Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of BackwardIncompatibleChanges

12/12/14 09:50:39 (10 years ago)

Start documenting the backward incompatible changes in the current revision of XIOS 2.0


  • BackwardIncompatibleChanges

    v1 v1  
     1== Backward incompatible changes in XIOS 2.0 == 
     3Although we try to limit them as much as possible, there are some backward incompatible changes that you may notice when migrating from XIOS 1.0 to XIOS 2.O. 
     5This document lists all those changes at the time it was written and might not always be up-to-date due to XIOS 2.0 still being in development. 
     7- the `type` attribute of the `variable` object is now more strictly checked. It must be one of: 
     8  - `bool` 
     9  - `int` or `int32` 
     10  - `int16` 
     11  - `int64` 
     12  - `float` 
     13  - `double` 
     14  - `string`. 
     16  For example, `<variable id="my_attribute2" type="integer" >10</variable>` will become `<variable id="my_attribute2" type="int" >10</variable>` and `<variable id="print_file" type="boolean">true</variable>` will become `<variable id="print_file" type="bool">true</variable>`. 
     17- attributes corresponding to a duration should now be manipulated using the `xios_duration` type when using the Fortran interface. Affected attributes are: 
     18  - `timestep` in `context` objects 
     19  - `freq_op` and `freq_offset` in `field` objects 
     20  - `output_freq`, `sync_freq` and `split_freq` in `file` objects. 
     22  Note that the special interface `xios_set_timestep` and the corresponding `xios_time` type have been removed. 
     24  The following code: 
     25  {{{ 
     26  PROGRAM test 
     27    USE xios 
     28    ... 
     29    TYPE(xios_time) :: dtime 
     30    ... 
     31    CALL xios_get_handle("test",ctx_hdl) 
     32    CALL xios_set_current_context(ctx_hdl) 
     33    ... 
     34    dtime%second=3600 
     35    CALL xios_set_timestep(dtime) 
     36    ... 
     37  END PROGRAM test 
     38  }}} 
     39  will become: 
     40  {{{ 
     41  PROGRAM test 
     42    USE xios 
     43    ... 
     44    TYPE(xios_duration) :: dtime 
     45    ... 
     46    CALL xios_get_handle("test",ctx_hdl) 
     47    CALL xios_set_current_context(ctx_hdl) 
     48    ... 
     49    dtime%second=3600 
     50    CALL xios_set_context_attr("test", timestep=dtime) 
     51    ... 
     52  END PROGRAM test 
     53  }}} 
     54- attributes corresponding to a date should now be manipulated using the `xios_date` type when using the Fortran interface. Affected attributes are `start_date` and `time_origin` in `context` objects. 
     56  The following code: 
     57  {{{ 
     58  PROGRAM test 
     59    USE xios 
     60    ... 
     61    CALL xios_set_context_attr("test",calendar_type="Gregorian") 
     62    CALL xios_set_context_attr("test",start_date="2000-01-01 00:00:00") 
     63    CALL xios_set_context_attr("test",time_origin="1999-01-01 15:00:00") 
     64    ... 
     65  END PROGRAM test 
     66  }}} 
     67  will become: 
     68  {{{ 
     69  PROGRAM test 
     70    USE xios 
     71    ... 
     72    TYPE(xios_date) :: start_date, time_origin 
     73    ... 
     74    CALL xios_set_context_attr("test",calendar_type="Gregorian")  
     75    start_date = xios_date(2000, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00)  
     76    CALL xios_set_context_attr("test",start_date=start_date)  
     77    time_origin = xios_date(1999, 01, 01, 15, 00, 00)  
     78    CALL xios_set_context_attr("test",time_origin=time_origin)  
     79    ... 
     80  END PROGRAM test 
     81  }}}