= '''INGV-NEMO team - 2012 actions''' = [[PageOutline]] Last edited [[Timestamp]] '''members''' || Name || Institution || % || Position || || Mario Adami || INGV, Bologna || 50 || young scientist || || Paolo Oddo || INGV, Bologna || 50 || INGV NEMO officer, senior scientist || '''total weeks : '''[[BR]] 20 + 20 = 40 wk (~1 man/year) [[BR]] [[BR]] Summary: || Action || Brief description || Status || Branch name || Trac ticket n° || Wiki page name || Reviewer(s) || Review status || Nb of weeks || Ready for merge || || INGV-1 || Continuation of Surface Pressure effect developments in limited area model || start || dev_r3389_INGV1+atmpres || 968 || || || || || || || INGV-2 || Continuation of wave wind drag coeff develpment || || || || || || || || || || INGV-3 || River lateral open boundary conditions || || || || || || || || || || INGV-4 || Wave-current interaction || || || || || || || || || || INGV-5 || Atmospheric forcing interpolation || || || || || || || || || || INGV-6 || Atmospheric forcing at the land-ocean interface || || || || || || || || || || INGV-7 || Rationalization of air-sea bulk formulae || || || || || || || || || === '''INGV.1 — Continuation of Surface Pressure effect developments in limited area model ''' === ''' Motivation:''' If OBC-BDY merging has been completed and new developments can start, INGV would like to implement a new Volume/Mass constraint for the filtered free-surface. Actual version of the NEMO code forces, in case of filtered free surface, the total volume to be conserved each time-step. INGV proposes to control the mass exchange through the lateral open boundaries using a generalized Flather lateral boundary condition [[BR]] ''' Status:''' Preliminary test already done [[BR]] ''' Main tasks:''' Recode according consortium rules; ensure compatibility between filtered free-surface / volume conservation and new mass fluxes through lateral open boundaries [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer: ''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator : ''' Paolo Oddo (paolo.oddo@bo.ingv.it) [[BR]] === '''INGV.2 — Continuation of wave wind drag coeff develpment ''' === ''' Motivation:''' [[BR]] ''' Status:''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks:''' Test of different parameterizations for the turbulent part of the wind drag coefficient. [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer: ''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer: ''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline: ''' [[BR]] ''' Priority: ''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Mario Adani (mario.adani@bo.ingv.it) [[BR]] === '''INGV.3 — River lateral open boundary conditions''' === ''' Motivation:''' A proper representation of river volume inflow. In case of large runoff, including the river effects only in the surface water balance (Evaporation minus Precipitation minus runoff/area) could limit the model capability in reproducing the dynamics in the Region Of Fresh water Influence (ROFI). An open lateral boundary condition with a vertical current profile is preferable. [[BR]] ''' Status:''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks :''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Paolo Oddo (paolo.oddo@bo.ingv.it) [[BR]] === '''INGV.4 — Wave-current interaction''' === ''' Motivation:''' full coupling of a wave model with NEMO.In two steps: [[BR]] a. Step1. By the end of 2012. Linear superposition of the Stokes velocity field, computed from an offline wave model, with circulation velocity from OGCM. [[BR]] b. Step2. By the end of 2013. Implementation of all the wave-ogcm coupling terms in the model equations. [[BR]] ''' Status:''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks:''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Mario Adani (mario.adani@bo.ingv.it) [[BR]] === '''INGV.5 — Atmospheric forcing interpolation''' === ''' Motivation:''' An issue that still need investigation for the NEMO air-sea physics concerns the horizontal interpolation of the input atmospheric fields. In the current version of the NEMO code, all the external fields are interpolated into the model T-Grid, then fluxes computed, and finally momentum fluxes interpolated into the corresponfing U and V-grids. Another possibility is to interpolate the input atmospheric data into all the necessary grids (U, V and T) and apply the bulk directly into the correct model grid. This requires some testing. [[BR]] ''' Status:''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks:''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Paolo Oddo (paolo.oddo@bo.ingv.it) [[BR]] === '''INGV.6 — Atmospheric forcing at the land-ocean interface''' === ''' Motivation:''' Masking of atmospheric fields over land is crucial in coastal or near-coastal areas, in order to avoid spurious fluxes due to the wrong usage of “land” values from the coarse atmospheric model when spatial interpolation is required. [[BR]] ''' Status:''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks:''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Paolo Oddo (paolo.oddo@bo.ingv.it) [[BR]] === '''INGV.7 — Rationalization of air-sea bulk formulae''' === ''' Motivation:''' In the current version of the NEMO, a user can choose between three different packages of air sea interaction bulk formulae. The packages differ in term of atmospheric input fields and bulk parametrizations. In theory the best way would be to let the user decide, what kind of bulk to be used for each component of the Heat, Salt and Mass fluxes. This work does not require implementation of the bulk but a quite hard rearranging of the current version of the code. [[BR]] ''' Status:''' [[BR]] ''' Main tasks:''' [[BR]] ''' Science Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' System Reviewer:''' [[BR]] ''' Deadline:''' [[BR]] ''' Priority:''' [[BR]] ''' Principal Investigator :''' Paolo Oddo (paolo.oddo@bo.ingv.it) [[BR]]