1 | PROGRAM driver2oasis |
2 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3 | !- |
4 | !- Reads the forcing file in the ALMA format and feeds the data to the |
5 | !- OASIS coupler. |
6 | !- |
7 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
8 | USE defprec |
9 | ! |
10 | USE netcdf |
11 | ! |
12 | USE constantes |
13 | ! |
14 | USE ioipsl_para |
15 | USE mod_orchidee_para |
16 | ! |
17 | USE grid |
18 | USE globgrd |
19 | USE forcing_tools |
20 | ! |
21 | USE mod_oasis |
22 | USE timer |
23 | USE mpi |
24 | !- |
26 | !- |
27 | CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: gridfilename |
28 | CHARACTER(LEN=80), DIMENSION(100) :: forfilename |
29 | CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: comp_name = 'driver' |
30 | ! |
31 | ! |
32 | CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: model_guess |
33 | INTEGER(i_std) :: iim_glo, jjm_glo, file_id |
34 | !- |
35 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: lon_glo, lat_glo, area_glo |
36 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_glo |
37 | INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: maskinv_glo |
38 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: corners_glo |
39 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: corners_lon, corners_lat |
40 | INTEGER(i_std) :: nbindex_g, kjpindex |
41 | INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: kindex_g |
42 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: zoom_lon, zoom_lat |
43 | CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: calendar |
44 | !- |
45 | !- Variables local to each processors. |
46 | !- |
47 | INTEGER(i_std) :: i, j, ik, nbdt, first_point |
48 | INTEGER(i_std) :: nb_forcefile |
49 | INTEGER(i_std) :: itau, itau_offset, itau_sechiba |
50 | REAL(r_std) :: date_start, dt |
51 | REAL(r_std) :: timestep_interval(2), timestep_int_next(2), julian |
52 | INTEGER(i_std) :: rest_id, rest_id_stom |
53 | INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_id, hist2_id, hist_id_stom, hist_id_stom_IPCC |
54 | !- |
55 | !- input fields |
56 | !- |
57 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: u !! Lowest level wind speed |
58 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: v !! Lowest level wind speed |
59 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: pb !! Surface pressure |
60 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: zlev_tq !! Height of layer for T and q |
61 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: zlev_uv !! Height of layer for u and v |
62 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: temp_air !! Air temperature in Kelvin |
63 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: qair !! Lowest level specific humidity |
64 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: ccanopy !! CO2 concentration in the canopy |
65 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: cdrag !! Cdrag |
66 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: precip_rain !! Rain precipitation |
67 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: precip_snow !! Snow precipitation |
68 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: lwdown !! Down-welling long-wave flux |
69 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: swdown !! Downwelling surface short-wave flux |
70 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: swnet !! Net surface short-wave flux |
71 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: solarang !! Cosine of solar zenith angle |
72 | !- |
73 | !- output fields |
74 | !- |
75 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: z0 !! Surface roughness |
76 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: coastalflow !! Diffuse flow of water into the ocean (m^3/dt) |
77 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: riverflow !! Largest rivers flowing into the ocean (m^3/dt) |
78 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: tsol_rad !! Radiative surface temperature |
79 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: vevapp !! Total of evaporation |
80 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: temp_sol_new !! New soil temperature |
81 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: qsurf !! Surface specific humidity |
82 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: albedo !! Albedo |
83 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: fluxsens !! Sensible chaleur flux |
84 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: fluxlat !! Latent chaleur flux |
85 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: emis !! Emissivity |
86 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: netco2 !! netco2flux |
87 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: carblu !! fco2_land_use |
88 | !- |
89 | !- Declarations for OASIS |
90 | !- |
91 | INTEGER(i_std) :: glo_rank, glo_size ! rank and number of pe |
92 | INTEGER(i_std) :: loc_rank, loc_size ! rank and number of pe |
93 | INTEGER(i_std) :: LOCAL_OASIS_COMM ! local MPI communicator and Initialized |
94 | INTEGER(i_std) :: comp_id ! component identification |
95 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ierror, flag, oasis_info |
96 | CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: drv_gridname |
97 | CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: varname |
98 | INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(3) :: ig_paral |
99 | ! OASIS Output |
100 | INTEGER(i_std) :: il_part_id, tair_id, qair_id, zlevtq_id, zlevuv_id |
101 | INTEGER(i_std) :: rainf_id, snowf_id, swnet_id, lwdown_id, solarang_id |
102 | INTEGER(i_std) :: u_id, v_id, ps_id, cdrag_id |
103 | ! OASIS Input |
104 | INTEGER(i_std) :: vevapp_id, fluxsens_id, fluxlat_id, coastal_id, river_id |
105 | INTEGER(i_std) :: netco2_id, carblu_id, tsolrad_id, tsolnew_id, qsurf_id |
106 | INTEGER(i_std) :: albnir_id, albvis_id, emis_id, z0_id |
107 | ! |
108 | INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(2) :: var_nodims, var_shape |
109 | INTEGER(i_std) :: nbarg, iret, helpmsg = 0 |
110 | CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: arg |
111 | LOGICAL :: initmode = .FALSE. |
112 | !- |
113 | INTEGER(i_std) :: freq_diag=10, debug_lev=1 |
114 | INTEGER(i_std) :: w_unit=737 |
115 | ! |
116 | ! Timer variables |
117 | ! |
118 | LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: timemeasure=.TRUE. |
119 | REAL(r_std) :: waitput_cputime=0.0, waitget_cputime=0.0, preparation_cputime=0.0 |
120 | REAL(r_std) :: waitput_walltime=0.0, waitget_walltime=0.0, preparation_walltime=0.0 |
121 | ! |
122 | ! Print point |
123 | ! |
124 | !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/44.8,-25.3/) |
125 | !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/44.8,-18.3/) |
126 | !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/-60.25,-5.25/) |
127 | !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/-5.25,41.25/) |
128 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/9999.99,9999.99/) |
129 | !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/46.7,10.3/) |
130 | !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/0.25,49.25/) |
131 | ! |
132 | INTEGER iargc, getarg |
133 | EXTERNAL iargc, getarg |
134 | !- |
135 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
136 | !- |
137 | !- The code has 2 execution mode : |
138 | !- 1) initialisation of the grid file based on the forcing file |
139 | !- 2) Reading the forcing file and sending the data out with OASIS |
140 | !- |
141 | !- |
142 | nbarg = iargc() |
143 | IF ( nbarg > 1 ) THEN |
144 | helpmsg = 1 |
145 | ELSE IF ( nbarg == 1 ) THEN |
146 | iret = getarg(1,arg) |
147 | SELECT CASE(arg) |
148 | ! |
149 | CASE('-h') |
150 | helpmsg = 1 |
151 | CASE('-init') |
152 | initmode = .TRUE. |
154 | helpmsg = 1 |
155 | ! |
156 | END SELECT |
157 | ELSE |
158 | initmode = .FALSE. |
159 | ENDIF |
160 | ! |
161 | ! Does the user just want help ? |
162 | ! |
163 | IF ( helpmsg > 0 ) THEN |
164 | WRITE(*,*) "USAGE : driver2oasis [-init] " |
165 | WRITE(*,*) " The program will read the forcing file provided by variable" |
166 | WRITE(*,*) " FORCING_FILE in the run.def file and do one of 2 things :" |
167 | WRITE(*,*) " " |
168 | WRITE(*,*) " -init a grid description file will be generated for the specified " |
169 | WRITE(*,*) " forcing file. This grid description file will be written into" |
170 | WRITE(*,*) " the file name provided by the variable GRID_FILE " |
171 | WRITE(*,*) " of the run.def. " |
172 | WRITE(*,*) " " |
173 | WRITE(*,*) " If no arguments are provided driver2oasis will initiate and " |
174 | WRITE(*,*) " send the forcing data out via OASIS." |
175 | STOP "HELP from driver2oasis" |
176 | ENDIF |
177 | !- |
178 | !- Open output file for driver |
179 | !- |
180 | OPEN(UNIT=w_unit, FILE="out_driver_mono", FORM="formatted") |
181 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
182 | !- |
183 | !- Get the general information we need |
184 | !- |
185 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
186 | !- |
187 | !! CALL getin_name("run.def") |
188 | ! |
189 | !Config Key = FORCING_FILE |
190 | !Config Desc = Name of file containing the forcing data |
191 | !Config If = [-] |
192 | !Config Def = forcing_file.nc |
193 | !Config Help = This is the name of the file which should be opened |
194 | !Config for reading the forcing data of the dim0 model. |
195 | !Config The format of the file has to be netCDF and COADS |
196 | !Config compliant. |
197 | !Config Units = [FILE] |
198 | !- |
199 | forfilename(:)=" " |
200 | forfilename(1)='forcing_file.nc' |
201 | CALL getin('FORCING_FILE', forfilename) |
202 | ! |
203 | !Config Key = GRID_FILE |
204 | !Config Desc = Name of file containing the forcing data |
205 | !Config If = [-] |
206 | !Config Def = grid_file.nc |
207 | !Config Help = This is the name of the file from which we will read |
208 | !Config or write into it the description of the grid from |
209 | !Config the forcing file. |
210 | !Config compliant. |
211 | !Config Units = [FILE] |
212 | !- |
213 | gridfilename='grid_file.nc' |
214 | CALL getin('GRID_FILE', gridfilename) |
215 | !- |
216 | !- Define the zoom |
217 | !- |
218 | zoom_lon=(/-180,180/) |
219 | zoom_lat=(/-90,90/) |
220 | ! |
221 | !Config Key = LIMIT_WEST |
222 | !Config Desc = Western limit of region |
223 | !Config If = [-] |
224 | !Config Def = -180. |
225 | !Config Help = Western limit of the region we are |
226 | !Config interested in. Between -180 and +180 degrees |
227 | !Config The model will use the smalest regions from |
228 | !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. |
229 | !Config Units = [Degrees] |
230 | !- |
231 | CALL getin_p('LIMIT_WEST',zoom_lon(1)) |
232 | !- |
233 | !Config Key = LIMIT_EAST |
234 | !Config Desc = Eastern limit of region |
235 | !Config If = [-] |
236 | !Config Def = 180. |
237 | !Config Help = Eastern limit of the region we are |
238 | !Config interested in. Between -180 and +180 degrees |
239 | !Config The model will use the smalest regions from |
240 | !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. |
241 | !Config Units = [Degrees] |
242 | !- |
243 | CALL getin_p('LIMIT_EAST',zoom_lon(2)) |
244 | !- |
245 | !Config Key = LIMIT_NORTH |
246 | !Config Desc = Northern limit of region |
247 | !Config If = [-] |
248 | !Config Def = 90. |
249 | !Config Help = Northern limit of the region we are |
250 | !Config interested in. Between +90 and -90 degrees |
251 | !Config The model will use the smalest regions from |
252 | !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. |
253 | !Config Units = [Degrees] |
254 | !- |
255 | CALL getin_p('LIMIT_NORTH',zoom_lat(2)) |
256 | !- |
257 | !Config Key = LIMIT_SOUTH |
258 | !Config Desc = Southern limit of region |
259 | !Config If = [-] |
260 | !Config Def = -90. |
261 | !Config Help = Southern limit of the region we are |
262 | !Config interested in. Between 90 and -90 degrees |
263 | !Config The model will use the smalest regions from |
264 | !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. |
265 | !Config Units = [Degrees] |
266 | !- |
267 | CALL getin_p('LIMIT_SOUTH',zoom_lat(1)) |
268 | IF ( (zoom_lon(1)+180 < EPSILON(zoom_lon(1))) .AND. (zoom_lon(2)-180 < EPSILON(zoom_lon(2))) .AND.& |
269 | &(zoom_lat(1)+90 < EPSILON(zoom_lat(1))) .AND. (zoom_lat(2)-90 < EPSILON(zoom_lat(2))) ) THEN |
270 | ! |
271 | !Config Key = WEST_EAST |
272 | !Config Desc = Longitude interval to use from the forcing data |
273 | !Config If = [-] |
274 | !Config Def = -180, 180 |
275 | !Config Help = This function allows to zoom into the forcing data |
276 | !Config Units = [degrees east] |
277 | !- |
278 | CALL getin('WEST_EAST', zoom_lon) |
279 | ! |
280 | !Config Key = SOUTH_NORTH |
281 | !Config Desc = Latitude interval to use from the forcing data |
282 | !Config If = [-] |
283 | !Config Def = -90, 90 |
284 | !Config Help = This function allows to zoom into the forcing data |
285 | !Config Units = [degrees north] |
286 | !- |
287 | CALL getin('SOUTH_NORTH', zoom_lat) |
288 | ENDIF |
289 | !- |
290 | debug_lev=1 |
291 | CALL getin('BAVARD', debug_lev) |
292 | IF ( debug_lev .EQ. 4 ) THEN |
293 | freq_diag=1 |
294 | ELSE IF ( debug_lev .EQ. 3 ) THEN |
295 | freq_diag=10 |
296 | ELSE IF ( debug_lev .EQ. 2 ) THEN |
297 | freq_diag=24 |
298 | ELSE |
299 | freq_diag=96 |
300 | ENDIF |
301 | WRITE(w_unit,*) "Debug_lev, freq_diag = ", debug_lev, freq_diag |
302 | !- |
303 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
304 | !- |
305 | !- We go into the mode which initialises the grid of the forcing file and writes it |
306 | !- for future usage by the driver and ORCHIDEE. |
307 | !- |
308 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
309 | !- |
310 | IF ( initmode ) THEN |
311 | |
312 | WRITE(w_unit,*) 'Forcing files : ', forfilename(:) |
313 | WRITE(w_unit,*) 'Grid files : ', gridfilename |
314 | |
315 | nb_forcefile = 0 |
316 | DO ik=1,100 |
317 | IF ( INDEX(forfilename(ik), '.nc') > 0 ) nb_forcefile = nb_forcefile+1 |
318 | ENDDO |
319 | ! |
320 | ! This mode of driver2oasis is monoproc and thus we need to force is_root_prc |
321 | ! |
322 | is_root_prc = .TRUE. |
323 | ! |
324 | CALL forcing_getglogrid (nb_forcefile, forfilename, iim_glo, jjm_glo, nbindex_g, .TRUE.) |
325 | |
326 | CALL forcing_zoomgrid (zoom_lon, zoom_lat, forfilename(1), .TRUE.) |
327 | |
328 | CALL globgrd_writegrid (gridfilename) |
329 | |
330 | STOP "Grid file sucessfully generated" |
331 | ENDIF |
332 | !- |
333 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
334 | !- |
335 | !- This mode will read the grid file and the forcing file and produce the |
336 | !- data to be handed over to OASIS. |
337 | !- |
338 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
339 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
340 | !- |
341 | !- Define MPI communicator and set-up OASIS |
342 | !- |
343 | CALL oasis_init_comp(comp_id, comp_name, ierror) |
344 | CALL oasis_get_localcomm(LOCAL_OASIS_COMM, ierror) |
345 | ! |
346 | CALL Init_orchidee_para(LOCAL_OASIS_COMM) |
347 | !- |
348 | !- |
349 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
350 | !- |
351 | !- Get the grid associated to the forcing file ... it should be generated by |
352 | !- this code with a special option before the OASIS coupled case is run. |
353 | !- |
354 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
355 | !- |
356 | IF ( timemeasure ) THEN |
357 | CALL init_timer |
358 | CALL start_timer(timer_global) |
359 | ENDIF |
360 | ! |
361 | CALL globgrd_getdomsz(gridfilename, iim_glo, jjm_glo, nbindex_g, model_guess, file_id) |
362 | !- |
363 | !- Allocation of memory |
364 | !- variables over the entire grid (thus in x,y) |
365 | ALLOCATE(lon_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo)) |
366 | ALLOCATE(lat_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo)) |
367 | ALLOCATE(mask_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo)) |
368 | ALLOCATE(area_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo)) |
369 | ALLOCATE(corners_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo, 4, 2)) |
370 | ! |
371 | ! Gathered variables |
372 | ALLOCATE(kindex_g(nbindex_g)) |
373 | ALLOCATE(contfrac(nbindex_g)) |
374 | !- |
375 | !- |
376 | !- |
377 | CALL globgrd_getgrid(file_id, iim_glo, jjm_glo, nbindex_g, model_guess, & |
378 | & lon_glo, lat_glo, mask_glo, area_glo, corners_glo,& |
379 | & kindex_g, contfrac, calendar) |
380 | !- |
381 | !- Set the calendar and get some information |
382 | !- |
383 | CALL ioconf_calendar(calendar) |
384 | CALL ioget_calendar(one_year, one_day) |
385 | !- |
386 | !- lalo needs to be created before going into the parallel region |
387 | !- |
388 | ALLOCATE(lalo(nbindex_g,2)) |
389 | DO ik=1,nbindex_g |
390 | ! |
391 | j = ((kindex_g(ik)-1)/iim_glo)+1 |
392 | i = (kindex_g(ik)-(j-1)*iim_glo) |
393 | ! |
394 | IF ( i > iim_glo .OR. j > jjm_glo ) THEN |
395 | WRITE(w_unit,*) "Error in the indexing (ik, kindex_g, i, j) : ", ik, kindex_g(ik), i, j |
396 | STOP "ERROR in driver2oasis" |
397 | ENDIF |
398 | ! |
399 | lalo(ik,1) = lat_glo(i,j) |
400 | lalo(ik,2) = lon_glo(i,j) |
401 | ! |
402 | ENDDO |
403 | ! |
404 | WRITE(w_unit,*) "Rank", mpi_rank, " Before opening forcingfile. All land points : ", nbindex_g |
405 | WRITE(w_unit,*) "Rank", mpi_rank, " from ", iim_glo, " point in Lon. and ", jjm_glo, "in Lat." |
406 | ! |
407 | ! Set-up the paralelisation so that all gather and scatters work properly on this monoproc task. |
408 | ! |
409 | CALL grid_set_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo, nbindex_g) |
410 | CALL grid_allocate_glo(4) |
411 | CALL bcast(nbindex_g) |
412 | CALL bcast(kindex_g) |
413 | ! |
414 | WRITE(numout,*) "Rank", mpi_rank, "Into Init_orchidee_data_para_driver with ", nbindex_g,index_g(1) |
415 | ! |
416 | CALL Init_orchidee_data_para_driver(nbindex_g,kindex_g) |
417 | CALL init_ioipsl_para |
418 | !- |
419 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
420 | !- |
421 | !- Open the forcing file and get the time information. |
422 | !- |
423 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
424 | !- |
425 | ! Add w_unit as last arguments in order to get some print_out from the forcing_open routine. |
426 | ! |
427 | CALL forcing_open(forfilename, iim_glo, jjm_glo, lon_glo, lat_glo, nbindex_g, zoom_lon, zoom_lat, & |
428 | & kindex_g, nbindex_g, w_unit) |
429 | CALL forcing_integration_time(date_start, dt, nbdt) |
430 | ! |
431 | ! |
432 | ALLOCATE(zlev_tq(nbindex_g), zlev_uv(nbindex_g)) |
433 | ALLOCATE(u(nbindex_g), v(nbindex_g), pb(nbindex_g)) |
434 | ALLOCATE(temp_air(nbindex_g)) |
435 | ALLOCATE(qair(nbindex_g)) |
436 | ALLOCATE(ccanopy(nbindex_g)) |
437 | ALLOCATE(cdrag(nbindex_g)) |
438 | ALLOCATE(precip_rain(nbindex_g)) |
439 | ALLOCATE(precip_snow(nbindex_g)) |
440 | ALLOCATE(swdown(nbindex_g)) |
441 | ALLOCATE(swnet(nbindex_g)) |
442 | ALLOCATE(lwdown(nbindex_g)) |
443 | ALLOCATE(solarang(nbindex_g)) |
444 | ALLOCATE(vevapp(nbindex_g)) |
445 | ALLOCATE(fluxsens(nbindex_g)) |
446 | ALLOCATE(fluxlat(nbindex_g)) |
447 | ALLOCATE(coastalflow(nbindex_g)) |
448 | ALLOCATE(riverflow(nbindex_g)) |
449 | ALLOCATE(netco2(nbindex_g)) |
450 | ALLOCATE(carblu(nbindex_g)) |
451 | ALLOCATE(tsol_rad(nbindex_g)) |
452 | ALLOCATE(temp_sol_new(nbindex_g)) |
453 | ALLOCATE(qsurf(nbindex_g)) |
454 | ALLOCATE(albedo(nbindex_g,2)) |
455 | ALLOCATE(emis(nbindex_g)) |
456 | ALLOCATE(z0(nbindex_g)) |
457 | ! |
458 | !- |
459 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
460 | !- |
461 | !- OASIS Diagnostics |
462 | !- |
463 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
464 | !- |
465 | ! Unit for output messages : one file for each process |
466 | !- |
467 | CALL MPI_Comm_Size (LOCAL_OASIS_COMM, loc_size, ierror ) |
468 | CALL MPI_Comm_Size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, glo_size, ierror ) |
469 | IF (ierror /= 0) THEN |
470 | WRITE(w_unit,*) 'MPI_comm_size abort by model1 compid ',comp_id |
471 | ENDIF |
472 | CALL MPI_Comm_Rank (LOCAL_OASIS_COMM, loc_rank, ierror ) |
473 | CALL MPI_Comm_Rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, glo_rank, ierror ) |
474 | IF (ierror /= 0) THEN |
475 | WRITE(0,*) 'MPI_Comm_Rank abort by orchidee comp_id ',comp_id |
476 | ENDIF |
477 | ! |
478 | WRITE (w_unit,*) '-----------------------------------------------------------' |
479 | WRITE (w_unit,*) TRIM(comp_name), ' Running with reals compiled as kind =',r_std |
480 | WRITE (w_unit,*) 'I am component ', TRIM(comp_name), ' Local rank :',loc_rank, & |
481 | & " Global rank : ", glo_rank |
482 | WRITE (w_unit,*) '----------------------------------------------------------' |
483 | CALL flush(w_unit) |
484 | ! |
485 | ! |
486 | WRITE (w_unit,*) 'DD I am the ', TRIM(comp_name), 'local rank', loc_rank, " with ", iim_glo*jjm_glo, "points." |
487 | WRITE (w_unit,*) 'DD Local number of processors :', loc_size, " Global value :", glo_size |
488 | WRITE (w_unit,*) 'DD Local MPI communicator is :', LOCAL_OASIS_COMM, MPI_COMM_WORLD |
489 | CALL flush(w_unit) |
490 | !- |
491 | !- |
492 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
493 | !- |
494 | !- Send the grid to OASIS ... only on the root processor |
495 | !- |
496 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
497 | !- |
498 | IF (loc_rank == 0) THEN |
499 | ! |
500 | ! TOCOMPLETE - Put here OASIS grid, corner, areas and mask writing calls ! |
501 | ! |
502 | drv_gridname = "DRIV" |
503 | ! |
504 | CALL oasis_start_grids_writing(flag) |
505 | ! |
506 | CALL oasis_write_grid(drv_gridname, iim_glo, jjm_glo, lon_glo, lat_glo) |
507 | ! |
508 | ALLOCATE(corners_lon(iim_glo, jjm_glo, 4), corners_lat(iim_glo, jjm_glo, 4)) |
509 | corners_lon(:,:,:) = corners_glo(:,:,:,1) |
510 | corners_lat(:,:,:) = corners_glo(:,:,:,2) |
511 | CALL oasis_write_corner(drv_gridname, iim_glo, jjm_glo, 4, corners_lon, corners_lat) |
512 | DEALLOCATE(corners_lon, corners_lat) |
513 | ! |
514 | ALLOCATE(maskinv_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo)) |
515 | DO i=1,iim_glo |
516 | DO j=1,jjm_glo |
517 | IF (mask_glo(i,j) == 0) THEN |
518 | maskinv_glo(i,j) = 1 |
519 | ELSE |
520 | maskinv_glo(i,j) = 0 |
521 | ENDIF |
522 | ENDDO |
523 | ENDDO |
524 | CALL oasis_write_mask(drv_gridname, iim_glo, jjm_glo, maskinv_glo) |
525 | ! |
526 | CALL oasis_write_area(drv_gridname, iim_glo, jjm_glo, area_glo) |
527 | ! |
528 | CALL oasis_terminate_grids_writing() |
529 | ENDIF |
530 | ! |
531 | WRITE(w_unit,*) 'After grids writing' |
532 | call flush(w_unit) |
533 | !- |
534 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
535 | !- |
536 | !- Declare the variables |
537 | !- |
538 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
539 | !- |
540 | ig_paral(1) = 0 |
541 | ig_paral(2) = 0 |
542 | ig_paral(3) = nbindex_g |
543 | |
544 | CALL oasis_def_partition (il_part_id, ig_paral, ierror) |
545 | |
546 | var_nodims(1) = 1 |
547 | var_nodims(2) = 1 |
548 | var_shape(1) = 1 |
549 | var_shape(1) = nbindex_g |
550 | ! |
551 | ! Variables SENT to ORCHIDEE |
552 | ! ========================== |
553 | ! |
554 | ! Define levels |
555 | ! |
556 | varname="ZLTQDRIV" |
557 | CALL oasis_def_var(zlevtq_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
558 | varname="ZLUVDRIV" |
559 | CALL oasis_def_var(zlevuv_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
560 | ! |
561 | ! Define scalar atmospheric variables |
562 | ! |
563 | varname="TAIRDRIV" |
564 | CALL oasis_def_var(tair_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
565 | varname="QAIRDRIV" |
566 | CALL oasis_def_var(qair_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
567 | ! |
568 | ! Define precipitation variables |
569 | ! |
570 | varname="RAINDRIV" |
571 | CALL oasis_def_var(rainf_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
572 | varname="SNOWDRIV" |
573 | CALL oasis_def_var(snowf_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
574 | ! |
575 | ! Define radiation variables |
576 | ! |
577 | varname="SWNEDRIV" |
578 | CALL oasis_def_var(swnet_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
579 | varname="LWDODRIV" |
580 | CALL oasis_def_var(lwdown_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
581 | varname="SOLADRIV" |
582 | CALL oasis_def_var(solarang_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
583 | ! |
584 | ! Finaly pressure and wind |
585 | ! |
586 | varname="UWINDRIV" |
587 | CALL oasis_def_var(u_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
588 | varname="VWINDRIV" |
589 | CALL oasis_def_var(v_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
590 | varname="PRESDRIV" |
591 | CALL oasis_def_var(ps_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
592 | varname="DRAGDRIV" |
593 | CALL oasis_def_var(cdrag_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
594 | ! |
595 | ! |
596 | ! Variables RECEIVED from ORCHIDEE |
597 | ! ================================ |
598 | ! |
599 | ! |
600 | ! Turbulent fluxes |
601 | ! |
602 | varname="EVAPDRIV" |
603 | CALL oasis_def_var(vevapp_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
604 | ! |
605 | varname="SENSDRIV" |
606 | CALL oasis_def_var(fluxsens_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
607 | ! |
608 | varname="LATEDRIV" |
609 | CALL oasis_def_var(fluxlat_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
610 | ! |
611 | ! Discharge to the oceans |
612 | ! |
613 | varname="COASDRIV" |
614 | CALL oasis_def_var(coastal_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
615 | ! |
616 | varname="RIVEDRIV" |
617 | CALL oasis_def_var(river_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
618 | ! |
619 | ! Carbon fluxes |
620 | ! |
621 | varname="NECODRIV" |
622 | CALL oasis_def_var(netco2_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
623 | ! |
624 | varname="LUCODRIV" |
625 | CALL oasis_def_var(carblu_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
626 | ! |
627 | ! Surface states |
628 | ! |
629 | varname="TRADDRIV" |
630 | CALL oasis_def_var(tsolrad_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
631 | ! |
632 | varname="TNEWDRIV" |
633 | CALL oasis_def_var(tsolnew_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
634 | ! |
635 | varname="QSURDRIV" |
636 | CALL oasis_def_var(qsurf_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
637 | ! |
638 | varname="ANIRDRIV" |
639 | CALL oasis_def_var(albnir_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
640 | ! |
641 | varname="AVISDRIV" |
642 | CALL oasis_def_var(albvis_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
643 | ! |
644 | varname="EMISDRIV" |
645 | CALL oasis_def_var(emis_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
646 | ! |
647 | varname="ROUGDRIV" |
648 | CALL oasis_def_var(z0_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) |
649 | ! |
650 | CALL oasis_enddef (ierror) |
651 | !- |
652 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
653 | !- |
654 | !- Get a first set of forcing data |
655 | !- |
656 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
657 | !- |
658 | timestep_interval(1) = date_start |
659 | timestep_interval(2) = date_start + (dt/one_day) |
660 | CALL forcing_getvalues(timestep_interval, dt, zlev_tq, zlev_uv, temp_air, qair, & |
661 | & precip_rain, precip_snow, swdown, lwdown, solarang, u, v, pb) |
662 | ! An atmsopheric model will provide this information. If zero ORCHIDEE will compute it. |
663 | cdrag(:) = 0.0 |
664 | ! Transform the swdown into a swnet |
665 | swnet(:) = 0.13*swdown(:) |
666 | !- |
667 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
668 | !- |
669 | !- Go into the time loop |
670 | !- |
671 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
672 | !- |
673 | IF ( timemeasure ) THEN |
674 | WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> CPU Time for start-up of driver : ',Get_cpu_Time(timer_global) |
675 | WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Real Time for start-up of driver : ',Get_real_Time(timer_global) |
676 | CALL stop_timer(timer_global) |
677 | CALL start_timer(timer_global) |
678 | ENDIF |
679 | !- |
680 | DO itau = 0,nbdt-1 |
681 | ! |
682 | timestep_interval(1) = date_start + itau*(dt/one_day) |
683 | timestep_interval(2) = date_start + (itau+1)*(dt/one_day) |
684 | julian = date_start + (itau+0.5)*(dt/one_day) |
685 | ! |
686 | ! Write some diagnostics to look at the shape of the maps |
687 | ! |
688 | IF ( itau == 0 ) THEN |
689 | CALL globgrd_writevar(iim_glo, jjm_glo, lon_glo, lat_glo, & |
690 | & nbindex_g, lalo, temp_air, "TAIR", "Tair_Driver_0.nc") |
691 | ENDIF |
692 | ! |
693 | ! Put first the height of the atmospheric levels |
694 | ! |
695 | CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), zlev_tq, "TQ height") |
696 | CALL oasis_put(zlevtq_id, NINT(itau*dt), zlev_tq, oasis_info) |
697 | CALL oasis_put(zlevuv_id, NINT(itau*dt), zlev_uv, oasis_info) |
698 | ! |
699 | ! |
700 | CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), temp_air, "Air temperature") |
701 | CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), qair, "Air humidity") |
702 | ! |
703 | CALL oasis_put(tair_id, NINT(itau*dt), temp_air, oasis_info) |
704 | CALL oasis_put(qair_id, NINT(itau*dt), qair, oasis_info) |
705 | ! |
706 | ! Precipitation fluxes |
707 | ! |
708 | CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), precip_rain*one_day, "Rainfall") |
709 | CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), precip_snow*one_day, "Snowfall") |
710 | CALL oasis_put(rainf_id, NINT(itau*dt), precip_rain, oasis_info) |
711 | CALL oasis_put(snowf_id, NINT(itau*dt), precip_snow, oasis_info) |
712 | ! |
713 | ! Radiation fluxes |
714 | ! |
715 | CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), swnet, "Net solar") |
716 | CALL oasis_put(swnet_id, NINT(itau*dt), swnet, oasis_info) |
717 | CALL oasis_put(lwdown_id, NINT(itau*dt), lwdown, oasis_info) |
718 | CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), lwdown, "Downward Longwave") |
719 | CALL oasis_put(solarang_id, NINT(itau*dt), solarang, oasis_info) |
720 | ! |
721 | ! Dynamical fields |
722 | ! |
723 | CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), u, "East-ward wind") |
724 | CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), pb, "Surface Pressure") |
725 | CALL oasis_put(u_id, NINT(itau*dt), u, oasis_info) |
726 | CALL oasis_put(v_id, NINT(itau*dt), v, oasis_info) |
727 | CALL oasis_put(ps_id, NINT(itau*dt), pb, oasis_info) |
728 | CALL oasis_put(cdrag_id, NINT(itau*dt), cdrag, oasis_info) |
729 | ! |
730 | IF ( timemeasure ) THEN |
731 | waitput_cputime = waitput_cputime + Get_cpu_Time(timer_global) |
732 | waitput_walltime = waitput_walltime + Get_real_Time(timer_global) |
733 | CALL stop_timer(timer_global) |
734 | CALL start_timer(timer_global) |
735 | ENDIF |
736 | ! |
737 | ! Get the forcing data for the next time step before we go into the blocking gets |
738 | ! |
739 | IF ( itau < (nbdt-1) ) THEN |
740 | timestep_int_next(1) = date_start + (itau+1)*(dt/one_day) |
741 | timestep_int_next(2) = date_start + (itau+2)*(dt/one_day) |
742 | CALL forcing_getvalues(timestep_int_next, dt, zlev_tq, zlev_uv, temp_air, qair, & |
743 | & precip_rain, precip_snow, swdown, lwdown, solarang, u, v, pb) |
744 | ! An atmsopheric model will provide this information. If zero ORCHIDEE will compute it. |
745 | cdrag(:) = 0.0 |
746 | ! Compute swnet with the albedo computed in the previous call to ORCHIDEE |
747 | swnet(:) = (1.-(albedo(:,1)+albedo(:,2))/2.)*swdown(:) |
748 | ! |
749 | ENDIF |
750 | ! |
751 | ! Timing of computations for next forcing data |
752 | ! |
753 | IF ( timemeasure ) THEN |
754 | preparation_cputime = preparation_cputime + Get_cpu_Time(timer_global) |
755 | preparation_walltime = preparation_walltime + Get_real_Time(timer_global) |
756 | CALL stop_timer(timer_global) |
757 | CALL start_timer(timer_global) |
758 | ENDIF |
759 | ! |
760 | ! Go into the blocking gets from OASIS |
761 | ! |
762 | CALL oasis_get(vevapp_id, NINT(itau*dt), vevapp, oasis_info) |
763 | CALL oasis_get(fluxsens_id, NINT(itau*dt), fluxsens, oasis_info) |
764 | CALL oasis_get(fluxlat_id, NINT(itau*dt), fluxlat, oasis_info) |
765 | ! |
766 | CALL oasis_get(coastal_id, NINT(itau*dt), coastalflow, oasis_info) |
767 | CALL oasis_get(river_id, NINT(itau*dt), riverflow, oasis_info) |
768 | ! |
769 | CALL oasis_get(netco2_id, NINT(itau*dt), netco2, oasis_info) |
770 | CALL oasis_get(carblu_id, NINT(itau*dt), carblu, oasis_info) |
771 | ! |
772 | CALL oasis_get(tsolrad_id, NINT(itau*dt), tsol_rad, oasis_info) |
773 | CALL oasis_get(tsolnew_id, NINT(itau*dt), temp_sol_new, oasis_info) |
774 | CALL oasis_get(qsurf_id, NINT(itau*dt), qsurf, oasis_info) |
775 | ! |
776 | CALL oasis_get(albvis_id, NINT(itau*dt), albedo(:,1), oasis_info) |
777 | CALL oasis_get(albnir_id, NINT(itau*dt), albedo(:,2), oasis_info) |
778 | CALL oasis_get(emis_id, NINT(itau*dt), emis, oasis_info) |
779 | CALL oasis_get(z0_id, NINT(itau*dt), z0, oasis_info) |
780 | CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), vevapp, "Recived evap") |
781 | ! |
782 | ! Timing of waits |
783 | ! |
784 | IF ( timemeasure ) THEN |
785 | waitget_cputime = waitget_cputime + Get_cpu_Time(timer_global) |
786 | waitget_walltime = waitget_walltime + Get_real_Time(timer_global) |
787 | CALL stop_timer(timer_global) |
788 | CALL start_timer(timer_global) |
789 | ENDIF |
790 | ! |
791 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
792 | ! Some dianostics |
793 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
794 | ! |
795 | IF ( MOD(itau, freq_diag) == 0 ) THEN |
796 | ! |
797 | CALL forcing_printdate(timestep_interval(1), "Diagnostics START", w_unit) |
798 | ! |
799 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(temp_sol_new), " << TEMP_SOL_NEW << ", MAXVAL(temp_sol_new) |
800 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(vevapp), " << VEVAPP << ", MAXVAL(vevapp) |
801 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(fluxsens), " << FLUXSENS << ", MAXVAL(fluxsens) |
802 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(fluxlat), " << FLUXLAT << ", MAXVAL(fluxlat) |
803 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(coastalflow), " << COASTALFLOW << ", MAXVAL(coastalflow) |
804 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(riverflow), " << RIVERFLOW << ", MAXVAL(riverflow) |
805 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(netco2), " << NETCO2 << ", MAXVAL(netco2) |
806 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(carblu), " << CARBLU << ", MAXVAL(carblu) |
807 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(tsol_rad), " << TSOL_RAD, << ", MAXVAL(tsol_rad) |
808 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(temp_sol_new), " << TEMP_SOL_NEW << ", MAXVAL(temp_sol_new) |
809 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(qsurf), " << QSURF << ", MAXVAL(qsurf) |
810 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(albedo(:,1)), " << ALBEDO VIS << ", MAXVAL(albedo(:,1)) |
811 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(albedo(:,2)), " << ALBEDO NIR << ", MAXVAL(albedo(:,2)) |
812 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(emis), " << EMIS << ", MAXVAL(emis) |
813 | WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(z0), " << Z0 << ", MAXVAL(z0) |
814 | ! |
815 | CALL forcing_printdate(timestep_interval(2), "Diagnostics END", w_unit) |
816 | ! |
817 | ENDIF |
818 | ! |
819 | ENDDO |
820 | !- |
821 | !- |
822 | !- |
823 | IF ( timemeasure ) THEN |
824 | WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total CPU Time waiting for put to ORCH : ',waitput_cputime |
825 | WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total Real Time waiting for put to ORCH : ',waitput_walltime |
826 | WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total CPU Time for preparing forcing : ', preparation_cputime |
827 | WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total Real Time for preparing forcing : ', preparation_walltime |
828 | WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total CPU Time waiting for get from ORCH : ',waitget_cputime |
829 | WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total Real Time waiting for get from ORCH : ',waitget_walltime |
830 | CALL stop_timer(timer_global) |
831 | ENDIF |
832 | !- |
833 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
834 | !- |
835 | !- Close OASIS and MPI |
836 | !- |
837 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
838 | !- |
839 | CALL oasis_terminate(ierror) |
840 | ! |
841 | CALL forcing_close() |
842 | |
843 | ! Deallocate all variables and reset init flags |
844 | CALL forcing_tools_clear() |
845 | |
846 | CLOSE(UNIT=w_unit) |
847 | !- |
848 | END PROGRAM driver2oasis |