Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of WikiStart

02/09/15 09:02:52 (10 years ago)

Don't use hardcoded URLs


  • WikiStart

    v37 v38  
    33== Presentations == 
    4  * [ XIOS] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif at "Workshop on Scalable IO in climate models" - Feb 27, 2012 Hamburg, Germany 
    5  * [ Modélisation du climat : enjeux de production et de dissémination de grandes masses de données] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif, S. Denvil at ORAP - April 11, 2012 Paris, France 
    6  * [ XIOS] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif at MaiMoSiNE (Maison Simulation Grenoble) - June 27, 2012 Grenoble, France 
    7  * [ Gestion des IO parallèles en modélisation du climat - La bibliothèque XIOS] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif at "Maison de la Simulation" - January 2013 Saclay, France 
    8  * [ XIOS] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif at "Second Workshop on Coupling Technologies for Earth System Models (CW2013, NCAR)" - Feb 22, 2013 Boulder, Colorado-USA 
    9  * [ XIOS] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif at LMD - March 23, 2013 Paris, France 
    10  * [ I/O : issues related to implementation (XIOS)] : Given by Arnaud Caubel at IS-ENES2 General Assembly - June 12th, 2014 Barcelona, Spain 
     4 * [raw-attachment:XIOS_IO_Workshop_Hamburg.pdf XIOS] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif at "Workshop on Scalable IO in climate models" - Feb 27, 2012 Hamburg, Germany 
     5 * [raw-attachment:XIOS-ORAP.pdf Modélisation du climat : enjeux de production et de dissémination de grandes masses de données] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif, S. Denvil at ORAP - April 11, 2012 Paris, France 
     6 * [raw-attachment:XIOS-Grenoble.pdf XIOS] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif at MaiMoSiNE (Maison Simulation Grenoble) - June 27, 2012 Grenoble, France 
     7 * [raw-attachment:XIOS_MDS.pdf Gestion des IO parallèles en modélisation du climat - La bibliothèque XIOS] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif at "Maison de la Simulation" - January 2013 Saclay, France 
     8 * [raw-attachment:XIOS-BOULDER.pdf XIOS] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif at "Second Workshop on Coupling Technologies for Earth System Models (CW2013, NCAR)" - Feb 22, 2013 Boulder, Colorado-USA 
     9 * [raw-attachment:XIOS-LMD.pdf XIOS] : Given by Yann Meurdesoif at LMD - March 23, 2013 Paris, France 
     10 * [raw-attachment:IS-ENES2_GA.pdf I/O : issues related to implementation (XIOS)] : Given by Arnaud Caubel at IS-ENES2 General Assembly - June 12th, 2014 Barcelona, Spain 
    1212== Documentation == 
    13  * [ XIOS reference guide] ( work in progress...) 
     13 * [raw-attachment:XIOS_reference_guide.pdf XIOS reference guide] ( work in progress...) 
    1414 * [wiki:documentation How to extract and to test XIOS on your architecture ?] 
    1515 * [wiki:documentation#Documentationpolicy Documentation policy] 
    2222== Code management == 
    23  * [ Browse sources] 
    24  * [ Browse trunk] 
    25  * [ Add new tickets] 
     23 * [browser:XIOS Browse sources] 
     24 * [browser:XIOS/trunk Browse trunk] 
     25 * [/newticket Add new tickets] 
    2626 * [htdocs:XIOS_DOC/index.html Doxygen code documentation]