= NEMO development area [[TOC(noheading, Developers/*, depth=2)]] Here is some useful information for the developers == '''Prerequisites''' === Developer role (write permissions to the repository) First and foremost, if you don't already have a user account then you have to '''[/register create it]'''. {{{#!td === For NEMO consortium members If you have a user account or had a developer account before, see with your local NEMO Officer. {{{#!td {{{#!SQLTable SELECT value AS "Name" FROM session_attribute WHERE name IN ('name') AND sid IN (SELECT sid FROM session_attribute WHERE name = 'role' AND value = 'Officer') }}} }}} {{{#!td {{{#!SQLTable SELECT value AS "Office" FROM session_attribute WHERE sid IN (SELECT sid FROM session_attribute WHERE name = 'role' AND value = 'Officer') AND name = 'office' }}} }}} }}} {{{#!td ==== For external users Submit your contribution to the NEMO System Team by creating a [/newticket?type=Enhancement ticket] where you will present your proposal.\\ Keep in mind that, despite the help we can offer, a certain amount of work from you will be need to implement your developments into the source code. }}} == Document your developments before coding Follow the procedure described at wiki:Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges == [wiki:Developers/WorkingFAQ WorkingFAQ] == [wiki:Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges Developing Code changes] == [wiki:Developers/WorkingOnTickets Working on tickets] == [wiki:Developers/FCMmake Information about FCM make] == [wiki:Developers/XIOSextras Information about new features in XIOS]