*Station Air-Sea Fluxes* demonstration case =========================================== Last successful test done with NEMOGCM trunk: ``r13263`` Author: Laurent Brodeau, 2020 NOTE: if working with the trunk of NEMO, you are strongly advised to use the same test-case but on the ``NEMO-examples`` GitHub depo: `https://github.com/NEMO-ocean/NEMO-examples/tree/master/STATION_ASF `__ Objectives ---------- ``STATION_ASF`` is a demonstration test-case that mimics a (static) in-situ station (buoy, platform) dedicated to the estimation of surface air-sea fluxes by means of *widely-measured* (bulk) meteorological surface parameters. ``STATION_ASF`` has been constructed by merging the *single column* and the *standalone surface module* configurations of NEMO. In short, it can be defined as "SAS meets C1D". As such, the spatial domain of ``STATION_ASF`` is punctual (1D, well actually 3 x 3 as in C1D). ``STATION_ASF`` is therefore a versatile tool, and extremely lightweight in terms of computing requirements, to test the different bulk algorithms and cool-skin/warm-layer parameterization options included in NEMO. As input ``STATION_ASF`` will require the traditional *bulk* sea surface parameters: - Bulk sea surface temperature (SST) at *zSST* meters below the surface - Surface current vector - Sea surface salinity as well as the usual surface atmospheric state: - air temperature at *zt* meters above the surface - air humidity at *zt* meters above the surface (specific humidity or relative humidity or dew-point temperature) - wind speed vector at *zu* meters above the surface - Sea level atmospheric pressure (SLP) - Downwelling solar radiation - Downwelling longwave radiation Example of diagnostics from ``STATION_ASF`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Generated with script ``./EXPREF/plot_station_asf_simple.py``) |plot| |plot| |plot| |plot| Physical description -------------------- Important namelist parameters specific to STATION_ASF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``rn_dept1@namusr_def:`` depth (m) at which the prescribed SST is taken (*i.e.* depth of first T-point); important due to impact on warm-layer estimate, the deeper, the more pronounced! - ``rn_lat1d,rn_lon1d@namc1d:`` fixed coordinates of the location of the station (buoy, platform, etc). - ``namsbc_blk:`` to be filled carefully, just as for "C1D", the prescribed surface ATMOSPHERIC state (files) are time series of shape 3x3 in space - ``namsbc_sas:`` to be filled carefully, just as for "C1D", the prescribed surface OCEAN state (files) are time series of shape 3x3 in space Input files to test STATION ASF ------------------------------- One full year (2018) of processed hourly data from the PAPA station (buoy) is found into the ``input_data`` directory. These three files are everything you need to play with the set of *namelists* provided for this test-case. - ``Station_PAPA_50N-145W_atm_hourly_y2018.nc`` → contains hourly surface atmospheric state - ``Station_PAPA_50N-145W_precip_daily_y2018.nc`` → contains daily precipitation - ``Station_PAPA_50N-145W_oce_hourly_y2018.nc`` → contains hourly sea surface state For station PAPA (50.1 N, 144.9 W), air temperature and humidity are measured at 2.5 m, the wind speed at 4 m, and the SST at 1 m below the surface, hence the following namelist parameters are given: - ``&namusr_def`` - ``rn_dept1 = 1.`` - ``&namc1d`` - ``rn_lat1d = 50.1`` - ``rn_lon1d = 215.1`` - ``&namsbc_blk`` - ``rn_zqt = 2.5`` - ``rn_zu = 4.`` Testing the sanity of the SBCBLK (bulk atmospheric forcing) interface of NEMO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``STATION_ASF`` can be used to perform a sanity test of the SBCBLK interface of NEMO. It will test all the bulk-parameterization algorithms using an idealized forcing that includes a wide range of *SSX / surface atmospheric state* conditions to detect potential error / inconsitencies. Both a short report and boolean output: *passed* or *failed* is provided as an output. First compile the ``STATION_ASF`` test-case as follows (compile with xios-2.5 support → check your ARCH file): ``./makenemo -a STATION_ASF -m -n STATION_ASF2 -j 4`` (successfull compilation generates ``tests/STATION_ASF2/BLD/bin/nemo.exe`` Move to: ``tests/STATION_ASF/EXPREF/`` There, in script ``sanity_check_SBCBLK.sh``, double check that the variables given a value in the first lines are consistent with your setup (it should). Launch the script: :: $ ./sanity_check_SBCBLK.sh The report is both interactively shown in the standard output and spwaned in the report file: - ``SBCBLK.success`` the test passed :) - ``SBCBLK.fail`` the test failed :( In case of failure, read the rapport to know which algorithm/computed variables did not pass the test... You should also re-run the script ``sanity_check_SBCBLK.sh`` with the "more" argument: :: $ ./sanity_check_SBCBLK.sh more This will generate more output such as figure of time series for the tested variables. Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order for the python script ``analyze_output.py`` to work, you need ``Python 3`` with the following modules: - numpy - netCDF4 - (matplotlib) Playing with STATION_ASF ------------------------ First compile the test-case as follows (compile with xios-2.5 support → check your ARCH file): ``./makenemo -a STATION_ASF -m -n STATION_ASF2 -j 4`` Move to: ``tests/STATION_ASF/EXPREF/`` to launch 3 simulations (one for each bulk parameterization available). You need to adapt the following variable to your environment in the script: - ``NEMO_ROOT_DIR`` : NEMO root directory where to fetch compiled STATION_ASF ``nemo.exe`` + setup (such as ``${NEMO_ROOT_DIR}/tests/STATION_ASF``) - ``PROD_DIR`` : Directory where to run the simulation - ``DATA_IN_DIR`` : Directory containing sea-surface + atmospheric forcings (found here in ``input_data/``) If everything goes according to plan, ``launch_sasf.sh`` should have generated the 3 following sets of output files into ``${PROD_DIR}/output``: :: STATION_ASF-COARE3p6_1h_20180101_20181231_gridT.nc STATION_ASF-COARE3p6_1h_20180101_20181231_gridU.nc STATION_ASF-COARE3p6_1h_20180101_20181231_gridV.nc STATION_ASF-ECMWF_1h_20180101_20181231_gridT.nc STATION_ASF-ECMWF_1h_20180101_20181231_gridU.nc STATION_ASF-ECMWF_1h_20180101_20181231_gridV.nc STATION_ASF-NCAR_1h_20180101_20181231_gridT.nc STATION_ASF-NCAR_1h_20180101_20181231_gridU.nc STATION_ASF-NCAR_1h_20180101_20181231_gridV.nc -------------- */Laurent, July 2020.* .. |plot| image:: https://github.com/NEMO-ocean/NEMO-examples/blob/master/STATION_ASF/figs/01_temperatures_ECMWF.svg .. |plot| image:: https://github.com/NEMO-ocean/NEMO-examples/blob/master/STATION_ASF/figs/Cd.svg .. |plot| image:: https://github.com/NEMO-ocean/NEMO-examples/blob/master/STATION_ASF/figs/dT_skin.svg .. |plot| image:: https://github.com/NEMO-ocean/NEMO-examples/blob/master/STATION_ASF/figs/Qlat.svg