= Name and subject of the action Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' The PI is responsible to closely follow the progress of the action, and especially to contact NEMO project manager if the delay on preview (or review) are longer than the 2 weeks expected. [[PageOutline(2, , inline)]] == Summary ||=Action || Implementation of iceberg and ice shelf Fe source in PISCES || ||=PI(S) || Renaud Person || ||=Digest || see person et al. (2019), doi: 10.5194/bg-16-3583-2019 || ||=Dependencies || coupling with feshwater fluxes from ice shelf and iceberg || ||=Branch || source:/NEMO/branches/2020/dev_r{REV}_{ACTION_NAME} || ||=Previewer(s) || O.Aumont, C. Éthe || ||=Reviewer(s) || O.Aumont, C. Éthe || ||=Ticket || #2443 || === Description Based on the development done with NEMO 3.6 of the representation of the missing external source of Fe from iceberg and ice shelf in the PISCES model === Implementation {{{#!box width=35em help Describe flow chart of the changes in the code. \\ List the Fortran modules and subroutines to be created/edited/deleted. \\ Detailed list of new variables to be defined (including namelists), \\ give for each the chosen name and description wrt coding rules. }}} Fe is actualized according to the external sources of Fe from iceberg and ice shelf. A sediment content associated to a solubility fraction of sediment Fe is added to the freshwater fluxes of iceberg and ice shelf. For ice shelf, the parameterization of Mathiot et al. (2017) is used for the distribution of Fe throughout the water column. For iceberg, a homogeneous distribution until 120 m of depth is applied. File dependency: feshwater fluxes from ice shelf and iceberg from observations and model climatology: - runoff-icb_DaiTrenberth_Depoorter_eORCA1_JD.nc - runoff-icb_DaiTrenberth_Depoorter_eORCA025_JD.nc This file dependency didn’t exist for ORCA2 grid. I have build one but roughly interpolated. Another issue with the ORCA2 configuration is that the grid is not extended in the Antarctic. There is no representation of ice shelf cavities which are needed to model the distribution of freshwater flux under ice shelves with the parameterization of Mathiot et al. (2017) used in the present development. Consequently, this external of source Fe will be disabled in the ORCA2 configuration. Two options are possible to implement the development of the AIS Fe source: - Activation in PISCES: namelist_pisces (originally developed) - Activation in TOP: namelist_top We opt for the generic solution by creating a trc_ais routine controllable in the TOP module and allowing to adjust the concentration of Fe and of other biogeochemical tracers in icebergs and ice shelves through a loop over all the biogeochemical tracers. This AIS tracers source will be activated with a boolean in the namelist_top named, ln_trcais. Starting point to create the trc_ais routine (3 subroutines): - trc_sbc (trc_bc?) for the structure - trc_ice for initialization, calling/reading of the 25 bgc tracers - p4zsed for interpolation and read freshwater flux from icebergs and ice shelves To be added in the namelist_top - isffeinput: Fraction of bioavailable iron in ice shelves - icbfeinput: Fraction of bioavailable iron in iceberg - icbdepth: surface distribution (0) or throughout the water column until 120 m (1) Do we use the same value fraction of bioavailable iron for both sources? Warning: the isf source has to be activated in the namelist_cfg: parameter nn_isf >0 Orginally (activated in namelist_pisces_cfg with boolean ln_ironice) Modified routines: - p4zsbc.F90 - p4zsed.F90 Intermediate variables created to compute ziron variable: - zironberg: iron from iceberg freshwater flux - zironisf: iron from ice shelf freshwater flux === Documentation updates {{{#!box width=55em help Using previous parts, define the main changes to be done in the NEMO literature (manuals, guide, web pages, …). }}} ''...'' == Preview {{{#!box width=50em info [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#preview_)]] }}} ''...'' == Tests {{{#!box width=50em info [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#tests)]] }}} ''...'' == Review {{{#!box width=50em info [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#review)]] }}} ''...''