= ''Fldread with XIOS'' Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' [[PageOutline(2, , inline)]] == Summary This action is plan in the next 2 years by the MetO as part of IMMERSE project. This action is a complementary to 2019WP/HPC-11_Mirek_Andrejczuk_IO_with_XIOS actions, please contact Mireck before tackling it. * Use XIOS in fldread Initial development has been one in 2019 (ticket: #2195) == Preview {{{#!box help [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#preview_)]] }}} == Tests {{{#!box help [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#tests)]] }}} == Review {{{#!box help [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#review)]] }}}