1 | MODULE interregxy |
2 | |
3 | ! Modules used : |
4 | |
5 | USE constantes |
6 | USE mod_orchidee_para |
7 | USE grid |
8 | USE module_llxy |
9 | USE polygones |
10 | |
12 | |
13 | PRIVATE |
14 | PUBLIC interregxy_aggr2d, interregxy_aggrve |
15 | |
17 | |
18 | SUBROUTINE interregxy_aggr2d(nbpt, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, & |
19 | & iml, jml, lon_rel, lat_rel, mask, callsign, & |
20 | & incmax, indinc, areaoverlap, ok) |
21 | ! |
22 | ! INPUT |
23 | ! |
24 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbpt ! Number of points for which the data needs to be interpolated |
25 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: lalo(nbpt,2) ! Vector of latitude and longitudes (beware of the order !) |
26 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: neighbours(nbpt,NbNeighb)! Vector of neighbours for each grid point (1=N, 2=E, 3=S, 4=W) |
27 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: resolution(nbpt,2) ! The size in km of each grid-box in X and Y |
28 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: contfrac(nbpt) ! Fraction of land in each grid box. |
29 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: iml, jml ! Size of the source grid |
30 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: lon_rel(iml, jml) ! Longitudes for the source grid |
31 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: lat_rel(iml, jml) ! Latitudes for the souce grid |
32 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: mask(iml, jml) ! Mask which retains only the significative points |
33 | ! of the source grid. |
34 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: callsign ! Allows to specify which variable is beeing treated |
35 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: incmax ! Maximum point of the source grid we can store. |
36 | ! |
37 | ! Output |
38 | ! |
39 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: indinc(nbpt,incmax,2) |
40 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(out) :: areaoverlap(nbpt,incmax) |
41 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(out) :: ok ! return code |
42 | ! |
43 | ! Local Variables |
44 | ! |
45 | ! The number of sub-division we wish to have on each side of the rectangle. |
46 | ! sbd=1 means that on each side we take only the middle point. |
47 | ! |
48 | INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: sbd=5 |
49 | INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: idom=1 |
50 | ! |
51 | INTEGER(i_std) :: i, is, js, in |
52 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ilow, iup, jlow, jup |
53 | REAL(r_std) :: dle, dlw, dls, dln |
54 | ! |
55 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION((sbd+1)*4+1) :: lons, lats, ri, rj |
56 | ! |
57 | INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: nbov |
58 | INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: sourcei, sourcej |
59 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: overlap |
60 | LOGICAL :: checkprint=.FALSE. |
61 | ! |
62 | ! |
63 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: BBlon, BBlat |
64 | ! |
65 | WRITE(*,*) "interregxy_aggr2d working on ", callsign |
66 | ! |
67 | ALLOCATE(sourcei(iim_g, jjm_g, incmax)) |
68 | ALLOCATE(sourcej(iim_g, jjm_g, incmax)) |
69 | ALLOCATE(nbov(iim_g, jjm_g)) |
70 | ALLOCATE(overlap(iim_g, jjm_g, incmax)) |
71 | nbov(:,:) = 0 |
72 | ! |
73 | BBlon(1) = MINVAL(lalo(:,2)) |
74 | BBlon(2) = MAXVAL(lalo(:,2)) |
75 | BBlat(1) = MINVAL(lalo(:,1)) |
76 | BBlat(2) = MAXVAL(lalo(:,1)) |
77 | ! |
78 | ! Go through the entire source grid and try to place each grid box in a target grid box. |
79 | ! |
80 | DO is=1,iml |
81 | DO js=1,jml |
82 | ! |
83 | IF ( mask(is,js) == 1 ) THEN |
84 | ! |
85 | ! 1.0 Get the center of the box and their corresponding grid point |
86 | ! |
87 | lons(1) = lon_rel(is,js) |
88 | lats(1) = lat_rel(is,js) |
89 | ! |
90 | ! Assume all grids go from West to Est |
91 | dle=(lon_rel(MIN(is+1,iml),js)-lon_rel(is,js))/2.0 |
92 | dlw=(lon_rel(is,js)-lon_rel(MAX(is-1,1),js))/2.0 |
93 | ! |
94 | IF ( lat_rel(1,1) < lat_rel(iml,jml)) THEN |
95 | ! Grid in SN direction |
96 | dls=(lat_rel(is,js)-lat_rel(is,MAX(js-1,1)))/2.0 |
97 | dln=(lat_rel(is,MIN(js+1,jml))-lat_rel(is,js))/2.0 |
98 | ELSE |
99 | dls=(lat_rel(is,js)-lat_rel(is,MIN(js+1,jml)))/2.0 |
100 | dln=(lat_rel(is,MAX(js-1,1))-lat_rel(is,js))/2.0 |
101 | ENDIF |
102 | ! Treat the border cases |
103 | IF ( dlw < dle/2. ) dlw = dle |
104 | IF ( dle < dlw/2. ) dle = dlw |
105 | ! |
106 | IF ( dls < dln/2. ) dls = dln |
107 | IF ( dln < dls/2. ) dln = dls |
108 | ! |
109 | DO i=0,sbd |
110 | ! Put the points in the order : SW, SE, NE, NW |
111 | lons(2+i) = lons(1) - dlw + i*((dlw+dle)/FLOAT(sbd+1)) |
112 | lats(2+i) = lats(1) - dls |
113 | ! |
114 | lons(2+(sbd+1)+i) = lons(1) + dle |
115 | lats(2+(sbd+1)+i) = lats(1) - dls + i*((dls+dln)/FLOAT(sbd+1)) |
116 | ! |
117 | lons(2+2*(sbd+1)+i) = lons(1) + dle - i*((dlw+dle)/FLOAT(sbd+1)) |
118 | lats(2+2*(sbd+1)+i) = lats(1) + dln |
119 | ! |
120 | lons(2+3*(sbd+1)+i) = lons(1) - dlw |
121 | lats(2+3*(sbd+1)+i) = lats(1) + dln - i*((dls+dln)/FLOAT(sbd+1)) |
122 | ENDDO |
123 | ! |
124 | ! Test that the polygone overlaps with the Bounding box. We might have projections |
125 | ! which are not valid outside of the RCM domain. |
126 | ! |
127 | IF ( ((MINVAL(lons) > BBlon(1) .AND. MINVAL(lons) < BBlon(2)) .OR. & |
128 | & (MAXVAL(lons) > BBlon(1) .AND. MAXVAL(lons) < BBlon(2))) .AND. & |
129 | & ((MINVAL(lats) > BBlat(1) .AND. MINVAL(lats) < BBlat(2)) .OR. & |
130 | & (MAXVAL(lats) > BBlat(1) .AND. MAXVAL(lats) < BBlat(2)))) THEN |
131 | ! |
132 | ! |
133 | CALL Grid_Toij (lons, lats, ri, rj) |
134 | ! |
135 | ! |
136 | ! Find the points of the WRF grid boxes we need to scan to place this box (is, js) |
137 | ! of the source grid. |
138 | ! |
139 | ilow = MAX(FLOOR(MINVAL(ri)),1) |
140 | iup = MIN(CEILING(MAXVAL(ri)), iim_g) |
141 | jlow = MAX(FLOOR(MINVAL(rj)),1) |
142 | jup = MIN(CEILING(MAXVAL(rj)), jjm_g) |
143 | ! |
144 | ! |
145 | IF ( ilow < iup .OR. jlow < jup ) THEN |
146 | ! |
147 | ! Find the grid boxes in WRF and compute the overlap area. |
148 | ! |
149 | CALL interregxy_findpoints(iim_g, jjm_g, lon_rel(is,js), lon_rel(is,js), is, js, ri, rj, incmax, & |
150 | & checkprint, nbov, sourcei, sourcej, overlap) |
151 | |
152 | ENDIF |
153 | ! |
154 | ! |
155 | ENDIF |
156 | ENDIF |
157 | ENDDO |
158 | ENDDO |
159 | ! |
160 | ! Gather the land points from the global grid |
161 | ! |
162 | areaoverlap(:,:) = zero |
163 | DO in=1,nbpt |
164 | ! |
165 | is = ilandindex(in) |
166 | js = jlandindex(in) |
167 | ! |
168 | indinc(in,1:nbov(is,js),1) = sourcei(is,js,1:nbov(is,js)) |
169 | indinc(in,1:nbov(is,js),2) = sourcej(is,js,1:nbov(is,js)) |
170 | areaoverlap(in,1:nbov(is,js)) = overlap(is,js,1:nbov(is,js)) |
171 | ENDDO |
172 | ! |
173 | ! The model will stop if incmax is not sufficient. So if we are here all is OK. |
174 | ! |
175 | ok=.TRUE. |
176 | ! |
177 | END SUBROUTINE interregxy_aggr2d |
178 | ! |
179 | ! =================================================================================== |
180 | ! |
181 | SUBROUTINE interregxy_aggrve(nbpt, lalo, neighbours, resolution, contfrac, & |
182 | & iml, lon_rel, lat_rel, resol_lon, resol_lat, callsign, & |
183 | & incmax, indinc, areaoverlap, ok) |
184 | ! |
185 | ! INPUT |
186 | ! |
187 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbpt ! Number of points for which the data needs to be interpolated |
188 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: lalo(nbpt,2) ! Vector of latitude and longitudes (beware of the order !) |
189 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: neighbours(nbpt,NbNeighb) ! Vector of neighbours for each grid point (1=N, 2=E, 3=S, 4=W) |
190 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: resolution(nbpt,2) ! The size in km of each grid-box in X and Y |
191 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: contfrac(nbpt) ! Fraction of land in each grid box. |
192 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: iml ! Size of the source grid |
193 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: lon_rel(iml) ! Longitudes for the source grid |
194 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: lat_rel(iml) ! Latitudes for the source grid |
195 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: resol_lon, resol_lat ! Resolution in meters of the source grid |
196 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: callsign ! Allows to specify which variable is beeing treated |
197 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: incmax ! Maximum point of the source grid we can store. |
198 | ! |
199 | ! Output |
200 | ! |
201 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: indinc(nbpt,incmax) |
202 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(out) :: areaoverlap(nbpt,incmax) |
203 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(out) :: ok ! return code |
204 | ! |
205 | ! |
206 | ! Local Variables |
207 | ! |
208 | ! The number of sub-division we wish to have on each side of the rectangle. |
209 | ! sbd=1 means that on each side we take only the middle point. |
210 | ! |
211 | INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: sbd=5 |
212 | INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: idom=1 |
213 | ! |
214 | INTEGER(i_std) :: i, is, js, in |
215 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ilow, iup, jlow, jup |
216 | REAL(r_std) :: dle, dlw, dls, dln, coslat |
217 | ! |
218 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION((sbd+1)*4+1) :: lons, lats, ri, rj |
219 | ! |
220 | INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: nbov |
221 | INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: sourcei, sourcej |
222 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: overlap |
223 | ! |
224 | ! |
225 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(2) :: BBlon, BBlat |
226 | REAL(r_std) :: half_resol_lon, half_resol_lat, trtmp |
227 | LOGICAL :: checkprint=.FALSE. |
228 | ! |
229 | WRITE(*,*) "interregxy_aggrve working on ", callsign |
230 | ! |
231 | ALLOCATE(sourcei(iim_g, jjm_g, incmax)) |
232 | ALLOCATE(sourcej(iim_g, jjm_g, incmax)) |
233 | ALLOCATE(nbov(iim_g, jjm_g)) |
234 | ALLOCATE(overlap(iim_g, jjm_g, incmax)) |
235 | nbov(:,:) = 0 |
236 | ! |
237 | BBlon(1) = MINVAL(lalo(:,2)) |
238 | BBlon(2) = MAXVAL(lalo(:,2)) |
239 | BBlat(1) = MINVAL(lalo(:,1)) |
240 | BBlat(2) = MAXVAL(lalo(:,1)) |
241 | ! |
242 | ! Go through the entire source grid and try to place each grid box in a target grid box. |
243 | ! |
244 | DO is=1,iml |
245 | ! |
246 | ! 1.0 Get the center of the box and their corresponding grid point |
247 | ! |
248 | lons(1) = lon_rel(is) |
249 | lats(1) = lat_rel(is) |
250 | ! Some pre-calculations |
251 | trtmp = 180./(2.*pi) |
252 | half_resol_lon = resol_lon/2.0 |
253 | half_resol_lat = resol_lat/2.0 |
254 | ! |
255 | dln = half_resol_lat*trtmp/R_Earth |
256 | dls = half_resol_lat*trtmp/R_Earth |
257 | ! |
258 | DO i=0,sbd |
259 | ! Put the points in the order : SW, SE, NE, NW |
260 | lats(2+i) = lats(1) - dls |
261 | coslat = COS( lats(2+i) * pi/180. ) |
262 | dlw = half_resol_lon*trtmp/R_Earth/coslat |
263 | lons(2+i) = lons(1) - dlw + i*((2.*dlw)/FLOAT(sbd+1)) |
264 | ! |
265 | lats(2+(sbd+1)+i) = lats(1) - dls + i*((dls+dln)/FLOAT(sbd+1)) |
266 | coslat = COS( lats(2+(sbd+1)+i) * pi/180. ) |
267 | dle = half_resol_lon*trtmp/R_Earth/coslat |
268 | lons(2+(sbd+1)+i) = lons(1) + dle |
269 | ! |
270 | lats(2+2*(sbd+1)+i) = lats(1) + dln |
271 | coslat = COS( lats(2+2*(sbd+1)+i) * pi/180. ) |
272 | dle = half_resol_lon*trtmp/R_Earth/coslat |
273 | lons(2+2*(sbd+1)+i) = lons(1) + dle - i*((2*dle)/FLOAT(sbd+1)) |
274 | ! |
275 | lats(2+3*(sbd+1)+i) = lats(1) + dln - i*((dls+dln)/FLOAT(sbd+1)) |
276 | coslat = COS( lats(2+3*(sbd+1)+i) * pi/180. ) |
277 | dlw = half_resol_lon*trtmp/R_Earth/coslat |
278 | lons(2+3*(sbd+1)+i) = lons(1) - dlw |
279 | ENDDO |
280 | ! |
281 | ! Test that the polygone overlaps with the Bounding box. We might have projections |
282 | ! which are not valid outside of the RCM domain. |
283 | ! |
284 | IF ( ((MINVAL(lons) > BBlon(1) .AND. MINVAL(lons) < BBlon(2)) .OR. & |
285 | & (MAXVAL(lons) > BBlon(1) .AND. MAXVAL(lons) < BBlon(2))) .AND. & |
286 | & ((MINVAL(lats) > BBlat(1) .AND. MINVAL(lats) < BBlat(2)) .OR. & |
287 | & (MAXVAL(lats) > BBlat(1) .AND. MAXVAL(lats) < BBlat(2)))) THEN |
288 | ! |
289 | CALL Grid_Toij (lons, lats, ri, rj) |
290 | ! |
291 | ! |
292 | ! Find the points of the WRF grid boxes we need to scan to place this box (is, js) |
293 | ! of the source grid. |
294 | ! |
295 | ilow = MAX(FLOOR(MINVAL(ri)),1) |
296 | iup = MIN(CEILING(MAXVAL(ri)), iim_g) |
297 | jlow = MAX(FLOOR(MINVAL(rj)),1) |
298 | jup = MIN(CEILING(MAXVAL(rj)), jjm_g) |
299 | ! |
300 | ! |
301 | IF ( ilow < iup .OR. jlow < jup ) THEN |
302 | ! |
303 | ! Find the grid boxes in WRF and compute the overlap area. |
304 | ! |
305 | CALL interregxy_findpoints(iim_g, jjm_g, lon_rel(is), lon_rel(is), is, 1, ri, rj, incmax, & |
306 | & checkprint, nbov, sourcei, sourcej, overlap) |
307 | |
308 | ENDIF |
309 | ! |
310 | ! |
311 | ENDIF |
312 | ENDDO |
313 | ! |
314 | ! Gather the land points from the global grid |
315 | ! |
316 | areaoverlap(:,:) = zero |
317 | DO in=1,nbpt |
318 | ! |
319 | is = ilandindex(in) |
320 | js = jlandindex(in) |
321 | ! |
322 | indinc(in,1:nbov(is,js)) = sourcei(is,js,1:nbov(is,js)) |
323 | areaoverlap(in,1:nbov(is,js)) = overlap(is,js,1:nbov(is,js)) |
324 | ENDDO |
325 | ! |
326 | ! The model will stop if incmax is not sufficient. So if we are here all is OK. |
327 | ! |
328 | ok=.TRUE. |
329 | ! |
330 | END SUBROUTINE interregxy_aggrve |
331 | ! |
332 | ! =================================================================================== |
333 | ! |
334 | SUBROUTINE interregxy_findpoints(nb_we, nb_sn, lon_cen, lat_cen, is, js, ri, rj, & |
335 | & nbpt_max, checkprint, nbpt, sourcei, sourcej, overlap_area) |
336 | ! |
337 | ! |
338 | ! This Subroutine finds the overlap of grid box ri,rj with the WRF grid. (ri,rj) are the WRF indexes of the (is,js) point |
339 | ! of the source grid. |
340 | ! Each time we find an overlap of (is,js) with a WRF grid box (ix,jx) we add that in the (sourcei,sourcej) fields. |
341 | ! |
342 | ! |
343 | ! Arguments |
344 | ! |
345 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nb_we, nb_sn |
346 | REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: lon_cen, lat_cen |
347 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: is, js |
348 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: ri, rj |
349 | INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbpt_max |
350 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: checkprint |
351 | INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: nbpt |
352 | INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(out) :: sourcei, sourcej |
353 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(out) :: overlap_area |
354 | ! |
355 | ! Local |
356 | ! |
357 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ilow, iup, jlow, jup, nbr |
358 | INTEGER(i_std) :: ix, jx, i |
359 | |
360 | INTEGER(i_std) :: nbint, nbcross, nbsorted, nbfinal, nbtmpa, nbtmpb |
361 | ! |
362 | INTEGER(i_std) :: nbdots=5, dimpoly = 200 |
363 | REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(4,2) :: poly_wrf |
364 | REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: poly_in, poly_tmpa, poly_tmpb, poly_int, poly_cross |
365 | ! |
366 | REAL(r_std) :: ax, ay, overlaparea |
367 | ! |
368 | INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: icheck=50, jcheck=46 |
369 | ! |
370 | ! |
371 | ! |
372 | nbr = SIZE(ri) |
373 | ! |
374 | IF ( dimpoly < 4*(nbr-1) ) THEN |
375 | dimpoly = 4*nbr |
376 | ENDIF |
377 | ! |
378 | ALLOCATE(poly_in(nbr-1,2)) |
379 | ALLOCATE(poly_tmpa(dimpoly,2)) |
380 | ALLOCATE(poly_tmpb(dimpoly,2)) |
381 | ALLOCATE(poly_int(dimpoly,2)) |
382 | ALLOCATE(poly_cross(dimpoly,2)) |
383 | ! |
384 | ! Scan all Determine the range of indicis of the WRF grid we need to scan |
385 | ! within the box of the source grid. |
386 | ! |
387 | ilow = MAX(FLOOR(MINVAL(ri)),1) |
388 | iup = MIN(CEILING(MAXVAL(ri)), nb_we) |
389 | jlow = MAX(FLOOR(MINVAL(rj)),1) |
390 | jup = MIN(CEILING(MAXVAL(rj)), nb_sn) |
391 | ! |
392 | ! |
393 | poly_wrf(:,1) = (/ -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5 /) |
394 | poly_wrf(:,2) = (/ -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5 /) |
395 | ! |
396 | DO ix = ilow,iup |
397 | DO jx = jlow,jup |
398 | ! |
399 | ! Bring the points of the source grid into the +-0.5 range of the WRF grid ... |
400 | ! and remove the center point. |
401 | ! |
402 | poly_in(1:nbr-1,1) = ri(2:nbr) - ix |
403 | poly_in(1:nbr-1,2) = rj(2:nbr) - jx |
404 | ! |
405 | IF ( checkprint .AND. ix == icheck .AND. jx == jcheck ) THEN |
406 | WRITE(*,*) "X = ", poly_in(1:nbr-1,1) |
407 | WRITE(*,*) "Y = ", poly_in(1:nbr-1,2) |
408 | ENDIF |
409 | ! |
410 | CALL polygones_extend(nbr-1, poly_in, nbdots, nbtmpa, poly_tmpa) |
411 | CALL polygones_extend(4, poly_wrf, nbdots, nbtmpb, poly_tmpb) |
412 | ! |
413 | IF ( checkprint .AND. ix == icheck .AND. jx == jcheck ) THEN |
414 | WRITE(*,*) "X_extend = ", poly_tmpa(1:nbtmpa,1) |
415 | WRITE(*,*) "Y_extend = ", poly_tmpa(1:nbtmpa,2) |
416 | ENDIF |
417 | ! |
418 | CALL polygones_intersection(nbtmpa, poly_tmpa, nbtmpb, poly_tmpb, nbint, poly_int) |
419 | CALL polygones_crossing(nbr-1, poly_in, 4, poly_wrf, nbcross, poly_cross) |
420 | ! |
421 | IF ( checkprint .AND. ix == icheck .AND. jx == jcheck ) THEN |
422 | WRITE(*,*) "nbint = nbcross = ", nbint, nbcross |
423 | ENDIF |
424 | ! |
425 | IF ( nbint+nbcross > dimpoly ) THEN |
426 | WRITE(*,*) "The intersection of polygones is larger than the memory foressen : ", nbint+nbcross, dimpoly |
427 | STOP "interregxy_compoverlap" |
428 | ENDIF |
429 | ! |
430 | ! |
431 | IF ( nbint+nbcross > 2 ) THEN |
432 | |
433 | poly_tmpa(1:nbint,:) = poly_int(1:nbint,:) |
434 | poly_tmpa(nbint+1:nbint+nbcross,:) = poly_cross(1:nbcross,:) |
435 | |
436 | IF ( checkprint .AND. ix == icheck .AND. jx == jcheck ) THEN |
437 | WRITE(*,*) "X_overlap = ", poly_tmpa(1:(nbint+nbcross),1) |
438 | WRITE(*,*) "Y_overlap = ", poly_tmpa(1:(nbint+nbcross),2) |
439 | ENDIF |
440 | |
441 | CALL polygones_cleanup(nbint+nbcross, poly_tmpa, nbfinal, poly_tmpb) |
442 | IF ( nbint+nbcross < 3 ) THEN |
443 | WRITE(*,*) "poly_tmpa X : ", poly_tmpa(1:(nbint+nbcross),1) |
444 | WRITE(*,*) "poly_tmpa Y : ", poly_tmpa(1:(nbint+nbcross),2) |
445 | WRITE(*,*) "Cleaning goes too far : ", nbint+nbcross, " to ", nbfinal |
446 | WRITE(*,*) "poly_tmpb X : ", poly_tmpb(1:nbfinal,1) |
447 | WRITE(*,*) "poly_tmpb Y : ", poly_tmpb(1:nbfinal,2) |
448 | ENDIF |
449 | |
450 | IF ( checkprint .AND. ix == icheck .AND. jx == jcheck ) THEN |
451 | WRITE(*,*) "X_final = ", poly_tmpb(1:nbfinal,1) |
452 | WRITE(*,*) "Y_final = ", poly_tmpb(1:nbfinal,2) |
453 | ENDIF |
454 | IF ( nbfinal > 2 ) THEN |
455 | CALL polygones_convexhull(nbfinal, poly_tmpb, nbsorted, poly_tmpa) |
456 | IF ( checkprint .AND. ix == icheck .AND. jx == jcheck ) THEN |
457 | WRITE(*,*) "X_sorted = ", poly_tmpa(1:nbsorted,1) |
458 | WRITE(*,*) "Y_sorted = ", poly_tmpa(1:nbsorted,2) |
459 | ENDIF |
460 | CALL polygones_area(nbsorted, poly_tmpa, dxWRF(ix,jx), dyWRF(ix,jx), overlaparea) |
461 | ELSE |
462 | overlaparea = 0.0 |
463 | ENDIF |
464 | |
465 | IF ( checkprint .AND. ix == icheck .AND. jx == jcheck ) THEN |
466 | WRITE(*,*) ix, jx, "overlaparea = ", overlaparea |
467 | WRITE(*,*) "=============================================================================" |
468 | ENDIF |
469 | |
470 | IF ( overlaparea > 0.0 ) THEN |
471 | nbpt(ix,jx) = nbpt(ix,jx)+1 |
472 | IF ( nbpt(ix,jx) > nbpt_max ) THEN |
473 | WRITE(*,*) "ERROR in interregxy_findpoints. " |
474 | WRITE(*,*) "Consider your algorithm to estimate nbpt_max. " |
475 | WRITE(*,*) "You should change it as it does not give enough points." |
476 | WRITE(*,*) "nbpt(ix,jx) = ", nbpt(ix,jx) |
477 | WRITE(*,*) "nbpt_max = ", nbpt_max |
478 | STOP "interregxy_findpoints" |
479 | ENDIF |
480 | sourcei(ix,jx,nbpt(ix,jx)) = is |
481 | sourcej(ix,jx,nbpt(ix,jx)) = js |
482 | overlap_area(ix,jx,nbpt(ix,jx)) = overlaparea |
483 | ! |
484 | ENDIF |
485 | ENDIF |
486 | ENDDO |
487 | ENDDO |
488 | ! |
489 | DEALLOCATE(poly_in, poly_tmpa, poly_tmpb, poly_int, poly_cross) |
490 | ! |
491 | END SUBROUTINE interregxy_findpoints |
492 | |
493 | END MODULE interregxy |