= A new tool for exchanges within the NEMO community A new Discourse group is now open for exchanges between NEMO users, projects and with the developers: https://nemo-ocean.discourse.group. From now on this tool will replace the existing forums on Trac, not very active, seen nor very user friendly. To access the discourse group, you first need to create your account, once and for all. First proposed topics: * A video of the presentation:"On the use of test cases for ocean model development" of J. Deshayes at vEGU2021: https://nemo-ocean.discourse.group/t/on-the-use-of-test-cases-for-ocean-model-development/28 * A job announcement at CNRS. Deadline for applications: 30 june 2021 :https://nemo-ocean.discourse.group/t/open-position-at-cnrs-dead-line-for-applications-june-30-2021-1pm-paris-time/31 You are welcome to read, post new topics and contribute to answers on these new discussion forums.