= 2017 Shared actions = Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' == ST members involved == || Name || Institution || % || Position || || Simona Flavoni || CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris || 50 || Officer || || Christian Ethé || CNRS IPSL, Paris || 50 || ... || || Claire Lévy || CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris || 100 || Project manager || || Pierre-Antoine Bouttier || CNRS LGGE- OSUG, Grenoble || 50 || ... || || Nicolas Martin || CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris || 50 || ... || || Gurvan Madec || CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris || 30 || Scientific Leader || || Clément Rousset || CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris || 50 || ... || || Martin Vancoppenolle || CNRS LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris || 20 || ... || || Dorotea Iovino || CMCC || 20 || Officer || || Tomas Lovato || CMCC || 20 || ... || || Stefania Ciliberti || CMCC || 20 || ... || || Silvia Mocavero || CMCC || 20 || ... || || Francesca Mele || CMCC || 20 || ... || || Emanuela Clementi || INGV || 30 || Officer || || Gelsomina Mattia || INGV || 30 || ... || || Damiano Delrosso || INGV || 20 || ... || || Massimiliano Drudi || INGV || 20 || ... || || Clement Bricaud || Mercator_Ocean || 30 || Officer || || Jerome Chanut || Mercator_Ocean || 20 || ... || || Julien Paul || Mercator_Ocean || 20 || ... || || Romain Bourdalle Badie || Mercator_Ocean || 20 || ... || || Mondher Chekki || Mercator_Ocean || 20 || ... || || Tim Graham || Met_Office || 80 || Officer || || Pierre Mathiot || Met_Office || 20 || ... || || Mirek Andrejczuk || Met_Office || 25 || ... || || Mike Bell || Met_Office || 15 || ... || || Andrew Coward || NERC || 75 || Officer || == Recent Inputs == * Actions on system simplification towards 4.0, wrote un 2014can be find here: 2014WP/2014_SystemSimplification_v2 ---- == Summaries from Actions forms == __Legend:__ * ''italic'': default values from the summary template * `preformat`: special TracLinks to set (development ticket & branch) * 'Links': direct links to action pages, this wiki page only includes the summaries referenced from other pages {{{#!comment Configure and insert in corresponding table cells the following Trac macro to include the summary of each shared action you have created [[Include(2017WP/${WORKING_GROUP}-${ACTION_NUMBER}_${PI}/Summary)]] }}} {{{#!Fold title=_AGRIF tag=h3 || [[Include(2017WP/AGRIF-1_Clement-LIM3/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/AGRIF-2_TimGraham-vertical/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/AGRIF-3_Jerome-vvl/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/AGRIF-4_clementB_northfold_eastwest/Summary)]] || }}} {{{#!Fold title='Configuration Manager' tag=h3 || [[Include(2017WP/CONFIGMAN-1-Julien_improvment/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/CONFIGMAN-2-Julien_tide_OB_forcing/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/CONFIGMAN-3-Julien_runoff/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/CONFIGMAN-4_StefaniaCiliberti-BDYModel/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/CONFIGMAN-5_StefaniaCiliberti-BDYTool/Summary)]] || || }}} {{{#!Fold title=Enhancement tag=h3 || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-01_Nicolas_NewWebsite/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-02_Martin-MeltPonds/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-03_Nicolas_NewUsersEnv/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-04_Jerome_freesurface/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-05_Gurvan-RK3/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-06_Nicolas-Trusting/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-07_Gurvan-Vertical_Advection/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-08_AndrewC-Wetting_and_drying/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-09_Gurvan-Bulk_improvements/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-10_Jerome_ztilde/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-11_GuillaumeR_QuickestAdv/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-12_Romain-massfluxconvection/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-13_GuillaumeS_dragairice/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-14_Jerome_SAL/Summary)]] || }}} {{{#!Fold title=HPC tag=h3 || [[Include(2017WP/HPC-01_Miguel_Mondher_GatherComm/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/HPC-02_TimGraham_allocate/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/HPC-03_SilviaMocavero_globcomm/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/HPC-04_SilviaMocavero_singlecoreperf/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/HPC-05_DaleyCalvert_LBCLNK/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/HPC-06_SilviaMocavero_hybrid/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/HPC-07_SilviaMocavero_mpi3/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/HPC-08_Gurvan_Unspecified_jpk/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/HPC-09_Gurvan-ZDF/Summary)]] || || }}} {{{#!Fold title=Robustness tag=h3 || [[Include(2017WP/ROBUST-01_PierreAntoine-SEABASSTestCase/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ROBUST-02_Simona-TestCases/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/ROBUST-03_Clement_CRS/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ROBUST-05_Christian-TOPDoc/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/ROBUST-06_Simona-UserDefMod/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ROBUST-07_Christian-TOPRevisit/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/ROBUST-08_AndrewC-MPP_no_ghost/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/ROBUST-09_Tim_Graham_CMIP6doc/Summary)]] || || [[Include(2017WP/ROBUST-10_Tomas_Unify_MPPINI/Summary)]] || || }}} {{{#!Fold title='Wave Coupling' tag=h3 || [[Include(2017WP/WAVE-1_Drudi_Improvements/Summary)]] || [[Include(2017WP/WAVE-2_Clementi_add_coupling/Summary)]] || || }}}