= '''MERCATOR-NEMO team - 2010 actions'' = [[BR]] [[PageOutline]] Last edited [[Timestamp]] ---- '''members''' || Name || Institution || % || Position || || Yann Drillet || Mercator Océan, Toulouse || 50 || || || Clément Bricaud || Mercator Océan, Toulouse || 50 || Mercator NEMO officer || '''total weeks : '''[[BR]] 1+1+2+2+2+3+2+1+3+1+1+2+2+2+3+3+3 = 34 wk (40 wk = man/year) [[BR]] [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.1 — On-the-fly interpolation for the initial state''' === '''Motivation:''' Read and interpole 3D files like Levitus with fldread [[BR]] '''Status :''' Running on NEMO_3.2, NVTK OK, branch is opened. [[BR]] '''main tasks :''' review and commit [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Clement Bricaud (cbricaud@mercator-ocean.fr)[[BR]] '''Deadline :''' 19th March 2010 '''Priority: ''' High[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : ''' Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : ''' Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 1 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.2 — Add the option "weekly" in fldread.F90''' === '''Motivation:''' Read weekly forcing files [[BR]] '''Status :''' Running on NEMO_3.2, NVTK OK. [[BR]] '''main tasks :''' review and commit [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Clement Bricaud (cbricaud@mercator-ocean.fr)[[BR]] '''Deadline :'''02nd April 2010 [[BR]] '''Priority: '''High[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 1 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.3 — EVP rheology in LIM2''' === '''Motivation:''' Use EVP rheology of LIM3 in LIM2 [[BR]] '''Status :''' Running on NEMO_3.2, NVTK OK. [[BR]] '''main tasks :''' review and commit. [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Gilles Garric (ggarric@mercator-ocean.fr)[[BR]] '''Deadline :'''02nd April 2010 [[BR]] '''Priority: '''High[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : '''Met Office or NOCS ?(TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 2 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.4 — Atmospheric pressure''' === '''Motivation:''' Use Atmospheric pressure to add the atm gradient to the 3D momentum tendency , to add inverse barometer to open boundary data elevations, and in bulk formulae or flux. [[BR]] '''Status :''' Running at Mercator and Met Office. [[BR]] '''main tasks :''' phasing developments of Mercator and Met Office, review and commit. [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Jerome Chanut (jchanut@mercator-ocean.fr) [[BR]] '''Deadline :'''14th May 2010 [[BR]] '''Priority: '''High[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 2 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.5 — GLS Vertical scheme''' === '''Motivation:''' Mellor Yamada 2,5, generic length scale (Umlauf and burchard 2003) +boundary conditions(Craig and Banner) [[BR]] '''Status :''' Running on NEMO_2.3; phazing on NEMO_3.2[[BR]] '''main tasks :''' review, NVTK,doc and commit. [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Guillaume Reffray (greffray@mercator-ocean.fr)[[BR]] '''Deadline :'''21th May 2010 [[BR]] '''Priority: '''High[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 2 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.6 — Tidal potential''' === '''Motivation:''' [[BR]] '''Status :''' Running on NEMO_3.1 . [[BR]] '''main tasks :''' merge with Met Office OBC, review, NVTK, doc and commit. [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Olivier Legalloudec [[BR]] '''Deadline :'''30th july 2010 [[BR]] '''Priority: '''High[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 3 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.7 — Mixed Implicit/Explicit bottom friction''' === '''Motivation:''' Unconsistent bottom stress in 2d and 3d modes. From BOM code. Explicit bottom stress in barotropic equations/implicit in baroclinic equations .[[BR]] '''Status :'''Ready. Need to iterate with Gurvan with respect to recent implementation of explicit bottom friction. [[BR]] '''main tasks :'''phasing, review, NVTK, doc and commit. [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Jerome Chanut (jchanut@mercator-ocean.fr)[[BR]] '''Deadline :'''24th September 2010 [[BR]] '''Priority: '''High[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 2 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.8 — PPM advection scheme ''' === '''Motivation:''' Add another scheme for tracers advection .[[BR]] '''Status :''' Running on NEMO_3.2, doc OK, NVTK OK. [[BR]] '''main tasks :'''commit. [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Guillaume Reffray (greffray@mercator-ocean.fr)[[BR]] '''Deadline :'''24th September 2010 [[BR]] '''Priority: '''Low[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 1 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.9 — ECUME bulk formulae''' === '''Motivation:''' Ability for NEMO to use another bulk formulation for heat, humidity and momentum at the air/sea interface based on multi-campaigns in situ measurements.[[BR]] '''Status :''' Development and phasing with nemo_3.2 OK. [[BR]] '''main tasks :''' Need some improvments, review, doc, NVTK, commit. [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Gilles Garric (ggarric@mercator-ocean.fr)[[BR]] '''Deadline :'''01th October 2010 [[BR]] '''Priority: '''High[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : '''Met Office (TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 3 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.10 — Lagrangian Floats Module improvments''' === '''Motivation:''' Online monitoring of water particles (position + (T,S) signature), improvements of ascii output + implementation of I/O Ariane (B Blanke) convention: on-mesh initialisation+ netcdf outputs [[BR]] '''Status :''' OK for NEMO 2.3 [[BR]] '''main tasks :''' (3 wk) Phasing with new IOM, review NVTK, doc and commit - v3.4 [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' stephane LAW CHUNE (slaw@mercator-ocean.fr) [[BR]] '''Deadline :'''08st October 2010 [[BR]] '''Priority: '''Low[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : '''NOCS(TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : '''NOCS (TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 1 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.11 — Online computing of transport across sections''' === '''Motivation:''' diagnostic [[BR]] '''Status :''' OK for NEMO 3.1 [[BR]] '''main tasks :''' (3 wk) review NVTK, doc and commit - v3.4 [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Clement BRICAUD (cbricaud@mercator-ocean.fr) [[BR]] '''Deadline :'''08th October 2010 [[BR]] '''Priority: '''Low[[BR]] '''Science Reviewer : '''Met Office(TBC)[[BR]] '''System Reviewer : '''Met Office(TBC)[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 1 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.12 — resolving the 2 versions of time-stepping''' === '''Motivation:''' Tracer conservation and time splitting. reference: Shchepetkin, A. F., and J. C. McWilliams, 2005 [[BR]] '''Status :'''Running and NVTK OK. Need to compare with the Leap-Frog version of Gurvan Madec [[BR]] '''main tasks :''' Need to compare with the Leap-Frog version of Gurvan Madec. [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Jerome Chanut (jchanut@mercator-ocean.fr) [[BR]][[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 2 (TBC) [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.13 — Improvement of OBC''' === '''Motivation:''' need to discuss with OBCs' experts of the consortium to organize the work [[BR]] '''Status :''' [[BR]] '''main tasks :''' [[BR]] '''Principal Investigator :''' Jerome Chanut (jchanut@mercator-ocean.fr) [[BR]][[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 2 (TBC) [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.14 — User Support''' === '''Motivation:'''Provide support to users of NEMO.[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 2 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.14 — Code Reviewing ''' === '''Motivation:'''Reviewing code from NEMO partners [[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 3 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.14 — Beta Testing''' === '''Motivation:''Beta testing of the next relaese[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 3 [[BR]] === '''MERCATOR.15 — Exchange with others centers''' === '''Motivation:'''System Team meetings, Developers Team meetings,NEMO Users meetings, partcipate to the merge party.[[BR]] '''Number of weeks : ''' 3