! ================================================================================================================================= ! MODULE : constantes_soil_var ! ! CONTACT : orchidee-help _at_ listes.ipsl.fr ! ! LICENCE : IPSL (2006) ! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC ! !>\BRIEF "constantes_soil_var" module contains the parameters related to soil and hydrology. !! !!\n DESCRIPTION : The non saturated hydraulic properties are defined from the !! formulations of van Genuchten (1980) and Mualem (1976), combined as !! explained in d'Orgeval (2006). \n !! The related parameters for main soil textures (coarse, medium and fine if "fao", !! 12 USDA testures if "usda") come from Carsel and Parrish (1988). !! !! RECENT CHANGE(S): AD: mcw and mcf depend now on soil texture, based on Van Genuchten equations !! and classical matric potential values, and pcent is adapted !! November 2020 by Salma Tafasca and Agnes Ducharne : we introduce a new texture class !! for clay oxisols (cf. Tafasca, 2020, PhD thesis; Tafasca et al., in prep for GRL). !! It makes no change if we read a soil texture map with only 12 USDA classes. !! Lookup tables for Zobler replaces by pointer to read the corresponding values in the !! 13-value USDA tables !! !! REFERENCE(S) : !!- Roger A.Pielke, (2002), Mesoscale meteorological modeling, Academic Press Inc. !!- Polcher, J., Laval, K., Dümenil, L., Lean, J., et Rowntree, P. R. (1996). !! Comparing three land surface schemes used in general circulation models. Journal of Hydrology, 180(1-4), 373--394. !!- Ducharne, A., Laval, K., et Polcher, J. (1998). Sensitivity of the hydrological cycle !! to the parametrization of soil hydrology in a GCM. Climate Dynamics, 14, 307--327. !!- Rosnay, P. de et Polcher, J. (1999). Modelling root water uptake in a complex land surface !! scheme coupled to a GCM. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 2(2/3), 239--255. !!- d'Orgeval, T. et Polcher, J. (2008). Impacts of precipitation events and land-use changes !! on West African river discharges during the years 1951--2000. Climate Dynamics, 31(2), 249--262. !!- Carsel, R. and Parrish, R.: Developing joint probability distributions of soil water !! retention characteristics, Water Resour. Res.,24, 755–769, 1988. !!- Mualem Y (1976). A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity !! of unsaturated porous media. Water Resources Research 12(3):513-522 !!- Van Genuchten M (1980). A closed-form equation for predicting the !! hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 44(5):892-898 !!- Tafasca S. (2020). Evaluation de l’impact des propriétés du sol sur l’hydrologie simulee dans le !! modèle ORCHIDEE, PhD thesis, Sorbonne Universite. !!- Tafasca S., Ducharne A. and Valentin C. Accounting for soil structure in pedo-transfer functions: !! swelling vs non swelling clays. In prep for GRL. !! !! SVN : !! $HeadURL: $ !! $Date: $ !! $Revision: $ !! \n !_ ================================================================================================================================ MODULE constantes_soil_var USE defprec USE vertical_soil_var IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, SAVE :: check_cwrr !! Calculate diagnostics to check the water balance in hydrol (true/false) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(check_cwrr) !! Number of soil classes INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: ntext=3 !! Number of soil textures (Silt, Sand, Clay) INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: nstm=3 !! Number of soil tiles (unitless) CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: soil_classif !! Type of classification used for the map of soil types. !! It must be consistent with soil file given by !! SOILCLASS_FILE parameter. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(soil_classif) INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: nscm_fao=3 !! For FAO Classification (unitless) INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: nscm_usda=13 !! For USDA Classification (unitless) INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: nscm=nscm_fao !! Default value for nscm !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nscm) !! Parameters for soil thermodynamics REAL(r_std), SAVE :: so_capa_dry = 1.80e+6 !! Dry soil Heat capacity of soils !! @tex $(J.m^{-3}.K^{-1})$ @endtex !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(so_capa_dry) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: so_cond_dry = 0.40 !! Dry soil Thermal Conductivity of soils !! @tex $(W.m^{-2}.K^{-1})$ @endtex !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(so_cond_dry) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: sn_cond = 0.3 !! Thermal Conductivity of snow !! @tex $(W.m^{-2}.K^{-1})$ @endtex !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(sn_cond) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: sn_dens = 330.0 !! Snow density for the soil thermodynamics !! (kg/m3) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(sn_dens) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: sn_capa !! Heat capacity for snow !! @tex $(J.m^{-3}.K^{-1})$ @endtex !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(sn_capa) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: water_capa = 4.18e+6 !! Water heat capacity !! @tex $(J.m^{-3}.K^{-1})$ @endtex !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(water_capa) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: brk_capa = 2.0e+6 !! Heat capacity of generic rock !! @tex $(J.m^{-3}.K^{-1})$ @endtex !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(brk_capa) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: brk_cond = 3.0 !! Thermal conductivity of saturated granitic rock !! @tex $(W.m^{-1}.K^{-1})$ @endtex !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(brk_cond) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: qsintcst = 0.02 !! Transforms leaf area index into size of interception reservoir !! (unitless) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(qsintcst) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: mx_eau_nobio = 150. !! Volumetric available soil water capacity in nobio fractions !! @tex $(kg.m^{-3} of soil)$ @endtex !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mx_eau_nobio) !! Parameters specific for the CWRR hydrology. !! 1. Parameters for FAO-Zobler Map INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_fao) :: fao2usda = (/ 3,6,9 /) !! To find the values of Coarse, Medium, Fine in Zobler map !! from the USDA lookup tables !!$ REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nscm_fao),SAVE :: soilclass_default_fao = & !! Default soil texture distribution for fao : !!$ & (/ 0.28, 0.52, 0.20 /) !! in the following order : COARSE, MEDIUM, FINE (unitless) !!$!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(soilclass_default_fao) !! 2. Parameters for USDA Classification !! Parameters for soil type distribution : !! Sand, Loamy Sand, Sandy Loam, Silt Loam, Silt, Loam, Sandy Clay Loam, Silty Clay Loam, Clay Loam, Sandy Clay, Silty Clay, Clay ! AD-Warning: I don't understand correctly the use of soilclass_default; when removing the _fao vectors, the default texture in ! Greenland, where the Zobler map has no data, were changed, even when having 0.28 at the 3rd place below ! I kept the original soilclass_default_usda to keep the Reynolds map unchanged REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nscm_usda),SAVE :: soilclass_default_usda = & !! Default soil texture distribution in the above order : & (/ 0.28, 0.52, 0.20, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /) !! Thus different from "FAO"'s COARSE, MEDIUM, FINE !! which have indices 3,6,9 in the 12-texture vector !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(soilclass_default_usda) !!$ REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nscm_usda),SAVE :: soilclass_default_usda = & !! Default soil texture distribution, to be coherent with the !!$ & (/ 0.0, 0.0, 0.28, 0.0, 0.0, 0.52, 0.0, 0.0, 0.20, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /) !! original FAO/Zobler values !!$ !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(soilclass_default_usda) REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: nvan_usda = & !! Van Genuchten coefficient n (unitless) & (/ 2.68_r_std, 2.28_r_std, 1.89_r_std, 1.41_r_std, & ! RK: 1/n=1-m & 1.37_r_std, 1.56_r_std, 1.48_r_std, 1.23_r_std, & & 1.31_r_std, 1.23_r_std, 1.09_r_std, 1.09_r_std, & & 1.552_r_std /) ! oxisols REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: avan_usda = & !! Van Genuchten coefficient a & (/ 0.0145_r_std, 0.0124_r_std, 0.0075_r_std, 0.0020_r_std, & !! @tex $(mm^{-1})$ @endtex & 0.0016_r_std, 0.0036_r_std, 0.0059_r_std, 0.0010_r_std, & & 0.0019_r_std, 0.0027_r_std, 0.0005_r_std, 0.0008_r_std, & & 0.0132_r_std /) ! oxisols REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: mcr_usda = & !! Residual volumetric water content & (/ 0.045_r_std, 0.057_r_std, 0.065_r_std, 0.067_r_std, & !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex & 0.034_r_std, 0.078_r_std, 0.100_r_std, 0.089_r_std, & & 0.095_r_std, 0.100_r_std, 0.070_r_std, 0.068_r_std, & & 0.068_r_std /) ! oxisols REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: mcs_usda = & !! Saturated volumetric water content & (/ 0.43_r_std, 0.41_r_std, 0.41_r_std, 0.45_r_std, & !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex & 0.46_r_std, 0.43_r_std, 0.39_r_std, 0.43_r_std, & & 0.41_r_std, 0.38_r_std, 0.36_r_std, 0.38_r_std, & & 0.503_r_std /) ! oxisols REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: ks_usda = & !! Hydraulic conductivity at saturation & (/ 7128.0_r_std, 3501.6_r_std, 1060.8_r_std, 108.0_r_std, & !! @tex $(mm d^{-1})$ @endtex & 60.0_r_std, 249.6_r_std, 314.4_r_std, 16.8_r_std, & & 62.4_r_std, 28.8_r_std, 4.8_r_std, 48.0_r_std, & & 6131.4_r_std /) ! oxisols ! The max available water content is smaller when mcw and mcf depend on texture, ! so we increase pcent to a classical value of 80% REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: pcent_usda = & !! Fraction of saturated volumetric soil moisture & (/ 0.8_r_std, 0.8_r_std, 0.8_r_std, 0.8_r_std, & !! above which transpir is max (0-1, unitless) & 0.8_r_std, 0.8_r_std, 0.8_r_std, 0.8_r_std, & & 0.8_r_std, 0.8_r_std, 0.8_r_std, 0.8_r_std, & & 0.8_r_std /) ! oxisols REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: free_drain_max_usda = & !! Max=default value of the permeability coeff & (/ 1.0_r_std, 1.0_r_std, 1.0_r_std, 1.0_r_std, & !! at the bottom of the soil (0-1, unitless) & 1.0_r_std, 1.0_r_std, 1.0_r_std, 1.0_r_std, & & 1.0_r_std, 1.0_r_std, 1.0_r_std, 1.0_r_std, & & 1.0_r_std /) !! We use the VG relationships to derive mcw and mcf depending on soil texture !! assuming that the matric potential for wilting point and field capacity is !! -150m (permanent WP) and -3.3m respectively !! (-1m for FC for the three sandy soils following Richards, L.A. and Weaver, L.R. (1944) !! Note that mcw GE mcr REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: mcf_usda = & !! Volumetric water content at field capacity & (/ 0.0493_r_std, 0.0710_r_std, 0.1218_r_std, 0.2402_r_std, & !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex 0.2582_r_std, 0.1654_r_std, 0.1695_r_std, 0.3383_r_std, & 0.2697_r_std, 0.2672_r_std, 0.3370_r_std, 0.3469_r_std, & 0.172_r_std /) ! oxisols REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: mcw_usda = & !! Volumetric water content at wilting point & (/ 0.0450_r_std, 0.0570_r_std, 0.0657_r_std, 0.1039_r_std, & !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex 0.0901_r_std, 0.0884_r_std, 0.1112_r_std, 0.1967_r_std, & 0.1496_r_std, 0.1704_r_std, 0.2665_r_std, 0.2707_r_std, & 0.075_r_std /) ! oxisols REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: mc_awet_usda = & !! Vol. wat. cont. above which albedo is cst & (/ 0.25_r_std, 0.25_r_std, 0.25_r_std, 0.25_r_std, & !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex & 0.25_r_std, 0.25_r_std, 0.25_r_std, 0.25_r_std, & & 0.25_r_std, 0.25_r_std, 0.25_r_std, 0.25_r_std, & & 0.25_r_std /) REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: mc_adry_usda = & !! Vol. wat. cont. below which albedo is cst & (/ 0.1_r_std, 0.1_r_std, 0.1_r_std, 0.1_r_std, & !! @tex $(m^{3} m^{-3})$ @endtex & 0.1_r_std, 0.1_r_std, 0.1_r_std, 0.1_r_std, & & 0.1_r_std, 0.1_r_std, 0.1_r_std, 0.1_r_std, & & 0.1_r_std /) ! oxisols REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: QZ_usda = & !! QUARTZ CONTENT (SOIL TYPE DEPENDENT) & (/ 0.92_r_std, 0.82_r_std, 0.60_r_std, 0.25_r_std, & !! Peters et al [1998] & 0.10_r_std, 0.40_r_std, 0.60_r_std, 0.10_r_std, & & 0.35_r_std, 0.52_r_std, 0.10_r_std, 0.25_r_std, & & 0.25_r_std /) ! oxisols REAL(r_std),PARAMETER,DIMENSION(nscm_usda) :: so_capa_dry_ns_usda = & !! Dry soil Heat capacity of soils,J.m^{-3}.K^{-1} & (/ 1.47e+6_r_std, 1.41e+6_r_std, 1.34e+6_r_std, 1.27e+6_r_std, & !! Pielke [2002, 2013] & 1.21e+6_r_std, 1.21e+6_r_std, 1.18e+6_r_std, 1.32e+6_r_std, & & 1.23e+6_r_std, 1.18e+6_r_std, 1.15e+6_r_std, 1.09e+6_r_std, & & 1.09e+6_r_std /) ! oxisols !! Parameters for the numerical scheme used by CWRR INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: imin = 1 !! Start for CWRR linearisation (unitless) INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: nbint = 50 !! Number of interval for CWRR linearisation (unitless) INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: imax = nbint+1 !! Number of points for CWRR linearisation (unitless) REAL(r_std), PARAMETER :: w_time = 1.0_r_std !! Time weighting for CWRR numerical integration (unitless) !! Variables related to soil freezing, in thermosoil : LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_Ecorr !! Flag for energy conservation correction !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_Ecorr) LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_freeze_thermix !! Flag to activate thermal part of the soil freezing scheme !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_freeze_thermix) LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_freeze_thaw_latent_heat !! Flag to activate latent heat part of the soil freezing scheme !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_freeze_thaw_latent_heat) LOGICAL, SAVE :: read_reftemp !! Flag to initialize soil temperature using climatological temperature !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(read_reftemp) REAL(r_std), SAVE :: fr_dT !! Freezing window (K) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(fr_dT) !! Variables related to soil freezing, in hydrol : LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_freeze_cwrr !! CWRR freezing scheme by I. Gouttevin !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_freeze_cwrr) LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_thermodynamical_freezing !! Calculate frozen fraction thermodynamically !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ok_thermodynamical_freezing) END MODULE constantes_soil_var