#!/bin/ksh # $Id$ ###################################################### # Original : C. Talandier for NEMO team # Contact : nemo_st@locean-ipsl.upmc.fr # # It is automatically launched (by the cron_jobs.ksh # script) when all runs (mon, mpi, (omp)) for a given # configuration are finished # # INPUT ARGS: 1 optional # - TODO: (optional) Arg=yes or empty to build # output files including timing results. # Specific to Zahir # # WORK: It aims to (for each standard configuration) : # # I. Check Executable Memory size # - from memory_size.txt output file # *- compare it to a reference version # # II. Check CPU time used (if specified) # - from timing output files # *- compare it to a reference version # # III. Check the reproductibility between mon & mpi runs # - making diff of solver.stat output files # # IV. Check the restartability for mon & mpi runs # - making diff of solver.stat output files # # V.*Compare current results to a reference one # # VI. Send the assessment file "endjob.txt" using # user's e-mail # # * this step is performed only if a reference tag # is passing through the specifs.txt file # See the Makefile under ./config/NVTK directory # # It is based on the directories architecture below : # # NEMO_VALID/WNAME_CONFIG/ # |-- mon --> MONO run # | |-- 1_SHORT # | |-- 2_SHORT # | |-- LONG # | `-- GTIME # |-- mpi --> MPI run # | |-- 1_SHORT # | |-- 2_SHORT # | |-- LONG # | `-- GTIME # `-- omp --> Open-MP run # |-- 1_SHORT # |-- 2_SHORT # |-- LONG # `-- GTIME # ########################################################### #set -xv ########################################################### CONF=`basename $( pwd ) | cut -c2-` TODO=$2 TARGET=sx8brodie EXPER=$( ( awk '/test=/ { print $2 }' specifs.txt ) ) LRTYPE="$( ( awk '/runs=/ { printf "%s %s %s", $2 , $3 , $4}' specifs.txt ) )" MPIDCI="$( ( awk '/mpis=/ { printf "%s ", $2}' specifs.txt ) )" MPIDCJ="$( ( awk '/mpis=/ { printf "%s ", $3}' specifs.txt ) )" MPIDCIJ="$( ( awk '/mpis=/ { printf "%s ", $4}' specifs.txt ) )" VTIME=$( ( awk '/time=/ { print $2 }' specifs.txt ) ) REF_TAG=$( (awk '/tagname=/ {print $2}' specifs.txt) ) URL_USE=$( (awk '/URL:/ {print $0}' specifs.txt) ) REV_USE=$( (awk '/Revision:/ {print $2}' specifs.txt) ) TITLE="NEMO VALIDATION ${EXPER} : $CONF on $TARGET" EMAIL='ctlod@locean-ipsl.upmc.fr' \rm endjob.txt 2> /dev/null touch endjob.txt if [ ${CONF} == 'ORCA2_LIM' ] ; then CONFS=ORCA2 elif [ ${CONF} == 'ORCA2_LIM3' ] ; then CONFS=OR2L3 elif [ ${CONF} == 'GYRE' ] ; then CONFS=GYREO elif [ ${CONF} == 'GYRE_LOBSTER' ] ; then CONFS=GYREL elif [ ${CONF} == 'ORCA2_LIM_PISCES' ] ; then CONFS=OR2LP elif [ ${CONF} == 'ORCA2_OFF_PISCES' ] ; then CONFS=OR2OP elif [ ${CONF} == 'ZAGRIF' ] ; then CONFS=ZAGRI else CONFS=${CONF} fi ########################################################### # checkfile() is a local function to check if a file exist # 5 arguments: # - zf2check : file name to check # - zoutfile : output file name to print results # - zwork : kind of prints to perform # - zreprint : print a message once (yes/no) # - ziter : (optional) print time steps number (yes/no) ########################################################### ################ Begin checkfile function ################# function checkfile { # name of the file to check zf2check=$1 # print output file name zoutfile=$2 # white space prints zworkt=$3 # Print a message only once zreprint=$4 # Print iterations number ziter=$5 #set -x test -n "${ziter}" zrepiter=$? genf=$( basename ${zf2check} ) case "${zworkt}" in 'NORM' ) blnk=' ' ;; 'DIFF' ) blnk=' ' ;; esac fmes4=" - file ${zf2check} doesn't exist " # Check file exists if [ -a ${zf2check} ] ; then fmes1=" List ${genf} files and check date creation: " fmes2=" `ls -o ${zf2check}` " fmes3=" - file ${zf2check} is empty " fmes4=" Num. time steps: done / expected " if [ ${zreprint} = 'yes' ] ; then if [ ${zrepiter} == 0 ] ; then echo "${blnk}${fmes1}" "${fmes4}" >> ${zoutfile} else echo "${blnk}${fmes1}" >> ${zoutfile} fi fi # Check file is not empty if [ -s ${zf2check} ] ; then if [ ${zrepiter} == 0 ] ; then # Check run's iterations number from solver.stat basedir="`dirname ${zf2check}`" echo "`tail -1 ${zf2check}`" > temp1 echo "`grep nitend ${basedir}/namelist`" > temp2 typeset -Z4 ziter_run typeset -Z4 ziter_ask ziter_run="`awk '{print $3}' temp1`" ziter_ask="`awk '{print $3}' temp2`" \rm temp1 temp2 [ ${zoutfile} ] && echo "${blnk}${fmes2}" " ${ziter_run} / ${ziter_ask}" >> ${zoutfile} xist=0 ; return ${xist} else [ ${zoutfile} ] && echo "${blnk}${fmes2}" >> ${zoutfile} xist=0 ; return ${xist} fi else [ ${zoutfile} ] && echo "${blnk}${fmes3}" >> ${zoutfile} xist=1 ; return ${xist} fi else [ ${zoutfile} ] && echo "${blnk}${fmes4}" >> ${zoutfile} xist=1 ; return ${xist} fi return } ############### End checkfile function ############### ###################################################### # Get the name of the present script nscript=$( (basename $0) ) ########################################################### # mak_diff_file() is a local function which performs diff # on some files and print messages in the endjob.txt file # 7 input arguments: # - zfex : (0/1) (make/do not make) diff (files doesn't exist) # - zfile1 : first input file name # - zfile2 : second input file name # - zruntype: run type (mon, mpi, omp) # - zstream : stream of the run (long, stream_1, stream_2) # - ztag : the tag name to which are compared files # - zkind : kind of the check (repro/resta) ############################################################### ################ Begin mak_diff_file function ################# function mak_diff_file { # # help_diff() To print help # function help_diff { echo "Usage: ${nscript} [-x] [-a] [-b] [-r] [-s] [-t] [-k]" echo "Options: These are optional argument" echo " -x : (0/1) (make/do not make) diff " echo " -a : first input file name" echo " -b : second input file name" echo " -r : run type (mon, mpi, omp)" echo " -s : stream of the run (long, stream_1, stream_2)" echo " -t : tag name to which are compared files" echo " -k : kind of the check (repro/resta)" echo " their values are not taken)" exit 1 } ##set -xv # Initialization zfex=1 zfile1= zfile2= zruntype= zstream= ztag= zkind=none # Get arguments while getopts x:a:b:r:s:t:k: opt do case "$opt" in x) zfex="$OPTARG";; a) zfile1="$OPTARG";; b) zfile2="$OPTARG";; r) zruntype="$OPTARG";; s) zstream="$OPTARG";; t) ztag="$OPTARG";; k) zkind="$OPTARG";; *) help_diff;; esac done zgenf=$( basename ${zfile1} ) zgenftrc=$( basename ${zfile1%.*} ) case "$zkind" in none ) zmesg1=" Current run ${ztag} run " zmesg2=" ----------- --------------" zmesg_NOK=" ${zstream} ${zgenf} is NOT identical to the version ${ztag} one" zmesg_OK=" ${zstream} ${zgenf} IS IDENTICAL to the version ${ztag} one " zmesg_wht=" NO comparison between current ${zstream} and the version ${ztag} ${zgenf} " bnam='cvref_'${zgenftrc}_${zstream}_${zruntype} ;; repro ) zmesg1=" mon run ${zruntype} run " zmesg2=" ------- ------- " zmesg_NOK=" NO NO NO NO NO NO for the current version" zmesg_OK=" YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES for the current version " zmesg_wht=" NO CONCLUSION !!!!! " bnam=${zkind}_${zgenftrc} ;; resta ) zmesg1=" LONG Stream SHORT Streams" zmesg2=" ----------- -------------" zmesg_NOK=" NO NO NO NO NO NO for the current version i.e. LONG stream != ( 1_SHORT + 2_SHORT ) streams " zmesg_OK=" YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES for the current version i.e. LONG stream = ( 1_SHORT + 2_SHORT ) streams " zmesg_wht=" NO CONCLUSION !!!!!! " bnam=${zkind}_${zgenftrc} ;; esac if [ ${zfex} == 0 ] ; then \rm ${bnam}.txt 2> /dev/null echo " Make difference between ${zgenf} files " > ${bnam}.txt echo " ${zstream} ${zruntype} run " >> ${bnam}.txt echo "${zmesg1}" >> ${bnam}.txt echo "${zmesg2}" >> ${bnam}.txt sdiff ${zfile1} ${zfile2} >> ${bnam}.txt sdiff -s ${zfile1} ${zfile2} >> ${bnam}_dd.txt #--------- if [ ${zgenf} = 'ocean.output' ] ; then echo " " >> ${zstream}_head.txt echo " Make difference between ${zgenf} files " > ${zstream}_head.txt echo " ${zstream} ${zruntype} run " >> ${zstream}_head.txt echo " Current run ${ztag} run " >> ${zstream}_head.txt echo " ----------- --------------" >> ${zstream}_head.txt echo " " >> ${zstream}_head.txt zfout=${bnam}_dd.txt zspmes=" See ${bnam}.txt file for full difference" else touch ${zstream}_head.txt zfout=${bnam}.txt zspmes="" fi #--------- if [ -s ${bnam}_dd.txt ] ; then # Differences exist between solver.stat or ocean.output files echo " " >> endjob.txt echo "${zmesg_NOK}" >> endjob.txt echo " ${zspmes} " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt cat ${zstream}_head.txt ${zfout} >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt else # No differences exist between solver.stat or ocean.output files echo " " >> endjob.txt echo "${zmesg_OK}" >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt fi \rm *_dd* *_head.txt 2> /dev/null else # It is not possible to conclude because files are missing or empty echo " " >> endjob.txt echo "${zmesg_wht}" >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt fi return } ############### End mak_diff_file function #################### ############################################################### ########################################################### # concat_perf() is a local function to gather performances # files (perfs_runtype.txt_xxxx) build with the hpmcount # command on Zahir and standard(s) error output file(s) # runtypeCONFNAME_err # 1 argument: # - zconf : configuration name ############################################################# ################ Begin concat_perf function ################# function concat_perf { #set -x # name of the configuration zconf=$1 # List of files to treat zcatfe[0]="mon/LONG/${EXPER}/mon${zconf}_err" zcatfe[1]="mon/GTIME/${EXPER}/mon${zconf}_err" zcatfe[2]="mpi/GTIME/${EXPER}/mpi${zconf}_err" ind=0 while [ ${ind} -lt 3 ] ; do zpath=$( ( dirname ${zcatfe[${ind}]} ) ) zname=$( ( basename ${zcatfe[${ind}]} ) ) cd ${zpath} cp ${zname} ${zname}_save for kf in `ls perf*` ; do cat ${kf} >> ${zname} done cd ../../.. let ind=${ind}+1 done return } ############### End concat_perf function ############### ######################################################## # ############################### # 0. EXPERIENCE NAME # ############################### echo " ############################ " > endjob.txt echo " EXPERIENCE NAME: $EXPER " >> endjob.txt echo " ############################ " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt # ############################### # 0.I LIST OF FILES TESTED, i.e. stored under NVTK/2TEST directory # ############################### echo " ################################################# " >> endjob.txt echo " FILES STORED UNDER NVTK/${EXPER} DIRECTORY & TESTED " >> endjob.txt echo " ################################################# " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt LSFILES=`head -1 f2test.txt | wc -w` if [ $LSFILES != 0 ] ; then for file in `head -1 f2test.txt` ; do echo " -" $file >> endjob.txt done else echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ---> NO files tested " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt fi echo " " >> endjob.txt # ############################### # 0.II LIST OF CPP KEYS USED # ############################### echo " ################################################# " >> endjob.txt echo " CPP KEYS USED FOR ${EXPER} EXPERIENCE " >> endjob.txt echo " ################################################# " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt for file in `tail -1 f2test.txt` ; do echo " -" $file >> endjob.txt done echo " " >> endjob.txt # ############################### # ############################### # 0.III NEMO MPI DECOMPOSITION USED # ############################### for runt in ${LRTYPE} ; do if [ ${runt} = 'mpi' ] ; then echo " ############################# " >> endjob.txt echo " NEMO MPI DECOMPOSITION USED " >> endjob.txt echo " ############################# " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " jpni = ${MPIDCI} ; jpnj = ${MPIDCJ} ; jpnij = ${MPIDCIJ} " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt fi done # ############################### # ############################### # 0.IV NEMO SOURCE FILES INFORMATION, i.e. revision & URL downloaded # ############################### echo " ############################# " >> endjob.txt echo " NEMO SOURCE FILES INFORMATION " >> endjob.txt echo " ############################# " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " NEMO downloaded from server: ${URL_USE} " >> endjob.txt echo " NEMO revision : ${REV_USE} " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt test -n "${TODO}" id2do=$? if [ ${id2do} == 0 -a ${TARGET} = 'aix6' ] ; then concat_perf ${CONFS} ; fi #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # ############################### # I. CHECK EXECUTABLE MEMORY SIZE # ############################### filecs="mon/LONG/${EXPER}/memory_size.txt" ; filers="mon/LONG/${REF_TAG}/memory_size.txt" filecm="mon/LONG/${EXPER}/mon${CONFS}_err" ; filerm="mon/LONG/${REF_TAG}/mon${CONFS}_err" xfilecs=0 ; xfilecm=0 ; xfilers=0 ; xfilerm=0 echo " ############################ " >> endjob.txt echo " CHECK EXECUTABLE MEMORY SIZE " >> endjob.txt echo " ############################ " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt #-------- checkfile ${filecs} 'endjob.txt' DIFF yes ; xfilecs=$? checkfile ${filers} 'endjob.txt' DIFF no ; xfilers=$? checkfile ${filecm} 'endjob.txt' DIFF no ; xfilecm=$? checkfile ${filerm} 'endjob.txt' DIFF no ; xfilerm=$? # If current version files exist if [ ${xfilecs} == 0 ] ; then if [ ${REF_TAG} ] ; then ./MEM_size_${TARGET}.ksh -a ${xfilecm} -b ${xfilers} -d ${xfilerm} -e ${EXPER} -c ${CONFS} -o endjob.txt -t ${REF_TAG} else ./MEM_size_${TARGET}.ksh -a ${xfilecm} -b ${xfilers} -d ${xfilerm} -e ${EXPER} -c ${CONFS} -o endjob.txt fi else echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ---> NO memory size check " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt fi # #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # ####################### # II. CHECK CPU TIME USED # ####################### if [ ${VTIME} = 'timing' ] ; then echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ###################### " >> endjob.txt echo " CHECK CPU TIME USED " >> endjob.txt echo " ###################### " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt #------ for runt in ${LRTYPE} ; do echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ---> Timing for the ${runt} run : " >> endjob.txt echo " ---------------------------- " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt xfilecv=0 ; xfilerv=0 # Check that timing file for the ${runt} current version exist filecv="${runt}/GTIME/${EXPER}/${runt}${CONFS}_err" checkfile ${filecv} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes ; xfilecv=$? # Check that timing file for the ${runt} reference version exist filerv="${runt}/GTIME/${REF_TAG}/${runt}${CONFS}_err" checkfile ${filerv} 'endjob.txt' NORM no ; xfilerv=$? echo " " >> endjob.txt if [ ${xfilecv} == 0 ] ; then if [ ${REF_TAG} ] ; then ./CPU_time_${TARGET}.ksh -r ${runt} -a ${filecv} -b ${filerv} -o endjob.txt -x ${xfilerv} -t ${REF_TAG} else ./CPU_time_${TARGET}.ksh -r ${runt} -a ${filecv} -b ${filerv} -o endjob.txt -x ${xfilerv} fi fi done fi #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # ######################################################## # III. CHECK REPRODUCTIBILITY: mon .vs. mpi & mon .vs .omp # ######################################################## echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ###################### " >> endjob.txt echo " CHECK REPRODUCTIBILITY " >> endjob.txt echo " ###################### " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt #------ for runt in ${LRTYPE} ; do if [ ${runt} != 'mon' ] ; then if [ ${CONF} != 'ORCA2_OFF_PISCES' ] ; then echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ---> Ocean Reproductibility mon .vs. ${runt} ? : " >> endjob.txt echo " ------------------------------------------- " >> endjob.txt filemon="mon/LONG/${EXPER}/solver.stat" ; filexxx="${runt}/LONG/${EXPER}/solver.stat" xfilemon=0 checkfile ${filemon} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes yes ; xfilemon=$? checkfile ${filexxx} 'endjob.txt' NORM no yes ; xfilemon=$? mak_diff_file -x ${xfilemon} -a ${filemon} -b ${filexxx} -r ${runt} -s LONG -k repro fi if [ ${CONF} = 'GYRE_LOBSTER' -o ${CONF} = 'ORCA2_LIM_PISCES' -o ${CONF} = 'ORCA2_OFF_PISCES' ] ; then # check that ocean.output files exist filemon="mon/LONG/${EXPER}/ocean.output" ; filexxx="${runt}/LONG/${EXPER}/ocean.output" xfilemon=0 checkfile ${filemon} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes ; xfilemon=$? checkfile ${filexxx} 'endjob.txt' NORM no ; xfilemon=$? # check that tracer.stat files have been built based on ocean.output ones filemon="mon/LONG/${EXPER}/tracer.stat" ; filexxx="${runt}/LONG/${EXPER}/tracer.stat" xfilemon=0 if [ ${CONF} = 'GYRE_LOBSTER' ] ; then echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ---> LOBSTER Reproductibility mon .vs. ${runt} ? : " >> endjob.txt echo " --------------------------------------------- " >> endjob.txt ./LOBSTER_stat.ksh -a ${filemon} -b ${filexxx} -c ocean.output else echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ---> PISCES Reproductibility mon .vs. ${runt} ? : " >> endjob.txt echo " --------------------------------------------- " >> endjob.txt ./PISCES_stat.ksh -a ${filemon} -b ${filexxx} -c ocean.output fi checkfile ${filemon} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes ; xfilemon=$? checkfile ${filexxx} 'endjob.txt' NORM no ; xfilemon=$? mak_diff_file -x ${xfilemon} -a ${filemon} -b ${filexxx} -r ${runt} -s LONG -k repro fi fi done #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # ########################################## # IV. CHECK RESTARTABILITY: mon mpi omp runs # ########################################## echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " #################### " >> endjob.txt echo " CHECK RESTARTABILITY " >> endjob.txt echo " #################### " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt for runt in ${LRTYPE} ; do if [ ${CONF} != 'ORCA2_OFF_PISCES' ] ; then echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ---> ${runt} ocean restartability ? : " >> endjob.txt echo " -------------------------------- " >> endjob.txt file1="${runt}/1_SHORT/${EXPER}/solver.stat" ; file2="${runt}/2_SHORT/${EXPER}/solver.stat" ; file3="${runt}/LONG/${EXPER}/solver.stat" xfile1=0 #------- checkfile ${file1} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes yes ; xfile1=$? checkfile ${file2} 'endjob.txt' NORM no yes ; xfile1=$? # cat ${file1} ${file2} > short_solver_${runt}.stat mak_diff_file -x ${xfile1} -a ${file3} -b short_solver_${runt}.stat -r ${runt} -k resta \rm short_solver_${runt}.stat fi #------- if [ ${CONF} = 'GYRE_LOBSTER' -o ${CONF} = 'ORCA2_LIM_PISCES' -o ${CONF} = 'ORCA2_OFF_PISCES' ] ; then # check that ocean.output files exist file1="${runt}/2_SHORT/${EXPER}/ocean.output" ; file2="${runt}/LONG/${EXPER}/ocean.output" xfile1=0 checkfile ${file1} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes ; xfile1=$? checkfile ${file2} 'endjob.txt' NORM no ; xfile1=$? # check that tracer.stat files have been built based on ocean.output ones file1="${runt}/2_SHORT/${EXPER}/tracer.stat" ; file2="${runt}/LONG/${EXPER}/tracer.stat" xfile1=0 if [ ${CONF} = 'GYRE_LOBSTER' ] ; then echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ---> ${runt} LOBSTER restartability ? : " >> endjob.txt echo " ---------------------------------- " >> endjob.txt ./LOBSTER_stat.ksh -a ${file1} -b ${file2} -c ocean.output else echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " ---> ${runt} PISCES restartability ? : " >> endjob.txt echo " --------------------------------------------- " >> endjob.txt ./PISCES_stat.ksh -a ${file1} -b ${file2} -c ocean.output fi checkfile ${file1} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes ; xfile1=$? checkfile ${file2} 'endjob.txt' NORM no ; xfile1=$? # mak_diff_file -x ${xfile1} -a ${file2} -b ${file1} -r ${runt} -k resta fi done #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # ####################################################### # V. COMPARE CURRENT ${runt} RESULTS TO THE $REF_TAG ONES # ####################################################### # This step is realised only if a reference tag ${REF_TAG} is specified if [ ${REF_TAG} ] ; then echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " #################################################### " >> endjob.txt echo " COMPARE CURRENT VERSION RESULTS TO THE $REF_TAG ONES " >> endjob.txt echo " #################################################### " >> endjob.txt echo " " >> endjob.txt for runt in ${LRTYPE} ; do echo " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> endjob.txt echo " ---> ${runt} results : current version | ${REF_TAG} version STREAM 1 & 2" >> endjob.txt echo ' solver.stat .vs. solver.stat ' >> endjob.txt echo ' ocean.output .vs. ocean.output ' >> endjob.txt file1="${runt}/1_SHORT/${EXPER}/solver.stat" ; file2="${runt}/2_SHORT/${EXPER}/solver.stat" filev1="${runt}/1_SHORT/${REF_TAG}/solver.stat" ; filev2="${runt}/2_SHORT/${REF_TAG}/solver.stat" file_oc1="${runt}/1_SHORT/${EXPER}/ocean.output" ; file_oc2="${runt}/2_SHORT/${EXPER}/ocean.output" file_roc1="${runt}/1_SHORT/${REF_TAG}/ocean.output" ; file_roc2="${runt}/2_SHORT/${REF_TAG}/ocean.output" xfilev1=0 ; xfilev2=0 ; xfile_oc1=0 ; xfile_oc2=0 echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " STREAM 1 results : " >> endjob.txt echo " ----------------- " >> endjob.txt # #------- # solver.stat STREAM 1 checkfile ${file1} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes ; xfilev1=$? checkfile ${filev1} 'endjob.txt' NORM no ; xfilev1=$? mak_diff_file -x ${xfilev1} -a ${file1} -b ${filev1} -r ${runt} -s STREAM_1 -t ${REF_TAG} #------- # ocean.output STREAM 1 checkfile ${file_oc1} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes ; xfile_oc1=$? checkfile ${file_roc1} 'endjob.txt' NORM no ; xfile_oc1=$? mak_diff_file -x ${xfile_oc1} -a ${file_oc1} -b ${file_roc1} -r ${runt} -s STREAM_1 -t ${REF_TAG} echo " " >> endjob.txt echo " STREAM 2 results : " >> endjob.txt echo " ----------------- " >> endjob.txt # #------- # solver.stat STREAM 2 checkfile ${file2} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes ; xfilev2=$? checkfile ${filev2} 'endjob.txt' NORM no ; xfilev2=$? mak_diff_file -x ${xfilev2} -a ${file2} -b ${filev2} -r ${runt} -s STREAM_2 -t ${REF_TAG} #------- # ocean.output STREAM 2 checkfile ${file_oc2} 'endjob.txt' NORM yes ; xfile_oc2=$? checkfile ${file_roc2} 'endjob.txt' NORM no ; xfile_oc2=$? mak_diff_file -x ${xfile_oc2} -a ${file_oc2} -b ${file_roc2} -r ${runt} -s STREAM_2 -t ${REF_TAG} done # #------- fi #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # ############################################### # VI. SEND THE ASSESSMENT FILE REPORT "endjob.txt" # ############################################### mail -s "$TITLE" ${EMAIL} < endjob.txt