[[BR]] [[PageOutline]] == '''PHC_61 run''' == This run is based on the '''PHC_49''' one except that:[[BR]] - we apply a correction of empold term starting the first year instead the second year. Few patterns list:[[BR]] {{{ }}} === '''# Freshwater budget after 10 years''' === {{{ Bilan (Sv) en moyenne annuelle pour l"experience: PHC61 Precip : 12.567102 NOT modif Runoff : 1.2773800 modif Runoff : 1.2489540 ErP : -1.1695059 EmPold : 2.1314289 SSH mean: 0.18655901 ----------------------------- EmP : -0.041926795 Evap a partir du flux Qla (pour information, non utilisee) : Evap_Svqla = 14.433666 Sv Evap a partir des termes EmP, precip, ErP, runoff et EmPold: Evap_sv = 12.812206 Sv Bilan gain .vs. perte: Precip+Runoff_MOD : 13.816056 Sv Evap+ErP+EmPold : 13.774129 Sv }}} === '''# Time series over 20 years''' === [[Image(PHC61_PHC49_TS_EmPSSH.png, 60%)]] === '''# Year 10''' === ==== '''Temperature''' differences at z=105 m with Levitus and PHC_49: ==== [[Image(PH61_Levitus_PHC49_T_z105_10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''Salinity''' differences at z=105 m with Levitus and PHC_49: ==== [[Image(PHC61_Levitus_PHC49_S_z105_10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''SST''' differences with Reynolds and PHC_49: ==== [[Image(PHC61_NewReynolds_PHC49_SST_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''SSS''' differences with Levitus and PHC_49: ==== [[Image(PHC61_Levitus_PHC49_SSS_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''Temperature''' differences in '''zonal average''' with Levitus and PHC_49: ==== [[Image(Zonal_PHC61_Levitus_PHC49_T_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''Salinity''' differences in '''zonal average''' with Levitus and PHC_49: ==== [[Image(Zonal_PHC61_Levitus_PHC49_S_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''Mxl10''' differences with PHC_49 : ==== [[Image(PHC61_PHC49_Mxl10_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''Qnet''' differences with PHC_49 : ==== [[Image(PHC61_PHC49_Qnet_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''MHT''': ==== [[Image(PHC61_PHC49_MHT_10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''Global MOC''': ==== [[Image(PHC61_PHC49_msfGLO_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''Atlantic MOC''': ==== [[Image(PHC61_PHC49_msfATL_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''BSF''': ==== [[Image(PHC61_PHC49_bsf_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''Erp''' field: ==== [[Image(PHC61_PHC49_Erp_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== ''' Zonal Mxl''' field: ==== [[Image(PHC61_PHC49_ZonMxl_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''Temperature & Salinity''' horizontal mean : ==== [[Image(PHC61_PHC49_TS_ZGlobmean_y10.png, 60%)]] ==== '''Straits''' transport: ==== [[Image(bilan_STRAIT_EMP_PHC61.png, 60%)]]