PROGRAM driver2oasis !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Reads the forcing file in the ALMA format and feeds the data to the !- OASIS coupler. !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- USE defprec ! USE netcdf ! USE constantes ! USE ioipsl_para USE mod_orchidee_para ! USE grid USE time USE timer USE constantes USE constantes_soil USE forcing_tools USE globgrd ! USE mod_oasis USE timer USE xios !- IMPLICIT NONE !- INCLUDE 'mpif.h' !- CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: gridfilename CHARACTER(LEN=80), DIMENSION(100) :: forfilename CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: comp_name = 'driver' ! ! CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: model_guess INTEGER(i_std) :: iim_glo, jjm_glo, file_id !- REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: lon_glo, lat_glo, area_glo REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_glo INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: maskinv_glo REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: corners_glo REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: corners_lon, corners_lat INTEGER(i_std) :: nbindex_g, kjpindex INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: kindex_g REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: zoom_lon, zoom_lat CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: calendar, calXIOS !- !- Variables local to each processors. !- INTEGER(i_std) :: i, j, ik, nbdt, first_point INTEGER(i_std) :: nb_forcefile INTEGER(i_std) :: itau, itau_offset, itau_sechiba REAL(r_std) :: date_start, dt REAL(r_std) :: timestep_interval(2), timestep_int_next(2), julian INTEGER(i_std) :: rest_id, rest_id_stom INTEGER(i_std) :: hist_id, hist2_id, hist_id_stom, hist_id_stom_IPCC INTEGER(i_std) :: yeardr, monthdr, daydr !! Time origin date information REAL(r_std) :: secdr !! Time origin date information !- !- input fields !- REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: u !! Lowest level wind speed REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: v !! Lowest level wind speed REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: pb !! Surface pressure REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: zlev_tq !! Height of layer for T and q REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: zlev_uv !! Height of layer for u and v REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: temp_air !! Air temperature in Kelvin REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: qair !! Lowest level specific humidity REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: ccanopy !! CO2 concentration in the canopy REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: cdrag !! Cdrag REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: precip_rain !! Rain precipitation REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: precip_snow !! Snow precipitation REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: lwdown !! Down-welling long-wave flux REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: swdown !! Downwelling surface short-wave flux REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: swnet !! Net surface short-wave flux REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: solarang !! Cosine of solar zenith angle !- !- output fields !- REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: z0m !! Momentum Surface roughness REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: z0h !! Temperature Surface roughness REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: coastalflow !! Diffuse flow of water into the ocean (m^3/dt) REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: riverflow !! Largest rivers flowing into the ocean (m^3/dt) REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: tsol_rad !! Radiative surface temperature REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: vevapp !! Total of evaporation REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: temp_sol_new !! New soil temperature REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: qsurf !! Surface specific humidity REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:,:) :: albedo !! Albedo REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: fluxsens !! Sensible chaleur flux REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: fluxlat !! Latent chaleur flux REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: emis !! Emissivity REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: netco2 !! netco2flux REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION (:) :: carblu !! fco2_land_use !- !- Declarations for OASIS !- INTEGER(i_std) :: glo_rank, glo_size ! rank and number of pe INTEGER(i_std) :: loc_rank, loc_size ! rank and number of pe INTEGER(i_std) :: LOCAL_OASIS_COMM, TMP_COMM ! local MPI communicator and Initialized INTEGER(i_std) :: comp_id ! component identification INTEGER(i_std) :: ierror, flag, oasis_info CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: drv_gridname CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: varname INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(3) :: ig_paral ! OASIS Output INTEGER(i_std) :: il_part_id, tair_id, qair_id, zlevtq_id, zlevuv_id INTEGER(i_std) :: rainf_id, snowf_id, swnet_id, lwdown_id, solarang_id INTEGER(i_std) :: u_id, v_id, ps_id, cdrag_id ! OASIS Input INTEGER(i_std) :: vevapp_id, fluxsens_id, fluxlat_id, coastal_id, river_id INTEGER(i_std) :: netco2_id, carblu_id, tsolrad_id, tsolnew_id, qsurf_id INTEGER(i_std) :: albnir_id, albvis_id, emis_id, z0m_id, z0h_id ! INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(2) :: var_nodims, var_shape INTEGER(i_std) :: nbarg, iret, helpmsg = 0 CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: arg LOGICAL :: initmode = .FALSE. !- !- XIOS !- LOGICAL :: xios_driver_ok = .FALSE. TYPE(xios_context) :: ctx_hdl !! Handel for driver2oasis CHARACTER(len=*),PARAMETER :: id="driver" !! Id for initialization of driver2oasis in XIOS TYPE(xios_duration) :: dtime_xios TYPE(xios_date) :: start_date TYPE(xios_date) :: time_origin TYPE(xios_fieldgroup) :: fieldgroup_handle TYPE(xios_field) :: field_handle TYPE(xios_file) :: file_handle !- ! - INTEGER(i_std) :: freq_diag=10, debug_lev=1 INTEGER(i_std) :: w_unit=737 ! ! Timer variables ! LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: timemeasure=.TRUE. REAL(r_std) :: waitput_cputime=0.0, waitget_cputime=0.0, preparation_cputime=0.0 REAL(r_std) :: waitput_walltime=0.0, waitget_walltime=0.0, preparation_walltime=0.0 ! ! Print point ! !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/44.8,-25.3/) !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/44.8,-18.3/) !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/-60.25,-5.25/) !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/-5.25,41.25/) REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/9999.99,9999.99/) !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/46.7,10.3/) !! REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: testpt=(/0.25,49.25/) ! INTEGER iargc, getarg EXTERNAL iargc, getarg !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- The code has 2 execution mode : !- 1) initialisation of the grid file based on the forcing file !- 2) Reading the forcing file and sending the data out with OASIS !- !- nbarg = iargc() IF ( nbarg > 1 ) THEN helpmsg = 1 ELSE IF ( nbarg == 1 ) THEN iret = getarg(1,arg) SELECT CASE(arg) ! CASE('-h') helpmsg = 1 CASE('-init') initmode = .TRUE. CASE DEFAULT helpmsg = 1 ! END SELECT ELSE initmode = .FALSE. ENDIF ! ! Does the user just want help ? ! IF ( helpmsg > 0 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) "USAGE : driver2oasis [-init] " WRITE(*,*) " The program will read the forcing file provided by variable" WRITE(*,*) " FORCING_FILE in the run.def file and do one of 2 things :" WRITE(*,*) " " WRITE(*,*) " -init a grid description file will be generated for the specified " WRITE(*,*) " forcing file. This grid description file will be written into" WRITE(*,*) " the file name provided by the variable GRID_FILE " WRITE(*,*) " of the run.def. " WRITE(*,*) " " WRITE(*,*) " If no arguments are provided driver2oasis will initiate and " WRITE(*,*) " send the forcing data out via OASIS." STOP "HELP from driver2oasis" ENDIF !- !- Open output file for driver !- OPEN(UNIT=w_unit, FILE="out_driver_mono", FORM="formatted") !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Get the general information we need !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !! CALL getin_name("run.def") ! !Config Key = FORCING_FILE !Config Desc = Name of file containing the forcing data !Config If = [-] !Config Def = !Config Help = This is the name of the file which should be opened !Config for reading the forcing data of the dim0 model. !Config The format of the file has to be netCDF and COADS !Config compliant. !Config Units = [FILE] !- forfilename(:)=" " forfilename(1)='' CALL getin('FORCING_FILE', forfilename) ! !Config Key = GRID_FILE !Config Desc = Name of file containing the forcing data !Config If = [-] !Config Def = !Config Help = This is the name of the file from which we will read !Config or write into it the description of the grid from !Config the forcing file. !Config compliant. !Config Units = [FILE] !- gridfilename='' CALL getin('GRID_FILE', gridfilename) !- !- Define the zoom !- zoom_lon=(/-180,180/) zoom_lat=(/-90,90/) ! !Config Key = LIMIT_WEST !Config Desc = Western limit of region !Config If = [-] !Config Def = -180. !Config Help = Western limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between -180 and +180 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !Config Units = [Degrees] !- CALL getin_p('LIMIT_WEST',zoom_lon(1)) !- !Config Key = LIMIT_EAST !Config Desc = Eastern limit of region !Config If = [-] !Config Def = 180. !Config Help = Eastern limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between -180 and +180 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !Config Units = [Degrees] !- CALL getin_p('LIMIT_EAST',zoom_lon(2)) !- !Config Key = LIMIT_NORTH !Config Desc = Northern limit of region !Config If = [-] !Config Def = 90. !Config Help = Northern limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between +90 and -90 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !Config Units = [Degrees] !- CALL getin_p('LIMIT_NORTH',zoom_lat(2)) !- !Config Key = LIMIT_SOUTH !Config Desc = Southern limit of region !Config If = [-] !Config Def = -90. !Config Help = Southern limit of the region we are !Config interested in. Between 90 and -90 degrees !Config The model will use the smalest regions from !Config region specified here and the one of the forcing file. !Config Units = [Degrees] !- CALL getin_p('LIMIT_SOUTH',zoom_lat(1)) IF ( (zoom_lon(1)+180 < EPSILON(zoom_lon(1))) .AND. (zoom_lon(2)-180 < EPSILON(zoom_lon(2))) .AND.& &(zoom_lat(1)+90 < EPSILON(zoom_lat(1))) .AND. (zoom_lat(2)-90 < EPSILON(zoom_lat(2))) ) THEN ! !Config Key = WEST_EAST !Config Desc = Longitude interval to use from the forcing data !Config If = [-] !Config Def = -180, 180 !Config Help = This function allows to zoom into the forcing data !Config Units = [degrees east] !- CALL getin('WEST_EAST', zoom_lon) ! !Config Key = SOUTH_NORTH !Config Desc = Latitude interval to use from the forcing data !Config If = [-] !Config Def = -90, 90 !Config Help = This function allows to zoom into the forcing data !Config Units = [degrees north] !- CALL getin('SOUTH_NORTH', zoom_lat) ENDIF !- debug_lev=1 CALL getin('BAVARD', debug_lev) IF ( debug_lev .EQ. 4 ) THEN freq_diag=1 ELSE IF ( debug_lev .EQ. 3 ) THEN freq_diag=10 ELSE IF ( debug_lev .EQ. 2 ) THEN freq_diag=24 ELSE freq_diag=96 ENDIF ! xios_driver_ok=.TRUE. WRITE(w_unit,*) 'Using XIOS :', xios_driver_ok !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- We go into the mode which initialises the grid of the forcing file and writes it !- for future usage by the driver and ORCHIDEE. !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- IF ( initmode ) THEN WRITE(w_unit,*) 'Forcing files : ', forfilename(:) WRITE(w_unit,*) 'Grid files : ', gridfilename nb_forcefile = 0 DO ik=1,100 IF ( INDEX(forfilename(ik), '.nc') > 0 ) nb_forcefile = nb_forcefile+1 ENDDO ! ! This mode of driver2oasis is monoproc and thus we need to force is_root_prc ! is_root_prc = .TRUE. ! CALL globgrd_getdomsz("NONE", iim_glo, jjm_glo, nbindex_g, model_guess, file_id, forfilename, zoom_lon, zoom_lat) ! CALL forcing_getglogrid(nb_forcefile, forfilename, iim_glo, jjm_glo, nbindex_g, .TRUE.) CALL forcing_zoomgrid(zoom_lon, zoom_lat, forfilename(1), model_guess, .TRUE.) CALL globgrd_writegrid(gridfilename) STOP "Grid file sucessfully generated" ENDIF !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- This mode will read the grid file and the forcing file and produce the !- data to be handed over to OASIS. !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Define MPI communicator and set-up OASIS !- CALL oasis_init_comp(comp_id, comp_name, ierror) CALL oasis_get_localcomm(TMP_COMM, ierror) ! IF ( xios_driver_ok ) THEN CALL xios_initialize(id,local_comm=TMP_COMM, return_comm=LOCAL_OASIS_COMM) ELSE LOCAL_OASIS_COMM = TMP_COMM ENDIF ! CALL Init_orchidee_para(LOCAL_OASIS_COMM, .FALSE.) !- !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Get the grid associated to the forcing file ... it should be generated by !- this code with a special option before the OASIS coupled case is run. !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- IF ( timemeasure ) THEN CALL init_timer CALL start_timer(timer_global) ENDIF ! CALL globgrd_getdomsz(gridfilename, iim_glo, jjm_glo, nbindex_g, model_guess, file_id) !- !- Allocation of memory !- variables over the entire grid (thus in x,y) ALLOCATE(lon_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo)) ALLOCATE(lat_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo)) ALLOCATE(mask_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo)) ALLOCATE(area_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo)) ALLOCATE(corners_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo, 4, 2)) ! ! Gathered variables ALLOCATE(kindex_g(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(contfrac(nbindex_g)) !- !- !- CALL globgrd_getgrid(file_id, iim_glo, jjm_glo, nbindex_g, model_guess, & & lon_glo, lat_glo, mask_glo, area_glo, corners_glo,& & kindex_g, contfrac, calendar) !- !- Set the calendar and get some information !- CALL ioconf_calendar(calendar) CALL ioget_calendar(one_year, one_day) !- !- lalo needs to be created before going into the parallel region !- ALLOCATE(lalo(nbindex_g,2)) DO ik=1,nbindex_g ! j = ((kindex_g(ik)-1)/iim_glo)+1 i = (kindex_g(ik)-(j-1)*iim_glo) ! IF ( i > iim_glo .OR. j > jjm_glo ) THEN WRITE(w_unit,*) "Error in the indexing (ik, kindex_g, i, j) : ", ik, kindex_g(ik), i, j STOP "ERROR in driver2oasis" ENDIF ! lalo(ik,1) = lat_glo(i,j) lalo(ik,2) = lon_glo(i,j) ! ENDDO ! WRITE(w_unit,*) "Rank", mpi_rank, " Before opening forcingfile. All land points : ", nbindex_g WRITE(w_unit,*) "Rank", mpi_rank, " from ", iim_glo, " point in Lon. and ", jjm_glo, "in Lat." ! ! Set-up the paralelisation so that all gather and scatters work properly on this monoproc task. ! CALL grid_set_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo, nbindex_g) CALL grid_allocate_glo(4) CALL bcast(nbindex_g) CALL bcast(kindex_g) ! WRITE(numout,*) "Rank", mpi_rank, "Into Init_orchidee_data_para_driver with ", nbindex_g,index_g(1) ! CALL Init_orchidee_data_para_driver(nbindex_g,kindex_g) CALL init_ioipsl_para !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Open the forcing file and get the time information. !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- ! Add w_unit as last arguments in order to get some print_out from the forcing_open routine. ! CALL forcing_open(forfilename, iim_glo, jjm_glo, lon_glo, lat_glo, nbindex_g, zoom_lon, zoom_lat, & & kindex_g, nbindex_g, w_unit, model_guess) CALL forcing_integration_time(date_start, dt, nbdt) ! ! ALLOCATE(zlev_tq(nbindex_g), zlev_uv(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(u(nbindex_g), v(nbindex_g), pb(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(temp_air(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(qair(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(ccanopy(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(cdrag(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(precip_rain(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(precip_snow(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(swdown(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(swnet(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(lwdown(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(solarang(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(vevapp(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(fluxsens(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(fluxlat(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(coastalflow(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(riverflow(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(netco2(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(carblu(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(tsol_rad(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(temp_sol_new(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(qsurf(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(albedo(nbindex_g,2)) ALLOCATE(emis(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(z0m(nbindex_g)) ALLOCATE(z0h(nbindex_g)) ! !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- OASIS Diagnostics !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- ! Unit for output messages : one file for each process !- CALL MPI_Comm_Size (LOCAL_OASIS_COMM, loc_size, ierror ) CALL MPI_Comm_Size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, glo_size, ierror ) IF (ierror /= 0) THEN WRITE(w_unit,*) 'MPI_comm_size abort by model1 compid ',comp_id ENDIF CALL MPI_Comm_Rank (LOCAL_OASIS_COMM, loc_rank, ierror ) CALL MPI_Comm_Rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, glo_rank, ierror ) IF (ierror /= 0) THEN WRITE(0,*) 'MPI_Comm_Rank abort by orchidee comp_id ',comp_id ENDIF ! WRITE (w_unit,*) '-----------------------------------------------------------' WRITE (w_unit,*) TRIM(comp_name), ' Running with reals compiled as kind =',r_std WRITE (w_unit,*) 'I am component ', TRIM(comp_name), ' Local rank :',loc_rank, & & " Global rank : ", glo_rank WRITE (w_unit,*) '----------------------------------------------------------' ! ! WRITE (w_unit,*) 'DD I am the ', TRIM(comp_name), 'local rank', loc_rank, " with ", iim_glo*jjm_glo, "points." WRITE (w_unit,*) 'DD Local number of processors :', loc_size, " Global value :", glo_size WRITE (w_unit,*) 'DD Local MPI communicator is :', LOCAL_OASIS_COMM, MPI_COMM_WORLD !- !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Send the grid to OASIS ... only on the root processor !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- IF (loc_rank == 0) THEN ! ! TOCOMPLETE - Put here OASIS grid, corner, areas and mask writing calls ! ! drv_gridname = "DRIV" ! CALL oasis_start_grids_writing(flag) ! CALL oasis_write_grid(drv_gridname, iim_glo, jjm_glo, lon_glo, lat_glo) ! ALLOCATE(corners_lon(iim_glo, jjm_glo, 4), corners_lat(iim_glo, jjm_glo, 4)) corners_lon(:,:,:) = corners_glo(:,:,:,1) corners_lat(:,:,:) = corners_glo(:,:,:,2) CALL oasis_write_corner(drv_gridname, iim_glo, jjm_glo, 4, corners_lon, corners_lat) DEALLOCATE(corners_lon, corners_lat) ! ALLOCATE(maskinv_glo(iim_glo, jjm_glo)) DO i=1,iim_glo DO j=1,jjm_glo IF (mask_glo(i,j) == 0) THEN maskinv_glo(i,j) = 1 ELSE maskinv_glo(i,j) = 0 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO CALL oasis_write_mask(drv_gridname, iim_glo, jjm_glo, maskinv_glo) ! CALL oasis_write_area(drv_gridname, iim_glo, jjm_glo, area_glo) ! CALL oasis_terminate_grids_writing() ENDIF ! !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Declare the variables !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- ig_paral(1) = 0 ig_paral(2) = 0 ig_paral(3) = nbindex_g CALL oasis_def_partition (il_part_id, ig_paral, ierror) var_nodims(1) = 1 var_nodims(2) = 1 var_shape(1) = 1 var_shape(1) = nbindex_g ! ! Variables SENT to ORCHIDEE ! ========================== ! ! Define levels ! varname="ZLTQDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(zlevtq_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) varname="ZLUVDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(zlevuv_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! ! Define scalar atmospheric variables ! varname="TAIRDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(tair_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) varname="QAIRDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(qair_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! ! Define precipitation variables ! varname="RAINDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(rainf_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) varname="SNOWDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(snowf_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! ! Define radiation variables ! varname="SWNEDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(swnet_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) varname="LWDODRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(lwdown_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) varname="SOLADRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(solarang_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! ! Finaly pressure and wind ! varname="UWINDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(u_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) varname="VWINDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(v_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) varname="PRESDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(ps_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) varname="DRAGDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(cdrag_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_Out, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! ! ! Variables RECEIVED from ORCHIDEE ! ================================ ! ! ! Turbulent fluxes ! varname="EVAPDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(vevapp_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="SENSDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(fluxsens_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="LATEDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(fluxlat_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! ! Discharge to the oceans ! varname="COASDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(coastal_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="RIVEDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(river_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! ! Carbon fluxes ! varname="NECODRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(netco2_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="LUCODRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(carblu_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! ! Surface states ! varname="TRADDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(tsolrad_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="TNEWDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(tsolnew_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="QSURDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(qsurf_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="ANIRDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(albnir_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="AVISDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(albvis_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="EMISDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(emis_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="Z0MODRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(z0m_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! varname="Z0HEDRIV" CALL oasis_def_var(z0h_id, varname, il_part_id, var_nodims, OASIS_In, var_shape, OASIS_Real, ierror) ! CALL oasis_enddef (ierror) !- WRITE(w_unit,*) 'OASIS Vars declared' ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Set-up XIOS !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF ( xios_driver_ok ) THEN CALL xios_context_initialize("driver2oasis", LOCAL_OASIS_COMM) CALL xios_get_handle("driver2oasis",ctx_hdl) CALL xios_set_current_context(ctx_hdl) ! CALL ju2ymds(date_start, yeardr, monthdr, daydr, secdr) ! dtime_xios%second=dt IF (INDEX(calendar, 'gregor') > 0 .OR. INDEX(calendar, 'Gregor') > 0 .OR. & & calendar == 'standard') THEN calXIOS = 'gregorian' ELSE IF (calendar == 'noleap') THEN calXIOS = 'noleap' ELSE IF (calendar == '360d') THEN calXIOS = 'd360' END IF CALL xios_define_calendar(type=calXIOS, start_date=xios_date(yeardr,monthdr,daydr,0,0,0), & time_origin=xios_date(yeardr,monthdr,daydr,0,0,0), timestep=dtime_xios) CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_landpoints", ni_glo=iim_glo, nj_glo=jjm_glo, type="curvilinear") CALL xios_set_domain_attr("domain_landpoints",lonvalue_2d=lon_glo,latvalue_2d=lat_glo) CALL xios_close_context_definition() ENDIF WRITE(w_unit,*) 'XIOS Closed Context' ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Get a first set of forcing data !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- timestep_interval(1) = date_start timestep_interval(2) = date_start + (dt/one_day) CALL forcing_getvalues(timestep_interval, dt, zlev_tq, zlev_uv, temp_air, qair, & & precip_rain, precip_snow, swdown, lwdown, solarang, u, v, pb) ! An atmsopheric model will provide this information. If zero ORCHIDEE will compute it. cdrag(:) = 0.0 ! Transform the swdown into a swnet albedo(:,:)=0.13 swnet(:) = (1.-(albedo(:,1)+albedo(:,2))/2.)*swdown(:) !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Go into the time loop !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- IF ( timemeasure ) THEN WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> CPU Time for start-up of driver : ',Get_cpu_Time(timer_global) WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Real Time for start-up of driver : ',Get_real_Time(timer_global) CALL stop_timer(timer_global) CALL start_timer(timer_global) ENDIF !- DO itau = 0,nbdt-1 ! timestep_interval(1) = date_start + itau*(dt/one_day) timestep_interval(2) = date_start + (itau+1)*(dt/one_day) julian = date_start + (itau+0.5)*(dt/one_day) ! CALL xios_set_current_context(ctx_hdl) CALL xios_update_calendar(itau+1) ! ! Write some diagnostics to look at the shape of the maps ! IF ( itau == 0 ) THEN CALL globgrd_writevar(iim_glo, jjm_glo, lon_glo, lat_glo, & & nbindex_g, lalo, temp_air, "TAIR", "") ENDIF ! ! Put first the height of the atmospheric levels ! CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), zlev_tq, "TQ height") CALL oasis_put(zlevtq_id, NINT(itau*dt), zlev_tq, oasis_info) CALL oasis_put(zlevuv_id, NINT(itau*dt), zlev_uv, oasis_info) ! ! CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), temp_air, "Air temperature") CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), qair, "Air humidity") ! CALL oasis_put(tair_id, NINT(itau*dt), temp_air, oasis_info) CALL oasis_put(qair_id, NINT(itau*dt), qair, oasis_info) ! ! Precipitation fluxes ! CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), precip_rain*one_day, "Rainfall") CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), precip_snow*one_day, "Snowfall") CALL oasis_put(rainf_id, NINT(itau*dt), precip_rain, oasis_info) CALL oasis_put(snowf_id, NINT(itau*dt), precip_snow, oasis_info) ! ! Radiation fluxes ! CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), swnet, "Net solar") CALL oasis_put(swnet_id, NINT(itau*dt), swnet, oasis_info) CALL oasis_put(lwdown_id, NINT(itau*dt), lwdown, oasis_info) CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), lwdown, "Downward Longwave") CALL oasis_put(solarang_id, NINT(itau*dt), solarang, oasis_info) ! ! Dynamical fields ! CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), u, "East-ward wind") CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), pb, "Surface Pressure") CALL oasis_put(u_id, NINT(itau*dt), u, oasis_info) CALL oasis_put(v_id, NINT(itau*dt), v, oasis_info) CALL oasis_put(ps_id, NINT(itau*dt), pb, oasis_info) CALL oasis_put(cdrag_id, NINT(itau*dt), cdrag, oasis_info) ! IF ( timemeasure ) THEN waitput_cputime = waitput_cputime + Get_cpu_Time(timer_global) waitput_walltime = waitput_walltime + Get_real_Time(timer_global) CALL stop_timer(timer_global) CALL start_timer(timer_global) ENDIF ! ! Get the forcing data for the next time step before we go into the blocking gets ! IF ( itau < (nbdt-1) ) THEN timestep_int_next(1) = date_start + (itau+1)*(dt/one_day) timestep_int_next(2) = date_start + (itau+2)*(dt/one_day) CALL forcing_getvalues(timestep_int_next, dt, zlev_tq, zlev_uv, temp_air, qair, & & precip_rain, precip_snow, swdown, lwdown, solarang, u, v, pb) ! An atmsopheric model will provide this information. If zero ORCHIDEE will compute it. cdrag(:) = 0.0 ! Compute swnet with the albedo computed in the previous call to ORCHIDEE swnet(:) = (1.-(albedo(:,1)+albedo(:,2))/2.)*swdown(:) ! ENDIF ! ! Timing of computations for next forcing data ! IF ( timemeasure ) THEN preparation_cputime = preparation_cputime + Get_cpu_Time(timer_global) preparation_walltime = preparation_walltime + Get_real_Time(timer_global) CALL stop_timer(timer_global) CALL start_timer(timer_global) ENDIF ! ! Go into the blocking gets from OASIS ! CALL oasis_get(vevapp_id, NINT((itau)*dt), vevapp, oasis_info) CALL oasis_get(fluxsens_id, NINT((itau)*dt), fluxsens, oasis_info) CALL oasis_get(fluxlat_id, NINT((itau)*dt), fluxlat, oasis_info) ! CALL oasis_get(coastal_id, NINT((itau)*dt), coastalflow, oasis_info) CALL oasis_get(river_id, NINT((itau)*dt), riverflow, oasis_info) ! CALL oasis_get(netco2_id, NINT((itau)*dt), netco2, oasis_info) CALL oasis_get(carblu_id, NINT((itau)*dt), carblu, oasis_info) ! CALL oasis_get(tsolrad_id, NINT((itau)*dt), tsol_rad, oasis_info) CALL oasis_get(tsolnew_id, NINT((itau)*dt), temp_sol_new, oasis_info) CALL oasis_get(qsurf_id, NINT((itau)*dt), qsurf, oasis_info) ! CALL oasis_get(albvis_id, NINT((itau)*dt), albedo(:,1), oasis_info) CALL oasis_get(albnir_id, NINT((itau)*dt), albedo(:,2), oasis_info) CALL oasis_get(emis_id, NINT((itau)*dt), emis, oasis_info) CALL oasis_get(z0m_id, NINT((itau)*dt), z0m, oasis_info) CALL oasis_get(z0h_id, NINT((itau)*dt), z0h, oasis_info) CALL forcing_printpoint(julian, testpt(1), testpt(2), vevapp, "Recived evap") ! ! Timing of waits ! IF ( timemeasure ) THEN waitget_cputime = waitget_cputime + Get_cpu_Time(timer_global) waitget_walltime = waitget_walltime + Get_real_Time(timer_global) CALL stop_timer(timer_global) CALL start_timer(timer_global) ENDIF ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Some dianostics !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF ( MOD(itau, freq_diag) == 0 ) THEN ! CALL forcing_printdate(timestep_interval(1), "Diagnostics START", w_unit) ! WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(temp_sol_new), " << TEMP_SOL_NEW << ", MAXVAL(temp_sol_new) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(vevapp), " << VEVAPP << ", MAXVAL(vevapp) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(fluxsens), " << FLUXSENS << ", MAXVAL(fluxsens) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(fluxlat), " << FLUXLAT << ", MAXVAL(fluxlat) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(coastalflow), " << COASTALFLOW << ", MAXVAL(coastalflow) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(riverflow), " << RIVERFLOW << ", MAXVAL(riverflow) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(netco2), " << NETCO2 << ", MAXVAL(netco2) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(carblu), " << CARBLU << ", MAXVAL(carblu) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(tsol_rad), " << TSOL_RAD, << ", MAXVAL(tsol_rad) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(temp_sol_new), " << TEMP_SOL_NEW << ", MAXVAL(temp_sol_new) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(qsurf), " << QSURF << ", MAXVAL(qsurf) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(albedo(:,1)), " << ALBEDO VIS << ", MAXVAL(albedo(:,1)) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(albedo(:,2)), " << ALBEDO NIR << ", MAXVAL(albedo(:,2)) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(emis), " << EMIS << ", MAXVAL(emis) WRITE(w_unit,*) MINVAL(z0m), " << Z0M << ", MAXVAL(z0m) ! CALL forcing_printdate(timestep_interval(2), "Diagnostics END", w_unit) ! ENDIF ! ENDDO !- !- !- IF ( timemeasure ) THEN WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total CPU Time waiting for put to ORCH : ',waitput_cputime WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total Real Time waiting for put to ORCH : ',waitput_walltime WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total CPU Time for preparing forcing : ', preparation_cputime WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total Real Time for preparing forcing : ', preparation_walltime WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total CPU Time waiting for get from ORCH : ',waitget_cputime WRITE(w_unit,*) '------> Total Real Time waiting for get from ORCH : ',waitget_walltime CALL stop_timer(timer_global) ENDIF !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- !- Close OASIS and MPI !- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !- CALL forcing_close() WRITE(w_unit,*) "Closed forcing" !- IF ( xios_driver_ok ) THEN CALL xios_context_finalize() CALL xios_finalize() WRITE(w_unit,*) "XIOS finalized" CALL oasis_terminate(ierror) ELSE CALL oasis_terminate(ierror) ENDIF WRITE(w_unit,*) "OASIS closed" !- CLOSE(UNIT=w_unit) !- END PROGRAM driver2oasis