MODULE trdmxl_trc !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE trdmxl_trc *** !! Ocean diagnostics: mixed layer passive tracer trends !!====================================================================== !! History : 9.0 ! 06-08 (C. Deltel) Original code (from trdmxl.F90) !! ! 07-04 (C. Deltel) Bug fix : add trcrad trends !! ! 07-06 (C. Deltel) key_gyre : do not call lbc_lnk !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_top && defined key_trdmxl_trc !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_trdmxl_trc' mixed layer trend diagnostics !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! trd_mxl_trc : passive tracer cumulated trends averaged over ML !! trd_mxl_trc_zint : passive tracer trends vertical integration !! trd_mxl_trc_init : initialization step !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE trc ! tracer definitions (tr etc.) USE dom_oce ! domain definition USE zdfmxl , ONLY : nmln ! number of level in the mixed layer USE zdf_oce , ONLY : avs ! vert. diffusivity coef. at w-point for temp USE trdtrc_oce ! definition of main arrays used for trends computations USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE dianam ! build the name of file (routine) USE ldfslp ! iso-neutral slopes USE ioipsl ! NetCDF library USE lbclnk ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link) USE lib_mpp ! MPP library USE trdmxl_trc_rst ! restart for diagnosing the ML trends USE prtctl ! print control USE sms_pisces ! PISCES bio-model IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC trd_mxl_trc PUBLIC trd_mxl_trc_alloc PUBLIC trd_mxl_trc_init PUBLIC trd_mxl_trc_zint CHARACTER (LEN=40) :: clhstnam ! name of the trends NetCDF file INTEGER :: nmoymltrd INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: ndextrd1, nidtrd, nh_t INTEGER :: ndimtrd1 INTEGER, SAVE :: ionce, icount LOGICAL :: llwarn = .TRUE. ! this should always be .TRUE. LOGICAL :: lldebug = .TRUE. REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: ztmltrd2 ! !! * Substitutions # include "do_loop_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/TOP 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS INTEGER FUNCTION trd_mxl_trc_alloc() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trd_mxl_trc_alloc *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE( ztmltrd2(jpi,jpj,jpltrd_trc,jptra) , & & ndextrd1(jpi*jpj), nidtrd(jptra), nh_t(jptra), STAT=trd_mxl_trc_alloc) ! CALL mpp_sum ( 'trdmxl_trc', trd_mxl_trc_alloc ) IF( trd_mxl_trc_alloc /=0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'trd_mxl_trc_alloc: failed to allocate arrays' ) ! END FUNCTION trd_mxl_trc_alloc SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc_zint( ptrc_trdmxl, ktrd, ctype, kjn, Kmm ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trd_mxl_trc_zint *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute the vertical average of the 3D fields given as arguments !! to the subroutine. This vertical average is performed from ocean !! surface down to a chosen control surface. !! !! ** Method/usage : !! The control surface can be either a mixed layer depth (time varying) !! or a fixed surface (jk level or bowl). !! Choose control surface with nctls_trc in namelist NAMTRD : !! nctls_trc = -2 : use isopycnal surface !! nctls_trc = -1 : use euphotic layer with light criterion !! nctls_trc = 0 : use mixed layer with density criterion !! nctls_trc = 1 : read index from file 'ctlsurf_idx' !! nctls_trc > 1 : use fixed level surface jk = nctls_trc !! Note: in the remainder of the routine, the volume between the !! surface and the control surface is called "mixed-layer" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: ktrd, kjn ! ocean trend index and passive tracer rank INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: Kmm ! time level index CHARACTER(len=2), INTENT( in ) :: ctype ! surface/bottom (2D) or interior (3D) physics REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT( in ) :: ptrc_trdmxl ! passive tracer trend ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, isum REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zvlmsk !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! I. Definition of control surface and integration weights ! -------------------------------------------------------- ONCE_PER_TIME_STEP : IF( icount == 1 ) THEN ! tmltrd_trc(:,:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! <<< reset trend arrays to zero ! ... Set nmld(ji,jj) = index of first T point below control surf. or outside mixed-layer SELECT CASE ( nn_ctls_trc ) ! choice of the control surface CASE ( -2 ) ; CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'trdmxl_trc : not ready ' ) ! -> isopycnal surface (see ???) CASE ( -1 ) ; nmld_trc(:,:) = neln(:,:) ! -> euphotic layer with light criterion CASE ( 0 ) ; nmld_trc(:,:) = nmln(:,:) ! -> ML with density criterion (see zdfmxl) CASE ( 1 ) ; nmld_trc(:,:) = nbol_trc(:,:) ! -> read index from file CASE ( 2: ) ; nn_ctls_trc = MIN( nn_ctls_trc, jpktrd_trc - 1 ) nmld_trc(:,:) = nn_ctls_trc + 1 ! -> model level END SELECT ! ... Compute ndextrd1 and ndimtrd1 ??? role de jpktrd_trc IF( ionce == 1 ) THEN ! isum = 0 ; zvlmsk(:,:) = 0.e0 IF( jpktrd_trc < jpk ) THEN ! description ??? DO_2D_11_11 IF( nmld_trc(ji,jj) <= jpktrd_trc ) THEN zvlmsk(ji,jj) = tmask(ji,jj,1) ELSE isum = isum + 1 zvlmsk(ji,jj) = 0.e0 ENDIF END_2D ENDIF IF( isum > 0 ) THEN ! index of ocean points (2D only) WRITE(numout,*)' tmltrd_trc : Number of invalid points nmld_trc > jpktrd', isum CALL wheneq( jpi*jpj, zvlmsk(:,:) , 1, 1., ndextrd1, ndimtrd1 ) ELSE CALL wheneq( jpi*jpj, tmask(:,:,1), 1, 1., ndextrd1, ndimtrd1 ) ENDIF ionce = 0 ! no more pass here ! ENDIF ! ionce == 1 ! ... Weights for vertical averaging wkx_trc(:,:,:) = 0.e0 DO_3D_11_11( 1, jpktrd_trc ) IF( jk - nmld_trc(ji,jj) < 0 ) wkx_trc(ji,jj,jk) = e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) * tmask(ji,jj,jk) END_3D rmld_trc(:,:) = 0.e0 DO jk = 1, jpktrd_trc ! compute mixed-layer depth : rmld_trc rmld_trc(:,:) = rmld_trc(:,:) + wkx_trc(:,:,jk) END DO DO jk = 1, jpktrd_trc ! compute integration weights wkx_trc(:,:,jk) = wkx_trc(:,:,jk) / MAX( 1., rmld_trc(:,:) ) END DO icount = 0 ! <<< flag = off : control surface & integr. weights ! ! computed only once per time step ENDIF ONCE_PER_TIME_STEP ! II. Vertical integration of trends in the mixed-layer ! ----------------------------------------------------- SELECT CASE ( ctype ) CASE ( '3D' ) ! mean passive tracer trends in the mixed-layer DO jk = 1, jpktrd_trc tmltrd_trc(:,:,ktrd,kjn) = tmltrd_trc(:,:,ktrd,kjn) + ptrc_trdmxl(:,:,jk) * wkx_trc(:,:,jk) END DO CASE ( '2D' ) ! forcing at upper boundary of the mixed-layer tmltrd_trc(:,:,ktrd,kjn) = tmltrd_trc(:,:,ktrd,kjn) + ptrc_trdmxl(:,:,1) * wkx_trc(:,:,1) ! non penetrative END SELECT ! END SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc_zint SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc( kt, Kmm ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trd_mxl_trc *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute and cumulate the mixed layer trends over an analysis !! period, and write NetCDF outputs. !! !! ** Method/usage : !! The stored trends can be chosen twofold (according to the ln_trdmxl_trc_instant !! logical namelist variable) : !! 1) to explain the difference between initial and final !! mixed-layer T & S (where initial and final relate to the !! current analysis window, defined by ntrc_trc in the namelist) !! 2) to explain the difference between the current and previous !! TIME-AVERAGED mixed-layer T & S (where time-averaging is !! performed over each analysis window). !! !! ** Consistency check : !! If the control surface is fixed ( nctls_trc > 1 ), the residual term (dh/dt !! entrainment) should be zero, at machine accuracy. Note that in the case !! of time-averaged mixed-layer fields, this residual WILL NOT BE ZERO !! over the first two analysis windows (except if restart). !! N.B. For ORCA2_ICE, use e.g. ntrc_trc=5, rn_ucf_trc=1., nctls_trc=8 !! for checking residuals. !! On a NEC-SX5 computer, this typically leads to: !! O(1.e-20) temp. residuals (tml_res) when ln_trdmxl_trc_instant=.false. !! O(1.e-21) temp. residuals (tml_res) when ln_trdmxl_trc_instant=.true. !! !! ** Action : !! At each time step, mixed-layer averaged trends are stored in the !! tmltrd(:,:,jpmxl_xxx) array (see trdmxl_oce.F90 for definitions of jpmxl_xxx). !! This array is known when trd_mld is called, at the end of the stp subroutine, !! except for the purely vertical K_z diffusion term, which is embedded in the !! lateral diffusion trend. !! !! In I), this K_z term is diagnosed and stored, thus its contribution is removed !! from the lateral diffusion trend. !! In II), the instantaneous mixed-layer T & S are computed, and misc. cumulative !! arrays are updated. !! In III), called only once per analysis window, we compute the total trends, !! along with the residuals and the Asselin correction terms. !! In IV), the appropriate trends are written in the trends NetCDF file. !! !! References : !! - Vialard & al. !! - See NEMO documentation (in preparation) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step index INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kmm ! time level index ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, jl, ik, it, itmod, jn REAL(wp) :: zavt, zfn, zfn2 ! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jptra) :: ztmltot ! d(trc)/dt over the anlysis window (incl. Asselin) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jptra) :: ztmlres ! residual = dh/dt entrainment term REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jptra) :: ztmlatf ! for storage only REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jptra) :: ztmlrad ! for storage only (for trb<0 corr in trcrad) ! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jptra) :: ztmltot2 ! -+ REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jptra) :: ztmlres2 ! | working arrays to diagnose the trends REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jptra) :: ztmltrdm2 ! | associated with the time meaned ML REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jptra) :: ztmlatf2 ! | passive tracers REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jptra) :: ztmlrad2 ! | (-> for trb<0 corr in trcrad) ! CHARACTER (LEN=10) :: clvar !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ====================================================================== ! I. Diagnose the purely vertical (K_z) diffusion trend ! ====================================================================== ! ... These terms can be estimated by flux computation at the lower boundary of the ML ! (we compute (-1/h) * K_z * d_z( tracer )) IF( ln_trcldf_iso ) THEN ! DO jn = 1, jptra DO_2D_11_11 ik = nmld_trc(ji,jj) IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) & tmltrd_trc(ji,jj,jpmxl_trc_zdf,jn) = - avs(ji,jj,ik) / e3w(ji,jj,ik,Kmm) * tmask(ji,jj,ik) & & * ( tr(ji,jj,ik-1,jn,Kmm) - tr(ji,jj,ik,jn,Kmm) ) & & / MAX( 1., rmld_trc(ji,jj) ) * tmask(ji,jj,1) END_2D END DO DO jn = 1, jptra ! ... Remove this K_z trend from the iso-neutral diffusion term (if any) IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) & tmltrd_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_ldf,jn) = tmltrd_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_ldf,jn) - tmltrd_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_zdf,jn) END DO ! ENDIF !!gm Test removed, nothing specific to a configuration should survive out of usrdef modules !!gm IF ( cn_cfg .NE. 'gyre' ) THEN ! other than GYRE configuration !!gm ! GYRE : for diagnostic fields, are needed if cyclic B.C. are present, but not for purely MPI comm. !!gm ! therefore we do not call lbc_lnk in GYRE config. (closed basin, no cyclic B.C.) DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN DO jl = 1, jpltrd_trc CALL lbc_lnk( 'trdmxl_trc', tmltrd_trc(:,:,jl,jn), 'T', 1. ) ! lateral boundary conditions END DO ENDIF END DO !!gm ENDIF ! ====================================================================== ! II. Cumulate the trends over the analysis window ! ====================================================================== ztmltrd2(:,:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; ztmltot2(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! <<< reset arrays to zero ztmlres2(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; ztmlatf2(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ztmlrad2(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! II.1 Set before values of vertically averages passive tracers ! ------------------------------------------------------------- IF( kt > nittrc000 ) THEN DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN tmlb_trc (:,:,jn) = tml_trc (:,:,jn) tmlatfn_trc(:,:,jn) = tmltrd_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_atf,jn) tmlradn_trc(:,:,jn) = tmltrd_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_radb,jn) ENDIF END DO ENDIF ! II.2 Vertically averaged passive tracers ! ---------------------------------------- tml_trc(:,:,:) = 0.e0 DO jk = 1, jpktrd_trc ! - 1 ??? DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) & tml_trc(:,:,jn) = tml_trc(:,:,jn) + wkx_trc(:,:,jk) * tr(:,:,jk,jn,Kmm) END DO END DO ! II.3 Initialize mixed-layer "before" arrays for the 1rst analysis window ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF( kt == nittrc000 + 1 ) THEN ! i.e. ( .NOT. ln_rstart ).AND.( kt == nit000 + 1) ??? ! DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN tmlbb_trc (:,:,jn) = tmlb_trc (:,:,jn) ; tmlbn_trc (:,:,jn) = tml_trc (:,:,jn) tmlatfb_trc(:,:,jn) = tmlatfn_trc(:,:,jn) ; tmlradb_trc(:,:,jn) = tmlradn_trc(:,:,jn) tmltrd_csum_ub_trc (:,:,:,jn) = 0.e0 ; tmltrd_atf_sumb_trc (:,:,jn) = 0.e0 tmltrd_rad_sumb_trc (:,:,jn) = 0.e0 ENDIF END DO rmldbn_trc(:,:) = rmld_trc(:,:) ! ENDIF ! II.4 Cumulated trends over the analysis period ! ---------------------------------------------- ! ! [ 1rst analysis window ] [ 2nd analysis window ] ! ! o---[--o-----o-----o-----o--]-[--o-----o-----o-----o-----o--]---o-----o--> time steps ! ntrd 2*ntrd etc. ! 1 2 3 4 =5 e.g. =10 ! IF( ( kt >= 2 ).OR.( ln_rsttr ) ) THEN ! ??? ! nmoymltrd = nmoymltrd + 1 ! ... Cumulate over BOTH physical contributions AND over time steps DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN DO jl = 1, jpltrd_trc tmltrdm_trc(:,:,jn) = tmltrdm_trc(:,:,jn) + tmltrd_trc(:,:,jl,jn) END DO ENDIF END DO DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN ! ... Special handling of the Asselin trend tmlatfm_trc(:,:,jn) = tmlatfm_trc(:,:,jn) + tmlatfn_trc(:,:,jn) tmlradm_trc(:,:,jn) = tmlradm_trc(:,:,jn) + tmlradn_trc(:,:,jn) ! ... Trends associated with the time mean of the ML passive tracers tmltrd_sum_trc (:,:,:,jn) = tmltrd_sum_trc (:,:,:,jn) + tmltrd_trc (:,:,:,jn) tmltrd_csum_ln_trc(:,:,:,jn) = tmltrd_csum_ln_trc(:,:,:,jn) + tmltrd_sum_trc(:,:,:,jn) tml_sum_trc (:,:,jn) = tml_sum_trc (:,:,jn) + tml_trc (:,:,jn) ENDIF ENDDO rmld_sum_trc (:,:) = rmld_sum_trc (:,:) + rmld_trc (:,:) ! ENDIF ! ====================================================================== ! III. Prepare fields for output (get here ONCE PER ANALYSIS PERIOD) ! ====================================================================== ! Convert to appropriate physical units tmltrd_trc(:,:,:,:) = tmltrd_trc(:,:,:,:) * rn_ucf_trc itmod = kt - nittrc000 + 1 it = kt MODULO_NTRD : IF( MOD( itmod, nn_trd_trc ) == 0 ) THEN ! nitend MUST be multiple of nn_trd_trc ! ztmltot (:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! reset arrays to zero ztmlres (:,:,:) = 0.e0 ztmltot2(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ztmlres2(:,:,:) = 0.e0 zfn = FLOAT( nmoymltrd ) ; zfn2 = zfn * zfn ! III.1 Prepare fields for output ("instantaneous" diagnostics) ! ------------------------------------------------------------- DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN !-- Compute total trends IF ( ln_trcadv_muscl .OR. ln_trcadv_muscl2 ) THEN ! EULER-FORWARD schemes ztmltot(:,:,jn) = ( tml_trc(:,:,jn) - tmlbn_trc(:,:,jn) )/rn_Dt ELSE ! LEAP-FROG schemes ztmltot(:,:,jn) = ( tml_trc(:,:,jn) - tmlbn_trc(:,:,jn) + tmlb_trc(:,:,jn) - tmlbb_trc(:,:,jn))/(2.*rn_Dt) ENDIF !-- Compute residuals ztmlres(:,:,jn) = ztmltot(:,:,jn) - ( tmltrdm_trc(:,:,jn) - tmlatfn_trc(:,:,jn) + tmlatfb_trc(:,:,jn) & & - tmlradn_trc(:,:,jn) + tmlradb_trc(:,:,jn) ) !-- Diagnose Asselin trend over the analysis window ztmlatf(:,:,jn) = tmlatfm_trc(:,:,jn) - tmlatfn_trc(:,:,jn) + tmlatfb_trc(:,:,jn) ztmlrad(:,:,jn) = tmlradm_trc(:,:,jn) - tmlradn_trc(:,:,jn) + tmlradb_trc(:,:,jn) !-- Lateral boundary conditions IF ( cn_cfg .NE. 'gyre' ) THEN CALL lbc_lnk_multi( 'trdmxl_trc', ztmltot(:,:,jn) , 'T', 1. , ztmlres(:,:,jn) , 'T', 1., & & ztmlatf(:,:,jn) , 'T', 1. , ztmlrad(:,:,jn) , 'T', 1. ) ENDIF #if defined key_diainstant CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'tmltrd_trc : key_diainstant was never checked within trdmxl. Comment this to proceed.' ) #endif ENDIF END DO ! III.2 Prepare fields for output ("mean" diagnostics) ! ---------------------------------------------------- !-- Update the ML depth time sum (to build the Leap-Frog time mean) rmld_sum_trc(:,:) = rmldbn_trc(:,:) + 2 * ( rmld_sum_trc(:,:) - rmld_trc(:,:) ) + rmld_trc(:,:) !-- Compute passive tracer total trends DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN tml_sum_trc(:,:,jn) = tmlbn_trc(:,:,jn) + 2 * ( tml_sum_trc(:,:,jn) - tml_trc(:,:,jn) ) + tml_trc(:,:,jn) ztmltot2 (:,:,jn) = ( tml_sum_trc(:,:,jn) - tml_sumb_trc(:,:,jn) ) / ( 2.*rn_Dt ) ! now tracer unit is /sec ENDIF END DO !-- Compute passive tracer residuals DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN ! DO jl = 1, jpltrd_trc ztmltrd2(:,:,jl,jn) = tmltrd_csum_ub_trc(:,:,jl,jn) + tmltrd_csum_ln_trc(:,:,jl,jn) END DO ztmltrdm2(:,:,jn) = 0.e0 DO jl = 1, jpltrd_trc ztmltrdm2(:,:,jn) = ztmltrdm2(:,:,jn) + ztmltrd2(:,:,jl,jn) END DO ztmlres2(:,:,jn) = ztmltot2(:,:,jn) - & & ( ztmltrdm2(:,:,jn) - tmltrd_sum_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_atf ,jn) + tmltrd_atf_sumb_trc(:,:,jn) & & - tmltrd_sum_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_radb,jn) + tmltrd_rad_sumb_trc(:,:,jn) ) ! !-- Diagnose Asselin trend over the analysis window ztmlatf2(:,:,jn) = ztmltrd2(:,:,jpmxl_trc_atf ,jn) - tmltrd_sum_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_atf ,jn) & & + tmltrd_atf_sumb_trc(:,:,jn) ztmlrad2(:,:,jn) = ztmltrd2(:,:,jpmxl_trc_radb,jn) - tmltrd_sum_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_radb,jn) & & + tmltrd_rad_sumb_trc(:,:,jn) !-- Lateral boundary conditions IF ( cn_cfg .NE. 'gyre' ) THEN ! other than GYRE configuration CALL lbc_lnk_multi( 'trdmxl_trc', ztmltot2(:,:,jn), 'T', 1., ztmlres2(:,:,jn), 'T', 1. ) DO jl = 1, jpltrd_trc CALL lbc_lnk( 'trdmxl_trc', ztmltrd2(:,:,jl,jn), 'T', 1. ) ! will be output in the NetCDF trends file END DO ENDIF ENDIF END DO ! * Debugging information * IF( lldebug ) THEN ! WRITE(numout,*) 'trd_mxl_trc : write trends in the Mixed Layer for debugging process:' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~ ' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'TRC kt = ', kt, ' nmoymltrd = ', nmoymltrd DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN WRITE(numout, *) WRITE(numout, *) '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRC TRACER jn =', jn, ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<' WRITE(numout, *) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM ztmlres : ', SUM2D(ztmlres(:,:,jn)) !CD??? PREVOIR: z2d = ztmlres(:,:,jn) ; CALL prt_ctl(tab2d_1=z2d, clinfo1=' ztmlres - : ') WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM ABS(ztmlres): ', SUM2D(ABS(ztmlres(:,:,jn))) WRITE(numout, '(3x,a)') ' -->>>------------------- ztmlres is computed from ------------- ' WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM +ztmltot : ', SUM2D(+ztmltot (:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM +tmltrdm_trc: ', SUM2D(+tmltrdm_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM -tmlatfn_trc: ', SUM2D(-tmlatfn_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM +tmlatfb_trc: ', SUM2D(+tmlatfb_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM -tmlradn_trc: ', SUM2D(-tmlradn_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM +tmlradb_trc: ', SUM2D(+tmlradb_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout, '(3x,a)') ' --<<<----------------------------------------------------------- ' WRITE(numout, *) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM ztmlres2 : ', SUM2D(ztmlres2(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM ABS(ztmlres2):', SUM2D(ABS(ztmlres2(:,:,jn))) WRITE(numout, '(3x,a)') ' -->>>------------------- ztmlres2 is computed from ------------ ' WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM +ztmltot2 : ', SUM2D(+ztmltot2(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM +ztmltrdm2 : ', SUM2D(+ztmltrdm2(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM -tmltrd_sum_trc : ', SUM2D(-tmltrd_sum_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_atf,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM +tmltrd_atf_sumb_trc : ', SUM2D(+tmltrd_atf_sumb_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM -tmltrd_sum_trc : ', SUM2D(-tmltrd_sum_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_radb,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM +tmltrd_rad_sumb_trc : ', SUM2D(+tmltrd_rad_sumb_trc(:,:,jn) ) WRITE(numout, '(3x,a)') ' --<<<----------------------------------------------------------- ' WRITE(numout, *) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM ztmltot : ', SUM2D(ztmltot (:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout, '(3x,a)') ' -->>>------------------- ztmltot is computed from ------------- ' WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM +tml_trc : ', SUM2D(tml_trc (:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM -tmlbn_trc : ', SUM2D(tmlbn_trc (:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM +tmlb_trc : ', SUM2D(tmlb_trc (:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM -tmlbb_trc : ', SUM2D(tmlbb_trc (:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout, '(3x,a)') ' --<<<----------------------------------------------------------- ' WRITE(numout, *) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM tmltrdm_trc : ', SUM2D(tmltrdm_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM tmlatfb_trc : ', SUM2D(tmlatfb_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM tmlatfn_trc : ', SUM2D(tmlatfn_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM tmlradb_trc : ', SUM2D(tmlradb_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout,98) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' SUM tmlradn_trc : ', SUM2D(tmlradn_trc(:,:,jn)) WRITE(numout, *) DO jl = 1, jpltrd_trc WRITE(numout,97) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' TREND INDEX jpmxl_trc_xxx = ', jl, & & ' SUM tmltrd_trc : ', SUM2D(tmltrd_trc(:,:,jl,jn)) END DO WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' *********************** ZTMLRES, ZTMLRES2 *********************** ' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'TRC ztmlres (jpi/2,jpj/2,:) : ', ztmlres (jpi/2,jpj/2,jn) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'TRC ztmlres2(jpi/2,jpj/2,:) : ', ztmlres2(jpi/2,jpj/2,jn) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' *********************** ZTMLRES *********************** ' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) '...................................................' WRITE(numout,*) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' ztmlres (1:10,1:5,jn) : ' DO jj = 5, 1, -1 WRITE(numout,99) jj, ( ztmlres (ji,jj,jn), ji=1,10 ) END DO WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' *********************** ZTMLRES2 *********************** ' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) '...................................................' WRITE(numout,*) 'TRC jn =', jn, ' ztmlres2 (1:10,1:5,jn) : ' DO jj = 5, 1, -1 WRITE(numout,99) jj, ( ztmlres2 (ji,jj,jn), ji=1,10 ) END DO ! ENDIF ! END DO 97 FORMAT(a10, i3, 2x, a30, i3, a20, 2x, g20.10) 98 FORMAT(a10, i3, 2x, a30, 2x, g20.10) 99 FORMAT('TRC jj =', i3,' : ', 10(g10.3,2x)) WRITE(numout,*) ! ENDIF ! III.3 Time evolution array swap ! ------------------------------- ! ML depth rmldbn_trc(:,:) = rmld_trc(:,:) rmld_sum_trc(:,:) = rmld_sum_trc(:,:) / (2*zfn) ! similar to tml_sum and sml_sum DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN ! For passive tracer instantaneous diagnostics tmlbb_trc (:,:,jn) = tmlb_trc (:,:,jn) ; tmlbn_trc (:,:,jn) = tml_trc (:,:,jn) tmlatfb_trc(:,:,jn) = tmlatfn_trc(:,:,jn) ; tmlradb_trc(:,:,jn) = tmlradn_trc(:,:,jn) ! For passive tracer mean diagnostics tmltrd_csum_ub_trc (:,:,:,jn) = zfn * tmltrd_sum_trc(:,:,:,jn) - tmltrd_csum_ln_trc(:,:,:,jn) tml_sumb_trc (:,:,jn) = tml_sum_trc(:,:,jn) tmltrd_atf_sumb_trc(:,:,jn) = tmltrd_sum_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_atf ,jn) tmltrd_rad_sumb_trc(:,:,jn) = tmltrd_sum_trc(:,:,jpmxl_trc_radb,jn) ! III.4 Convert to appropriate physical units ! ------------------------------------------- ztmltot (:,:,jn) = ztmltot (:,:,jn) * rn_ucf_trc/zfn ! instant diags ztmlres (:,:,jn) = ztmlres (:,:,jn) * rn_ucf_trc/zfn ztmlatf (:,:,jn) = ztmlatf (:,:,jn) * rn_ucf_trc/zfn ztmlrad (:,:,jn) = ztmlrad (:,:,jn) * rn_ucf_trc/zfn tml_sum_trc (:,:,jn) = tml_sum_trc (:,:,jn) / (2*zfn) ! mean diags ztmltot2 (:,:,jn) = ztmltot2 (:,:,jn) * rn_ucf_trc/zfn2 ztmltrd2 (:,:,:,jn) = ztmltrd2 (:,:,:,jn) * rn_ucf_trc/zfn2 ztmlatf2 (:,:,jn) = ztmlatf2 (:,:,jn) * rn_ucf_trc/zfn2 ztmlrad2 (:,:,jn) = ztmlrad2 (:,:,jn) * rn_ucf_trc/zfn2 ztmlres2 (:,:,jn) = ztmlres2 (:,:,jn) * rn_ucf_trc/zfn2 ENDIF END DO ! ENDIF MODULO_NTRD ! ====================================================================== ! IV. Write trends in the NetCDF file ! ====================================================================== ! IV.1 Code for IOIPSL/NetCDF output ! ---------------------------------- IF( lwp .AND. MOD( itmod , nn_trd_trc ) == 0 ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' ' WRITE(numout,*) 'trd_mxl_trc : write passive tracer trends in the NetCDF file :' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~ ' WRITE(numout,*) ' ', trim(clhstnam), ' at kt = ', kt WRITE(numout,*) ' N.B. nmoymltrd = ', nmoymltrd WRITE(numout,*) ' ' ENDIF NETCDF_OUTPUT : IF( ln_trdmxl_trc_instant ) THEN ! <<< write the trends for passive tracer instant. diags ! DO jn = 1, jptra ! IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), "mxl_depth", it, rmld_trc(:,:), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) !-- Output the fields clvar = trim(ctrcnm(jn))//"ml" ! e.g. detml, zooml, nh4ml, etc. CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar) , it, tml_trc(:,:,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//"_tot" , it, ztmltot(:,:,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//"_res" , it, ztmlres(:,:,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) DO jl = 1, jpltrd_trc - 2 CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jl,2)), & & it, tmltrd_trc(:,:,jl,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) END DO CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_radb,2)), & ! now trcrad : jpltrd_trc - 1 & it, ztmlrad(:,:,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_atf,2)), & ! now Asselin : jpltrd_trc & it, ztmlatf(:,:,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) ENDIF END DO IF( kt == nitend ) THEN DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) CALL histclo( nidtrd(jn) ) END DO ENDIF ELSE ! <<< write the trends for passive tracer mean diagnostics DO jn = 1, jptra ! IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), "mxl_depth", it, rmld_sum_trc(:,:), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) !-- Output the fields clvar = trim(ctrcnm(jn))//"ml" ! e.g. detml, zooml, nh4ml, etc. CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar) , it, tml_sum_trc(:,:,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//"_tot" , it, ztmltot2(:,:,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//"_res" , it, ztmlres2(:,:,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) DO jl = 1, jpltrd_trc - 2 CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jl,2)), & & it, ztmltrd2(:,:,jl,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) END DO CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_radb,2)), & ! now trcrad : jpltrd_trc - 1 & it, ztmlrad2(:,:,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) CALL histwrite( nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_atf,2)), & ! now Asselin : jpltrd_trc & it, ztmlatf2(:,:,jn), ndimtrd1, ndextrd1 ) ENDIF ! END DO IF( kt == nitend ) THEN DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) CALL histclo( nidtrd(jn) ) END DO ENDIF ! ENDIF NETCDF_OUTPUT ! Compute the control surface (for next time step) : flag = on icount = 1 IF( MOD( itmod, nn_trd_trc ) == 0 ) THEN ! ! Reset cumulative arrays to zero ! ------------------------------- nmoymltrd = 0 tmltrdm_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tmlatfm_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 tmlradm_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tml_sum_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 tmltrd_csum_ln_trc (:,:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tmltrd_sum_trc (:,:,:,:) = 0.e0 rmld_sum_trc (:,:) = 0.e0 ! ENDIF ! ====================================================================== ! V. Write restart file ! ====================================================================== IF( lrst_trc ) CALL trd_mxl_trc_rst_write( kt ) ! this must be after the array swap above (III.3) ! END SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc REAL FUNCTION sum2d( ztab ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! CD ??? prevoir d'utiliser plutot prtctl !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( in ) :: ztab !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- sum2d = SUM( ztab(2:jpi-1,2:jpj-1) ) END FUNCTION sum2d SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trd_mxl_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : computation of vertically integrated T and S budgets !! from ocean surface down to control surface (NetCDF output) !! !! ** Method/usage : !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: inum ! logical unit INTEGER :: ilseq, jl, jn, iiter REAL(wp) :: zjulian, zsto, zout CHARACTER (LEN=40) :: clop CHARACTER (LEN=15) :: csuff CHARACTER (LEN=12) :: clmxl CHARACTER (LEN=16) :: cltrcu CHARACTER (LEN=10) :: clvar !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ====================================================================== ! I. initialization ! ====================================================================== IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' trd_mxl_trc_init : Mixed-layer trends for passive tracers ' WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) ENDIF ! I.1 Check consistency of user defined preferences ! ------------------------------------------------- IF( ( lk_trdmxl_trc ) .AND. ( MOD( nitend-nittrc000+1, nn_trd_trc ) /= 0 ) ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) ' Your nitend parameter, nitend = ', nitend WRITE(ctmp2,*) ' is no multiple of the trends diagnostics frequency ' WRITE(ctmp3,*) ' you defined, nn_trd_trc = ', nn_trd_trc WRITE(ctmp4,*) ' This will not allow you to restart from this simulation. ' WRITE(ctmp5,*) ' You should reconsider this choice. ' WRITE(ctmp6,*) WRITE(ctmp7,*) ' N.B. the nitend parameter is also constrained to be a ' WRITE(ctmp8,*) ' multiple of the sea-ice frequency parameter (typically 5) ' CALL ctl_stop( ctmp1, ctmp2, ctmp3, ctmp4, ctmp5, ctmp6, ctmp7, ctmp8 ) ENDIF ! * Debugging information * IF( lldebug ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' ln_trcadv_muscl = ' , ln_trcadv_muscl WRITE(numout,*) ' ln_trdmxl_trc_instant = ', ln_trdmxl_trc_instant ENDIF IF( ( ln_trcadv_muscl .OR. ln_trcadv_muscl2 ) .AND. .NOT. ln_trdmxl_trc_instant ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) ' Currently, you can NOT use simultaneously tracer MUSCL ' WRITE(ctmp2,*) ' advection and window averaged diagnostics of ML trends. ' WRITE(ctmp3,*) ' WHY? Everything in trdmxl_trc is coded for leap-frog, and ' WRITE(ctmp4,*) ' MUSCL scheme is Euler forward for passive tracers (note ' WRITE(ctmp5,*) ' that MUSCL is leap-frog for active tracers T/S). ' WRITE(ctmp6,*) ' In particuliar, entrainment trend would be FALSE. However ' WRITE(ctmp7,*) ' this residual is correct for instantaneous ML diagnostics.' CALL ctl_stop( ctmp1, ctmp2, ctmp3, ctmp4, ctmp5, ctmp6, ctmp7 ) ENDIF ! I.2 Initialize arrays to zero or read a restart file ! ---------------------------------------------------- nmoymltrd = 0 rmld_trc (:,:) = 0.e0 ; tml_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! inst. tmltrdm_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tmlatfm_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 tmlradm_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 tml_sum_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tmltrd_sum_trc (:,:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! mean tmltrd_csum_ln_trc (:,:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; rmld_sum_trc (:,:) = 0.e0 IF( ln_rsttr .AND. ln_trdmxl_trc_restart ) THEN CALL trd_mxl_trc_rst_read ELSE tmlb_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tmlbb_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! inst. tmlbn_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 tml_sumb_trc (:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tmltrd_csum_ub_trc (:,:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! mean tmltrd_atf_sumb_trc(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tmltrd_rad_sumb_trc(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ENDIF icount = 1 ; ionce = 1 ! open specifier ! I.3 Read control surface from file ctlsurf_idx ! ---------------------------------------------- IF( nn_ctls_trc == 1 ) THEN CALL ctl_opn( inum, 'ctlsurf_idx', 'OLD', 'UNFORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, lwp ) READ ( inum ) nbol_trc CLOSE( inum ) ENDIF ! ====================================================================== ! II. netCDF output initialization ! ====================================================================== ! clmxl = legend root for netCDF output IF( nn_ctls_trc == 0 ) THEN ! control surface = mixed-layer with density criterion clmxl = 'Mixed Layer ' ELSE IF( nn_ctls_trc == 1 ) THEN ! control surface = read index from file clmxl = ' Bowl ' ELSE IF( nn_ctls_trc >= 2 ) THEN ! control surface = model level WRITE(clmxl,'(A10,I2,1X)') 'Levels 1 -', nn_ctls_trc ENDIF ! II.1 Define frequency of output and means ! ----------------------------------------- IF( ln_mskland ) THEN ; clop = "only(x)" ! put 1.e+20 on land (very expensive!!) ELSE ; clop = "x" ! no use of the mask value (require less cp time) ENDIF # if defined key_diainstant IF( .NOT. ln_trdmxl_trc_instant ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'trd_mxl_trc : this was never checked. Comment this line to proceed...' ) ENDIF zsto = nn_trd_trc * rn_Dt clop = "inst("//TRIM(clop)//")" # else IF( ln_trdmxl_trc_instant ) THEN zsto = rn_Dt ! inst. diags : we use IOIPSL time averaging ELSE zsto = nn_trd_trc * rn_Dt ! mean diags : we DO NOT use any IOIPSL time averaging ENDIF clop = "ave("//TRIM(clop)//")" # endif zout = nn_trd_trc * rn_Dt iiter = nittrc000 - 1 IF(lwp) WRITE (numout,*) ' netCDF initialization' ! II.2 Compute julian date from starting date of the run ! ------------------------------------------------------ CALL ymds2ju( nyear, nmonth, nday, rn_Dt, zjulian ) zjulian = zjulian - adatrj ! set calendar origin to the beginning of the experiment IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' Date 0 used :', nittrc000 & & ,' YEAR ', nyear, ' MONTH ', nmonth,' DAY ', nday & & ,'Julian day : ', zjulian ! II.3 Define the T grid trend file (nidtrd) ! ------------------------------------------ !-- Define long and short names for the NetCDF output variables ! ==> choose them according to trdmxl_trc_oce.F90 <== ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_xad ,1) = " Zonal advection" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_xad ,2) = "_xad" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_yad ,1) = " Meridional advection" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_yad ,2) = "_yad" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_zad ,1) = " Vertical advection" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_zad ,2) = "_zad" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_ldf ,1) = " Lateral diffusion" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_ldf ,2) = "_ldf" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_zdf ,1) = " Vertical diff. (Kz)" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_zdf ,2) = "_zdf" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_bbl ,1) = " Adv/diff. Bottom boundary layer" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_bbl ,2) = "_bbl" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_dmp ,1) = " Tracer damping" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_dmp ,2) = "_dmp" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_sbc ,1) = " Surface boundary cond." ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_sbc ,2) = "_sbc" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_sms, 1) = " Sources minus sinks" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_sms ,2) = "_sms" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_radb ,1) = " Correct negative concentrations" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_radb ,2) = "_radb" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_radn ,1) = " Correct negative concentrations" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_radn ,2) = "_radn" ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_atf ,1) = " Asselin time filter" ; ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_atf ,2) = "_atf" DO jn = 1, jptra !-- Create a NetCDF file and enter the define mode IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN csuff="ML_"//ctrcnm(jn) CALL dia_nam( clhstnam, nn_trd_trc, csuff ) CALL histbeg( clhstnam, jpi, glamt, jpj, gphit, & & 1, jpi, 1, jpj, iiter, zjulian, rn_Dt, nh_t(jn), nidtrd(jn), domain_id=nidom, snc4chunks=snc4set ) !-- Define the ML depth variable CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), "mxl_depth", clmxl//" Mixed Layer Depth", "m", & & jpi, jpj, nh_t(jn), 1 , 1, 1 , -99 , 32, clop, zsto, zout ) ENDIF END DO !-- Define physical units IF( rn_ucf_trc == 1. ) THEN cltrcu = "(mmole-N/m3)/sec" ! all passive tracers have the same unit ELSEIF ( rn_ucf_trc == 3600.*24.) THEN ! ??? trop long : seulement (mmole-N/m3) cltrcu = "(mmole-N/m3)/day" ! ??? apparait dans les sorties netcdf ELSE cltrcu = "unknown?" ENDIF !-- Define miscellaneous passive tracer mixed-layer variables IF( jpltrd_trc /= jpmxl_trc_atf .OR. jpltrd_trc - 1 /= jpmxl_trc_radb ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'Error : jpltrd_trc /= jpmxl_trc_atf .OR. jpltrd_trc - 1 /= jpmxl_trc_radb' ) ! see below ENDIF DO jn = 1, jptra ! IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) THEN clvar = trim(ctrcnm(jn))//"ml" ! e.g. detml, zooml, no3ml, etc. CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar), clmxl//" "//trim(ctrcnm(jn))//" Mixed Layer ", & & "mmole-N/m3", jpi, jpj, nh_t(jn), 1 , 1, 1 , -99 , 32, clop, zsto, zout ) CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//"_tot" , clmxl//" "//trim(ctrcnm(jn))//" Total trend ", & & cltrcu, jpi, jpj, nh_t(jn), 1 , 1, 1 , -99 , 32, clop, zout, zout ) CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//"_res" , clmxl//" "//trim(ctrcnm(jn))//" dh/dt Entrainment (Resid.)", & & cltrcu, jpi, jpj, nh_t(jn), 1 , 1, 1 , -99 , 32, clop, zout, zout ) DO jl = 1, jpltrd_trc - 2 ! <== only true if jpltrd_trc == jpmxl_trc_atf CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jl,2)), clmxl//" "//clvar//ctrd_trc(jl,1), & & cltrcu, jpi, jpj, nh_t(jn), 1 , 1, 1 , -99 , 32, clop, zsto, zout ) ! IOIPSL: time mean END DO ! if zsto=rn_Dt above CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_radb,2)), clmxl//" "//clvar//ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_radb,1), & & cltrcu, jpi, jpj, nh_t(jn), 1 , 1, 1 , -99 , 32, clop, zout, zout ) ! IOIPSL: NO time mean CALL histdef(nidtrd(jn), trim(clvar)//trim(ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_atf,2)), clmxl//" "//clvar//ctrd_trc(jpmxl_trc_atf,1), & & cltrcu, jpi, jpj, nh_t(jn), 1 , 1, 1 , -99 , 32, clop, zout, zout ) ! IOIPSL: NO time mean ! ENDIF END DO !-- Leave IOIPSL/NetCDF define mode DO jn = 1, jptra IF( ln_trdtrc(jn) ) CALL histend( nidtrd(jn), snc4set ) END DO IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) END SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc_init #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default option : Empty module !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc( kt, Kmm ) ! Empty routine INTEGER, INTENT( in) :: kt INTEGER, INTENT( in) :: Kmm ! time level index WRITE(*,*) 'trd_mxl_trc: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt END SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc_zint( ptrc_trdmxl, ktrd, ctype, kjn, Kmm ) INTEGER , INTENT( in ) :: ktrd, kjn ! ocean trend index and passive tracer rank INTEGER , INTENT( in ) :: Kmm ! time level index CHARACTER(len=2) , INTENT( in ) :: ctype ! surface/bottom (2D) or interior (3D) physics REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT( in ) :: ptrc_trdmxl ! passive trc trend WRITE(*,*) 'trd_mxl_trc_zint: You should not have seen this print! error?', ptrc_trdmxl(1,1,1) WRITE(*,*) ' " " : You should not have seen this print! error?', ctype WRITE(*,*) ' " " : You should not have seen this print! error?', ktrd WRITE(*,*) ' " " : You should not have seen this print! error?', kjn END SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc_zint SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc_init ! Empty routine WRITE(*,*) 'trd_mxl_trc_init: You should not have seen this print! error?' END SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_trc_init #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE trdmxl_trc