= Developer's Committee: 12 September 2019 [[PageOutline(2-3)]] Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' [[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] The usual end of the year meeting of Developer's Committee will take place on Thursday 12 September 2019 afternoon (2:00 pm - 5:00 pm) by videoconference. [[BR]][[BR]] The expected participants at this meeting are the members of Developer’s Committee: Consortium and External experts, including the leaders of each NEMO Working Group, and the NEMO System Team members as permanent invitees. The NEMO Developers Committee subgroup (Mike Bell, Dorotea Iovino, Julien Le Sommer, Claire Lévy) proposes that the agenda includes: == Preliminary agenda The items for discussion are: - Discuss proposals for WGs and re-organisation of NEMO Developers' Committee (Mike) - Overview of the time-line for actions expected by the end of the year (Claire, [attachment:NEMO_NDC_12sept2019_C.LEVY.pdf​ see presentation here]) - What items should be in the work-plan in 2020 - Proposals for sharing of configurations (item of information) (Julien) - Report of verification / validation discussions (Mike) - Discussion of the physical processes sub-groups (Julien) The discussion will start with a short presentation by the person named in brackets. == List of participants == ||= Name ||= Role ||Connected from || || Mike Bell || Chair || Met Office - Exeter || || Claire Lévy || || LOCEAN- Paris || || Dorotea Iovino || || CMCC - Bologna || || Emanuela Clementi || || CMCC - Bologna || || Italo Epicoco || || CMCC - Lecce || || Silvia Mocavero || || CMCC - Lecce || || Francesca Mele || || CMCC - Lecce || || Rachid Benshila (->16h)|| || LEGOS - Toulouse || || Martin Vancoppenolle (->16h00 ! subway strike)|| SIWG co--lead || LOCEAN - Paris || || Jérôme Chanut || AGRIF WG leader || MOI - Toulouse || || Stefania Ciliberti || || CMCC - Lecce || || Julien Le Sommer || || CNRS - Grenoble|| || Joel Hirschi || || NOC - Southampton|| || George Nurser || || NOC - Southampton|| || Miguel Castrillo / Oriol Tintó || || BSC || || David Marshall (from 1430 CEST) || || Oxford || || Tomas Lovato || || CMCC - Bologna || == Videoconference connection information '''Important: the videoconference RENATER has been replaced by webex, see Mike Bell's message or connection information below''' Mike Bell invites you to join this Webex meeting. [[BR]] Meeting number (access code): 846 481 207 [[BR]] Meeting password: pfzQA32h [[BR]] Thursday, September 12, 2019 [[BR]] 12:30 pm | (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London | 3 hrs 20 mins [[BR]] [https://metoffice.webex.com/webappng/sites/metoffice/meeting/info/138913081527901209?MTID=mba7c8b819d98b484d9267c122cd2ee69 Click here to join] [[BR]] Join by phone: [[BR]] Tap to call in from a mobile device (attendees only) [[BR]] +44-203-478-5289 UK - Toll [[BR]] Global call-in numbers [[BR]]