! MODULE readdim2 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !< $HeadURL: http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/svn/trunk/ORCHIDEE_OL/readdim2.f90 $ !< $Date: 2011-01-01 21:42:53 +0100 (Sat, 01 Jan 2011) $ !< $Author: mmaipsl $ !< $Revision: 50 $ !- IPSL (2006) !- This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC !- USE ioipsl USE weather USE TIMER USE constantes USE solar USE grid !- IMPLICIT NONE !- PRIVATE PUBLIC :: forcing_read, forcing_info, forcing_grid !- INTEGER, SAVE :: iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm_full INTEGER, SAVE :: iim_zoom, jjm_zoom INTEGER, SAVE :: iim_g_begin,jjm_g_begin,iim_g_end,jjm_g_end REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: data_full, lon_full, lat_full REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lev_full INTEGER, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: itau, i_index, j_index,j_index_g INTEGER, SAVE :: i_test, j_test LOGICAL, SAVE :: allow_weathergen, interpol LOGICAL, SAVE, PUBLIC :: weathergen, is_watchout REAL, SAVE :: merid_res, zonal_res LOGICAL, SAVE :: have_zaxis=.FALSE. !- CONTAINS !- !===================================================================== !- SUBROUTINE forcing_info(filename, iim, jjm, llm, tm, date0, dt_force,& & force_id) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !- This subroutine will get all the info from the forcing file and !- prepare for the zoom if needed. !- It returns to the caller the sizes of the data it will receive at !- the forcing_read call. This is important so that the caller can !- allocate the right space. !- !- filename : name of the file to be opened !- iim : size in x of the forcing data !- jjm : size in y of the forcing data !- llm : number of levels in the forcing data (not yet used) !- tm : Time dimension of the forcing !- date0 : The date at which the forcing file starts (julian days) !- dt_force : time-step of the forcing file in seconds !- force_id : ID of the forcing file !- !- ARGUMENTS !- USE parallel IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: filename INTEGER :: iim, jjm, llm, tm REAL :: date0, dt_force INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: force_id !- LOCAL CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: calendar_str REAL :: juld_1, juld_2 LOGICAL :: debug = .FALSE. REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: fcontfrac REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tair LOGICAL :: contfrac_exists=.FALSE. INTEGER :: NbPoint INTEGER :: i_test,j_test INTEGER :: i,j,ind INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: index_l REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: lon, lat REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lev, levuv !- CALL flininfo(filename, iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm_full, force_id) CALL flinclo(force_id) !- IF ( debug ) WRITE(numout,*) 'forcing_info : Details from forcing file :', & iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm_full !- IF ( llm_full < 1 ) THEN have_zaxis = .FALSE. ELSE have_zaxis = .TRUE. ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) 'have_zaxis : ', llm_full, have_zaxis !- ALLOCATE(itau(ttm_full)) ALLOCATE(data_full(iim_full, jjm_full),lon_full(iim_full, jjm_full),& & lat_full(iim_full, jjm_full)) ALLOCATE(lev_full(llm_full)) ALLOCATE(fcontfrac(iim_full,jjm_full)) !- lev_full(:) = zero !- dt_force=zero CALL flinopen & & (filename, .FALSE., iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, lon_full, lat_full, & & lev_full, ttm_full, itau, date0, dt_force, force_id) IF ( dt_force == zero ) THEN dt_force = itau(2) - itau(1) itau(:) = itau(:) / dt_force ENDIF ! WRITE(numout,*) "forcing_info : Forcing time step out of flinopen : ",dt_force !- !- What are the alowed options for the temportal interpolation !- !Config Key = ALLOW_WEATHERGEN !Config Desc = Allow weather generator to create data !Config Def = n !Config Help = This flag allows the forcing-reader to generate !Config synthetic data if the data in the file is too sparse !Config and the temporal resolution would not be enough to !Config run the model. !- allow_weathergen = .FALSE. CALL getin_p('ALLOW_WEATHERGEN',allow_weathergen) !- !- The calendar was set by the forcing file. If no "calendar" attribute was !- found then it is assumed to be gregorian, !MM => FALSE !! it is NOT assumed anything ! !- else it is what ever is written in this attribute. !- CALL ioget_calendar(calendar_str) i=INDEX(calendar_str,ACHAR(0)) IF ( i > 0 ) THEN calendar_str(i:20)=' ' ENDIF ! WRITE(numout,*) "forcing_info : Calendar used : ",calendar_str IF ( calendar_str == 'XXXX' ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) "forcing_info : The calendar was not found in the forcing file." IF (allow_weathergen) THEN ! Then change the calendar CALL ioconf_calendar("noleap") ELSE WRITE(numout,*) "forcing_info : We will force it to gregorian by default." CALL ioconf_calendar("gregorian") !! = 365.2425 ; "noleap" = 365.0; "360d"; "julian"=365.25 ENDIF ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) "readdim2 : Calendar used by the model : ",calendar_str IF (ttm_full .GE. 2) THEN juld_1 = itau2date(itau(1), date0, dt_force) juld_2 = itau2date(itau(2), date0, dt_force) ELSE juld_1 = 0 juld_2 = 0 CALL ipslerr ( 3, 'forcing_info','What is that only one time step in the forcing file ?', & & ' That can not be right.','verify forcing file.') STOP ENDIF !- !- Initialize one_year / one_day CALL ioget_calendar (one_year, one_day) !- !- What is the distance between the two first states. From this we will deduce what is !- to be done. weathergen = .FALSE. interpol = .FALSE. is_watchout = .FALSE. !- IF ( ABS(ABS(juld_2-juld_1)-30.) .LE. 2.) THEN IF ( allow_weathergen ) THEN weathergen = .TRUE. WRITE(numout,*) 'Using weather generator.' ELSE CALL ipslerr ( 3, 'forcing_info', & & 'This seems to be a monthly file.', & & 'We should use a weather generator with this file.', & & 'This should be allowed in the run.def') ENDIF ELSEIF ( ABS(juld_1-juld_2) .LE. 1./4.) THEN interpol = .TRUE. WRITE(numout,*) 'We will interpolate between the forcing data time steps.' ELSE ! Using the weather generator with data other than monthly ones probably ! needs some thinking. WRITE(numout,*) 'The time step is not suitable:',ABS(juld_1-juld_2),' days.' CALL ipslerr ( 3, 'forcing_info','The time step is not suitable.', & & '','We cannot do anything with these forcing data.') ENDIF !- !- redefine the forcing time step if the weather generator is activated !- IF ( weathergen ) THEN !Config Key = DT_WEATHGEN !Config Desc = Calling frequency of weather generator (s) !Config If = ALLOW_WEATHERGEN !Config Def = 1800. !Config Help = Determines how often the weather generator !Config is called (time step in s). Should be equal !Config to or larger than Sechiba's time step (say, !Config up to 6 times Sechiba's time step or so). dt_force = 1800. CALL getin_p('DT_WEATHGEN',dt_force) ENDIF !- !- Define the zoom !- !Config Key = LIMIT_WEST !Config Desc = Western limit of region !Config Def = -180. !Config Help = Western limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between -180 and +180 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !- limit_west = -180. CALL getin_p('LIMIT_WEST',limit_west) !- !Config Key = LIMIT_EAST !Config Desc = Eastern limit of region !Config Def = 180. !Config Help = Eastern limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between -180 and +180 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !- limit_east = 180. CALL getin_p('LIMIT_EAST',limit_east) !- !Config Key = LIMIT_NORTH !Config Desc = Northern limit of region !Config Def = 90. !Config Help = Northern limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between +90 and -90 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !- limit_north = 90. CALL getin_p('LIMIT_NORTH',limit_north) !- !Config Key = LIMIT_SOUTH !Config Desc = Southern limit of region !Config Def = -90. !Config Help = Southern limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between 90 and -90 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !- limit_south = -90. CALL getin_p('LIMIT_SOUTH',limit_south) !- !- Calculate domain size !- IF ( interpol ) THEN !- !- If we use temporal interpolation, then we cannot change the resolution (yet?) !- ALLOCATE(i_index(iim_full), j_index(jjm_full),j_index_g(jjm_full)) IF (is_root_prc) THEN CALL domain_size (limit_west, limit_east, limit_north, limit_south,& & iim_full, jjm_full, lon_full, lat_full, iim_zoom, jjm_zoom,& & i_index, j_index_g) j_index(:)=j_index_g(:) ALLOCATE(tair(iim_full,jjm_full)) CALL flinget (force_id,'Tair',iim_full, jjm_full, 1, ttm_full, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tair) CALL flinquery_var(force_id, 'contfrac', contfrac_exists) IF ( contfrac_exists ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) "contfrac exist in the forcing file." CALL flinget (force_id,'contfrac',iim_full, jjm_full, 1, ttm_full, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, fcontfrac) WRITE(numout,*) "fcontfrac min/max :",MINVAL(fcontfrac(1:iim_zoom,1:jjm_zoom)),MAXVAL(fcontfrac(1:iim_zoom,1:jjm_zoom)) ELSE fcontfrac(:,:)=1. ENDIF DO i=1,iim_zoom DO j=1,jjm_zoom IF ( fcontfrac(i,j) <= EPSILON(1.) ) THEN tair(i,j) = 999999. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ALLOCATE(index_l(iim_zoom*jjm_zoom)) !- In this point is returning the global NbPoint with the global index CALL forcing_landind(iim_zoom,jjm_zoom,tair,.TRUE.,NbPoint,index_l,i_test,j_test) ELSE ALLOCATE(index_l(1)) ENDIF CALL init_data_para(iim_zoom,jjm_zoom,NbPoint,index_l) ! !- global index index_g is the index_l of root proc IF (is_root_prc) index_g(:)=index_l(1:NbPoint) DEALLOCATE(index_l) CALL bcast(jjm_zoom) CALL bcast(i_index) CALL bcast(j_index_g) ind=0 DO j=1,jjm_zoom IF ( (j >= jj_begin) .AND. (j <= jj_end) ) THEN ind=ind+1 j_index(ind)=j_index_g(j) ENDIF ENDDO jjm_zoom=jj_nb iim_zoom=iim_g !- !- If we use the weather generator, then we read zonal and meridional resolutions !- This should be unified one day... !- ELSEIF ( weathergen ) THEN !- !Config Key = MERID_RES !Config Desc = North-South Resolution !Config Def = 2. !Config If = ALLOW_WEATHERGEN !Config Help = North-South Resolution of the region we are !Config interested in. In degrees !- merid_res = 2. CALL getin_p('MERID_RES',merid_res) !- !Config Key = ZONAL_RES !Config Desc = East-West Resolution !Config Def = 2. !Config If = ALLOW_WEATHERGEN !Config Help = East-West Resolution of the region we are !Config interested in. In degrees !- zonal_res = 2. CALL getin_p('ZONAL_RES',zonal_res) !- !- Number of time steps is meaningless in this case !- ! ttm_full = HUGE( ttm_full ) !MM Number (realistic) of time steps for half hour dt ttm_full = NINT(one_year * 86400. / dt_force) !- IF (is_root_prc) THEN !- In this point is returning the global NbPoint with the global index CALL weathgen_domain_size (limit_west,limit_east,limit_north,limit_south, & zonal_res,merid_res,iim_zoom,jjm_zoom) ALLOCATE(index_l(iim_zoom*jjm_zoom)) ENDIF CALL bcast(iim_zoom) CALL bcast(jjm_zoom) ALLOCATE(lon(iim_zoom,jjm_zoom)) ALLOCATE(lat(iim_zoom,jjm_zoom)) ALLOCATE(lev(llm_full),levuv(llm_full)) ! We need lon and lat now for weathgen_init CALL forcing_grid (iim_zoom,jjm_zoom,llm_full,lon,lat,lev,levuv,init_f=.TRUE.) IF (is_root_prc) THEN CALL weathgen_init & & (filename,dt_force,force_id,iim_zoom,jjm_zoom, & & zonal_res,merid_res,lon,lat,index_l,NbPoint) !!$,& !!$ & i_index,j_index_g) ELSE ALLOCATE(index_l(1)) index_l(1)=1 ENDIF CALL init_data_para(iim_zoom,jjm_zoom,NbPoint,index_l) ! !- global index index_g is the index_l of root proc IF (is_root_prc) index_g(:)=index_l(1:NbPoint) DEALLOCATE(index_l) !!$ CALL bcast(i_index) !!$ CALL bcast(j_index_g) !!$ ind=0 !!$ DO j=1,jjm_zoom !!$ IF ( (j >= jj_begin) .AND. (j <= jj_end) ) THEN !!$ ind=ind+1 !!$ j_index(ind)=j_index_g(j) !!$ ENDIF !!$ ENDDO jjm_zoom=jj_nb iim_zoom=iim_g ! CALL weathgen_read_file(force_id,iim_zoom,jjm_zoom) !- ELSE !- STOP 'ERROR: Neither interpolation nor weather generator is specified.' !- ENDIF !- !- Transfer the right information to the caller !- iim = iim_zoom jjm = jjm_zoom llm = 1 tm = ttm_full !- IF ( debug ) WRITE(numout,*) 'forcing_info : end : ', iim,jjm, llm,tm !- END SUBROUTINE forcing_info !- !- !===================================================================== SUBROUTINE forcing_read & & (filename, rest_id, lrstread, lrstwrite, & & itauin, istp, itau_split, split, nb_spread, netrad_cons, date0, & & dt_force, iim, jjm, lon, lat, zlev, zlevuv, ttm, & & swdown, precip, snowf, tair, u, v, qair, pb, lwdown, & & fcontfrac, fneighbours, fresolution, & & SWnet, Eair, petAcoef, peqAcoef, petBcoef, peqBcoef, cdrag, ccanopy, & & kindex, nbindex, force_id) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- filename : name of the file to be opened !- rest_id : ID of restart file !- lrstread : read restart file? !- lrstwrite : write restart file? !- itauin : time step for which we need the data !- istp : time step for restart file !- itau_split : Where are we within the splitting !- of the time-steps of the forcing files !- (it decides IF we READ or not) !- split : The number of time steps we do !- between two time-steps of the forcing !- nb_spread : Over how many time steps do we spread the precipitation !- netrad_cons: flag that decides if net radiation should be conserved. !- date0 : The date at which the forcing file starts (julian days) !- dt_force : time-step of the forcing file in seconds !- iim : Size of the grid in x !- jjm : size of the grid in y !- lon : Longitudes !- lat : Latitudes !- zlev : First Levels if it exists (ie if watchout file) !- zlevuv : First Levels of the wind (equal precedent, if it exists) !- ttm : number of time steps in all in the forcing file !- swdown : Downward solar radiation (W/m^2) !- precip : Precipitation (Rainfall) (kg/m^2s) !- snowf : Snowfall (kg/m^2s) !- tair : 1st level (2m ? in off-line) air temperature (K) !- u and v : 1st level (2m/10m ? in off-line) (in theory !) wind speed (m/s) !- qair : 1st level (2m ? in off-line) humidity (kg/kg) !- pb : Surface pressure (Pa) !- lwdown : Downward long wave radiation (W/m^2) !- fcontfrac : Continental fraction (no unit) !- fneighbours: land neighbours !- fresolution: resolution in x and y dimensions for each points !- !- From a WATCHOUT file : !- SWnet : Net surface short-wave flux !- Eair : Air potential energy !- petAcoef : Coeficients A from the PBL resolution for T !- peqAcoef : Coeficients A from the PBL resolution for q !- petBcoef : Coeficients B from the PBL resolution for T !- peqBcoef : Coeficients B from the PBL resolution for q !- cdrag : Surface drag !- ccanopy : CO2 concentration in the canopy !- !- kindex : Index of all land-points in the data !- (used for the gathering) !- nbindex : Number of land points !- force_id : FLINCOM file id. !- It is used to close the file at the end of the run. !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: filename INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: force_id INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: nbindex INTEGER :: rest_id LOGICAL :: lrstread, lrstwrite INTEGER :: itauin, istp, itau_split, split, nb_spread LOGICAL :: netrad_cons REAL :: date0, dt_force INTEGER :: iim, jjm, ttm REAL,DIMENSION(iim,jjm) :: lon, lat, zlev, zlevuv, & & swdown, precip, snowf, tair, u, v, qair, pb, lwdown, & & fcontfrac REAL,DIMENSION(iim,jjm,2) :: fresolution INTEGER,DIMENSION(iim,jjm,8) :: fneighbours ! for watchout files REAL,DIMENSION(iim,jjm) :: & & SWnet, Eair, petAcoef, peqAcoef, petBcoef, peqBcoef, cdrag, ccanopy INTEGER,DIMENSION(iim*jjm), INTENT(INOUT) :: kindex !- INTEGER :: ik,i,j ! IF ( interpol ) THEN !- CALL forcing_read_interpol & (filename, itauin, itau_split, split, nb_spread, netrad_cons, date0, & dt_force, iim, jjm, lon, lat, zlev, zlevuv, ttm, & swdown, precip, snowf, tair, u, v, qair, pb, lwdown, & fcontfrac, fneighbours, fresolution, & SWnet, Eair, petAcoef, peqAcoef, petBcoef, peqBcoef, cdrag, ccanopy, & kindex, nbindex, force_id) !- ELSEIF ( weathergen ) THEN !- IF (lrstread) THEN fcontfrac(:,:) = 1.0 WRITE(numout,*) 'contfrac : ', MINVAL(fcontfrac), MAXVAL(fcontfrac) ENDIF IF ( (itauin == 0).AND.(itau_split == 0) ) THEN CALL weathgen_main (istp, istp, filename, force_id, iim, jjm, 1, & rest_id, lrstread, lrstwrite, & limit_west, limit_east, limit_north, limit_south, & zonal_res, merid_res, lon, lat, date0, dt_force, & kindex, nbindex, & swdown, precip, snowf, tair, u, v, qair, pb, lwdown) ELSE CALL weathgen_main (itauin, istp, filename, force_id, iim, jjm, 1, & rest_id, lrstread, lrstwrite, & limit_west, limit_east, limit_north, limit_south, & zonal_res, merid_res, lon, lat, date0, dt_force, & kindex, nbindex, & swdown, precip, snowf, tair, u, v, qair, pb, lwdown) ENDIF !- IF ( (itauin == 0).AND.(itau_split == 0) ) THEN !--- !--- Allocate grid stuff !--- CALL init_grid ( nbindex ) !--- !--- Compute !--- CALL grid_stuff(nbp_glo, iim_g, jjm_g, lon_g, lat_g, kindex) !CALL grid_stuff (nbindex, iim, jjm, lon, lat, kindex) DO ik=1,nbindex j = ((kindex(ik)-1)/iim) + 1 i = (kindex(ik) - (j-1)*iim) !- !- Store variable to help describe the grid !- once the points are gathered. !- fneighbours(i,j,:) = neighbours(ik,:) ! fresolution(i,j,:) = resolution(ik,:) ENDDO ENDIF ELSE !- STOP 'ERROR: Neither interpolation nor weather generator is specified.' !- ENDIF !- IF (.NOT. is_watchout) THEN ! We have to compute Potential air energy WHERE(tair(:,:) < val_exp) eair(:,:) = cp_air*tair(:,:)+cte_grav*zlev(:,:) ENDWHERE ENDIF !- ! !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE forcing_read !===================================================================== !- !- !===================================================================== SUBROUTINE forcing_read_interpol & & (filename, itauin, itau_split, split, nb_spread, netrad_cons, date0, & & dt_force, iim, jjm, lon, lat, zlev, zlevuv, ttm, swdown, rainf, snowf, tair, & & u, v, qair, pb, lwdown, & & fcontfrac, fneighbours, fresolution, & & SWnet, Eair, petAcoef, peqAcoef, petBcoef, peqBcoef, cdrag, ccanopy, & & kindex, nbindex, force_id) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- filename : name of the file to be opened !- itauin : time step for which we need the data !- itau_split : Where are we within the splitting !- of the time-steps of the forcing files !- (it decides IF we READ or not) !- split : The number of time steps we do !- between two time-steps of the forcing !- nb_spread : Over how many time steps do we spread the precipitation !- netrad_cons: flag that decides if net radiation should be conserved. !- date0 : The date at which the forcing file starts (julian days) !- dt_force : time-step of the forcing file in seconds !- iim : Size of the grid in x !- jjm : size of the grid in y !- lon : Longitudes !- lat : Latitudes !- zlev : First Levels if it exists (ie if watchout file) !- zlevuv : First Levels of the wind (equal precedent, if it exists) !- ttm : number of time steps in all in the forcing file !- swdown : Downward solar radiation (W/m^2) !- rainf : Rainfall (kg/m^2s) !- snowf : Snowfall (kg/m^2s) !- tair : 2m air temperature (K) !- u and v : 2m (in theory !) wind speed (m/s) !- qair : 2m humidity (kg/kg) !- pb : Surface pressure (Pa) !- lwdown : Downward long wave radiation (W/m^2) !- fcontfrac : Continental fraction (no unit) !- fneighbours: land neighbours !- fresolution: resolution in x and y dimensions for each points !- !- From a WATCHOUT file : !- SWnet : Net surface short-wave flux !- Eair : Air potential energy !- petAcoef : Coeficients A from the PBL resolution for T !- peqAcoef : Coeficients A from the PBL resolution for q !- petBcoef : Coeficients B from the PBL resolution for T !- peqBcoef : Coeficients B from the PBL resolution for q !- cdrag : Surface drag !- ccanopy : CO2 concentration in the canopy !- !- kindex : Index of all land-points in the data !- (used for the gathering) !- nbindex : Number of land points !- force_id : FLINCOM file id. !- It is used to close the file at the end of the run. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- USE parallel IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER,PARAMETER :: lm=1 !- !- Input variables !- CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: filename INTEGER :: itauin, itau_split, split, nb_spread LOGICAL :: netrad_cons REAL :: date0, dt_force INTEGER :: iim, jjm, ttm REAL,DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(IN) :: lon, lat !- LOCAL data array (size=iim,jjm) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: force_id !- !- Output variables !- REAL,DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(OUT) :: zlev, zlevuv, & !- LOCAL data array (size=iim,jjm) & swdown, rainf, snowf, tair, u, v, qair, pb, lwdown, & & fcontfrac REAL,DIMENSION(:,:,:),INTENT(OUT) :: fresolution !- LOCAL data array (size=iim,jjm,2) INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:,:),INTENT(OUT) :: fneighbours !- LOCAL data array (size=iim,jjm,8) ! for watchout files REAL,DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(OUT) :: & & SWnet, Eair, petAcoef, peqAcoef, petBcoef, peqBcoef, cdrag, ccanopy INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),INTENT(INOUT) :: kindex !- LOCAL index of the map INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: nbindex !- !- Local variables !- INTEGER, SAVE :: last_read=0 INTEGER, SAVE :: itau_read, itau_read_nm1=0, itau_read_n=0 REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:) :: & & zlev_nm1, swdown_nm1, rainf_nm1, snowf_nm1, tair_nm1, u_nm1, v_nm1, qair_nm1, pb_nm1, lwdown_nm1, & & zlev_n, swdown_n, rainf_n, snowf_n, tair_n, u_n, v_n, qair_n, & & pb_n, lwdown_n, mean_sinang, sinang ! just for grid stuff if the forcing file is a watchout file REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tmpdata ! variables to be read in watchout files REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:) :: & & SWnet_nm1, Eair_nm1, petAcoef_nm1, peqAcoef_nm1, petBcoef_nm1, peqBcoef_nm1, cdrag_nm1, ccanopy_nm1, & & SWnet_n, Eair_n, petAcoef_n, peqAcoef_n, petBcoef_n, peqBcoef_n, cdrag_n, ccanopy_n REAL, SAVE :: julian_for ! Date of the forcing to be read REAL :: julian, ss, rw !jur, REAL, SAVE :: julian0 ! First day of this year INTEGER :: yy, mm, dd, is, i, j, ik ! if Wind_N and Wind_E are in the file (and not just Wind) LOGICAL, SAVE :: wind_N_exists=.FALSE. LOGICAL :: wind_E_exists=.FALSE. LOGICAL, SAVE :: contfrac_exists=.FALSE. LOGICAL, SAVE :: neighbours_exists=.FALSE. LOGICAL, SAVE :: initialized = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: check=.FALSE. ! to bypass FPE problem on integer convertion with missing_value heigher than precision INTEGER, PARAMETER :: undef_int = 999999999 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,*) & & " FORCING READ : itau_read, itau_split : ",itauin,itau_split ENDIF !- !!$ itau_read = itauin itau_read = MOD((itauin-1),ttm)+1 !- !- This part initializes the reading of the forcing. As you can see !- we only go through here if both time steps are zero. !- IF ( (itau_read == 0).AND.(itau_split == 0) ) THEN !- !- Tests on forcing file type CALL flinquery_var(force_id, 'Wind_N', wind_N_exists) IF ( wind_N_exists ) THEN CALL flinquery_var(force_id, 'Wind_E', wind_E_exists) IF ( .NOT. wind_E_exists ) THEN CALL ipslerr(3,'forcing_read_interpol', & & 'Variable Wind_E does not exist in forcing file', & & 'But variable Wind_N exists.','Please, rename Wind_N to Wind;') ENDIF ENDIF CALL flinquery_var(force_id, 'levels', is_watchout) IF ( is_watchout ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) "Read a Watchout File." ENDIF CALL flinquery_var(force_id, 'contfrac', contfrac_exists) !- IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'ALLOCATE all the memory needed' !- ALLOCATE & & (swdown_nm1(iim,jjm), rainf_nm1(iim,jjm), snowf_nm1(iim,jjm), & & tair_nm1(iim,jjm), u_nm1(iim,jjm), v_nm1(iim,jjm), qair_nm1(iim,jjm), & & pb_nm1(iim,jjm), lwdown_nm1(iim,jjm)) ALLOCATE & & (swdown_n(iim,jjm), rainf_n(iim,jjm), snowf_n(iim,jjm), & & tair_n(iim,jjm), u_n(iim,jjm), v_n(iim,jjm), qair_n(iim,jjm), & & pb_n(iim,jjm), lwdown_n(iim,jjm)) ! to read of watchout files IF (is_watchout) THEN ALLOCATE & & (zlev_nm1(iim,jjm), zlev_n(iim,jjm), & & SWnet_nm1(iim,jjm), Eair_nm1(iim,jjm), cdrag_nm1(iim,jjm), ccanopy_nm1(iim,jjm), & & petAcoef_nm1(iim,jjm), peqAcoef_nm1(iim,jjm), petBcoef_nm1(iim,jjm), peqBcoef_nm1(iim,jjm), & & SWnet_n(iim,jjm), Eair_n(iim,jjm), cdrag_n(iim,jjm), ccanopy_n(iim,jjm), & & petAcoef_n(iim,jjm), peqAcoef_n(iim,jjm), petBcoef_n(iim,jjm), peqBcoef_n(iim,jjm)) ENDIF ALLOCATE & & (mean_sinang(iim,jjm), sinang(iim,jjm)) !- IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Memory ALLOCATED' !- !- We need for the driver surface air temperature and humidity before the !- the loop starts. Thus we read it here. !- CALL forcing_just_read (iim, jjm, zlev, ttm, 1, 1, & & swdown, rainf, snowf, tair, & & u, v, qair, pb, lwdown, & & SWnet, Eair, petAcoef, peqAcoef, petBcoef, peqBcoef, cdrag, ccanopy, & & force_id, wind_N_exists, check) !---- IF (is_watchout) THEN zlevuv(:,:) = zlev(:,:) ENDIF !-- First in case it's not a watchout file IF ( .NOT. is_watchout ) THEN IF ( contfrac_exists ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) "contfrac exist in the forcing file." CALL flinget (force_id,'contfrac',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, fcontfrac) WRITE(numout,*) "fcontfrac min/max :",MINVAL(fcontfrac(1:iim_zoom,jjm_zoom)),MAXVAL(fcontfrac(1:iim_zoom,jjm_zoom)) ! ! We need to make sure that when we gather the points we pick all ! the points where contfrac is above 0. Thus we prepare tair for ! subroutine forcing_landind ! DO i=1,iim DO j=1,jjm IF ( j==1 .AND. iii_end) fcontfrac(i,j)=0. ! => on mets les données qu'on veut pas du noeud à missing_value IF ( fcontfrac(i,j) <= EPSILON(1.) ) THEN tair(i,j) = 999999. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ELSE fcontfrac(:,:) = 1.0 ENDIF !--- !--- Create the index table !--- !--- This job return a LOCAL kindex CALL forcing_landind(iim, jjm, tair, check, nbindex, kindex, i_test, j_test) #ifdef CPP_PARA ! We keep previous function forcing_landind, only to get a valid (i_test,j_test) ! Force nbindex points for parallel computation nbindex=nbp_loc CALL scatter(index_g,kindex) kindex(1:nbindex)=kindex(1:nbindex)-(jj_begin-1)*iim_g #endif ik=MAX(nbindex/2,1) j_test = (((kindex(ik)-1)/iim) + 1) i_test = (kindex(ik) - (j_test-1)*iim) IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'New test point is : ', i_test, j_test ENDIF !--- !--- Allocate grid stuff !--- CALL init_grid ( nbindex ) !--- !--- All grid variables !--- CALL grid_stuff(nbp_glo, iim_g, jjm_g, lon_g, lat_g, kindex) DO ik=1,nbindex ! j = ((kindex(ik)-1)/iim) + 1 i = (kindex(ik) - (j-1)*iim) !- !- Store variable to help describe the grid !- once the points are gathered. !- fneighbours(i,j,:) = neighbours(ik,:) ! fresolution(i,j,:) = resolution(ik,:) ENDDO ELSE !-- Second, in case it is a watchout file ALLOCATE (tmpdata(iim,jjm)) tmpdata(:,:) = 0.0 !-- IF ( .NOT. contfrac_exists ) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'forcing_read_interpol', & & 'Could get contfrac variable in a watchout file :',TRIM(filename), & & '(Problem with file ?)') ENDIF CALL flinget (force_id,'contfrac',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, fcontfrac) ! ! We need to make sure that when we gather the points we pick all ! the points where contfrac is above 0. Thus we prepare tair for ! subroutine forcing_landind ! DO i=1,iim DO j=1,jjm IF ( j==1 .AND. iii_end) fcontfrac(i,j)=0. IF ( fcontfrac(i,j) <= EPSILON(1.) ) THEN tair(i,j) = 999999. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !--- !--- Create the index table !--- !--- This job return a LOCAL kindex CALL forcing_landind(iim, jjm, tair, check, nbindex, kindex, i_test, j_test) #ifdef CPP_PARA ! We keep previous function forcing_landind, only to get a valid (i_test,j_test) ! Force nbindex points for parallel computation nbindex=nbp_loc CALL scatter(index_g,kindex) kindex(:)=kindex(:)-(jj_begin-1)*iim_g #endif ik=MAX(nbindex/2,1) j_test = (((kindex(ik)-1)/iim) + 1) i_test = (kindex(ik) - (j_test-1)*iim) IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'New test point is : ', i_test, j_test ENDIF !--- !--- Allocate grid stuff !--- CALL init_grid ( nbindex ) neighbours(:,:) = -1 resolution(:,:) = 0. min_resol(:) = 1.e6 max_resol(:) = -1. !--- !--- All grid variables !--- !- !- Get variables to help describe the grid CALL flinquery_var(force_id, 'neighboursNN', neighbours_exists) IF ( .NOT. neighbours_exists ) THEN CALL ipslerr (3,'forcing_read_interpol', & & 'Could get neighbours in a watchout file :',TRIM(filename), & & '(Problem with file ?)') ELSE WRITE(numout,*) "Watchout file contains neighbours and resolutions." ENDIF ! fneighbours(:,:,:) = undef_int ! !- once the points are gathered. CALL flinget (force_id,'neighboursNN',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tmpdata) WHERE(tmpdata(:,:) < undef_int) fneighbours(:,:,1) = NINT(tmpdata(:,:)) ENDWHERE ! CALL flinget (force_id,'neighboursNE',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tmpdata) WHERE(tmpdata(:,:) < undef_int) fneighbours(:,:,2) = NINT(tmpdata(:,:)) ENDWHERE ! CALL flinget (force_id,'neighboursEE',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tmpdata) WHERE(tmpdata(:,:) < undef_int) fneighbours(:,:,3) = NINT(tmpdata(:,:)) ENDWHERE ! CALL flinget (force_id,'neighboursSE',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tmpdata) WHERE(tmpdata(:,:) < undef_int) fneighbours(:,:,4) = NINT(tmpdata(:,:)) ENDWHERE ! CALL flinget (force_id,'neighboursSS',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tmpdata) WHERE(tmpdata(:,:) < undef_int) fneighbours(:,:,5) = NINT(tmpdata(:,:)) ENDWHERE ! CALL flinget (force_id,'neighboursSW',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tmpdata) WHERE(tmpdata(:,:) < undef_int) fneighbours(:,:,6) = NINT(tmpdata(:,:)) ENDWHERE ! CALL flinget (force_id,'neighboursWW',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tmpdata) WHERE(tmpdata(:,:) < undef_int) fneighbours(:,:,7) = NINT(tmpdata(:,:)) ENDWHERE ! CALL flinget (force_id,'neighboursNW',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tmpdata) WHERE(tmpdata(:,:) < undef_int) fneighbours(:,:,8) = NINT(tmpdata(:,:)) ENDWHERE ! ! now, resolution of the grid CALL flinget (force_id,'resolutionX',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tmpdata) fresolution(:,:,1) = tmpdata(:,:) ! CALL flinget (force_id,'resolutionY',iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, 1, 1, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tmpdata) fresolution(:,:,2) = tmpdata(:,:) ! DO ik=1,nbindex ! j = ((kindex(ik)-1)/iim) + 1 i = (kindex(ik) - (j-1)*iim) !- !- Store variable to help describe the grid !- once the points are gathered. !- neighbours(ik,:) = fneighbours(i,j,:) ! resolution(ik,:) = fresolution(i,j,:) ! ENDDO CALL gather(neighbours,neighbours_g) CALL gather(resolution,resolution_g) min_resol(1) = MINVAL(resolution(:,1)) min_resol(2) = MAXVAL(resolution(:,2)) max_resol(1) = MAXVAL(resolution(:,1)) max_resol(2) = MAXVAL(resolution(:,2)) ! area(:) = resolution(:,1)*resolution(:,2) CALL gather(area,area_g) !-- DEALLOCATE (tmpdata) ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) 'contfrac : ', MINVAL(fcontfrac), MAXVAL(fcontfrac) !--- ENDIF !--- IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,*) & & 'The dates : ',itau_read,itau_split,itau_read_nm1,itau_read_n ENDIF !--- !--- Here we do the work in case only interpolation is needed. !--- IF ( initialized .AND. interpol ) THEN !--- IF (itau_read /= last_read) THEN !--- !----- Start or Restart IF (itau_read_n == 0) THEN ! Case of a restart or a shift in the forcing file. IF (itau_read > 1) THEN itau_read_nm1=itau_read-1 CALL forcing_just_read (iim, jjm, zlev_nm1, ttm, itau_read_nm1, itau_read_nm1, & & swdown_nm1, rainf_nm1, snowf_nm1, tair_nm1, & & u_nm1, v_nm1, qair_nm1, pb_nm1, lwdown_nm1, & & SWnet_nm1, Eair_nm1, petAcoef_nm1, peqAcoef_nm1, petBcoef_nm1, peqBcoef_nm1, cdrag_nm1, ccanopy_nm1, & & force_id, wind_N_exists, check) ! Case of a simple start. ELSE IF (dt_force*ttm > one_day-1. ) THEN ! if the forcing file contains at least 24 hours, ! we will use the last forcing step of the first day ! as initiale condition to prevent first shift off reading. itau_read_nm1 = NINT (one_day/dt_force) WRITE(numout,*) "the forcing file contains 24 hours :",dt_force*ttm,one_day-1. WRITE(numout,*) "we will use the last forcing step of the first day : itau_read_nm1 ",itau_read_nm1 CALL forcing_just_read (iim, jjm, zlev_nm1, ttm, itau_read_nm1, itau_read_nm1, & & swdown_nm1, rainf_nm1, snowf_nm1, tair_nm1, & & u_nm1, v_nm1, qair_nm1, pb_nm1, lwdown_nm1, & & SWnet_nm1, Eair_nm1, petAcoef_nm1, peqAcoef_nm1, petBcoef_nm1, peqBcoef_nm1, cdrag_nm1, ccanopy_nm1, & & force_id, wind_N_exists, check) ELSE ! if the forcing file contains less than 24 hours, ! just say error ! CALL ipslerr(3,'forcing_read_interpol', & & 'The forcing file contains less than 24 hours !', & & 'We can''t intialize interpolation with such a file.','') ENDIF ELSE !----- Normal mode : copy old step swdown_nm1(:,:) = swdown_n(:,:) rainf_nm1(:,:) = rainf_n(:,:) snowf_nm1(:,:) = snowf_n(:,:) tair_nm1(:,:) = tair_n(:,:) u_nm1(:,:) = u_n(:,:) v_nm1(:,:) = v_n(:,:) qair_nm1(:,:) = qair_n(:,:) pb_nm1(:,:) = pb_n(:,:) lwdown_nm1(:,:) = lwdown_n(:,:) IF (is_watchout) THEN zlev_nm1(:,:) = zlev_n(:,:) ! Net surface short-wave flux SWnet_nm1(:,:) = SWnet_n(:,:) ! Air potential energy Eair_nm1(:,:) = Eair_n(:,:) ! Coeficients A from the PBL resolution for T petAcoef_nm1(:,:) = petAcoef_n(:,:) ! Coeficients A from the PBL resolution for q peqAcoef_nm1(:,:) = peqAcoef_n(:,:) ! Coeficients B from the PBL resolution for T petBcoef_nm1(:,:) = petBcoef_n(:,:) ! Coeficients B from the PBL resolution for q peqBcoef_nm1(:,:) = peqBcoef_n(:,:) ! Surface drag cdrag_nm1(:,:) = cdrag_n(:,:) ! CO2 concentration in the canopy ccanopy_nm1(:,:) = ccanopy_n(:,:) ENDIF itau_read_nm1 = itau_read_n ENDIF !----- itau_read_n = itau_read IF (itau_read_n > ttm) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING --WARNING --WARNING --WARNING ' WRITE(numout,*) & & 'WARNING : We are going back to the start of the file' itau_read_n =1 ENDIF IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,*) & & 'The dates 2 : ',itau_read,itau_split,itau_read_nm1,itau_read_n ENDIF !----- !----- Get a reduced julian day ! !----- This is needed because we lack the precision on 32 bit machines. !----- IF ( dt_force .GT. 3600. ) THEN julian_for = itau2date(itau_read-1, date0, dt_force) CALL ju2ymds (julian_for, yy, mm, dd, ss) ! first day of this year CALL ymds2ju (yy,1,1,0.0, julian0) !----- IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'Forcing for Julian day ',julian_for,'is read' WRITE(numout,*) 'Date for this day ',yy,' / ',mm,' / ',dd," ",ss ENDIF ENDIF !----- CALL forcing_just_read (iim, jjm, zlev_n, ttm, itau_read_n, itau_read_n, & & swdown_n, rainf_n, snowf_n, tair_n, & & u_n, v_n, qair_n, pb_n, lwdown_n, & & SWnet_n, Eair_n, petAcoef_n, peqAcoef_n, petBcoef_n, peqBcoef_n, cdrag_n, ccanopy_n, & & force_id, wind_N_exists, check) !--- last_read = itau_read_n !----- !----- Compute mean solar angle for the comming period !----- IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Going into solarang', split, one_day !----- IF ( dt_force .GT. 3600. ) THEN mean_sinang(:,:) = 0.0 DO is=1,split !MM we compute mean SWdown between t and t+Dt then I take t+Dt/2. julian = julian_for+((is-0.5)/split)*dt_force/one_day !!$ julian = julian_for+(FLOAT(is)/split)*dt_force/one_day CALL solarang (julian, julian0, iim, jjm, lon, lat, sinang) mean_sinang(:,:) = mean_sinang(:,:)+sinang(:,:) ENDDO mean_sinang(:,:) = mean_sinang(:,:)/split ! WRITE(*,*) "mean_sinang =",MAXVAL(mean_sinang) ENDIF !----- ENDIF !--- !--- Do the interpolation IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Doing the interpolation between time steps' !--- IF (split > 1) THEN rw = REAL(itau_split)/split ELSE rw = 1. ENDIF IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Coeff of interpollation : ',rw !--- qair(:,:) = (qair_n(:,:)-qair_nm1(:,:))*rw + qair_nm1(:,:) tair(:,:) = (tair_n(:,:)-tair_nm1(:,:))*rw + tair_nm1(:,:) pb(:,:) = (pb_n(:,:)-pb_nm1(:,:))*rw + pb_nm1(:,:) u(:,:) = (u_n(:,:)-u_nm1(:,:))*rw + u_nm1(:,:) v(:,:) = (v_n(:,:)-v_nm1(:,:))*rw + v_nm1(:,:) IF (is_watchout) THEN zlev(:,:) = (zlev_n(:,:)-zlev_nm1(:,:))*rw + zlev_nm1(:,:) zlevuv(:,:) = zlev(:,:) SWnet(:,:) = (SWnet_n(:,:)-SWnet_nm1(:,:))*rw + SWnet_nm1(:,:) Eair(:,:) = (Eair_n(:,:)-Eair_nm1(:,:))*rw + Eair_nm1(:,:) petAcoef(:,:) = (petAcoef_n(:,:)-petAcoef_nm1(:,:))*rw + petAcoef_nm1(:,:) peqAcoef(:,:) = (peqAcoef_n(:,:)-peqAcoef_nm1(:,:))*rw + peqAcoef_nm1(:,:) petBcoef(:,:) = (petBcoef_n(:,:)-petBcoef_nm1(:,:))*rw + petBcoef_nm1(:,:) peqBcoef(:,:) = (peqBcoef_n(:,:)-peqBcoef_nm1(:,:))*rw + peqBcoef_nm1(:,:) cdrag(:,:) = (cdrag_n(:,:)-cdrag_nm1(:,:))*rw + cdrag_nm1(:,:) ccanopy(:,:) = (ccanopy_n(:,:)-ccanopy_nm1(:,:))*rw + ccanopy_nm1(:,:) ENDIF !--- !--- Here we need to allow for an option !--- where radiative energy is conserved !--- IF ( netrad_cons ) THEN lwdown(:,:) = lwdown_n(:,:) ELSE lwdown(:,:) = (lwdown_n(:,:)-lwdown_nm1(:,:))*rw + lwdown_nm1(:,:) ENDIF !--- !--- For the solar radiation we decompose the mean value !--- using the zenith angle of the sun if the time step in the forcing data is !---- more than an hour. Else we use the standard linera interpolation !---- IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Ready to deal with the solar radiation' !---- IF ( dt_force .GT. 3600. ) THEN !--- IF ( netrad_cons ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'Solar radiation can not be conserved with a timestep of ', dt_force ENDIF !--- !MM we compute mean SWdown between t and t+Dt then I take t+Dt/2. julian = julian_for + (itau_split-0.5)/split*dt_force/one_day !!$ julian = julian_for + rw*dt_force/one_day IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,'(a,f20.10,2I3)') & & 'JULIAN BEFORE SOLARANG : ',julian,itau_split,split ENDIF !--- CALL solarang(julian, julian0, iim, jjm, lon, lat, sinang) !--- WHERE (mean_sinang(:,:) > 0.) swdown(:,:) = swdown_n(:,:) *sinang(:,:)/mean_sinang(:,:) ELSEWHERE swdown(:,:) = 0.0 END WHERE !--- WHERE (swdown(:,:) > 2000. ) swdown(:,:) = 2000. END WHERE !--- ELSE !!$ IF ( .NOT. is_watchout ) THEN !--- IF ( netrad_cons ) THEN swdown(:,:) = swdown_n(:,:) ELSE swdown(:,:) = (swdown_n(:,:)-swdown_nm1(:,:))*rw + swdown_nm1(:,:) ENDIF !--- ENDIF !--- IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,*) '__ Forcing read at ',itau_split,' :',i_test, j_test WRITE(numout,*) 'SWdown : ',swdown_nm1(i_test, j_test), & & ' < ', swdown(i_test, j_test), ' < ', swdown_n(i_test, j_test) IF (is_watchout) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'SWnet : ',swnet_nm1(i_test, j_test), & & ' < ', swnet(i_test, j_test), ' < ', swnet_n(i_test, j_test) WRITE(numout,*) 'levels :',zlev_nm1(i_test, j_test), & & ' < ', zlev(i_test, j_test), ' < ', zlev_n(i_test, j_test) WRITE(numout,*) 'EAIR :',Eair_nm1(i_test, j_test), & & ' < ', eair(i_test, j_test), ' < ', Eair_n(i_test, j_test) ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) 'TAIR :',tair_nm1(i_test, j_test), & & ' < ', tair(i_test, j_test), ' < ', tair_n(i_test, j_test) WRITE(numout,*) 'QAIR :',qair_nm1(i_test, j_test), & & ' < ', qair(i_test, j_test), ' < ', qair_n(i_test, j_test) WRITE(numout,*) 'U :',u_nm1(i_test, j_test), & & ' < ', u(i_test, j_test), ' < ', u_n(i_test, j_test) WRITE(numout,*) 'V :',v_nm1(i_test, j_test), & & ' < ', v(i_test, j_test), ' < ', v_n(i_test, j_test) ENDIF !--- !--- For precip we suppose that the rain !--- is the sum over the next 6 hours !--- IF (itau_split <= nb_spread) THEN rainf(:,:) = rainf_n(:,:)*(split/nb_spread) snowf(:,:) = snowf_n(:,:)*(split/nb_spread) ELSE rainf(:,:) = 0.0 snowf(:,:) = 0.0 ENDIF IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,*) '__ Forcing read at ',itau_split,' :' WRITE(numout,*) 'Rainf : ',rainf_nm1(i_test, j_test), & & ' < ', rainf(i_test, j_test), ' < ', rainf_n(i_test, j_test) WRITE(numout,*) 'Snowf : ',snowf_nm1(i_test, j_test), & & ' < ', snowf(i_test, j_test), ' < ', snowf_n(i_test, j_test) ENDIF !--- ENDIF !--- !--- Here we might put the call to the weather generator ... one day. !--- Pour le moment, le branchement entre interpolation et generateur de temps !--- est fait au-dessus. !--- !- IF ( initialized .AND. weathergen ) THEN !- .... !- ENDIF !--- !--- At this point the code should be initialized. If not we have a problem ! !--- IF ( (itau_read == 0).AND.(itau_split == 0) ) THEN !--- initialized = .TRUE. !--- ELSE IF ( .NOT. initialized ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'Why is the code forcing_read not initialized ?' WRITE(numout,*) 'Have you called it with both time-steps set to zero ?' STOP ENDIF ENDIF ! !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE forcing_read_interpol !===================================================================== !- !===================================================================== SUBROUTINE forcing_just_read & & (iim, jjm, zlev, ttm, itb, ite, & & swdown, rainf, snowf, tair, & & u, v, qair, pb, lwdown, & & SWnet, Eair, petAcoef, peqAcoef, petBcoef, peqBcoef, cdrag, ccanopy, & & force_id, wind_N_exists, check) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- iim : Size of the grid in x !- jjm : size of the grid in y !- zlev : First Levels if it exists (ie if watchout file) !- ttm : number of time steps in all in the forcing file !- itb, ite : index of respectively begin and end of read for each variable !- swdown : Downward solar radiation (W/m^2) !- rainf : Rainfall (kg/m^2s) !- snowf : Snowfall (kg/m^2s) !- tair : 2m air temperature (K) !- u and v : 2m (in theory !) wind speed (m/s) !- qair : 2m humidity (kg/kg) !- pb : Surface pressure (Pa) !- lwdown : Downward long wave radiation (W/m^2) !- !- From a WATCHOUT file : !- SWnet : Net surface short-wave flux !- Eair : Air potential energy !- petAcoef : Coeficients A from the PBL resolution for T !- peqAcoef : Coeficients A from the PBL resolution for q !- petBcoef : Coeficients B from the PBL resolution for T !- peqBcoef : Coeficients B from the PBL resolution for q !- cdrag : Surface drag !- ccanopy : CO2 concentration in the canopy !- force_id : FLINCOM file id. !- It is used to close the file at the end of the run. !- wind_N_exists : if Wind_N and Wind_E are in the file (and not just Wind) !- check : Prompt for reading !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm, ttm INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: itb, ite REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(out) :: zlev, & & swdown, rainf, snowf, tair, u, v, qair, pb, lwdown ! for watchout files REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(out) :: & & SWnet, Eair, petAcoef, peqAcoef, petBcoef, peqBcoef, cdrag, ccanopy INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: force_id ! if Wind_N and Wind_E are in the file (and not just Wind) LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: wind_N_exists LOGICAL :: check !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL flinget (force_id,'Tair' , iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, tair) CALL flinget (force_id,'SWdown', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, swdown) CALL flinget (force_id,'LWdown', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, lwdown) CALL flinget (force_id,'Snowf' , iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, snowf) CALL flinget (force_id,'Rainf' , iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, rainf) !SZ FLUXNET input file correction ! rainf=rainf/1800. !MM Rainf and not Snowf ? CALL flinget (force_id,'PSurf' , iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, pb) CALL flinget (force_id,'Qair' , iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, qair) !--- IF ( wind_N_exists ) THEN CALL flinget (force_id,'Wind_N', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, u) CALL flinget (force_id,'Wind_E', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, v) ELSE CALL flinget (force_id,'Wind', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, u) v=0.0 ENDIF !---- IF ( is_watchout ) THEN CALL flinget (force_id,'levels', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, zlev) ! Net surface short-wave flux CALL flinget (force_id,'SWnet', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, SWnet) ! Air potential energy CALL flinget (force_id,'Eair', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, Eair) ! Coeficients A from the PBL resolution for T CALL flinget (force_id,'petAcoef', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, petAcoef) ! Coeficients A from the PBL resolution for q CALL flinget (force_id,'peqAcoef', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, peqAcoef) ! Coeficients B from the PBL resolution for T CALL flinget (force_id,'petBcoef', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, petBcoef) ! Coeficients B from the PBL resolution for q CALL flinget (force_id,'peqBcoef', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, peqBcoef) ! Surface drag CALL flinget (force_id,'cdrag', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, cdrag) ! CO2 concentration in the canopy CALL flinget (force_id,'ccanopy', iim_full, jjm_full, llm_full, ttm, itb, ite, data_full) CALL forcing_zoom(data_full, ccanopy) ENDIF ! !---- IF (check) WRITE(numout,*) 'Variables have been extracted between ',itb,' and ',ite,' iterations of the forcing file.' !------------------------- END SUBROUTINE forcing_just_read !===================================================================== !- SUBROUTINE forcing_landind(iim, jjm, tair, check, nbindex, kindex, i_test, j_test) !--- !--- This subroutine finds the indices of the land points over which the land !--- surface scheme is going to run. !--- IMPLICIT NONE !- !- ARGUMENTS !- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iim, jjm REAL, INTENT(IN) :: tair(iim,jjm) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: i_test, j_test, nbindex INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: kindex(iim*jjm) LOGICAL :: check !- !- LOCAL INTEGER :: i, j, ig !- !- ig = 0 i_test = 0 j_test = 0 !--- IF (MINVAL(tair(:,:)) < 100.) THEN !----- In this case the 2m temperature is in Celsius DO j=1,jjm DO i=1,iim IF (tair(i,j) < 100.) THEN ig = ig+1 kindex(ig) = (j-1)*iim+i ! ! Here we find at random a land-point on which we can do ! some printouts for test. ! IF (ig .GT. (iim*jjm)/2 .AND. i_test .LT. 1) THEN i_test = i j_test = j IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'The test point chosen for output is : ', i_test, j_test ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ELSE !----- 2m temperature is in Kelvin DO j=1,jjm DO i=1,iim IF (tair(i,j) < 500.) THEN ig = ig+1 kindex(ig) = (j-1)*iim+i ! ! Here we find at random a land-point on which we can do ! some printouts for test. ! IF (ig .GT. (iim*jjm)/2 .AND. i_test .LT. 1) THEN i_test = i j_test = j IF (check) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'The test point chosen for output is : ', i_test, j_test ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF !--- nbindex = ig !--- END SUBROUTINE forcing_landind !- !===================================================================== !- SUBROUTINE forcing_grid(iim,jjm,llm,lon,lat,lev,levuv,init_f) !- !- This subroutine calculates the longitudes and latitudes of the model grid. !- USE parallel IMPLICIT NONE !- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iim, jjm, llm LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: init_f REAL, DIMENSION(iim,jjm), INTENT(out) :: lon, lat REAL, DIMENSION(llm), INTENT(out) :: lev, levuv !- INTEGER :: i,j REAL :: zlev, wlev !- LOGICAL :: debug = .FALSE. !- !- Should be unified one day !- IF ( debug ) WRITE(numout,*) 'forcing_grid : options : ', weathergen, interpol !- !Config Key = HEIGHT_LEV1 !Config Desc = Height at which T and Q are given !Config Def = 2.0 !Config Help = The atmospheric variables (temperature and specific !Config humidity) are measured at a specific level. !Config The height of this level is needed to compute !Config correctly the turbulent transfer coefficients. !Config Look at the description of the forcing !Config DATA for the correct value. !- zlev = 2.0 CALL getin_p('HEIGHT_LEV1', zlev) !- !Config Key = HEIGHT_LEVW !Config Desc = Height at which the wind is given !Config Def = 10.0 !Config Help = The height at which wind is needed to compute !Config correctly the turbulent transfer coefficients. !- wlev = 10.0 CALL getin_p('HEIGHT_LEVW', wlev) !- IF ( weathergen ) THEN IF (init_f) THEN DO i = 1, iim lon(i,:) = limit_west + merid_res/2. + & FLOAT(i-1)*(limit_east-limit_west)/FLOAT(iim) ENDDO !- DO j = 1, jjm lat(:,j) = limit_north - zonal_res/2. - & FLOAT(j-1)*(limit_north-limit_south)/FLOAT(jjm) ENDDO ELSE IF (is_root_prc) THEN DO i = 1, iim_g lon_g(i,:) = limit_west + merid_res/2. + & FLOAT(i-1)*(limit_east-limit_west)/FLOAT(iim_g) ENDDO !- DO j = 1, jjm_g lat_g(:,j) = limit_north - zonal_res/2. - & FLOAT(j-1)*(limit_north-limit_south)/FLOAT(jjm_g) ENDDO ELSE ALLOCATE(lon_g(iim_g, jjm_g), lat_g(iim_g, jjm_g)) ENDIF CALL bcast(lon_g) CALL bcast(lat_g) lon=lon_g(:,jj_para_begin(mpi_rank):jj_para_end(mpi_rank)) lat=lat_g(:,jj_para_begin(mpi_rank):jj_para_end(mpi_rank)) ENDIF !- lev(:) = zlev levuv(:) = wlev !- ELSEIF ( interpol ) THEN !- CALL forcing_zoom(lon_full, lon) IF ( debug ) WRITE(numout,*) 'forcing_grid : out of zoom on lon' CALL forcing_zoom(lat_full, lat) IF ( debug ) WRITE(numout,*) 'forcing_grid : out of zoom on lat' ! IF ( have_zaxis ) THEN lev(:) = lev_full(:) levuv(:) = lev_full(:) ELSE lev(:) = zlev levuv(:) = wlev ENDIF IF ( debug ) WRITE(numout,*) 'forcing_grid : levels : ', lev(:), levuv(:) !- ELSE !- STOP 'Neither weather generator nor temporal interpolation is specified.' !- ENDIF !- IF ( debug ) WRITE(numout,*) 'forcing_grid : ended' !- END SUBROUTINE forcing_grid !- !===================================================================== !- SUBROUTINE forcing_zoom(x_f, x_z) !- !- This subroutine takes the slab of data over which we wish to run the model. !- IMPLICIT NONE !- REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x_f(iim_full, jjm_full) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: x_z(iim_zoom, jjm_zoom) !- INTEGER :: i,j !- DO i=1,iim_zoom DO j=1,jjm_zoom x_z(i,j) = x_f(i_index(i),j_index(j)) ENDDO ENDDO !- END SUBROUTINE forcing_zoom ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE domain_size (limit_west, limit_east, limit_north, limit_south, & & iim_f, jjm_f, lon, lat, iim, jjm, iind, jind) IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ARGUMENTS ! REAL, INTENT(inout) :: limit_west,limit_east,limit_north,limit_south INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iim_f, jjm_f REAL, INTENT(in) :: lon(iim_f, jjm_f), lat(iim_f, jjm_f) INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: iim,jjm INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: iind(iim_f), jind(jjm_f) ! ! LOCAL ! INTEGER :: i, j REAL :: lolo LOGICAL :: over_dateline = .FALSE. ! ! IF ( ( ABS(limit_east) .GT. 180. ) .OR. & ( ABS(limit_west) .GT. 180. ) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'Limites Ouest, Est: ',limit_west,limit_east CALL ipslerr (3,'domain_size', & & 'Longitudes problem.','In run.def file :', & & 'limit_east > 180. or limit_west > 180.') ENDIF ! IF ( limit_west .GT. limit_east ) over_dateline = .TRUE. ! IF ( ( limit_south .LT. -90. ) .OR. & ( limit_north .GT. 90. ) .OR. & ( limit_south .GE. limit_north ) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'Limites Nord, Sud: ',limit_north,limit_south CALL ipslerr (3,'domain_size', & & 'Latitudes problem.','In run.def file :', & & 'limit_south < -90. or limit_north > 90. or limit_south >= limit_north') ENDIF ! ! Here we assume that the grid of the forcing data is regular. Else we would have ! to do more work to find the index table. ! iim = 0 DO i=1,iim_f ! lolo = lon(i,1) IF ( lon(i,1) .GT. 180. ) lolo = lon(i,1) - 360. IF ( lon(i,1) .LT. -180. ) lolo = lon(i,1) + 360. ! IF (lon(i,1) < limit_west) iim_g_begin = i+1 IF (lon(i,1) < limit_east) iim_g_end = i ! IF ( over_dateline ) THEN IF ( lolo .LE. limit_west .OR. lolo .GE. limit_east ) THEN iim = iim + 1 iind(iim) = i ENDIF ELSE IF ( lolo .GE. limit_west .AND. lolo .LE. limit_east ) THEN iim = iim + 1 iind(iim) = i ENDIF ENDIF ! ENDDO ! jjm = 0 DO j=1,jjm_f IF (lat(1,j) > limit_north) jjm_g_begin = j+1 IF (lat(1,j) > limit_south) jjm_g_end = j ! IF ( lat(1,j) .GE. limit_south .AND. lat(1,j) .LE. limit_north) THEN jjm = jjm + 1 jind(jjm) = j ENDIF ENDDO ! WRITE(numout,*) 'Domain zoom size: iim, jjm = ', iim, jjm END SUBROUTINE domain_size !------------------ END MODULE readdim2