MODULE routing_native_irrig_mod USE constantes PRIVATE INTEGER, SAVE :: nbpt !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nbpt) INTEGER, SAVE :: nbpt_r !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nbpt_r) REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: irrig_gw_source_r(:) ! diag REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: irrig_fast_source_r(:) ! diag REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: irrig_str_source_r(:) ! diag REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: vegtot_mean(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(vegtot_mean) REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: humrel_mean(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(humrel_mean) REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: transpot_mean(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(transpot_mean) REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: runoff_mean(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(runoff_mean) REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: precip_mean(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(precip_mean) REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: irrigation_mean(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(irrigation_mean) REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: irrigated(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(irrigated) PUBLIC irrigation_initialize, irrigation_main, irrigation_mean_make, irrigation_get, irrigation_finalize CONTAINS SUBROUTINE irrigation_get(irrigation_mean) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(r_std),OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: irrigation_mean(:) CALL irrigation_get_(irrigation_mean) END SUBROUTINE irrigation_get SUBROUTINE irrigation_get_(irrigation_mean_) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(r_std),OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: irrigation_mean_(:) IF (PRESENT(irrigation_mean_)) irrigation_mean_ = irrigation_mean END SUBROUTINE irrigation_get_ SUBROUTINE irrigation_initialize(kjit, rest_id, nbpt_, nbpt_r_, irrigated_next ) USE constantes IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kjit INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: rest_id INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbpt_ INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbpt_r_ REAL(r_std), INTENT(IN) :: irrigated_next(nbpt_) CALL irrigation_local_init(kjit, rest_id, nbpt_, nbpt_r_,irrigated_next) CALL irrigation_mean_init(kjit, rest_id) END SUBROUTINE irrigation_initialize SUBROUTINE irrigation_finalize(kjit, rest_id) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kjit INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: rest_id CALL irrigation_mean_finalize(kjit, rest_id) END SUBROUTINE irrigation_finalize SUBROUTINE irrigation_local_init(kjit, rest_id, nbpt_, nbpt_r_, irrigated_next) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kjit INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: rest_id INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbpt_ INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbpt_r_ REAL(r_std), INTENT(IN) :: irrigated_next(nbpt_) nbpt = nbpt_ nbpt_r = nbpt_r_ IF (do_irrigation) THEN ALLOCATE(irrigated(nbpt)) irrigated(:)=irrigated_next(:) ALLOCATE(irrig_gw_source_r(nbpt_r)) ALLOCATE(irrig_fast_source_r(nbpt_r)) ALLOCATE(irrig_str_source_r(nbpt_r)) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE irrigation_local_init SUBROUTINE irrigation_mean_init(kjit, rest_id) USE ioipsl_para USE grid USE sechiba_io_p IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kjit INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: rest_id CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: var_name !! To store variables names for I/O (unitless) INTEGER(i_std) :: ier ALLOCATE(irrigation_mean(nbpt), stat=ier) irrigation_mean(:) = 0 IF (do_irrigation) THEN IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_init','Pb in allocate for irrigation_mean','','') var_name = 'irrigation' CALL ioconf_setatt_p('UNITS', 'Kg/dt') CALL ioconf_setatt_p('LONG_NAME','Artificial irrigation flux') CALL restget_p (rest_id, var_name, nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, .TRUE., irrigation_mean, "gather", nbp_glo, index_g) CALL setvar_p (irrigation_mean, val_exp, 'NO_KEYWORD', zero) ALLOCATE(vegtot_mean(nbpt), stat=ier) ALLOCATE(humrel_mean(nbpt), stat=ier) ALLOCATE(transpot_mean(nbpt), stat=ier) ALLOCATE (runoff_mean(nbpt), stat=ier) ALLOCATE(precip_mean(nbpt), stat=ier) CALL irrigation_mean_reset ENDIF END SUBROUTINE irrigation_mean_init SUBROUTINE irrigation_mean_reset IMPLICIT NONE vegtot_mean(:) = 0 humrel_mean(:) = 0 transpot_mean(:) = 0 runoff_mean(:) = 0 precip_mean(:) = 0 END SUBROUTINE irrigation_mean_reset SUBROUTINE irrigation_mean_make(dt_routing, veget_max, humrel, transpot, runoff ,precip ) USE pft_parameters IMPLICIT NONE REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: dt_routing REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: veget_max(:,:) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: humrel(:,:) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: transpot(:,:) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: runoff(:) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: precip(:) REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt) :: tot_vegfrac_nowoody !! Total fraction occupied by grass (0-1,unitless) INTEGER :: jv, ig IF (do_irrigation) THEN runoff_mean(:) = runoff_mean(:) + runoff precip_mean(:) = precip_mean(:) + precip !! Computes the total fraction occupied by the grasses and the crops for each grid cell tot_vegfrac_nowoody(:) = zero DO jv = 1, nvm IF ( (jv /= ibare_sechiba) .AND. .NOT.(is_tree(jv)) ) THEN tot_vegfrac_nowoody(:) = tot_vegfrac_nowoody(:) + veget_max(:,jv) END IF END DO DO ig = 1, nbpt IF ( tot_vegfrac_nowoody(ig) .GT. min_sechiba ) THEN DO jv = 1,nvm IF ( (jv /= ibare_sechiba) .AND. .NOT.(is_tree(jv)) ) THEN transpot_mean(ig) = transpot_mean(ig) + transpot(ig,jv) * veget_max(ig,jv)/tot_vegfrac_nowoody(ig) END IF END DO ELSE IF (MAXVAL(veget_max(ig,2:nvm)) .GT. min_sechiba) THEN DO jv = 2, nvm transpot_mean(ig) = transpot_mean(ig) + transpot(ig,jv) * veget_max(ig,jv)/ SUM(veget_max(ig,2:nvm)) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! New irrigation scheme uses mean of vegtot with jv 1 to nvm ! Old scheme keeps jv 2 to nvm, even if possibly an error IF ( .NOT. old_irrig_scheme ) THEN DO jv=1,nvm DO ig=1,nbpt humrel_mean(ig) = humrel_mean(ig) + humrel(ig,jv)*veget_max(ig,jv)*dt_sechiba/dt_routing vegtot_mean(ig) = vegtot_mean(ig) + veget_max(ig,jv)*dt_sechiba/dt_routing ENDDO ENDDO ELSE DO jv=2,nvm DO ig=1,nbpt humrel_mean(ig) = humrel_mean(ig) + humrel(ig,jv)*veget_max(ig,jv)*dt_sechiba/dt_routing vegtot_mean(ig) = vegtot_mean(ig) + veget_max(ig,jv)*dt_sechiba/dt_routing ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF !do_irrigation END SUBROUTINE irrigation_mean_make SUBROUTINE irrigation_mean_finalize(kjit, rest_id) USE grid USE ioipsl_para IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kjit INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: rest_id IF (do_irrigation) THEN CALL restput_p (rest_id, 'irrigation', nbp_glo, 1, 1, kjit, irrigation_mean, 'scatter', nbp_glo, index_g) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE irrigation_mean_finalize SUBROUTINE irrigation_main(dt_routing, contfrac, reinfiltration, irrigated_next, irrig_frac, root_deficit, soiltile, & fraction_aeirrig_sw ) USE constantes USE constantes_soil USE grid, ONLY : area USE xios IMPLICIT NONE REAL(r_std), INTENT(IN) :: dt_routing REAL(r_std), INTENT(IN) :: contfrac(nbpt) REAL(r_std), INTENT(IN) :: reinfiltration(nbpt) REAL(r_std), INTENT(IN) :: irrigated_next(nbpt) REAL(r_std), INTENT(IN) :: irrig_frac(nbpt) !! Irrig. fraction interpolated in routing, and saved to pass to slowproc if irrigated_soiltile = .TRUE. REAL(r_std), INTENT(IN) :: root_deficit(nbpt) !! soil water deficit REAL(r_std), INTENT(IN) :: soiltile(nbpt,nstm) !! Fraction of each soil tile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) REAL(r_std), INTENT(IN) :: fraction_aeirrig_sw(nbpt) !! Fraction of area equipped for irrigation from surface water, of irrig_frac REAL(r_std) :: irrig_needs_r(nbpt_r) !! Total irrigation requirement (water requirements by the crop for its optimal growth) (kg) REAL(r_std) :: irrig_actual_r(nbpt_r) !! Possible irrigation according to the water availability in the reservoirs (kg) REAL(r_std) :: irrig_actual(nbpt) !! Possible irrigation according to the water availability in the reservoirs (kg) IF (do_irrigation) THEN IF (irrig_map_dynamic_flag ) irrigated=irrigated_next IF (old_irrig_scheme) THEN CALL irrigation_compute_requested_old(contfrac, reinfiltration, irrigated, irrig_needs_r) CALL irrigation_old(irrig_needs_r, irrig_actual_r) ELSE CALL irrigation_compute_requested_new(dt_routing, contfrac, root_deficit, soiltile, irrig_frac, irrig_needs_r) CALL irrigation_new(contfrac,fraction_aeirrig_sw, irrig_needs_r, irrig_actual_r) ENDIF IF (is_omp_root) THEN CALL xios_send_field("routing_irrigation_r",irrig_actual_r) CALL xios_recv_field("routing_irrigation",irrig_actual) ENDIF CALL scatter_omp(irrig_actual,irrigation_mean) irrigation_mean(:)=irrigation_mean(:)/(area(:)*contfrac(:)) CALL irrigation_mean_reset() ELSE irrigation_mean(:) = 0 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE irrigation_main SUBROUTINE irrigation_new(contfrac, fraction_aeirrig_sw, irrig_needs_r, irrig_actual_r) USE constantes USE routing_native_flow_mod, ONLY : routing_mask_r, routing_flow_get, routing_flow_set USE mod_orchidee_para USE xios IMPLICIT NONE REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: contfrac(nbpt) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: fraction_aeirrig_sw(nbpt) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: irrig_needs_r(nbpt_r) !! Total irrigation requirement (water requirements by the crop for its optimal growth) (kg) REAL(r_std),INTENT(OUT) :: irrig_actual_r(nbpt_r) !! Possible irrigation according to the water availability in the reservoirs (kg) REAL(r_std) :: irrig_deficit_r(nbpt_r) !! Amount of water missing for irrigation (kg) LOGICAL :: IsFail_slow !! Logical to ask if slow reserv. does not fit irrigation demand LOGICAL :: IsFail_fast !! Logical to ask if fast reserv. does not fit irrigation demand LOGICAL :: IsFail_stre !! Logical to ask if stream reserv. does not fit irrigation demand REAL(r_std) :: Count_failure_slow(nbpt_r) !! Counter times slow reserv. does not fit irrigation demand REAL(r_std) :: Count_failure_fast(nbpt_r) !! Counter times fast reserv. does not fit irrigation demand REAL(r_std) :: Count_failure_stre(nbpt_r) !! Counter times stream reserv. does not fit irrigation demand REAL(r_std) :: pot_slow_wdr_dummy, pot_fast_wdr_dummy, pot_stre_wdr_dummy REAL(r_std) :: slow_wdr_dummy, fast_wdr_dummy, stre_wdr_dummy REAL(r_std) :: slow_reservoir_r(nbpt_r) REAL(r_std) :: fast_reservoir_r(nbpt_r) REAL(r_std) :: stream_reservoir_r(nbpt_r) REAL(r_std) :: fraction_aeirrig_sw_mpi(nbp_mpi) REAL(r_std) :: fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(nbpt_r) REAL(r_std) :: pcent_vol_irrig INTEGER :: ig CALL gather_omp(fraction_aeirrig_sw, fraction_aeirrig_sw_mpi) !! fraction moyenne => need contfrac ?? IF (is_omp_root) THEN CALL xios_send_field("fraction_aeirrig_sw", fraction_aeirrig_sw_mpi) CALL xios_recv_field("fraction_aeirrig_sw_r", fraction_aeirrig_sw_r) ! ==> need conservative quantity interp => no flux => to check !!! Count_failure_slow(:) = zero ! Count_failure_fast(:) = zero ! Count_failure_stre(:) = zero ! CALL routing_flow_get(slow_reservoir_r=slow_reservoir_r, fast_reservoir_r=fast_reservoir_r, stream_reservoir_r=stream_reservoir_r) DO ig=1,nbpt_r IF (routing_mask_r(ig)) THEN IF (select_source_irrig) THEN ! For irrig. scheme, available_reserve gives the amount of water available for irrigation in every reservoir ! --> avail_reserve is a vector of dimension=3, BY DEFINITION i=1 for streamflow, i=2 fast, and i=3 slow reservoir ! The new priorization scheme takes into account irrig. infrastructur according to GMIA map ! It also withdraw water according to availability, it means that it wont seek for all the water in then ! stream reservoir, even if this one could respond to the demand by itself pot_slow_wdr_dummy = ( 1 - fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig)) * avail_reserve(3)*slow_reservoir_r(ig) pot_fast_wdr_dummy = fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig) * avail_reserve(2) * fast_reservoir_r(ig) pot_stre_wdr_dummy = fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig) * avail_reserve(1) * stream_reservoir_r(ig) pcent_vol_irrig = zero IsFail_slow = .FALSE. ! IsFail_fast = .FALSE. ! IsFail_stre = .FALSE. ! irrig_actual_r(ig) = MIN(irrig_needs_r(ig), pot_stre_wdr_dummy + pot_fast_wdr_dummy + pot_slow_wdr_dummy) !! additional IF to calculate pcent_vol_irrig, in the case the total avail. !! water is zero, I.E. when there is no water in surface and fraction_ae = 0, !! so GW is not taken into account !! Note on pcent_vol_irrig: It correspond to the fraction of available water in surface, !! considering environmental needs and irrigation equipement by source from map. It controls !! how the source of water withdrawl, especially when requirements < available water IF ( (pot_stre_wdr_dummy + pot_fast_wdr_dummy + pot_slow_wdr_dummy) .GT. min_sechiba ) THEN pcent_vol_irrig = ( pot_stre_wdr_dummy + pot_fast_wdr_dummy ) / & ( pot_stre_wdr_dummy + pot_fast_wdr_dummy + pot_slow_wdr_dummy ) !Irrig_actual set to zero, because there is no available water. !Put to avoid negative values due to problems in the Min function irrig_actual_r(ig) = MAX(irrig_actual_r(ig), zero) !Already zero because pcent_vol_irrig initialized to zero !Put here to readability but not necessary !ELSE ! pcent_vol_irrig = zero ENDIF !Note for irrig_gw_source(ig): first we add the slow_reservoir volume. Then we substract the updated slow_reservoir. It should be the !Volume used for irrigation that comes from GW ! Idem for irrig_fast_source and irrig_str_source slow_wdr_dummy = slow_reservoir_r(ig) slow_reservoir_r(ig) = MAX( (un - ( un - fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig) ) * avail_reserve(3) ) * & slow_reservoir_r(ig), slow_reservoir_r(ig) + & MIN( - irrig_actual_r(ig) * (un - pcent_vol_irrig ), & avail_reserve(2) * fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig) * fast_reservoir_r(ig) + & MIN(zero, avail_reserve(1) * fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig) * stream_reservoir_r(ig) - & pcent_vol_irrig * irrig_actual_r(ig) ) ) ) slow_wdr_dummy = slow_wdr_dummy - slow_reservoir_r(ig) irrig_gw_source_r(ig) = irrig_gw_source_r(ig) + slow_wdr_dummy fast_wdr_dummy = fast_reservoir_r(ig) fast_reservoir_r(ig) = MAX( (un - avail_reserve(2) * fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig) ) * fast_reservoir_r(ig) , & fast_reservoir_r(ig) + MIN(zero, avail_reserve(1) * fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig) * stream_reservoir_r(ig) - & pcent_vol_irrig * irrig_actual_r(ig) ) ) fast_wdr_dummy = fast_wdr_dummy - fast_reservoir_r(ig) irrig_fast_source_r(ig) = irrig_fast_source_r(ig) + fast_wdr_dummy stre_wdr_dummy = stream_reservoir_r(ig) stream_reservoir_r(ig) = MAX((un - avail_reserve(1)* fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig) )*stream_reservoir_r(ig), & stream_reservoir_r(ig) - pcent_vol_irrig * irrig_actual_r(ig) ) stre_wdr_dummy = stre_wdr_dummy - stream_reservoir_r(ig) irrig_str_source_r(ig) = irrig_str_source_r(ig) + stre_wdr_dummy irrig_deficit_r(ig) = irrig_needs_r(ig)-irrig_actual_r(ig) !A reservoir is failing to give water for infiltration if pot. req > pot. withdrawal !We assume that the pot. requirement = Needs * fraction of area equipped for SW/GW !In the case of surface. we also sustract the withdrawal from Fast/Stream, because both are ! considered as surface water IsFail_slow = ( ( irrig_needs_r(ig)*(un - fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig)) ) > pot_slow_wdr_dummy ) IsFail_fast = ( ( irrig_needs_r(ig)*fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig) - stre_wdr_dummy ) > pot_fast_wdr_dummy ) IsFail_stre = ( ( irrig_needs_r(ig)*fraction_aeirrig_sw_r(ig) - fast_wdr_dummy ) > pot_stre_wdr_dummy ) IF( IsFail_stre ) Count_failure_stre(ig) = un IF( IsFail_fast ) Count_failure_fast(ig) = un IF( IsFail_slow ) Count_failure_slow(ig) = un ELSE IF (.NOT. select_source_irrig) THEN ! For irrig. scheme, available_reserve gives the amount of water available for irrigation in every reservoir ! --> avail_reserve is a vector of dimension=3, BY DEFINITION i=1 for streamflow, i=2 fast, and i=3 slow reservoir pot_slow_wdr_dummy = avail_reserve(3)*slow_reservoir_r(ig) pot_fast_wdr_dummy = avail_reserve(2)*fast_reservoir_r(ig) pot_stre_wdr_dummy = avail_reserve(1)*stream_reservoir_r(ig) IsFail_slow = .FALSE. ! IsFail_fast = .FALSE. ! IsFail_stre = .FALSE. ! irrig_actual_r(ig) = MIN(irrig_needs_r(ig), pot_stre_wdr_dummy + pot_fast_wdr_dummy + pot_slow_wdr_dummy ) !Note for irrig_gw_source(ig): first we add the slow_reservoir volume. Then we substract the updated slow_reservoir. It should be the !Volume used for irrigation that comes from GW ! Idem for irrig_fast_source and irrig_str_source slow_wdr_dummy = slow_reservoir_r(ig) slow_reservoir_r(ig) = MAX( (1-avail_reserve(3) )*slow_reservoir_r(ig), slow_reservoir_r(ig) & + MIN(zero, avail_reserve(2)*fast_reservoir_r(ig) & + MIN(zero, avail_reserve(1)*stream_reservoir_r(ig)-irrig_actual_r(ig)))) slow_wdr_dummy = slow_wdr_dummy - slow_reservoir_r(ig) irrig_gw_source_r(ig) = irrig_gw_source_r(ig) + slow_wdr_dummy fast_wdr_dummy = fast_reservoir_r(ig) fast_reservoir_r(ig) = MAX( (1-avail_reserve(2) )*fast_reservoir_r(ig) , fast_reservoir_r(ig) & + MIN(zero, avail_reserve(1)*stream_reservoir_r(ig)-irrig_actual_r(ig))) fast_wdr_dummy = fast_wdr_dummy - fast_reservoir_r(ig) irrig_fast_source_r(ig) = irrig_fast_source_r(ig) + fast_wdr_dummy stre_wdr_dummy = stream_reservoir_r(ig) stream_reservoir_r(ig) = MAX( (1-avail_reserve(1) )*stream_reservoir_r(ig), stream_reservoir_r(ig)-irrig_actual_r(ig) ) stre_wdr_dummy = stre_wdr_dummy - stream_reservoir_r(ig) irrig_str_source_r(ig) = irrig_str_source_r(ig) + stre_wdr_dummy irrig_deficit_r(ig) = irrig_needs_r(ig)-irrig_actual_r(ig) !A reservoir is failing to give water for infiltration if pot. req > pot. withdrawal ! Because it follows the old scheme, we do not separate between surface/gw, but consider that ! priority is given in this order: River, Fast and Slow reservoir. IsFail_slow = ( ( irrig_needs_r(ig) - stre_wdr_dummy - fast_wdr_dummy ) > pot_slow_wdr_dummy ) IsFail_fast = ( ( irrig_needs_r(ig) - stre_wdr_dummy ) > pot_fast_wdr_dummy ) IsFail_stre = ( irrig_needs_r(ig) > pot_stre_wdr_dummy ) IF( IsFail_stre ) Count_failure_stre(ig) = un IF( IsFail_fast ) Count_failure_fast(ig) = un IF( IsFail_slow ) Count_failure_slow(ig) = un ENDIF ELSE irrig_actual_r(ig) = 0 ENDIF ENDDO CALL routing_flow_set(slow_reservoir_r=slow_reservoir_r, fast_reservoir_r=fast_reservoir_r, stream_reservoir_r=stream_reservoir_r) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE irrigation_new SUBROUTINE irrigation_old(irrig_needs_r, irrig_actual_r) USE constantes USE mod_orchidee_para USE routing_native_flow_mod, ONLY : routing_mask_r, routing_flow_get, routing_flow_set IMPLICIT NONE REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: irrig_needs_r(nbpt_r) !! Total irrigation requirement (water requirements by the crop for its optimal growth) (kg) REAL(r_std),INTENT(OUT) :: irrig_actual_r(nbpt_r) !! Possible irrigation according to the water availability in the reservoirs (kg) REAL(r_std) :: irrig_deficit_r(nbpt_r) !! Amount of water missing for irrigation (kg) LOGICAL :: IsFail_slow !! Logical to ask if slow reserv. does not fit irrigation demand LOGICAL :: IsFail_fast !! Logical to ask if fast reserv. does not fit irrigation demand LOGICAL :: IsFail_stre !! Logical to ask if stream reserv. does not fit irrigation demand REAL(r_std) :: Count_failure_slow(nbpt_r) !! Counter times slow reserv. does not fit irrigation demand REAL(r_std) :: Count_failure_fast(nbpt_r) !! Counter times fast reserv. does not fit irrigation demand REAL(r_std) :: Count_failure_stre(nbpt_r) !! Counter times stream reserv. does not fit irrigation demand REAL(r_std) :: pot_slow_wdr_dummy, pot_fast_wdr_dummy, pot_stre_wdr_dummy REAL(r_std) :: slow_wdr_dummy, fast_wdr_dummy, stre_wdr_dummy REAL(r_std) :: slow_reservoir_r(nbpt_r) REAL(r_std) :: fast_reservoir_r(nbpt_r) REAL(r_std) :: stream_reservoir_r(nbpt_r) INTEGER :: ig IF (is_omp_root) THEN Count_failure_slow(:) = zero ! Count_failure_fast(:) = zero ! Count_failure_stre(:) = zero ! CALL routing_flow_get(slow_reservoir_r=slow_reservoir_r, fast_reservoir_r=fast_reservoir_r, stream_reservoir_r=stream_reservoir_r) DO ig=1,nbpt_r IF (routing_mask_r(ig)) THEN ! Old irrigation scheme as in tag 2.0 ! Note for irrig_gw_source(ig): first we add the slow_reservoir volume. Then we substract the updated slow_reservoir. It should be the ! Volume used for irrigation that comes from GW ! Idem for irrig_fast_source and irrig_str_source pot_slow_wdr_dummy = slow_reservoir_r(ig) pot_fast_wdr_dummy = fast_reservoir_r(ig) pot_stre_wdr_dummy = stream_reservoir_r(ig) IsFail_slow = .FALSE. ! IsFail_fast = .FALSE. ! IsFail_stre = .FALSE. ! irrig_actual_r(ig) = MIN(irrig_needs_r(ig), stream_reservoir_r(ig) + fast_reservoir_r(ig) + slow_reservoir_r(ig) ) slow_wdr_dummy = slow_reservoir_r(ig) slow_reservoir_r(ig) = MAX(zero, slow_reservoir_r(ig) + MIN(zero, fast_reservoir_r(ig) & + MIN(zero, stream_reservoir_r(ig)-irrig_actual_r(ig)))) slow_wdr_dummy = slow_wdr_dummy - slow_reservoir_r(ig) irrig_gw_source_r(ig) = irrig_gw_source_r(ig) + slow_wdr_dummy fast_wdr_dummy = fast_reservoir_r(ig) fast_reservoir_r(ig) = MAX( zero, fast_reservoir_r(ig) + MIN(zero, stream_reservoir_r(ig)-irrig_actual_r(ig))) fast_wdr_dummy = fast_wdr_dummy - fast_reservoir_r(ig) irrig_fast_source_r(ig) = irrig_fast_source_r(ig) + fast_wdr_dummy stre_wdr_dummy = stream_reservoir_r(ig) stream_reservoir_r(ig) = MAX(zero, stream_reservoir_r(ig)-irrig_actual_r(ig) ) stre_wdr_dummy = stre_wdr_dummy - stream_reservoir_r(ig) irrig_str_source_r(ig) = irrig_str_source_r(ig) + stre_wdr_dummy irrig_deficit_r(ig) = irrig_needs_r(ig)-irrig_actual_r(ig) ! A reservoir is failing to give water for infiltration if pot. req > pot. withdrawal ! Because it follows the old scheme, we do not separate between surface/gw, but consider that ! priority is given in this order: River, Fast and Slow reservoir. IsFail_slow = ( ( irrig_needs_r(ig) - stre_wdr_dummy - fast_wdr_dummy ) > pot_slow_wdr_dummy ) IsFail_fast = ( ( irrig_needs_r(ig) - stre_wdr_dummy ) > pot_fast_wdr_dummy ) IsFail_stre = ( irrig_needs_r(ig) > pot_stre_wdr_dummy ) IF( IsFail_stre ) Count_failure_stre(ig) = un IF( IsFail_fast ) Count_failure_fast(ig) = un IF( IsFail_slow ) Count_failure_slow(ig) = un ELSE irrig_actual_r(ig) = 0 ENDIF ENDDO CALL routing_flow_set(slow_reservoir_r=slow_reservoir_r, fast_reservoir_r=fast_reservoir_r, stream_reservoir_r=stream_reservoir_r) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE irrigation_old SUBROUTINE irrigation_compute_requested_new(dt_routing, contfrac, root_deficit, soiltile, irrig_frac, irrig_netereq_r) USE constantes USE constantes_soil USE xios USE mod_orchidee_para USE grid, ONLY : area IMPLICIT NONE REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: dt_routing REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: contfrac(nbpt) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: root_deficit(nbpt) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: soiltile(nbpt,nstm) !! Fraction of each soil tile within vegtot (0-1, unitless) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: irrig_frac(nbpt) !! Irrig. fraction interpolated in routing, and saved to pass to slowproc if irrigated_soiltile = .TRUE. REAL(r_std),INTENT(OUT) :: irrig_netereq_r(nbpt_r) REAL(r_std) :: irrig_netereq(nbpt) REAL(r_std) :: irrig_netereq_mpi(nbp_mpi) INTEGER :: ig irrig_netereq(:)=0 DO ig=1,nbpt !It enters to the new irrigation module only if there is an irrigated fraction, if not irrig_netereq = zero for that cell IF ( irrig_frac(ig) .GT. min_sechiba ) THEN irrig_netereq(ig) = irrig_netereq(ig) + MIN( irrig_dosmax/3600*dt_routing, & root_deficit(ig) ) * soiltile(ig, irrig_st) * vegtot_mean(ig) ! By definition, irrig_dosmax is in kg/m2 of soil tile/hour,dividing by 3600(seconds/hour) * DT_ROUTING ! ! = kg/m2 of soil tile/(routing timestep) ! irrig_netereq(kg/m2 of grid cell / routing timstep ) is equal to ! root_deficit (kg/m2 of soil tile) * soiltile*vegtot (fraction of soil tile at cell level) = kg/m2 of grid cell IF (.NOT. irrigated_soiltile .AND. ( soiltile(ig,irrig_st) .GT. min_sechiba ) .AND. (vegtot_mean(ig) .GT. min_sechiba) ) THEN ! Irrigated_soiltile asks if there is an independent soil tile for irrigated crops. If not, ! actual volume calculated for irrig_netereq assumed that the whole SOILTILE was irrigated, but in this case ! just a fraction of the irrig_st (irrigated soil tile, by default = 3) is actually irrigated, ! and irrig_netereq needs to be reduced by irrig_frac/( soiltile * vegtot ) (note that it is max = 1 thanks to irrig_frac calculation in l. 424) ! Demand(ST3)*irrig_frac/(soiltile(3)*vegtot) = irrig_netereq_In_ST3, then !irrig_netereq_In_ST3 * (soiltile(3)*vegtot) = irrig_netereq at grid scale = Demand(ST3)*irrig_frac. irrig_netereq(ig) = irrig_netereq(ig) * irrig_frac(ig) / ( soiltile(ig,irrig_st) * vegtot_mean(ig) ) !irrig_netereq = kg/m2 of grid cell ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO CALL gather_omp(irrig_netereq*area*contfrac, irrig_netereq_mpi) IF (is_omp_root) THEN CALL xios_send_field("irrig_netereq",irrig_netereq_mpi) !! contfrac => ok ? CALL xios_recv_field("irrig_netereq_r",irrig_netereq_r) ! ==> need conservative quantity interp ENDIF END SUBROUTINE irrigation_compute_requested_new SUBROUTINE irrigation_compute_requested_old(contfrac, reinfiltration, irrigated, irrig_need_r) USE constantes USE xios USE mod_orchidee_para USE grid, ONLY : area IMPLICIT NONE REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: contfrac(nbpt) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: reinfiltration(nbpt) REAL(r_std),INTENT(IN) :: irrigated(nbpt) REAL(r_std),INTENT(OUT) :: irrig_need_r(nbpt_r) REAL(r_std) :: irrig_netereq(nbpt) REAL(r_std) :: irrig_netereq_mpi(nbp_mpi) INTEGER :: ig, ir irrig_netereq(:)=0 DO ig=1,nbpt IF ((vegtot_mean(ig) .GT. min_sechiba) .AND. (humrel_mean(ig) .LT. un-min_sechiba) .AND. (runoff_mean(ig) .LT. min_sechiba) ) THEN irrig_netereq(ig) = (irrigated(ig)/area(ig)) * MAX(zero, transpot_mean(ig) - (precip_mean(ig)+reinfiltration(ig))) ! ==> ok kg ELSE irrig_netereq(ig) = 0 ENDIF ENDDO CALL gather_omp(irrig_netereq*area*contfrac, irrig_netereq_mpi) IF (is_omp_root) THEN CALL xios_send_field("irrig_netereq",irrig_netereq_mpi) ! contfrac ?? CALL xios_recv_field("irrig_netereq_r",irrig_need_r) ! ==> need conservative quantity interp ENDIF END SUBROUTINE irrigation_compute_requested_old SUBROUTINE test USE routing_native_flow_mod, ONLY : routing_mask_r END SUBROUTINE TEST !for now SUBROUTINE abduction !for now REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt) :: irrig_adduct !! Amount of water carried over from other basins for irrigation (kg) !for now !for now DO ig=1,nbpt !for now ! !for now ! Check if we cannot find the missing water in another basin of the same grid (stream reservoir only). !for now ! If we find that then we create some adduction from that subbasin to the one where we need it for !for now ! irrigation. !for now ! !for now !> If crops water requirements have not been supplied (irrig_deficit>0), we check if we cannot find the missing water !for now !> in another basin of the same grid. If there is water in the stream reservoir of this subbasin, we create some adduction !for now !> from that subbasin to the one where we need it for irrigation. !for now !> !for now !for now DO ib=1,nbasmax !for now stream_tot = a_stream_adduction * SUM(stream_reservoir(ig,:)) !for now DO WHILE ( irrig_deficit(ig,ib) > min_sechiba .AND. stream_tot > min_sechiba) !for now fi = MAXLOC(stream_reservoir(ig,:)) !for now ib2 = fi(1) !for now irrig_adduct(ig,ib) = MIN(irrig_deficit(ig,ib), a_stream_adduction * stream_reservoir(ig,ib2)) !for now stream_reservoir(ig,ib2) = stream_reservoir(ig,ib2)-irrig_adduct(ig,ib) !for now irrig_deficit(ig,ib) = irrig_deficit(ig,ib)-irrig_adduct(ig,ib) !for now stream_tot = a_stream_adduction * SUM(stream_reservoir(ig,:)) !for now ENDDO !for now ENDDO !for now !for now ENDDO !for now ! !for now ! If we are at higher resolution we might need to look at neighboring grid boxes to find the streams !for now ! which can feed irrigation !for now ! !for now !> At higher resolution (grid box smaller than 100x100km), we can import water from neighboring grid boxes !for now !> to the one where we need it for irrigation. !for now ! !for now IF (is_root_prc) THEN !for now ALLOCATE(irrig_deficit_glo(nbp_glo, nbasmax), stream_reservoir_glo(nbp_glo, nbasmax), & !for now irrig_adduct_glo(nbp_glo, nbasmax), stat=ier) !for now ELSE !for now ALLOCATE(irrig_deficit_glo(0, 0), stream_reservoir_glo(0, 0), irrig_adduct_glo(0, 0), stat=ier) !for now ENDIF !for now IF (ier /= 0) CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_flow','Pb in allocate for irrig_deficit_glo, stream_reservoir_glo,...','','') !for now CALL gather(irrig_deficit, irrig_deficit_glo) !for now CALL gather(stream_reservoir, stream_reservoir_glo) !for now CALL gather(irrig_adduct, irrig_adduct_glo) !for now IF (is_root_prc) THEN !for now ! !for now DO ig=1,nbp_glo !for now ! Only work if the grid box is smaller than 100x100km. Else the piplines we build !for now ! here would be too long to be reasonable. !for now IF ( resolution_g(ig,1) < 100000. .AND. resolution_g(ig,2) < 100000. ) THEN !for now !for now DO ib=1,nbasmax !for now ! !for now IF ( irrig_deficit_glo(ig,ib) > min_sechiba ) THEN !for now ! !for now streams_around(:,:) = zero !for now ! !for now DO in=1,NbNeighb !for now ig2 = neighbours_g(ig,in) !for now IF (ig2 .GT. 0 ) THEN !for now streams_around(in,:) = a_stream_adduction * stream_reservoir_glo(ig2,:) !for now igrd(in) = ig2 !for now ENDIF !for now ENDDO !for now ! !for now IF ( MAXVAL(streams_around) .GT. zero ) THEN !for now ! !for now ff=MAXLOC(streams_around) !for now ig2=igrd(ff(1)) !for now ib2=ff(2) !for now ! !for now IF ( routing_area_glo(ig2,ib2) .GT. 0 .AND. a_stream_adduction * stream_reservoir_glo(ig2,ib2) > zero ) THEN !for now adduction = MIN(irrig_deficit_glo(ig,ib), a_stream_adduction * stream_reservoir_glo(ig2,ib2)) !for now stream_reservoir_glo(ig2,ib2) = stream_reservoir_glo(ig2,ib2) - adduction !for now irrig_deficit_glo(ig,ib) = irrig_deficit_glo(ig,ib) - adduction !for now irrig_adduct_glo(ig,ib) = irrig_adduct_glo(ig,ib) + adduction !for now ENDIF !for now ! !for now ENDIF !for now ! !for now ENDIF !for now ! !for now ENDDO !for now !for now ENDIF !for now ENDDO !for now ! !for now ENDIF !for now CALL scatter(irrig_deficit_glo, irrig_deficit) !for now CALL scatter(stream_reservoir_glo, stream_reservoir) !for now CALL scatter(irrig_adduct_glo, irrig_adduct) !for now DEALLOCATE(irrig_deficit_glo, stream_reservoir_glo, irrig_adduct_glo) !for now !for now !for now END SUBROUTINE abduction END MODULE routing_native_irrig_mod