Water on vegetation due to interception |
3031 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
3032 | |
3033 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
3034 | |
3035 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jv !! Grid-cell and PFT indices (1) |
3036 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jst, jsc, jsl !! Soiltile, Soil Texture, and Soil layer indices (1) |
3037 | INTEGER(i_std) :: i !! Index (1) |
3038 | REAL(r_std) :: m !! m=1-1/n (unitless) |
3039 | REAL(r_std) :: frac !! Relative linearized VWC (unitless) |
3040 | REAL(r_std) :: avan_mod !! VG parameter a modified from exponantial profile |
3041 | !! @tex $(mm^{-1})$ @endtex |
3042 | REAL(r_std) :: nvan_mod !! VG parameter n modified from exponantial profile |
3043 | !! (unitless) |
3044 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nslm,nscm) :: afact, nfact !! Multiplicative factor for decay of a and n with depth |
3045 | !! (unitless) |
3046 | ! parameters for "soil densification" with depth |
3047 | REAL(r_std) :: dp_comp !! Depth at which the 'compacted' value of ksat |
3048 | !! is reached (m) |
3049 | REAL(r_std) :: f_ks !! Exponential factor for decay of ksat with depth |
3050 | !! @tex $(m^{-1})$ @endtex |
3051 | ! Fixed parameters from fitted relationships |
3052 | REAL(r_std) :: n0 !! fitted value for relation log((n-n0)/(n_ref-n0)) = |
3053 | !! nk_rel * log(k/k_ref) |
3054 | !! (unitless) |
3055 | REAL(r_std) :: nk_rel !! fitted value for relation log((n-n0)/(n_ref-n0)) = |
3056 | !! nk_rel * log(k/k_ref) |
3057 | !! (unitless) |
3058 | REAL(r_std) :: a0 !! fitted value for relation log((a-a0)/(a_ref-a0)) = |
3059 | !! ak_rel * log(k/k_ref) |
3060 | !! @tex $(mm^{-1})$ @endtex |
3061 | REAL(r_std) :: ak_rel !! fitted value for relation log((a-a0)/(a_ref-a0)) = |
3062 | !! ak_rel * log(k/k_ref) |
3063 | !! (unitless) |
3064 | REAL(r_std) :: kfact_max !! Maximum factor for Ks decay with depth (unitless) |
3065 | REAL(r_std) :: k_tmp, tmc_litter_ratio |
3066 | INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: error_level = 3 !! Error level for consistency check |
3067 | !! Switch to 2 tu turn fatal errors into warnings |
3068 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: alphavg !! VG param a modified with depth at each node |
3069 | !! @tex $(mm^{-1})$ @endtexe |
3070 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: nvg !! VG param n modified with depth at each node |
3071 | !! (unitless) |
3072 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jiref !! To identify the mc_lins where k_lin and d_lin |
3073 | !! need special treatment |
3074 | |
3075 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
3076 | |
3077 | !!??Aurelien: Les 3 parametres qui suivent pourait peut-être mis dans hydrol_init? |
3078 | ! |
3079 | ! |
3080 | !Config Key = CWRR_NKS_N0 |
3081 | !Config Desc = fitted value for relation log((n-n0)/(n_ref-n0)) = nk_rel * log(k/k_ref) |
3082 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
3083 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
3084 | !Config Help = |
3085 | !Config Units = [-] |
3086 | n0 = 0.0 |
3087 | CALL getin_p("CWRR_NKS_N0",n0) |
3088 | |
3089 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
3090 | IF ( n0 < zero ) THEN |
3091 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_var_init.", & |
3092 | & "Wrong parameter value for CWRR_NKS_N0.", & |
3093 | & "This parameter should be non-negative. ", & |
3094 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
3095 | END IF |
3096 | |
3097 | |
3098 | !Config Key = CWRR_NKS_POWER |
3099 | !Config Desc = fitted value for relation log((n-n0)/(n_ref-n0)) = nk_rel * log(k/k_ref) |
3100 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
3101 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
3102 | !Config Help = |
3103 | !Config Units = [-] |
3104 | nk_rel = 0.0 |
3105 | CALL getin_p("CWRR_NKS_POWER",nk_rel) |
3106 | |
3107 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
3108 | IF ( nk_rel < zero ) THEN |
3109 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_var_init.", & |
3110 | & "Wrong parameter value for CWRR_NKS_POWER.", & |
3111 | & "This parameter should be non-negative. ", & |
3112 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
3113 | END IF |
3114 | |
3115 | |
3116 | !Config Key = CWRR_AKS_A0 |
3117 | !Config Desc = fitted value for relation log((a-a0)/(a_ref-a0)) = ak_rel * log(k/k_ref) |
3118 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
3119 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
3120 | !Config Help = |
3121 | !Config Units = [1/mm] |
3122 | a0 = 0.0 |
3123 | CALL getin_p("CWRR_AKS_A0",a0) |
3124 | |
3125 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
3126 | IF ( a0 < zero ) THEN |
3127 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_var_init.", & |
3128 | & "Wrong parameter value for CWRR_AKS_A0.", & |
3129 | & "This parameter should be non-negative. ", & |
3130 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
3131 | END IF |
3132 | |
3133 | |
3134 | !Config Key = CWRR_AKS_POWER |
3135 | !Config Desc = fitted value for relation log((a-a0)/(a_ref-a0)) = ak_rel * log(k/k_ref) |
3136 | !Config Def = 0.0 |
3137 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
3138 | !Config Help = |
3139 | !Config Units = [-] |
3140 | ak_rel = 0.0 |
3141 | CALL getin_p("CWRR_AKS_POWER",ak_rel) |
3142 | |
3143 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
3144 | IF ( nk_rel < zero ) THEN |
3145 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_var_init.", & |
3146 | & "Wrong parameter value for CWRR_AKS_POWER.", & |
3147 | & "This parameter should be non-negative. ", & |
3148 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
3149 | END IF |
3150 | |
3151 | |
3152 | !Config Key = KFACT_DECAY_RATE |
3153 | !Config Desc = Factor for Ks decay with depth |
3154 | !Config Def = 2.0 |
3155 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
3156 | !Config Help = |
3157 | !Config Units = [1/m] |
3158 | f_ks = 2.0 |
3159 | CALL getin_p ("KFACT_DECAY_RATE", f_ks) |
3160 | |
3161 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
3162 | IF ( f_ks < zero ) THEN |
3163 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_var_init.", & |
3164 | & "Wrong parameter value for KFACT_DECAY_RATE.", & |
3165 | & "This parameter should be positive. ", & |
3166 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
3167 | END IF |
3168 | |
3169 | |
3170 | !Config Key = KFACT_STARTING_DEPTH |
3171 | !Config Desc = Depth for compacted value of Ks |
3172 | !Config Def = 0.3 |
3173 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
3174 | !Config Help = |
3175 | !Config Units = [m] |
3176 | dp_comp = 0.3 |
3177 | CALL getin_p ("KFACT_STARTING_DEPTH", dp_comp) |
3178 | |
3179 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
3180 | IF ( dp_comp <= zero ) THEN |
3181 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_var_init.", & |
3182 | & "Wrong parameter value for KFACT_STARTING_DEPTH.", & |
3183 | & "This parameter should be positive. ", & |
3184 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
3185 | END IF |
3186 | |
3187 | |
3188 | !Config Key = KFACT_MAX |
3189 | !Config Desc = Maximum Factor for Ks increase due to vegetation |
3190 | !Config Def = 10.0 |
3191 | !Config If = HYDROL_CWRR |
3192 | !Config Help = |
3193 | !Config Units = [-] |
3194 | kfact_max = 10.0 |
3195 | CALL getin_p ("KFACT_MAX", kfact_max) |
3196 | |
3197 | !! Check parameter value (correct range) |
3198 | IF ( kfact_max < 10. ) THEN |
3199 | CALL ipslerr_p(error_level, "hydrol_var_init.", & |
3200 | & "Wrong parameter value for KFACT_MAX.", & |
3201 | & "This parameter should be greater than 10. ", & |
3202 | & "Please, check parameter value in run.def. ") |
3203 | END IF |
3204 | |
3205 | |
3206 | !- |
3207 | !! 1 Create local variables in mm for the vertical depths |
3208 | !! Vertical depth variables (znh, dnh, dlh) are stored in module vertical_soil_var in m. |
3209 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
3210 | zz(jsl) = znh(jsl)*mille |
3211 | dz(jsl) = dnh(jsl)*mille |
3212 | dh(jsl) = dlh(jsl)*mille |
3213 | ENDDO |
3214 | |
3215 | !- |
3216 | !! 2 Compute the root density profile if not ok_dynroot |
3217 | !! For the case with ok_dynroot, the calculations are done at each time step in hydrol_soil |
3218 | IF (.NOT. ok_dynroot) THEN |
3219 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
3220 | !- |
3221 | !! The three following equations concerning nroot computation are derived from the integrals |
3222 | !! of equations C9 to C11 of De Rosnay's (1999) PhD thesis (page 158). |
3223 | !! The occasional absence of minus sign before humcste parameter is correct. |
3224 | DO jv = 1,nvm |
3225 | DO jsl = 2, nslm-1 |
3226 | nroot(ji,jv,jsl) = (EXP(-humcste(jv)*zz(jsl)/mille)) * & |
3227 | & (EXP(humcste(jv)*dz(jsl)/mille/deux) - & |
3228 | & EXP(-humcste(jv)*dz(jsl+1)/mille/deux))/ & |
3229 | & (EXP(-humcste(jv)*dz(2)/mille/deux) & |
3230 | & -EXP(-humcste(jv)*zz(nslm)/mille)) |
3231 | ENDDO |
3232 | nroot(ji,jv,1) = zero |
3233 | |
3234 | nroot(ji,jv,nslm) = (EXP(humcste(jv)*dz(nslm)/mille/deux) -un) * & |
3235 | & EXP(-humcste(jv)*zz(nslm)/mille) / & |
3236 | & (EXP(-humcste(jv)*dz(2)/mille/deux) & |
3237 | & -EXP(-humcste(jv)*zz(nslm)/mille)) |
3238 | ENDDO |
3239 | ENDDO |
3240 | END IF |
3241 | |
3242 | !- |
3243 | !! 3 Compute the profile for a and n |
3244 | !- |
3245 | |
3246 | ! For every soil texture |
3247 | DO jsc = 1, nscm |
3248 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
3249 | ! PhD thesis of d'Orgeval, 2006, p81, Eq. 4.38; d'Orgeval et al. 2008, Eq. 2 |
3250 | ! Calibrated against Hapex-Sahel measurements |
3251 | kfact(jsl,jsc) = MIN(MAX(EXP(- f_ks * (zz(jsl)/mille - dp_comp)), un/kfact_max),un) |
3252 | ! PhD thesis of d'Orgeval, 2006, p81, Eqs. 4.39; 4.42, and Fig 4.14 |
3253 | |
3254 | nfact(jsl,jsc) = ( kfact(jsl,jsc) )**nk_rel |
3255 | afact(jsl,jsc) = ( kfact(jsl,jsc) )**ak_rel |
3256 | ENDDO |
3257 | ENDDO |
3258 | |
3259 | ! For every soil texture |
3260 | DO jsc = 1, nscm |
3261 | !- |
3262 | !! 4 Compute the linearized values of k, a, b and d |
3263 | !! The effect of kfact_root on ks thus on k, a, n and d, is taken into account further in the code, |
3264 | !! in hydrol_soil_coef. |
3265 | !- |
3266 | ! Calculate the matrix coef for Dublin model (de Rosnay, 1999; p149) |
3267 | ! piece-wise linearised hydraulic conductivity k_lin=alin * mc_lin + b_lin |
3268 | ! and diffusivity d_lin in each interval of mc, called mc_lin, |
3269 | ! between imin, for residual mcr, and imax for saturation mcs. |
3270 | |
3271 | ! We define 51 bounds for 50 bins of mc between mcr and mcs |
3272 | mc_lin(imin,jsc)=mcr(jsc) |
3273 | mc_lin(imax,jsc)=mcs(jsc) |
3274 | DO ji= imin+1, imax-1 ! ji=2,50 |
3275 | mc_lin(ji,jsc) = mcr(jsc) + (ji-imin)*(mcs(jsc)-mcr(jsc))/(imax-imin) |
3276 | ENDDO |
3277 | |
3278 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
3279 | ! From PhD thesis of d'Orgeval, 2006, p81, Eq. 4.42 |
3280 | nvan_mod = n0 + (nvan(jsc)-n0) * nfact(jsl,jsc) |
3281 | avan_mod = a0 + (avan(jsc)-a0) * afact(jsl,jsc) |
3282 | m = un - un / nvan_mod |
3283 | ! Creation of arrays for SP-MIP output by landpoint |
3284 | nvan_mod_tab(jsl,jsc) = nvan_mod |
3285 | avan_mod_tab(jsl,jsc) = avan_mod |
3286 | ! We apply Van Genuchten equation for K(theta) based on Ks(z)=ks(jsc) * kfact(jsl,jsc) |
3287 | DO ji = imax,imin,-1 |
3288 | frac=MIN(un,(mc_lin(ji,jsc)-mcr(jsc))/(mcs(jsc)-mcr(jsc))) |
3289 | k_lin(ji,jsl,jsc) = ks(jsc) * kfact(jsl,jsc) * (frac**0.5) * ( un - ( un - frac ** (un/m)) ** m )**2 |
3290 | ENDDO |
3291 | |
3292 | ! k_lin should not be zero, nor too small |
3293 | ! We track jiref, the bin under which mc is too small and we may get zero k_lin |
3294 | ji=imax-1 |
3295 | DO WHILE ((k_lin(ji,jsl,jsc) > 1.e-32) .and. (ji>0)) |
3296 | jiref=ji |
3297 | ji=ji-1 |
3298 | ENDDO |
3299 | DO ji=jiref-1,imin,-1 |
3300 | k_lin(ji,jsl,jsc)=k_lin(ji+1,jsl,jsc)/10. |
3301 | ENDDO |
3302 | |
3303 | DO ji = imin,imax-1 ! ji=1,50 |
3304 | ! We deduce a_lin and b_lin based on continuity between segments k_lin = a_lin*mc-lin+b_lin |
3305 | a_lin(ji,jsl,jsc) = (k_lin(ji+1,jsl,jsc)-k_lin(ji,jsl,jsc)) / (mc_lin(ji+1,jsc)-mc_lin(ji,jsc)) |
3306 | b_lin(ji,jsl,jsc) = k_lin(ji,jsl,jsc) - a_lin(ji,jsl,jsc)*mc_lin(ji,jsc) |
3307 | |
3308 | ! We calculate the d_lin for each mc bin, from Van Genuchten equation for D(theta) |
3309 | ! d_lin is constant and taken as the arithmetic mean between the values at the bounds of each bin |
3310 | IF (ji.NE.imin .AND. ji.NE.imax-1) THEN |
3311 | frac=MIN(un,(mc_lin(ji,jsc)-mcr(jsc))/(mcs(jsc)-mcr(jsc))) |
3312 | d_lin(ji,jsl,jsc) =(k_lin(ji,jsl,jsc) / (avan_mod*m*nvan_mod)) * & |
3313 | ( (frac**(-un/m))/(mc_lin(ji,jsc)-mcr(jsc)) ) * & |
3314 | ( frac**(-un/m) -un ) ** (-m) |
3315 | frac=MIN(un,(mc_lin(ji+1,jsc)-mcr(jsc))/(mcs(jsc)-mcr(jsc))) |
3316 | d_lin(ji+1,jsl,jsc) =(k_lin(ji+1,jsl,jsc) / (avan_mod*m*nvan_mod))*& |
3317 | ( (frac**(-un/m))/(mc_lin(ji+1,jsc)-mcr(jsc)) ) * & |
3318 | ( frac**(-un/m) -un ) ** (-m) |
3319 | d_lin(ji,jsl,jsc) = undemi * (d_lin(ji,jsl,jsc)+d_lin(ji+1,jsl,jsc)) |
3320 | ELSE IF(ji.EQ.imax-1) THEN |
3321 | d_lin(ji,jsl,jsc) =(k_lin(ji,jsl,jsc) / (avan_mod*m*nvan_mod)) * & |
3322 | ( (frac**(-un/m))/(mc_lin(ji,jsc)-mcr(jsc)) ) * & |
3323 | ( frac**(-un/m) -un ) ** (-m) |
3324 | ENDIF |
3325 | ENDDO |
3326 | |
3327 | ! Special case for ji=imin |
3328 | d_lin(imin,jsl,jsc) = d_lin(imin+1,jsl,jsc)/1000. |
3329 | |
3330 | ! We adjust d_lin where k_lin was previously adjusted otherwise we might get non-monotonous variations |
3331 | ! We don't want d_lin = zero |
3332 | DO ji=jiref-1,imin,-1 |
3333 | d_lin(ji,jsl,jsc)=d_lin(ji+1,jsl,jsc)/10. |
3334 | ENDDO |
3335 | |
3336 | ENDDO |
3337 | ENDDO |
3338 | |
3339 | ! Output of alphavg and nvg at each node for SP-MIP |
3340 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
3341 | alphavg(:,jsl) = avan_mod_tab(jsl,njsc(:))*1000. ! from mm-1 to m-1 |
3342 | nvg(:,jsl) = nvan_mod_tab(jsl,njsc(:)) |
3343 | ENDDO |
3344 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("alphavg",alphavg) ! in m-1 |
3345 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("nvg",nvg) ! unitless |
3346 | |
3347 | !! 5 Water reservoir initialisation |
3348 | ! |
3349 | !!$ DO jst = 1,nstm |
3350 | !!$ DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
3351 | !!$ mx_eau_var(ji) = mx_eau_var(ji) + soiltile(ji,jst)*& |
3352 | !!$ & zmaxh*mille*mcs(njsc(ji)) |
3353 | !!$ END DO |
3354 | !!$ END DO |
3355 | !!$ IF (check_CWRR) THEN |
3356 | !!$ IF ( ANY ( ABS( mx_eau_var(:) - zmaxh*mille*mcs(njsc(:)) ) > min_sechiba ) ) THEN |
3357 | !!$ ji=MAXLOC ( ABS( mx_eau_var(:) - zmaxh*mille*mcs(njsc(:)) ) , 1) |
3358 | !!$ WRITE(numout, *) "Erreur formule simplifiée mx_eau_var ! ", mx_eau_var(ji), zmaxh*mille*mcs(njsc(ji)) |
3359 | !!$ WRITE(numout, *) "err = ",ABS(mx_eau_var(ji) - zmaxh*mille*mcs(njsc(ji))) |
3360 | !!$ STOP 1 |
3361 | !!$ ENDIF |
3362 | !!$ ENDIF |
3363 | |
3364 | mx_eau_var(:) = zero |
3365 | mx_eau_var(:) = zmaxh*mille*mcs(njsc(:)) |
3366 | |
3367 | DO ji = 1,kjpindex |
3368 | IF (vegtot(ji) .LE. zero) THEN |
3369 | mx_eau_var(ji) = mx_eau_nobio*zmaxh |
3370 | ! Aurelien: what does vegtot=0 mean? is it like frac_nobio=1? But if 0<frac_nobio<1 ??? |
3371 | ENDIF |
3372 | |
3373 | END DO |
3374 | |
3375 | ! Compute the litter humidity, shumdiag and fry |
3376 | shumdiag_perma(:,:) = zero |
3377 | humtot(:) = zero |
3378 | tmc(:,:) = zero |
3379 | |
3380 | ! Loop on soiltiles to compute the variables (ji,jst) |
3381 | DO jst=1,nstm |
3382 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
3383 | tmcs(ji,jst)=zmaxh* mille*mcs(njsc(ji)) |
3384 | tmcr(ji,jst)=zmaxh* mille*mcr(njsc(ji)) |
3385 | tmcfc(ji,jst)=zmaxh* mille*mcfc(njsc(ji)) |
3386 | tmcw(ji,jst)=zmaxh* mille*mcw(njsc(ji)) |
3387 | ENDDO |
3388 | ENDDO |
3389 | |
3390 | ! The total soil moisture for each soiltile: |
3391 | DO jst=1,nstm |
3392 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3393 | tmc(ji,jst)= dz(2) * ( trois*mc(ji,1,jst)+ mc(ji,2,jst))/huit |
3394 | END DO |
3395 | ENDDO |
3396 | |
3397 | DO jst=1,nstm |
3398 | DO jsl=2,nslm-1 |
3399 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3400 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + dz(jsl) * ( trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst) + mc(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
3401 | & + dz(jsl+1)*(trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst) + mc(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
3402 | END DO |
3403 | END DO |
3404 | ENDDO |
3405 | |
3406 | DO jst=1,nstm |
3407 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3408 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + dz(nslm) * (trois * mc(ji,nslm,jst) + mc(ji,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
3409 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + water2infilt(ji,jst) |
3410 | ENDDO |
3411 | END DO |
3412 | |
3413 | !JG: hydrol_tmc_update should not be called in the initialization phase. Call of hydrol_tmc_update makes the model restart differenlty. |
3414 | ! ! If veget has been updated before restart (with LAND USE or DGVM), |
3415 | ! ! tmc and mc must be modified with respect to humtot conservation. |
3416 | ! CALL hydrol_tmc_update ( kjpindex, veget_max, soiltile, qsintveg) |
3417 | |
3418 | ! The litter variables: |
3419 | ! level 1 |
3420 | DO jst=1,nstm |
3421 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3422 | tmc_litter(ji,jst) = dz(2) * (trois*mcl(ji,1,jst)+mcl(ji,2,jst))/huit |
3423 | tmc_litter_wilt(ji,jst) = dz(2) * mcw(njsc(ji)) / deux |
3424 | tmc_litter_res(ji,jst) = dz(2) * mcr(njsc(ji)) / deux |
3425 | tmc_litter_field(ji,jst) = dz(2) * mcfc(njsc(ji)) / deux |
3426 | tmc_litter_sat(ji,jst) = dz(2) * mcs(njsc(ji)) / deux |
3427 | tmc_litter_awet(ji,jst) = dz(2) * mc_awet(njsc(ji)) / deux |
3428 | tmc_litter_adry(ji,jst) = dz(2) * mc_adry(njsc(ji)) / deux |
3429 | ENDDO |
3430 | END DO |
3431 | ! sum from level 2 to 4 |
3432 | DO jst=1,nstm |
3433 | DO jsl=2,4 |
3434 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3435 | tmc_litter(ji,jst) = tmc_litter(ji,jst) + dz(jsl) * & |
3436 | & ( trois*mcl(ji,jsl,jst) + mcl(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
3437 | & + dz(jsl+1)*(trois*mcl(ji,jsl,jst) + mcl(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
3438 | tmc_litter_wilt(ji,jst) = tmc_litter_wilt(ji,jst) + & |
3439 | &(dz(jsl)+ dz(jsl+1))*& |
3440 | & mcw(njsc(ji))/deux |
3441 | tmc_litter_res(ji,jst) = tmc_litter_res(ji,jst) + & |
3442 | &(dz(jsl)+ dz(jsl+1))*& |
3443 | & mcr(njsc(ji))/deux |
3444 | tmc_litter_sat(ji,jst) = tmc_litter_sat(ji,jst) + & |
3445 | &(dz(jsl)+ dz(jsl+1))* & |
3446 | & mcs(njsc(ji))/deux |
3447 | tmc_litter_field(ji,jst) = tmc_litter_field(ji,jst) + & |
3448 | & (dz(jsl)+ dz(jsl+1))* & |
3449 | & mcfc(njsc(ji))/deux |
3450 | tmc_litter_awet(ji,jst) = tmc_litter_awet(ji,jst) + & |
3451 | &(dz(jsl)+ dz(jsl+1))* & |
3452 | & mc_awet(njsc(ji))/deux |
3453 | tmc_litter_adry(ji,jst) = tmc_litter_adry(ji,jst) + & |
3454 | & (dz(jsl)+ dz(jsl+1))* & |
3455 | & mc_adry(njsc(ji))/deux |
3456 | END DO |
3457 | END DO |
3458 | END DO |
3459 | |
3460 | |
3461 | DO jst=1,nstm |
3462 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3463 | ! here we set that humrelv=0 in PFT1 |
3464 | humrelv(ji,1,jst) = zero |
3465 | ENDDO |
3466 | END DO |
3467 | |
3468 | |
3469 | ! Calculate shumdiag_perma for thermosoil |
3470 | ! Use resdist instead of soiltile because we here need to have |
3471 | ! shumdiag_perma at the value from previous time step. |
3472 | ! Here, soilmoist is only used as a temporary variable to calculate shumdiag_perma |
3473 | ! (based on resdist=soiltile from previous timestep, but normally equal to soiltile) |
3474 | ! For consistency with hydrol_soil, we want to calculate a grid-cell average |
3475 | soilmoist(:,:) = zero |
3476 | DO jst=1,nstm |
3477 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3478 | soilmoist(ji,1) = soilmoist(ji,1) + resdist(ji,jst) * & |
3479 | dz(2) * ( trois*mc(ji,1,jst) + mc(ji,2,jst) )/huit |
3480 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
3481 | soilmoist(ji,jsl) = soilmoist(ji,jsl) + resdist(ji,jst) * & |
3482 | ( dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
3483 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit ) |
3484 | END DO |
3485 | soilmoist(ji,nslm) = soilmoist(ji,nslm) + resdist(ji,jst) * & |
3486 | dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(ji,nslm,jst) + mc(ji,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
3487 | ENDDO |
3488 | ENDDO |
3489 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3490 | soilmoist(ji,:) = soilmoist(ji,:) * vegtot_old(ji) ! grid cell average |
3491 | ENDDO |
3492 | |
3493 | ! -- shumdiag_perma for restart |
3494 | ! For consistency with hydrol_soil, we want to calculate a grid-cell average |
3495 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
3496 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3497 | shumdiag_perma(ji,jsl) = soilmoist(ji,jsl) / (dh(jsl)*mcs(njsc(ji))) |
3498 | shumdiag_perma(ji,jsl) = MAX(MIN(shumdiag_perma(ji,jsl), un), zero) |
3499 | ENDDO |
3500 | ENDDO |
3501 | |
3502 | ! Calculate drysoil_frac if it was not found in the restart file |
3503 | ! For simplicity, we set drysoil_frac to 0.5 in this case |
3504 | IF (ALL(drysoil_frac(:) == val_exp)) THEN |
3505 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3506 | drysoil_frac(ji) = 0.5 |
3507 | END DO |
3508 | END IF |
3509 | |
3510 | !! Calculate the volumetric soil moisture content (mc_layh and mcl_layh) needed in |
3511 | !! thermosoil for the thermal conductivity. |
3512 | ! These values are only used in thermosoil_init in absence of a restart file |
3513 | mc_layh(:,:) = zero |
3514 | mcl_layh(:,:) = zero |
3515 | DO jst=1,nstm |
3516 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
3517 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3518 | mc_layh(ji,jsl) = mc_layh(ji,jsl) + mc(ji,jsl,jst) * resdist(ji,jst) * vegtot_old(ji) |
3519 | mcl_layh(ji,jsl) = mcl_layh(ji,jsl) + mcl(ji,jsl,jst) * resdist(ji,jst) * vegtot_old(ji) |
3520 | ENDDO |
3521 | END DO |
3522 | END DO |
3523 | |
3524 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' hydrol_var_init done ' |
3525 | |
3526 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_var_init |
3527 | |
3528 | |
3529 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
3530 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_snow |
3531 | !! |
3532 | !>\BRIEF This routine computes snow processes. |
3533 | !! |
3534 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
3535 | !! - 0 initialisation |
3536 | !! - 1 On vegetation |
3537 | !! - 1.1 Compute snow masse |
3538 | !! - 1.2 Sublimation |
3539 | !! - 1.2.1 Check that sublimation on the vegetated fraction is possible. |
3540 | !! - 1.3. snow melt only if temperature positive |
3541 | !! - 1.3.1 enough snow for melting or not |
3542 | !! - 1.3.2 not enough snow |
3543 | !! - 1.3.3 negative snow - now snow melt |
3544 | !! - 1.4 Snow melts only on weight glaciers |
3545 | !! - 2 On Land ice |
3546 | !! - 2.1 Compute snow |
3547 | !! - 2.2 Sublimation |
3548 | !! - 2.3 Snow melt only for continental ice fraction |
3549 | !! - 2.3.1 If there is snow on the ice-fraction it can melt |
3550 | !! - 2.4 Snow melts only on weight glaciers |
3551 | !! - 3 On other surface types - not done yet |
3552 | !! - 4 computes total melt (snow and ice) |
3553 | !! - 5 computes snow age on veg and ice (for albedo) |
3554 | !! - 5.1 Snow age on vegetation |
3555 | !! - 5.2 Snow age on ice |
3556 | !! - 6 Diagnose the depth of the snow layer |
3557 | !! |
3558 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
3559 | !! |
3561 | !! |
3562 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
3563 | !! |
3564 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
3565 | !! \n |
3566 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
3567 | !_ hydrol_snow |
3568 | |
3569 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_snow (kjpindex, precip_rain, precip_snow , temp_sol_new, soilcap,& |
3570 | & frac_nobio, totfrac_nobio, vevapsno, snow, snow_age, snow_nobio, snow_nobio_age, & |
3571 | & tot_melt, snowdepth,snowmelt) |
3572 | |
3573 | ! |
3574 | ! interface description |
3575 | |
3576 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
3577 | |
3578 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
3579 | |
3580 | ! input scalar |
3581 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
3582 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: precip_rain !! Rainfall |
3583 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: precip_snow !! Snow precipitation |
3584 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: temp_sol_new !! New soil temperature |
3585 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: soilcap !! Soil capacity |
3586 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT(in) :: frac_nobio !! Fraction of continental ice, lakes, ... |
3587 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: totfrac_nobio !! Total fraction of continental ice+lakes+ ... |
3588 | |
3589 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
3590 | |
3591 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: tot_melt !! Total melt from snow and ice |
3592 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: snowmelt !! Snow melt |
3593 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: snowdepth !! Snow depth |
3594 | |
3595 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
3596 | |
3597 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(inout) :: vevapsno !! Snow evaporation |
3598 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(inout) :: snow !! Snow mass [Kg/m^2] |
3599 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(inout) :: snow_age !! Snow age |
3600 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT(inout) :: snow_nobio !! Ice water balance |
3601 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT(inout) :: snow_nobio_age!! Snow age on ice, lakes, ... |
3602 | |
3603 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
3604 | |
3605 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jv |
3606 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: d_age !! Snow age change |
3607 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: xx !! temporary |
3608 | REAL(r_std) :: snowmelt_tmp !! The name says it all ! |
3609 | REAL(r_std) :: snow_d1k !! The amount of snow that corresponds to a 1K cooling |
3610 | |
3611 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
3612 | |
3613 | ! |
3614 | ! for continental points |
3615 | ! |
3616 | |
3617 | ! |
3618 | !!_0 initialisation |
3619 | ! |
3620 | DO jv = 1, nnobio |
3621 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3622 | subsnownobio(ji,jv) = zero |
3623 | ENDDO |
3624 | ENDDO |
3625 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3626 | subsnowveg(ji) = zero |
3627 | snowmelt(ji) = zero |
3628 | icemelt(ji) = zero |
3629 | subsinksoil(ji) = zero |
3630 | tot_melt(ji) = zero |
3631 | ENDDO |
3632 | ! |
3633 | !! 1 On vegetation |
3634 | ! |
3635 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3636 | ! |
3637 | !! 1.1 Compute snow masse |
3638 | ! |
3639 | snow(ji) = snow(ji) + (un - totfrac_nobio(ji))*precip_snow(ji) |
3640 | ! |
3641 | ! |
3642 | !! 1.2 Sublimation |
3643 | ! Separate between vegetated and no-veget fractions |
3644 | ! Care has to be taken as we might have sublimation from the |
3645 | ! the frac_nobio while there is no snow on the rest of the grid. |
3646 | ! |
3647 | IF ( snow(ji) > snowcri ) THEN |
3648 | subsnownobio(ji,iice) = frac_nobio(ji,iice)*vevapsno(ji) |
3649 | subsnowveg(ji) = vevapsno(ji) - subsnownobio(ji,iice) |
3650 | ELSE |
3651 | ! Correction Nathalie - Juillet 2006. |
3652 | ! On doit d'abord tester s'il existe un frac_nobio! |
3653 | ! Pour le moment je ne regarde que le iice |
3654 | IF ( frac_nobio(ji,iice) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
3655 | subsnownobio(ji,iice) = vevapsno(ji) |
3656 | subsnowveg(ji) = zero |
3657 | ELSE |
3658 | subsnownobio(ji,iice) = zero |
3659 | subsnowveg(ji) = vevapsno(ji) |
3660 | ENDIF |
3661 | ENDIF |
3662 | ! here vevapsno bas been separated into a bio and nobio fractions, without changing the total |
3663 | ! |
3664 | ! |
3665 | !! 1.2.1 Check that sublimation on the vegetated fraction is possible. |
3666 | ! |
3667 | IF (subsnowveg(ji) .GT. snow(ji)) THEN |
3668 | ! What could not be sublimated goes into subsinksoil |
3669 | IF( (un - totfrac_nobio(ji)).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
3670 | subsinksoil (ji) = (subsnowveg(ji) - snow(ji))/ (un - totfrac_nobio(ji)) |
3671 | END IF |
3672 | ! Sublimation is thus limited to what is available |
3673 | ! Then, evavpsnow is reduced, of subsinksoil |
3674 | subsnowveg(ji) = snow(ji) |
3675 | snow(ji) = zero |
3676 | vevapsno(ji) = subsnowveg(ji) + subsnownobio(ji,iice) |
3677 | ELSE |
3678 | snow(ji) = snow(ji) - subsnowveg(ji) |
3679 | ENDIF |
3680 | ! |
3681 | !! 1.3. snow melt only if temperature positive |
3682 | ! |
3683 | IF (temp_sol_new(ji).GT.tp_00) THEN |
3684 | ! |
3685 | IF (snow(ji).GT.sneige) THEN |
3686 | ! |
3687 | snowmelt(ji) = (un - frac_nobio(ji,iice))*(temp_sol_new(ji) - tp_00) * soilcap(ji) / chalfu0 |
3688 | ! |
3689 | !! 1.3.1 enough snow for melting or not |
3690 | ! |
3691 | IF (snowmelt(ji).LT.snow(ji)) THEN |
3692 | snow(ji) = snow(ji) - snowmelt(ji) |
3693 | ELSE |
3694 | snowmelt(ji) = snow(ji) |
3695 | snow(ji) = zero |
3696 | END IF |
3697 | ! |
3698 | ELSEIF (snow(ji).GE.zero) THEN |
3699 | ! |
3700 | !! 1.3.2 not enough snow |
3701 | ! |
3702 | snowmelt(ji) = snow(ji) |
3703 | snow(ji) = zero |
3704 | ELSE |
3705 | ! |
3706 | !! 1.3.3 negative snow - now snow melt |
3707 | ! |
3708 | snow(ji) = zero |
3709 | snowmelt(ji) = zero |
3710 | WRITE(numout,*) 'hydrol_snow: WARNING! snow was negative and was reset to zero. ' |
3711 | ! |
3712 | END IF |
3713 | |
3714 | ENDIF |
3715 | !! 1.4 Snow melts above a threshold |
3716 | ! Ice melt only if there is more than a given mass : maxmass_snow, |
3717 | ! But the snow cannot melt more in one time step to what corresponds to |
3718 | ! a 1K cooling. This will lead to a progressive melting of snow above |
3719 | ! maxmass_snow but it is needed as a too strong cooling can destabilise the model. |
3720 | IF ( snow(ji) .GT. maxmass_snow ) THEN |
3721 | snow_d1k = un * soilcap(ji) / chalfu0 |
3722 | snowmelt(ji) = snowmelt(ji) + MIN((snow(ji) - maxmass_snow),snow_d1k) |
3723 | snow(ji) = snow(ji) - snowmelt(ji) |
3724 | IF ( printlev >= 3 ) WRITE (numout,*) "Snow was above maxmass_snow (", maxmass_snow,") and we melted ", snowmelt(ji) |
3725 | ENDIF |
3726 | |
3727 | END DO |
3728 | ! |
3729 | !! 2 On Land ice |
3730 | ! |
3731 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
3732 | ! |
3733 | !! 2.1 Compute snow |
3734 | ! |
3735 | !!??Aurelien: pkoi mettre precip_rain en dessous? We considere liquid precipitations becomes instantly snow? |
3736 | snow_nobio(ji,iice) = snow_nobio(ji,iice) + frac_nobio(ji,iice)*precip_snow(ji) + & |
3737 | & frac_nobio(ji,iice)*precip_rain(ji) |
3738 | ! |
3739 | !! 2.2 Sublimation |
3740 | ! Was calculated before it can give us negative snow_nobio but that is OK |
3741 | ! Once it goes below a certain values (-maxmass_snow for instance) we should kill |
3742 | ! the frac_nobio(ji,iice) ! |
3743 | ! |
3744 | snow_nobio(ji,iice) = snow_nobio(ji,iice) - subsnownobio(ji,iice) |
3745 | ! |
3746 | !! 2.3 Snow melt only for continental ice fraction |
3747 | ! |
3748 | snowmelt_tmp = zero |
3749 | IF (temp_sol_new(ji) .GT. tp_00) THEN |
3750 | ! |
3751 | !! 2.3.1 If there is snow on the ice-fraction it can melt |
3752 | ! |
3753 | snowmelt_tmp = frac_nobio(ji,iice)*(temp_sol_new(ji) - tp_00) * soilcap(ji) / chalfu0 |
3754 | ! |
3755 | IF ( snowmelt_tmp .GT. snow_nobio(ji,iice) ) THEN |
3756 | snowmelt_tmp = MAX( zero, snow_nobio(ji,iice)) |
3757 | ENDIF |
3758 | snowmelt(ji) = snowmelt(ji) + snowmelt_tmp |
3759 | snow_nobio(ji,iice) = snow_nobio(ji,iice) - snowmelt_tmp |
3760 | ! |
3761 | ENDIF |
3762 | ! |
3763 | !! 2.4 Snow melts over a threshold |
3764 | ! Ice melt only if there is more than a given mass : maxmass_snow, |
3765 | ! But the snow cannot melt more in one time step to what corresponds to |
3766 | ! a 1K cooling. This will lead to a progressive melting of snow above |
3767 | ! maxmass_snow but it is needed as a too strong cooling can destabilise the model. |
3768 | ! |
3769 | IF ( snow_nobio(ji,iice) .GT. maxmass_snow ) THEN |
3770 | snow_d1k = un * soilcap(ji) / chalfu0 |
3771 | icemelt(ji) = MIN((snow_nobio(ji,iice) - maxmass_snow),snow_d1k) |
3772 | snow_nobio(ji,iice) = snow_nobio(ji,iice) - icemelt(ji) |
3773 | |
3774 | IF ( printlev >= 3 ) WRITE (numout,*) "Snow was above maxmass_snow ON ICE (", maxmass_snow,") and we melted ", icemelt(ji) |
3775 | ENDIF |
3776 | |
3777 | END DO |
3778 | |
3779 | ! |
3780 | !! 3 On other surface types - not done yet |
3781 | ! |
3782 | IF ( nnobio .GT. 1 ) THEN |
3783 | WRITE(numout,*) 'WE HAVE',nnobio-1,' SURFACE TYPES I DO NOT KNOW' |
3785 | CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_snow','nnobio > 1 not allowded','Cannot treat snow on these surface types.','') |
3786 | ENDIF |
3787 | |
3788 | ! |
3789 | !! 4 computes total melt (snow and ice) |
3790 | ! |
3791 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
3792 | tot_melt(ji) = icemelt(ji) + snowmelt(ji) |
3793 | ENDDO |
3794 | |
3795 | ! |
3796 | !! 5 computes snow age on veg and ice (for albedo) |
3797 | ! |
3798 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
3799 | ! |
3800 | !! 5.1 Snow age on vegetation |
3801 | ! |
3802 | IF (snow(ji) .LE. zero) THEN |
3803 | snow_age(ji) = zero |
3804 | ELSE |
3805 | snow_age(ji) =(snow_age(ji) + (un - snow_age(ji)/max_snow_age) * dt_sechiba/one_day) & |
3806 | & * EXP(-precip_snow(ji) / snow_trans) |
3807 | ENDIF |
3808 | ! |
3809 | !! 5.2 Snow age on ice |
3810 | ! |
3811 | ! age of snow on ice: a little bit different because in cold regions, we really |
3812 | ! cannot negect the effect of cold temperatures on snow metamorphism any more. |
3813 | ! |
3814 | IF (snow_nobio(ji,iice) .LE. zero) THEN |
3815 | snow_nobio_age(ji,iice) = zero |
3816 | ELSE |
3817 | ! |
3818 | d_age(ji) = ( snow_nobio_age(ji,iice) + & |
3819 | & (un - snow_nobio_age(ji,iice)/max_snow_age) * dt_sechiba/one_day ) * & |
3820 | & EXP(-precip_snow(ji) / snow_trans) - snow_nobio_age(ji,iice) |
3821 | IF (d_age(ji) .GT. min_sechiba ) THEN |
3822 | xx(ji) = MAX( tp_00 - temp_sol_new(ji), zero ) |
3823 | xx(ji) = ( xx(ji) / 7._r_std ) ** 4._r_std |
3824 | d_age(ji) = d_age(ji) / (un+xx(ji)) |
3825 | ENDIF |
3826 | snow_nobio_age(ji,iice) = MAX( snow_nobio_age(ji,iice) + d_age(ji), zero ) |
3827 | ! |
3828 | ENDIF |
3829 | |
3830 | ENDDO |
3831 | |
3832 | ! |
3833 | !! 6 Diagnose the depth of the snow layer |
3834 | ! |
3835 | |
3836 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
3837 | snowdepth(ji) = snow(ji) /sn_dens |
3838 | ENDDO |
3839 | |
3840 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' hydrol_snow done ' |
3841 | |
3842 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_snow |
3843 | |
3844 | |
3845 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
3846 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_canop |
3847 | !! |
3848 | !>\BRIEF This routine computes canopy processes. |
3849 | !! |
3850 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
3851 | !! - 1 evaporation off the continents |
3852 | !! - 1.1 The interception loss is take off the canopy. |
3853 | !! - 1.2 precip_rain is shared for each vegetation type |
3854 | !! - 1.3 Limits the effect and sum what receives soil |
3855 | !! - 1.4 swap qsintveg to the new value |
3856 | !! |
3857 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
3858 | !! |
3860 | !! |
3861 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
3862 | !! |
3863 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
3864 | !! \n |
3865 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
3866 | !_ hydrol_canop |
3867 | |
3868 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_canop (kjpindex, precip_rain, vevapwet, veget_max, veget, qsintmax, & |
3869 | & qsintveg,precisol,tot_melt) |
3870 | |
3871 | ! |
3872 | ! interface description |
3873 | ! |
3874 | |
3875 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
3876 | |
3877 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
3878 | |
3879 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
3880 | ! input fields |
3881 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: precip_rain !! Rain precipitation |
3882 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT(in) :: vevapwet !! Interception loss |
3883 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT(in) :: veget_max !! max fraction of vegetation type |
3884 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT(in) :: veget !! Fraction of vegetation type |
3885 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT(in) :: qsintmax !! Maximum water on vegetation for interception |
3886 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: tot_melt !! Total melt |
3887 | |
3888 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
3889 | |
3890 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT(out) :: precisol !! Water fallen onto the ground (throughfall+Totmelt) |
3891 | |
3892 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
3893 | |
3894 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT(inout) :: qsintveg !! Water on vegetation due to interception |
3895 | |
3896 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
3897 | |
3898 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jv |
3899 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm) :: zqsintvegnew |
3900 | |
3901 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
3902 | |
3903 | ! boucle sur les points continentaux |
3904 | ! calcul de qsintveg au pas de temps suivant |
3905 | ! par ajout du flux interception loss |
3906 | ! calcule par enerbil en fonction |
3907 | ! des calculs faits dans diffuco |
3908 | ! calcul de ce qui tombe sur le sol |
3909 | ! avec accumulation dans precisol |
3910 | ! essayer d'harmoniser le traitement du sol nu |
3911 | ! avec celui des differents types de vegetation |
3912 | ! fait si on impose qsintmax ( ,1) = 0.0 |
3913 | ! |
3914 | ! loop for continental subdomain |
3915 | ! |
3916 | ! |
3917 | !! 1 evaporation off the continents |
3918 | ! |
3919 | !! 1.1 The interception loss is take off the canopy. |
3920 | DO jv=2,nvm |
3921 | qsintveg(:,jv) = qsintveg(:,jv) - vevapwet(:,jv) |
3922 | END DO |
3923 | |
3924 | ! It is raining : |
3925 | !! 1.2 precip_rain is shared for each vegetation type |
3926 | ! |
3927 | qsintveg(:,1) = zero |
3928 | DO jv=2,nvm |
3929 | qsintveg(:,jv) = qsintveg(:,jv) + veget(:,jv) * ((1-throughfall_by_pft(jv))*precip_rain(:)) |
3930 | END DO |
3931 | |
3932 | ! |
3933 | !! 1.3 Limits the effect and sum what receives soil |
3934 | ! |
3935 | precisol(:,1)=veget_max(:,1)*precip_rain(:) |
3936 | DO jv=2,nvm |
3937 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
3938 | zqsintvegnew(ji,jv) = MIN (qsintveg(ji,jv),qsintmax(ji,jv)) |
3939 | precisol(ji,jv) = (veget(ji,jv)*throughfall_by_pft(jv)*precip_rain(ji)) + & |
3940 | qsintveg(ji,jv) - zqsintvegnew (ji,jv) + & |
3941 | (veget_max(ji,jv) - veget(ji,jv))*precip_rain(ji) |
3942 | ENDDO |
3943 | END DO |
3944 | |
3945 | ! Precisol is currently the same as throughfall, save it for diagnostics |
3946 | throughfall(:,:) = precisol(:,:) |
3947 | |
3948 | DO jv=1,nvm |
3949 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
3950 | IF (vegtot(ji).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
3951 | precisol(ji,jv) = precisol(ji,jv)+tot_melt(ji)*veget_max(ji,jv)/vegtot(ji) |
3952 | ENDIF |
3953 | ENDDO |
3954 | END DO |
3955 | ! |
3956 | ! |
3957 | !! 1.4 swap qsintveg to the new value |
3958 | ! |
3959 | DO jv=2,nvm |
3960 | qsintveg(:,jv) = zqsintvegnew (:,jv) |
3961 | END DO |
3962 | |
3963 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' hydrol_canop done ' |
3964 | |
3965 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_canop |
3966 | |
3967 | |
3968 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
3969 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_vegupd |
3970 | !! |
3971 | !>\BRIEF Vegetation update |
3972 | !! |
3973 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
3974 | !! The vegetation cover has changed and we need to adapt the reservoir distribution |
3975 | !! and the distribution of plants on different soil types. |
3976 | !! You may note that this occurs after evaporation and so on have been computed. It is |
3977 | !! not a problem as a new vegetation fraction will start with humrel=0 and thus will have no |
3978 | !! evaporation. If this is not the case it should have been caught above. |
3979 | !! |
3980 | !! - 1 Update of vegetation is it needed? |
3981 | !! - 2 calculate water mass that we have to redistribute |
3982 | !! - 3 put it into reservoir of plant whose surface area has grown |
3983 | !! - 4 Soil tile gestion |
3984 | !! - 5 update the corresponding masks |
3985 | !! |
3986 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
3987 | !! |
3989 | !! |
3990 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
3991 | !! |
3992 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
3993 | !! \n |
3994 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
3995 | !_ hydrol_vegupd |
3996 | |
3997 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_vegupd(kjpindex, veget, veget_max, ratio_tile, soiltile, qsintveg, frac_bare, drain_upd, runoff_upd)!IGEM |
3998 | |
3999 | |
4000 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
4001 | |
4002 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
4003 | |
4004 | ! input scalar |
4005 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex |
4006 | ! input fields |
4007 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex, nvm), INTENT(in) :: veget !! New vegetation map |
4008 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget_max !! Max. fraction of vegetation type |
4009 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile !! Fraction of each soil tile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) |
4010 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: ratio_tile !!IGEM |
4011 | |
4012 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
4013 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT(out) :: frac_bare !! Fraction(of veget_max) of bare soil |
4014 | !! in each vegetation type |
4015 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: drain_upd !! Change in drainage due to decrease in vegtot |
4016 | !! on mc [kg/m2/dt] |
4017 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: runoff_upd !! Change in runoff due to decrease in vegtot |
4018 | !! on water2infilt[kg/m2/dt] |
4019 | |
4020 | |
4021 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
4022 | |
4023 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (inout) :: qsintveg !! Water on old vegetation |
4024 | |
4025 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
4026 | |
4027 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji,jv,jst |
4028 | |
4029 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
4030 | |
4031 | !! 1 If veget has been updated at last time step (with LAND USE or DGVM), |
4032 | !! tmc and mc must be modified with respect to humtot conservation. |
4033 | CALL hydrol_tmc_update ( kjpindex, veget_max, soiltile, qsintveg, drain_upd, runoff_upd) |
4034 | |
4035 | |
4036 | ! Compute the masks for veget |
4037 | |
4038 | mask_veget(:,:) = 0 |
4039 | mask_soiltile(:,:) = 0 |
4040 | |
4041 | DO jst=1,nstm |
4042 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4043 | IF(soiltile(ji,jst) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
4044 | mask_soiltile(ji,jst) = 1 |
4045 | ENDIF |
4046 | END DO |
4047 | ENDDO |
4048 | |
4049 | DO jv = 1, nvm |
4050 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4051 | IF(veget_max(ji,jv) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
4052 | mask_veget(ji,jv) = 1 |
4053 | ENDIF |
4054 | END DO |
4055 | END DO |
4056 | |
4057 | ! Compute vegetmax_soil |
4058 | vegetmax_soil(:,:,:) = zero |
4059 | ratio_soil(:,:,:) = zero !IGEM |
4060 | DO jv = 1, nvm |
4061 | jst = pref_soil_veg(jv) |
4062 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
4063 | ! for veget distribution used in sechiba via humrel |
4064 | IF (mask_soiltile(ji,jst).GT.0 .AND. vegtot(ji) > min_sechiba) THEN |
4065 | vegetmax_soil(ji,jv,jst)=ratio_tile(ji,jst)*veget_max(ji,jv)/soiltile(ji,jst)!IGEM |
4066 | ratio_soil(ji,jv,jst) = ratio_tile(ji,jst) !IGEM |
4067 | ENDIF |
4068 | ENDDO |
4069 | |
4070 | |
4071 | jst = 4 !IGEM |
4072 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
4073 | ! for veget distribution used in sechiba via humrel |
4074 | IF (mask_soiltile(ji,jst).GT.0 .AND. vegtot(ji) > min_sechiba) THEN |
4075 | vegetmax_soil(ji,jv,jst)=ratio_tile(ji,jst)*veget_max(ji,jv)/soiltile(ji,jst) |
4076 | ratio_soil(ji,jv,jst) = ratio_tile(ji,jst) |
4077 | ENDIF |
4078 | ENDDO !IGEM |
4079 | ENDDO |
4080 | |
4081 | |
4082 | ! Calculate frac_bare (previosly done in slowproc_veget) |
4083 | DO ji =1, kjpindex |
4084 | IF( veget_max(ji,1) .GT. min_sechiba ) THEN |
4085 | frac_bare(ji,1) = un |
4086 | ELSE |
4087 | frac_bare(ji,1) = zero |
4088 | ENDIF |
4089 | ENDDO |
4090 | DO jv = 2, nvm |
4091 | DO ji =1, kjpindex |
4092 | IF( veget_max(ji,jv) .GT. min_sechiba ) THEN |
4093 | frac_bare(ji,jv) = un - veget(ji,jv)/veget_max(ji,jv) |
4094 | ELSE |
4095 | frac_bare(ji,jv) = zero |
4096 | ENDIF |
4097 | ENDDO |
4098 | ENDDO |
4099 | |
4100 | ! Tout dans cette routine est maintenant certainement obsolete (veget_max etant constant) en dehors des lignes |
4101 | ! suivantes et le calcul de frac_bare: |
4102 | frac_bare_ns(:,:) = zero |
4103 | DO jst = 1, nstm |
4104 | DO jv = 1, nvm |
4105 | DO ji =1, kjpindex |
4106 | IF(vegtot(ji) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
4107 | frac_bare_ns(ji,jst) = frac_bare_ns(ji,jst) + vegetmax_soil(ji,jv,jst) * frac_bare(ji,jv) / vegtot(ji) |
4108 | ENDIF |
4109 | END DO |
4110 | ENDDO |
4111 | END DO |
4112 | |
4113 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' hydrol_vegupd done ' |
4114 | |
4115 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_vegupd |
4116 | |
4117 | |
4118 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
4119 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_flood |
4120 | !! |
4121 | !>\BRIEF This routine computes the evolution of the surface reservoir (floodplain). |
4122 | !! |
4123 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
4124 | !! - 1 Take out vevapflo from the reservoir and transfer the remaining to subsinksoil |
4125 | !! - 2 Compute the total flux from floodplain floodout (transfered to routing) |
4126 | !! - 3 Discriminate between precip over land and over floodplain |
4127 | !! |
4128 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
4129 | !! |
4131 | !! |
4132 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
4133 | !! |
4134 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
4135 | !! \n |
4136 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
4137 | !_ hydrol_flood |
4138 | |
4139 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_flood (kjpindex, vevapflo, flood_frac, flood_res, floodout) |
4140 | |
4141 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
4142 | |
4143 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
4144 | |
4145 | ! input scalar |
4146 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! |
4147 | ! input fields |
4148 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: flood_frac !! Fraction of floodplains in grid box |
4149 | |
4150 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
4151 | |
4152 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: floodout !! Flux to take out from floodplains |
4153 | |
4154 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
4155 | |
4156 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(inout) :: flood_res !! Floodplains reservoir estimate |
4157 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(inout) :: vevapflo !! Evaporation over floodplains |
4158 | |
4159 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
4160 | |
4161 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jv !! Indices |
4162 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: temp !! |
4163 | |
4164 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
4165 | !- |
4166 | !! 1 Take out vevapflo from the reservoir and transfer the remaining to subsinksoil |
4167 | !- |
4168 | DO ji = 1,kjpindex |
4169 | temp(ji) = MIN(flood_res(ji), vevapflo(ji)) |
4170 | ENDDO |
4171 | DO ji = 1,kjpindex |
4172 | flood_res(ji) = flood_res(ji) - temp(ji) |
4173 | subsinksoil(ji) = subsinksoil(ji) + vevapflo(ji) - temp(ji) |
4174 | vevapflo(ji) = temp(ji) |
4175 | ENDDO |
4176 | |
4177 | !- |
4178 | !! 2 Compute the total flux from floodplain floodout (transfered to routing) |
4179 | !- |
4180 | DO ji = 1,kjpindex |
4181 | floodout(ji) = vevapflo(ji) - flood_frac(ji) * SUM(precisol(ji,:)) |
4182 | ENDDO |
4183 | |
4184 | !- |
4185 | !! 3 Discriminate between precip over land and over floodplain |
4186 | !- |
4187 | DO jv=1, nvm |
4188 | DO ji = 1,kjpindex |
4189 | precisol(ji,jv) = precisol(ji,jv) * (1 - flood_frac(ji)) |
4190 | ENDDO |
4191 | ENDDO |
4192 | |
4193 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' hydrol_flood done' |
4194 | |
4195 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_flood |
4196 | |
4197 | |
4198 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
4199 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_soil |
4200 | !! |
4201 | !>\BRIEF This routine computes soil processes with CWRR scheme (Richards equation solved by finite differences). |
4202 | !! Note that the water fluxes are in kg/m2/dt_sechiba. |
4203 | !! |
4204 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
4205 | !! 0. Initialisation, and split 2d variables to 3d variables, per soil tile |
4206 | !! -- START MAIN LOOP (prognostic loop to update mc and mcl) OVER SOILTILES |
4208 | !! 1.1 Reduces water2infilt and water2extract to their difference |
4209 | !! 1.2 To remove water2extract (including bare soilevaporation) from top layer |
4210 | !! 1.3 Infiltration |
4211 | !! 1.4 Reinfiltration of surface runoff : compute temporary surface water and extract from runoff |
4213 | !! This will act on mcl (liquid water content) only |
4214 | !! 2.1 K and D are recomputed after infiltration |
4215 | !! 2.2 Set the tridiagonal matrix coefficients for the diffusion/redistribution scheme |
4216 | !! 2.3 We define mcl (liquid water content) based on mc and profil_froz_hydro_ns |
4217 | !! 2.4 We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine tridiag for water conservation check |
4218 | !! 2.5 Defining where diffusion is solved : everywhere |
4219 | !! 2.6 We define the system of linear equations for mcl redistribution |
4220 | !! 2.7 Solves diffusion equations |
4221 | !! 2.8 Computes drainage = bottom boundary condition, consistent with rhs(ji,jsl=nslm) |
4222 | !! 2.9 For water conservation check during redistribution, we calculate the total liquid SM |
4223 | !! at the end of the routine tridiag, and we compare the difference with the flux... |
4225 | !! 3.1 Updating mc, as all the following checks against saturation will compare mc to mcs |
4226 | !! 3.2 Correct here the possible over-saturation values (subroutine hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs2 acts on mc) |
4227 | !! Here hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs2 discard all excess as ru_corr_ns, oriented to either ru_ns or dr_ns |
4228 | !! 3.3 Negative runoff is reported to drainage |
4229 | !! 3.4 Optional block to force saturation below zwt_force |
4230 | !! 3.5 Diagnosing the effective water table depth |
4231 | !! 3.6 Diagnose under_mcr to adapt water stress calculation below |
4232 | !! 4. At the end of the prognostic calculations, we recompute important moisture variables |
4233 | !! 4.1 Total soil moisture content (water2infilt added below) |
4234 | !! 4.2 mcl is a module variable; we update it here for calculating bare soil evaporation, |
4235 | !! 5. Optional check of the water balance of soil column (if check_cwrr) |
4236 | !! 5.1 Computation of the vertical water fluxes |
4237 | !! 5.2 Total mc conservation |
4238 | !! 5.3 Total mc should not reach zero, or the tridiag solver will have problems |
4240 | !! 6.1 Total soil moisture, soil moisture at litter levels, soil wetness, us, humrelv, vesgtressv |
4241 | !! 6.2 We need to turn off evaporation when is_under_mcr |
4242 | !! 6.3 Calculate the volumetric soil moisture content (mc_layh and mcl_layh) needed in thermosoil |
4243 | !! 6.4 The hydraulic conductivities exported here are the ones used in the diffusion/redistribution |
4245 | !! 7. Summing 3d variables into 2d variables |
4246 | !! 8. XIOS export of local variables, including water conservation checks |
4248 | !! The principle is to run a dummy integration of the water redistribution scheme |
4249 | !! to check if the SM profile can sustain a potential evaporation. |
4250 | !! If not, the dummy integration is redone from the SM profile of the end of the normal integration, |
4251 | !! with a boundary condition leading to a very severe water limitation: mc(1)=mcr |
4252 | !! 10. evap_bar_lim is the grid-cell scale beta |
4253 | !! 11. Exit if error was found previously in this subroutine |
4254 | !! |
4255 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : 2016 by A. Ducharne |
4256 | !! |
4258 | !! |
4259 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
4260 | !! |
4261 | !! FLOWCHART : Non |
4262 | !! \n |
4263 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
4264 | !_ hydrol_soil |
4265 | |
4266 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil (kjpindex, veget_max, ratio_tile, soiltile, njsc, reinf_slope, &!IGEM |
4267 | & transpir, vevapnu, evapot, evapot_penm, runoff, drainage, & |
4268 | & returnflow, reinfiltration, irrigation, flowtowtd, qtot_to_river, reinf_from_fast,& !IGEM |
4269 | & tot_melt, evap_bare_lim, evap_bare_lim_ns, shumdiag, shumdiag_perma,& |
4270 | & k_litt, litterhumdiag, humrel,vegstress, drysoil_frac, & |
4271 | & stempdiag,snow, & |
4272 | & snowdz, tot_bare_soil, u, v, tq_cdrag, mc_layh, mcl_layh) |
4273 | ! |
4274 | ! interface description |
4275 | |
4276 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
4277 | |
4278 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
4279 | |
4280 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex |
4281 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget_max !! Map of max vegetation types [-] |
4282 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class |
4283 | !! in the grid cell (1-nscm, unitless) |
4284 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile !! Fraction of each soil tile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) |
4285 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: ratio_tile !!IGEM |
4286 | |
4287 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT(in) :: transpir !! Transpiration |
4288 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4289 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: reinf_slope !! Fraction of surface runoff that reinfiltrates |
4290 | !! (unitless, [0-1]) |
4291 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: returnflow !! Water returning to the soil from the bottom |
4292 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4293 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: reinfiltration !! Water returning to the top of the soil |
4294 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4295 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: reinf_from_fast !IGEM [kg/m2(grid)/dtsechiba] |
4296 | |
4297 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: irrigation !! Irrigation |
4298 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4299 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: flowtowtd !! IGEM fastflow in kg/m2(grid)/dt_sechiba |
4300 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: evapot !! Potential evaporation |
4301 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4302 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: evapot_penm !! Potential evaporation "Penman" (Milly's correction) |
4303 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4304 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: tot_melt !! Total melt from snow and ice |
4305 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4306 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (in) :: stempdiag !! Diagnostic temp profile from thermosoil |
4307 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: snow !! Snow mass |
4308 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4309 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow),INTENT(in) :: snowdz !! Snow depth (m) |
4310 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: tot_bare_soil !! Total evaporating bare soil fraction |
4311 | !! (unitless, [0-1]) |
4312 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: u,v !! Horizontal wind speed |
4313 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: tq_cdrag !! Surface drag coefficient |
4314 | |
4315 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
4316 | |
4317 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: runoff !! Surface runoff |
4318 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4319 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: drainage !! Drainage |
4320 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4321 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: evap_bare_lim !! Limitation factor (beta) for bare soil evaporation |
4322 | !! on each soil column (unitless, [0-1]) |
4323 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(out) :: evap_bare_lim_ns !! Limitation factor (beta) for bare soil evaporation |
4324 | !! on each soil column (unitless, [0-1]) |
4325 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: shumdiag !! Relative soil moisture in each diag soil layer |
4326 | !! with respect to (mcfc-mcw) (unitless, [0-1]) |
4327 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: shumdiag_perma !! Percent of porosity filled with water (mc/mcs) |
4328 | !! in each diag soil layer (for the thermal computations) |
4329 | !! (unitless, [0-1]) |
4330 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: k_litt !! Litter approximated hydraulic conductivity |
4331 | !! @tex $(mm d^{-1})$ @endtex |
4332 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: litterhumdiag !! Mean of soil_wet_litter across soil tiles |
4333 | !! (unitless, [0-1]) |
4334 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex, nvm), INTENT(out) :: vegstress !! Veg. moisture stress (only for vegetation |
4335 | !! growth) (unitless, [0-1]) |
4336 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: drysoil_frac !! Function of the litter humidity |
4337 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: mc_layh !! Volumetric water content (liquid + ice) for each soil layer |
4338 | !! averaged over the mesh (for thermosoil) |
4339 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
4340 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: mcl_layh !! Volumetric liquid water content for each soil layer |
4341 | !! averaged over the mesh (for thermosoil) |
4342 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
4343 | |
4344 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: qtot_to_river !! IGEM [kg/m2/dtsechiba] |
4345 | !! sometimes in m2(tile), sometimes in m2(grid) |
4346 | |
4347 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
4348 | |
4349 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(inout) :: vevapnu !! Bare soil evaporation |
4350 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4351 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (inout) :: humrel !! Relative humidity (0-1, dimensionless) |
4352 | |
4353 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
4354 | |
4355 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jv, jsl, jst !! Indices |
4356 | REAL(r_std), PARAMETER :: frac_mcs = 0.66 !! Temporary depth |
4357 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: temp !! Temporary value for fluxes |
4358 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmcold !! Total SM at beginning of hydrol_soil (kg/m2) |
4359 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmcint !! Ancillary total SM (kg/m2) |
4360 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm) :: mcint !! To save mc values for future use |
4361 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm) :: mclint !! To save mcl values for future use |
4362 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: is_under_mcr !! Identifies under residual soil moisture points |
4363 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: is_over_mcs !! Identifies over saturated soil moisture points |
4364 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: deltahum,diff,diff2 !! |
4365 | LOGICAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: test !! |
4366 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: water2extract !! Water flux to be extracted at the soil surface |
4367 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4368 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: returnflow_soil !! Water from the routing back to the bottom of |
4369 | !! the soil @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4370 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: reinfiltration_soil !! Water from the routing back to the top of the |
4371 | !! soil @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4372 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: irrigation_soil !! Water from irrigation returning to soil moisture |
4373 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4374 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: flux_infilt !! Water to infiltrate (IGEM -> nstm) |
4375 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4376 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: flux_bottom !! Flux at bottom of the soil column |
4377 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4378 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: flux_top !! Flux at top of the soil column (for bare soil evap) |
4379 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4380 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: qinfilt_ns !! Effective infiltration flux per soil tile |
4381 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4382 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: qinfilt !! Effective infiltration flux |
4383 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4384 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: ru_infilt_ns !! Surface runoff from hydrol_soil_infilt per soil tile |
4385 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4386 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: ru_infilt !! Surface runoff from hydrol_soil_infilt |
4387 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4388 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: ru_corr_ns !! Surface runoff produced to correct excess per soil tile |
4389 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4390 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: ru_corr !! Surface runoff produced to correct excess |
4391 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4392 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: ru_corr2_ns !! Correction of negative surface runoff per soil tile |
4393 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4394 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: ru_corr2 !! Correction of negative surface runoff |
4395 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4396 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: dr_corr_ns !! Drainage produced to correct excess |
4397 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4398 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: dr_corrnum_ns !! Drainage produced to correct numerical errors in tridiag |
4399 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4400 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: dr_corr !! Drainage produced to correct excess |
4401 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4402 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: dr_corrnum !! Drainage produced to correct numerical errors in tridiag |
4403 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2} dt\_sechiba^{-1})$ @endtex |
4404 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: dmc !! Delta mc when forcing saturation (zwt_force) |
4405 | !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex |
4406 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: dr_force_ns !! Delta drainage when forcing saturation (zwt_force) |
4407 | !! per soil tile @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4408 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: dr_force !! Delta drainage when forcing saturation (zwt_force) |
4409 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4410 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: wtd_ns !! Effective water table depth (m) |
4411 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: wtd !! Mean water table depth in the grid-cell (m) |
4412 | LOGICAL :: error=.FALSE. !! If true, exit in the end of subroutine |
4413 | |
4414 | ! For the calculation of soil_wet_ns and us/humrel/vegstress |
4415 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: sm !! Soil moisture of each layer (liquid phase) |
4416 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4417 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: smt !! Soil moisture of each layer (liquid+solid phase) |
4418 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4419 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: smw !! Soil moisture of each layer at wilting point |
4420 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4421 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: smf !! Soil moisture of each layer at field capacity |
4422 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4423 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: sms !! Soil moisture of each layer at saturation |
4424 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4425 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: sm_nostress !! Soil moisture of each layer at which us reaches 1 |
4426 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
4427 | ! For water conservation checks (in mm/dtstep unless otherwise mentioned) |
4428 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: check_infilt_ns !! Water conservation diagnostic at routine scale |
4429 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: check1_ns !! Water conservation diagnostic at routine scale |
4430 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: check_tr_ns !! Water conservation diagnostic at routine scale |
4431 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: check_over_ns !! Water conservation diagnostic at routine scale |
4432 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: check_under_ns !! Water conservation diagnostic at routine scale |
4433 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: check_wtd !! IGEM |
4434 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmci !! Total soil moisture at beginning of routine (kg/m2) |
4435 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmcf !! Total soil moisture at end of routine (kg/m2) |
4436 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: diag_tr !! Transpiration flux |
4437 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: diag_lat !! IGEM lateral flux |
4438 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: check_infilt !! Water conservation diagnostic at routine scale |
4439 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: check1 !! Water conservation diagnostic at routine scale |
4440 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: check_tr !! Water conservation diagnostic at routine scale |
4441 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: check_over !! Water conservation diagnostic at routine scale |
4442 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: check_under !! Water conservation diagnostic at routine scale |
4443 | |
4444 | ! Variables for calculation of a soil resistance, option do_rsoil (following the formulation of Sellers et al 1992, implemented in Oleson et al. 2008) |
4445 | REAL(r_std) :: speed !! magnitude of wind speed required for Aerodynamic resistance |
4446 | REAL(r_std) :: ra !! diagnosed aerodynamic resistance |
4447 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: mc_rel !! first layer relative soil moisture, required for rsoil |
4448 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: evap_soil !! soil evaporation from Oleson et al 2008 |
4449 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: r_soil_ns !! soil resistance from Oleson et al 2008 |
4450 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: r_soil !! soil resistance from Oleson et al 2008 |
4451 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmcs_litter !! Saturated soil moisture in the 4 "litter" soil layers |
4452 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nslm) :: nroot_tmp !! Temporary variable to calculate the nroot |
4453 | |
4454 | ! For CMIP6 and SP-MIP : ksat and matric pressure head psi(theta) |
4455 | REAL(r_std) :: mc_ratio, mvg, avg |
4456 | REAL(r_std) :: psi !! Matric head (per soil layer and soil tile) [mm=kg/m2] |
4457 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: psi_moy !! Mean matric head per soil layer [mm=kg/m2] |
4458 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: ksat !! Saturated hydraulic conductivity at each node (mm/d) |
4459 | |
4460 | !Local variables for IGEM diagnose |
4461 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: ru_wtd !(mm/dt_sechiba) IGEM water not infiltrated from the bottom |
4462 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: influx_from_bottom !(mm/dt_sechiba) !IGEM |
4463 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: influx_from_top !(mm/dt_sechiba) !IGEM !AD2 |
4464 | REAL(r_std) :: gradient !(unitless) !IGEM |
4465 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: water2infilt_int !IGEM variable tampon pour que check_cwrr fonctionne |
4466 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: swbr_ns !IGEM |
4467 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: ddens |
4468 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: b_lowland |
4469 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: dr_to_river |
4470 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: ru_to_river |
4471 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: qlat |
4472 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm,nstm) :: mc_before_corr |
4473 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm,nstm) :: mc_after_corr |
4474 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: check_resolv !IGEM19 |
4475 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: check_fluxtop !IGEM19 |
4476 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: tmat_diag !IGEM19pourtest |
4477 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: tmc_before_diag !IGEM19pourtest |
4478 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: tmc_after_diag !IGEM19pourtest |
4479 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: qlat_ns_diag !IGEM19pourtest |
4480 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: flxbot_diag !IGEM19pourtest |
4481 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: flxtop_diag !IGEM19pourtest |
4482 | INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: nstnowtd !AD19 |
4483 | |
4484 | |
4485 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
4486 | |
4487 | !! 0.1 Arrays with DIMENSION(kjpindex) |
4488 | |
4489 | returnflow_soil(:) = zero |
4490 | reinfiltration_soil(:) = zero |
4491 | irrigation_soil(:) = zero |
4492 | qflux(:,:,:) = zero |
4493 | mc_layh(:,:) = zero ! for thermosoil |
4494 | mcl_layh(:,:) = zero ! for thermosoil |
4495 | kk(:,:,:) = zero |
4496 | kk_moy(:,:) = zero |
4497 | undermcr(:) = zero ! needs to be initialized outside from jst loop |
4498 | ksat(:,:) = zero |
4499 | psi_moy(:,:) = zero |
4500 | !AD3: the initialization is tricky... not sure it's correct |
4501 | qtot_to_river(:) = zero !IGEM initialization OK, is only incremented in jst=4 |
4502 | !dr_to_river(:) = zero ! IGEN initialization OK since no need to initialize |
4503 | !ru_to_river(:) = zero !IGEM initialization OK since no need to initialize |
4504 | !ru_wtd(:) = zero !IGEM initialization OK since no need to initialize |
4505 | !swbr_ns(:,:) = zero !IGEM initialization OK since no need to initialize |
4506 | wtd_ns(:,:) = xios_default_val !IGEM |
4507 | rootsink(:,:,:) = zero !IGEM new |
4508 | check_resolv(:,:) = undef_sechiba !IGEM19 |
4509 | check_fluxtop(:,:) = undef_sechiba !IGEM19 |
4510 | |
4511 | IF (ok_freeze_cwrr) THEN |
4512 | |
4513 | ! 0.1 Calculate the temperature and fozen fraction at the hydrological levels |
4514 | |
4515 | ! AD16*** This subroutine could probably be simplified massively given |
4516 | ! that hydro and T share the same vertical discretization |
4517 | ! Here stempdiag is in from thermosoil and temp_hydro is out |
4518 | CALL hydrol_calculate_temp_hydro(kjpindex, stempdiag, snow,snowdz) |
4519 | |
4520 | ! Calculates profil_froz_hydro_ns as a function of temp_hydro, and mc if ok_thermodynamical_freezing |
4521 | ! These values will be kept till the end of the prognostic loop |
4522 | DO jst=1,nstm |
4523 | CALL hydrol_soil_froz(kjpindex,jst,njsc) |
4524 | ENDDO |
4525 | |
4526 | ELSE |
4527 | |
4528 | profil_froz_hydro_ns(:,:,:) = zero |
4529 | |
4530 | ENDIF |
4531 | |
4532 | !! 0.2 Split 2d variables to 3d variables, per soil tile |
4533 | ! Here, the evaporative fluxes are distributed over the soiltiles as a function of the |
4534 | ! corresponding control factors; they are normalized to vegtot |
4535 | ! At step 7, the reverse transformation is used for the fluxes produced in hydrol_soil |
4536 | ! flux_cell(ji)=sum(flux_ns(ji,jst)*soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji)) |
4537 | CALL hydrol_split_soil (kjpindex, veget_max, soiltile, vevapnu, transpir, humrel, & |
4538 | evap_bare_lim, evap_bare_lim_ns, tot_bare_soil) |
4539 | |
4540 | !! 0.3 Common variables related to routing, with all return flow applied to the soil surface |
4541 | ! The fluxes coming from the routing are uniformly splitted into the soiltiles, |
4542 | ! but are normalized to vegtot like the above fluxes: |
4543 | ! flux_ns(ji,jst)=flux_cell(ji)/vegtot(ji) |
4544 | ! It is the case for : irrigation_soil(ji) and reinfiltration_soil(ji) cf below |
4545 | ! It is also the case for subsinksoil(ji), which is divided by (1-tot_frac_nobio) at creation in hydrol_snow |
4546 | ! AD16*** The transformation in 0.2 and 0.3 is likely to induce conservation problems |
4547 | ! when tot_frac_nobio NE 0, since sum(soiltile) NE vegtot in this case |
4548 | |
4549 | |
4550 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
4551 | IF(vegtot(ji).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
4552 | ! returnflow_soil is assumed to enter from the bottom, but it is not possible with CWRR |
4553 | returnflow_soil(ji) = zero |
4554 | reinfiltration_soil(ji) = (returnflow(ji) + reinfiltration(ji))/vegtot(ji) |
4555 | irrigation_soil(ji) = irrigation(ji)/vegtot(ji) |
4556 | ELSE |
4557 | returnflow_soil(ji) = zero |
4558 | reinfiltration_soil(ji) = zero |
4559 | irrigation_soil(ji) = zero |
4560 | ENDIF |
4561 | ENDDO |
4562 | |
4563 | !! -- START MAIN LOOP (prognostic loop to update mc and mcl) OVER SOILTILES |
4564 | !! The called subroutines work on arrays with DIMENSION(kjpindex), |
4565 | !! recursively used for each soiltile jst |
4566 | |
4567 | DO jst = 1,nstm |
4568 | |
4569 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) 'hydrol_soil for jst =', jst |
4570 | |
4571 | is_under_mcr(:,jst) = .FALSE. |
4572 | is_over_mcs(:) = .FALSE. |
4573 | |
4574 | !! 0.4. Keep initial values for future check-up |
4575 | |
4576 | ! Total moisture content (including water2infilt) is saved for balance checks at the end |
4577 | ! In hydrol_tmc_update, tmc is increased by water2infilt(ji,jst), but mc is not modified ! |
4578 | tmcold(:) = tmc(:,jst) |
4579 | |
4580 | !IGEM: the value of water2infilt is added to tmc at the end of hydrol_soil |
4581 | ! teh value of the previous time step is saved here if needed to test conservation |
4582 | water2infilt_int(:,jst) = water2infilt(:,jst) |
4583 | |
4584 | ! The value of mc is kept in mcint (nstm dimension removed), in case needed for water balance checks |
4585 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
4586 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4587 | mcint(ji,jsl) = mask_soiltile(ji,jst) * mc(ji,jsl,jst) |
4588 | ENDDO |
4589 | ENDDO |
4590 | ! |
4591 | ! Initial total moisture content : tmcint does not include water2infilt, contrarily to tmcold |
4592 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4593 | tmcint(ji) = dz(2) * ( trois*mcint(ji,1) + mcint(ji,2) )/huit |
4594 | ENDDO |
4595 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
4596 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4597 | tmcint(ji) = tmcint(ji) + dz(jsl) & |
4598 | & * (trois*mcint(ji,jsl)+mcint(ji,jsl-1))/huit & |
4599 | & + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mcint(ji,jsl)+mcint(ji,jsl+1))/huit |
4600 | ENDDO |
4601 | ENDDO |
4602 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4603 | tmcint(ji) = tmcint(ji) + dz(nslm) & |
4604 | & * (trois * mcint(ji,nslm) + mcint(ji,nslm-1))/huit |
4605 | ENDDO |
4606 | |
4608 | !! Input = water2infilt(ji,jst) + irrigation_soil(ji) + reinfiltration_soil(ji) + precisol_ns(ji,jst) |
4609 | !! - negative evaporation fluxes (MIN(ae_ns(ji,jst),zero)+ MIN(subsinksoil(ji),zero)) |
4610 | !! Output = MAX(ae_ns(ji,jst),zero) + subsinksoil(ji) = positive evaporation flux = water2extract |
4611 | ! In practice, negative subsinksoil(ji) is not possible |
4612 | |
4613 | !! 1.0 IGEM: We process the fluxes from upland tiles/routing to lowland tile (jst=4) |
4614 | |
4615 | |
4616 | !flowtowtd(:) = zero !TEST |
4617 | !reinf_from_fast(:) = zero !TEST |
4618 | |
4619 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4620 | IF(jst.EQ.4)THEN !IGEM |
4621 | ! AD2: we concentrate the fluxes from routing, in (kg/m2tile/dtsechiba), over the lowland area |
4622 | influx_from_bottom(ji) = flowtowtd(ji)/(soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji)) !IGEM(kg/m2tile/dtsechiba) |
4623 | influx_from_top(ji) = reinf_from_fast(ji)/(soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji)) !AD2 |
4624 | |
4625 | IF (soiltile(ji,jst) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN ! for infiltration |
4626 | reinfiltration_soil(ji) = reinfiltration_soil(ji) & |
4627 | + influx_from_top(ji) !IGEM(kg/m2tile/dtsechiba) |
4628 | ELSE |
4629 | !If no lowlands, inputs from uplands are directly add to the qtot_to_river flow, |
4630 | !and no infiltration is done in lowlands. These inflow will be |
4631 | !added to qtot_to_river in hydrol_diag_soil(). |
4632 | influx_from_top(ji) = zero ! This will be dealt with in hydrol_diag, it's simpler like this |
4633 | influx_from_bottom(ji) = zero |
4634 | reinfiltration_soil(ji) = zero ! very likely useless |
4635 | ENDIF |
4636 | ELSE !AD2 upland tiles |
4637 | influx_from_bottom(ji) = zero |
4638 | influx_from_top(ji) = zero ! probably useless |
4639 | ENDIF !IGEM |
4640 | |
4641 | !! 1.1 Reduces water2infilt and water2extract to their difference |
4642 | ! Compares water2infilt and water2extract to keep only difference |
4643 | ! Here, temp is used as a temporary variable to store the min of water to infiltrate vs evaporate |
4644 | |
4645 | temp(ji) = MIN(water2infilt(ji,jst) + irrigation_soil(ji) + reinfiltration_soil(ji) & |
4646 | - MIN(ae_ns(ji,jst),zero) - MIN(subsinksoil(ji),zero) + precisol_ns(ji,jst), & |
4647 | MAX(ae_ns(ji,jst),zero) + MAX(subsinksoil(ji),zero) ) |
4648 | ENDDO |
4649 | |
4650 | ! The water to infiltrate at the soil surface is either 0, or the difference to what has to be evaporated |
4651 | ! - the initial water2infilt (right hand side) results from qsintveg changes with vegetation updates |
4652 | ! - irrigation_soil is the input flux to the soil surface from irrigation |
4653 | ! - reinfiltration_soil is the input flux to the soil surface from routing 'including returnflow) |
4654 | ! - eventually, water2infilt holds all fluxes to the soil surface except precisol (reduced by water2extract) |
4655 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4656 | water2infilt(ji,jst) = water2infilt(ji,jst) + irrigation_soil(ji) + reinfiltration_soil(ji) & |
4657 | - MIN(ae_ns(ji,jst),zero) - MIN(subsinksoil(ji),zero) + precisol_ns(ji,jst) & |
4658 | - temp(ji) |
4659 | ENDDO |
4660 | |
4661 | ! The water to evaporate from the sol surface is either the difference to what has to be infiltrated, or 0 |
4662 | ! - subsinksoil is the residual from sublimation is the snowpack is not sufficient |
4663 | ! - how are the negative values of ae_ns taken into account ??? |
4664 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4665 | water2extract(ji) = MAX(ae_ns(ji,jst),zero) + MAX(subsinksoil(ji),zero) - temp(ji) |
4666 | ENDDO |
4667 | |
4668 | ! Here we acknowledge that subsinksoil is part of ae_ns, but ae_ns is not used further |
4669 | ae_ns(:,jst) = ae_ns(:,jst) + subsinksoil(:) |
4670 | |
4671 | !! 1.2 To remove water2extract (including bare soil) from top layer |
4672 | flux_top(:) = water2extract(:) |
4673 | |
4674 | !! 1.3 Infiltration |
4675 | |
4676 | !! Definition of flux_infilt |
4677 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4678 | ! Initialise the flux to be infiltrated |
4679 | flux_infilt(ji,jst) = water2infilt(ji,jst) |
4680 | ENDDO |
4681 | |
4682 | !! K and D are computed for the profile of mc before infiltration |
4683 | !! They depend on the fraction of soil ice, given by profil_froz_hydro_ns |
4684 | CALL hydrol_soil_coef(kjpindex,jst,njsc) |
4685 | |
4686 | !! Infiltration and surface runoff are computed |
4687 | !! Infiltration stems from comparing liquid water2infilt to initial total mc (liquid+ice) |
4688 | !! The conductivity comes from hydrol_soil_coef and relates to the liquid phase only |
4689 | ! This seems consistent with ok_freeze |
4690 | CALL hydrol_soil_infilt(kjpindex, jst, njsc, flux_infilt, qinfilt_ns, ru_infilt_ns, & |
4691 | check_infilt_ns) |
4692 | ru_ns(:,jst) = ru_infilt_ns(:,jst) |
4693 | |
4694 | ! to comment if water2infilt_int in test(ji) check_cwrr |
4695 | ! 1.4 Reinfiltration of surface runoff : compute temporary surface water and extract from runoff |
4696 | ! Evrything here is liquid |
4697 | ! RK: water2infilt is both a volume for future reinfiltration (in mm) |
4698 | ! and a correction term for surface runoff (in mm/dt_sechiba) |
4699 | IF ( .NOT. doponds ) THEN ! this is the general case... |
4700 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4701 | water2infilt(ji,jst) = reinf_slope(ji) * ru_ns(ji,jst) |
4702 | ENDDO |
4703 | ELSE |
4704 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4705 | water2infilt(ji,jst) = zero |
4706 | ENDDO |
4707 | ENDIF |
4708 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4709 | ru_ns(ji,jst) = ru_ns(ji,jst) - water2infilt(ji,jst) |
4710 | END DO |
4711 | |
4712 | |
4713 | !! 1.5 IGEM: |
4714 | !! Flow from the slow reservoir (routing) is distributed from the bottom to |
4715 | !! the surface in the soil column. At first time, each layer is filled |
4716 | !! simply without any resistance (like the infiltration of the first layer) |
4717 | !! until total consumption of the influx_from_bottom |
4718 | |
4719 | IF (jst.EQ.4) THEN !IGEM |
4720 | check_wtd(:) = zero |
4721 | IF(zwt_force(1,4) .GT. zmaxh) CALL hydrol_soil_wtd(kjpindex,njsc,soiltile,influx_from_bottom,ru_wtd,check_wtd) |
4722 | ! ru_wtd is the part of influx_from_bottom that cannot enter the soiltile |
4723 | ! it is written with xios in hydrol_soil_wtd (very small) |
4724 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
4725 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("check_wtd",check_wtd/dt_sechiba)!IGEM |
4726 | ENDIF |
4727 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("ru_wtd",(ru_wtd*soiltile(:,jst))/dt_sechiba) !kg/m2grid/s |
4728 | qtot_to_river(:) = qtot_to_river(:) + ru_wtd(:) |
4729 | |
4730 | |
4731 | !IGEM 2018 diagnose WTD in tile 4 to calculate lateral sink |
4732 | ! The water table depth corresponds to the soil depth zz(jsl) |
4733 | ! below which the layer are very close to saturation. |
4734 | ! The mc(ji,jsl-1,4)*dh(jsl-1)) term is just here to give |
4735 | ! a wtd independent from the vertical resolution. |
4736 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4737 | jsl=nslm |
4738 | DO WHILE((mc(ji,jsl,4) .GE. 0.98*mcs(njsc(ji))) .AND. (jsl > 1)) |
4739 | !wtd_ns(ji,4) = zlh(jsl) |
4740 | !wtd_ns(ji,4) = zlh(jsl-1)-mc(ji,jsl-1,4)*dh(jsl-1)/(mcs(njsc(ji))*mille) |
4741 | ! TV2018: Negative values possible for wtd_ns with the previous |
4742 | ! line. Solution: Not include the top layer in wtd (ie MAX(zlh(1),wtd)) or MAX(0,wtd) |
4743 | wtd_ns(ji,4) = MAX(zlh(1),zlh(jsl-1)-mc(ji,jsl-1,4)*dh(jsl-1)/(mcs(njsc(ji))*mille)) |
4744 | ! dh is layer height; division by mcs because the water table height depends on porosity |
4745 | ! AD18: you would probably have a better WTD estimation by testing if smt EQ mcs*dh; |
4746 | ! this implies to recalculate smt before this test + sm and |
4747 | ! smw for the test on lateral_sink |
4748 | jsl=jsl-1 |
4749 | ENDDO |
4750 | ENDDO |
4751 | |
4752 | ENDIF !IGEM |
4753 | |
4755 | !! This will act on mcl only |
4756 | |
4757 | !! 2.1 K and D are recomputed after infiltration |
4758 | !! They depend on the fraction of soil ice, still given by profil_froz_hydro_ns |
4759 | CALL hydrol_soil_coef(kjpindex,jst,njsc) |
4760 | |
4761 | !! 2.2 Set the tridiagonal matrix coefficients for the diffusion/redistribution scheme |
4762 | !! This process will further act on mcl only, based on a, b, d from hydrol_soil_coef |
4763 | CALL hydrol_soil_setup(kjpindex,jst) |
4764 | |
4765 | !! 2.3 We define mcl (liquid water content) based on mc and profil_froz_hydro_ns |
4766 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
4767 | DO ji =1, kjpindex |
4768 | mcl(ji,jsl,jst)= MIN( mc(ji,jsl,jst), mcr(njsc(ji)) + & |
4769 | (un-profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji,jsl,jst))*(mc(ji,jsl,jst)-mcr(njsc(ji)))) |
4770 | ! we always have mcl<=mc |
4771 | ! if mc>mcr, then mcl>mcr; if mc=mcr,mcl=mcr; if mc<mcr, then mcl<mcr |
4772 | ! if profil_froz_hydro_ns=0 (including NOT ok_freeze_cwrr) we keep mcl=mc |
4773 | ENDDO |
4774 | ENDDO |
4775 | ! The value of mcl is kept in mclint (nstm dimension removed), used in the flux computation after diffusion |
4776 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
4777 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4778 | mclint(ji,jsl) = mask_soiltile(ji,jst) * mcl(ji,jsl,jst) |
4779 | ENDDO |
4780 | ENDDO |
4781 | |
4782 | !! IGEM: Calculate sink term due to lateral flux from lowland tile (jst=4) to river |
4783 | |
4784 | lateral_sink(:,:,:) = zero ! for upland soiltiles, and top and bottom layers of lowland tile |
4785 | ! mettre cette inititialisation en dehors de la boucle si indice jst pour |
4786 | ! laterral!! |
4787 | IF (jst .EQ. 4) THEN |
4788 | |
4789 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
4790 | IF (soiltile(ji,jst).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
4791 | |
4792 | ! Calculation of the lateral sink for each layer |
4793 | DO jsl=2,nslm-1 !no lateral flow for the top and bottom layers |
4794 | |
4795 | IF ((wtd_ns(ji,jst).LT.zmaxh) .AND. (zlh(jsl).GT.wtd_ns(ji,jst))) THEN |
4796 | |
4797 | ! We first need to define the geometry of the lowland aquifer |
4798 | ! We need the drainage density dd in km-1, and the river |
4799 | ! length vanishes from the equations |
4800 | ddens(ji) = 0.535 ! in km-1, prescribed until we read it from a map |
4801 | ! value from Ardalan, average in the Seine |
4802 | b_lowland(ji) = 1000.0/(2.0*(ddens(ji)+min_sechiba)) |
4803 | ! ddens in km-1, b_lowland in m for mean aquifer breadth in lowland tile |
4804 | |
4805 | ! zmaxh in m ; wtd_ns in m ; b_lowland(ji) in m |
4806 | gradient = (zmaxh-wtd_ns(ji,jst))/b_lowland(ji) ! no dim |
4807 | |
4808 | ! Darcy flux |
4809 | ! k in mm/d ; dh in mm so dh/1000 in m ; length_hillslope in m |
4810 | ! RC_fac is inserted as a non dimensional factor to |
4811 | ! account for variations of K along the horizontal |
4812 | ! (Kh increased from anisotropy or increased from clogging of river bed sediment) |
4813 | lateral_sink(ji,jsl,jst) = RC_fac * (pi/2.0)*(pi/2.0) & ! pi^2/4 = numerical factor from Brutsaert p 401 |
4814 | * k(ji,jsl)*(dt_sechiba/one_day) * (dh(jsl)/mille) * gradient & |
4815 | / b_lowland(ji) ! flux in mm/dt_sechiba |
4816 | ! This is very close to the long-term solution of the linearized Boussinesq equation |
4817 | ! at catchment scale stating q = S/tau with S the aquifer volume expressed in mm |
4818 | ! and 1/tau = (pi*pi)*T*dd*dd/ne |
4819 | ! ne = porosity so S/ne gives wtd ; T is the sum of k(jsl)*(dh(jsl)/mille) ; dd = 1/(2*b) |
4820 | |
4821 | ! If the lateral sink (demand) is higher than the water content (mm) of the layer (supply), |
4822 | ! the lateral sink is just equal the extractable water of the layer |
4823 | |
4824 | ! Update of sm (liquid) after infiltration from top and bottom |
4825 | sm(ji,jsl) = dz(jsl) * (trois*mcl(ji,jsl,jst)+mcl(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
4826 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mcl(ji,jsl,jst)+mcl(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
4827 | lateral_sink(ji,jsl,jst) = MAX(0.0,MIN((sm(ji,jsl)-smw(ji,jsl)),lateral_sink(ji,jsl,jst))) |
4828 | ENDIF |
4829 | ENDDO |
4830 | ENDIF |
4831 | ENDDO |
4832 | |
4833 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("lateral_sink",lateral_sink(:,:,4)/dt_sechiba)!IGEM (mm/s) |
4834 | ENDIF !IGEM |
4835 | |
4836 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
4837 | DO ji =1, kjpindex |
4838 | mcl(ji,jsl,jst)= MIN( mc(ji,jsl,jst), mcr(njsc(ji)) + & |
4839 | (un-profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji,jsl,jst))*(mc(ji,jsl,jst)-mcr(njsc(ji)))) |
4840 | ! we always have mcl<=mc |
4841 | ! if mc>mcr, then mcl>mcr; if mc=mcr,mcl=mcr; if mc<mcr, then |
4842 | ! mcl<mcr |
4843 | ! if profil_froz_hydro_ns=0 (including NOT ok_freeze_cwrr) we keep |
4844 | ! mcl=mc |
4845 | ENDDO |
4846 | ENDDO |
4847 | |
4848 | CALL hydrol_soil_coef(kjpindex,jst,njsc) |
4849 | CALL hydrol_soil_setup(kjpindex,jst) |
4850 | |
4851 | |
4852 | !! 2.3bis Diagnostic of the matric potential used for redistribution by Richards/tridiag (in m) |
4853 | ! We use VG relationship giving psi as a function of mc (mcl in our case) |
4854 | ! With patches against numerical pbs when (mc_ratio - un) becomes very slightly negative (gives NaN) |
4855 | ! or if psi become too strongly negative (pbs with xios output) |
4856 | DO jsl=1, nslm |
4857 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4858 | IF (soiltile(ji,jst) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
4859 | mvg = un - un / nvan_mod_tab(jsl,njsc(ji)) |
4860 | avg = avan_mod_tab(jsl,njsc(ji))*1000. ! to convert in m-1 |
4861 | mc_ratio = MAX( 10.**(-14*mvg), (mcl(ji,jsl,jst) - mcr(njsc(ji)))/(mcs(njsc(ji)) - mcr(njsc(ji))) )**(-un/mvg) |
4862 | psi = - MAX(zero,(mc_ratio - un))**(un/nvan_mod_tab(jsl,njsc(ji))) / avg ! in m |
4863 | psi_moy(ji,jsl) = psi_moy(ji,jsl) + soiltile(ji,jst) * psi ! average across soil tiles |
4864 | ENDIF |
4865 | ENDDO |
4866 | ENDDO |
4867 | |
4868 | |
4869 | !mc_before_corr(:,:,jst) = mc(:,:,jst) |
4870 | |
4871 | !! 2.4 We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine tridiag for water conservation check |
4872 | ! (on mcl only, since the diffusion only modifies mcl) |
4873 | tmci(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mcl(:,1,jst) + mcl(:,2,jst) )/huit |
4874 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
4875 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mcl(:,jsl,jst)+mcl(:,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
4876 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mcl(:,jsl,jst)+mcl(:,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
4877 | ENDDO |
4878 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mcl(:,nslm,jst) + mcl(:,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
4879 | |
4880 | !! 2.5 Defining where diffusion is solved : everywhere |
4881 | !! Since mc>mcs is not possible after infiltration, and we accept that mc<mcr |
4882 | !! (corrected later by shutting off all evaporative fluxes in this case) |
4883 | ! Nothing is done if resolv=F |
4884 | resolv(:) = (mask_soiltile(:,jst) .GT. 0) |
4885 | |
4886 | !! 2.6 We define the system of linear equations for mcl redistribution, |
4887 | !! based on the matrix coefficients from hydrol_soil_setup |
4888 | !! following the PhD thesis of de Rosnay (1999), p155-157 |
4889 | !! The bare soil evaporation (subtracted from infiltration) is used directly as flux_top |
4890 | ! rhs for right-hand side term; fp for f'; gp for g'; ep for e'; with flux=0 ! |
4891 | |
4892 | !- First layer |
4893 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4894 | tmat(ji,1,1) = zero |
4895 | tmat(ji,1,2) = f(ji,1) |
4896 | tmat(ji,1,3) = g1(ji,1) |
4897 | rhs(ji,1) = fp(ji,1) * mcl(ji,1,jst) + gp(ji,1)*mcl(ji,2,jst) & |
4898 | & - flux_top(ji) - (b(ji,1)+b(ji,2))/deux *(dt_sechiba/one_day) & |
4899 | & - rootsink(ji,1,jst) - lateral_sink(ji,1,jst) !IGEM=0 |
4900 | ENDDO |
4901 | !- soil body |
4902 | DO jsl=2, nslm-1 |
4903 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4904 | tmat(ji,jsl,1) = e(ji,jsl) |
4905 | tmat(ji,jsl,2) = f(ji,jsl) |
4906 | tmat(ji,jsl,3) = g1(ji,jsl) |
4907 | rhs(ji,jsl) = ep(ji,jsl)*mcl(ji,jsl-1,jst) + fp(ji,jsl)*mcl(ji,jsl,jst) & |
4908 | & + gp(ji,jsl) * mcl(ji,jsl+1,jst) & |
4909 | & + (b(ji,jsl-1) - b(ji,jsl+1)) * (dt_sechiba/one_day) / deux & |
4910 | & - rootsink(ji,jsl,jst) - lateral_sink(ji,jsl,jst) !IGEM |
4911 | ENDDO |
4912 | ENDDO |
4913 | !- Last layer, including drainage |
4914 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4915 | jsl=nslm |
4916 | tmat(ji,jsl,1) = e(ji,jsl) |
4917 | tmat(ji,jsl,2) = f(ji,jsl) |
4918 | tmat(ji,jsl,3) = zero |
4919 | rhs(ji,jsl) = ep(ji,jsl)*mcl(ji,jsl-1,jst) + fp(ji,jsl)*mcl(ji,jsl,jst) & |
4920 | & + (b(ji,jsl-1) + b(ji,jsl)*(un-deux*free_drain_coef(ji,jst))) * (dt_sechiba/one_day) / deux & |
4921 | & - rootsink(ji,jsl,jst) - lateral_sink(ji,jsl,jst) !IGEM=0 |
4922 | ENDDO |
4923 | !- Store the equations in case needed again |
4924 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
4925 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4926 | srhs(ji,jsl) = rhs(ji,jsl) |
4927 | stmat(ji,jsl,1) = tmat(ji,jsl,1) |
4928 | stmat(ji,jsl,2) = tmat(ji,jsl,2) |
4929 | stmat(ji,jsl,3) = tmat(ji,jsl,3) |
4930 | ENDDO |
4931 | ENDDO |
4932 | |
4933 | !! 2.7 Solves diffusion equations, but only in grid-cells where resolv is true, i.e. everywhere (cf 2.2) |
4934 | !! The result is an updated mcl profile |
4935 | |
4936 | |
4937 | CALL hydrol_soil_tridiag(kjpindex,jst) |
4938 | |
4939 | |
4940 | !! 2.8 Computes drainage = bottom boundary condition, consistent with rhs(ji,jsl=nslm) |
4941 | ! dr_ns in mm/dt_sechiba, from k in mm/d |
4942 | ! This should be done where resolv=T, like tridiag (drainage is part of the linear system !) |
4943 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
4944 | IF (resolv(ji)) THEN |
4945 | dr_ns(ji,jst) = mask_soiltile(ji,jst)*k(ji,nslm)*free_drain_coef(ji,jst)*(dt_sechiba/one_day) |
4946 | ELSE |
4947 | dr_ns(ji,jst) = zero |
4948 | ENDIF |
4949 | ENDDO |
4950 | |
4951 | !! 2.9 For water conservation check during redistribution AND CORRECTION, |
4952 | !! we calculate the total liquid SM at the end of the routine tridiag |
4953 | tmcf(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mcl(:,1,jst) + mcl(:,2,jst) )/huit |
4954 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
4955 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mcl(:,jsl,jst)+mcl(:,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
4956 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mcl(:,jsl,jst)+mcl(:,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
4957 | ENDDO |
4958 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mcl(:,nslm,jst) + mcl(:,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
4959 | |
4960 | !! And we compare the difference with the flux... |
4961 | ! Normally, tcmf=tmci-flux_top(ji)-transpir-dr_ns |
4962 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
4963 | diag_tr(ji)=SUM(rootsink(ji,:,jst)) |
4964 | diag_lat(ji)=SUM(lateral_sink(ji,:,jst)) !IGEM, it is zero outside of lowland |
4965 | ENDDO |
4966 | |
4967 | qtot_to_river(:) = qtot_to_river(:) + diag_lat(:) !IGEM |
4968 | |
4969 | ! Here, check_tr_ns holds the inaccuracy during the redistribution phase |
4970 | check_tr_ns(:,jst) = tmcf(:)-(tmci(:)-flux_top(:)-dr_ns(:,jst)-diag_tr(:)-diag_lat(:)) !IGEM |
4971 | |
4972 | !! We solve here the numerical errors that happen when the soil is close to saturation |
4973 | !! and drainage very high, and which lead to negative check_tr_ns: the soil dries more |
4974 | !! than what is demanded by the fluxes, so we need to increase the fluxes. |
4975 | !! This is done by increasing the drainage. |
4976 | !! There are also instances of positive check_tr_ns, larger when the drainage is high |
4977 | !! They are similarly corrected by a decrease of dr_ns, in the limit of keeping a positive drainage. |
4978 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
4979 | IF ( check_tr_ns(ji,jst) .LT. zero ) THEN |
4980 | dr_corrnum_ns(ji,jst) = -check_tr_ns(ji,jst) ! dr_corrnum_ns >0 |
4981 | ELSE |
4982 | dr_corrnum_ns(ji,jst) = -MIN(dr_ns(ji,jst),check_tr_ns(ji,jst)) !dr_corrnum_ns <0 |
4983 | ! AD18: on est négatif donc on passe ici |
4984 | ! pourquoi de telles valeurs negatives alors que dr_ns devrait etre nul, donc dr_corrnum_ns aussi...? |
4985 | ! docn est-ce que free_drain_coef est bien nul dans la tile 4??? |
4986 | ENDIF |
4987 | dr_ns(ji,jst) = dr_ns(ji,jst) + dr_corrnum_ns(ji,jst) ! dr_ns increases/decrease if check_tr negative/positive |
4988 | ENDDO |
4989 | !! For water conservation check during redistribution |
4990 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
4991 | check_tr_ns(:,jst) = tmcf(:)-(tmci(:)-flux_top(:)-dr_ns(:,jst)-diag_tr(:)-diag_lat(:)) !IGEM |
4992 | ENDIF |
4993 | |
4995 | |
4996 | !! 3.1 Updating mc, as all the following checks against saturation will compare mc to mcs |
4997 | ! The frozen fraction is constant, so that any water flux to/from a layer changes |
4998 | ! both mcl and the ice amount. The assumption behind this is that water entering/leaving |
4999 | ! a soil layer immediately freezes/melts with the proportion profil_froz_hydro_ns/(1-profil_...) |
5000 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
5001 | DO ji =1, kjpindex |
5002 | mc(ji,jsl,jst) = MAX( mcl(ji,jsl,jst), mcl(ji,jsl,jst) + & |
5003 | profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji,jsl,jst)*(mc(ji,jsl,jst)-mcr(njsc(ji))) ) |
5004 | ! if profil_froz_hydro_ns=0 (including NOT ok_freeze_cwrr) we get mc=mcl |
5005 | ENDDO |
5006 | ENDDO |
5007 | |
5008 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
5009 | DO ji =1, kjpindex |
5010 | mcl(ji,jsl,jst)= MIN( mc(ji,jsl,jst), mcr(njsc(ji)) + & |
5011 | (un-profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji,jsl,jst))*(mc(ji,jsl,jst)-mcr(njsc(ji)))) |
5012 | ! we always have mcl<=mc |
5013 | ! if mc>mcr, then mcl>mcr; if mc=mcr,mcl=mcr; if mc<mcr, then |
5014 | ! mcl<mcr |
5015 | ! if profil_froz_hydro_ns=0 (including NOT ok_freeze_cwrr) we keep |
5016 | ! mcl=mc |
5017 | ENDDO |
5018 | ENDDO |
5019 | |
5020 | !! 3.2 Correct here the possible over-saturation values (subroutine hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs2 acts on mc) |
5021 | ! Oversaturation results from numerical inaccuracies and can be frequent if free_drain_coef=0 |
5022 | ! Here hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs2 discard all excess as ru_corr_ns, oriented to either ru_ns or dr_ns |
5023 | ! The former routine hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs, which keeps most of the excess in the soiltile |
5024 | ! after smoothing, first downward then upward, is kept in the module but not used here |
5025 | dr_corr_ns(:,jst) = zero |
5026 | ru_corr_ns(:,jst) = zero |
5027 | IF(jst.EQ.4)THEN |
5028 | call hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs(kjpindex, jst, njsc, is_over_mcs, ru_corr_ns, check_over_ns) |
5029 | ELSE |
5030 | CALL hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs2(kjpindex, jst, njsc, is_over_mcs,ru_corr_ns, check_over_ns) |
5031 | ENDIF |
5032 | |
5033 | ! In absence of freezing, if F is large enough, the correction of oversaturation is sent to drainage |
5034 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5035 | IF ((free_drain_coef(ji,jst) .GE. 0.5) .AND. (.NOT. ok_freeze_cwrr) ) THEN |
5036 | dr_corr_ns(ji,jst) = ru_corr_ns(ji,jst) |
5037 | ru_corr_ns(ji,jst) = zero |
5038 | ENDIF |
5039 | ENDDO |
5040 | dr_ns(:,jst) = dr_ns(:,jst) + dr_corr_ns(:,jst) |
5041 | ru_ns(:,jst) = ru_ns(:,jst) + ru_corr_ns(:,jst) |
5042 | |
5043 | !! 3.3 Negative runoff is reported to drainage |
5044 | ! Since we computed ru_ns directly from hydrol_soil_infilt, ru_ns should not be negative |
5045 | |
5046 | ru_corr2_ns(:,jst) = zero |
5047 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5048 | IF (ru_ns(ji,jst) .LT. zero) THEN |
5049 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) 'NEGATIVE RU_NS: runoff and drainage before correction',& |
5050 | ru_ns(ji,jst),dr_ns(ji,jst) |
5051 | dr_ns(ji,jst)=dr_ns(ji,jst)+ru_ns(ji,jst) |
5052 | ru_corr2_ns(ji,jst) = -ru_ns(ji,jst) |
5053 | ru_ns(ji,jst)= 0. |
5054 | END IF |
5055 | ENDDO |
5056 | |
5057 | !! 3.5 Diagnose under_mcr to adapt water stress calculation below |
5058 | ! This routine does not change tmc but decides where |
5059 | ! we should turn off ET to prevent further mc decrease |
5060 | ! Like above, the tests are made on total mc, compared to mcr |
5061 | CALL hydrol_soil_smooth_under_mcr(kjpindex, jst, njsc, is_under_mcr, check_under_ns) |
5062 | |
5063 | !! 3.6 Diagnosing the effective water table depth: |
5064 | !! Defined as as the smallest jsl value when mc(jsl) is no more at saturation (mcs), |
5065 | !! starting from the bottom |
5066 | ! If there is a part of the soil which is saturated but underlain with unsaturated nodes, |
5067 | ! this is not considered as a water table |
5068 | !TV2018 IGEM: Second calculation of wtd for output (after redistribution |
5069 | !and oversaturation correction) |
5070 | IF (jst.EQ.4) THEN !IGEM |
5071 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5072 | jsl=nslm |
5073 | DO WHILE((mc(ji,jsl,4) .GE. 0.98*mcs(njsc(ji))) .AND. (jsl > 1)) |
5074 | wtd_ns(ji,4) = MAX(zlh(1),zlh(jsl-1)-mc(ji,jsl-1,4)*dh(jsl-1)/(mcs(njsc(ji))*mille)) |
5075 | jsl=jsl-1 |
5076 | ENDDO |
5077 | ENDDO |
5078 | ENDIF !IGEM |
5079 | |
5080 | !! IGEM: Total output fluxes from the lowland tile |
5081 | IF (jst.EQ.4) THEN |
5082 | DO ji = 1,kjpindex |
5083 | qtot_to_river(ji) = qtot_to_river(ji)+dr_ns(ji,jst)+ru_ns(ji,jst) ! still in kg/m2tile/dt |
5084 | ! qtot-to_tiver exported in kg/m2(grid)/s in hydrol_diag_soil ; holds ru_wtd and diaglat |
5085 | dr_to_river(ji) = (ru_wtd(ji)+diag_lat(ji)+dr_ns(ji,jst))*soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji) |
5086 | ru_to_river(ji) = ru_ns(ji,jst)*soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji) |
5087 | qlat(ji) = diag_lat(ji)*soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji) |
5088 | dr_ns(ji,jst) = zero ! to avoid recycling |
5089 | ru_ns(ji,jst) = zero ! to avoid recycling |
5090 | ENDDO |
5091 | ENDIF |
5092 | |
5093 | !! 4. At the end of the prognostic calculations, we recompute important moisture variables |
5094 | |
5095 | !! 4.1 Total soil moisture content (water2infilt added below) |
5096 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5097 | tmc(ji,jst) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(ji,1,jst) + mc(ji,2,jst) )/huit |
5098 | ENDDO |
5099 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
5100 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5101 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + dz(jsl) & |
5102 | & * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
5103 | & + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
5104 | ENDDO |
5105 | ENDDO |
5106 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5107 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + dz(nslm) & |
5108 | & * (trois * mc(ji,nslm,jst) + mc(ji,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
5109 | END DO |
5110 | |
5111 | !! 4.2 mcl is a module variable; we update it here for calculating bare soil evaporation, |
5112 | !! and in case we would like to export it (xios) |
5113 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
5114 | DO ji =1, kjpindex |
5115 | mcl(ji,jsl,jst)= MIN( mc(ji,jsl,jst), mcr(njsc(ji)) + & |
5116 | (un-profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji,jsl,jst))*(mc(ji,jsl,jst)-mcr(njsc(ji))) ) |
5117 | ! if profil_froz_hydro_ns=0 (including NOT ok_freeze_cwrr) we keep mcl=mc |
5118 | ENDDO |
5119 | ENDDO |
5120 | |
5121 | !! 5. Optional check of the water balance of soil column (if check_cwrr) |
5122 | |
5123 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
5124 | |
5125 | !! 5.1 Computation of the vertical water fluxes |
5126 | !CALL hydrol_soil_flux(kjpindex,jst,mclint,flux_top) !AD18: lateral_sink are missing here!! |
5127 | |
5128 | !! 5.2 Total mc conservation |
5129 | DO ji = 1,kjpindex |
5130 | |
5131 | ! Former Case: |
5132 | !deltahum(ji) = (tmc(ji,jst) - tmcold(ji)) |
5133 | !diff(ji) = flux_infilt(ji,jst) + influx_from_bottom(ji) - flux_top(ji) &!IGEM |
5134 | ! - diag_tr(ji) - qtot_to_river(ji) - ru_ns(ji,jst) - dr_ns(ji,jst) - ru_wtd(ji)& !IGEM |
5135 | ! - water2infilt_int(ji,jst) !IGEM |
5136 | |
5137 | !Case 1: works! same stwbr and twbr than case 2 and 3 |
5138 | deltahum(ji) = (tmc(ji,jst) - tmcint(ji)) + (water2infilt(ji,jst) - water2infilt_int(ji,jst)) |
5139 | diff(ji) = reinfiltration_soil(ji) + irrigation_soil(ji) + influx_from_bottom(ji) + precisol_ns(ji,jst) & |
5140 | - ae_ns(ji,jst) - diag_tr(ji) - qtot_to_river(ji) - ru_ns(ji,jst) - dr_ns(ji,jst) |
5141 | ! when ru_ns and dr_ns are added to qtot_to_river (lowland), they are then set zero afterwards |
5142 | |
5143 | swbr_ns(ji,jst) = deltahum(ji)-diff(ji) |
5144 | test(ji) = (ABS(swbr_ns(ji,jst))*mask_soiltile(ji,jst) .GT. allowed_err) |
5145 | |
5146 | IF (test(ji)) THEN |
5147 | WRITE (numout,*)'CWRR water conservation pb:',ji,jst,njsc(ji),deltahum(ji)-diff(ji) |
5148 | WRITE(numout,*) 'water2infilt_int',water2infilt_int(ji,jst) |
5149 | WRITE(numout,*) 'water2infilt',water2infilt(ji,jst) |
5150 | WRITE(numout,*) 'qinfilt_ns',qinfilt_ns(ji,jst) |
5151 | WRITE(numout,*) 'ru_infilt_ns',ru_infilt_ns(ji,jst) |
5152 | WRITE(numout,*) 'ru_ns',ru_ns(ji,jst) |
5153 | WRITE(numout,*) 'dr_ns',dr_ns(ji,jst) |
5154 | WRITE(numout,*) 'ru_corr_ns',ru_ns(ji,jst) |
5155 | WRITE(numout,*) 'ru_corr2_ns',ru_ns(ji,jst) |
5156 | WRITE(numout,*) 'dr_corr_ns',dr_corr_ns(ji,jst) |
5157 | WRITE(numout,*) 'dr_corrnum_ns',dr_ns(ji,jst) |
5158 | WRITE(numout,*) 'influx_from_bottom',influx_from_bottom(ji) |
5159 | WRITE(numout,*) 'SUM(rootsink),SUM(latsink)',diag_tr(ji), diag_lat(ji) |
5160 | WRITE (numout,*)'ru_wtd',ru_wtd(ji) |
5161 | WRITE(numout,*) 'flux_infilt',flux_infilt(ji,jst) |
5162 | WRITE (numout,*)'precisol_ns',precisol_ns(ji,jst) |
5163 | WRITE (numout,*)'irrigation, returnflow, reinfiltration', & |
5164 | irrigation_soil(ji),returnflow_soil(ji),reinfiltration_soil(ji) |
5165 | WRITE (numout,*)'influx_from_bottom,influx_from_top' , & !IGEM(kg/m2tile/dtsechiba) |
5166 | influx_from_bottom(ji), influx_from_top(ji) |
5167 | !WRITE (numout,*)'mc',mc(ji,:,jst) ! along jsl |
5168 | !WRITE (numout,*)'qflux',qflux(ji,:,jst) ! along jsl |
5169 | !WRITE (numout,*)'k', k(ji,:) ! along jsl |
5170 | !WRITE (numout,*)'soiltile',soiltile(ji,jst) |
5171 | !WRITE (numout,*)'veget_max', veget_max(ji,:) |
5172 | |
5173 | !error=.TRUE. |
5174 | !CALL ipslerr_p(2, 'hydrol_soil', 'We will STOP in the end of this subroutine.',& |
5175 | ! & 'CWRR water balance check','') |
5176 | ENDIF |
5177 | ENDDO |
5178 | |
5179 | ENDIF |
5180 | |
5182 | ! Starting here, mc and mcl should not change anymore |
5183 | |
5184 | !! 6.1 Total soil moisture, soil moisture at litter levels, soil wetness, us, humrelv, vesgtressv |
5185 | !! (based on mc) |
5186 | |
5187 | !! In output, tmc includes water2infilt(ji,jst) |
5188 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5189 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + water2infilt(ji,jst) |
5190 | END DO |
5191 | |
5192 | ! The litter is the 4 top levels of the soil |
5193 | ! Compute various field of soil moisture for the litter (used for stomate and for albedo) |
5194 | ! We exclude the frozen water from the calculation |
5195 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5196 | tmc_litter(ji,jst) = dz(2) * ( trois*mcl(ji,1,jst)+ mcl(ji,2,jst))/huit |
5197 | END DO |
5198 | ! sum from level 1 to 4 |
5199 | DO jsl=2,4 |
5200 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5201 | tmc_litter(ji,jst) = tmc_litter(ji,jst) + dz(jsl) * & |
5202 | & ( trois*mcl(ji,jsl,jst) + mcl(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
5203 | & + dz(jsl+1)*(trois*mcl(ji,jsl,jst) + mcl(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
5204 | END DO |
5205 | END DO |
5206 | |
5207 | ! Subsequent calculation of soil_wet_litter (tmc-tmcw)/(tmcfc-tmcw) |
5208 | ! Based on liquid water content |
5209 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5210 | soil_wet_litter(ji,jst) = MIN(un, MAX(zero,& |
5211 | & (tmc_litter(ji,jst)-tmc_litter_wilt(ji,jst)) / & |
5212 | & (tmc_litter_field(ji,jst)-tmc_litter_wilt(ji,jst)) )) |
5213 | END DO |
5214 | |
5215 | ! Preliminary calculation of various soil moistures (for each layer, in kg/m2) |
5216 | sm(:,1) = dz(2) * (trois*mcl(:,1,jst) + mcl(:,2,jst))/huit |
5217 | smt(:,1) = dz(2) * (trois*mc(:,1,jst) + mc(:,2,jst))/huit |
5218 | smw(:,1) = dz(2) * (quatre*mcw(njsc(:)))/huit |
5219 | smf(:,1) = dz(2) * (quatre*mcfc(njsc(:)))/huit |
5220 | sms(:,1) = dz(2) * (quatre*mcs(njsc(:)))/huit |
5221 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
5222 | sm(:,jsl) = dz(jsl) * (trois*mcl(:,jsl,jst)+mcl(:,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
5223 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mcl(:,jsl,jst)+mcl(:,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
5224 | smt(:,jsl) = dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,jst)+mc(:,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
5225 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,jst)+mc(:,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
5226 | smw(:,jsl) = dz(jsl) * ( quatre*mcw(njsc(:)) )/huit & |
5227 | + dz(jsl+1) * ( quatre*mcw(njsc(:)) )/huit |
5228 | smf(:,jsl) = dz(jsl) * ( quatre*mcfc(njsc(:)) )/huit & |
5229 | + dz(jsl+1) * ( quatre*mcfc(njsc(:)) )/huit |
5230 | sms(:,jsl) = dz(jsl) * ( quatre*mcs(njsc(:)) )/huit & |
5231 | + dz(jsl+1) * ( quatre*mcs(njsc(:)) )/huit |
5232 | ENDDO |
5233 | sm(:,nslm) = dz(nslm) * (trois*mcl(:,nslm,jst) + mcl(:,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
5234 | smt(:,nslm) = dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,jst) + mc(:,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
5235 | smw(:,nslm) = dz(nslm) * (quatre*mcw(njsc(:)))/huit |
5236 | smf(:,nslm) = dz(nslm) * (quatre*mcfc(njsc(:)))/huit |
5237 | sms(:,nslm) = dz(nslm) * (quatre*mcs(njsc(:)))/huit |
5238 | ! sm_nostress = soil moisture of each layer at which us reaches 1, here at the middle of [smw,smf] |
5239 | DO jsl = 1,nslm |
5240 | sm_nostress(:,jsl) = smw(:,jsl) + pcent(njsc(:)) * (smf(:,jsl)-smw(:,jsl)) |
5241 | END DO |
5242 | |
5243 | ! Saturated litter soil moisture for rsoil |
5244 | tmcs_litter(:) = zero |
5245 | DO jsl = 1,4 |
5246 | tmcs_litter(:) = tmcs_litter(:) + sms(:,jsl) |
5247 | END DO |
5248 | |
5249 | ! Soil wetness profiles (W-Ww)/(Ws-Ww) |
5250 | ! soil_wet_ns is the ratio of available soil moisture to max available soil moisture |
5251 | ! (ie soil moisture at saturation minus soil moisture at wilting point). |
5252 | ! soil wet is a water stress for stomate, to control C decomposition |
5253 | ! Based on liquid water content |
5254 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
5255 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5256 | soil_wet_ns(ji,jsl,jst) = MIN(un, MAX(zero, & |
5257 | (sm(ji,jsl)-smw(ji,jsl))/(sms(ji,jsl)-smw(ji,jsl)) )) |
5258 | END DO |
5259 | END DO |
5260 | |
5261 | ! Compute us and the new humrelv to use in sechiba (with loops on the vegetation types) |
5262 | ! This is the water stress for transpiration (diffuco) and photosynthesis (diffuco) |
5263 | ! humrel is never used in stomate |
5264 | ! Based on liquid water content |
5265 | |
5266 | ! -- PFT1 |
5267 | humrelv(:,1,jst) = zero |
5268 | ! -- Top layer |
5269 | DO jv = 2,nvm |
5270 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5271 | !- Here we make the assumption that roots do not take water from the 1st layer. |
5272 | us(ji,jv,jst,1) = zero |
5273 | humrelv(ji,jv,jst) = zero ! initialisation of the sum |
5274 | END DO |
5275 | ENDDO |
5276 | |
5277 | !! Dynamic nroot to optimize water use: the root profile used to weight the water stress function |
5278 | !! of each soil layer is updated at each time step in order to match the soil water profile |
5279 | !! (the soil water content of each layer available for transpiration) |
5280 | IF (ok_dynroot) THEN |
5281 | DO jv = 1, nvm |
5282 | IF ( is_tree(jv) ) THEN |
5283 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5284 | nroot_tmp(:) = zero |
5285 | DO jsl = 2, nslm |
5286 | nroot_tmp(jsl) = MAX(zero,sm(ji,jsl)-smw(ji,jsl) ) |
5287 | ENDDO |
5288 | IF (SUM(nroot_tmp(:)) .GT. min_sechiba ) THEN |
5289 | nroot(ji,jv,:) = nroot_tmp(:)/SUM(nroot_tmp(:)) |
5290 | ELSE |
5291 | nroot(ji,jv,:) = zero |
5292 | END IF |
5293 | ENDDO |
5294 | ELSE |
5295 | ! Specific case for grasses where we only consider the first 1m of soil. |
5296 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5297 | nroot_tmp(:) = zero |
5298 | DO jsl = 2, nslm |
5299 | IF (znt(jsl) .LT. un) THEN |
5300 | nroot_tmp(jsl) = MAX(zero,sm(ji,jsl)-smw(ji,jsl) ) |
5301 | END IF |
5302 | ENDDO |
5303 | |
5304 | IF (SUM(nroot_tmp(:)) .GT. min_sechiba ) THEN |
5305 | DO jsl = 2,nslm |
5306 | IF (znt(jsl) .LT. un) THEN |
5307 | nroot(ji,jv,jsl) = nroot_tmp(jsl)/SUM(nroot_tmp(:)) |
5308 | ELSE |
5309 | nroot(ji,jv,jsl) = zero |
5310 | END IF |
5311 | ENDDO |
5312 | nroot(ji,jv,1) = zero |
5313 | END IF |
5314 | ENDDO |
5315 | END IF |
5316 | ENDDO |
5317 | ENDIF |
5318 | |
5319 | ! -- Intermediate and bottom layers |
5320 | DO jsl = 2,nslm |
5321 | DO jv = 2, nvm |
5322 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5323 | ! AD16*** Although plants can only withdraw liquid water, we compute here the water stress |
5324 | ! based on mc and the corresponding thresholds mcs, pcent, or potentially mcw and mcfc |
5325 | ! This is consistent with assuming that ice is uniformly distributed within the poral space |
5326 | ! In such a case, freezing makes mcl and the "liquid" porosity smaller than the "total" values |
5327 | ! And it is the same for all the moisture thresholds, which are proportional to porosity. |
5328 | ! Since the stress is based on relative moisture, it could thus independent from the porosity |
5329 | ! at first order, thus independent from freezing. |
5330 | ! 26-07-2017: us and humrel now based on liquid soil moisture, so the stress is stronger |
5331 | IF(new_watstress) THEN |
5332 | IF((sm(ji,jsl)-smw(ji,jsl)) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
5333 | us(ji,jv,jst,jsl) = MIN(un, MAX(zero, & |
5334 | (EXP(- alpha_watstress * & |
5335 | ( (smf(ji,jsl) - smw(ji,jsl)) / ( sm_nostress(ji,jsl) - smw(ji,jsl)) ) * & |
5336 | ( (sm_nostress(ji,jsl) - sm(ji,jsl)) / ( sm(ji,jsl) - smw(ji,jsl)) ) ) ) ))& |
5337 | * nroot(ji,jv,jsl) |
5338 | ELSE |
5339 | us(ji,jv,jst,jsl) = 0. |
5340 | ENDIF |
5341 | ELSE |
5342 | us(ji,jv,jst,jsl) = MIN(un, MAX(zero, & |
5343 | (sm(ji,jsl)-smw(ji,jsl))/(sm_nostress(ji,jsl)-smw(ji,jsl)) )) * nroot(ji,jv,jsl) |
5344 | ENDIF |
5345 | humrelv(ji,jv,jst) = humrelv(ji,jv,jst) + us(ji,jv,jst,jsl) |
5346 | END DO |
5347 | END DO |
5348 | END DO |
5349 | |
5350 | !! vegstressv is the water stress for phenology in stomate |
5351 | !! It varies linearly from zero at wilting point to 1 at field capacity |
5352 | vegstressv(:,:,jst) = zero |
5353 | DO jv = 2, nvm |
5354 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5355 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
5356 | vegstressv(ji,jv,jst) = vegstressv(ji,jv,jst) + & |
5357 | MIN(un, MAX(zero, (sm(ji,jsl)-smw(ji,jsl))/(smf(ji,jsl)-smw(ji,jsl)) )) & |
5358 | * nroot(ji,jv,jsl) |
5359 | END DO |
5360 | END DO |
5361 | END DO |
5362 | |
5363 | |
5364 | ! -- If the PFT is absent, the corresponding humrelv and vegstressv = 0 |
5365 | DO jv = 2, nvm |
5366 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5367 | IF (vegetmax_soil(ji,jv,jst) .LT. min_sechiba) THEN |
5368 | humrelv(ji,jv,jst) = zero |
5369 | vegstressv(ji,jv,jst) = zero |
5370 | us(ji,jv,jst,:) = zero |
5371 | ENDIF |
5372 | END DO |
5373 | END DO |
5374 | |
5375 | !! 6.2 We need to turn off evaporation when is_under_mcr |
5376 | !! We set us, humrelv and vegstressv to zero in this case |
5377 | !! WARNING: It's different from having locally us=0 in the soil layers(s) where mc<mcr |
5378 | !! This part is crucial to preserve water conservation |
5379 | DO jsl = 1,nslm |
5380 | DO jv = 2, nvm |
5381 | WHERE (is_under_mcr(:,jst)) |
5382 | us(:,jv,jst,jsl) = zero |
5383 | ENDWHERE |
5384 | ENDDO |
5385 | ENDDO |
5386 | DO jv = 2, nvm |
5387 | WHERE (is_under_mcr(:,jst)) |
5388 | humrelv(:,jv,jst) = zero |
5389 | ENDWHERE |
5390 | ENDDO |
5391 | |
5392 | ! For consistency in stomate, we also set moderwilt and soil_wet_ns to zero in this case. |
5393 | ! They are used later for shumdiag and shumdiag_perma |
5394 | DO jsl = 1,nslm |
5395 | WHERE (is_under_mcr(:,jst)) |
5396 | soil_wet_ns(:,jsl,jst) = zero |
5397 | ENDWHERE |
5398 | ENDDO |
5399 | |
5400 | ! Counting the nb of under_mcr occurences in each grid-cell |
5401 | WHERE (is_under_mcr(:,jst)) |
5402 | undermcr = undermcr + un |
5403 | ENDWHERE |
5404 | |
5405 | !! 6.3 Calculate the volumetric soil moisture content (mc_layh and mcl_layh) needed in |
5406 | !! thermosoil for the thermal conductivity. |
5407 | !! The multiplication by vegtot creates grid-cell average values |
5408 | ! *** To be checked for consistency with the use of nobio properties in thermosoil |
5409 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
5410 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5411 | mc_layh(ji,jsl) = mc_layh(ji,jsl) + mc(ji,jsl,jst) * soiltile(ji,jst) * vegtot(ji) |
5412 | mcl_layh(ji,jsl) = mcl_layh(ji,jsl) + mcl(ji,jsl,jst) * soiltile(ji,jst) * vegtot(ji) |
5413 | ENDDO |
5414 | END DO |
5415 | |
5416 | !! 6.4 The hydraulic conductivities exported here are the ones used in the diffusion/redistribution |
5417 | ! (no call of hydrol_soil_coef since 2.1) |
5418 | ! We average the values of each soiltile and keep the specific value (no multiplication by vegtot) |
5419 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5420 | kk_moy(ji,:) = kk_moy(ji,:) + soiltile(ji,jst) * k(ji,:) |
5421 | kk(ji,:,jst) = k(ji,:) |
5422 | ENDDO |
5423 | |
5424 | !! 6.5 We also want to export ksat at each node for CMIP6 |
5425 | ! (In the output, done only once according to field_def_orchidee.xml; same averaging as for kk) |
5426 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
5427 | ksat(:,jsl) = ksat(:,jsl) + soiltile(:,jst) * & |
5428 | ( ks(njsc(:)) * kfact(jsl,njsc(:)) * kfact_root(:,jsl,jst) ) |
5429 | ENDDO |
5430 | |
5431 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE (numout,*) ' prognostic/diagnostic part of hydrol_soil done for jst =', jst |
5432 | |
5433 | END DO ! end of loop on soiltile |
5434 | |
5436 | |
5437 | !! 7. Summing 3d variables into 2d variables |
5438 | CALL hydrol_diag_soil (kjpindex, veget_max, ratio_tile, soiltile, njsc, runoff, drainage, qtot_to_river,&!IGEM |
5439 | & evapot, vevapnu, returnflow, reinfiltration, irrigation, reinf_from_fast, flowtowtd,&!IGEM |
5440 | & shumdiag,shumdiag_perma, k_litt, litterhumdiag, humrel, vegstress, drysoil_frac,tot_melt) |
5441 | |
5442 | |
5443 | ! Means of wtd, runoff and drainage corrections, across soiltiles |
5444 | wtd(:) = zero |
5445 | nstnowtd(:) = 0 !AD19 |
5446 | ru_corr(:) = zero |
5447 | ru_corr2(:) = zero |
5448 | dr_corr(:) = zero |
5449 | dr_corrnum(:) = zero |
5450 | dr_force(:) = zero |
5451 | DO jst = 1, nstm |
5452 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5453 | !wtd(ji) = wtd(ji) + soiltile(ji,jst) * wtd_ns(ji,jst) ! average over vegtot only !AD19 |
5454 | IF (wtd_ns(ji,jst) .EQ. xios_default_val) nstnowtd(ji) = nstnowtd(ji)+1 !AD19 |
5455 | |
5456 | IF (vegtot(ji) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN ! to mimic hydrol_diag_soil |
5457 | ! We average the values of each soiltile and multiply by vegtot to transform to a grid-cell mean |
5458 | ru_corr(ji) = ru_corr(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * ru_corr_ns(ji,jst) |
5459 | ru_corr2(ji) = ru_corr2(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * ru_corr2_ns(ji,jst) |
5460 | dr_corr(ji) = dr_corr(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * dr_corr_ns(ji,jst) |
5461 | dr_corrnum(ji) = dr_corrnum(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * dr_corrnum_ns(ji,jst) |
5462 | dr_force(ji) = dr_force(ji) - vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * dr_force_ns(ji,jst) |
5463 | ! the sign is OK to get a negative drainage flux |
5464 | ENDIF |
5465 | ENDDO |
5466 | ENDDO |
5467 | |
5468 | !AD19 mean of wtd, with xios_default_val |
5469 | !the mean is not weighted by vegtot |
5470 | ! we need to start the loop on ji |
5471 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5472 | IF (nstnowtd(ji) .EQ. nstm) THEN |
5473 | wtd(ji) = xios_default_val |
5474 | ELSE |
5475 | DO jst = 1, nstm |
5476 | IF (wtd_ns(ji,jst) .NE. xios_default_val) THEN |
5477 | wtd(ji) = wtd(ji) + soiltile(ji,jst) * wtd_ns(ji,jst) ! average over vegtot only |
5478 | ENDIF |
5479 | ENDDO |
5480 | ENDIF |
5481 | ENDDO |
5482 | |
5483 | ! Means local variables, including water conservation checks |
5484 | ru_infilt(:)=0. |
5485 | qinfilt(:)=0. |
5486 | check_infilt(:)=0. |
5487 | check_tr(:)=0. |
5488 | check_over(:)=0. |
5489 | check_under(:)=0. |
5490 | DO jst = 1, nstm |
5491 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5492 | IF (vegtot(ji) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN ! to mimic hydrol_diag_soil |
5493 | ! We average the values of each soiltile and multiply by vegtot to transform to a grid-cell mean |
5494 | ru_infilt(ji) = ru_infilt(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * ru_infilt_ns(ji,jst) |
5495 | qinfilt(ji) = qinfilt(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * qinfilt_ns(ji,jst) |
5496 | ENDIF |
5497 | ENDDO |
5498 | ENDDO |
5499 | |
5500 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
5501 | DO jst = 1, nstm |
5502 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5503 | IF (vegtot(ji) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN ! to mimic hydrol_diag_soil |
5504 | ! We average the values of each soiltile and multiply by vegtot to transform to a grid-cell mean |
5505 | check_infilt(ji) = check_infilt(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * check_infilt_ns(ji,jst) |
5506 | check_tr(ji) = check_tr(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * check_tr_ns(ji,jst) |
5507 | check_over(ji) = check_over(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * check_over_ns(ji,jst) |
5508 | check_under(ji) = check_under(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * check_under_ns(ji,jst) |
5509 | ENDIF |
5510 | ENDDO |
5511 | ENDDO |
5512 | END IF |
5513 | |
5515 | !! The principle is to run a dummy integration of the water redistribution scheme |
5516 | !! to check if the SM profile can sustain a potential evaporation. |
5517 | !! If not, the dummy integration is redone from the SM profile of the end of the normal integration, |
5518 | !! with a boundary condition leading to a very severe water limitation: mc(1)=mcr |
5519 | |
5520 | ! evap_bare_lim = beta factor for bare soil evaporation |
5521 | evap_bare_lim(:) = zero |
5522 | evap_bare_lim_ns(:,:) = zero |
5523 | |
5524 | ! Loop on soil tiles |
5525 | DO jst = 1,nstm |
5526 | |
5527 | !! 8.1 Save actual mc, mcl, and tmc for restoring at the end of the time step |
5528 | !! and calculate tmcint corresponding to mc without water2infilt |
5529 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
5530 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5531 | mcint(ji,jsl) = mask_soiltile(ji,jst) * mc(ji,jsl,jst) |
5532 | mclint(ji,jsl) = mask_soiltile(ji,jst) * mcl(ji,jsl,jst) |
5533 | ENDDO |
5534 | ENDDO |
5535 | |
5536 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5537 | temp(ji) = tmc(ji,jst) |
5538 | tmcint(ji) = temp(ji) - water2infilt(ji,jst) ! to estimate bare soil evap based on water budget |
5539 | ENDDO |
5540 | |
5541 | !! 8.2 Since we estimate bare soile evap for the next time step, we update profil_froz_hydro and mcl |
5542 | ! (effect of mc only, the change in temp_hydro is neglected) |
5543 | IF ( ok_freeze_cwrr ) CALL hydrol_soil_froz(kjpindex,jst,njsc) |
5544 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
5545 | DO ji =1, kjpindex |
5546 | mcl(ji,jsl,jst)= MIN( mc(ji,jsl,jst), mcr(njsc(ji)) + & |
5547 | (un-profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji,jsl,jst))*(mc(ji,jsl,jst)-mcr(njsc(ji))) ) |
5548 | ! if profil_froz_hydro_ns=0 (including NOT ok_freeze_cwrr) we keep mcl=mc |
5549 | ENDDO |
5550 | ENDDO |
5551 | |
5552 | !! 8.3 K and D are recomputed for the updated profile of mc/mcl |
5553 | CALL hydrol_soil_coef(kjpindex,jst,njsc) |
5554 | |
5555 | !! 8.4 Set the tridiagonal matrix coefficients for the diffusion/redistribution scheme |
5556 | CALL hydrol_soil_setup(kjpindex,jst) |
5557 | resolv(:) = (mask_soiltile(:,jst) .GT. 0) |
5558 | |
5559 | !! 8.5 We define the system of linear equations, based on matrix coefficients, |
5560 | |
5561 | !- Impose potential evaporation as flux_top in mm/step, assuming the water is available |
5562 | ! Note that this should lead to never have evapnu>evapot_penm(ji) |
5563 | |
5564 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5565 | |
5566 | IF (vegtot(ji).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
5567 | |
5568 | ! We calculate a reduced demand, by means of a soil resistance (Sellers et al., 1992) |
5569 | ! It is based on the liquid SM only, like for us and humrel |
5570 | IF (do_rsoil) THEN |
5571 | mc_rel(ji) = tmc_litter(ji,jst)/tmcs_litter(ji) ! tmc_litter based on mcl |
5572 | ! based on SM in the top 4 soil layers (litter) to smooth variability |
5573 | r_soil_ns(ji,jst) = exp(8.206 - 4.255 * mc_rel(ji)) |
5574 | ELSE |
5575 | r_soil_ns(ji,jst) = zero |
5576 | ENDIF |
5577 | |
5578 | ! Aerodynamic resistance |
5579 | speed = MAX(min_wind, SQRT (u(ji)*u(ji) + v(ji)*v(ji))) |
5580 | IF (speed * tq_cdrag(ji) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
5581 | ra = un / (speed * tq_cdrag(ji)) |
5582 | evap_soil(ji) = evapot_penm(ji) / (un + r_soil_ns(ji,jst)/ra) |
5583 | ELSE |
5584 | evap_soil(ji) = evapot_penm(ji) |
5585 | ENDIF |
5586 | |
5587 | ! AD16*** et si evap_bare_lim_ns<0 ?? car on suppose que tmcint > tmc(new) |
5588 | ! (water2inflit permet de propager de la ponded water d'un pas de temps a l'autre: |
5589 | ! peut-on s'en servir pour creer des cas d'evapnu potentielle negative ? a gerer dans diffuco ?) |
5590 | |
5591 | flux_top(ji) = evap_soil(ji) * & |
5592 | AINT(frac_bare_ns(ji,jst)+un-min_sechiba) |
5593 | ELSE |
5594 | |
5595 | flux_top(ji) = zero |
5596 | |
5597 | ENDIF |
5598 | ENDDO |
5599 | |
5600 | ! We don't use rootsinks, because we assume there is no transpiration in the bare soil fraction (??) |
5601 | !- First layer |
5602 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5603 | tmat(ji,1,1) = zero |
5604 | tmat(ji,1,2) = f(ji,1) |
5605 | tmat(ji,1,3) = g1(ji,1) |
5606 | rhs(ji,1) = fp(ji,1) * mcl(ji,1,jst) + gp(ji,1)*mcl(ji,2,jst) & |
5607 | - flux_top(ji) - (b(ji,1)+b(ji,2))/deux *(dt_sechiba/one_day) & |
5608 | - lateral_sink(ji,1,jst) !IGEM |
5609 | ENDDO |
5610 | !- soil body |
5611 | DO jsl=2, nslm-1 |
5612 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5613 | tmat(ji,jsl,1) = e(ji,jsl) |
5614 | tmat(ji,jsl,2) = f(ji,jsl) |
5615 | tmat(ji,jsl,3) = g1(ji,jsl) |
5616 | rhs(ji,jsl) = ep(ji,jsl)*mcl(ji,jsl-1,jst) + fp(ji,jsl)*mcl(ji,jsl,jst) & |
5617 | + gp(ji,jsl) * mcl(ji,jsl+1,jst) & |
5618 | + (b(ji,jsl-1) - b(ji,jsl+1)) * (dt_sechiba/one_day) / deux & |
5619 | - lateral_sink(ji,jsl,jst) !IGEM |
5620 | ENDDO |
5621 | ENDDO |
5622 | !- Last layer |
5623 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5624 | jsl=nslm |
5625 | tmat(ji,jsl,1) = e(ji,jsl) |
5626 | tmat(ji,jsl,2) = f(ji,jsl) |
5627 | tmat(ji,jsl,3) = zero |
5628 | rhs(ji,jsl) = ep(ji,jsl)*mcl(ji,jsl-1,jst) + fp(ji,jsl)*mcl(ji,jsl,jst) & |
5629 | + (b(ji,jsl-1) + b(ji,jsl)*(un-deux*free_drain_coef(ji,jst))) * (dt_sechiba/one_day) / deux & |
5630 | - lateral_sink(ji,jsl,jst) !IGEM |
5631 | ENDDO |
5632 | !- Store the equations for later use (9.6) |
5633 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
5634 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5635 | srhs(ji,jsl) = rhs(ji,jsl) |
5636 | stmat(ji,jsl,1) = tmat(ji,jsl,1) |
5637 | stmat(ji,jsl,2) = tmat(ji,jsl,2) |
5638 | stmat(ji,jsl,3) = tmat(ji,jsl,3) |
5639 | ENDDO |
5640 | ENDDO |
5641 | |
5642 | !! 8.6 Solve the diffusion equation, assuming that flux_top=evapot_penm (updates mcl) |
5643 | CALL hydrol_soil_tridiag(kjpindex,jst) |
5644 | |
5645 | !! 9.7 Alternative solution with mc(1)=mcr in points where the above solution leads to mcl<mcr |
5646 | ! hydrol_soil_tridiag calculates mc recursively from the top as a fonction of rhs and tmat |
5647 | ! We re-use these the above values, but for mc(1)=mcr and the related tmat |
5648 | |
5649 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5650 | ! by construction, mc and mcl are always on the same side of mcr, so we can use mcl here |
5651 | resolv(ji) = (mcl(ji,1,jst).LT.(mcr(njsc(ji))).AND.flux_top(ji).GT.min_sechiba) |
5652 | !IGEM19 |
5653 | IF(resolv(ji)) THEN |
5654 | check_resolv(ji,jst) = 1.0 |
5655 | ELSE |
5656 | check_resolv(ji,jst) = 0.0 |
5657 | ENDIF |
5658 | !End IGEM19 |
5659 | ENDDO |
5660 | |
5661 | !! Reset the coefficient for diffusion (tridiag is only solved if resolv(ji) = .TRUE.)O |
5662 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
5663 | !- The new condition is to put the upper layer at residual soil moisture |
5664 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5665 | rhs(ji,jsl) = srhs(ji,jsl) |
5666 | tmat(ji,jsl,1) = stmat(ji,jsl,1) |
5667 | tmat(ji,jsl,2) = stmat(ji,jsl,2) |
5668 | tmat(ji,jsl,3) = stmat(ji,jsl,3) |
5669 | END DO |
5670 | END DO |
5671 | |
5672 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5673 | tmat(ji,1,2) = un |
5674 | tmat(ji,1,3) = zero |
5675 | rhs(ji,1) = mcr(njsc(ji)) |
5676 | ENDDO |
5677 | |
5678 | tmat_diag(:,jst) = tmat(ji,1,2) !IGEM19pourtest |
5679 | |
5680 | |
5681 | ! Solves the diffusion equation with new surface bc where resolv=T |
5682 | CALL hydrol_soil_tridiag(kjpindex,jst) |
5683 | |
5684 | !! 8.8 In both case, we have drainage to be consistent with rhs |
5685 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5686 | flux_bottom(ji) = mask_soiltile(ji,jst)*k(ji,nslm)*free_drain_coef(ji,jst) * (dt_sechiba/one_day) |
5687 | ENDDO |
5688 | |
5689 | !! 8.9 Water budget to assess the top flux = soil evaporation |
5690 | ! Where resolv=F at the 2nd step (9.6), it should simply be the potential evaporation |
5691 | |
5692 | ! Total soil moisture content for water budget |
5693 | |
5694 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
5695 | DO ji =1, kjpindex |
5696 | mc(ji,jsl,jst) = MAX( mcl(ji,jsl,jst), mcl(ji,jsl,jst) + & |
5697 | profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji,jsl,jst)*(mc(ji,jsl,jst)-mcr(njsc(ji))) ) |
5698 | ! if profil_froz_hydro_ns=0 (including NOT ok_freeze_cwrr) we get mc=mcl |
5699 | ENDDO |
5700 | ENDDO |
5701 | |
5702 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5703 | tmc(ji,jst) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(ji,1,jst) + mc(ji,2,jst) )/huit |
5704 | ENDDO |
5705 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
5706 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5707 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + dz(jsl) & |
5708 | * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
5709 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
5710 | ENDDO |
5711 | ENDDO |
5712 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5713 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) + dz(nslm) & |
5714 | * (trois * mc(ji,nslm,jst) + mc(ji,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
5715 | END DO |
5716 | |
5717 | |
5718 | !IGEM2018: |
5719 | !This part is mofified to help to understand some behavior of transpir |
5720 | !and evapnu. |
5721 | !evap_bare_lim_ns(:,jst) = zero |
5722 | !WHERE(resolv(:) .EQV. .FALSE.) evap_bare_lim_ns(:,jst) = flux_top(:) |
5723 | !End IGEMTV2018 |
5724 | |
5725 | ! Deduce upper flux from soil moisture variation and bottom flux |
5726 | ! TMCi-D-BSE=TMC (BSE=bare soil evap=TMCi-TMC-D) |
5727 | ! The numerical errors of tridiag close to saturation cannot be simply solved here, |
5728 | ! we can only hope they are not too large because we don't add water at this stage... |
5729 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5730 | diag_lat(ji)=SUM(lateral_sink(ji,:,jst)) !IGEM19 |
5731 | evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) = mask_soiltile(ji,jst) * & |
5732 | (tmcint(ji)-tmc(ji,jst)-flux_bottom(ji)-diag_lat(ji)) |
5733 | END DO |
5734 | |
5735 | check_fluxtop(:,jst) = evap_bare_lim_ns(:,jst)-evap_soil(:) !IGEM19pourtest |
5736 | |
5737 | tmc_before_diag(:,jst) = tmcint(:) !IGEM19pourtest |
5738 | tmc_after_diag(:,jst) = tmc(:,jst) !IGEM19pourtest |
5739 | qlat_ns_diag(:,jst) = diag_lat(:) !IGEM19pourtest |
5740 | flxbot_diag(:,jst) = flux_bottom(:) !IGEM19pourtest |
5741 | flxtop_diag(:,jst) = flux_top(:) !IGEM19pourtest |
5742 | |
5743 | !! 8.10 evap_bare_lim_ns is turned from an evaporation rate to a beta |
5744 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5745 | ! Here we weight evap_bare_lim_ns by the fraction of bare evaporating soil. |
5746 | ! This is given by frac_bare_ns, taking into account bare soil under vegetation |
5747 | IF(vegtot(ji) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
5748 | evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) = evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) * frac_bare_ns(ji,jst) |
5749 | ELSE |
5750 | evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) = 0. |
5751 | ENDIF |
5752 | END DO |
5753 | |
5754 | ! We divide by evapot, which is consistent with diffuco (evap_bare_lim_ns < evapot_penm/evapot) |
5755 | ! Further decrease if tmc_litter is below the wilting point |
5756 | |
5757 | IF (do_rsoil) THEN |
5758 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5759 | IF (evapot(ji).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
5760 | evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) = evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) / evapot(ji) |
5761 | ELSE |
5762 | evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) = zero ! not redundant with the is_under_mcr case below |
5763 | ! but not necessarily useful |
5764 | END IF |
5765 | evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst)=MAX(MIN(evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst),1.),0.) |
5766 | END DO |
5767 | ELSE |
5768 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
5769 | IF ((evapot(ji).GT.min_sechiba) .AND. & |
5770 | (tmc_litter(ji,jst).GT.(tmc_litter_wilt(ji,jst)))) THEN |
5771 | evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) = evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) / evapot(ji) |
5772 | ELSEIF((evapot(ji).GT.min_sechiba).AND. & |
5773 | (tmc_litter(ji,jst).GT.(tmc_litter_res(ji,jst)))) THEN |
5774 | evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) = (un/deux) * evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) / evapot(ji) |
5775 | ! This is very arbitrary, with no justification from the literature |
5776 | ELSE |
5777 | evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst) = zero |
5778 | END IF |
5779 | evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst)=MAX(MIN(evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst),1.),0.) |
5780 | END DO |
5781 | ENDIF |
5782 | |
5783 | !! 8.11 Set evap_bare_lim_ns to zero if is_under_mcr at the end of the prognostic loop |
5784 | !! (cf us, humrelv, vegstressv in 5.2) |
5785 | WHERE (is_under_mcr(:,jst)) |
5786 | evap_bare_lim_ns(:,jst) = zero |
5787 | ENDWHERE |
5788 | |
5789 | !! 8.12 Restores mc, mcl, and tmc, to erase the effect of the dummy integrations |
5790 | !! on these prognostic variables |
5791 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
5792 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5793 | mc(ji,jsl,jst) = mask_soiltile(ji,jst) * mcint(ji,jsl) |
5794 | mcl(ji,jsl,jst) = mask_soiltile(ji,jst) * mclint(ji,jsl) |
5795 | ENDDO |
5796 | ENDDO |
5797 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5798 | tmc(ji,jst) = temp(ji) |
5799 | ENDDO |
5800 | |
5801 | ENDDO !end loop on tiles for dummy integration |
5802 | |
5803 | !! 9. evap_bar_lim is the grid-cell scale beta |
5804 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5805 | evap_bare_lim(ji) = SUM(evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,:)*vegtot(ji)*soiltile(ji,:)) |
5806 | r_soil(ji) = SUM(r_soil_ns(ji,:)*vegtot(ji)*soiltile(ji,:)) |
5807 | ENDDO |
5808 | ! si vegtot LE min_sechiba, evap_bare_lim_ns et evap_bare_lim valent zero |
5809 | |
5810 | !! 10. XIOS export of local variables, including water conservation checks |
5811 | |
5812 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("ksat",ksat) ! mm/d (for CMIP6, once) |
5813 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("psi_moy",psi_moy) ! mm (for SP-MIP) |
5814 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("wtd",wtd) ! in m |
5815 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("ru_corr",ru_corr/dt_sechiba) ! adjustment flux added to surface runoff (included in runoff) |
5816 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("ru_corr2",ru_corr2/dt_sechiba) |
5817 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("dr_corr",dr_corr/dt_sechiba) ! adjustment flux added to drainage (included in drainage) |
5818 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("dr_corrnum",dr_corrnum/dt_sechiba) |
5819 | !CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("dr_force",dr_force/dt_sechiba) ! adjustement flux added to drainage to sustain a forced wtd |
5820 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("qinfilt",qinfilt/dt_sechiba) |
5821 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("ru_infilt",ru_infilt/dt_sechiba) |
5822 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("ru_infilt_ns",ru_infilt_ns/dt_sechiba) !IGEM |
5823 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("r_soil",r_soil) ! s/m |
5824 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("wtd_ns",wtd_ns) !(m) IGEM |
5825 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("qlat",qlat/dt_sechiba) !kg/m2grid/s IGEM |
5826 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("dr_to_river",dr_to_river/dt_sechiba) !kg/m2grid/s IGEM |
5827 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("ru_to_river",ru_to_river/dt_sechiba) !kg/m2grid/s IGEM |
5828 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("free_drain_coef",free_drain_coef) !IGEM |
5829 | !CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mc_before_corr",mc_before_corr) !IGEM |
5830 | !CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mc_after_corr",mc_after_corr) !IGEM |
5831 | !CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("evap_bare_lim",evap_bare_lim) !IGEM ! now in diffuco |
5832 | !CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("evap_bare_lim_ns",evap_bare_lim_ns) !IGEM ! now in diffuco |
5833 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("check_resolv",check_resolv) !IGEM19 |
5834 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("check_fluxtop",check_fluxtop) !IGEM19 |
5835 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("tmat_diag",tmat_diag) !IGEM19 |
5836 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("tmc_before_diag",tmc_before_diag) !IGEM19 |
5837 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("tmc_after_diag",tmc_after_diag) !IGEM19 |
5838 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("qlat_ns_diag",qlat_ns_diag) !IGEM19 |
5839 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("flxbot_diag",flxbot_diag) !IGEM19 |
5840 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("flxtop_diag",flxtop_diag) !IGEM19 |
5841 | |
5842 | |
5843 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
5844 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("check_infilt",check_infilt/dt_sechiba) |
5845 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("check_tr",check_tr/dt_sechiba) |
5846 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("check_over",check_over/dt_sechiba) |
5847 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("check_under",check_under/dt_sechiba) |
5848 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("check_tr_ns",check_tr_ns/dt_sechiba) !IGEM |
5849 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("check_infilt_ns",check_infilt_ns/dt_sechiba)!IGEM |
5850 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("dr_corrnum_ns",dr_corrnum_ns/dt_sechiba) |
5851 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("dr_corr_ns",dr_corr_ns/dt_sechiba) !IGEM |
5852 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("ru_corr_ns",ru_corr_ns/dt_sechiba)!IGEM |
5853 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("ru_corr2_ns",ru_corr2_ns/dt_sechiba)!IGEM |
5854 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("swbr_ns",swbr_ns/dt_sechiba)!IGEM |
5855 | END IF |
5856 | |
5857 | !! 11. Exit if error was found previously in this subroutine |
5858 | |
5859 | IF ( error ) THEN |
5860 | WRITE(numout,*) 'One or more errors have been detected in hydrol_soil. Model stops.' |
5861 | CALL ipslerr_p(3, 'hydrol_soil', 'We will STOP now.',& |
5862 | & 'One or several fatal errors were found previously.','') |
5863 | END IF |
5864 | |
5865 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil |
5866 | |
5867 | |
5868 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
5869 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_soil_infilt |
5870 | !! |
5871 | !>\BRIEF Infiltration |
5872 | !! |
5873 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
5874 | !! 1. We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine |
5875 | !! 2. Infiltration process |
5876 | !! 2.1 Initialization of time counter and infiltration rate |
5877 | !! 2.2 Infiltration layer by layer, accounting for an exponential law for subgrid variability |
5878 | !! 2.3 Resulting infiltration and surface runoff |
5879 | !! 3. For water conservation check, we calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine, |
5880 | !! and export the difference with the flux |
5881 | !! 5. Local verification |
5882 | !! |
5883 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : 2016 by A. Ducharne |
5884 | !! Adding checks and interactions variables with hydrol_soil, but the processes are unchanged |
5885 | !! |
5887 | !! |
5888 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
5889 | !! |
5890 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
5891 | !! \n |
5892 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
5893 | !_ hydrol_soil_infilt |
5894 | |
5895 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_infilt(kjpindex, ins, njsc, flux_infilt, qinfilt_ns, ru_infilt, check) |
5896 | |
5897 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
5898 | |
5899 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
5900 | |
5901 | ! GLOBAL (in or inout) |
5902 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
5903 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ins |
5904 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class in the grid cell |
5905 | !! (1-nscm, unitless) |
5906 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: flux_infilt !! Water to infiltrate (nstm: IGEM) |
5907 | !! @tex $(kg m^{-2})$ @endtex |
5908 | |
5909 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
5910 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(out) :: check !! delta SM - flux (mm/dt_sechiba) |
5911 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(out) :: ru_infilt !! Surface runoff from soil_infilt (mm/dt_sechiba) |
5912 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(out) :: qinfilt_ns !! Effective infiltration flux (mm/dt_sechiba) |
5913 | |
5914 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
5915 | |
5916 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
5917 | |
5918 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jsl !! Indices |
5919 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: wat_inf_pot !! infiltrable water in the layer |
5920 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: wat_inf !! infiltrated water in the layer |
5921 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: dt_tmp !! time remaining before the end of the time step |
5922 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: dt_inf !! the time it takes to complete the infiltration in the |
5923 | !! layer |
5924 | REAL(r_std) :: k_m !! the mean conductivity used for the saturated front |
5925 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: infilt_tmp !! infiltration rate for the considered layer |
5926 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: infilt_tot !! total infiltration |
5927 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: flux_tmp !! rate at which precip hits the ground |
5928 | |
5929 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmci !! total SM at beginning of routine (kg/m2) |
5930 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmcf !! total SM at end of routine (kg/m2) |
5931 | |
5932 | |
5933 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
5934 | |
5935 | ! If data (or coupling with GCM) was available, a parameterization for subgrid rainfall could be performed |
5936 | |
5937 | !! 1. We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine |
5938 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
5939 | tmci(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(:,1,ins) + mc(:,2,ins) )/huit |
5940 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
5941 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
5942 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
5943 | ENDDO |
5944 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,ins) + mc(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
5945 | ENDIF |
5946 | |
5947 | !! 2. Infiltration process |
5948 | |
5949 | !! 2.1 Initialization |
5950 | |
5951 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5952 | !! First we fill up the first layer (about 1mm) without any resistance and quasi-immediately |
5953 | wat_inf_pot(ji) = MAX((mcs(njsc(ji))-mc(ji,1,ins)) * dz(2) / deux, zero) |
5954 | wat_inf(ji) = MIN(wat_inf_pot(ji), flux_infilt(ji,ins)) !IGEM(ins) |
5955 | mc(ji,1,ins) = mc(ji,1,ins) + wat_inf(ji) * deux / dz(2) |
5956 | ! |
5957 | ENDDO |
5958 | |
5959 | !! Initialize a countdown for infiltration during the time-step and the value of potential runoff |
5960 | dt_tmp(:) = dt_sechiba / one_day |
5961 | infilt_tot(:) = wat_inf(:) |
5962 | !! Compute the rate at which water will try to infiltrate each layer |
5963 | ! flux_temp is converted here to the same unit as k_m |
5964 | flux_tmp(:) = (flux_infilt(:,ins)-wat_inf(:)) / dt_tmp(:) !IGEM (ins) |
5965 | |
5966 | !! 2.2 Infiltration layer by layer |
5967 | DO jsl = 2, nslm-1 |
5968 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
5969 | !! Infiltrability of each layer if under a saturated one |
5970 | ! This is computed by an simple arithmetic average because |
5971 | ! the time step (30min) is not appropriate for a geometric average (advised by Haverkamp and Vauclin) |
5972 | k_m = (k(ji,jsl) + ks(njsc(ji))*kfact(jsl-1,njsc(ji))*kfact_root(ji,jsl,ins)) / deux |
5973 | |
5974 | IF (ok_freeze_cwrr) THEN |
5975 | IF (temp_hydro(ji, jsl) .LT. ZeroCelsius) THEN |
5976 | k_m = k(ji,jsl) |
5977 | ENDIF |
5978 | ENDIF |
5979 | |
5980 | !! We compute the mean rate at which water actually infiltrate: |
5981 | ! Subgrid: Exponential distribution of k around k_m, but average p directly used |
5982 | ! See d'Orgeval 2006, p 78, but it's not fully clear to me (AD16***) |
5983 | infilt_tmp(ji) = k_m * (un - EXP(- flux_tmp(ji) / k_m)) |
5984 | |
5985 | !! From which we deduce the time it takes to fill up the layer or to end the time step... |
5986 | wat_inf_pot(ji) = MAX((mcs(njsc(ji))-mc(ji,jsl,ins)) * (dz(jsl) + dz(jsl+1)) / deux, zero) |
5987 | IF ( infilt_tmp(ji) > min_sechiba) THEN |
5988 | dt_inf(ji) = MIN(wat_inf_pot(ji)/infilt_tmp(ji), dt_tmp(ji)) |
5989 | ! The water infiltration TIME has to limited by what is still available for infiltration. |
5990 | IF ( dt_inf(ji) * infilt_tmp(ji) > flux_infilt(ji,ins)-infilt_tot(ji) ) THEN !IGEM(ins) |
5991 | dt_inf(ji) = MAX(flux_infilt(ji,ins)-infilt_tot(ji),zero)/infilt_tmp(ji) !IGEM(ins) |
5992 | ENDIF |
5993 | ELSE |
5994 | dt_inf(ji) = dt_tmp(ji) |
5995 | ENDIF |
5996 | |
5997 | !! The water enters in the layer |
5998 | wat_inf(ji) = dt_inf(ji) * infilt_tmp(ji) |
5999 | ! bviously the moisture content |
6000 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) + & |
6001 | & wat_inf(ji) * deux / (dz(jsl) + dz(jsl+1)) |
6002 | ! the time remaining before the next time step |
6003 | dt_tmp(ji) = dt_tmp(ji) - dt_inf(ji) |
6004 | ! and finally the infilt_tot (which is just used to check if there is a problem, below) |
6005 | infilt_tot(ji) = infilt_tot(ji) + infilt_tmp(ji) * dt_inf(ji) |
6006 | ENDDO |
6007 | ENDDO |
6008 | |
6009 | !! 2.3 Resulting infiltration and surface runoff |
6010 | ru_infilt(:,ins) = flux_infilt(:,ins) - infilt_tot(:) |
6011 | qinfilt_ns(:,ins) = infilt_tot(:) |
6012 | |
6013 | !! 3. For water conservation check: we calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine |
6014 | !! and export the difference with the flux |
6015 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
6016 | tmcf(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(:,1,ins) + mc(:,2,ins) )/huit |
6017 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
6018 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
6019 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
6020 | ENDDO |
6021 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,ins) + mc(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
6022 | ! Normally, tcmf=tmci+infilt_tot |
6023 | check(:,ins) = tmcf(:)-(tmci(:)+infilt_tot(:)) |
6024 | ENDIF |
6025 | |
6026 | !! 5. Local verification |
6027 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6028 | IF (infilt_tot(ji) .LT. -min_sechiba .OR. infilt_tot(ji) .GT. flux_infilt(ji,ins) + min_sechiba) THEN |
6029 | WRITE (numout,*) 'Error in the calculation of infilt tot', infilt_tot(ji) |
6030 | WRITE (numout,*) 'k, ji, jst, mc', k(ji,1:2), ji, ins, mc(ji,1,ins) |
6031 | CALL ipslerr_p(3, 'hydrol_soil_infilt', 'We will STOP now.','Error in calculation of infilt tot','') |
6032 | ENDIF |
6033 | ENDDO |
6034 | |
6035 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_infilt |
6036 | |
6037 | |
6038 | |
6039 | |
6040 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_wtd(kjpindex, njsc, soiltile, influx_from_bottom, ru_wtd, check_wtd) |
6041 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
6042 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
6043 | ! GLOBAL (in or inout) |
6044 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !!Domain size |
6045 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !!Index of the dominant soil textural class in the grid cell |
6046 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: influx_from_bottom !!Water to infiltrate [kg/m2(tile)/dtsechiba] |
6047 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile |
6048 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (inout) :: ru_wtd |
6049 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
6050 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jsl, jstm, ins !! Indices |
6051 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: to_inject !! infiltrable [kg/m2(tile)/dtsechiba] |
6052 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: to_infiltrate !! to infiltrate [kg/m2(tile)/dtsechiba] |
6053 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmci !! total SM before infilt [kg/m2(tile)] |
6054 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmcf !! total SM after infilt [kg/m2(tile)] |
6055 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: check |
6056 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex),INTENT (inout) :: check_wtd |
6057 | |
6058 | |
6059 | !Initialization |
6060 | to_infiltrate(:) = zero |
6061 | ru_wtd(:) = zero |
6062 | tmci(:) = zero |
6063 | tmcf(:) = zero |
6064 | ins = 4 !4th soiltile index |
6065 | |
6066 | |
6067 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
6068 | tmci(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(:,1,ins) + mc(:,2,ins) )/huit |
6069 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
6070 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
6071 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
6072 | ENDDO |
6073 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,ins) + mc(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
6074 | ENDIF |
6075 | |
6076 | |
6077 | !Infiltration process |
6078 | |
6079 | to_infiltrate(:) = influx_from_bottom(:) !mm |
6080 | !write(numout,*)'influx_from_bottom',influx_from_bottom(:) |
6081 | |
6082 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6083 | IF(to_infiltrate(ji) .GT. zero)THEN |
6084 | !! 1.1 Filling the bottom layer |
6085 | to_inject(ji) = MIN(to_infiltrate(ji) , MAX((mcs(njsc(ji))-mc(ji,nslm,4)) * dz(nslm-1)/deux, zero)) |
6086 | mc(ji,nslm,4) = mc(ji,nslm,4) + to_inject(ji)* deux/dz(nslm) |
6087 | to_infiltrate(ji) = to_infiltrate(ji)-to_inject(ji) |
6088 | |
6089 | !! 1.2 Filling iteratively the next layers from the bottom to the surface |
6090 | DO jsl = nslm-1,2,-1 |
6091 | to_inject(ji) = MIN(to_infiltrate(ji) , MAX((mcs(njsc(ji))-mc(ji,jsl,4)) * (dz(jsl)+dz(jsl+1))/deux, zero)) |
6092 | mc(ji,jsl,4) = mc(ji,jsl,4) + to_inject(ji)*deux/(dz(jsl)+dz(jsl+1)) |
6093 | to_infiltrate(ji) = to_infiltrate(ji)-to_inject(ji) |
6094 | ENDDO |
6095 | |
6096 | !! 1.3 Filling the first layer |
6097 | to_inject(ji) = MIN(to_infiltrate(ji),MAX((mcs(njsc(ji))-mc(ji,1,4)) * dz(2)/deux, zero)) |
6098 | mc(ji,1,4) = mc(ji,1,4) + to_inject(ji)* deux/dz(2) |
6099 | to_infiltrate(ji) = to_infiltrate(ji)-to_inject(ji) |
6100 | ENDIF |
6101 | ENDDO |
6102 | |
6103 | |
6104 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
6105 | tmcf(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(:,1,ins) + mc(:,2,ins) )/huit |
6106 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
6107 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
6108 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
6109 | ENDDO |
6110 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,ins) + mc(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
6111 | check_wtd(:) = tmcf(:)-(tmci(:)+((influx_from_bottom(:)-to_infiltrate(:)))) |
6112 | ENDIF |
6113 | |
6114 | ! Not infiltrated water to be put in the surface runoff of the 4th tile. |
6115 | ru_wtd(:) = to_infiltrate(:) |
6116 | |
6117 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_wtd |
6118 | |
6119 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
6120 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_soil_smooth_under_mcr |
6121 | !! |
6122 | !>\BRIEF : Modifies the soil moisture profile to avoid under-residual values, |
6123 | !! then diagnoses the points where such "excess" values remain. |
6124 | !! |
6125 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
6126 | !! The "excesses" under-residual are corrected from top to bottom, by transfer of excesses |
6127 | !! to the lower layers. The reverse transfer is performed to smooth any remaining "excess" in the bottom layer. |
6128 | !! If some "excess" remain afterwards, the entire soil profile is at the threshold value (mcs or mcr), |
6129 | !! and the remaining "excess" is necessarily concentrated in the top layer. |
6130 | !! This allowing diagnosing the flag is_under_mcr. |
6131 | !! Eventually, the remaining "excess" is split over the entire profile |
6132 | !! 1. We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine |
6133 | !! 2. Smoothes the profile to avoid negative values of punctual soil moisture |
6134 | !! Note that we check that mc > min_sechiba in hydrol_soil |
6135 | !! 3. For water conservation check, We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine, |
6136 | !! and export the difference with the flux |
6137 | !! |
6138 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : 2016 by A. Ducharne |
6139 | !! |
6141 | !! |
6142 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
6143 | !! |
6144 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
6145 | !! \n |
6146 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6147 | !_ hydrol_soil_smooth_under_mcr |
6148 | |
6149 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_smooth_under_mcr(kjpindex, ins, njsc, is_under_mcr, check) |
6150 | |
6151 | !- arguments |
6152 | |
6153 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
6154 | |
6155 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
6156 | |
6157 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
6158 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ins !! Soiltile index (1-nstm, unitless) |
6159 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class in grid cell |
6160 | !! (1-nscm, unitless) |
6161 | |
6162 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
6163 | |
6164 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(out) :: is_under_mcr !! Flag diagnosing under residual soil moisture |
6165 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(out) :: check !! delta SM - flux |
6166 | |
6167 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
6168 | |
6169 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
6170 | |
6171 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji,jsl |
6172 | REAL(r_std) :: excess |
6173 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: excessji |
6174 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmci !! total SM at beginning of routine |
6175 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmcf !! total SM at end of routine |
6176 | |
6177 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6178 | |
6179 | !! 1. We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine |
6180 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
6181 | tmci(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(:,1,ins) + mc(:,2,ins) )/huit |
6182 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
6183 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
6184 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
6185 | ENDDO |
6186 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,ins) + mc(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
6187 | ENDIF |
6188 | |
6189 | !! 2. Smoothes the profile to avoid negative values of punctual soil moisture |
6190 | |
6191 | ! 2.1 smoothing from top to bottom |
6192 | DO jsl = 1,nslm-2 |
6193 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6194 | excess = MAX(mcr(njsc(ji))-mc(ji,jsl,ins),zero) |
6195 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) + excess |
6196 | mc(ji,jsl+1,ins) = mc(ji,jsl+1,ins) - excess * & |
6197 | & (dz(jsl)+dz(jsl+1))/(dz(jsl+1)+dz(jsl+2)) |
6198 | ENDDO |
6199 | ENDDO |
6200 | |
6201 | jsl = nslm-1 |
6202 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6203 | excess = MAX(mcr(njsc(ji))-mc(ji,jsl,ins),zero) |
6204 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) + excess |
6205 | mc(ji,jsl+1,ins) = mc(ji,jsl+1,ins) - excess * & |
6206 | & (dz(jsl)+dz(jsl+1))/dz(jsl+1) |
6207 | ENDDO |
6208 | |
6209 | jsl = nslm |
6210 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6211 | excess = MAX(mcr(njsc(ji))-mc(ji,jsl,ins),zero) |
6212 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) + excess |
6213 | mc(ji,jsl-1,ins) = mc(ji,jsl-1,ins) - excess * & |
6214 | & dz(jsl)/(dz(jsl-1)+dz(jsl)) |
6215 | ENDDO |
6216 | |
6217 | ! 2.2 smoothing from bottom to top |
6218 | DO jsl = nslm-1,2,-1 |
6219 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6220 | excess = MAX(mcr(njsc(ji))-mc(ji,jsl,ins),zero) |
6221 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) + excess |
6222 | mc(ji,jsl-1,ins) = mc(ji,jsl-1,ins) - excess * & |
6223 | & (dz(jsl)+dz(jsl+1))/(dz(jsl-1)+dz(jsl)) |
6224 | ENDDO |
6225 | ENDDO |
6226 | |
6227 | ! 2.3 diagnoses is_under_mcr(ji), and updates the entire profile |
6228 | ! excess > 0 |
6229 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6230 | excessji(ji) = mask_soiltile(ji,ins) * MAX(mcr(njsc(ji))-mc(ji,1,ins),zero) |
6231 | ENDDO |
6232 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6233 | mc(ji,1,ins) = mc(ji,1,ins) + excessji(ji) ! then mc(1)=mcr |
6234 | is_under_mcr(ji,ins) = (excessji(ji) .GT. min_sechiba) |
6235 | ENDDO |
6236 | |
6237 | ! 2.4 The amount of water corresponding to excess in the top soil layer is redistributed in all soil layers |
6238 | ! -excess(ji) * dz(2) / deux donne le deficit total, negatif, en mm |
6239 | ! diviser par la profondeur totale en mm donne des delta_mc identiques en chaque couche, en mm |
6240 | ! retransformes en delta_mm par couche selon les bonnes eqs (eqs_hydrol.pdf, Eqs 13-15), puis sommes |
6241 | ! retourne bien le deficit total en mm |
6242 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
6243 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6244 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) - excessji(ji) * dz(2) / (deux * zmaxh*mille) |
6245 | ENDDO |
6246 | ENDDO |
6247 | ! This can lead to mc(jsl) < mcr depending on the value of excess, |
6248 | ! but this is no major pb for the diffusion |
6249 | ! Yet, we need to prevent evaporation if is_under_mcr |
6250 | |
6251 | !! Note that we check that mc > min_sechiba in hydrol_soil |
6252 | |
6253 | ! We just make sure that mc remains at 0 where soiltile=0 |
6254 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
6255 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6256 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mask_soiltile(ji,ins) * mc(ji,jsl,ins) |
6257 | ENDDO |
6258 | ENDDO |
6259 | |
6260 | !! 3. For water conservation check, We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine, |
6261 | !! and export the difference with the flux |
6262 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
6263 | tmcf(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(:,1,ins) + mc(:,2,ins) )/huit |
6264 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
6265 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
6266 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
6267 | ENDDO |
6268 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,ins) + mc(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
6269 | ! Normally, tcmf=tmci since we just redistribute the deficit |
6270 | check(:,ins) = tmcf(:)-tmci(:) |
6271 | ENDIF |
6272 | |
6273 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_smooth_under_mcr |
6274 | |
6275 | |
6276 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
6277 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs |
6278 | !! |
6279 | !>\BRIEF : Modifies the soil moisture profile to avoid over-saturation values, |
6280 | !! by putting the excess in ru_ns |
6281 | !! Thus, no point remain where such "excess" values remain (is_over_mcs becomes useless) |
6282 | !! |
6283 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
6284 | !! The "excesses" over-saturation are corrected from top to bottom, by transfer of excesses |
6285 | !! to the lower layers. The reverse transfer is performed to smooth any remaining "excess" in the bottom layer. |
6286 | !! If some "excess" remain afterwards, the entire soil profile is at the threshold value (mcs or mcr), |
6287 | !! and the remaining "excess" is necessarily concentrated in the top layer. |
6288 | !! Eventually, the remaining "excess" creates rudr_corr, to be added to ru_ns or dr_ns |
6289 | !! 1. We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine |
6290 | !! 2. In case of over-saturation we put the water where it is possible by smoothing |
6291 | !! 3. The excess is transformed into surface runoff, with conversion from m3/m3 to kg/m2 |
6292 | !! 4. For water conservation checks, we calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine, |
6293 | !! and export the difference with the flux |
6294 | !! |
6295 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : 2016 by A. Ducharne |
6296 | !! |
6298 | !! |
6299 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
6300 | !! |
6301 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
6302 | !! \n |
6303 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6304 | !_ hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs |
6305 | |
6306 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs(kjpindex, ins, njsc, is_over_mcs, rudr_corr, check) |
6307 | |
6308 | !- arguments |
6309 | |
6310 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
6311 | |
6312 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
6313 | |
6314 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
6315 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ins !! Soiltile index (1-nstm, unitless) |
6316 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class in grid cell |
6317 | !! (1-nscm, unitless) |
6318 | |
6319 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
6320 | |
6321 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: is_over_mcs !! Flag diagnosing over saturated soil moisture |
6322 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(out) :: check !! delta SM - flux |
6323 | |
6324 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
6325 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(inout):: rudr_corr !! Surface runoff produced to correct excess (mm/dtstep) |
6326 | |
6327 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
6328 | |
6329 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji,jsl |
6330 | REAL(r_std) :: excess |
6331 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmci !! total SM at beginning of routine |
6332 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmcf !! total SM at end of routine |
6333 | |
6334 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6335 | |
6336 | !! 1. We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine |
6337 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
6338 | tmci(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(:,1,ins) + mc(:,2,ins) )/huit |
6339 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
6340 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
6341 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
6342 | ENDDO |
6343 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,ins) + mc(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
6344 | ENDIF |
6345 | |
6346 | !! 2. In case of over-saturation we put the water where it is possible by smoothing |
6347 | |
6348 | ! 2.1 smoothing from top to bottom |
6349 | DO jsl = 1, nslm-2 |
6350 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6351 | excess = MAX(mc(ji,jsl,ins)-mcs(njsc(ji)),zero) |
6352 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) - excess |
6353 | mc(ji,jsl+1,ins) = mc(ji,jsl+1,ins) + excess * & |
6354 | & (dz(jsl)+dz(jsl+1))/(dz(jsl+1)+dz(jsl+2)) |
6355 | ENDDO |
6356 | ENDDO |
6357 | |
6358 | jsl = nslm-1 |
6359 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6360 | excess = MAX(mc(ji,jsl,ins)-mcs(njsc(ji)),zero) |
6361 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) - excess |
6362 | mc(ji,jsl+1,ins) = mc(ji,jsl+1,ins) + excess * & |
6363 | & (dz(jsl)+dz(jsl+1))/dz(jsl+1) |
6364 | ENDDO |
6365 | |
6366 | jsl = nslm |
6367 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6368 | excess = MAX(mc(ji,jsl,ins)-mcs(njsc(ji)),zero) |
6369 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) - excess |
6370 | mc(ji,jsl-1,ins) = mc(ji,jsl-1,ins) + excess * & |
6371 | & dz(jsl)/(dz(jsl-1)+dz(jsl)) |
6372 | ENDDO |
6373 | |
6374 | ! 2.2 smoothing from bottom to top, leading to keep most of the excess in the soil column |
6375 | DO jsl = nslm-1,2,-1 |
6376 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6377 | excess = MAX(mc(ji,jsl,ins)-mcs(njsc(ji)),zero) |
6378 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) - excess |
6379 | mc(ji,jsl-1,ins) = mc(ji,jsl-1,ins) + excess * & |
6380 | & (dz(jsl)+dz(jsl+1))/(dz(jsl-1)+dz(jsl)) |
6381 | ENDDO |
6382 | ENDDO |
6383 | |
6384 | !! 3. The excess is transformed into surface runoff, with conversion from m3/m3 to kg/m2 |
6385 | |
6386 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6387 | excess = mask_soiltile(ji,ins) * MAX(mc(ji,1,ins)-mcs(njsc(ji)),zero) |
6388 | mc(ji,1,ins) = mc(ji,1,ins) - excess ! then mc(1)=mcs |
6389 | rudr_corr(ji,ins) = rudr_corr(ji,ins) + excess * dz(2) / deux |
6390 | is_over_mcs(ji) = .FALSE. |
6391 | ENDDO |
6392 | |
6393 | !! 4. For water conservation checks, we calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine, |
6394 | !! and export the difference with the flux |
6395 | |
6396 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
6397 | tmcf(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(:,1,ins) + mc(:,2,ins) )/huit |
6398 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
6399 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
6400 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
6401 | ENDDO |
6402 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,ins) + mc(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
6403 | ! Normally, tcmf=tmci-rudr_corr |
6404 | check(:,ins) = tmcf(:)-(tmci(:)-rudr_corr(:,ins)) |
6405 | ENDIF |
6406 | |
6407 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs |
6408 | |
6409 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
6410 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs2 |
6411 | !! |
6412 | !>\BRIEF : Modifies the soil moisture profile to avoid over-saturation values, |
6413 | !! by putting the excess in ru_ns |
6414 | !! Thus, no point remain where such "excess" values remain (is_over_mcs becomes useless) |
6415 | !! |
6416 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
6417 | !! The "excesses" over-saturation are corrected, by directly discarding the excess as rudr_corr, |
6418 | !! to be added to ru_ns or dr_nsrunoff (via rudr_corr). |
6419 | !! Therefore, there is no more smoothing, and this helps preventing the saturation of too many layers, |
6420 | !! which leads to numerical errors with tridiag. |
6421 | !! 1. We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine |
6422 | !! 2. In case of over-saturation, we directly eliminate the excess via rudr_corr |
6423 | !! The calculation of the adjustement flux needs to account for nodes n-1 and n+1. |
6424 | !! 3. For water conservation checks, we calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine, |
6425 | !! and export the difference with the flux |
6426 | !! |
6427 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : 2016 by A. Ducharne |
6428 | !! |
6430 | !! |
6431 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
6432 | !! |
6433 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
6434 | !! \n |
6435 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6436 | !_ hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs2 |
6437 | |
6438 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs2(kjpindex, ins, njsc, is_over_mcs, rudr_corr, check) |
6439 | |
6440 | !- arguments |
6441 | |
6442 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
6443 | |
6444 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
6445 | |
6446 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
6447 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ins !! Soiltile index (1-nstm, unitless) |
6448 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class in grid cell |
6449 | !! (1-nscm, unitless) |
6450 | |
6451 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
6452 | |
6453 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: is_over_mcs !! Flag diagnosing over saturated soil moisture |
6454 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(out) :: check !! delta SM - flux |
6455 | |
6456 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
6457 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(inout):: rudr_corr !! Surface runoff produced to correct excess (mm/dtstep) |
6458 | |
6459 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
6460 | |
6461 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji,jsl |
6462 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm) :: excess |
6463 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmci !! total SM at beginning of routine |
6464 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmcf !! total SM at end of routine |
6465 | |
6466 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6467 | !- |
6468 | |
6469 | !! 1. We calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine |
6470 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
6471 | tmci(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(:,1,ins) + mc(:,2,ins) )/huit |
6472 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
6473 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
6474 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
6475 | ENDDO |
6476 | tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,ins) + mc(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
6477 | ENDIF |
6478 | |
6479 | !! 2. In case of over-saturation, we don't do any smoothing, |
6480 | !! but directly eliminate the excess as runoff (via rudr_corr) |
6481 | ! we correct the calculation of the adjustement flux, which needs to account for nodes n-1 and n+1 |
6482 | ! for the calculation to remain simple and accurate, we directly drain all the oversaturated mc, |
6483 | ! without transfering to lower layers |
6484 | |
6485 | !! 2.1 thresholding from top to bottom, with excess defined along jsl |
6486 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
6487 | DO ji=1, kjpindex |
6488 | excess(ji,jsl) = MAX(mc(ji,jsl,ins)-mcs(njsc(ji)),zero) ! >=0 |
6489 | mc(ji,jsl,ins) = mc(ji,jsl,ins) - excess(ji,jsl) ! here mc either does not change or decreases |
6490 | ENDDO |
6491 | ENDDO |
6492 | |
6493 | !! 2.2 To ensure conservation, this needs to be balanced by additional drainage (in kg/m2/dt) |
6494 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6495 | rudr_corr(ji,ins) = dz(2) * ( trois*excess(ji,1) + excess(ji,2) )/huit ! top layer = initialisation |
6496 | ENDDO |
6497 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 ! intermediate layers |
6498 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6499 | rudr_corr(ji,ins) = rudr_corr(ji,ins) + dz(jsl) & |
6500 | & * (trois*excess(ji,jsl)+excess(ji,jsl-1))/huit & |
6501 | & + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*excess(ji,jsl)+excess(ji,jsl+1))/huit |
6502 | ENDDO |
6503 | ENDDO |
6504 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6505 | rudr_corr(ji,ins) = rudr_corr(ji,ins) + dz(nslm) & ! bottom layer |
6506 | & * (trois * excess(ji,nslm) + excess(ji,nslm-1))/huit |
6507 | is_over_mcs(ji) = .FALSE. |
6508 | END DO |
6509 | |
6510 | !! 3. For water conservation checks, we calculate the total SM at the beginning of the routine, |
6511 | !! and export the difference with the flux |
6512 | |
6513 | IF (check_cwrr2) THEN |
6514 | tmcf(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc(:,1,ins) + mc(:,2,ins) )/huit |
6515 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
6516 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
6517 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(:,jsl,ins)+mc(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
6518 | ENDDO |
6519 | tmcf(:) = tmcf(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(:,nslm,ins) + mc(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
6520 | ! Normally, tcmf=tmci-rudr_corr |
6521 | check(:,ins) = tmcf(:)-(tmci(:)-rudr_corr(:,ins)) |
6522 | ENDIF |
6523 | |
6524 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_smooth_over_mcs2 |
6525 | |
6526 | |
6527 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
6528 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_soil_flux |
6529 | !! |
6530 | !>\BRIEF : This subroutine diagnoses the vertical liquid water fluxes between the |
6531 | !! different soil layers, based on each layer water budget. It also checks the |
6532 | !! corresponding water conservation (during redistribution). |
6533 | !! |
6534 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
6535 | !! 1. Initialize qflux from the bottom, with dr_ns |
6536 | !! 2. Between layer nslm and nslm-1, by means of water budget knowing mc changes and flux at the lowest interface |
6537 | !! 3. We go up, and deduct qflux(1:nslm-2), still by means of water budget |
6538 | !! 4. Water balance verification: pursuing upward water budget, the flux at the surface should equal -flux_top |
6539 | !! |
6540 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : 2016 by A. Ducharne to fit hydrol_soil |
6541 | !! |
6543 | !! |
6544 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
6545 | !! |
6546 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
6547 | !! \n |
6548 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6549 | !_ hydrol_soil_flux |
6550 | |
6551 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_flux(kjpindex,ins,mclint,flux_top) |
6552 | ! |
6553 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
6554 | |
6555 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
6556 | |
6557 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
6558 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ins !! index of soil type |
6559 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT(in) :: mclint !! mc values at the beginning of the time step |
6560 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: flux_top !! Exfiltration (bare soil evaporation minus infiltration) |
6561 | |
6562 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
6563 | |
6564 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
6565 | |
6566 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
6567 | |
6568 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jsl,ji |
6569 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: temp |
6570 | |
6571 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6572 | |
6573 | !- Compute the diffusion flux at every level from bottom to top (using mcl,mclint, and sink values) |
6574 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6575 | |
6576 | !! 1. Initialize qflux from the bottom, with dr_ns |
6577 | jsl = nslm |
6578 | qflux(ji,jsl,ins) = dr_ns(ji,ins) |
6579 | !! 2. Between layer nslm and nslm-1, by means of water budget knowing mc changes and flux at the lowest interface |
6580 | ! qflux is downward |
6581 | jsl = nslm-1 |
6582 | qflux(ji,jsl,ins) = qflux(ji,jsl+1,ins) & |
6583 | & + (mcl(ji,jsl,ins)-mclint(ji,jsl) & |
6584 | & + trois*mcl(ji,jsl+1,ins) - trois*mclint(ji,jsl+1)) & |
6585 | & * (dz(jsl+1)/huit) & |
6586 | & + rootsink(ji,jsl+1,ins) |
6587 | ENDDO |
6588 | |
6589 | !! 3. We go up, and deduct qflux(1:nslm-2), still by means of water budget |
6590 | ! Here, qflux(ji,1,ins) is the downward flux between the top soil layer and the 2nd one |
6591 | DO jsl = nslm-2,1,-1 |
6592 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6593 | qflux(ji,jsl,ins) = qflux(ji,jsl+1,ins) & |
6594 | & + (mcl(ji,jsl,ins)-mclint(ji,jsl) & |
6595 | & + trois*mcl(ji,jsl+1,ins) - trois*mclint(ji,jsl+1)) & |
6596 | & * (dz(jsl+1)/huit) & |
6597 | & + rootsink(ji,jsl+1,ins) & |
6598 | & + (dz(jsl+2)/huit) & |
6599 | & * (trois*mcl(ji,jsl+1,ins) - trois*mclint(ji,jsl+1) & |
6600 | & + mcl(ji,jsl+2,ins)-mclint(ji,jsl+2)) |
6601 | END DO |
6602 | ENDDO |
6603 | |
6604 | !! 4. Water balance verification: pursuing upward water budget, the flux at the surface (temp) should equal -flux_top |
6605 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6606 | temp(ji) = qflux(ji,1,ins) + (dz(2)/huit) & |
6607 | & * (trois* (mcl(ji,1,ins)-mclint(ji,1)) + (mcl(ji,2,ins)-mclint(ji,2))) & |
6608 | & + rootsink(ji,1,ins) |
6609 | ENDDO |
6610 | |
6611 | ! flux_top is positive when upward, while temp is positive when downward |
6612 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6613 | IF (ABS(flux_top(ji)+temp(ji)).GT. deux*min_sechiba) THEN |
6614 | WRITE(numout,*) 'Problem in the water balance, qflux computation', flux_top(ji),temp(ji) |
6615 | WRITE(numout,*) 'ji', ji, 'jsl',jsl,'ins',ins |
6616 | WRITE(numout,*) 'mclint', mclint(ji,:) |
6617 | WRITE(numout,*) 'mcl', mcl(ji,:,ins) |
6618 | WRITE (numout,*) 'rootsink', rootsink(ji,:,ins) |
6619 | CALL ipslerr_p(3, 'hydrol_soil_flux', 'We will STOP now.',& |
6620 | & 'Problem in the water balance, qflux computation','') |
6621 | ENDIF |
6622 | ENDDO |
6623 | |
6624 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_flux |
6625 | |
6626 | |
6627 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
6628 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_soil_tridiag |
6629 | !! |
6630 | !>\BRIEF This subroutine solves a set of linear equations which has a tridiagonal coefficient matrix. |
6631 | !! |
6632 | !! DESCRIPTION : It is only applied in the grid-cells where resolv(ji)=TRUE |
6633 | !! |
6634 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
6635 | !! |
6636 | !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S) : mcl (global module variable) |
6637 | !! |
6638 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
6639 | !! |
6640 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
6641 | !! \n |
6642 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6643 | !_ hydrol_soil_tridiag |
6644 | |
6645 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_tridiag(kjpindex,ins) |
6646 | |
6647 | !- arguments |
6648 | |
6649 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
6650 | |
6651 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
6652 | |
6653 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
6654 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ins !! number of soil type |
6655 | |
6656 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
6657 | |
6658 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
6659 | |
6660 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
6661 | |
6662 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji,jsl |
6663 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: bet |
6664 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm) :: gam |
6665 | |
6666 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6667 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6668 | |
6669 | IF (resolv(ji)) THEN |
6670 | bet(ji) = tmat(ji,1,2) |
6671 | mcl(ji,1,ins) = rhs(ji,1)/bet(ji) |
6672 | ENDIF |
6673 | ENDDO |
6674 | |
6675 | DO jsl = 2,nslm |
6676 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6677 | |
6678 | IF (resolv(ji)) THEN |
6679 | |
6680 | gam(ji,jsl) = tmat(ji,jsl-1,3)/bet(ji) |
6681 | bet(ji) = tmat(ji,jsl,2) - tmat(ji,jsl,1)*gam(ji,jsl) |
6682 | mcl(ji,jsl,ins) = (rhs(ji,jsl)-tmat(ji,jsl,1)*mcl(ji,jsl-1,ins))/bet(ji) |
6683 | ENDIF |
6684 | |
6685 | ENDDO |
6686 | ENDDO |
6687 | |
6688 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6689 | IF (resolv(ji)) THEN |
6690 | DO jsl = nslm-1,1,-1 |
6691 | mcl(ji,jsl,ins) = mcl(ji,jsl,ins) - gam(ji,jsl+1)*mcl(ji,jsl+1,ins) |
6692 | ENDDO |
6693 | ENDIF |
6694 | ENDDO |
6695 | |
6696 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_tridiag |
6697 | |
6698 | |
6699 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
6700 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_soil_coef |
6701 | !! |
6702 | !>\BRIEF Computes coef for the linearised hydraulic conductivity |
6703 | !! k_lin=a_lin mc_lin+b_lin and the linearised diffusivity d_lin. |
6704 | !! |
6705 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
6706 | !! First, we identify the interval i in which the current value of mc is located. |
6707 | !! Then, we give the values of the linearized parameters to compute |
6708 | !! conductivity and diffusivity as K=a*mc+b and d. |
6709 | !! |
6710 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : Addition of the dependence to profil_froz_hydro_ns |
6711 | !! |
6713 | !! |
6714 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
6715 | !! |
6716 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
6717 | !! \n |
6718 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6719 | !_ hydrol_soil_coef |
6720 | |
6721 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_coef(kjpindex,ins,njsc) |
6722 | |
6724 | ! |
6725 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
6726 | |
6727 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
6728 | |
6729 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
6730 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ins !! Index of soil type |
6731 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class in the grid cell (1-nscm, unitless) |
6732 | |
6733 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
6734 | |
6735 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
6736 | |
6737 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
6738 | |
6739 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jsl,ji,i |
6740 | REAL(r_std) :: mc_ratio |
6741 | REAL(r_std) :: mc_used !! Used liquid water content |
6742 | REAL(r_std) :: x,m |
6743 | |
6744 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6745 | |
6746 | IF (ok_freeze_cwrr) THEN |
6747 | |
6748 | ! Calculation of liquid and frozen saturation degrees with respect to residual |
6749 | ! x=liquid saturation degree/residual=(mcl-mcr)/(mcs-mcr) |
6750 | ! 1-x=frozen saturation degree/residual=(mcfc-mcr)/(mcs-mcr) (=profil_froz_hydro) |
6751 | |
6752 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
6753 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
6754 | |
6755 | x = 1._r_std - profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji, jsl,ins) |
6756 | |
6757 | ! mc_used is used in the calculation of hydrological properties |
6758 | ! It corresponds to a liquid mc, but the expression is different from mcl in hydrol_soil, |
6759 | ! to ensure that we get the a, b, d of the first bin when mcl<mcr |
6760 | mc_used = mcr(njsc(ji))+x*MAX((mc(ji,jsl, ins)-mcr(njsc(ji))),zero) |
6761 | ! |
6762 | ! calcul de k based on mc_liq |
6763 | ! |
6764 | i= MAX(imin, MIN(imax-1, INT(imin +(imax-imin)*(mc_used-mcr(njsc(ji)))/(mcs(njsc(ji))-mcr(njsc(ji)))))) |
6765 | a(ji,jsl) = a_lin(i,jsl,njsc(ji)) * kfact_root(ji,jsl,ins) ! in mm/d |
6766 | b(ji,jsl) = b_lin(i,jsl,njsc(ji)) * kfact_root(ji,jsl,ins) ! in mm/d |
6767 | d(ji,jsl) = d_lin(i,jsl,njsc(ji)) * kfact_root(ji,jsl,ins) ! in mm^2/d |
6768 | k(ji,jsl) = kfact_root(ji,jsl,ins) * MAX(k_lin(imin+1,jsl,njsc(ji)), & |
6769 | a_lin(i,jsl,njsc(ji)) * mc_used + b_lin(i,jsl,njsc(ji))) ! in mm/d |
6770 | ENDDO ! loop on grid |
6771 | ENDDO |
6772 | |
6773 | ELSE |
6774 | ! .NOT. ok_freeze_cwrr |
6775 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
6776 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
6777 | |
6778 | ! it is impossible to consider a mc<mcr for the binning |
6779 | mc_ratio = MAX(mc(ji,jsl,ins)-mcr(njsc(ji)), zero)/(mcs(njsc(ji))-mcr(njsc(ji))) |
6780 | |
6781 | i= MAX(MIN(INT((imax-imin)*mc_ratio)+imin , imax-1), imin) |
6782 | a(ji,jsl) = a_lin(i,jsl,njsc(ji)) * kfact_root(ji,jsl,ins) ! in mm/d |
6783 | b(ji,jsl) = b_lin(i,jsl,njsc(ji)) * kfact_root(ji,jsl,ins) ! in mm/d |
6784 | d(ji,jsl) = d_lin(i,jsl,njsc(ji)) * kfact_root(ji,jsl,ins) ! in mm^2/d |
6785 | k(ji,jsl) = kfact_root(ji,jsl,ins) * MAX(k_lin(imin+1,jsl,njsc(ji)), & |
6786 | a_lin(i,jsl,njsc(ji)) * mc(ji,jsl,ins) + b_lin(i,jsl,njsc(ji))) ! in mm/d |
6787 | END DO |
6788 | END DO |
6789 | ENDIF |
6790 | |
6791 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_coef |
6792 | |
6793 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
6794 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_soil_froz |
6795 | !! |
6796 | !>\BRIEF Computes profil_froz_hydro_ns, the fraction of frozen water in the soil layers. |
6797 | !! |
6798 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
6799 | !! |
6800 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : Created by A. Ducharne in 2016. |
6801 | !! |
6802 | !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S) : profil_froz_hydro_ns |
6803 | !! |
6804 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
6805 | !! |
6806 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
6807 | !! \n |
6808 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6809 | !_ hydrol_soil_froz |
6810 | |
6811 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_froz(kjpindex,ins,njsc) |
6812 | |
6814 | ! |
6815 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
6816 | |
6817 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
6818 | |
6819 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
6820 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ins !! Index of soil type |
6821 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class in the grid cell (1-nscm, unitless) |
6822 | |
6823 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
6824 | |
6825 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
6826 | |
6827 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
6828 | |
6829 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jsl,ji,i |
6830 | REAL(r_std) :: x,m |
6831 | REAL(r_std) :: denom |
6832 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: froz_frac_moy |
6833 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: smtot_moy |
6834 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm) :: mc_ns |
6835 | |
6836 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6837 | |
6838 | ! ONLY FOR THE (ok_freeze_cwrr) CASE |
6839 | |
6840 | ! Calculation of liquid and frozen saturation degrees above residual moisture |
6841 | ! x=liquid saturation degree/residual=(mcl-mcr)/(mcs-mcr) |
6842 | ! 1-x=frozen saturation degree/residual=(mcfc-mcr)/(mcs-mcr) (=profil_froz_hydro) |
6843 | ! It's important for the good work of the water diffusion scheme (tridiag) that the total |
6844 | ! liquid water also includes mcr, so mcl > 0 even when x=0 |
6845 | |
6846 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
6847 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
6848 | ! Van Genuchten parameter for thermodynamical calculation |
6849 | m = 1. -1./nvan(njsc(ji)) |
6850 | |
6851 | IF ((.NOT. ok_thermodynamical_freezing).OR.(mc(ji,jsl, ins).LT.(mcr(njsc(ji))+min_sechiba))) THEN |
6852 | ! Linear soil freezing or soil moisture below residual |
6853 | IF (temp_hydro(ji, jsl).GE.(ZeroCelsius+fr_dT/2.)) THEN |
6854 | x=1._r_std |
6855 | ELSE IF ( (temp_hydro(ji,jsl) .GE. (ZeroCelsius-fr_dT/2.)) .AND. & |
6856 | (temp_hydro(ji,jsl) .LT. (ZeroCelsius+fr_dT/2.)) ) THEN |
6857 | x=(temp_hydro(ji, jsl)-(ZeroCelsius-fr_dT/2.))/fr_dT |
6858 | ELSE |
6859 | x=0._r_std |
6860 | ENDIF |
6861 | ELSE IF (ok_thermodynamical_freezing) THEN |
6862 | ! Thermodynamical soil freezing |
6863 | IF (temp_hydro(ji, jsl).GE.(ZeroCelsius+fr_dT/2.)) THEN |
6864 | x=1._r_std |
6865 | ELSE IF ( (temp_hydro(ji,jsl) .GE. (ZeroCelsius-fr_dT/2.)) .AND. & |
6866 | (temp_hydro(ji,jsl) .LT. (ZeroCelsius+fr_dT/2.)) ) THEN |
6867 | ! Factor 2.2 from the PhD of Isabelle Gouttevin |
6868 | x=MIN(((mcs(njsc(ji))-mcr(njsc(ji))) & |
6869 | *((2.2*1000.*avan(njsc(ji))*(ZeroCelsius+fr_dT/2.-temp_hydro(ji, jsl)) & |
6870 | *lhf/ZeroCelsius/10.)**nvan(njsc(ji))+1.)**(-m)) / & |
6871 | (mc(ji,jsl, ins)-mcr(njsc(ji))),1._r_std) |
6872 | ELSE |
6873 | x=0._r_std |
6874 | ENDIF |
6875 | ENDIF |
6876 | |
6877 | profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji,jsl,ins) = 1._r_std-x |
6878 | |
6879 | mc_ns(ji,jsl)=mc(ji,jsl,ins)/mcs(njsc(ji)) |
6880 | |
6881 | ENDDO ! loop on grid |
6882 | ENDDO |
6883 | |
6884 | ! Applay correction on the frozen fraction |
6885 | ! Depends on two external parameters: froz_frac_corr and smtot_corr |
6886 | froz_frac_moy(:)=zero |
6887 | denom=zero |
6888 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
6889 | froz_frac_moy(:)=froz_frac_moy(:)+dh(jsl)*profil_froz_hydro_ns(:,jsl,ins) |
6890 | denom=denom+dh(jsl) |
6891 | ENDDO |
6892 | froz_frac_moy(:)=froz_frac_moy(:)/denom |
6893 | |
6894 | smtot_moy(:)=zero |
6895 | denom=zero |
6896 | DO jsl=1,nslm-1 |
6897 | smtot_moy(:)=smtot_moy(:)+dh(jsl)*mc_ns(:,jsl) |
6898 | denom=denom+dh(jsl) |
6899 | ENDDO |
6900 | smtot_moy(:)=smtot_moy(:)/denom |
6901 | |
6902 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
6903 | profil_froz_hydro_ns(:,jsl,ins)=MIN(profil_froz_hydro_ns(:,jsl,ins)* & |
6904 | (froz_frac_moy(:)**froz_frac_corr)*(smtot_moy(:)**smtot_corr), max_froz_hydro) |
6905 | ENDDO |
6906 | |
6907 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_froz |
6908 | |
6909 | |
6910 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
6911 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_soil_setup |
6912 | !! |
6913 | !>\BRIEF This subroutine computes the matrix coef. |
6914 | !! |
6915 | !! DESCRIPTION : None |
6916 | !! |
6917 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
6918 | !! |
6919 | !! MAIN OUTPUT VARIABLE(S) : matrix coef |
6920 | !! |
6921 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
6922 | !! |
6923 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
6924 | !! \n |
6925 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6926 | |
6927 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_setup(kjpindex,ins) |
6928 | |
6929 | |
6931 | ! |
6932 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
6933 | |
6934 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
6935 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
6936 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ins !! index of soil type |
6937 | |
6938 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
6939 | |
6940 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
6941 | |
6942 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
6943 | |
6944 | INTEGER(i_std) :: jsl,ji |
6945 | REAL(r_std) :: temp3, temp4 |
6946 | |
6947 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
6948 | !-we compute tridiag matrix coefficients (LEFT and RIGHT) |
6949 | ! of the system to solve [LEFT]*mc_{t+1}=[RIGHT]*mc{t}+[add terms]: |
6950 | ! e(nslm),f(nslm),g1(nslm) for the [left] vector |
6951 | ! and ep(nslm),fp(nslm),gp(nslm) for the [right] vector |
6952 | |
6953 | ! w_time=1 (in constantes_soil) indicates implicit computation for diffusion |
6954 | temp3 = w_time*(dt_sechiba/one_day)/deux |
6955 | temp4 = (un-w_time)*(dt_sechiba/one_day)/deux |
6956 | |
6957 | ! Passage to arithmetic means for layer averages also in this subroutine : Aurelien 11/05/10 |
6958 | |
6959 | !- coefficient for first layer |
6960 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6961 | e(ji,1) = zero |
6962 | f(ji,1) = trois * dz(2)/huit + temp3 & |
6963 | & * ((d(ji,1)+d(ji,2))/(dz(2))+a(ji,1)) |
6964 | g1(ji,1) = dz(2)/(huit) - temp3 & |
6965 | & * ((d(ji,1)+d(ji,2))/(dz(2))-a(ji,2)) |
6966 | ep(ji,1) = zero |
6967 | fp(ji,1) = trois * dz(2)/huit - temp4 & |
6968 | & * ((d(ji,1)+d(ji,2))/(dz(2))+a(ji,1)) |
6969 | gp(ji,1) = dz(2)/(huit) + temp4 & |
6970 | & * ((d(ji,1)+d(ji,2))/(dz(2))-a(ji,2)) |
6971 | ENDDO |
6972 | |
6973 | !- coefficient for medium layers |
6974 | |
6975 | DO jsl = 2, nslm-1 |
6976 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
6977 | e(ji,jsl) = dz(jsl)/(huit) - temp3 & |
6978 | & * ((d(ji,jsl)+d(ji,jsl-1))/(dz(jsl))+a(ji,jsl-1)) |
6979 | |
6980 | f(ji,jsl) = trois * (dz(jsl)+dz(jsl+1))/huit + temp3 & |
6981 | & * ((d(ji,jsl)+d(ji,jsl-1))/(dz(jsl)) + & |
6982 | & (d(ji,jsl)+d(ji,jsl+1))/(dz(jsl+1)) ) |
6983 | |
6984 | g1(ji,jsl) = dz(jsl+1)/(huit) - temp3 & |
6985 | & * ((d(ji,jsl)+d(ji,jsl+1))/(dz(jsl+1))-a(ji,jsl+1)) |
6986 | |
6987 | ep(ji,jsl) = dz(jsl)/(huit) + temp4 & |
6988 | & * ((d(ji,jsl)+d(ji,jsl-1))/(dz(jsl))+a(ji,jsl-1)) |
6989 | |
6990 | fp(ji,jsl) = trois * (dz(jsl)+dz(jsl+1))/huit - temp4 & |
6991 | & * ( (d(ji,jsl)+d(ji,jsl-1))/(dz(jsl)) + & |
6992 | & (d(ji,jsl)+d(ji,jsl+1))/(dz(jsl+1)) ) |
6993 | |
6994 | gp(ji,jsl) = dz(jsl+1)/(huit) + temp4 & |
6995 | & *((d(ji,jsl)+d(ji,jsl+1))/(dz(jsl+1))-a(ji,jsl+1)) |
6996 | ENDDO |
6997 | ENDDO |
6998 | |
6999 | !- coefficient for last layer |
7000 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
7001 | e(ji,nslm) = dz(nslm)/(huit) - temp3 & |
7002 | & * ((d(ji,nslm)+d(ji,nslm-1)) /(dz(nslm))+a(ji,nslm-1)) |
7003 | f(ji,nslm) = trois * dz(nslm)/huit + temp3 & |
7004 | & * ((d(ji,nslm)+d(ji,nslm-1)) / (dz(nslm)) & |
7005 | & -a(ji,nslm)*(un-deux*free_drain_coef(ji,ins))) |
7006 | g1(ji,nslm) = zero |
7007 | ep(ji,nslm) = dz(nslm)/(huit) + temp4 & |
7008 | & * ((d(ji,nslm)+d(ji,nslm-1)) /(dz(nslm))+a(ji,nslm-1)) |
7009 | fp(ji,nslm) = trois * dz(nslm)/huit - temp4 & |
7010 | & * ((d(ji,nslm)+d(ji,nslm-1)) /(dz(nslm)) & |
7011 | & -a(ji,nslm)*(un-deux*free_drain_coef(ji,ins))) |
7012 | gp(ji,nslm) = zero |
7013 | ENDDO |
7014 | |
7015 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_soil_setup |
7016 | |
7017 | |
7018 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
7019 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_split_soil |
7020 | !! |
7021 | !>\BRIEF Splits 2d variables into 3d variables, per soiltile (_ns suffix), at the beginning of hydrol |
7022 | !! At this stage, the forcing fluxes to hydrol are transformed from grid-cell averages |
7023 | !! to mean fluxes over vegtot=sum(soiltile) |
7024 | !! |
7025 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
7026 | !! 1. Split 2d variables into 3d variables, per soiltile |
7027 | !! 1.1 Throughfall |
7028 | !! 1.2 Bare soil evaporation |
7029 | !! 1.2.1 vevapnu_old |
7030 | !! 1.2.2 ae_ns new |
7031 | !! 1.3 transpiration |
7032 | !! 1.4 root sink |
7033 | !! 2. Verification: Check if the deconvolution is correct and conserves the fluxes |
7034 | !! 2.1 precisol |
7035 | !! 2.2 ae_ns and evapnu |
7036 | !! 2.3 transpiration |
7037 | !! 2.4 root sink |
7038 | !! |
7039 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : 2016 by A. Ducharne to match the simplification of hydrol_soil |
7040 | !! |
7042 | !! |
7043 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
7044 | !! |
7045 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
7046 | !! \n |
7047 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
7048 | !_ hydrol_split_soil |
7049 | |
7050 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_split_soil (kjpindex, veget_max, soiltile, vevapnu, transpir, humrel, & |
7051 | evap_bare_lim, evap_bare_lim_ns, tot_bare_soil) |
7052 | ! |
7053 | ! interface description |
7054 | |
7055 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
7056 | |
7057 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
7058 | |
7059 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex |
7060 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex, nvm), INTENT(in) :: veget_max !! max Vegetation map |
7061 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile !! Fraction of each soiltile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) |
7062 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: vevapnu !! Bare soil evaporation |
7063 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: transpir !! Transpiration |
7064 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: humrel !! Relative humidity |
7065 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: evap_bare_lim !! |
7066 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT(in) :: evap_bare_lim_ns !! |
7067 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: tot_bare_soil !! Total evaporating bare soil fraction |
7068 | |
7069 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
7070 | |
7071 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jv, jsl, jst |
7072 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: vevapnu_old |
7073 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: tmp_check1 |
7074 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: tmp_check2 |
7075 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm) :: tmp_check3 |
7076 | LOGICAL :: error=.FALSE. !! If true, exit in the end of subroutine |
7077 | |
7078 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
7079 | |
7080 | !! 1. Split 2d variables into 3d variables, per soiltile |
7081 | |
7082 | ! Reminders: |
7083 | ! corr_veg_soil(:,nvm,nstm) = PFT fraction per soiltile in each grid-cell |
7084 | ! corr_veg_soil(ji,jv,jst)=veget_max(ji,jv)/soiltile(ji,jst) |
7085 | ! soiltile(:,nstm) = fraction of vegtot covered by each soiltile (0-1, unitless) |
7086 | ! vegtot(:) = total fraction of grid-cell covered by PFTs (fraction with bare soil + vegetation) |
7087 | ! veget_max(:,nvm) = PFT fractions of vegtot+frac_nobio |
7088 | ! veget(:,nvm) = fractions (of vegtot+frac_nobio) covered by vegetation in each PFT |
7089 | ! BUT veget(:,1)=veget_max(:,1) |
7090 | ! frac_bare(:,nvm) = fraction (of veget_max) with bare soil in each PFT |
7091 | ! tot_bare_soil(:) = fraction of grid mesh covered by all bare soil (=SUM(frac_bare*veget_max)) |
7092 | ! frac_bare_ns(:,nstm) = evaporating bare soil fraction (of vegtot) per soiltile (defined in hydrol_vegupd) |
7093 | |
7094 | !! 1.1 Throughfall |
7095 | ! Transformation from precisol (flux from PFT jv in m2 of grid-mesh) |
7096 | ! to precisol_ns (flux from contributing PFTs with another unit, in m2 of soiltile) |
7097 | precisol_ns(:,:)=zero |
7098 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7099 | DO jst=1,nstm!IGEM |
7100 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7101 | IF((veget_max(ji,jv).GT.min_sechiba) .AND. ((soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji)) .GT. min_sechiba)) THEN |
7102 | precisol_ns(ji,jst) = precisol_ns(ji,jst) + & |
7103 | ratio_soil(ji,jv,jst)*precisol(ji,jv) / (soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji)) |
7104 | ENDIF |
7105 | END DO |
7106 | END DO |
7107 | END DO!IGEM |
7108 | |
7109 | |
7110 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("precisol_ns",precisol_ns) !IGEM |
7111 | |
7112 | !! 1.2 Bare soil evaporation |
7113 | !! 1.2.1 vevapnu_old |
7114 | ! AD16*** vevapnu_old ne sert que pour le split suivant de vevapnu (issu de enerbil) en ae_ns pour hydrol_soil |
7115 | ! mais il ne semble y avoir aucune bonne raison de contraindre ae_ns en fonction de vevapnu_old |
7116 | vevapnu_old(:)=zero |
7117 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7118 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7119 | IF ( vegtot(ji) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
7120 | vevapnu_old(ji)=vevapnu_old(ji)+ & |
7121 | & ae_ns(ji,jst)*soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji) |
7122 | ENDIF |
7123 | END DO |
7124 | END DO |
7125 | |
7126 | !! 1.2.2 ae_ns new |
7127 | ! AD16*** les lignes ci-dessous sont excessivement compliquees et ne garantissent pas que ae_ns = 0 si evap_bare_lim=0 |
7128 | ! c'est notamment le cas pour les 3emes et 6emes conditions |
7129 | ! AD19: test1 for IGEM |
7130 | !!$ DO jst=1,nstm |
7131 | !!$ DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7132 | !!$ IF (vevapnu_old(ji).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
7133 | !!$ IF(evap_bare_lim(ji).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
7134 | !!$ ae_ns(ji,jst) = vevapnu(ji) * evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst)/evap_bare_lim(ji) |
7135 | !!$ ELSE |
7136 | !!$ IF(vevapnu_old(ji).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
7137 | !!$ ae_ns(ji,jst)=ae_ns(ji,jst) * vevapnu(ji)/vevapnu_old(ji) ! 3Úme condition |
7138 | !!$ ELSE |
7139 | !!$ ae_ns(ji,jst)=zero |
7140 | !!$ ENDIF |
7141 | !!$ ENDIF |
7142 | !!$ ELSEIF(frac_bare_ns(ji,jst).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
7143 | !!$ IF(evap_bare_lim(ji).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
7144 | !!$ ae_ns(ji,jst) = vevapnu(ji) * evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst)/evap_bare_lim(ji) |
7145 | !!$ ELSE |
7146 | !!$ IF(tot_bare_soil(ji).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
7147 | !!$ ae_ns(ji,jst) = vevapnu(ji) * frac_bare_ns(ji,jst)/tot_bare_soil(ji) ! 6Úme condition |
7148 | !!$ ELSE |
7149 | !!$ ae_ns(ji,jst) = zero |
7150 | !!$ ENDIF |
7151 | !!$ ENDIF |
7152 | !!$ ENDIF |
7153 | !!$ END DO |
7154 | !!$ END DO |
7155 | ! ADNV27072016: we believe the following block should be used (tests needed before committ, since AD16*** had pb with it) |
7156 | !!$ ! given the definition of evap_bare_lim, it leads to sum(ae_ns(ji,jst)*soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji))=vevapnu(ji) |
7157 | ae_ns(:,:)=zero |
7158 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7159 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7160 | IF(evap_bare_lim(ji).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
7161 | ae_ns(ji,jst) = vevapnu(ji) * evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,jst)/evap_bare_lim(ji) |
7162 | ENDIF |
7163 | ENDDO |
7164 | ENDDO |
7165 | |
7166 | !! 1.3 transpiration |
7167 | ! Transformation from transpir (flux from PFT jv in m2 of grid-mesh) |
7168 | ! to tr_ns (flux from contributing PFTs with another unit, in m2 of soiltile) |
7169 | ! To do next: simplify the use of humrelv(ji,jv,jst) /humrel(ji,jv), since both are equal |
7170 | tr_ns(:,:)=zero |
7171 | DO jst=1,nstm !IGEM |
7172 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7173 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7174 | IF ((humrel(ji,jv).GT.min_sechiba) .AND. ((soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji)) .GT.min_sechiba))THEN |
7175 | tr_ns(ji,jst)= tr_ns(ji,jst) & |
7176 | + transpir(ji,jv) * (humrelv(ji,jv,jst) / humrel(ji,jv)) & |
7177 | * ratio_soil(ji,jv,jst) / (soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji)) |
7178 | |
7179 | ENDIF |
7180 | END DO |
7181 | END DO |
7182 | END DO!IGEM |
7183 | |
7184 | !! 1.4 root sink |
7185 | ! Transformation from transpir (flux from PFT jv in m2 of grid-mesh) |
7186 | ! to root_sink (flux from contributing PFTs and soil layer with another unit, in m2 of soiltile) |
7187 | rootsink(:,:,:)=zero |
7188 | DO jst=1,nstm !IGEM |
7189 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7190 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
7191 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7192 | IF ((humrel(ji,jv).GT.min_sechiba) .AND. ((soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji)) .GT.min_sechiba)) THEN |
7193 | rootsink(ji,jsl,jst) = rootsink(ji,jsl,jst) & |
7194 | + transpir(ji,jv) * (us(ji,jv,jst,jsl) / humrel(ji,jv)) & |
7195 | * ratio_soil(ji,jv,jst) / (soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji)) |
7196 | ! rootsink(ji,1,jst)=0 as us(ji,jv,jst,1)=0 |
7197 | END IF |
7198 | END DO |
7199 | END DO |
7200 | END DO |
7201 | END DO !IGEM |
7202 | |
7203 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("rootsink",rootsink/dt_sechiba) !mm/s !IGEM |
7204 | |
7205 | !!! ADNV270716 *** we are here |
7206 | |
7207 | !! 2. Verification: Check if the deconvolution is correct and conserves the fluxes (grid-cell average) |
7208 | |
7209 | IF (check_cwrr) THEN |
7210 | |
7211 | !! 2.1 precisol |
7212 | |
7213 | tmp_check1(:)=zero |
7214 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7215 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7216 | tmp_check1(ji)=tmp_check1(ji) + precisol_ns(ji,jst)*soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji) |
7217 | END DO |
7218 | END DO |
7219 | |
7220 | tmp_check2(:)=zero |
7221 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7222 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7223 | tmp_check2(ji)=tmp_check2(ji) + precisol(ji,jv) |
7224 | END DO |
7225 | END DO |
7226 | |
7227 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7228 | IF(ABS(tmp_check1(ji) - tmp_check2(ji)).GT.allowed_err) THEN |
7229 | WRITE(numout,*) 'PRECISOL SPLIT FALSE:ji=',ji,tmp_check1(ji),tmp_check2(ji) |
7230 | WRITE(numout,*) 'err',ABS(tmp_check1(ji)- tmp_check2(ji)) |
7231 | WRITE(numout,*) 'vegtot',vegtot(ji) |
7232 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7233 | WRITE(numout,'(a,i2.2,"|",F13.4,"|",F13.4,"|",3(F9.6))') & |
7234 | 'jv,veget_max, precisol, vegetmax_soil ', & |
7235 | jv,veget_max(ji,jv),precisol(ji,jv),vegetmax_soil(ji,jv,:) |
7236 | END DO |
7237 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7238 | WRITE(numout,*) 'jst,precisol_ns',jst,precisol_ns(ji,jst) |
7239 | WRITE(numout,*) 'soiltile', soiltile(ji,jst) |
7240 | END DO |
7241 | error=.TRUE. |
7242 | CALL ipslerr_p(2, 'hydrol_split_soil', 'We will STOP in the end of this subroutine.',& |
7243 | & 'check_CWRR','PRECISOL SPLIT FALSE') |
7244 | ENDIF |
7245 | END DO |
7246 | |
7247 | !! 2.2 ae_ns and evapnu |
7248 | |
7249 | tmp_check1(:)=zero |
7250 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7251 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7252 | tmp_check1(ji)=tmp_check1(ji) + ae_ns(ji,jst)*soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji) |
7253 | END DO |
7254 | END DO |
7255 | |
7256 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7257 | IF(ABS(tmp_check1(ji) - vevapnu(ji)).GT.allowed_err) THEN |
7258 | WRITE(numout,*) 'VEVAPNU SPLIT FALSE:ji, Sum(ae_ns), vevapnu =',ji,tmp_check1(ji),vevapnu(ji) |
7259 | WRITE(numout,*) 'err',ABS(tmp_check1(ji)- vevapnu(ji)) |
7260 | WRITE(numout,*) 'ae_ns',ae_ns(ji,:) |
7261 | WRITE(numout,*) 'vegtot',vegtot(ji) |
7262 | WRITE(numout,*) 'evap_bare_lim, evap_bare_lim_ns',evap_bare_lim(ji), evap_bare_lim_ns(ji,:) |
7263 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7264 | WRITE(numout,*) 'jst,ae_ns',jst,ae_ns(ji,jst) |
7265 | WRITE(numout,*) 'soiltile', soiltile(ji,jst) |
7266 | END DO |
7267 | error=.TRUE. |
7268 | CALL ipslerr_p(2, 'hydrol_split_soil', 'We will STOP in the end of this subroutine.',& |
7269 | & 'check_CWRR','VEVAPNU SPLIT FALSE') |
7270 | ENDIF |
7271 | ENDDO |
7272 | |
7273 | !! 2.3 transpiration |
7274 | |
7275 | tmp_check1(:)=zero |
7276 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7277 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7278 | tmp_check1(ji)=tmp_check1(ji) + tr_ns(ji,jst)*soiltile(ji,jst)*vegtot(ji) |
7279 | END DO |
7280 | END DO |
7281 | |
7282 | tmp_check2(:)=zero |
7283 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7284 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7285 | tmp_check2(ji)=tmp_check2(ji) + transpir(ji,jv) |
7286 | END DO |
7287 | END DO |
7288 | |
7289 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7290 | IF(ABS(tmp_check1(ji)- tmp_check2(ji)).GT.allowed_err) THEN |
7291 | WRITE(numout,*) 'TRANSPIR SPLIT FALSE:ji=',ji,tmp_check1(ji),tmp_check2(ji) |
7292 | WRITE(numout,*) 'err',ABS(tmp_check1(ji)- tmp_check2(ji)) |
7293 | WRITE(numout,*) 'vegtot',vegtot(ji) |
7294 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7295 | WRITE(numout,*) 'jv,veget_max, transpir',jv,veget_max(ji,jv),transpir(ji,jv) |
7296 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7297 | WRITE(numout,*) 'vegetmax_soil:ji,jv,jst',ji,jv,jst,vegetmax_soil(ji,jv,jst) |
7298 | END DO |
7299 | END DO |
7300 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7301 | WRITE(numout,*) 'jst,tr_ns',jst,tr_ns(ji,jst) |
7302 | WRITE(numout,*) 'soiltile', soiltile(ji,jst) |
7303 | END DO |
7304 | error=.TRUE. |
7305 | CALL ipslerr_p(2, 'hydrol_split_soil', 'We will STOP in the end of this subroutine.',& |
7306 | & 'check_CWRR','TRANSPIR SPLIT FALSE') |
7307 | ENDIF |
7308 | |
7309 | END DO |
7310 | |
7311 | !! 2.4 root sink |
7312 | |
7313 | tmp_check3(:,:)=zero |
7314 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7315 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
7316 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7317 | tmp_check3(ji,jst)=tmp_check3(ji,jst) + rootsink(ji,jsl,jst) |
7318 | END DO |
7319 | END DO |
7320 | ENDDO |
7321 | |
7322 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7323 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7324 | IF(ABS(tmp_check3(ji,jst) - tr_ns(ji,jst)).GT.allowed_err) THEN |
7325 | WRITE(numout,*) 'ROOTSINK SPLIT FALSE:ji,jst=', ji,jst,& |
7326 | & tmp_check3(ji,jst),tr_ns(ji,jst) |
7327 | WRITE(numout,*) 'err',ABS(tmp_check3(ji,jst)- tr_ns(ji,jst)) |
7328 | WRITE(numout,*) 'HUMREL(jv=1:13)',humrel(ji,:) |
7329 | WRITE(numout,*) 'TRANSPIR',transpir(ji,:) |
7330 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7331 | WRITE(numout,*) 'jv=',jv,'us=',us(ji,jv,jst,:) |
7332 | ENDDO |
7333 | error=.TRUE. |
7334 | CALL ipslerr_p(2, 'hydrol_split_soil', 'We will STOP in the end of this subroutine.',& |
7335 | & 'check_CWRR','ROOTSINK SPLIT FALSE') |
7336 | ENDIF |
7337 | END DO |
7338 | END DO |
7339 | |
7340 | ENDIF ! end of check_cwrr |
7341 | |
7342 | !! Exit if error was found previously in this subroutine |
7343 | IF ( error ) THEN |
7344 | WRITE(numout,*) 'One or more errors have been detected in hydrol_split_soil. Model stops.' |
7345 | CALL ipslerr_p(3, 'hydrol_split_soil', 'We will STOP now.',& |
7346 | & 'One or several fatal errors were found previously.','') |
7347 | END IF |
7348 | |
7349 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_split_soil |
7350 | |
7351 | |
7352 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
7353 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_diag_soil |
7354 | !! |
7355 | !>\BRIEF Calculates diagnostic variables at the grid-cell scale |
7356 | !! |
7357 | !! DESCRIPTION : |
7358 | !! - 1. Apply mask_soiltile |
7359 | !! - 2. Sum 3d variables in 2d variables with fraction of vegetation per soil type |
7360 | !! |
7361 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : 2016 by A. Ducharne for the claculation of shumdiag_perma |
7362 | !! |
7364 | !! |
7365 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
7366 | !! |
7367 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
7368 | !! \n |
7369 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
7370 | !_ hydrol_diag_soil |
7371 | |
7372 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_diag_soil (kjpindex, veget_max, ratio_tile, soiltile, njsc, runoff, drainage, qtot_to_river,&!IGEM |
7373 | & evapot, vevapnu, returnflow, reinfiltration, irrigation, reinf_from_fast,flowtowtd,& !IGEM |
7374 | & shumdiag,shumdiag_perma, k_litt, litterhumdiag, humrel, vegstress, drysoil_frac, tot_melt) |
7375 | ! |
7376 | ! interface description |
7377 | |
7378 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
7379 | |
7380 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
7381 | |
7382 | ! input scalar |
7383 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex |
7384 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: veget_max !! Max. vegetation type |
7385 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: njsc !! Index of the dominant soil textural class in the grid cell (1-nscm, unitless) |
7386 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile !! Fraction of each soil tile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) |
7387 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: evapot !! |
7388 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: returnflow !! Water returning to the deep reservoir |
7389 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: reinfiltration !! Water returning to the top of the soil |
7390 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: irrigation !! Water from irrigation |
7391 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: tot_melt !! |
7392 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: ratio_tile !! IGEM |
7393 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: reinf_from_fast !! IGEM |
7394 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(in) :: flowtowtd !! IGEM |
7395 | |
7396 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
7397 | |
7398 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: drysoil_frac !! Function of litter wetness |
7399 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: runoff !! complete runoff |
7400 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(out) :: drainage !! Drainage |
7401 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: shumdiag !! relative soil moisture |
7402 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (out) :: shumdiag_perma !! Percent of porosity filled with water (mc/mcs) used for the thermal computations |
7403 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: k_litt !! litter cond. |
7404 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: litterhumdiag !! litter humidity |
7405 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (out) :: humrel !! Relative humidity |
7406 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex, nvm), INTENT(out) :: vegstress !! Veg. moisture stress (only for vegetation growth) |
7407 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(inout) :: qtot_to_river !! IGEM |
7408 | |
7409 | |
7410 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
7411 | |
7412 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT(inout) :: vevapnu !! |
7413 | |
7414 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
7415 | |
7416 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jv, jsl, jst, i |
7417 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION (kjpindex) :: mask_vegtot |
7418 | REAL(r_std) :: k_tmp, tmc_litter_ratio |
7419 | |
7420 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
7421 | ! |
7422 | ! Put the prognostics variables of soil to zero if soiltype is zero |
7423 | |
7424 | !! 1. Apply mask_soiltile |
7425 | |
7426 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7427 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7428 | |
7429 | ae_ns(ji,jst) = ae_ns(ji,jst) * mask_soiltile(ji,jst) |
7430 | dr_ns(ji,jst) = dr_ns(ji,jst) * mask_soiltile(ji,jst) |
7431 | ru_ns(ji,jst) = ru_ns(ji,jst) * mask_soiltile(ji,jst) |
7432 | tmc(ji,jst) = tmc(ji,jst) * mask_soiltile(ji,jst) |
7433 | |
7434 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7435 | humrelv(ji,jv,jst) = humrelv(ji,jv,jst) * mask_soiltile(ji,jst) |
7436 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
7437 | us(ji,jv,jst,jsl) = us(ji,jv,jst,jsl) * mask_soiltile(ji,jst) |
7438 | END DO |
7439 | END DO |
7440 | |
7441 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
7442 | mc(ji,jsl,jst) = mc(ji,jsl,jst) * mask_soiltile(ji,jst) |
7443 | END DO |
7444 | |
7445 | END DO |
7446 | END DO |
7447 | |
7448 | runoff(:) = zero |
7449 | drainage(:) = zero |
7450 | humtot(:) = zero |
7451 | humtot_ns(:,:) = zero !IGEM |
7452 | shumdiag(:,:)= zero |
7453 | shumdiag_perma(:,:)=zero |
7454 | k_litt(:) = zero |
7455 | litterhumdiag(:) = zero |
7456 | tmc_litt_dry_mea(:) = zero |
7457 | tmc_litt_wet_mea(:) = zero |
7458 | tmc_litt_mea(:) = zero |
7459 | humrel(:,:) = zero |
7460 | vegstress(:,:) = zero |
7461 | IF (ok_freeze_cwrr) THEN |
7462 | profil_froz_hydro(:,:)=zero ! initialisation for the mean of profil_froz_hydro_ns |
7463 | ENDIF |
7464 | |
7465 | !! 2. Sum 3d variables in 2d variables with fraction of vegetation per soil type |
7466 | |
7467 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
7468 | mask_vegtot(ji) = 0 |
7469 | IF(vegtot(ji) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN |
7470 | mask_vegtot(ji) = 1 |
7471 | ENDIF |
7472 | END DO |
7473 | |
7474 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
7475 | ! Here we weight ae_ns by the fraction of bare evaporating soil. |
7476 | ! This is given by frac_bare_ns, taking into account bare soil under vegetation |
7477 | ae_ns(ji,:) = mask_vegtot(ji) * ae_ns(ji,:) * frac_bare_ns(ji,:) |
7478 | END DO |
7479 | |
7480 | ! We average the values of each soiltile and multiply by vegtot to transform to a grid-cell mean |
7481 | DO jst = 1, nstm |
7482 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
7483 | drainage(ji) = mask_vegtot(ji) * (drainage(ji) + vegtot(ji)*soiltile(ji,jst)*dr_ns(ji,jst)) |
7484 | runoff(ji) = mask_vegtot(ji) * (runoff(ji) + vegtot(ji)*soiltile(ji,jst)*ru_ns(ji,jst)) & |
7485 | & + (1 - mask_vegtot(ji)) * (tot_melt(ji) + irrigation(ji) + returnflow(ji) + reinfiltration(ji)) |
7486 | humtot(ji) = mask_vegtot(ji) * (humtot(ji) + vegtot(ji)*soiltile(ji,jst) * tmc(ji,jst)) |
7487 | humtot_ns(ji,jst) = mask_vegtot(ji) * (humtot_ns(ji,jst) + vegtot(ji)*soiltile(ji,jst)*tmc(ji,jst)) !IGEM |
7488 | IF (ok_freeze_cwrr) THEN |
7489 | ! profil_froz_hydro_ns comes from hydrol_soil, to remain the same as in the prognotic loop |
7490 | profil_froz_hydro(ji,:)=mask_vegtot(ji) * & |
7491 | (profil_froz_hydro(ji,:) + vegtot(ji)*soiltile(ji,jst) * profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji,:, jst)) |
7492 | ENDIF |
7493 | END DO |
7494 | END DO |
7495 | |
7496 | !write(numout,*) 'DRAINAGE',drainage(:) |
7497 | |
7498 | ! we add the excess of snow sublimation to vevapnu |
7499 | ! - because vevapsno is modified in hydrol_snow if subsinksoil |
7500 | ! - it is multiplied by vegtot because it is devided by 1-tot_frac_nobio at creation in hydrol_snow |
7501 | |
7502 | DO ji = 1,kjpindex |
7503 | vevapnu(ji) = vevapnu (ji) + subsinksoil(ji)*vegtot(ji) |
7504 | END DO |
7505 | |
7506 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7507 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7508 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7509 | IF(veget_max(ji,jv).GT.min_sechiba) THEN |
7510 | vegstress(ji,jv)=vegstress(ji,jv)+vegstressv(ji,jv,jst)*ratio_soil(ji,jv,jst)!IGEM |
7511 | vegstress(ji,jv)= MAX(vegstress(ji,jv),zero) |
7512 | ENDIF |
7513 | END DO |
7514 | END DO |
7515 | END DO |
7516 | |
7517 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7518 | DO jv=1,nvm |
7519 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7520 | humrel(ji,jv)=humrel(ji,jv)+humrelv(ji,jv,jst)*ratio_soil(ji,jv,jst)!IGEM |
7521 | humrel(ji,jv)=MAX(humrel(ji,jv),zero) |
7522 | END DO |
7523 | END DO |
7524 | END DO |
7525 | |
7526 | !! Litter... the goal is to calculate drysoil_frac, to calculate the albedo in condveg |
7527 | ! In condveg, drysoil_frac serve to calculate the albedo of drysoil, excluding the nobio contribution which is further added |
7528 | ! In conclusion, we calculate drysoil_frac based on moisture averages restricted to the soiltile (no multiplication by vegtot) |
7530 | !! k_litt is calculated here as a grid-cell average (for consistency with drainage) |
7531 | !! litterhumdiag, like shumdiag, is averaged over the soiltiles for transmission to stomate |
7532 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7533 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7534 | ! We compute here a mean k for the 'litter' used for reinfiltration from floodplains of ponds |
7535 | IF ( tmc_litter(ji,jst) < tmc_litter_res(ji,jst)) THEN |
7536 | i = imin |
7537 | ELSE |
7538 | tmc_litter_ratio = (tmc_litter(ji,jst)-tmc_litter_res(ji,jst)) / & |
7539 | & (tmc_litter_sat(ji,jst)-tmc_litter_res(ji,jst)) |
7540 | i= MAX(MIN(INT((imax-imin)*tmc_litter_ratio)+imin, imax-1), imin) |
7541 | ENDIF |
7542 | k_tmp = MAX(k_lin(i,1,njsc(ji))*ks(njsc(ji)), zero) |
7543 | k_litt(ji) = k_litt(ji) + vegtot(ji)*soiltile(ji,jst) * SQRT(k_tmp) ! grid-cell average |
7544 | ENDDO |
7545 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7546 | litterhumdiag(ji) = litterhumdiag(ji) + & |
7547 | & soil_wet_litter(ji,jst) * soiltile(ji,jst) |
7548 | |
7549 | tmc_litt_wet_mea(ji) = tmc_litt_wet_mea(ji) + & |
7550 | & tmc_litter_awet(ji,jst)* soiltile(ji,jst) |
7551 | |
7552 | tmc_litt_dry_mea(ji) = tmc_litt_dry_mea(ji) + & |
7553 | & tmc_litter_adry(ji,jst) * soiltile(ji,jst) |
7554 | |
7555 | tmc_litt_mea(ji) = tmc_litt_mea(ji) + & |
7556 | & tmc_litter(ji,jst) * soiltile(ji,jst) |
7557 | ENDDO |
7558 | ENDDO |
7559 | |
7560 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7561 | IF ( tmc_litt_wet_mea(ji) - tmc_litt_dry_mea(ji) > zero ) THEN |
7562 | drysoil_frac(ji) = un + MAX( MIN( (tmc_litt_dry_mea(ji) - tmc_litt_mea(ji)) / & |
7563 | & (tmc_litt_wet_mea(ji) - tmc_litt_dry_mea(ji)), zero), - un) |
7564 | ELSE |
7565 | drysoil_frac(ji) = zero |
7566 | ENDIF |
7567 | END DO |
7568 | |
7569 | ! Calculate soilmoist, as a function of total water content (mc) |
7570 | ! We average the values of each soiltile and multiply by vegtot to transform to a grid-cell mean |
7571 | soilmoist(:,:) = zero |
7572 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7573 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7574 | soilmoist(ji,1) = soilmoist(ji,1) + soiltile(ji,jst) * & |
7575 | dz(2) * ( trois*mc(ji,1,jst) + mc(ji,2,jst) )/huit |
7576 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
7577 | soilmoist(ji,jsl) = soilmoist(ji,jsl) + soiltile(ji,jst) * & |
7578 | ( dz(jsl) * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
7579 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc(ji,jsl,jst)+mc(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit ) |
7580 | END DO |
7581 | soilmoist(ji,nslm) = soilmoist(ji,nslm) + soiltile(ji,jst) * & |
7582 | dz(nslm) * (trois*mc(ji,nslm,jst) + mc(ji,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
7583 | END DO |
7584 | END DO |
7585 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7586 | soilmoist(ji,:) = soilmoist(ji,:) * vegtot(ji) ! conversion to grid-cell average |
7587 | ENDDO |
7588 | |
7589 | soilmoist_liquid(:,:) = zero |
7590 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7591 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7592 | soilmoist_liquid(ji,1) = soilmoist_liquid(ji,1) + soiltile(ji,jst) * & |
7593 | dz(2) * ( trois*mcl(ji,1,jst) + mcl(ji,2,jst) )/huit |
7594 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
7595 | soilmoist_liquid(ji,jsl) = soilmoist_liquid(ji,jsl) + soiltile(ji,jst) * & |
7596 | ( dz(jsl) * (trois*mcl(ji,jsl,jst)+mcl(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
7597 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mcl(ji,jsl,jst)+mcl(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit ) |
7598 | END DO |
7599 | soilmoist_liquid(ji,nslm) = soilmoist_liquid(ji,nslm) + soiltile(ji,jst) * & |
7600 | dz(nslm) * (trois*mcl(ji,nslm,jst) + mcl(ji,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
7601 | ENDDO |
7602 | ENDDO |
7603 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7604 | soilmoist_liquid(ji,:) = soilmoist_liquid(ji,:) * vegtot_old(ji) ! grid cell average |
7605 | ENDDO |
7606 | |
7607 | |
7608 | ! Shumdiag: we start from soil_wet_ns, change the range over which the relative moisture is calculated, |
7609 | ! then do a spatial average, excluding the nobio fraction on which stomate doesn't act |
7610 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7611 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
7612 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7613 | shumdiag(ji,jsl) = shumdiag(ji,jsl) + soil_wet_ns(ji,jsl,jst) * soiltile(ji,jst) * & |
7614 | ((mcs(njsc(ji))-mcw(njsc(ji)))/(mcfc(njsc(ji))-mcw(njsc(ji)))) |
7615 | shumdiag(ji,jsl) = MAX(MIN(shumdiag(ji,jsl), un), zero) |
7616 | ENDDO |
7617 | ENDDO |
7618 | ENDDO |
7619 | |
7620 | ! Shumdiag_perma is based on soilmoist / moisture at saturation in the layer |
7621 | ! Her we start from grid averages by hydrol soil layer and transform it to the diag levels |
7622 | ! We keep a grid-cell average, like for all variables transmitted to ok_freeze |
7623 | DO jsl=1,nslm |
7624 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7625 | shumdiag_perma(ji,jsl) = soilmoist(ji,jsl) / (dh(jsl)*mcs(njsc(ji))) |
7626 | shumdiag_perma(ji,jsl) = MAX(MIN(shumdiag_perma(ji,jsl), un), zero) |
7627 | ENDDO |
7628 | ENDDO |
7629 | |
7630 | |
7631 | DO ji=1,kjpindex !IGEM |
7632 | IF(soiltile(ji,4).GT.min_sechiba)THEN !AD2 => zero replaced by min_sechiba |
7633 | qtot_to_river(ji) = qtot_to_river(ji) * soiltile(ji,4) * vegtot(ji) ![kg/m2(grid)/dtsechiba] |
7634 | ELSE |
7635 | qtot_to_river(ji) = reinf_from_fast(ji)+flowtowtd(ji) ![kg/m2(grid)/dtsechiba] |
7636 | ! like the two fluxes from routing |
7637 | ENDIF !IGEM |
7638 | ENDDO |
7639 | |
7640 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_diag_soil |
7641 | |
7642 | |
7643 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
7644 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_alma |
7645 | !! |
7646 | !>\BRIEF This routine computes the changes in soil moisture and interception storage for the ALMA outputs. |
7647 | !! |
7648 | !! DESCRIPTION : None |
7649 | !! |
7650 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
7651 | !! |
7653 | !! |
7654 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
7655 | !! |
7656 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
7657 | !! \n |
7658 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
7659 | !_ hydrol_alma |
7660 | |
7661 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_alma (kjpindex, index, lstep_init, qsintveg, snow, snow_nobio, soilwet) |
7662 | ! |
7663 | !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
7664 | |
7665 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
7666 | |
7667 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
7668 | INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: index !! Indeces of the points on the map |
7669 | LOGICAL, INTENT (in) :: lstep_init !! At which time is this routine called ? |
7670 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nvm), INTENT (in) :: qsintveg !! Water on vegetation due to interception |
7671 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: snow !! Snow water equivalent |
7672 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nnobio), INTENT (in) :: snow_nobio !! Water balance on ice, lakes, .. [Kg/m^2] |
7673 | |
7674 | !! 0.2 Output variables |
7675 | |
7676 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (out) :: soilwet !! Soil wetness |
7677 | |
7678 | !! 0.3 Modified variables |
7679 | |
7680 | !! 0.4 Local variables |
7681 | |
7682 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ji |
7683 | REAL(r_std) :: watveg |
7684 | |
7685 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
7686 | ! |
7687 | ! |
7688 | IF ( lstep_init ) THEN |
7689 | ! Initialize variables if they were not found in the restart file |
7690 | |
7691 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
7692 | watveg = SUM(qsintveg(ji,:)) |
7693 | tot_watveg_beg(ji) = watveg |
7694 | tot_watsoil_beg(ji) = humtot(ji) |
7695 | snow_beg(ji) = snow(ji) + SUM(snow_nobio(ji,:)) |
7696 | ENDDO |
7697 | |
7698 | RETURN |
7699 | |
7700 | ENDIF |
7701 | ! |
7702 | ! Calculate the values for the end of the time step |
7703 | ! |
7704 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
7705 | watveg = SUM(qsintveg(ji,:)) ! average within the mesh |
7706 | tot_watveg_end(ji) = watveg |
7707 | tot_watsoil_end(ji) = humtot(ji) ! average within the mesh |
7708 | snow_end(ji) = snow(ji)+ SUM(snow_nobio(ji,:)) ! average within the mesh |
7709 | |
7710 | delintercept(ji) = tot_watveg_end(ji) - tot_watveg_beg(ji) ! average within the mesh |
7711 | delsoilmoist(ji) = tot_watsoil_end(ji) - tot_watsoil_beg(ji) |
7712 | delswe(ji) = snow_end(ji) - snow_beg(ji) ! average within the mesh |
7713 | ENDDO |
7714 | ! |
7715 | ! |
7716 | ! Transfer the total water amount at the end of the current timestep top the begining of the next one. |
7717 | ! |
7718 | tot_watveg_beg = tot_watveg_end |
7719 | tot_watsoil_beg = tot_watsoil_end |
7720 | snow_beg(:) = snow_end(:) |
7721 | ! |
7722 | DO ji = 1,kjpindex |
7723 | IF ( mx_eau_var(ji) > 0 ) THEN |
7724 | soilwet(ji) = tot_watsoil_end(ji) / mx_eau_var(ji) |
7725 | ELSE |
7726 | soilwet(ji) = zero |
7727 | ENDIF |
7728 | ENDDO |
7729 | ! |
7730 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_alma |
7731 | ! |
7732 | |
7733 | |
7734 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
7735 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_calculate_temp_hydro |
7736 | !! |
7737 | !>\BRIEF Calculate the temperature at hydrological levels |
7738 | !! |
7739 | !! DESCRIPTION : None |
7740 | !! |
7741 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
7742 | !! |
7744 | !! |
7745 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
7746 | !! |
7747 | !! FLOWCHART : None |
7748 | !! \n |
7749 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
7750 | |
7751 | |
7752 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_calculate_temp_hydro(kjpindex, stempdiag, snow,snowdz) |
7753 | |
7754 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
7755 | |
7756 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex |
7757 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nslm), INTENT (in) :: stempdiag |
7758 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex), INTENT (in) :: snow |
7759 | REAL(r_std),DIMENSION (kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT (in) :: snowdz |
7760 | |
7761 | |
7762 | !! 0.2 Local variables |
7763 | |
7764 | INTEGER jh, jsl, ji |
7765 | REAL(r_std) :: snow_h |
7766 | REAL(r_std) :: lev_diag, prev_diag, lev_prog, prev_prog |
7767 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nslm,nslm) :: intfactt |
7768 | |
7769 | |
7770 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7771 | IF (ok_explicitsnow) THEN |
7772 | !The snow pack is above the surface soil in the new snow model. |
7773 | snow_h=0 |
7774 | ELSE |
7775 | snow_h=snow(ji)/sn_dens |
7776 | ENDIF |
7777 | |
7778 | intfactt(:,:)=0. |
7779 | prev_diag = snow_h |
7780 | DO jh = 1, nslm |
7781 | IF (jh.EQ.1) THEN |
7782 | lev_diag = zz(2)/1000./2.+snow_h |
7783 | ELSEIF (jh.EQ.nslm) THEN |
7784 | lev_diag = zz(nslm)/1000.+snow_h |
7785 | |
7786 | ELSE |
7787 | lev_diag = zz(jh)/1000. & |
7788 | & +(zz(jh+1)-zz(jh))/1000./2.+snow_h |
7789 | |
7790 | ENDIF |
7791 | prev_prog = 0.0 |
7792 | DO jsl = 1, nslm |
7793 | lev_prog = diaglev(jsl) |
7794 | IF ((lev_diag.GT.diaglev(nslm).AND. & |
7795 | & prev_diag.LT.diaglev(nslm)-min_sechiba)) THEN |
7796 | lev_diag=diaglev(nslm) |
7797 | ENDIF |
7798 | intfactt(jh,jsl) = MAX(MIN(lev_diag,lev_prog)-MAX(prev_diag, prev_prog),& |
7799 | & 0.0)/(lev_diag-prev_diag) |
7800 | prev_prog = lev_prog |
7801 | ENDDO |
7802 | IF (lev_diag.GT.diaglev(nslm).AND. & |
7803 | & prev_diag.GE.diaglev(nslm)-min_sechiba) intfactt(jh,nslm)=1. |
7804 | prev_diag = lev_diag |
7805 | ENDDO |
7806 | ENDDO |
7807 | |
7808 | temp_hydro(:,:)=0. |
7809 | DO jsl= 1, nslm |
7810 | DO jh= 1, nslm |
7811 | DO ji = 1, kjpindex |
7812 | temp_hydro(ji,jh) = temp_hydro(ji,jh) + stempdiag(ji,jsl)*intfactt(jh,jsl) |
7813 | ENDDO |
7814 | ENDDO |
7815 | ENDDO |
7816 | |
7817 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_calculate_temp_hydro |
7818 | |
7819 | |
7820 | !! ================================================================================================================================ |
7821 | !! SUBROUTINE : hydrol_nudge |
7822 | !! |
7823 | !>\BRIEF Applay nudging of soil moisture and/or snow variables |
7824 | !! |
7825 | !! DESCRIPTION : Nudging of soil moisture and/or snow variables is done if OK_NUDGE_MC=y and/or OK_NUDGE_SNOW=y in run.def |
7826 | !! |
7827 | !! RECENT CHANGE(S) : None |
7828 | !! |
7829 | !! MAIN IN-OUTPUT VARIABLE(S) : mc, snowdz, snowrho, snowtemp |
7830 | !! |
7831 | !! REFERENCE(S) : |
7832 | !! |
7833 | !! \n |
7834 | !_ ================================================================================================================================ |
7835 | |
7836 | SUBROUTINE hydrol_nudge(kjit, kjpindex, & |
7837 | mc_loc, snowdz, snowrho, snowtemp, soiltile) |
7838 | |
7839 | !! 0.1 Input variables |
7840 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjit !! Timestep number |
7841 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !! Domain size |
7842 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm), INTENT (in) :: soiltile !! Fraction of each soil tile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) |
7843 | |
7844 | !! 0.2 Modified variables |
7845 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm,nstm), INTENT(inout) :: mc_loc !! Soil moisture |
7846 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(inout) :: snowdz !! Snow layer thickness |
7847 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(inout) :: snowrho !! Snow density |
7848 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nsnow), INTENT(inout) :: snowtemp !! Snow temperature |
7849 | |
7850 | |
7851 | |
7852 | !! 0.3 Locals variables |
7853 | REAL(r_std) :: tau !! Position between to values in nudge mc file |
7854 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm,nstm) :: mc_read_current !! mc from file interpolated to current timestep |
7855 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nsnow) :: snowdz_read_current !! snowdz from file interpolated to current timestep |
7856 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nsnow) :: snowrho_read_current !! snowrho from file interpolated to current timestep |
7857 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nsnow) :: snowtemp_read_current !! snowtemp from file interpolated to current timestep |
7858 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: nudgincsm !! Nudging increment of water in soil moisture |
7859 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: nudgincswe !! Nudging increment of water in snow |
7860 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nslm,nstm) :: mc_aux !! Temorary variable for calculation of nudgincsm |
7861 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(kjpindex,nstm) :: tmc_aux !! Temorary variable for calculation of nudgincsm |
7862 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim_g,jjm_g,nslm,1) :: mc_read_glo2D_1 !! mc from file at global 2D(lat,lon) grid per soiltile |
7863 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim_g,jjm_g,nslm,1) :: mc_read_glo2D_2 !! mc from file at global 2D(lat,lon) grid per soiltile |
7864 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim_g,jjm_g,nslm,1) :: mc_read_glo2D_3 !! mc from file at global 2D(lat,lon) grid per soiltile |
7865 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim_g,jjm_g,nsnow,1):: snowdz_read_glo2D !! snowdz from file at global 2D(lat,lon) grid |
7866 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim_g,jjm_g,nsnow,1):: snowrho_read_glo2D !! snowrho from file at global 2D(lat,lon) grid |
7867 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(iim_g,jjm_g,nsnow,1):: snowtemp_read_glo2D !! snowrho from file at global 2D(lat,lon) grid |
7868 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbp_glo,nslm,nstm) :: mc_read_glo1D !! mc_read_glo2D on land-only vector form, in global |
7869 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbp_glo,nsnow) :: snowdz_read_glo1D !! snowdz_read_glo2D on land-only vector form, in global |
7870 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbp_glo,nsnow) :: snowrho_read_glo1D !! snowdz_read_glo2D on land-only vector form, in global |
7871 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbp_glo,nsnow) :: snowtemp_read_glo1D !! snowdz_read_glo2D on land-only vector form, in global |
7872 | INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: istart_mc, istart_snow!! start index to read from input file |
7873 | INTEGER(i_std) :: iend !! end index to read from input file |
7874 | INTEGER(i_std) :: i, j, ji, jg, jst, jsl!! loop index |
7875 | INTEGER(i_std) :: iim_file, jjm_file, llm_file !! Dimensions in input file |
7876 | INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: ttm_mc, ttm_snow !! Time dimensions in input file |
7877 | INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: mc_id, snow_id !! index for netcdf files |
7878 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: firsttime_mc=.TRUE. |
7879 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: firsttime_snow=.TRUE. |
7880 | |
7881 | |
7882 | !! 1. Nudging of soil moisture |
7883 | IF (ok_nudge_mc) THEN |
7884 | |
7885 | !! 1.2 Read mc from file, once a day only |
7886 | !! The forcing file must contain daily frequency variable for the full year of the simulation |
7887 | IF (MOD(kjit,INT(one_day/dt_sechiba)) == 1) THEN |
7888 | ! Save mc read from file from previous day |
7889 | mc_read_prev = mc_read_next |
7890 | |
7891 | IF (nudge_interpol_with_xios) THEN |
7892 | ! Read mc from input file. XIOS interpolates it to the model grid before it is received here. |
7893 | CALL xios_orchidee_recv_field("moistc_interp", mc_read_next) |
7894 | |
7895 | ! Read and interpolation the mask for variable mc from input file. |
7896 | ! This is only done to be able to output the mask it later for validation purpose. |
7897 | ! The mask corresponds to the fraction of the input source file which was underlaying the model grid cell. |
7898 | ! If the msask is 0 for a model grid cell, then the default value 0.2 set in field_def_orchidee.xml, is used for that grid cell. |
7899 | CALL xios_orchidee_recv_field("mask_moistc_interp", mask_mc_interp) |
7900 | |
7901 | ELSE |
7902 | |
7903 | ! Only read fields from the file. We here suppose that no interpolation is needed. |
7904 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
7905 | IF (firsttime_mc) THEN |
7906 | ! Open and read dimenions in file |
7907 | CALL flininfo('nudge_moistc.nc', iim_file, jjm_file, llm_file, ttm_mc, mc_id) |
7908 | |
7909 | ! Coherence test between dimension in the file and in the model run |
7910 | IF ((iim_file /= iim_g) .OR. (jjm_file /= jjm_g)) THEN |
7911 | WRITE(numout,*) 'hydrol_nudge: iim_file, jjm_file, llm_file, ttm_mc=', & |
7912 | iim_file, jjm_file, llm_file, ttm_mc |
7913 | WRITE(numout,*) 'hydrol_nudge: iim_g, jjm_g=', iim_g, jjm_g |
7914 | CALL ipslerr_p(2,'hydrol_nudge','Problem in coherence between dimensions in nudge_moistc.nc file and model',& |
7915 | 'iim_file should be equal to iim_g','jjm_file should be equal to jjm_g') |
7916 | END IF |
7917 | |
7918 | firsttime_mc=.FALSE. |
7919 | istart_mc=julian_diff-1 ! initialize time counter to read |
7920 | IF (printlev>=2) WRITE(numout,*) "Start read nudge_moistc.nc file at time step: ", istart_mc+1 |
7921 | END IF |
7922 | |
7923 | istart_mc=istart_mc+1 ! read next time step in the file |
7924 | iend=istart_mc ! only read 1 time step |
7925 | |
7926 | ! Read mc from file, one variable per soiltile |
7927 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE(numout,*) & |
7928 | "Read variables moistc_1, moistc_2 and moistc_3 from nudge_moistc.nc at time step: ", istart_mc |
7929 | CALL flinget (mc_id, 'moistc_1', iim_g, jjm_g, nslm, ttm_mc, istart_mc, iend, mc_read_glo2D_1) |
7930 | CALL flinget (mc_id, 'moistc_2', iim_g, jjm_g, nslm, ttm_mc, istart_mc, iend, mc_read_glo2D_2) |
7931 | CALL flinget (mc_id, 'moistc_3', iim_g, jjm_g, nslm, ttm_mc, istart_mc, iend, mc_read_glo2D_3) |
7932 | |
7933 | ! Transform from global 2D(iim_g, jjm_g) into into land-only global 1D(nbp_glo) |
7934 | ! Put the variables on the 3 soiltiles in the same file |
7935 | DO ji = 1, nbp_glo |
7936 | j = ((index_g(ji)-1)/iim_g) + 1 |
7937 | i = (index_g(ji) - (j-1)*iim_g) |
7938 | mc_read_glo1D(ji,:,1) = mc_read_glo2D_1(i,j,:,1) |
7939 | mc_read_glo1D(ji,:,2) = mc_read_glo2D_2(i,j,:,1) |
7940 | mc_read_glo1D(ji,:,3) = mc_read_glo2D_3(i,j,:,1) |
7941 | END DO |
7942 | END IF |
7943 | |
7944 | ! Distribute the fields on all processors |
7945 | CALL scatter(mc_read_glo1D, mc_read_next) |
7946 | |
7947 | ! No interpolation is done, set the mask to 1 |
7948 | mask_mc_interp(:,:,:) = 1 |
7949 | |
7950 | END IF ! nudge_interpol_with_xios |
7951 | END IF ! MOD(kjit,INT(one_day/dt_sechiba)) == 1 |
7952 | |
7953 | |
7954 | !! 1.3 Linear time interpolation between daily fields to the current time step |
7955 | tau = (kjit-1)*dt_sechiba/one_day - AINT((kjit-1)*dt_sechiba/one_day) |
7956 | mc_read_current(:,:,:) = (1.-tau)*mc_read_prev(:,:,:) + tau*mc_read_next(:,:,:) |
7957 | |
7958 | !! 1.4 Output daily fields and time interpolated fields only for debugging and validation purpose |
7959 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mc_read_next", mc_read_next) |
7960 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mc_read_current", mc_read_current) |
7961 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mc_read_prev", mc_read_prev) |
7962 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mask_mc_interp_out", mask_mc_interp) |
7963 | |
7964 | |
7965 | !! 1.5 Applay nudging of soil moisture using alpha_nudge_mc at each model sechiba time step. |
7966 | !! alpha_mc_nudge calculated using the parameter for relaxation time NUDGE_TAU_MC set in module constantes. |
7967 | !! alpha_nudge_mc is between 0-1 |
7968 | !! If alpha_nudge_mc=1, the new mc will be replaced by the one read from file |
7969 | mc_loc(:,:,:) = (1-alpha_nudge_mc)*mc_loc(:,:,:) + alpha_nudge_mc * mc_read_current(:,:,:) |
7970 | |
7971 | |
7972 | !! 1.6 Calculate diagnostic for nudging increment of water in soil moisture |
7973 | mc_aux(:,:,:) = alpha_nudge_mc * ( mc_read_current(:,:,:) - mc_loc(:,:,:)) |
7974 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7975 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7976 | tmc_aux(ji,jst) = dz(2) * ( trois*mc_aux(ji,1,jst) + mc_aux(ji,2,jst) )/huit |
7977 | DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
7978 | tmc_aux(ji,jst) = tmc_aux(ji,jst) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mc_aux(ji,jsl,jst)+mc_aux(ji,jsl-1,jst))/huit & |
7979 | + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mc_aux(ji,jsl,jst)+mc_aux(ji,jsl+1,jst))/huit |
7980 | ENDDO |
7981 | tmc_aux(ji,jst) = tmc_aux(ji,jst) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mc_aux(ji,nslm,jst) + mc_aux(ji,nslm-1,jst))/huit |
7982 | ENDDO |
7983 | ENDDO |
7984 | |
7985 | ! Average over grid-cell |
7986 | nudgincsm(:) = zero |
7987 | DO jst=1,nstm |
7988 | DO ji=1,kjpindex |
7989 | nudgincsm(ji) = nudgincsm(ji) + vegtot(ji) * soiltile(ji,jst) * tmc_aux(ji,jst) |
7990 | ENDDO |
7991 | ENDDO |
7992 | |
7993 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("nudgincsm", nudgincsm) |
7994 | |
7995 | |
7996 | END IF ! IF (ok_nudge_mc) |
7997 | |
7998 | |
7999 | !! 2. Nudging of snow variables |
8000 | IF (ok_nudge_snow) THEN |
8001 | |
8002 | !! 2.1 Read snow variables from file, once a day only |
8003 | !! The forcing file must contain daily frequency values for the full year of the simulation |
8004 | IF (MOD(kjit,INT(one_day/dt_sechiba)) == 1) THEN |
8005 | ! Save variables from previous day |
8006 | snowdz_read_prev = snowdz_read_next |
8007 | snowrho_read_prev = snowrho_read_next |
8008 | snowtemp_read_prev = snowtemp_read_next |
8009 | |
8010 | IF (nudge_interpol_with_xios) THEN |
8011 | ! Read and interpolation snow variables and the mask from input file |
8012 | CALL xios_orchidee_recv_field("snowdz_interp", snowdz_read_next) |
8013 | CALL xios_orchidee_recv_field("snowrho_interp", snowrho_read_next) |
8014 | CALL xios_orchidee_recv_field("snowtemp_interp", snowtemp_read_next) |
8015 | CALL xios_orchidee_recv_field("mask_snow_interp", mask_snow_interp) |
8016 | |
8017 | ELSE |
8018 | ! Only read fields from the file. We here suppose that no interpolation is needed. |
8019 | IF (is_root_prc) THEN |
8020 | IF (firsttime_snow) THEN |
8021 | ! Open and read dimenions in file |
8022 | CALL flininfo('nudge_snow.nc', iim_file, jjm_file, llm_file, ttm_snow, snow_id) |
8023 | |
8024 | ! Coherence test between dimension in the file and in the model run |
8025 | IF ((iim_file /= iim_g) .OR. (jjm_file /= jjm_g)) THEN |
8026 | WRITE(numout,*) 'hydrol_nudge: iim_file, jjm_file, llm_file, ttm_snow=', & |
8027 | iim_file, jjm_file, llm_file, ttm_snow |
8028 | WRITE(numout,*) 'hydrol_nudge: iim_g, jjm_g=', iim_g, jjm_g |
8029 | CALL ipslerr_p(3,'hydrol_nudge','Problem in coherence between dimensions in nudge_snow.nc file and model',& |
8030 | 'iim_file should be equal to iim_g','jjm_file should be equal to jjm_g') |
8031 | END IF |
8032 | |
8033 | firsttime_snow=.FALSE. |
8034 | istart_snow=julian_diff-1 ! initialize time counter to read |
8035 | IF (printlev>=2) WRITE(numout,*) "Start read nudge_snow.nc file at time step: ", istart_snow+1 |
8036 | END IF |
8037 | |
8038 | istart_snow=istart_snow+1 ! read next time step in the file |
8039 | iend=istart_snow ! only read 1 time step |
8040 | |
8041 | ! Read snowdz, snowrho and snowtemp from file |
8042 | IF (printlev>=3) WRITE(numout,*) & |
8043 | "Read variables snowdz, snowrho and snowtemp from nudge_snow.nc at time step: ", istart_snow |
8044 | CALL flinget (snow_id, 'snowdz', iim_g, jjm_g, nsnow, ttm_snow, istart_snow, iend, snowdz_read_glo2D) |
8045 | CALL flinget (snow_id, 'snowrho', iim_g, jjm_g, nsnow, ttm_snow, istart_snow, iend, snowrho_read_glo2D) |
8046 | CALL flinget (snow_id, 'snowtemp', iim_g, jjm_g, nsnow, ttm_snow, istart_snow, iend, snowtemp_read_glo2D) |
8047 | |
8048 | |
8049 | ! Transform from global 2D(iim_g, jjm_g) variables into into land-only global 1D variables (nbp_glo) |
8050 | DO ji = 1, nbp_glo |
8051 | j = ((index_g(ji)-1)/iim_g) + 1 |
8052 | i = (index_g(ji) - (j-1)*iim_g) |
8053 | snowdz_read_glo1D(ji,:) = snowdz_read_glo2D(i,j,:,1) |
8054 | snowrho_read_glo1D(ji,:) = snowrho_read_glo2D(i,j,:,1) |
8055 | snowtemp_read_glo1D(ji,:) = snowtemp_read_glo2D(i,j,:,1) |
8056 | END DO |
8057 | END IF |
8058 | |
8059 | ! Distribute the fields on all processors |
8060 | CALL scatter(snowdz_read_glo1D, snowdz_read_next) |
8061 | CALL scatter(snowrho_read_glo1D, snowrho_read_next) |
8062 | CALL scatter(snowtemp_read_glo1D, snowtemp_read_next) |
8063 | |
8064 | ! No interpolation is done, set the mask to 1 |
8065 | mask_snow_interp=1 |
8066 | |
8067 | END IF ! nudge_interpol_with_xios |
8068 | END IF ! MOD(kjit,INT(one_day/dt_sechiba)) == 1 |
8069 | |
8070 | |
8071 | !! 2.2 Linear time interpolation between daily fields for current time step |
8072 | tau = (kjit-1)*dt_sechiba/one_day - AINT((kjit-1)*dt_sechiba/one_day) |
8073 | snowdz_read_current(:,:) = (1.-tau)*snowdz_read_prev(:,:) + tau*snowdz_read_next(:,:) |
8074 | snowrho_read_current(:,:) = (1.-tau)*snowrho_read_prev(:,:) + tau*snowrho_read_next(:,:) |
8075 | snowtemp_read_current(:,:) = (1.-tau)*snowtemp_read_prev(:,:) + tau*snowtemp_read_next(:,:) |
8076 | |
8077 | !! 2.3 Output daily fields and time interpolated fields only for debugging and validation purpose |
8078 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowdz_read_next", snowdz_read_next) |
8079 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowdz_read_current", snowdz_read_current) |
8080 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowdz_read_prev", snowdz_read_prev) |
8081 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowrho_read_next", snowrho_read_next) |
8082 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowrho_read_current", snowrho_read_current) |
8083 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowrho_read_prev", snowrho_read_prev) |
8084 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowtemp_read_next", snowtemp_read_next) |
8085 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowtemp_read_current", snowtemp_read_current) |
8086 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("snowtemp_read_prev", snowtemp_read_prev) |
8087 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("mask_snow_interp_out", mask_snow_interp) |
8088 | |
8089 | !! 2.4 Applay nudging of snow variables using alpha_nudge_snow at each model sechiba time step. |
8090 | !! alpha_snow_nudge calculated using the parameter for relaxation time NUDGE_TAU_SNOW set in module constantes. |
8091 | !! alpha_nudge_snow is between 0-1 |
8092 | !! If alpha_nudge_snow=1, the new snow variables will be replaced by the ones read from file. |
8093 | snowdz(:,:) = (1-alpha_nudge_snow)*snowdz(:,:) + alpha_nudge_snow * snowdz_read_current(:,:) |
8094 | snowrho(:,:) = (1-alpha_nudge_snow)*snowrho(:,:) + alpha_nudge_snow * snowrho_read_current(:,:) |
8095 | snowtemp(:,:) = (1-alpha_nudge_snow)*snowtemp(:,:) + alpha_nudge_snow * snowtemp_read_current(:,:) |
8096 | |
8097 | !! 2.5 Calculate diagnostic for the nudging increment of water in snow |
8098 | nudgincswe=0. |
8099 | DO jg = 1, nsnow |
8100 | nudgincswe(:) = nudgincswe(:) + & |
8101 | alpha_nudge_snow*(snowdz_read_current(:,jg)*snowrho_read_current(:,jg)-snowdz(:,jg)*snowrho(:,jg)) |
8102 | END DO |
8103 | CALL xios_orchidee_send_field("nudgincswe", nudgincswe) |
8104 | |
8105 | END IF |
8106 | |
8107 | |
8108 | END SUBROUTINE hydrol_nudge |
8109 | |
8110 | !AD19: overrule check_wtd definition + done by another subroutine |
8111 | !!$ !IGEM: routine for caclulate the total water content tmc(mm) in the soil colunm of |
8112 | !!$ ! a soil tile |
8113 | !!$ SUBROUTINE calc_humtot(kjpindex,tmci,ins,njsc) |
8114 | !!$ !! 0. Variable and parameter declaration |
8115 | !!$ !! 0.1 Input variables |
8116 | !!$ ! GLOBAL (in or inout) |
8117 | !!$ INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: kjpindex !!Domain size |
8118 | !!$ REAL(r_std), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: tmci |
8119 | !!$ INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(kjpindex) :: njsc |
8120 | !!$ !! 0.4 Local variables |
8121 | !!$ INTEGER(i_std) :: ji, jsl, jstm, ins !!Indices |
8122 | !!$ LOGICAL :: check_wtd |
8123 | !!$ |
8124 | !!$ !IGEM: mcl calculate here for water conservation |
8125 | !!$ !We define mcl (liquid water content) based on mc and |
8126 | !!$ !profil_froz_hydro_ns |
8127 | !!$ DO jsl = 1, nslm |
8128 | !!$ DO ji =1, kjpindex |
8129 | !!$ mcl(ji,jsl,ins)= MIN( mc(ji,jsl,ins), mcr(njsc(ji)) + & |
8130 | !!$ (un-profil_froz_hydro_ns(ji,jsl,ins))*(mc(ji,jsl,ins)-mcr(njsc(ji)))) |
8131 | !!$ ENDDO |
8132 | !!$ ENDDO |
8133 | !!$ |
8134 | !!$ tmci(:) = zero |
8135 | !!$ |
8136 | !!$ check_wtd = .TRUE. |
8137 | !!$ IF (check_wtd) THEN |
8138 | !!$ tmci(:) = dz(2) * ( trois*mcl(:,1,ins) + mcl(:,2,ins) )/huit |
8139 | !!$ DO jsl = 2,nslm-1 |
8140 | !!$ tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(jsl) * (trois*mcl(:,jsl,ins)+mcl(:,jsl-1,ins))/huit & |
8141 | !!$ + dz(jsl+1) * (trois*mcl(:,jsl,ins)+mcl(:,jsl+1,ins))/huit |
8142 | !!$ ENDDO |
8143 | !!$ tmci(:) = tmci(:) + dz(nslm) * (trois*mcl(:,nslm,ins) + mcl(:,nslm-1,ins))/huit |
8144 | !!$ ENDIF |
8145 | !!$ |
8146 | !!$ END SUBROUTINE calc_humtot |
8147 | |
8148 | |
8149 | END MODULE hydrol |