
Version 2 (modified by ymipsl, 4 years ago) (diff)


XIOS training 2020

4th November - 6th November 2020



Day 1 : From 10:00 to 17:00

Introduction on XIOS

Context of the project XIOS How XIOS is useful for the climat simulation models How to use XIOS in a model (C interface, Fortran interface)

Introduction of XML

XML syntax XIOS component with XML (calendar, file, field, grid, ...)

Hands-on exercise

Install and compile XIOS Pluge XIOS to a model Hello World with XIOS Visualization of the file generated by XIOS

Day 2 : From 9:00 to 17:00

Advanced tutorial of XIOS

Data transformation (temporal, spatial, ...) Filters in XIOS Active the workflow graph in XIOS Client-server mode of XIOS 2-level server mode of XIOS How buffer works in XIOS How to understand the XIOS performance report and parametrize XIOS How to debug with XIOS (exception, stack, ...)

Hands-on exercise (interleaved with lecture)

Day 3 : From 9:00 to 16:00

Tutorial of dr2xml

Présenter la Data Request Présenter dr2xml:

Objectifs Fonctionnalités

Hands-on exercise of dr2xml

Prise en main de dr2xml Objectif: prise en main des fichiers de config: settings, ping_file, home_data_request. Visualiser le contenu des XML (file_defs) générés. Mise en oeuvre avec XIOS Objectif : production des fichiers netCDF, montrer qu’on est conforme CMIP6




Campus Universitaire d'Orsay

Rue John Von Neumann

Bâtiment 506

BP 167

91403 ORSAY CEDEX Directions for coming to IDRIS Registration for this training

Due to the current health crisis of COVID-19, this training is limited to 16 participants.

The registration of this training will be open soon.

Attachments (2)