= '''CMCC-NEMO team - 2014 actions''' = [[PageOutline]] Last edited [[Timestamp]] '''WARNING page currently in progress''' '''members''' || Name || Institution || % || Position || || Marcello Vichi || CMCC || ad interim until April 1st 2014 || NEMO Officer || || Andrea Storto || CMCC || 20 || NEMO Officer substitute - Scientist || || Italo Epicoco || CMCC || 20 || Scientist || || Silvia Mocavero || CMCC || 20 || Scientist || || Esteban Gutierrez || CMCC || 20 || Junior programmer || || Pier Giuseppe Fogli || CMCC || 20 || Senior Programmer || || Tomas Lovato || CMCC || 5 || Junior Scientist || Summary: List here actions of the institution so as contributions to [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/wiki/2014WP/2014Stream0 shared actions] || Action || Brief description || Status || Branch name || Trac ticket n° || Wiki page name || Reviewer(s) || Review status || Nb of weeks || Ready for merge If "NO", reason and status for 2015 || || CMCC-1 || xx || xx || || || || || || || || ---- === '''CMCC-1 - Scalability with MPI-OPENMP''' === ''' Motivation: ''' Improve NEMO scalability. [[BR]] ''' Status :''' continuation of 2013 dev CMCC-1[[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' extension of the hybrid OpenMP/MPI approach to the entire code[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:'''  December 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority:'''  MEDIUM[[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' I. Epicoco === '''CMCC-2 - Scalability with mapping strategies''' === ''' Motivation: ''' Improve NEMO scalability [[BR]] ''' Status :''' New [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' use of suitable mapping strategies to optimize the code performance[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:'''  May 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority:'''  MEDIUM[[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' I. Epicoco === '''CMCC-3 - Performance analysis of parallel IO''' === ''' Motivation: ''' Improve NEMO IO scalability [[BR]] ''' Status :''' New [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' performance comparison between XIOS and other parallel I/O approaches such as MPI-IO and Parallel NetCDF.[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:'''  September 2014[[BR]] ''' Priority:'''  HIGH[[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' I. Epicoco === '''CMCC-4 - OBC with BDY for biogeochemistry''' === ''' Motivation: ''' finalize the treatment of boundary conditions for TOP [[BR]] ''' Status :''' continuation [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' use BDY with biogeochemistry using the structures implemented in 2014 development[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline: ''' April 2014 [[BR]] ''' Priority: ''' HIGH [[BR]] ''' Depends on: ''' BDY [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' M. Vichi === '''CMCC-x - title''' === ''' Motivation: ''' xx [[BR]] ''' Status :''' xx [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' xx[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' xx === '''CMCC-x - title''' === ''' Motivation: ''' xx [[BR]] ''' Status :''' xx [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' xx[[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Depends on:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' xx