MODULE tide_mod !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE tide_mod *** !! Compute nodal modulations corrections and pulsations !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 2007 (O. Le Galloudec) Original code !! ! 2019 (S. Mueller) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! ** Reference : !! S58) Schureman, P. (1958): Manual of Harmonic Analysis and !! Prediction of Tides (Revised (1940) Edition (Reprinted 1958 !! with corrections). Reprinted June 2001). U.S. Department of !! Commerce, Coast and Geodetic Survey Special Publication !! No. 98. Washington DC, United States Government Printing !! Office. 317 pp. DOI: 10.25607/OBP-155. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce, ONLY : sshn ! sea-surface height USE par_oce ! ocean parameters USE phycst, ONLY : rpi ! pi USE daymod, ONLY : ndt05 ! half-length of time step USE in_out_manager ! I/O units USE iom ! xIOs server IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC tide_init PUBLIC tide_update ! called by stp PUBLIC tide_init_harmonics ! called internally and by module diaharm PUBLIC upd_tide ! called in dynspg_... modules INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpmax_harmo = 64 !: maximum number of harmonic components TYPE :: tide CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: cname_tide = '' REAL(wp) :: equitide INTEGER :: nt, ns, nh, np, np1, shift INTEGER :: nksi, nnu0, nnu1, nnu2, R INTEGER :: nformula END TYPE tide TYPE(tide), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tide_components !: Array of selected tidal component parameters TYPE, PUBLIC :: tide_harmonic !: Oscillation parameters of harmonic tidal components CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: cname_tide ! Name of component REAL(wp) :: equitide ! Amplitude of equilibrium tide REAL(wp) :: f ! Node factor REAL(wp) :: omega ! Angular velocity REAL(wp) :: v0 ! Initial phase at prime meridian REAL(wp) :: u ! Phase correction END type tide_harmonic TYPE(tide_harmonic), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: tide_harmonics !: Oscillation parameters of selected tidal components LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_tide !: LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_tide_pot !: INTEGER :: nn_tide_var ! Variant of tidal parameter set and tide-potential computation LOGICAL :: ln_tide_dia ! Enable tidal diagnostic output LOGICAL :: ln_read_load !: LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_scal_load !: LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_tide_ramp !: INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nb_harmo !: Number of active tidal components REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_tide_ramp_dt !: REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_scal_load !: CHARACTER(lc), PUBLIC :: cn_tide_load !: REAL(wp) :: rn_tide_gamma ! Tidal tilt factor REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: pot_astro !: tidal potential REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: pot_astro_comp ! tidal-potential component REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: amp_pot, phi_pot REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: amp_load, phi_load REAL(wp) :: rn_tide_ramp_t ! Elapsed time in seconds REAL(wp) :: sh_T, sh_s, sh_h, sh_p, sh_p1 ! astronomic angles REAL(wp) :: sh_xi, sh_nu, sh_nuprim, sh_nusec, sh_R ! REAL(wp) :: sh_I, sh_x1ra, sh_N ! ! Longitudes on 1 Jan 1900, 00h and angular velocities (units of deg and ! deg/h, respectively. The values of these module variables have been copied ! from subroutine astronomic_angle of the version of this module used in ! release version 4.0 of NEMO. REAL(wp) :: rlon00_N = 259.1560564_wp ! Longitude of ascending lunar node REAL(wp) :: romega_N = -.0022064139_wp REAL(wp) :: rlon00_T = 180.0_wp ! Mean solar angle (GMT) REAL(wp) :: romega_T = 15.0_wp REAL(wp) :: rlon00_h = 280.1895014_wp ! Mean solar Longitude REAL(wp) :: romega_h = .0410686387_wp REAL(wp) :: rlon00_s = 277.0256206_wp ! Mean lunar Longitude REAL(wp) :: romega_s = .549016532_wp REAL(wp) :: rlon00_p1 = 281.2208569_wp ! Longitude of solar perigee REAL(wp) :: romega_p1 = .000001961_wp REAL(wp) :: rlon00_p = 334.3837214_wp ! Longitude of lunar perigee REAL(wp) :: romega_p = .004641834_wp ! Values of cos(i)*cos(epsilon), rcice, and sin(incl)*sin(epsilon), rsise, ! where i is the inclination of the orbit of the Moon w.r.t. the ecliptic and ! epsilon the obliquity of the ecliptic on 1 January 1900, 00h. The values of ! these module variables have been copied from subroutine astronomic_angle ! (computation of the cosine of inclination of orbit of Moon to the celestial ! equator) of the version of this module used in release version 4.0 of NEMO. REAL(wp) :: rcice = 0.913694997_wp REAL(wp) :: rsise = 0.035692561_wp ! Coefficients used to compute sh_xi and sh_nu in subroutine astronomic_angle ! according to two equations given in the explanation of Table 6 of S58 REAL(wp) :: rxinu1, rxinu2 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE tide_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE tide_init *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ji, jk CHARACTER(LEN=4), DIMENSION(jpmax_harmo) :: sn_tide_cnames ! Names of selected tidal components INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read ! NAMELIST/nam_tide/ln_tide, nn_tide_var, ln_tide_dia, ln_tide_pot, rn_tide_gamma, & & ln_scal_load, ln_read_load, cn_tide_load, & & ln_tide_ramp, rn_scal_load, rn_tide_ramp_dt, & & sn_tide_cnames !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialise all array elements of sn_tide_cnames, as some of them ! typically do not appear in namelist_ref or namelist_cfg sn_tide_cnames(:) = '' ! Read Namelist nam_tide REWIND( numnam_ref ) ! Namelist nam_tide in reference namelist : Tides READ ( numnam_ref, nam_tide, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nam_tide in reference namelist', lwp ) ! REWIND( numnam_cfg ) ! Namelist nam_tide in configuration namelist : Tides READ ( numnam_cfg, nam_tide, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) 902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nam_tide in configuration namelist', lwp ) IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, nam_tide ) ! IF( ln_tide ) THEN IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'tide_init : Initialization of the tidal components' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~ ' WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist nam_tide' WRITE(numout,*) ' Use tidal components ln_tide = ', ln_tide WRITE(numout,*) ' Variant (1: default; 0: legacy option) nn_tide_var = ', nn_tide_var WRITE(numout,*) ' Tidal diagnostic output ln_tide_dia = ', ln_tide_dia WRITE(numout,*) ' Apply astronomical potential ln_tide_pot = ', ln_tide_pot WRITE(numout,*) ' Tidal tilt factor rn_tide_gamma = ', rn_tide_gamma WRITE(numout,*) ' Use scalar approx. for load potential ln_scal_load = ', ln_scal_load WRITE(numout,*) ' Read load potential from file ln_read_load = ', ln_read_load WRITE(numout,*) ' Apply ramp on tides at startup ln_tide_ramp = ', ln_tide_ramp WRITE(numout,*) ' Fraction of SSH used in scal. approx. rn_scal_load = ', rn_scal_load WRITE(numout,*) ' Duration (days) of ramp rn_tide_ramp_dt = ', rn_tide_ramp_dt ENDIF ELSE rn_scal_load = 0._wp IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'tide_init : tidal components not used (ln_tide = F)' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~ ' RETURN ENDIF ! IF( ln_read_load.AND.(.NOT.ln_tide_pot) ) & & CALL ctl_stop('ln_read_load requires ln_tide_pot') IF( ln_scal_load.AND.(.NOT.ln_tide_pot) ) & & CALL ctl_stop('ln_scal_load requires ln_tide_pot') IF( ln_scal_load.AND.ln_read_load ) & & CALL ctl_stop('Choose between ln_scal_load and ln_read_load') IF( ln_tide_ramp.AND.((nitend-nit000+1)*rdt/rday < rn_tide_ramp_dt) ) & & CALL ctl_stop('rn_tide_ramp_dt must be lower than run duration') IF( ln_tide_ramp.AND.(rn_tide_ramp_dt<0.) ) & & CALL ctl_stop('rn_tide_ramp_dt must be positive') ! ! Compute coefficients which are used in subroutine astronomic_angle to ! compute sh_xi and sh_nu according to two equations given in the ! explanation of Table 6 of S58 rxinu1 = COS( 0.5_wp * ( ABS( ACOS( rcice + rsise ) ) ) ) / COS( 0.5_wp * ( ACOS( rcice - rsise ) ) ) rxinu2 = SIN( 0.5_wp * ( ABS( ACOS( rcice + rsise ) ) ) ) / SIN( 0.5_wp * ( ACOS( rcice - rsise ) ) ) rxinu1 = 1.01883_wp rxinu2 = 0.64412_wp ! ! Initialise array used to store tidal oscillation parameters (frequency, ! amplitude, phase); also retrieve and store array of information about ! selected tidal components CALL tide_init_harmonics(sn_tide_cnames, tide_harmonics, tide_components) ! ! Number of active tidal components nb_harmo = size(tide_components) ! ! Ensure that tidal components have been set in namelist_cfg IF( nb_harmo == 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'tide_init : No tidal components set in nam_tide' ) ! IF (.NOT.ln_scal_load ) rn_scal_load = 0._wp ! ALLOCATE( amp_pot(jpi,jpj,nb_harmo), & & phi_pot(jpi,jpj,nb_harmo), pot_astro(jpi,jpj) ) IF( ln_tide_dia ) ALLOCATE( pot_astro_comp(jpi,jpj) ) IF( ln_read_load ) THEN ALLOCATE( amp_load(jpi,jpj,nb_harmo), phi_load(jpi,jpj,nb_harmo) ) CALL tide_init_load amp_pot(:,:,:) = amp_load(:,:,:) phi_pot(:,:,:) = phi_load(:,:,:) ELSE amp_pot(:,:,:) = 0._wp phi_pot(:,:,:) = 0._wp ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE tide_init SUBROUTINE tide_init_components(pcnames, ptide_comp) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE tide_init_components *** !! !! Returns pointer to array of variables of type 'tide' that contain !! information about the selected tidal components !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(LEN=4), DIMENSION(jpmax_harmo), INTENT(in) :: pcnames ! Names of selected components TYPE(tide), POINTER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(out) :: ptide_comp ! Selected components INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: icomppos ! Indices of selected components INTEGER :: icomp, jk, jj, ji ! Miscellaneous integers LOGICAL :: llmatch ! Local variables used for INTEGER :: ic1, ic2 ! string comparison TYPE(tide), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: tide_components ! All available components ! Populate local array with information about all available tidal ! components ! ! Note, here 'tide_components' locally overrides the global module ! variable of the same name to enable the use of the global name in the ! include file that contains the initialisation of elements of array ! 'tide_components' ALLOCATE(tide_components(jpmax_harmo), icomppos(jpmax_harmo)) ! Initialise array of indices of the selected componenents icomppos(:) = 0 ! Include tidal component parameters for all available components IF (nn_tide_var < 1) THEN #define TIDE_VAR_0 #include "tide.h90" #undef TIDE_VAR_0 ELSE #include "tide.h90" END IF ! Identify the selected components that are availble icomp = 0 DO jk = 1, jpmax_harmo IF (TRIM(pcnames(jk)) /= '') THEN DO jj = 1, jpmax_harmo ! Find matches between selected and available constituents ! (ignore capitalisation unless legacy variant has been selected) IF (nn_tide_var < 1) THEN llmatch = (TRIM(pcnames(jk)) == TRIM(tide_components(jj)%cname_tide)) ELSE llmatch = .TRUE. ji = MAX(LEN_TRIM(pcnames(jk)), LEN_TRIM(tide_components(jj)%cname_tide)) DO WHILE (llmatch.AND.(ji > 0)) ic1 = IACHAR(pcnames(jk)(ji:ji)) IF ((ic1 >= 97).AND.(ic1 <= 122)) ic1 = ic1 - 32 ic2 = IACHAR(tide_components(jj)%cname_tide(ji:ji)) IF ((ic2 >= 97).AND.(ic2 <= 122)) ic2 = ic2 - 32 llmatch = (ic1 == ic2) ji = ji - 1 END DO END IF IF (llmatch) THEN ! Count and record the match icomp = icomp + 1 icomppos(icomp) = jj ! Set the capitalisation of the tidal constituent identifier ! as specified in the namelist tide_components(jj)%cname_tide = pcnames(jk) IF (lwp) WRITE(numout, '(10X,"Tidal component #",I2.2,36X,"= ",A4)') icomp, tide_components(jj)%cname_tide EXIT END IF END DO IF ((lwp).AND.(jj > jpmax_harmo)) WRITE(numout, '(10X,"Tidal component ",A4," is not available!")') pcnames(jk) END IF END DO ! Allocate and populate reduced list of components ALLOCATE(ptide_comp(icomp)) DO jk = 1, icomp ptide_comp(jk) = tide_components(icomppos(jk)) END DO ! Release local array of available components and list of selected ! components DEALLOCATE(tide_components, icomppos) END SUBROUTINE tide_init_components SUBROUTINE tide_init_harmonics(pcnames, ptide_harmo, ptide_comp) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE tide_init_harmonics *** !! !! Returns pointer to array of variables of type 'tide_harmonics' that !! contain oscillation parameters of the selected harmonic tidal !! components !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(LEN=4), DIMENSION(jpmax_harmo), INTENT(in) :: pcnames ! Names of selected components TYPE(tide_harmonic), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: ptide_harmo ! Oscillation parameters of tidal components TYPE(tide), POINTER, DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL :: ptide_comp ! Selected components TYPE(tide), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: ztcomp ! Selected components ! Retrieve information about selected tidal components ! If requested, prepare tidal component array for returning IF (PRESENT(ptide_comp)) THEN CALL tide_init_components(pcnames, ptide_comp) ztcomp => ptide_comp ELSE CALL tide_init_components(pcnames, ztcomp) END IF ! Allocate and populate array of oscillation parameters ALLOCATE(ptide_harmo(size(ztcomp))) ptide_harmo(:)%cname_tide = ztcomp(:)%cname_tide ptide_harmo(:)%equitide = ztcomp(:)%equitide CALL tide_harmo(ztcomp, ptide_harmo) END SUBROUTINE tide_init_harmonics SUBROUTINE tide_init_potential !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE tide_init_potential *** !! !! ** Reference : !! CT71) Cartwright, D. E. and Tayler, R. J. (1971): New computations of !! the Tide-generating Potential. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. 23, !! pp. 45-74. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1971.tb01803.x !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp) :: zcons, ztmp1, ztmp2, zlat, zlon, ztmp, zamp, zcs ! local scalar !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ln_read_load ) THEN amp_pot(:,:,:) = amp_load(:,:,:) phi_pot(:,:,:) = phi_load(:,:,:) ELSE amp_pot(:,:,:) = 0._wp phi_pot(:,:,:) = 0._wp ENDIF DO jk = 1, nb_harmo zcons = rn_tide_gamma * tide_components(jk)%equitide * tide_harmonics(jk)%f DO ji = 1, jpi DO jj = 1, jpj ztmp1 = tide_harmonics(jk)%f * amp_pot(ji,jj,jk) * COS( phi_pot(ji,jj,jk) & & + tide_harmonics(jk)%v0 + tide_harmonics(jk)%u ) ztmp2 = -tide_harmonics(jk)%f * amp_pot(ji,jj,jk) * SIN( phi_pot(ji,jj,jk) & & + tide_harmonics(jk)%v0 + tide_harmonics(jk)%u ) zlat = gphit(ji,jj)*rad !! latitude en radian zlon = glamt(ji,jj)*rad !! longitude en radian ztmp = tide_harmonics(jk)%v0 + tide_harmonics(jk)%u + tide_components(jk)%nt * zlon ! le potentiel est composé des effets des astres: SELECT CASE( tide_components(jk)%nt ) CASE( 0 ) ! long-periodic tidal constituents (included unless zcs = zcons * ( 0.5_wp - 1.5_wp * SIN( zlat )**2 ) ! compatibility with original formulation is requested) IF ( nn_tide_var < 1 ) zcs = 0.0_wp CASE( 1 ) ! diurnal tidal constituents zcs = zcons * SIN( 2.0_wp*zlat ) CASE( 2 ) ! semi-diurnal tidal constituents zcs = zcons * COS( zlat )**2 CASE( 3 ) ! Terdiurnal tidal constituents; the colatitude-dependent zcs = zcons * COS( zlat )**3 ! factor is sin(theta)^3 (Table 2 of CT71) CASE DEFAULT ! constituents of higher frequency are not included zcs = 0.0_wp END SELECT ztmp1 = ztmp1 + zcs * COS( ztmp ) ztmp2 = ztmp2 - zcs * SIN( ztmp ) zamp = SQRT( ztmp1*ztmp1 + ztmp2*ztmp2 ) amp_pot(ji,jj,jk) = zamp phi_pot(ji,jj,jk) = ATAN2( -ztmp2 / MAX( 1.e-10_wp , zamp ) , & & ztmp1 / MAX( 1.e-10_wp, zamp ) ) END DO END DO END DO ! END SUBROUTINE tide_init_potential SUBROUTINE tide_init_load !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE tide_init_load *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: inum ! Logical unit of input file INTEGER :: ji, jj, itide ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztr, zti !: workspace to read in tidal harmonics data !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'tide_init_load : Initialization of load potential from file' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ENDIF ! CALL iom_open ( cn_tide_load , inum ) ! DO itide = 1, nb_harmo CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_data,TRIM(tide_components(itide)%cname_tide)//'_z1', ztr(:,:) ) CALL iom_get ( inum, jpdom_data,TRIM(tide_components(itide)%cname_tide)//'_z2', zti(:,:) ) ! DO ji=1,jpi DO jj=1,jpj amp_load(ji,jj,itide) = SQRT( ztr(ji,jj)**2. + zti(ji,jj)**2. ) phi_load(ji,jj,itide) = ATAN2(-zti(ji,jj), ztr(ji,jj) ) END DO END DO ! END DO CALL iom_close( inum ) ! END SUBROUTINE tide_init_load SUBROUTINE tide_update( kt ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE tide_update *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step INTEGER :: jk ! dummy loop index !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( nsec_day == NINT(0.5_wp * rdt) .OR. kt == nit000 ) THEN ! start a new day ! CALL tide_harmo(tide_components, tide_harmonics, ndt05) ! Update oscillation parameters of tidal components for start of current day ! ! IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'tide_update : Update of the components and (re)Init. the potential at kt=', kt WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~ ' DO jk = 1, nb_harmo WRITE(numout,*) tide_harmonics(jk)%cname_tide, tide_harmonics(jk)%u, & & tide_harmonics(jk)%f,tide_harmonics(jk)%v0, tide_harmonics(jk)%omega END DO ENDIF ! IF( ln_tide_pot ) CALL tide_init_potential ! rn_tide_ramp_t = (kt - nit000)*rdt ! Elapsed time in seconds ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE tide_update SUBROUTINE tide_harmo( ptide_comp, ptide_harmo, psec_day ) ! TYPE(tide), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ptide_comp ! Array of selected tidal component parameters TYPE(tide_harmonic), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ptide_harmo ! Oscillation parameters of selected tidal components INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: psec_day ! Number of seconds since the start of the current day ! IF (PRESENT(psec_day)) THEN CALL astronomic_angle(psec_day) ELSE CALL astronomic_angle(nsec_day) END IF CALL tide_pulse( ptide_comp, ptide_harmo ) CALL tide_vuf( ptide_comp, ptide_harmo ) ! END SUBROUTINE tide_harmo SUBROUTINE astronomic_angle(psec_day) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE astronomic_angle *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute astronomic angles !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: psec_day ! Number of seconds from midnight REAL(wp) :: zp, zq, zt2, zs2, ztgI2, zP1, ztgn2, zat1, zat2 REAL(wp) :: zqy , zsy, zday, zdj, zhfrac, zt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Computation of the time from 1 Jan 1900, 00h in years zqy = AINT( (nyear - 1901.0_wp) / 4.0_wp ) zsy = nyear - 1900.0_wp ! zdj = dayjul( nyear, nmonth, nday ) zday = zdj + zqy - 1.0_wp ! zhfrac = psec_day / 3600.0_wp ! zt = zsy * 365.0_wp * 24.0_wp + zday * 24.0_wp + zhfrac ! ! Longitude of ascending lunar node sh_N = ( rlon00_N + romega_N * zt ) * rad sh_N = MOD( sh_N, 2*rpi ) ! Mean solar angle (Greenwhich time) sh_T = ( rlon00_T + romega_T * zhfrac ) * rad ! Mean solar Longitude sh_h = ( rlon00_h + romega_h * zt ) * rad sh_h = MOD( sh_h, 2*rpi ) ! Mean lunar Longitude sh_s = ( rlon00_s + romega_s * zt ) * rad sh_s = MOD( sh_s, 2*rpi ) ! Longitude of solar perigee sh_p1 = ( rlon00_p1 + romega_p1 * zt ) * rad sh_p1= MOD( sh_p1, 2*rpi ) ! Longitude of lunar perigee sh_p = ( rlon00_p + romega_p * zt ) * rad sh_p = MOD( sh_p, 2*rpi ) ! ! Inclination of the orbit of the moon w.r.t. the celestial equator, see ! explanation of Table 6 of S58 sh_I = ACOS( rcice - rsise * COS( sh_N ) ) ! ! Computation of sh_xi and sh_nu, see explanation of Table 6 of S58 ztgn2 = TAN( sh_N / 2.0_wp ) zat1 = ATAN( rxinu1 * ztgn2 ) zat2 = ATAN( rxinu2 * ztgn2 ) sh_xi = sh_N - zat1 - zat2 IF( sh_N > rpi ) sh_xi = sh_xi - 2.0_wp * rpi sh_nu = zat1 - zat2 ! ! Computation of sh_x1ra, sh_R, sh_nuprim, and sh_nusec used for tidal ! constituents L2, K1, and K2 ! ! Computation of sh_x1ra and sh_R (Equations 204, 213, and 214 of S58) ztgI2 = tan( sh_I / 2.0_wp ) zP1 = sh_p - sh_xi zt2 = ztgI2 * ztgI2 sh_x1ra = SQRT( 1.0 - 12.0 * zt2 * COS( 2.0_wp * zP1 ) + 36.0_wp * zt2 * zt2 ) zp = SIN( 2.0_wp * zP1 ) zq = 1.0_wp / ( 6.0_wp * zt2 ) - COS( 2.0_wp * zP1 ) sh_R = ATAN( zp / zq ) ! ! Computation of sh_nuprim (Equation 224 of S58) zp = SIN( 2.0_wp * sh_I ) * SIN( sh_nu ) zq = SIN( 2.0_wp * sh_I ) * COS( sh_nu ) + 0.3347_wp sh_nuprim = ATAN( zp / zq ) ! ! Computation of sh_nusec (Equation 232 of S58) zs2 = SIN( sh_I ) * SIN( sh_I ) zp = zs2 * SIN( 2.0_wp * sh_nu ) zq = zs2 * COS( 2.0_wp * sh_nu ) + 0.0727_wp sh_nusec = 0.5_wp * ATAN( zp / zq ) ! END SUBROUTINE astronomic_angle SUBROUTINE tide_pulse( ptide_comp, ptide_harmo ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE tide_pulse *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute tidal frequencies !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(tide), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ptide_comp ! Array of selected tidal component parameters TYPE(tide_harmonic), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ptide_harmo ! Oscillation parameters of selected tidal components ! INTEGER :: jh REAL(wp) :: zscale !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zscale = rad / 3600.0_wp ! DO jh = 1, size(ptide_harmo) ptide_harmo(jh)%omega = ( romega_T * ptide_comp( jh )%nT & & + romega_s * ptide_comp( jh )%ns & & + romega_h * ptide_comp( jh )%nh & & + romega_p * ptide_comp( jh )%np & & + romega_p1* ptide_comp( jh )%np1 ) * zscale END DO ! END SUBROUTINE tide_pulse SUBROUTINE tide_vuf( ptide_comp, ptide_harmo ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE tide_vuf *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute nodal modulation corrections !! !! ** Outputs : vt: Phase of tidal potential relative to Greenwich (radians) !! ut: Phase correction u due to nodal motion (radians) !! ft: Nodal correction factor !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(tide), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ptide_comp ! Array of selected tidal component parameters TYPE(tide_harmonic), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ptide_harmo ! Oscillation parameters of selected tidal components ! INTEGER :: jh ! dummy loop index !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO jh = 1, size(ptide_harmo) ! Phase of the tidal potential relative to the Greenwhich ! meridian (e.g. the position of the fictuous celestial body). Units are radian: ptide_harmo(jh)%v0 = sh_T * ptide_comp( jh )%nT & & + sh_s * ptide_comp( jh )%ns & & + sh_h * ptide_comp( jh )%nh & & + sh_p * ptide_comp( jh )%np & & + sh_p1* ptide_comp( jh )%np1 & & + ptide_comp( jh )%shift * rad ! ! Phase correction u due to nodal motion. Units are radian: ptide_harmo(jh)%u = sh_xi * ptide_comp( jh )%nksi & & + sh_nu * ptide_comp( jh )%nnu0 & & + sh_nuprim * ptide_comp( jh )%nnu1 & & + sh_nusec * ptide_comp( jh )%nnu2 & & + sh_R * ptide_comp( jh )%R ! Nodal correction factor: ptide_harmo(jh)%f = nodal_factort( ptide_comp( jh )%nformula ) END DO ! END SUBROUTINE tide_vuf RECURSIVE FUNCTION nodal_factort( kformula ) RESULT( zf ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION nodal_factort *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute amplitude correction factors due to nodal motion !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kformula ! REAL(wp) :: zf REAL(wp) :: zs, zf1, zf2 CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: clformula !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SELECT CASE( kformula ) ! CASE( 0 ) ! Formula 0, solar waves zf = 1.0 ! CASE( 1 ) ! Formula 1, compound waves (78 x 78) zf=nodal_factort( 78 ) zf = zf * zf ! CASE ( 4 ) ! Formula 4, compound waves (78 x 235) zf1 = nodal_factort( 78 ) zf = nodal_factort(235) zf = zf1 * zf ! CASE( 18 ) ! Formula 18, compound waves (78 x 78 x 78 ) zf1 = nodal_factort( 78 ) zf = zf1 * zf1 * zf1 ! CASE( 20 ) ! Formula 20, compound waves ( 78 x 78 x 78 x 78 ) zf1 = nodal_factort( 78 ) zf = zf1 * zf1 * zf1 * zf1 ! CASE( 73 ) ! Formula 73 of S58 zs = SIN( sh_I ) zf = ( 2.0_wp / 3.0_wp - zs * zs ) / 0.5021_wp ! CASE( 74 ) ! Formula 74 of S58 zs = SIN(sh_I) zf = zs * zs / 0.1578_wp ! CASE( 75 ) ! Formula 75 of S58 zs = COS( sh_I / 2.0_wp ) zf = SIN( sh_I ) * zs * zs / 0.3800_wp ! CASE( 76 ) ! Formula 76 of S58 zf = SIN( 2.0_wp * sh_I ) / 0.7214_wp ! CASE( 78 ) ! Formula 78 of S58 zs = COS( sh_I/2 ) zf = zs * zs * zs * zs / 0.9154_wp ! CASE( 149 ) ! Formula 149 of S58 zs = COS( sh_I/2 ) zf = zs * zs * zs * zs * zs * zs / 0.8758_wp ! CASE( 215 ) ! Formula 215 of S58 with typo correction (0.9154 instead of 0.9145) zs = COS( sh_I/2 ) zf = zs * zs * zs * zs / 0.9154_wp * sh_x1ra ! CASE( 227 ) ! Formula 227 of S58 zs = SIN( 2.0_wp * sh_I ) zf = SQRT( 0.8965_wp * zs * zs + 0.6001_wp * zs * COS( sh_nu ) + 0.1006_wp ) ! CASE ( 235 ) ! Formula 235 of S58 zs = SIN( sh_I ) zf = SQRT( 19.0444_wp * zs * zs * zs * zs + 2.7702_wp * zs * zs * cos( 2.0_wp * sh_nu ) + 0.0981_wp ) ! CASE DEFAULT WRITE( clformula, '(I3)' ) kformula CALL ctl_stop('nodal_factort: formula ' // clformula // ' is not available') END SELECT ! END FUNCTION nodal_factort FUNCTION dayjul( kyr, kmonth, kday ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION dayjul *** !! !! Purpose : compute the Julian day !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: kyr, kmonth, kday ! INTEGER,DIMENSION(12) :: idayt = (/ 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 /) INTEGER,DIMENSION(12) :: idays INTEGER :: inc, ji, zyq REAL(wp) :: dayjul !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! idays(1) = 0 idays(2) = 31 inc = 0.0_wp zyq = MOD( kyr - 1900 , 4 ) IF( zyq == 0 ) inc = 1 DO ji = 3, 12 idays(ji) = idayt(ji) + inc END DO dayjul = REAL( idays(kmonth) + kday, KIND=wp ) ! END FUNCTION dayjul SUBROUTINE upd_tide(pdelta) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE upd_tide *** !! !! ** Purpose : provide at each time step the astronomical potential !! !! ** Method : computed from pulsation and amplitude of all tide components !! !! ** Action : pot_astro actronomical potential !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL, INTENT(in) :: pdelta ! Temporal offset in seconds INTEGER :: jk ! Dummy loop index REAL(wp) :: zt, zramp ! Local scalars REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nb_harmo) :: zwt ! Temporary array !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zwt(:) = tide_harmonics(:)%omega * pdelta ! IF( ln_tide_ramp ) THEN ! linear increase if asked zt = rn_tide_ramp_t + pdelta zramp = MIN( MAX( zt / (rn_tide_ramp_dt*rday) , 0._wp ) , 1._wp ) ENDIF ! pot_astro(:,:) = 0._wp ! update tidal potential (sum of all harmonics) DO jk = 1, nb_harmo IF ( .NOT. ln_tide_dia ) THEN pot_astro(:,:) = pot_astro(:,:) + amp_pot(:,:,jk) * COS( zwt(jk) + phi_pot(:,:,jk) ) ELSE pot_astro_comp(:,:) = amp_pot(:,:,jk) * COS( zwt(jk) + phi_pot(:,:,jk) ) pot_astro(:,:) = pot_astro(:,:) + pot_astro_comp(:,:) IF ( iom_use( "tide_pot_" // TRIM( tide_harmonics(jk)%cname_tide ) ) ) THEN ! Output tidal potential (incl. load potential) IF ( ln_tide_ramp ) pot_astro_comp(:,:) = zramp * pot_astro_comp(:,:) CALL iom_put( "tide_pot_" // TRIM( tide_harmonics(jk)%cname_tide ), pot_astro_comp(:,:) ) END IF END IF END DO ! IF ( ln_tide_ramp ) pot_astro(:,:) = zramp * pot_astro(:,:) ! IF( ln_tide_dia ) THEN ! Output total tidal potential (incl. load potential) IF ( iom_use( "tide_pot" ) ) CALL iom_put( "tide_pot", pot_astro(:,:) + rn_scal_load * sshn(:,:) ) END IF ! END SUBROUTINE upd_tide !!====================================================================== END MODULE tide_mod