= Glossary The following definitions will be automatically converted into HTML elements each time the related words will be find in the web page. It means that they will be appeared as HTML tooltips when a user move his mouse over and the word will be clickable if a URL given. == General acronyms/words with URL (in progress) || '''!Acronym/Word''' || '''Description''' || '''URL''' || || Ada || Sandy Bridge IBM supercomputer of IDRIS (FR), 233 TFLOPS peak || http://www.idris.fr/eng/ada/hw-ada-eng.html || || AGRIF || Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran, package for the integration of full adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) features within a multidimensional finite difference model || http://www-ljk.imag.fr/MOISE/AGRIF || || BFM || Biogeochemical Flux Model, for the simulation of the dynamics of major biogeochemical properties in marine ecosystems || http://bfm-community.eu || || CDO || Climate Data Operators, collection of command line operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data || http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/fileadmin/software/cdo || || CEA || "Commissariat à l'Énergie Nucléaire et aux Énergies Alternatives" or French Alternatives Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (FR), public government-funded research organisation || http://www.cea.fr/english || || CeCILL || "CEA CNRS INRIA Logiciel Libre", free software license compatible with GNU GPL and compliant with French law || http://www.cecill.info || || CICE || Los Alamos sea ice model, component for use in fully coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean-land global circulation models || http://oceans11.lanl.gov/trac/CICE || || CMCC || "Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici" (IT), non-profit research institution investigating and modeling the climate system and its interactions with society and the environment || http://www.cmcc.it || || CMIP || Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, standard experimental protocol to collect output in order to evaluate performance and identify errors between modeling centers || http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov || || CNRS || "Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique" or National Center for Scientific Research, French largest governmental research organisation || http://www.cnrs.fr/index.php || || Curie || Sandy Bridge Bull supercomputer of CEA (FR), 1,5 PFLOPS peak || http://www-hpc.cea.fr/en/complexe/tgcc-curie.htm || || IDRIS || "Institut du Développement et des Ressources en Informatique Scientifique" or Institute for Development and Resources in Intensive Scientific computing (FR), centre of both high performance computing resources and expertise || http://www.idris.fr/eng || || INGV || "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia" (IT), institution gathering all scientific and technical institutions operating in geophysics and volcanology || http://www.ingv.it/en || || INSU || "Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers" (FR), CNRS institute for engineering and systems sciences || http://www.insu.cnrs.fr || || IPSL || "Institut Pierre Simon Laplace" (FR), federation of 9 public research laboratories involved in research on terrestrial and planetary environments || http://www.ipsl.fr/en || || LGGE || "Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement" (FR), research laboratory focuses on snow and ice, glaciers, climate and environment || http://lgge.osug.fr/rubrique1.html?lang=en || || Mercator_Ocean || Mercator Océan (FR), privately-owned non-profit company providing operational ocean forecast services || http://www.mercator-ocean.fr/en || || Met_Office || British national weather service, formerly Meteorological Office || http://www.metoffice.gov.uk || || NEMO || Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean || || || NERC || Natural Environment Research Council, British largest funder of research, training and innovation in environmental science || http://www.nerc.ac.uk || || NOC || National Oceanography Centre (UK), NERC institute for marine science research and technology || http://noc.ac.uk || || OASIS || Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil, coupling software to synchronize exchanges of information between numerical codes representing different components of the climate system || http://verc.enes.org/oasis || || PISCES || Pelagic Interaction Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies, biogeochemical model simulating the lower trophic levels of marine ecosystems and the cycles of carbon and of the main nutrients || || || RENATER || "REseau NAtional de télécommunications pour la Technologie, l'Enseignement et la Recherche", french national telecommunications network for research and education || http://www.renater.fr/?lang=en || || SVN || SubVersioN, open source version control system for sharing, managing content and its changes over time || http://subversion.apache.org || || TGCC || "Très Grand Centre de Calcul", HPC center of CEA (FR) || http://www-hpc.cea.fr/en/complexe/tgcc.htm || || Trac || Wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects providing an interface to version control system || http://trac.edgewall.org || || UNIBO || "Università di Bologna" or University of Bologna (IT) || http://www.unibo.it/en || || XIOS || Xml Inputs Outputs Server, library dedicated to input/output management of climate code || http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver || {{{#!Fold title='Technical acronyms (in progress)' tag=h2 ||'''Acronym''' ||'''Description''' || || AMM12 || Atlantic Margin Model with 12kms horizontal resolution || || BBL || Bottom Boundary Layer || || BGC || !BioGeoChemical || || BFR || Bottom FRiction || || CLIO || Coupled Large-scale Ice Ocean || || CORE || Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments || || CPP || C !PreProcessor || || DMP || Damping || || DOC || DOCumentation || || DTA || DaTA || || EEN || Energy & ENstrophy || || ENV || ENVironment || || EOS || Equation Of State || || FCM || Flexible Configuration Manager || || FCT || Flux Corrected Transport || || GLS || Generic Length Scale || || HDF || Horizontal !DiFfusion || || HPC || High Performance Computing || || HPG || Horizontal Pressure Gradient || || IAU || Incremental Analysis Updating || || IO || !Inputs/Outputs || || IOF || Interpolation On the Fly || || ISF || Ice ShelF || || KPP || K-Profile Parameterization || || LIM || Louvain-la-neuve sea Ice Model || || LOBSTER || Lodyc Ocean Biogeochemical System for Ecosystem and Resources || || MP || Merge Party || || MPI || Message Passing Interface || || MPP || Massive Parallel Processing || || MSF || Meridional Stream Function || || NEMOVAR || NEMO VARiational data assimilation || || OBC || Open Boundary Conditions || || OFF || OFFline || || ORCA || tripolar grid, with special north fold boundary condition || || OPA || "Océan PArallélisé" ocean general circulation model || || QSR || Q? Solar Radiation || || SAS || Stand-Alone Surface || || SPG || Surface Pressure Gradient || || SSH || Sea Surface Height || || SSS || Sea Surface Salinity || || SST || Sea Surface Temperature || || ST || System Team || || TAM || Tangent and Adjoint Model || || TKE || Turbulent Kinetic Energy || || TOP || on/off-line ocean tracer and biochemistry models || || TVD || Total Variation Diminishing || || WAD || Wetting And Drying || || WG || Working Group || || WN || vertical velocity || || WP || Work Plan || || ZAD || Z (vertical) ADvection || == OPA directories || ASM || Assimilation || || BDY || BoundDarY || || C1D || Configuration 1 Dimension || || CRS || CoaRSening || || DIA || Diagnostics || || DOM || DOMain || || DYN || ocean DYNamics || || FLO || ? || || ICB || ICeBerg || || IOM || !Inputs/Outputs Manager || || LBC || Lateral Boundary Condition || || LDF || Lateral !DiFfusion || || OBS || OBServations || || SBC || Surface Boundary Conditions || || SOL || ? || || STO || STOchastic parametrization || || TRA || TRAcers || || TRD || TRenDs || || ZDF || Z (vertical) !DiFfusion || == TOP directories || C14b || ? || || CFC || !ChloroFluoroCarbons || || MY_TRC || ? || || TRP || ? || == PISCES directories ||P2Z || ? || ||P4Z || ? || ||SED || ? || }}} {{{#!Fold title='CPP keys list (in progress)' tag=h2 From `full_key_list.txt` in [source:/branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/COMPILE COMPILE directory] || '''CPP key''' || '''Description''' || || key_agrif || ? || || key_asminc || ? || || key_bdy || ? || || key_c14b || ? || || key_c1d || ? || || key_cfc || ? || || key_cice || ? || || key_cice4 || ? || || key_cpl_carbon_cycle || ? || || key_cyclone || ? || || key_degrad || ? || || key_diaar5 || ? || || key_diadct || ? || || key_diaeiv || ? || || key_diaharm || ? || || key_diahth || ? || || key_diainstant || ? || || key_diaobs || ? || || key_dimgout || ? || || key_dynldf_c1d || ? || || key_dynldf_c2d || ? || || key_dynldf_c3d || ? || || key_dynldf_smag || ? || || key_dynspg_exp || ? || || key_dynspg_flt || ? || || key_dynspg_ts || ? || || key_esopa || ? || || key_floats || ? || || key_iomput || ? || || key_kppcustom || ? || || key_kpplktb || ? || || key_kriest || ? || || key_ldfslp || ? || || key_lim2 || ? || || key_lim2_vp || ? || || key_lim3 || ? || || key_mpp_mpi || ? || || key_mpp_rep || ? || || key_my_trc || ? || || key_nemocice_decomp || ? || || key_netcdf4 || ? || || key_nosignedzero || ? || || key_noslip_accurate || ? || || key_oa3mct_v3 || ? || || key_oasis3 || ? || || key_offline || ? || || key_offobsoper || ? || || key_pisces || ? || || key_pisces_reduced || ? || || key_sed || ? || || key_sed_off || ? || || key_tide || ? || || key_top || ? || || key_trabbl || ? || || key_traldf_ano || ? || || key_traldf_c1d || ? || || key_traldf_c2d || ? || || key_traldf_c3d || ? || || key_traldf_eiv || ? || || key_traldf_smag || ? || || key_trdmxl_trc || ? || || key_trdtrc || ? || || key_vectopt_loop || ? || || key_vvl || ? || || key_xios2 || ? || || key_zdfcst || ? || || key_zdfddm || ? || || key_zdfgls || ? || || key_zdfkpp || ? || || key_zdfric || ? || || key_zdftke || ? || || key_zdftmx || ? || || key_zdftmx_new || ? || }}} {{{#!Fold title='Reference Configurations parameter names (in progress)' tag=h2 {{{#!Fold title='AMM' tag=h3 || '''Parameter''' || '''Description''' || || nav_lon || ? || || nav_lat || ? || || nav_lev || ? || || time_counter || ? || || rnf_b || ? || || rnf_hc_b || ? || || rnf_sc_b || ? || || utau_b || ? || || vtau_b || ? || || qns_b || ? || || emp_b || ? || || sfx_b || ? || || en || ? || || avt || ? || || avm || ? || || avmu || ? || || avmv || ? || || mxln || ? || || ub2_b || ? || || vb2_b || ? || || sbc_hc_b || ? || || sbc_sc_b || ? || || fse3t_b || ? || || fse3t_n || ? || || ub || ? || || vb || ? || || tb || ? || || sb || ? || || rotb || ? || || hdivb || ? || || sshb || ? || || un || ? || || vn || ? || || tn || ? || || sn || ? || || rotn || ? || || hdivn || ? || || sshn || ? || || rhop || ? || }}} {{{#!Fold title='ORCA2_LIM_PISCES' tag=h3 ==== OPA || '''Parameter''' || '''Description''' || || nav_lon || ? || || nav_lat || ? || || nav_lev || ? || || time_counter || ? || || ssu_m || ? || || ssv_m || ? || || sst_m || ? || || sss_m || ? || || ssh_m || ? || || frq_m || ? || || rnf_b || ? || || rnf_hc_b || ? || || rnf_sc_b || ? || || utau_b || ? || || vtau_b || ? || || qns_b || ? || || emp_b || ? || || sfx_b || ? || || en || ? || || avt || ? || || avm || ? || || avmu || ? || || avmv || ? || || dissl || ? || || sbc_hc_b || ? || || sbc_sc_b || ? || || qsr_hc_b || ? || || fraqsr_1lev || ? || || gcx || ? || || gcxb || ? || || ub || ? || || vb || ? || || tb || ? || || sb || ? || || rotb || ? || || hdivb || ? || || sshb || ? || || un || ? || || vn || ? || || tn || ? || || sn || ? || || rotn || ? || || hdivn || ? || || sshn || ? || || rhop || ? || ==== LIM || hicif || ? || || hsnif || ? || || frld || ? || || sist || ? || || tbif1 || ? || || tbif2 || ? || || tbif3 || ? || || u_ice || ? || || v_ice || ? || || qstoif || ? || || fsbbq || ? || || stress1_i || ? || || stress2_i || ? || || stress12_i || ? || || sxice || ? || || syice || ? || || sxxice || ? || || syyice || ? || || sxyice || ? || || sxsn || ? || || sysn || ? || || sxxsn || ? || || syysn || ? || || sxysn || ? || || sxa || ? || || sya || ? || || sxxa || ? || || syya || ? || || sxya || ? || || sxc0 || ? || || syc0 || ? || || sxxc0 || ? || || syyc0 || ? || || sxyc0 || ? || || sxc1 || ? || || syc1 || ? || || sxxc1 || ? || || syyc1 || ? || || sxyc1 || ? || || sxc2 || ? || || syc2 || ? || || sxxc2 || ? || || syyc2 || ? || || sxyc2 || ? || || sxst || ? || || syst || ? || || sxxst || ? || || syyst || ? || || sxyst || ? || ==== TRC || PH || ? || || Silicalim || ? || || Silicamax || ? || || sbc_DIC_b || ? || || sbc_Alkalini_b || ? || || sbc_O2_b || ? || || sbc_CaCO3_b || ? || || sbc_PO4_b || ? || || sbc_POC_b || ? || || sbc_Si_b || ? || || sbc_PHY_b || ? || || sbc_ZOO_b || ? || || sbc_DOC_b || ? || || sbc_PHY2_b || ? || || sbc_ZOO2_b || ? || || sbc_DSi_b || ? || || sbc_Fer_b || ? || || sbc_BFe_b || ? || || sbc_GOC_b || ? || || sbc_SFe_b || ? || || sbc_DFe_b || ? || || sbc_GSi_b || ? || || sbc_NFe_b || ? || || sbc_NCHL_b || ? || || sbc_DCHL_b || ? || || sbc_NO3_b || ? || || sbc_NH4_b || ? || || TRNDIC || ? || || TRNAlkalini || ? || || TRNO2 || ? || || TRNCaCO3 || ? || || TRNPO4 || ? || || TRNPOC || ? || || TRNSi || ? || || TRNPHY || ? || || TRNZOO || ? || || TRNDOC || ? || || TRNPHY2 || ? || || TRNZOO2 || ? || || TRNDSi || ? || || TRNFer || ? || || TRNBFe || ? || || TRNGOC || ? || || TRNSFe || ? || || TRNDFe || ? || || TRNGSi || ? || || TRNNFe || ? || || TRNNCHL || ? || || TRNDCHL || ? || || TRNNO3 || ? || || TRNNH4 || ? || || TRBDIC || ? || || TRBAlkalini || ? || || TRBO2 || ? || || TRBCaCO3 || ? || || TRBPO4 || ? || || TRBPOC || ? || || TRBSi || ? || || TRBPHY || ? || || TRBZOO || ? || || TRBDOC || ? || || TRBPHY2 || ? || || TRBZOO2 || ? || || TRBDSi || ? || || TRBFer || ? || || TRBBFe || ? || || TRBGOC || ? || || TRBSFe || ? || || TRBDFe || ? || || TRBGSi || ? || || TRBNFe || ? || || TRBNCHL || ? || || TRBDCHL || ? || || TRBNO3 || ? || || TRBNH4 || ? || }}} }}}