= 2017 Workplan [[PageOutline()]] NEMO is a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art software for research and operational oceanography. Its development is defined in a yearly workplan.\\ Since 2014, the long term evolution is designed in the [attachment:"wiki:SystemTeam/ReportsAndDocuments:NEMO development strategy-2014.pdf" NEMO Development Strategy document]. The next 2 sections describe the 2017 workplan. == Shared Actions [./SharedActions] contains the workplan's core: the development priorities for all NEMO consortium's institutions which are expected to be directly related to the long term goals. {{{#!th '''AGRIF'''\\ (''!2017WP/AGRIF-*'') }}} {{{#!th '''Configuration Manager'''\\ (''!2017WP/CONFIGMAN-*'') }}} {{{#!th '''Enhancement'''\\ (''!2017WP/ENHANCE-*'') }}} {{{#!th '''HPC'''\\ (''!2017WP/HPC-*'') }}} {{{#!th '''Robustness'''\\ (''!2017WP/ROBUST-*'') }}} {{{#!th '''Wave Coupling'''\\ (''!2017WP/WAVE-*'') }}} |- || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/AGRIF-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/CONFIGMAN-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/ENHANCE-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/HPC-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/ROBUST-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/WAVE-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || == Specific Actions [./SpecificActions] contains the other planned developments for the year, as agreed by all consortium members {{{#!th '''CMCC''' wiki:2017WP/CMCC\\ (''!2017WP/CMCC-*'') }}} {{{#!th '''CNRS''' wiki:2017WP/CNRS (''!2017WP/CNRS-*'') }}} {{{#!th '''INGV''' wiki:2017WP/INGV (''!2017WP/INGV-*'') }}} {{{#!th '''Mercator_Océan''' wiki:2017WP/Mercator_Ocean (''!2017WP/Mercator_Ocean-*'') }}} {{{#!th '''Met_Office''' wiki:2017WP/Met_Office (''!2017WP/Met_Office-*'') }}} {{{#!th '''NOC''' wiki:2017WP/NOC (''!2017WP/NOC-*'') }}} |- || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/CMCC-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/CNRS-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/INGV-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/Mercator_Ocean-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/Met_Office-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || [[TitleIndex(2017WP/NOC-, hideprefix, depth=0)]] || == Add an action to the yearly workplan Add your work in the workplan tree by creating your own sub-pages from the template [wiki:PageTemplates/WorkPlanAction Work Plan Action] '''Reminder for wiki page name''': "{WG or INSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS}" [[NewPage(id=WPAction, parent=wiki/2017WP, template=WorkPlanAction, placeholder=Wiki page name, button=Add new workplan action)]]'''