MPI Program Information: ======================== Note: It is measured from MPI_Init till MPI_Finalize. [U,R] specifies the Universe and the Process Rank in the Universe. Global Data of 4 processes : Min [U,R] Max [U,R] Average ========================== Real Time (sec) : 1695.584 [0,0] 1695.807 [0,2] 1695.697 User Time (sec) : 1655.643 [0,0] 1662.883 [0,2] 1660.060 System Time (sec) : 2.934 [0,2] 5.613 [0,0] 3.759 Vector Time (sec) : 456.432 [0,0] 458.926 [0,2] 457.805 Instruction Count : 242982644560 [0,0] 243958666459 [0,3] 243433859935 Vector Instruction Count : 86373432265 [0,0] 86435011731 [0,2] 86410154538 Vector Element Count : 20940858349247 [0,0] 20951617217413 [0,1] 20946827898003 FLOP Count : 9330233673323 [0,0] 9332646229368 [0,1] 9331526897716 MOPS : 12693.816 [0,2] 12742.762 [0,0] 12712.733 MFLOPS : 5612.210 [0,2] 5635.413 [0,0] 5621.212 Average Vector Length : 242.388 [0,3] 242.446 [0,0] 242.412 Vector Operation Ratio (%) : 99.253 [0,3] 99.258 [0,0] 99.256 Memory size used (MB) : 10009.335 [0,1] 10011.850 [0,0] 10009.964 Global Memory size used (MB): 64.000 [0,0] 64.000 [0,0] 64.000 Overall Data: ============= Real Time (sec) : 1695.807 User Time (sec) : 6640.241 System Time (sec) : 15.038 Vector Time (sec) : 1831.221 GOPS (rel. to User Time) : 50.851 GFLOPS (rel. to User Time) : 22.485 Global Memory size used (GB): 0.250 MPI Communication Information: ------------------------------ Real MPI Idle Time (sec) : 5.850 [0,0] 9.846 [0,3] 8.124 User MPI Idle Time (sec) : 5.689 [0,0] 9.543 [0,3] 7.945 Total real MPI Time (sec) : 37.376 [0,0] 46.723 [0,3] 43.261 Send count : 1380074 [0,0] 1380074 [0,0] 1380074 Recv count : 1380074 [0,0] 1380074 [0,0] 1380074 Barrier count : 2 [0,0] 2 [0,0] 2 Bcast count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Reduce count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Allreduce count : 530715 [0,0] 530715 [0,0] 530715 Scan count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Exscan count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Redscat count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Gather count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Gatherv count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Allgather count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Allgatherv count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Scatter count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Scatterv count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Alltoall count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Alltoallv count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Alltoallw count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Number of bytes sent : 25320311632 [0,0] 25320311632 [0,0] 25320311632 Number of bytes recv : 25320311632 [0,0] 25320311632 [0,0] 25320311632 Put count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Get count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Accumulate count : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Number of bytes put : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Number of bytes got : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0 Number of bytes accum : 0 [0,0] 0 [0,0] 0