''Editing Tips'' * ''Use of 'textarea' view is highly recommended instead of 'wysiwyg' view (autocomplete feature for links, macros & processors)'' ''Editing Tips'' {{{#!table style="border: none;" {{{#!td style="border: none; vertical-align: top;" * ''Use of 'textarea' view in the editing frame is highly recommended instead of 'wysiwyg' view\\(autocomplete feature for links, macros & processors with contextual help)''\\''See TracLinks, WikiMacros, WikiProcessors, TracSyntaxColoring for more...''\\\\ * ''Include a repository file with syntax highlighting'' * ''Totally'' {{{ [[MacroChain(Include(source:/branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE/NEMOGCM/...), mimetype/processor]] [[MacroChain?]] to display help in preview }}} * ''Partially'' {{{ [[IncludeSource(/branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE/NEMOGCM/..., start=, end=, line_numbers=0)]] [[IncludeSource?]] to display help in preview }}} }}} {{{#!td style="border: none; vertical-align: top;" * ''Display an image'' {{{ [[Image(name, width=, align=)]] [[Image?]] to display help in preview }}} * ''Include a highlighted code block'' {{{#!td style="border: none;" ''Fortran'' {{{ {{{#!f ... }}} }}} }}} {{{#!td style="border: none;" ''SVN diff'' {{{ {{{#!diff ... }}} }}} }}} }}} }}}