source: branches/ORCHIDEE_2_2/ORCHIDEE_OL/SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG1nd/POST/monitoring01_stomate.cfg

Last change on this file was 7911, checked in by, 16 months ago

Add configuration files for the spinup and transient simulations by using the new driver in tag2.2

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2# $HeadURL: svn:// $
3# $Date: 2018-02-12 12:52:39 +0100 (lun., 12 févr. 2018) $
4# $Revision: 4970 $
7#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area
10#   field = name of the field to monitore
11#   files patterns = pattern of the files used to monitore the field (must be discriminant)
12#   files additionnal = additionnal files accessible by $FER_DATA
13#   operations = operations to calculate the field
14#   title = variable title
15#   units = variable units
16#   calcul of area = expression to use for the weight average
18# Notes:
19#   - Comment lines begin by # character.
20#   - Separator between fields is | character.
21#   - Operations must use the ferret syntax, if several files are used precise with the syntax d=x to refer to the x dataset.
22#     They must be enclosed by parenthesis if more than one variable is used.
23#   - files patterns,files additionnal,operations,title,units must be enclosed with character ".
24#     Use "" if empty.
25#   - Fields will be presented through an html page with thumbnails global, north, south, land, ocean.
26#     Use a field name with one of these pattern to display it under the corresponding thumbnail.
33# FreqTS=YE : time-series with yearly variables                 
37#  field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area
39woodharvest_fromforcing| "WOOD_HARVEST_PFT VEGET_COV_MAX"| "" | "(WOOD_HARVEST_PFT[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)"| "Wood harvest read from file and prepared to be used"      | "PgC/yr"    | "2"
40fwoodharvest_lands     | "fWoodharvest"                  | "" | "fWoodharvest[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15"              | "CO2 Flux from wood harvesting, positive from atm to land" | "PgC/yr"    | "2"
41fLuc_fHarvest_lands    | "CONVFLUX CFLUX_PROD10 CFLUX_PROD100 HARVEST_ABOVE"  | "" | "((CONVFLUX[d=1]+CFLUX_PROD10[d=2]+CFLUX_PROD100[d=3]+HARVEST_ABOVE[d=4])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)" | "CO2 flux from Land Use Change and Crop Harvesting" | "PgC/yr" | "2"
42fHarvest_lands         | "HARVEST_ABOVE"                 | "" | "((HARVEST_ABOVE[d=1])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*365/1e15)"                    | "CO2 flux from Land Use Change and Crop Harvesting"        | "PgC/yr" | "2"
43nbp_lands              | "nbp"                           | "" | "(nbp[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365/1e12)"                          | "Net Biospheric Production"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2"
44cSoil_lands            | "TOTAL_SOIL_CARB VEGET_COV_MAX" | "" | "(TOTAL_SOIL_CARB[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"     | "Carbon Soil in Pool"                                      | "PgC"    | "2"
45cVeg_lands             | "TOTAL_M VEGET_COV_MAX"         | "" | "(TOTAL_M[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Carbon in vegetation"                                     | "PgC"    | "2"
46npp_lands              | "NPP VEGET_COV_MAX"             | "" | "(NPP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Net Primary Production"                                   | "PgC/yr" | "2"
47rh_lands               | "HET_RESP VEGET_COV_MAX"        | "" | "(HET_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"        | "Heterotrophic Respiration"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2"
48CONVFLUX_lands         | "CONVFLUX"                      | "" | "(CONVFLUX[d=1]*365*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"                   | "Annual release right after deforestation (LANDS)"            | "PgC/yr" | "2"
49CFLUX_PROD10_lands     | "CFLUX_PROD10"                  | "" | "(CFLUX_PROD10[d=1]*365*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"               | "Annual release from all 10 year wood product pools (LANDS)"  | "PgC/yr" | "2"
50CFLUX_PROD100_lands    | "CFLUX_PROD100"                 | "" | "(CFLUX_PROD100[d=1]*365*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"              | "Annual release from all 100 year wood product pools (LANDS)" | "PgC/yr" | "2"
51BIOMASS_lands          | "TOTAL_M VEGET_COV_MAX"         | "" | "(TOTAL_M[d=1]*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Total Biomass (LANDS)"                               | "PgC"    | "2"
52LITTER_lands           | "TOTAL_BM_LITTER VEGET_COV_MAX" | "" | "(TOTAL_BM_LITTER[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)" | "Biomass to Litter flux (LANDS)"                      | "PgC/yr" | "2"
53GPP_lands              | "GPP VEGET_COV_MAX"             | "" | "(GPP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"             | "Gross Primary Produc (LANDS)"                        | "PgC/yr" | "2"
54MAINT_RESP_lands       | "MAINT_RESP VEGET_COV_MAX"      | "" | "(MAINT_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"      | "Maintenance Resp. (LANDS)"                           | "PgC/yr" | "2"
55GROWTH_RESP_lands      | "GROWTH_RESP VEGET_COV_MAX"     | "" | "(GROWTH_RESP[d=1]*365*VEGET_COV_MAX[d=2]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]/1e15)"     | "Growth Resp. (LANDS)"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2"
56lai_lands              | "lai"                           | "" | "lai[d=1]"                                                                    | "Leaf Area Fraction"                                  | "1"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]"
57treeFracPrimDec_lands  | "treeFracPrimDec"               | "" | "treeFracPrimDec[d=1]"                                                        | "Total Primary Deciduous Tree Cover Fraction"         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]"
58treeFracPrimEver_lands | "treeFracPrimEver"              | "" | "treeFracPrimEver[d=1]"                                                       | "Total Primary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction"         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]"
59c3PftFrac_lands        | "c3PftFrac"                     | "" | "c3PftFrac[d=1]"                                                              | "Total C3 PFT Cover Fraction"                         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]"
60c4PftFrac_lands        | "c4PftFrac"                     | "" | "c4PftFrac[d=1]"                                                              | "Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction"                         | "%"      | "Areas[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]"
61cProduct_lands         | "cProduct"           | "" | "(cProduct[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                   | "Carbon in Products of Land Use Change"                  | "PgC"    | "2"
62fLuc_lands             | "fLuc"               | "" | "(fLuc[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"             | "CO2 Flux to Atmosphere from Land Use Change"            | "PgC/yr" | "2"
63ra_lands               | "ra"                 | "" | "(ra[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"               | "Autotrophic Respiration"                                | "PgC/yr" | "2"
64fVegLitter_lands       | "fVegLitter"         | "" | "(fVegLitter[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"       | "Total Carbon Flux from Vegetation to Litter"            | "PgC/yr" | "2"
65fLitterSoil_lands      | "fLitterSoil"        | "" | "(fLitterSoil[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"      | "Total Carbon Flux from Litter to Soil"                  | "PgC/yr" | "2"
66cLeaf_lands            | "cLeaf"              | "" | "(cLeaf[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Leaves"                                       | "PgC"    | "2"
67cWood_lands            | "cWood"              | "" | "(cWood[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Wood"                                         | "PgC"    | "2"
68cRoot_lands            | "cRoot"              | "" | "(cRoot[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Roots"                                        | "PgC"    | "2"
69cMisc_lands            | "cMisc"              | "" | "(cMisc[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                      | "Carbon in Other Living Compartments"                    | "PgC"    | "2"
70cLitterAbove_lands     | "cLitterAbove"       | "" | "(cLitterAbove[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"               | "Carbon in Above-Ground Litter"                          | "PgC"    | "2"
71cLitterBelow_lands     | "cLitterBelow"       | "" | "(cLitterBelow[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"               | "Carbon in Below-Ground Litter"                          | "PgC"    | "2"
72cSoilFast_lands        | "cSoilFast"          | "" | "(cSoilFast[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                  | "Carbon in Fast Soil Pool"                               | "PgC"    | "2"
73cSoilMedium_lands      | "cSoilMedium"        | "" | "(cSoilMedium[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                | "Carbon in Medium Soil Pool"                             | "PgC"    | "2"
74cSoilSlow_lands        | "cSoilSlow"          | "" | "(cSoilSlow[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*1000/1e15)"                  | "Carbon in Slow Soil Pool"                               | "PgC"    | "2"
75nppLeaf_lands          | "nppLeaf"            | "" | "(nppLeaf[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Leaf" | "PgC/yr" | "2"
76nppWood_lands          | "nppWood"            | "" | "(nppWood[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Wood" | "PgC/yr" | "2"
77nppRoot_lands          | "nppRoot"            | "" | "(nppRoot[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "CO2 Flux from Atmosphere due to NPP Allocation to Root" | "PgC/yr" | "2"
78nep_lands              | "nep"                | "" | "(nep[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"              | "Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity." | "PgC/yr" | "2"
79cMassVariation_lands   | "cMassVariation"     | "" | "(cMassVariation[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"   | "Carbon Mass Variation"                                  | "PgC/yr" | "2"
80cBal_lands             | "cMassVariation nbp" | "" | "((cMassVariation[d=1,L=2:100000]-nbp[d=2,L=2:100000])*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)" | "Total Carbon Balance"    | "PgC/yr" | "2"
81rGrowth_lands          | "rGrowth"            | "" | "(rGrowth[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"          | "Growth Autotrophic Respiration"                         | "PgC/yr" | "2"
82rMaint_lands           | "rMaint"             | "" | "(rMaint[d=1]*AREAS[d=1]*CONTFRAC[d=1]*86400*365*1000/1e15)"           | "Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration"                    | "PgC/yr" | "2"
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