= '''2009 Stream 3 : Developments & Implementation of new features'' = [[BR]] Last edited [[Timestamp]] [[PageOutline]] ---- == Substream 3.1 : new features from the community == [[BR]] It is of paramount importance to incorporate features developed in the NEMO community and identified as priorities by the Developer’s Committee in order to improve the system and encourage further developments. The actions of the sub-stream are: === Description and participants === • Tidal mixing (Bessière 2007, Koch-Larrouy 2008, Koch-Larrouy et al 2008a,b,c)[[BR]] • 3 bands light penetration + ocean colour (Lengaigne et al CD07, GRL08)[[BR]] • Diurnal cycle on solar radiation (Bernie et al. 2007)[[BR]] • Ice-shelf melting parameterisation (Wang & Beckmann AG07, PhD of P. Mathiot)[[BR]] • Parameterisation of katabatic winds (PhD of P. Mathiot)[[BR]] • Conservative Leap-Frog + Asselin filter (Leclair & Madec OM08)[[BR]] • Observations operator code and increments application [[BR]] === Advancement === ---- == Substream 3.2 : short-term developments of new features by the consortium members == [[BR]] It consists of the short-term developments associated with the priorities of each consortium members that will be incorporated into the system, as they can be useful for the user community. The actions of the sub-stream are: === Description and participants === • New forcing (Tidal potential, atmospheric pressure) and river input scheme (continuation & end)[[BR]] • Embedding sea-ice inside the ocean (continuation & end)[[BR]] • Revisit of mass and salt fluxes between ice, ocean and air (continuation & end) [[BR]] • New advection schemes (PPM, Quickest and Prather) [[BR]] • Lateral ocean physics (isoneutral operator, skew flux, Visbeck coefficients, slope limitation, Aiki formulation) (continuation & end)[[BR]] • Ice improvements (momentum forcing, snow-ice formation, EVP rheology in LIM2)[[BR]] • Improved s-coordinate option (hydrostatic pressure gradient computation, POLCOM-style s-coordinate) (continuation & end)[[BR]] • Vertical physics: improvements of TKE scheme, addition of a Generic length scale model[[BR]] === Advancement === ---- == Substream 3.3 : long-term developments of new features by the consortium members == [[BR]] It consists of the short-term developments associated with the priorities of each consortium members that will be incorporated into the system, as they can be useful for the user community. The actions of the sub-stream are: === Description and participants === • Revisit of the time stepping in TOP (2 years, start in 2009)[[BR]] • Split-explicit + vvl conservative scheme (2 years, started in 2008)[[BR]] • Inclusion of the effect of waves in the marginal ice zone (2 years, start in 2009)[[BR]] • Toward a generalisation of the split-explicit free surface (2 years, start in 2009)[[BR]] • Interface to the OASIS 4 coupler (2-3 years, ongoing, started in 2008)[[BR]] • AGRIF and sea-ice (from 0 order to LIM2 and 3 fully AGRIFed) (3 years, started in 2008)[[BR]] • Development of TAM (ANR VODA), with a major contribution from the LJK team (3 years, started in 2008)[[BR]] • High parallelisation on new plateforms (GPU graphic cards, OpenMP etc …, start in 2009)[[BR]] === Advancement === ----