= Draft agenda for NEMO Developer's Committee meeting Thurs 17 Dec 14:30 - 17:00 Central European Time We will aim to finish within two and a half hours. We will have a 5 minute break after the first two items. The chair will keep the first two items to time. == 1. Roles and membership of NDC (max 15 mins) Questions/issues on current proposal: - please list these prior to the meeting with your name * Miguel: attendance by people from institutes not in the NEMO Consortium but involved in the work == 2. Remaining reports from WGLs (max 15 mins each) * Air-sea interaction (Seb) * TOP (Tomas) * Verification (Mike) == 5 minute break == 3. Discussion of 2021 Work Plan * Actions carried over from last year (very short description of each action) (20 mins) * New actions proposed for next year (short description of each) (30 mins) * Short comments from each WGL (are the actions in line with the strategy; which actions most important; is anything important missing) (30 mins) * Short comments from each Consortium Expert (which actions are most important; is anything important missing) (20 mins) The draft 2021 Work Plan is available [attachment:wiki:DevelopersCommittee/Agenda/2020-12-17:SystemTeam_DraftWP2021.txt for DeveCom members here]. (Original page is [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/wiki/SystemTeam/DraftWP2021 here]) * Connection details Topic: NEMO Developers Committee Time: Dec 17, 2020 02:30 PM Paris Join Zoom Meeting https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/94128441272?pwd=TXR5Z2lJQ2FmSUFFem8xYXFKdWcxQT09 Meeting ID: 941 2844 1272 Passcode: 500932