= $YEAR Workplan [[PageOutline(2)]] The NEMO development is planned on a yearly basis relying on the [zenodo:1472458 NEMO Development Strategy document], which designs the long term evolution (5 to 10 years) in both scientific and engineering aspects. == Shared actions The $YEAR workplan is made up of shared actions which are the development priorities for all consortium's institutions. {{{#!th ''[wiki:WorkingGroups/AGRIF AGRIF ] \\ (nesting tools and zooms) '' \\ `${YEAR}WP/AGF-*` }}} {{{#!th ''[wiki:WorkingGroups/AIrSeaInteractions Air-Sea interactions]'' \\ `${YEAR}WP/ASI-*` }}} {{{#!th ''[wiki:WorkingGroups/HPC HPC ]'' \\ `${YEAR}WP/HPC-*` }}} {{{#!th ''[wiki:WorkingGroups/Kernel Kernel ] \\ (dynamical core) '' \\ `${YEAR}WP/KNL-*` }}} {{{#!th '' Physical Processes '' \\ `${YEAR}WP/PHY-*` }}} {{{#!th ''[wiki:WorkingGroups/SI3 SI3 ] \\ (sea-ice) '' \\ `${YEAR}WP/SI3-*` }}} {{{#!th ''[wiki:WorkingGroups/TOP TOP ] \\ (tracers and biogeochemistry) '' \\ `${YEAR}WP/TOP-*` }}} |- {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*AGF-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*ASI-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*HPC-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*KNL-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*PHY-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*SI3-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*TOP-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} \\ {{{#!th ''Data interface, IOM '' \\ `${YEAR}WP/IOM-*` }}} {{{#!th ''Enhancements '' \\ `${YEAR}WP/ENH-*` }}} {{{#!th ''Publications '' \\ `${YEAR}WP/PUB-*` }}} {{{#!th ''Validation '' \\ `${YEAR}WP/VLD-*` }}} |- {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*DATAINT-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*ENHANCE-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*PUB-* , hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(${YEAR}WP/, include=*VALID-* , hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} == Follow-up #status [[TicketQuery(type=Task, milestone=${YEAR} WP, format=progress )]] [[TicketQuery(type=Task, milestone=${YEAR} WP, format=table , order=summary, col=id|summary|owner|wp_comment|branch_review|mp_status)]] == Add a development action Append your action(s) to the list by initiating resources to track and archive the development work. [[Include(./Form)]] See [wiki:Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges the instructions page] for the workflow to implement a development in NEMO. == Staff ||= Name ||= Institution ||= % ||= Position || || ... || ... || ... || ... || || ... || ... || ... || ... || || ... || ... || ... || ... || || ... || ... || ... || ... || == Specific actions For information, some specific actions are listed as other planned developments coming with additional resources. {{{#!th ''CMCC'' \\ `${YEAR}WP/CMCC-*` }}} {{{#!th ''CNRS'' \\ `${YEAR}WP/CNRS-*` }}} {{{#!th ''Mercator_Océan'' \\ `${YEAR}WP/MOI-*` }}} {{{#!th ''Met_Office'' \\ `${YEAR}WP/METO-*` }}} {{{#!th ''NOC'' \\ `${YEAR}WP/NOC-*` }}} |- {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(`$YEAR`WP/, include=*CMCC-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(`$YEAR`WP/, include=*CNRS-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(`$YEAR`WP/, include=*MOI-* , hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(`$YEAR`WP/, include=*METO-*, hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}} {{{#!td [[TitleIndex(`$YEAR`WP/, include=*NOC-* , hideprefix, depth=0)]] }}}