! Agrif (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) ! ! Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) ! Christophe Vouland (Christophe.Vouland@imag.fr) ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place-Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ! ! ! ! !> Definition of data types used in AGRIF, of several variables and parameters ! module Agrif_Types ! use Agrif_Procs ! implicit none ! integer, parameter :: Agrif_MaxRaff = 7 !< Maximum refinement ratio integer, parameter :: Agrif_NbMaxGrids = 10 !< Maximum number of grids of the hierarchy ! !=================================================================================================== type Agrif_LRectangle !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !< Data type allowing a grid to reach a grid on the same level or its child grids ! type(Agrif_Rectangle) , pointer :: r => NULL() !< to reach a child grid type(Agrif_LRectangle), pointer :: next => NULL() !< to reach a grid on the same level ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end type Agrif_LRectangle !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== type Agrif_Rectangle !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !< Data type to define several characteristics of a grid (number, position, time and space !< refinement factors, etc). ! integer :: number !< Number of the grid integer, dimension(3) :: imin !< Minimal position in the x,y and z direction integer, dimension(3) :: imax !< Maximal position in the x,y and z direction integer, dimension(3) :: spaceref !< Space refinement factor in the x,y and z direction integer, dimension(3) :: timeref !< Time refinement factor in the x,y and z direction type(Agrif_LRectangle), pointer :: childgrids => NULL() !< Pointer to reach a grid on the same level or a child grid ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end type Agrif_Rectangle !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== type Agrif_Variable !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !< Data type to characterize a grid variable. ! type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: root_var => NULL() !< pointer on the variable of the root grid type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: parent_var => NULL() !< pointer on the parent variable ! integer, dimension(6) :: point !< index of the first point in the !< real domain (x,y and z direction) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: posvar !< position of the variable on the cell !< (1 for the boarder of the edge, 2 for the center) integer :: interpIndex = -1 !< Indication for the space interpolation (module Agrif_Boundary) integer :: nbdim = 0 !< number of dimensions of the grid variable character(1), dimension(:), allocatable :: interptab !< Array indicating the type of dimension (space or not) !! for each of them integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: coords !< Array indicating the coordinate for each dimension !! of the array that is refined : !! 'x' -> 1 ; 'y' -> 2 ; 'z' -> 3 ; 'N' -> 0 !> @} !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (real) !> @{ real, dimension(:) , allocatable :: array1 real, dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: array2 real, dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: array3 real, dimension(:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: array4 real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: array5 real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: array6 !> @} !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (real*8) !> @{ real(8), dimension(:) , allocatable :: darray1 real(8), dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: darray2 real(8), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: darray3 real(8), dimension(:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: darray4 real(8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: darray5 real(8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: darray6 !> @} !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (real*4) !> @{ real(4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: sarray1 real(4), dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: sarray2 real(4), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: sarray3 real(4), dimension(:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: sarray4 real(4), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: sarray5 real(4), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sarray6 !> @} !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (real) !> @{ real, dimension(:) , pointer :: parray1 real, dimension(:,:) , pointer :: parray2 real, dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: parray3 real, dimension(:,:,:,:) , pointer :: parray4 real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , pointer :: parray5 real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: parray6 !> @} !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (real*8) !> @{ real(8), dimension(:) , pointer :: pdarray1 real(8), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: pdarray2 real(8), dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: pdarray3 real(8), dimension(:,:,:,:) , pointer :: pdarray4 real(8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , pointer :: pdarray5 real(8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: pdarray6 !> @} !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (real*4) !> @{ real(4), dimension(:) , pointer :: psarray1 real(4), dimension(:,:) , pointer :: psarray2 real(4), dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: psarray3 real(4), dimension(:,:,:,:) , pointer :: psarray4 real(4), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , pointer :: psarray5 real(4), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: psarray6 !> @} !> \name Arrays used to restore the values !> @{ integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: restore1D => NULL() integer, dimension(:,:) , pointer :: restore2D => NULL() integer, dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: restore3D => NULL() integer, dimension(:,:,:,:) , pointer :: restore4D => NULL() integer, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , pointer :: restore5D => NULL() integer, dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: restore6D => NULL() !> @} real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: oldvalues2D => NULL() !< Array used for the time interpolation logical :: restore = .FALSE. !< =1 if the variable should be restored logical :: Interpolationshouldbemade = .FALSE. !< TRUE if the interpolation should be made in any case integer :: bcinf !< option bc integer :: bcsup !< option bc integer, dimension(6) :: type_interp !< option interp integer, dimension(6,6) :: type_interp_bc !< option bcinterp integer, dimension(6) :: type_update !< option update integer, dimension(6) :: lb integer, dimension(6) :: ub logical,dimension(6,2) :: memberin integer,dimension(6,2,2,6,2) :: childarray type(Agrif_List_Interp_Loc), pointer :: list_interp => NULL() type(Agrif_List_Interp_Loc), pointer :: list_update => NULL() !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end type Agrif_Variable !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== type Agrif_Variable_c !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !< Data type to characterize a grid variable. ! type(Agrif_Variable_c), pointer :: root_var => NULL() !< pointer on the variable of the root grid type(Agrif_Variable_c), pointer :: parent_var => NULL() !< pointer on the parent variable ! integer :: nbdim = 0 !< number of dimensions of the grid variable ! !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (character) !> @{ character(4000) :: carray0 character(400), dimension(:) , allocatable :: carray1 character(400), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: carray2 !> @} !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end type Agrif_Variable_c !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== type Agrif_Variable_r !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !< Data type to characterize a grid variable. ! type(Agrif_Variable_r), pointer :: root_var => NULL() !< pointer on the variable of the root grid type(Agrif_Variable_r), pointer :: parent_var => NULL() !< pointer on the parent variable ! integer :: nbdim = 0 !< number of dimensions of the grid variable ! !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (real) !> @{ real :: array0 real, dimension(:) , allocatable :: array1 real, dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: array2 real, dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: array3 real, dimension(:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: array4 real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: array5 real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: array6 !> @} !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (real*8) !> @{ real(8) :: darray0 real(8), dimension(:) , allocatable :: darray1 real(8), dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: darray2 real(8), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: darray3 real(8), dimension(:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: darray4 real(8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: darray5 real(8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: darray6 !> @} !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (real*4) !> @{ real(4) :: sarray0 real(4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: sarray1 real(4), dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: sarray2 real(4), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: sarray3 real(4), dimension(:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: sarray4 real(4), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: sarray5 real(4), dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sarray6 !> @} !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end type Agrif_Variable_r !=================================================================================================== !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== type Agrif_Variable_l !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !< Data type to characterize a grid variable. ! type(Agrif_Variable_l), pointer :: root_var => NULL() !< pointer on the variable of the root grid type(Agrif_Variable_l), pointer :: parent_var => NULL() !< pointer on the parent variable ! integer :: nbdim = 0 !< number of dimensions of the grid variable ! !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (logical) !> @{ logical :: larray0 = .FALSE. logical, dimension(:) , allocatable :: larray1 logical, dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: larray2 logical, dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: larray3 logical, dimension(:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: larray4 logical, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: larray5 logical, dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: larray6 !> @} !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end type Agrif_Variable_l !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== type Agrif_Variable_i !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !< Data type to characterize a grid variable. ! type(Agrif_Variable_i), pointer :: root_var => NULL() !< pointer on the variable of the root grid type(Agrif_Variable_i), pointer :: parent_var => NULL() !< pointer on the parent variable ! integer :: nbdim = 0 !< number of dimensions of the grid variable ! !> \name Arrays containing the values of the grid variables (integer) !> @{ integer :: iarray0 = 0 integer, dimension(:) , allocatable :: iarray1 integer, dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: iarray2 integer, dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: iarray3 integer, dimension(:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: iarray4 integer, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: iarray5 integer, dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: iarray6 !> @} !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end type Agrif_Variable_i !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== type Agrif_Interp_Loc !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer,dimension(6) :: pttab, petab, pttab_Child, pttab_Parent = -99 integer,dimension(6) :: indmin, indmax integer,dimension(6) :: pttruetab,cetruetab logical :: member, memberin #if !defined AGRIF_MPI integer,dimension(6) :: indminglob,indmaxglob #else integer,dimension(6) :: indminglob2,indmaxglob2 integer,dimension(6,2,2) :: parentarray integer,dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: tab4t => NULL() integer,dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: tab5t => NULL() logical, dimension(:), pointer :: memberinall => NULL() logical, dimension(:), pointer :: memberinall2 => NULL() logical, dimension(:), pointer :: sendtoproc1 => NULL() logical, dimension(:), pointer :: sendtoproc2 => NULL() logical, dimension(:), pointer :: recvfromproc1 => NULL() logical, dimension(:), pointer :: recvfromproc2 => NULL() #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end type Agrif_Interp_Loc !=================================================================================================== !=================================================================================================== type Agrif_List_Interp_Loc !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Interp_Loc), pointer :: interp_loc => NULL() type(Agrif_List_Interp_Loc), pointer :: suiv => NULL() !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end type Agrif_List_Interp_Loc !=================================================================================================== !=================================================================================================== type Agrif_Variables_List !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(Agrif_Variable), pointer :: var => NULL() type(Agrif_Variables_List), pointer :: next => NULL() !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end type Agrif_Variables_List !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== !> Different parameters ! type(Agrif_Variable), dimension(:), pointer :: Agrif_tabvars => NULL() type(Agrif_Variable_c), dimension(:), pointer :: Agrif_tabvars_c => NULL() type(Agrif_Variable_r), dimension(:), pointer :: Agrif_tabvars_r => NULL() type(Agrif_Variable_l), dimension(:), pointer :: Agrif_tabvars_l => NULL() type(Agrif_Variable_i), dimension(:), pointer :: Agrif_tabvars_i => NULL() ! integer :: Agrif_Probdim !< Problem dimension integer,dimension(0:4):: Agrif_NbVariables !< Number of variables integer :: Agrif_nbfixedgrids !< Number of fixed grids in the grid hierarchy integer, dimension(3) :: Agrif_coeffref !< Space refinement factor integer, dimension(3) :: Agrif_coeffreft !< Time refinement factor logical :: Agrif_UseSpecialValue !< T if use special values on the parent grid logical :: Agrif_UseSpecialValueInUpdate !< T if use special values on the parent grid logical :: Agrif_Update_Weights = .FALSE. logical :: Agrif_UseSpecialValueFineGrid !< T if use special values on the current grid real :: Agrif_SpecialValue !< Special value on the parent grid real :: Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid !< Special value on the current grid !> !> \name Clustering parameters !> @{ integer :: Agrif_Regridding = 10 integer :: Agrif_Minwidth real :: Agrif_Efficiency = 0.7 integer :: MaxSearch = 5 real, dimension(3) :: Agrif_mind !> @} !> \name parameters for the interpolation of the child grids !> @{ integer, parameter :: Agrif_linear = 1 !< linear interpolation integer, parameter :: Agrif_lagrange = 2 !< lagrange interpolation integer, parameter :: Agrif_eno = 3 !< spline interpolation integer, parameter :: Agrif_user_interp = 4 !< user defined interpolation integer, parameter :: Agrif_constant = 5 !< constant interpolation integer, parameter :: Agrif_linearconserv = 6 !< linear conservative interpolation integer, parameter :: Agrif_linearconservlim = 7 !< linear conservative interpolation integer, parameter :: Agrif_ppm = 8 !< PPM interpolation integer, parameter :: Agrif_weno = 9 !< WENO5 interpolation integer, parameter :: Agrif_ppm_lim = 10 !< PPM interpolation with monotonicity !> @} !> \name parameters for the update of the parent grids !> @{ integer, parameter :: Agrif_Update_Copy = 1 !< copy integer, parameter :: Agrif_Update_Average = 2 !< average integer, parameter :: Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting = 3 !< full-weighting !> @} !> \name Raffinement grid switches !> @{ integer :: Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS !< = 1 if fixed grid mode integer :: Agrif_USE_FIXED_GRIDS !< = 1 if AMR mode + fixed grid else only AMR mode !> @} integer :: Agrif_Maxlevelloc ! #if defined AGRIF_MPI integer :: Agrif_Nbprocs !< Number of processors integer :: Agrif_ProcRank !< Rank of the current processor integer :: Agrif_Group !< Group associated to Agrif_mpi_comm integer :: Agrif_mpi_comm #else integer :: Agrif_ProcRank = 0 #endif ! integer :: Agrif_Extra_Boundary_Cells = 3 !< When computing integration sequences, the grid rects !! are expanded to this number of cells. logical :: Agrif_Parallel_sisters = .FALSE. !< When TRUE, try to compute sister grids (which have the same parent) !! in parallel rather than sequentially. logical :: agrif_regrid_has_been_done = .FALSE. !< switch to skip Agrif_Regrid call ! real, dimension(:) , allocatable :: parray1 real, dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: parray2 real, dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: parray3 real, dimension(:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: parray4 real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: parray5 real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: parray6 ! logical :: agrif_debug = .false. ! may be activaded in users subroutine for debugging purposes ! If a grand mother grid is present logical :: agrif_coarse = .false. integer, dimension(3) :: coarse_spaceref = (/1,1,1/) integer, dimension(3) :: coarse_timeref = (/1,1,1/) ! contains ! !=================================================================================================== ! function Agrif_Ceiling !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function Agrif_Ceiling ( x ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: x ! integer :: i ! i = FLOOR(x) ! if( ABS(x - i) <= 0.0001 )then Agrif_Ceiling = i else Agrif_Ceiling = i+1 endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end function Agrif_Ceiling !=================================================================================================== ! !=================================================================================================== ! function Agrif_Int !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function Agrif_Int(x) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: x ! integer :: i ! i = FLOOR(x) + 1 ! if( ABS(x - i) <= 0.0001 )then Agrif_Int = i else Agrif_Int = i-1 endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end function Agrif_Int !=================================================================================================== ! end module Agrif_Types