= 2018 Workplan [[PageOutline(2)]] NEMO is a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art software for research and operational oceanography. Its development is defined in a yearly workplan.\\ Since 2014, the long term evolution is designed in the [attachment:"wiki:SystemTeam/ReportsAndDocuments:NEMO development strategy-2014.pdf" NEMO Development Strategy document]. The next 2 sections describe the 2018 workplan. == Shared Actions [./SharedActions] contains the workplan's core: the development priorities for all NEMO consortium's institutions which are expected to be directly related to the long term goals. ||= '''AGRIF''' \\(''!2018WP/AGRIF-*'') =||= '''Enhancement''' \\(''!2018WP/ENHANCE-*'') =||= '''HPC''' \\(''!2018WP/HPC-*'') =||= '''Publication''' \\(''!2018WP/PUBLI-*'') =||= '''Robustness''' \\(''!2018WP/ROBUST-*'') =||= '''Sea-Ice''' \\(''!2018WP/SEAICE-*'') =||||= '''Validation''' \\(''!2018WP/VALID-*'') =|| || [[TitleIndex(2018WP/AGRIF-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2018WP/CONFIGMAN-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2018WP/ENHANCE-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2018WP/HPC-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || == Specific Actions [./SpecificActions] contains the other planned developments for the year, as agreed by all consortium members ||= [wiki:2018WP/CMCC CMCC actions] \\(''!2018WP/CMCC-*'') =||= [wiki:2018WP/CNRS CNRS actions] \\(''!2018WP/CNRS-*'') =||= [wiki:2018WP/INGV INGV actions] \\(''!2018WP/INGV-*'') =||= [wiki:2018WP/Mercator_Ocean Mercator Océan actions] \\(''!2018WP/Mercator_Ocean-*'') =||= [wiki:2018WP/Met_Office Met_Office actions] \\(''!2018WP/Met_Office-*'') =||= [wiki:2018WP/NOC NOC actions] \\(''!2018WP/NOC-*'') =|| || [[TitleIndex(2018WP/CMCC-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2018WP/CNRS-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2018WP/INGV-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2018WP/Mercator_Ocean-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2018WP/Met_Office-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2018WP/NOC-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || == Overall status #status ||= Tickets \\'Type: Task' \\'Milestone: 2018 WP' =|| [[TicketQuery(type=Task, milestone=2018 WP, format=progress)]][[TicketQuery(type=Task, milestone=2018 WP)]] || == Add an action Append your action(s) to the list by initiating 2 resources to track and archive your development work: a wikipage to describe and follow the ongoing work through different steps, and a ticket to gather the group discussion and monitor the overall workplan progress. {{{#!td style="vertical-align: top" [[NewPage(id=WPAction, parent=wiki/2018WP, template=WorkPlanAction, placeholder=Wikipage name, button=Create action's wikipage)]] __Reminders__ * Wikipage name pattern: \\ `{WG or STREAM for shared actions | INSTITUTE for specific actions}-{action number}_{PI(S)}-{keyword(S)}` * Current * WG: [wiki:WorkingGroups/AGRIF AGRIF] | [wiki:WorkingGroups/NEMO_HPC HPC] | [wiki:WorkingGroups/Robustness-TestCases ROBUST] | [wiki:WorkingGroups/sea-ice SEAICE] * Streams: ENHANCE | PUBLI | VALID }}} {{{#!td style="vertical-align: top" {{{#!html

}}} __Ticket fields setting__ \\ * 'Type: Task', 'Milestone: 2018 WP' and 'Version: trunk' by default * 'Cc': add email(s) of people outside NEMO ST for further notification. * 'Component': the area the change is being targeted for. The other fields in the ticket (e.g. 'Priority', 'Keywords') should also be set appropriately. }}} See [wiki:Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges the instructions page] to learn how to implement a development work in NEMO.