Present: Martin, Clem, Simona '''Simona''' - We still have not resolved the MPP problem. No one seems able to fix it. Should we ask Uwe Fladrich to have a look ? - Simona has worked on putting the LIM3 output in XIOS format. Need an agreement on the needed output. The masking and averaging (e.g. include ice concentration or not) techniques are critical. Martin will do a draft & circulate this to LLN & NEMO & IPSL. Several output levels are needed for sure. '''Clement''' - is working on heat conservation. the ice-ocean interface has been reformulated with respect to heat. - age of sea ice should be checked and corrected - sea ice class '''Martin''' - ran ORCA1-LIM3 on 46 levels over the last 50 years with CLIO forcing - coupled climate model calendar has been made clear by IPSL. '''Actions''' - Clem & Martin: work on heat exchanges and conservation in the sea ice zone - Martin: note on outputs + meet simona to code the new outputs. - Fix a date for sea ice / LIM class.