# Vortex demonstration case Here a description of the test case + link toward the src and notebooks.
We here provide a physical description of this experiment and additional details as to how to run this experiment within NEMO. This experiment is **created and tested** for NEMO **code at revision 8097**. A **ipython notebook is also provided** as a demonstration of possible analysis. If you have already run the NEMO experiment and want to analyse the resulting output, you can directly look at the notebook : **[here](....)**. ## Objectives The ..... experiment is...... ## Physical description NEMO .... demonstration case follows the specifications of .... et al. (2012): ......
### Exemple of run In this exemple we assess the behaviour of the ....
* The **Reference Simulation** : **FCT2** is the first simulation, .... ``` cd TEST_CASES/........ ln -sf namelist_....._cfg namelist_cfg ``` choice of..... is done in namtra_.... block of namelist: ~~~fortran !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~ Run the executable : (if you haven't compiled NEMO see [here](https://github.com/sflavoni/NEMO-test-cases) ) ``` mpirun -np 1 ./opa ``` Output files are:
~~~ ~~~ * The **Sensibility Simulation** : . ``` ln -sf namelist_xxxx_cfg namelist_cfg ``` Run the executable again : ``` mpirun -np 1 ./opa ``` Output files :
~~~ ~~~ * You can change output file name in variable @expname@ in file\_def\_nemo-opa.xml ~~~xml ~~~ * Available notebook python is **[here]()**. ## References