= Literature of the project Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' == Reference publications for citations {{{#!td [[Include(wiki:Literature/Homepage/Latest)]] }}} {{{#!td [[Include(wiki:Literature/Homepage/Previous)]] }}} == Other NEMO documentations {{{#!comment [[Include(wiki:Literature/Homepage/Others)]] }}} === Users bibliography https://www.nemo-ocean.eu/bibliography/publications === GMD Special Issue http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/special_issue40.html === Miscellaneous * [htdocs:doc/SIREN/html/index.html SIREN] * [attachment:NEMO_coding.conv_v3.pdf NEMO coding conventions v3 - March 2011] * [attachment:trdvor.pdf Vorticity diagnostics documentation] * [attachment:doc_lobster_co2.pdf The LOBSTER biogeochemical model documentation] * [attachment:eq_pisces.pdf The PISCES biogeochemical model equations] * [attachment:Technical_report_NEMO_1D.pdf The 1D vertical option documentation] * [attachment:prtctl_NEMO_doc_v2.pdf The control print option documentation] * [attachment:iom_v2.2.pdf The IOM package] * [attachment:CEthe_NEMO_um_2006.pdf The grid degradation for speed-up passive tracers simulation] * [attachment:extra_halo.pdf The SOR solver with extra outer halo] * [attachment:NEMO_vvl_report.pdf The free surface and variable volume in the NEMO code] * [attachment:opa_sas_tr.pdf The OASIS coupling between OPA and SAS (LIM3)] * [attachment:BDY_radiation_testing.pdf Test of the unstructured open boundary scheme (BDY)] [[BibRef()]]