== Get the code == {{{#!sh # my login me=smasson # svn path to NEMO trunk svnpath=svn+ssh://${me}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ipsl/forge/projets/nemo/svn/NEMO/trunk # get the revision number of the HEAD rev=$( svn info $svnpath | grep "Last Changed Rev" | sed -e "s/.*: *//" ) # directory name given to the local trunk dirnemo=trunk_test_perf_${rev} # checkout the trunk into $dirnemo svn co $svnpath $dirnemo # cd $dirnemo # }}} == Prepare and compile the tests == - [./step_by_step step by step method with all the shell instructions] - [./quicker quicker method with an input tarfile] No more compatible I guess... you better use the step-by-step procedure... == link the input files files == ORCA2_ICE_v4.x.gz is available - on Seb cloud: [https://owncloud.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr/index.php/s/rIYPabNR7m74J0T here] - on Jean-Zay : /gpfsstore/rech/fqx/reee217/input_nemo_v4.0 - on Irene : /ccc/store/cont005/ra0542/massons/input_nemo_v4.0 Ice_initialization.nc is available - on Clément cloud: [https://owncloud.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr/index.php/s/OV9nRKCmCnIleHU here] - on Jean-Zay : /gpfsstore/rech/fqx/reee217/input_nemo_v4.0 - on Irene : /ccc/store/cont005/ra0542/massons/input_nemo_v4.0 {{{#!sh # define path to ORCA2_ICE_v4.x directory. For example: #dirdata=/ccc/scratch/cont005/ra0542/massons/input_nemo_v4.0/ORCA2_ICE_v4.x #dirdata=/gpfsscratch/rech/fqx/reee217/input_nemo_v4.0/ORCA2_ICE_v4.x dirdata=... # add the new Ice_initialization file to this directory mv Ice_initialization.nc $dirdata # link the input files for dd in cfgs/ORCA2_*/EXP00 do cd $dd ln -sf $dirdata/* . cd - done }}} == Run! == see the 2 examples of jobs: [attachment:jobaps_irene.sh] or [attachment:jobaps_jeanzay.sh] {{{#!sh #export qs=sbatch for dd in cfgs/ORCA2_*/EXP00 do \cp jobaps.sh $dd/. # get jobaps.sh from the attached files cd $dd qs jobaps.sh # define qs alias is not already done... cd - done }}} == Check the runs did 5840 time steps == {{{#!sh for ff in cfgs/ORCA2_*/EXP00/time.step do echo "$ff: $( cat $ff)" done }}} == Create aps reports == {{{#!sh for dd in cfgs/ORCA2_*/EXP00 do cd $dd yyyymmdd=$( date +%Y%m%d ) hhmmss=$( date +%H%M%S ) rptname=aps_result_${yyyymmdd}_${hhmmss}.txt module list > $rptname # add the list of modules in the report echo >> $rptname aps-report aps_result_${yyyymmdd} >> $rptname cd - done }}} == Create gnu plots from timing.output == {{{#!sh #module load gnuplot for dd in cfgs/ORCA2_*/EXP00 do cd $dd grep " timing step" timing.output | sed -e "s/.*: *//" | gnuplot -p -e 'set yrange [0.0:0.5] ; set title "trunk r'${rev}'" ; set output "timing.png" ; plot "/dev/stdin"' cd - done }}}