MODULE iom_def !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE iom_def *** !! IOM variables definitions !!====================================================================== !! History : 9.0 ! 2006 09 (S. Masson) Original code !! - ! 2007 07 (D. Storkey) Add uldname !! 4.0 ! 2017-11 (M. Andrejczuk) Extend IOM interface to write any 3D fields !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_kind IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpdom_global = 1 !: ( 1 :Ni0glo, 1 :Nj0glo) INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpdom_local = 2 !: (Nis0: Nie0 ,Njs0: Nje0 ) INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpdom_unknown = 3 !: No dimension checking INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpdom_auto = 4 !: INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpdom_auto_xy = 5 !: Automatically set horizontal dimensions only INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jp_r8 = 200 !: write REAL(8) INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jp_r4 = 201 !: write REAL(4) INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jp_i4 = 202 !: write INTEGER(4) INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jp_i2 = 203 !: write INTEGER(2) INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jp_i1 = 204 !: write INTEGER(1) INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpmax_files = 100 !: maximum number of simultaneously opened file INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpmax_vars = 1200 !: maximum number of variables in one file INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpmax_dims = 4 !: maximum number of dimensions for one variable INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpmax_digits = 9 !: maximum number of digits for the cpu number in the file name !$AGRIF_DO_NOT_TREAT INTEGER, PUBLIC :: iom_open_init = 0 !: used to initialize iom_file(:)%nfid to 0 !XIOS write restart LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: lwxios = .FALSE. !: write single file restart using XIOS INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nxioso = 0 !: type of restart file when writing using XIOS 1 - single, 2 - multiple !XIOS read restart LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: lrxios = .FALSE. !: read single file restart using XIOS LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: lxios_sini = .FALSE. ! is restart in a single file LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: lxios_set = .FALSE. TYPE, PUBLIC :: file_descriptor CHARACTER(LEN=240) :: name !: name of the file CHARACTER(LEN=3 ) :: comp !: name of component opening the file ('OCE', 'ICE'...) INTEGER :: nfid !: identifier of the file (0 if closed) !: jpioipsl option has been removed) INTEGER :: nvars !: number of identified varibles in the file INTEGER :: iduld !: id of the unlimited dimension INTEGER :: lenuld !: length of the unlimited dimension (number of records in file) INTEGER :: irec !: writing record position CHARACTER(LEN=32) :: uldname !: name of the unlimited dimension CHARACTER(LEN=32), DIMENSION(jpmax_vars) :: cn_var !: names of the variables INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpmax_vars) :: nvid !: id of the variables INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpmax_vars) :: ndims !: number of dimensions of the variables LOGICAL, DIMENSION(jpmax_vars) :: luld !: variable using the unlimited dimension INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpmax_dims,jpmax_vars) :: dimsz !: size of variables dimensions REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(jpmax_vars) :: scf !: scale_factor of the variables REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(jpmax_vars) :: ofs !: add_offset of the variables END TYPE file_descriptor TYPE(file_descriptor), DIMENSION(jpmax_files), PUBLIC :: iom_file !: array containing the info for all opened files INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: max_rst_fields = 95 !: maximum number of restart variables defined in iom_set_rst_vars TYPE, PUBLIC :: RST_FIELD CHARACTER(len=30) :: vname = "NO_NAME" ! names of variables in restart file CHARACTER(len=30) :: grid = "NO_GRID" LOGICAL :: active =.FALSE. ! for restart write only: true - write field, false do not write field END TYPE RST_FIELD !$AGRIF_END_DO_NOT_TREAT ! TYPE(RST_FIELD), PUBLIC, SAVE :: rst_wfields(max_rst_fields), rst_rfields(max_rst_fields) ! !! * Substitutions # include "do_loop_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!====================================================================== END MODULE iom_def