= Name and subject of the action Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' The PI is responsible to closely follow the progress of the action, and especially to contact NEMO project manager if the delay on preview (or review) are longer than the 2 weeks expected. [[PageOutline(2, , inline)]] == Summary ||=Action || NEMO-Wave coupling in the Mediterranean Sea || ||=PI(S) || Aimie Moulin, Emanuela Clementi || ||=Digest || || ||=Dependencies || || ||=Branch || source:/NEMO/branches/{YEAR}/dev_r{REV}_{ACTION_NAME} || ||=Previewer(s) || TBD || ||=Reviewer(s) || TBD || ||=Ticket || #2612 || === Description {{{#!box width=25em help Describe the goal of development and the methodology, \\ add reference documents or publications if relevant. }}} The wave-current Mediterranean Sea prototype consists on the implementation of a coupled NEMO v4.2 and WW3 modeling system in the Mediterranean Sea, based on the operational CMEMS Med-MFC analysis and forecasting physical system (MedFS). The aim of the prototype is to assess the impact of wave-current interactions, especially the effect of the wave-induced mixing on the Mediterranean sea circulation and to propose improvements for the next generation CMEMS systems. The implementation of NEMO trunk in the Mediterranean Sea is done and the setup of the wave model WWIII v6.07 has been finalized. The 2-year simulations for the control experiment without coupling as well as the online coupled system NEMOv4.2-OASIS-WW3 for the Mediterranean sea are on going. The results will be analysed through basin averaged trends and diagnostics, comparison with Insitu (T/S) and satellite (SST) data. Currents, tracers and mixed layer depth modifications are expected when including wave mixing and Langmuir turbulence. === Implementation {{{#!box width=35em help Describe flow chart of the changes in the code. \\ List the Fortran modules and subroutines to be created/edited/deleted. \\ Detailed list of new variables to be defined (including namelists), \\ give for each the chosen name and description wrt coding rules. }}} ''...'' === Documentation updates {{{#!box width=55em help Using previous parts, define the main changes to be done in the NEMO literature (manuals, guide, web pages, …). }}} ''...'' == Preview {{{#!box width=50em info [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#preview_)]] }}} ''...'' == Tests {{{#!box width=50em info [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#tests)]] }}} ''...'' == Review {{{#!box width=50em info [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#review)]] }}} ''...''