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}}} }}} {{{#!td Please post a message in one of the appropriate [/discussion discussion forums]: * [forum:2 Getting started] * [forum:3 Choosing options (natural & computer science)] * [forum:4 Tools and Interfaces] * [forum:5 Test cases] * [forum:6 Community announcements] }}} {{{#!td {{{#!html
Branch 3.6 trunk
Type Bug Enhancement Defect
Priority trivial minor major critical blocker

}}} }}} == What's up on the NEMO project You can stay in touch with the project by subscribing to 2 information channels: * '''[https://listes.ipsl.fr/sympa/info/nemo-newsletter newsletter@nemo-ocean.eu]''': to receive the major announcements from the project (new releases, open meetings and main informations).\\ ''Very low traffic recommended for all NEMO users.'' * '''[https://listes.ipsl.fr/sympa/info/nemo-forge forge@nemo-ocean.eu]''': to be notified of each event on this platform (repository commits, ticket creation/update and forums messages).\\ ''Very high traffic recommended for developers only.'' || [/discussion Forum] || Users wiki || News || !Users Meetings || {{{#!td style="vertical-align: top;" [[RecentTopics(10)]] }}} {{{#!td style="vertical-align: top;" [[RecentChanges(Users,10)]] }}} {{{#!td style="vertical-align: top;" === 2016-04-12 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2016-04-12 NEMO Configuration Manager announcement] === 2016-03-30 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2016-03-30 Improvements of 3.6 release] === 2015-06-30 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2015-06-30 Release 3.6 version of the NEMO framework] === 2014-06-20 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2014-06-20 NEMO Development Strategy 2015-2025] === 2014-04-30 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2014-04-30 NEMO-TAM status and perspective] === 2013-10-04 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2013-10-04 NEMO Special Issue in GMD Journal] === 2013-02-13 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2013-02-13 Announcement of NEMO 3.4 version] === 2011-06-23 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2011-06-23 Italian institutes CMCC and INGV join the NEMO Consortium] === 2010-07-21 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2010-07-21 First release of NEMO-TAM] }}} {{{#!td style="vertical-align: top;" === 2016-06-22 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2016-06-22 2016 Users Meeting] === 2014-07-07 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2014-07-07 2014 Users Meeting] === 2012-05-22 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2012-05-22 2012 Users Meeting] === 2011-06-29 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2011-06-29 2011 Users Meeting] === 2009-07-02 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2009-07-02 2009 Users Meeting] === 2008-06-16 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2008-06-16 2008 Users Meeting] === 2007-05-22 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2007-05-22 2007 Users Meeting] === 2006-06-08 * [wiki:Users/Agenda/2006-06-08 2006 Users Meeting] }}} == Sustainable development * [wiki:2017WP Yearly Workplan] * WorkingGroups * [attachment:"wiki:Users/private:NEMO development strategy-2014.pdf" Development Strategy] (accessible after authentication) == Stable release status || [log:/branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE Commits ] || [query:version=nemo_v3_6_STABLE Tickets] || || [[ChangeLog(/branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE, 20)]] || [[TicketQuery(format=table, order=modified, desc=true, version=nemo_v3_6_STABLE, type=Bug|Enhancement|Defect, max=25)]] ||